I haven’t been able to finish watching this. Not because of Peter’s reaction to the things PCR was saying, but because of the latter.
I like and respect PCR, but on this issue he is plain wrong. And he’s sounding like a broken record – every article and interview it’s same droning wrong song.
There is an internal contradiction that I find astounding; why a man of PCR’s undoubted intelligence is falling for it I don’t know.
His entire thesis seems to be, basically, that the Evil empire is cleverer than the nice but very simple and naive Russians, who dont know how to handle it’s much cleverer machinations. And what they should do, says PCR, is —- behave like the Evil empire.
PCR says Putin should cut off gas supplies to EU. Thus, of course, adding fuel to the US of Aggression assertions that Russia is “aggressive”. Thus angering the Europeans, Thus losing friends. Putin should do all sorts of things according to PCR which are very much taken straight from the book of the Aggressive american Empire. In other words, Russia, which we like because it is the exact opposite of America in every way, should behave —–like America?
And he can’t see the stupidity of this stance?
Russia and Putin are playing by their own rules, according to their own code of behaviour, of graciousness, of morality and integrity that they know is the only way to win. You never, ever, win a battle by trying to fight an enemy using his own rules – you’ll lose, every time. You have to make your own rules and stick by them.
Putin has said “we will not be isolated. Russia is not going to be surrounded by enemies, that is never going to happen”. And as a result of his calm, careful, rational policies, the people of Europe, even now of Ukraine, are behind him. More and more are there calls for dropping the sanctions, more and more we are hearing statements of disgust at America and those leaders who, like Merkel, have thrown their country under a bus to kow-tow to the Evil empire.
Putin stands, like that truly ancient symbol that has been found all over the world, from the Middle East, the Far East to Peru in the Andean continent, of a figure holding a snake [or other beast], one in each hand. The figure is the holder of balance, of opposing forces of light and darkness, and every other opposing force, and it is bringing them into alignment.
Putin stands between the lost and broken Russia, desperate for an end to a cold war and longing for peace which gave in to the Americans in 1990’s on the one hand – and the aggressive warmonger Empire on the other. He has many forces to balance, and is forming a long term strategy as a statesman, not some politician with an eye on the next election. He needs to bring these opposing forces into balance. And I’m sure he has read his SunTzu, that the most successful Supreme Commander is one who wins a battle without firing a shot!!
Moreover, Putin is an expert in his field. From his extensive superb training in the KGB, to his years as an agent, to his positions rising through the power structure of Russia to his 16 years in power he has a depth of knowledge and experience unmatched. He has extensive intel at his fingertips, from the Intelligence services, the Armed Forces and other.
And here are a group of people who know nothing of Russia, her people, her national character; who have no experience and no intel, sitting around criticising Putin and his team, laying down their worthless advice,and in the process sowing dismay, fear and despair among many supporters of Putin, who listen to and believe them.
If it were a hot war, they would be breaking the law as in UK during WWII – when to say such things was a chargeable offence, it being known that to win you must never ever think anything but that you will win.
So – in the name of solidarity, of support and at least of sane common sense, people should quit this tiresome, infuriating rant and start looking at things in a positive light.
“””””So – in the name of solidarity, of support and at least of sane common sense, people should quit this tiresome, infuriating rant and start looking at things in a positive light.”””””
The thread slept for 1 day.
Who do you believe just revived it?
As to your message I rather don’t even start to respond.
As stated by some, Russia is either naive or blind, or acts like it does for “other” reasons.
You must be caught in some prison of delusion, singing he is always right, always right dam dam dam dam, he is allllwaayyyyssss right.
Everything is just wonderful, wonderderfoool:
Sergei Lavrov Grilled Live on Air by Famous Russian War Reporter (Video)
p.s. Had Russia not promised DonBass in bold letters to protect them, nobody would have died.
Versus had they in fact protected them fullscale, immediately, as announced in April 2014, propably very few would have died.
But as it was implemented 50 Thousands of both sides did die and worse: Not for victory, but for a frozen conflic mess.
You deman solidarity?
I give solidarity only to those who deserved it with actions _or_ total inaction (hence no war).
But not for this poisonous mixture.
To me, if you truly believe there is a “war” on – and it’s hard to say there isn’t, to come to a site like this one spreading such negativity based on nothing but your own perspective amounts to treason, pure and simple.
“As stated by some, Russia is either naive or blind, or acts like it does for “other” reasons.
This statement is treasonous in its implication, not only of supposed stupidity of its’ highly expert leaders, who have shown their expertise of the past 16 years, but also in your strong suggestion that these leaders – whose track record demonstrates their commitment to their country – are themselves possibly treasonous.
You, sir, are beyond the pale; your writing is a stain on this blog.
Lets close this conversation down.Its getting personal. Thx. Mod.
I didn’t continue this sub-thread, unlike you just now.
Or: You want to forbid me my mouth on all comments sections of this and perhaps all blogs?
In contrast to you I bundle each of my posts with some references, facts, videos, books’ excerpts , images.
“”””Isabella”””” wrote:
“”””spreading such negativity based on nothing but your own perspective amounts to treason, pure and simple. “””””
“Based on nothing but mjy own perspective”?????
No, can’t you see and read?
PCR btw has the same perspective, so has the couragous ar reporter lady from Komsomolskaya Pravda. And PCR – that’s what this entire article about a Duran video was about.
I have seen enough images and videos of dying and dead women, girls, childs in DonBass. They are still in a widely visible position on my facebook and twitter accounts under my full name. This costed me my career, but I sh* on that.
These died and not only died, but for nothing.
And I swore them to keep their memories alive and to defend them forever.
I don’t follow blidnly anymore.
Especially not like you without knowing what you are talking about and only re-acting like a reflex.
Was there are single of my arguments for which you delivered a counter-argument? No, but that’s why you escape into personal flame wars.
And it shows that Russia is telling the world: “Our red lines are actually intended as jokes and keep changing all the time, like a ping-pong ball in the wind”.
Not only are facebook and twitter still not ipfiltered (much unlike in China), no.
Now this straight invitation for a Maidan.
I was frustrated by the interview. Lavelle is a motor mouth. He cannot help always adding his two cents and constantly interrupting his interlocutor. PCR wanted to go deeper at various moments, but motor mouth derailed the thread.
Interesting though the way PCR draws much more tough-minded conclusions, whereas Lavelle is a more hesitant and fearful individual. I don’t think he understands things as clearly as PCR as regards the enmity of the neocon-zionists towards Russia. That is why PCR thinks they should have acted decisively in regards to E. Ukraine, and also not have left so quickly from Syria. In fact, they probably should have entered the fray in Syria at least 6 mos. to 24 mos. earlier. At this point they need to drive the Turks our of Iraq and get rid of Erdogan. The man is a menace.
John and Anonymous on June 03, 2016 · at 8:24 pm UTC ,
sadly I must back each of your words.
The question is, why does Peter Lavelle act like this? Because is enjoys interupting his guests each time on CrossTalk for the Ads break, sometimes in a quite disrespectful sadistic manner? Or is there more to it: I get the impression he wants to throw fog over the truth that Dr. Paul CR is openly and clearly speaking out. Something which is miss in Russian media and allegedly pro-Russian blogs and alternative social media.
No – Putin is the smartest chess player, he is alllllllllllwayssssss right, right?
That’s unfortunately the same reason why I lost my originally blind faith in other cetrain “analysts”.
The facrce with still calling USA and EU “partners” will backfire.
If this gets denied forever or not, it will.
And what happens then cannot be wished for by anybody who really loves Russia.
Arthur: John,totally agree with you. Lavelle interwiews himself all the time and he does not allow
his interlocutor to complete his explanation. We know his views (from Cross Talking)
Are you a military expert? America was beginning to introduce numerous of its most advanced weapons in Syria, and the Russians would have suffered huge losses. The Russians negotiated with the Americans, and guess what? The Americans for the first time are attacking Daesh/Isis. A pretty good deal I think, for a nation that is still extremely outgunned by the Americans. Putin got most of what he wanted, without the military humiliation that was about to happen.
Are you a military expert? America was beginning to introduce numerous of its most advanced weapons in Syria, and the Russians would have suffered huge losses. The Russians negotiated with the Americans, and guess what? The Americans for the first time are attacking Daesh/Isis. A pretty good deal I think, for a nation that is still extremely outgunned by the Americans. Putin got most of what he wanted, without the military humiliation that was about to happen.
No, I’m not a military expert nor ever claimed to be. But I guess I try to use my ability to process incoming information.
But who is a military expert?
Fact is, you appear to be ill-informed on most accounts you mentioned.
Neither did the USA ever honestly bomb ISIS (opposite comes closer to reality), and if it is indeed true that Russia had to stop it in order to avoid damage, then I ask you why they appear to re-launch the operation now, after ISIS could re-arm and could continue raping, murdering and burning entire settlements.
PCR brought up a point that I have been trying to make for years now. The group called NeoCons (and now Liberal Interventionists) is not a political movement. It is a religious belief system, a cult with its own ideology, dogma, and blind faith in a way of life that is absolutely not supported by any facts or reality. They are a death cult that has unleashed an inquisition upon the world.
The Death Cult has the support of the four estates in the US, the rich, the political, the media and the religious fundamentalists. Their message is good(US)-evil(Those That Oppose US). Any opposition forfeits the right of life. Their fear to keep the masses in check is the Hell of a terrorist attack or the Hell of Socialism.
Where I disagree with PCR is that I think Pres. Putin is well aware of how rabid these cultist are and that they would blow up the world rather than give an inch.
Recently I had a talk with a rabid believer who thought that we should bomb the RF. I said that was MAD, mutually assured destruction.
His response was “Yes, I know. But we would WIN!
But, we’d all be dead.
His response was “Yes, I know. But we would WIN!”
Win what? At that point, he stopped the conversation. It required to much critical thinking, and that interfered with his belief system.
I think that Pres. Putin can only push so far because he is well aware that the NeoCultists are crazy.
I am deeply dissapointed with this so called “discussion” I was looking forward to hearing Mr. Roberts’ ideas and thoughts – and instead I listened to Lavelle’s almost monolog. Did you really had to show yourself off so much Mr. Lavelle that you practically did not let Mr. Roberts finish any single idea, constantly interrupting him with a waterfall of your own phrases and words? Eventhough I admire your work and regularly listen to your crosstalk, this time, it was an awfull perfomance and big failure from your part.
Yes, a case of the gushing gabbler and gracious professor was too irritating for me to listen all the way through.
It’s not an interview nor even a discussion when the interviewer dominates with monologues, interrupts, interjects and redirects mid point of the guest whose opinion is the drawcard of why people have tuned in to listen.
Cudos to PCR for managing to return to almost complete a few of his points … before I switched off.
@Aunt Sally: I now had the time to watch the entire show.
The main part after the first 5 minutes is better.
I withdraw / take back some of my too heavy criticism against Peter.
Peter lets Paul finally finish his sentences and also partially criticises Russia’s (in)actions himself there.
The technical quality over that instable Skype line and streams taken with laptop-builtin trash cams however is simply a pity, which will reduce the overall experience for no reason.
That needs to be changed.
So why does Russia does this and that instead … Mentallity issues ?
Simple, Putin is not fully in power.
I am sure there will be some sort of compromise, and Russia will never have full sovereignty.
Today’s another idiot’s decition:
Putin signs NGO bill exempting charities from Russia’s ‘foreign agents law’
Should be tutled “CIA free to continue their sabotage.
PCR is correct, in the first minute he pointed out the puzzling feature of Putin’s retreat from Syria (and Ukraine/Donbass before that). I am totally nonplussed myself! like I said, it’s really snatching defeat from jaws of victory!
I get the impression that Peter Lavelle interrupted Dr. PCR intentionally every time when he criticized Putin. Especially during the first 5 minutes, where he interfered with his thoughts as if he was some average western troll schoolkid. This was not worthy given who he was talking to and how much Dr.PCR sacrificed his own career to help Russia!!! And it makes me wonder if Peter Lavelle makes no distinction at all in regards to *who* is is talking to. Would he also interrupt VVP every few words?
Then (after the 5 minutes) he somehow noticed how correct PCR is with his disappointment and further on he even agreed with him several times.
That’s why the first 5 minutes differ from the remainder.
This interview is badly mislabelled. The correct title is: “Paul Craig Roberts Interviews Peter Lavelle, A Fierce Salaried Toady To The Official Government Line”.
Lavelle keeps talking and talking and talking… Dr. Roberts can’t insert even a single word sideways. As soon as he opens his mouth, Lavelle has “something to say”, and poor Dr. Roberts simply “shuts up” out of politeness (after all, he is a “guest”, isn’t he?).
But near the end of this “interview”, first concerning RCB’s Nabulina, then concerning Novorussia, Dr. Roberts is finally fed up with Lavelle’s sycophantic stupidity in defending the indefensible — and manages to say it all exactly as it is!
Don’t be too unfair with Peter Lavelle – I really admire his CrossTalk program.
For some reason he didn’t notice yet, that blindly defending Mr. chess player always correct at this point is not the best thing to do anymore.
I was in a similar situation not that long ago.
And others still have to wake up as it appears, including certain people, either they are blind or they have other motives.
The entire mess that is endangering world peace has grown that big, simply repeating “we keep telling this our western partners” and “no WW3 is coming” – that may work for some time, but at the end it may be – exactly that.
So, you do. While I do not, because of that show’s host. Lavelle is always on the “correct” side, towing the official line – always – no exceptions – ever. Doesn’t that single fact strike you too at least as mighty strange?
The rest of what you said is exactly what I think also. I couldn’t put it better.
Well, you are right, he has to, because that’s what his financiers demand from him.
Nevertheless I think he is a good Russian/American with the best intentions, I trsut him.
Only awakening can be bitter and can mean bankruptsy.
He is in a tragic situation as it gets more visible by the day, that thinks are not as ideal as always believed and hoped for. Sad.
BTW, that’s simply the way in which they implemented the format: To counter Western lies.
As long as he has his typical guests like Mark Sleboda and a few others of his regular guests, he _is_ in fact mostly right (ok, that is if he lets him finish some of his sentences …).
How else would you propose to air such a talk show?
We saw with the South China Sea mis-hap how wrong it can go if he is too tolerant with his (chosen as suggested by you, but completely wrong) “guests”, like that Neotrash from Irvine …
Here is my favorite talk show (monologue, but it was all true, no joke), debunking western Liars-TV in East-german TV with original western excerpts/snippets, then comments:
I personally prefer such a PRAVDA style format, this saves us all the fake pseudo-discussion nonsense and fake-objectiveness fake-unbiasedness as in most MSM papers and media. It is well possible that from a psychological standpoint many average viewers prefer such fake-fakes, but that’s then only because they are naive and believe in such myths as “unbiased open discussions”.
I hope Peter gets some better audio hardware for these things going forward.
Like some others in this thread, I find Peter Lavelle’s presentation style to be somewhat annoying. I wouldn’t listen to his videos or to Crosstalk, except that he has such great command of the *facts*. And I’ll take that over a stylish, smooth talking air-head of either gender on CNN etc., reading out the official deep state propaganda feed.
As for this discussion, it was interesting to hear that PCR has become such a Russo-hawk. But it was great to hear his commentary on finance / economics. He’s right, Russia has everything it needs to run its economy without the destructive western banking mafia.
As for why Mr. Putin seems to be hesitating, waiting, stalling for time — I suspect he has the same information as bloggers like PCR and like Dmitry Orlov. Perhaps he knows that collapse is the inevitable consequence of all the corruption and mismanagement, and by simply buying a little more time, he can avoid all the fuss and bother and destruction of a major war, leaving Russia and China to manage the Eurasian continent without any meddlesome foreign interference.
“””””As for why Mr. Putin seems to be hesitating, waiting, stalling for time — I suspect he has the same information as bloggers like PCR and like Dmitry Orlov. Perhaps he knows that collapse is the inevitable consequence of all the corruption and mismanagement, and by simply buying a little more time, he can avoid all the fuss and bother and destruction of a major war, leaving Russia and China to manage the Eurasian continent without any meddlesome foreign interference.”””””
What Dr. PCR said was very different.
Listen again: He asks why Moscow is wasting all of its (and our all’s) chances
Waiting for your USA collapse is a nice dream.
Maybe it will happen, but wounded dogs are the most unpredictable and insane ones.
It will end badly.
Better you put the dog into a cage before the worst case scenario starts to unfold.
Then it is too late.
“… Waiting for your USA collapse is a nice dream.
Maybe it will happen, but wounded dogs are the most unpredictable and insane ones.
It will end badly. …”
How true.
That is exactly what French historian and demographer Emanuel Todd warns about in his 2001 book “After The Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order” (Après L’Empire: essai sur la décomposition du système américain). He reminds us from history, that empires are in fact most dangerous in their collapsing phase, when all they have left is their bare military muscle, no longer backed up by solid economies. They are just then highly likely to initiate reckless military adventures, not well thought through in advance, somewhat akin to a desperate cornered wounded animal. Dr. Todd argues that the United States has already entered that phase (and mind you – that was already 15 years ago!…)
In 2003 Dr. Todd gave an interview to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, http://www.nzz.ch/article8NMZJ-1.207990 , touching upon some of the views expressed in his book.
I wasn’t trying to describe what PCR said. I’m just speculating on what keeps VVP from taking the bait in all these provocations.
I think VVP is anticipating taking a key role in the eventual “silk road”, and getting bogged in a war in Europe is counterproductive to that.
Just how long it will take the AZ empire to finally die, or whether Europe comes to its senses, is hard to predict. Such changes can take place quickly, however. In 1988, the USSR looked pretty solid, and a few years later it was simply dissolved.
But as another poster wrote: It took 1400 years until the Roman Empire collapsed (yet another one corrected: It in fact never collapsed).
And the more the Dollar gets instable, the more the Cabal manics will rather kill us all than surrendering.
I had hoped for a solution for some time, but Russia doesn’t prove to effectively deal even with simple problems.
And in the rare cases if it does, retreats shortly before victory for a new talking round with our “partners”.
I think most historians put a fork in the Roman Empire around the year 475. Of course, the Byzantine branch continued to flourish for some time. And the follow-on empire, the Vatican, is still quite powerful today. But the Roman Empire, as such, is no longer.
I guess it depends on whether or not you see the Vatican as simply a continuation of Rome.
What many fail to grasp is this, had russia invaded ukraine to settle things with force in another sovereign country it would have in a way legalised all illegal american invasions and wars, by not invading ukraine and looking broader and back to history and into the future, going this high road is righteous and beneficial it gives russia a tool to deal with western imperialism and keeps russia free from blame of breaching international law.
I think many of the views of PCR are too american to be true and shortsighted, its show of force he preaches, also his criticism of the central bank of russia is stupid, russian reserves are in good shape and defense products are very cheap in comparison with the West, wich is very welcome in an arms race, import substitution and improvement of food production makes russia stand on its own and strong while still being connected with the world economy, the north Korea way of economy is not strengtening.
A righteous and careful aproach of problems on the global level is the better but more painful way to deal with them.
Imo the russian aproach is the best as it is now, a better national industry, strong modern defensive army, highly skilled diplomacy, offering a loving friendly hand to the enemy to give them a way out of their own evil stupidity, and a righteous moral careful walk and talk.
“””””What many fail to grasp is this, had russia invaded ukraine to settle things with force in another sovereign country it would have in a way legalised all illegal american invasions and wars, by not invading ukraine and looking broader and back to history and into the future, going this high road is righteous and beneficial it gives russia a tool to deal with western imperialism and keeps russia free from blame of breaching international law.”””””
What you fail to grasp is, that nobody except Russia really cares about intl. law.
Those who do, will lose.
Under international law Ukraine is still part of the Soviet Union btw, as expressed by the majority of Soviet Citizens in the March 1991 referendum.
But facts look different on the ground. So how useful is your intl. law??
How useful was it in Kosovo?
Or in Iraq 2003? Or in Vietnam?
Continue your day-dreams …
“””””I think many of the views of PCR are too american to be true and shortsighted, its show of force he preaches, also his criticism of the central bank of russia is stupid, russian reserves are in good shape “””””
Then give me all your money and I promnise you, it will not be yours anymore but I will keep it in good shape.
Rarely heard such nonsense.
You apparently live in a fictional CNN FOX BBC world, without noticing anything but the weather!
i did not say russia is upholding international law but in these actions they are not blamed by international law unlike usa. btw i believe putin wants to uphold international law, but not if it harms national interests and the balance between the two is a difficult one.
your claim that only russia and no other country wants to uphold international law is vain rhetoric, and that when you uphold international law you will lose is empty rhetoric too, crimea was won without breaching international law and without a destructive invasion and with democratic vote in line with international law.
and no, russia under jeltsin gave ukraine away so there is no way for russia or putin to now invade another country they created by their own decision under international law, as sergei lavrov reinstated in an interview not ong ago russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign nation.
you can not blame russia for kosovo, that is the whole point, and usa is not in the position to accuse russia because they themselves broke the law in kosovo.
“””””and no, russia under jeltsin gave ukraine away so there is no way for russia or putin to now invade another country they created by their own decision under international law,”””””
He and Kravchuck and the BelaRus guy back then had no right to do so, therefore their USA sponsored actions and decisions that he supported in October 1993(!) by shooting into the elected parliament in Moscow and into a crowd of peaceful protestors are *void*.
I can give your girlfriend away to a former schoolmate, I doubt you will respect that decision.
Simply because one cannot give away what one has no authority to give away.
“””””you can not blame russia for kosovo”””””
Russia and Serbia used to be aliies.
Russia gave ensurances but failed to meet them. It’s like letting your comrades die on the field.
Russia is one of only 5 permanent members of the UNSC, it could have put more pressure onto the West, but it didn’t at least attempt to. Treason.
“””””that is the whole point, and usa is not in the position to accuse russia because they themselves broke the law in kosovo.”””””
Hahaha, no, that’s my point.
You say the usa is not in a position, but did you ever read a western newspaper in recent years?
So even though Russia did not invade Ukraine and pi pa po, all those allegations are being made _anyway_ and the NATO owned western “free” “independent” press continues to draw a picture of Russia invading the Baltics in May 2017 before starting a nuclear war.
This was proof enough that everything you said would have happened, had Russia “invaded Ukraine”, happens nevertheless, even though Putin played the role of a soft gummiball and about 50 thousand people of both sides died for nothing at all in DonBass.
“””””as sergei lavrov reinstated in an interview not ong ago russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign nation.”””””
At the same time court trials over ignoring the outcome of the March 1991 CCCP-wide referenda are blocked by Russian courts themselves.
As I said, looks more and more like self-sabotage (to avoid the sad word Treason).
Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic says he has received assurances from Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow will continue to back Belgrade’s claim to Kosovo.
Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008 and is now recognized as an independent state by some 110 countries.
“Putin said clearly that Serbia can count on Russia everywhere that Serbia is defending its territorial integrity and independence, especially in Kosovo,” Nikolic said after meeting with Putin in Moscow on March 10.
Serbia relies on Moscow’s support in its diplomatic fight to prevent Kosovo, populated mainly by ethnic Albanians, from joining the United Nations.”
And no russia is not guilty for kosovo, only in the eyes of the People that want to decide everything with nukes.
Yeltsin had all the right to dissolve the soviet union because gorbachev agreed and… The agreements were ratified.
Western propaganda has no say in what is True or false or righteous or not, your argument holds no water, going the moral higher road has nothing to do with being praised by the enemy press.
its vain rhetoric to say nobody exept russia cares for international law, all countries care about international law some more than others, the balance between sovereignty and international law is valued differently in different states that is true but to say russia alone or russia perfectly is false.
russia won crimea without breaching international law, and by democratic vote, and without violence so yes it works.
but under russian law russia gave ukraine away under jeltsin, so for russia under putin to invade ukraine is out of question, and russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign country as sergei lavrov said recently in an interview.
the central bank of russia is under russian control by law, “The Bank of Russia (Russian: Банк России) is the central bank of the Russian Federation, founded in 1860, headquartered on Neglinnaya Street in Moscow. Its functions are described in the Russian constitution (Article 75) and in the special Federal Law.” the gold reserve is not owned by the central bank only managed.
but you dont have a bank account ? in wich you save your money and receive interest ? is the bank now stealing your money ? can you not use it anymore ? you make no sense to me
also a reserve currency or gold reserve serves to back up the paper banknotes that are printed and we use in our business, there is nothing to do with it, and also 50 percent of the profit made by the central bank flows into the govt budget should we get rid of extra income ?
“””””but you dont have a bank account ? in wich you save your money and receive interest ? is the bank now stealing your money ? can you not use it anymore ? you make no sense to me “””””
What are you talking about?
What does a private bank account have to do with a Central bank, other than I’m using the same fraudulent currency they issue for the benefit of private banks?
I do believe you that I don’t “make sense” to you” because either you are a paid troll or confused June 5th with April 1st.
Maybe you need a lesson on the B.I.S., Federal Reserve, BOE and fiat currencies.
After these 3 hours and 29 minutes come back:
In the very interview you throw at me sergei lavrov is exactly saying what i wrote.
The central Bank is owned by no one, it exists by Russian law it is limited by the Russian law, and Russia indirectly owns and rules the central Bank, and the central Bank does not own the Russian gold and reserves, only manages it, and pays 50 percent of its profit to the Russian govt. Budget and besides that the Russian law gives powers to the central Bank to rule certain aspects of the economy to keep it stable, and it is doing well.
You yourself have no clue about what a central Bank is, even after all the hours of video you watched and endless pages of pdf files you read.
Putting whatever money in a whatever bank does not make the bank an owner of it, letting a whatever bank manage whatever money does not make them owner of it, and now this Russian central Bank exists by the grace of Russian law lol what harm can we expect? no inflation thats fine, stable currency good.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Bank of Russia Chairman and 14 Board members. Members of the Board of Directors shall work in the Bank of Russia on a full- time basis. Members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the State Duma for a term of five years at the proposal of the Bank of Russia Chairman, with the agreement of the Russian Federation President.
“””””the central bank of russia is under russian control by law, “The Bank of Russia (Russian: Банк России) is the central bank of the Russian Federation, founded in 1860, headquartered on Neglinnaya Street in Moscow. Its functions are described in the Russian constitution (Article 75) and in the special Federal Law.” the gold reserve is not owned by the central bank only managed.”””””
I had asked you to read the real thing, Starikov’s book, not some MSM fiction written along the USA playbook on wikipedia.
Here the proof that you didn’t open a single of the sources I provided, yet you kept telling me that everything you never only attempted to read is “wrong”.
“””””The law on the Central Bank is full of controversies. It is technically
federal property, and nevertheless, the Central Bank has no obligations
towards the state. What is more, should we, that is the state, decide to get
rid of the annoying man and use the gold and foreign currency reserves of
the Central Bank to build new factories and roads, we would be doomed to
failure. The three guys next to the lift would not beat us up while we still have
the Russian army and the nuclear shield. But very soon a fourth roughneck
would come to the flat. ‘Independent International Court’ is written on his
back. You must have already guessed that there is no chance for justice.
The Central Bank of Russia, if the Russian state wants to use what allegedly
belongs to it… can file a complaint to the international court!
‘Article 6. The Bank of Russia is authorised to file suits to courts in ac
cordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Bank of Russia
is entitled to appeal to international courts, courts of foreign countries and
courts of arbitration for protection of its rights’.
The Bank of Russia and the state cannot decide a controversy themselves.
It will be decided by the Stockholm court of arbitration. Or the independent
court of the State of New York. This is as ridiculous as if the Central Party
Committee and the People’s Commissioners for Finances at the times of
Stalin did not solve their disputes in the Kremlin or government sessions,
but at the court of the Third Reich. It was equally independent from the
Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party and from the USSR
government. Right? Right. Therefore it could decide who was right and who
was wrong in the USSR, being the court of Nazi Germany. It would have
been fair and impartial. And of course, it would have been guided only by
the interests of Russia and by the letter of the law. But the funniest thing is
that should the Central Bank appeal to the International Court of Justice,
it would inevitably win. And Russia, that is us, would inevitably lose. Why?
Because the Central Bank is a part of a whole system of similar central banks
which, in their turn are a part of a web called the International Monetary
Fund (IMF).
And what is most important: the gold and foreign currency
reserves of the Central Bank of Russia are not stored in Russia”””””
I don’t believe that Russia “needed” to invade Ukraine at that time (not so sure about today). But to me it had nothing to do with “legalizing” the US involvements in other countries or not. Do you think they care one “iota” about that. Or that any other Western countries are worried about that either. History is replete with hundreds of cases of invasions of other countries,century after century. Including in our own century today. The “legality” of it is what the winners say it is. Always has been,and almost certainly always will be.Russia as I said, at the time didn’t need to invade. And she could always have held the “high-ground” morally. She should have refused to recognize the coup,demanded the “legal” government of Ukraine be reinstated. Called on the Ukrainians to not accept the junta as their leaders. And recognized a government in exile.If Russia’s concern was “legality” that was the legal way to go. The situation they (and we) face is because they did not use “legality” as the basis of their policy.
The problem that many economists (and certainly vast numbers of Russia’s citizens) have with Central Bank is that while they have good reserves. The domestic economy is stagnant because of the imposed interest rates.A domestic economy doesn’t run on military equipment spending alone (maybe the US’s does. But that is a problem there. Not a blessing).There have been some benefits from the import substitution in food products. But not nearly enough yet is what I see from almost all Russian posters on social media. And the non-food substitution progress is in the talking phase,not the “doing” phase. I don’t see the picture you have painted. Things are moving,I’ll agree. But its still touch and go.In no way is it good yet. Facing reality is “always” the right answer.
“””””I said, at the time didn’t need to invade. And she could always have held the “high-ground” morally. She should have refused to recognize the coup,demanded the “legal” government of Ukraine be reinstated. Called on the Ukrainians to not accept the junta as their leaders. And recognized a government in exile.If Russia’s concern was “legality” that was the legal way to go. The situation they (and we) face is because they did not use “legality” as the basis of their policy. “””””
That’s it exactly 100%!
They should have closed the embassy and instantly cut off oil/gas/commodities/everything, instead they worry about “Gazprom’s image in the West”.
Everytime the West orchestrates illegal coups or riggs elections, Russia should instantly step in!!!
Instead we hear Lavrov and Putin speaking of disappointment regarding our dear dear western “partners”.
And Russia promised the DonBass people to protect them, than wathced how they got wiped out.
As PCR correctly said: Had Russia simply accepted LNR’s and DNR’s decision to join Russia after the 2014 referenda, problem solved.
What we instead got was: All the same sanctions, all the same condemnations, all the same NATO-buildup, plus: 50k deaths for nothing.
And: After Debaltsovo Russia retreated for nothing and “achieved” a M2 which is worth as much as Yanukovich’s deal with the EU and Germany, France from February 21th 2014.
Russia is not enforcing that either.
There were treaties. If we speak about intl. law, then we have to force _all_ sides to stick to it.
What a farce.
The rate is only 1 percent above 2009 level and is to curb inflation, and is already significantly lowered from 17 to 11 percent, you want more inflation and instabiltiy in russia in return for more growth?
The too high rates in Russia kill its economy.
Guess what would happen in the US would the Fed suddenly increase the rate from about zero to only 1%, not dreaming in their worst nightmares of 11% or 30% as we saw in Kiev to stop inflation.
The stock markets would crash instantly.
Independently of the amount of the rates, a proven fact is that the mainstreet economy still finds it tough to actually get any loans at any rates whatsoever.
Only the Billionaires, TOP500 multinationals and large banks are benefiting from the ZPIRP.
The 11% in Russia do have a very real effect on its economy (what Peter is misreprsenting as “loans get a tiny bit more expensive”).
You contradicted youyrself.
Didn’t you claim “everything fine with Russia’s central bank” ???
_No_, with a few key strokes the Rouble can be devalued or totally destroyed, as long as Russia continues to be engaged in a B.I.S. aka Rothschild controlled central bank.
You wouldn’t need to worry about rates nor circulation or inflation, if it was in fact a Russia-owned and -controlled central bank serving the interests of the Russian people, rather than its pro-western pro-Oligarchy 5th column.
With a few penstrokes…. Read what you write is it reaaaaaalllyy that easy????? Fool yourself not me lol so give me the exact procedure to destroy the rouble show me how easy it is.
Instead of getting expensive loans businesses can spend their own money, work more efficiënt, innovate etc.
The Russian central Bank is not the same as the fed get the details straight.
one rouble is more worth than one dollar if you are willing to see it.
The bis is not owned by rothschild or controlled by rothschild.
A gold backed ruble is the best, but do you have the gold to back the pile of paper?
Is russia not improving on that?
The rates are not too high the rates are fine, the economy is stable not destroyed and not declining.
You think that if Russian business neckdeep in the loans and debts it is a good economy a strong economy? yes lower the interest rate to zero print more paper money build that house of cards then.
By the way did you know this about the ruling board of the central Bank of russia?
“The National Financial Board shall be a collegiate body of the Bank of Russia. The National Financial Board shall be comprised of 12 members, of whom two shall be delegated by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Federation Council members, three by the State Duma from State Duma deputies, three by the Russian Federation President and three by the Russian Federation Government. The National Financial Board shall also include the Bank of Russia Chairman.”
The mainstreet buying power for imported goods or travels abroad is less than half of what it was 2 years ago, although the Russian central bank has consumed hundreds of billions of USD (google yourself) to support the Rouble:
Ha, the Rouble would ten times quadriple, if nationalized, Gold-backed (Russia and China bought off the entire world-market, but what for?) and if Russia and China finally implement the SWIFT alternative, best before b_RICS starts to lose more of its letters.
Until then, however, first a good evening from me, must switch off for some hours …
“””””As a diplomat, Lavrov is clearly unmatched by any figure in the West. Russian foreign policy, however, has been hobbled by a long-standing naivety about the political culture of both Europe and North America. Had Russians not wasted all of the 1990s and most of the 2010s in a fantasy about them as their Western “partners” and had they seen the US in particular as the utterly unscrupulous and unprincipled enemy bent on world domination it actually is, they might have acted differently in relation to Ukraine. But then, had they been realistic, they wouldn’t have dissolved the Warsaw Pact and pulled out of Eastern Europe on the mere assumption that the West is really about democracy, human rights, and liberal freedoms — all of which have been seriously eroded in both the US and the EU in the last 30 years. Just yesterday, the European Court of Justice ruled that the EU can suppress political criticism of its institutions AND of leading figures, a move that confirms the totalitarian tendency at the heart of Western neoliberalism.”””””
That’s one way to look at. Over time, however, one begins to wonder if there aren’t other reasons. An obvious possibility is that Putin and his allies are largely liberals at heart, or at least have way too much sympathy for systems (such as an aristocratic order) that aren’t up for the job of resisting an aggressive superpower. Another possibility is as simple as the creature comforts of the Russian elite. Many of them are more “European” than Russian. As an American, I can’t stand how internationally-oriented many of our elites are, but it seems to be much worse in Russia. Finally, perhaps Russia really is as weak as many in the West think. It is unfair but, the phrase “a gas station with nukes” was how insane McCain phrased it. So perhaps Russia is dependent upon too many things from the West to resist, but wants to straddle two chairs.
My fear is simply that Russian elites want to join the West, but haven’t been offered a good enough deal. The US may be willing to let Russia into the club, but the price could be high: Kasparov as President, no Russian military in the Crimea or Belarus or Armenia; privatization of oil and gas; something like a 90% reduction in nukes; and perhaps independence for various areas, such as Chechnya or Dagestan. So Moscow goes back and forth in an indecisive way as they want to show the West that they seriously want to join, but yet resist to show they can and to try to get the West back to the negotiating table. This scenario would explain things like breaking the contract over Iranian S-300s. It wouldn’t be naivete; it would be trying to finesse the impossible. A strong and independent Russia is just bad news for the West. The West and Russia may have a few interests in common, say, NK not getting nukes, but these are overwhelmed by the problems that Russia causes the West all over the place. As an example, in Syria or China. Russia is making it harder for the West to gain domination over China. But Kasparov as President would be glad to help.
“””””Loup Kibiloki1 day ago
Strange title. Lavrov did well and I agree with him. I won’t have to write my whole comment because I fully agree with this one by Jakob Steinbauer further down on this page : « .. concerning the main question about deploying the army to Ukraine, [Lavrov] is absolutely right. That was a trap and fortunately Putin and his advisors were so smart not to raid the country. Really, everyone disagreeing on that is absolutely dangerous and stupid too. »”””””
“””””Lyubov Lyuba
Lyubov Lyuba16 hours ago
I also thought so in 2014
but let’s look a moment the things
“With hindsight” as we say in Italy ….
If we look at Crimea, for example, this was an operation conducted masterfully, not a single shot fired, not one man killed
very rapid operation, timely, absolutely determined and I think also long-planned.
We can say, thinking how should they think in Moscow, everything perfect !
Well , so now on the point of view of this journalist
question is this :
“why this scheme was not applied in the rest of ukraine in those parts where it was certainly applicable ?”
All south, southeast and east of Ukraine
was ready to fall into the hands of Russia
exactly at the same way of Crimea
This certainly would not be a surgical operation as in Crimea
but just as surely it would be a successful one
against an Ukrainian state completely disarray
which was basing its reaction force almost exclusively on the bands of irregular battalions
and not less
such fast and determined action would take in a complete break the international community
that would not have been able to react
as it was not able to react with the Crimea case
It would have been a risk
of course
but again with that “hindsight”
today we know that at least this action would have avoided nearly 3 years of war and the martyrdom of Donetsk
The answer is always the same,
Moscow has no one interest on doing about UKraine
a state ethnically purely Ukrainian
Removing from our days Ukraine
the most pro russian south, center and the south east
would lead to the loss of any possibility of political control over Kiev in the future
And not surprisingly,
in these days, the Kremlin said
it would be available for a return of Donbas within Ukraine
with the marginal note
“if this were wanted by Kiev only for humanitarian reasons””””””
I look at Ukraine through the lens of history ,geography,and ethnicity only. From the earliest days of “Statehood” the “Rus” have been one untied people speaking several regional dialects of the same language. The split from that only came about because of the Mongol Invasion in the middle ages.An invasion that devastated the country. Followed quickly by Western invasions that tore apart the Western regions of Rus and added them to Lithuania and Poland.Before that the entire population had been Orthodox Slav. The Poles forced a religious split in the Western regions and imposed the Latin Roman Catholic faith there. Hoping to divide the Western Rus from the Eastern Rus through religion. And ensure the Western Rus’s loyalty to Poland. It didn’t fully work for them. But it left problems of identity for those people that exist even today. For over a 1000 years the Western and Eastern Rus have intermarried,migrated from one area to the other. And blended together,as the one people they are.Millions of people one one side of the artificial “border” or the other have family and ancestral backgrounds on the other side. Once a person understands these simple truths,its not hard to see the complexity of today’s situation. And to understand why “Ukraine” is,and always was,so important to a “Rus”. All of Russia’s “enemies” recognized that hundreds of years ago. Which is why for hundreds of years one after the other of those enemies has tried to use Ukraine as a wedge to attack Russia through.From the Poles,to the Germans,and now the US. Its always been the same. Which again is why Ukraine is of vital importance to Russia. I don’t care about all the talk I might hear about Ukraine not being important to Russia. History tells a different story. And if that were true,Russia’s enemies wouldn’t try so hard to split it away from Russia. If you look at the India-Pakistan situation you see the nearest modern parallel to Russia-Ukraine. The Indians and Pakistanis were united as one group of peoples for thousands of years. Until religion (and the British) split them apart. Since then they have fought several wars with each other. Both are nuclear powers,that threaten each other. And both economies have been held back by the split.With military budgets,aimed at each other eating up development funds.The US/NATO want a similar situation between Russia and Ukraine. Its a dream come true for them,Ukraine as the anti-Russia. Just as centuries ago,so as today. To cripple Russia the West wants to use Ukraine. That is in my opinion the entire “real” purpose behind the coup. Certainly there are a list of benefits the West hoped for there. But they all pale compared to that one.
Interesting to avoid Yugoslavia as “closest similar example” and to take India. But agreed, in Bosnia versus Croatia versus Serbia the situation is more distributed/multi-faceted than claimed by either side, including the serbian nationalistic hypothesis.
The question is now, did Russia need to “sacrifice” an unknown number (10s of thousands) of DonBass residents simply to prove how evil the West is?
Because, had Russia reunited with DonBass Crimean style some would always complain (and if not, then the West would pay Busloads to protest and send there). And nobody would believe or technically be able to only imagine, that only 1/10000th of those barbaric crimes that we saw could ever be done by Kiev.
Geopolitics – heartless game.
Difficult for me to accept that this was the “best” way.
“””””The fact that the IMF is fully controlled by the Anglo-Saxons and other
monstrous offspring of Bretton Woods will be discussed later. For now we
will only note that the Central Bank always purchases various bonds when
Russian economy needs the credits resources. But investing them inside
Russia is impossible. Why? It is prohibited by law.
‘Article 22. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to credit the Government
of the Russian Federation to fund budget shortfall, buy state securities at
the initial offer, except for the cases when it is provided for by the federal
law on federal budget’.
The Central banks of the so-called developed countries credit the budget
through buying state bonds. And our Central Bank is not allowed to buy
Russian bonds. But it can buy American state bonds and securities of some
other countries. This is an important detail: the Central Bank of Russia is
only entitled to buy bonds issued by OTHER countries”””””
We have heard how Hillary Clinton made comments regarding the University owned by the Republican Presidential nominee, and it is Lying and Crooked if the Accuser does the same thing or worse, and Especially if the Wrongly accused is Known to be Innocent.
Those who Know the Clintons, Know that the Clintons Falsely Accuse others of what they themselves are Guilty of and even more Guilty of, or of what the Clintons themselves are thinking of doing, and the use of Slander in an Election Campaign is Evidence of being Anti Democratic, and it is Evidence of Treason against the Citizens, because American Voters have the Human Right to Vote for Non Slandered Candidates, and to give their Vote to a Candidate based on Facts and Not to be Manipulated by an Unprincipled Slanderer who is Not legitimately entitled to votes based on Slander and other Dirty Tricks, where they give their Vote to the Unprincipled Slanderer rather than to a Candidate that they wanted to give their Vote to, had that Candidate Not been Slandered, and this tactic is a Perversion of the Course of Justice, and Lawyer Clinton Knows that Perverting the Course of Justice is a Criminal Offence, and Treason and Criminality and Lying come easily to the Clintons.
Hillary Clinton said that America is electing a President and not a Dictator, but the Clintons, and Especially Hillary Clinton has been a Dictator during her Co Presidency with Bill Clinton, and she Decided Policy during the time she was Secretary of State.
The Clintons were able to do this, because they Learned from President Nixon and Watergate that People can be Enticed and Recorded and even Filmed, and then Blackmailed to become Puppets, and the Clinton Foundation has the Money to purchase Many Concealed Recording and Filming Devices, and we do not Know if this is what is happening with the Judge that is presiding over the case of the University owned by Donald Trump.
It has been claimed that the Reason for the Unethical Bias shown toward the Republican Presidential nominee may be based on Grossly Improper Considerations or Aspirations of a particular Ethnic Group, and this could raise the Question of whether this represents sympathies for an Ultranationalist Greater Mexico Movement that wishes to Illegally Annex Sovereign American Territory to create a Greater Mexico, and the Clintons would use this to create a Military Dictatorship in America for WW 3, and Hillary Clinton would use the experience gained with Kosovo, and the Article Titled: Why Albanians Fled During NATO Bombing at http://www.antiwar.com/rep/jared3.html , and we Know that the American led NATO and their KLA Terrorist Allies were Guilty and Serbia was Innocent.
There are Many People who think that asking a Person who is Not a Citizen, or a Not Tourist, or a Not Refugee what they are doing in your Country is Not racist, but it is a Legitimate question, and there are Many People who think that it is up to the Country to decide who comes to that Country and under what circumstances that should occur.
There are several examples in History of how Ultranationalist Groups take over parts of a foreign Country, and these Ultranationalist Movements are Always Racist, and involve Ethnic Cleaning, even as the Armenian Genocide was part of the Greater Turkey Movement.
There is one example that shows how this is done, and it was the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships who were the sponsors of this.
The Conspiratorial Partnership of the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Treasonous Dictatorships were Complicate with trying to create a Greater Albania, and for which the Ultranationalist Albanians used the Ottoman Empire, the Nazi Third Reich, and the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Treasonous Dictatorships at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Albania .
A Dictator is Above the Law, and there is one Law for Hillary Clinton, and another Law for Ordinary People, even as Edward Snowden said that if you break Classification Rules for the Public’s Benefit that you could be exiled or imprisoned, but if you do it for Personal Benefit, then you could become President, and President George Bush the second said that Bill Clinton was his brother, and that Hillary Clinton was his sister in law, and this photo was taken this Election year, and they say that a picture tells a thousand words at https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/0de1c75741d26ac1ee1d4449038900d3e8830469/45_232_606_363/master/606.jpg?w=700&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=85016df7b6cb42e07e51911542152cfe .
The Clintons are Criminals and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton should be in prison, and they Know that the American Presidential Nuclear Bunker is the most Luxurious prison with 50 years of supplies including drugs and alcohol, and this is more than enough for the old Clintons, and is a much better deal for the Clintons than an above ground American prison, even though they are among the few People on the Earth after WW 3.
The Corruption and Scandal Ridden Callous and Evil Clintons care Only about themselves, and they will prefer the Luxurious prison of the American Presidential Nuclear Bunker to a Court Trial, and to prison facilities above ground in America, and this is why Morality or Honesty matters with regards to Elected Representatives and Appointed Public Officials, and Especially for President of America, and this is why there are American Social Democrats who think that the Congress should Impeach any Attorney General that hinders a Court Trial for Hillary Clinton.
The American Presidential Nuclear Bunker is a Very Large Facility and can accommodate several People for 50 years, and perhaps the Clinton Foundation Money has built Underground Facilities and these Facilities use Recycling Technology of the Mars Manned Mission Program Research for this.
There are Many People who think that because of these Facts, that the Clintons should be granted Mansion Arrest if they are Convicted of Crimes and have to go to prison.
This is because the withdrawal from Drugs could cause Hillary Clinton to create WW 3, because she Needs her Drugs.
The Cocaine Clintons have Not changed their Characters or their Evil Plans, and they try to conceal their Real Intentions, and People Should do their own Research on the Topics of the Clintons and Cocaine and Drugs, and on Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and on Bill Clinton and the Lolita Express.
There are People who think that the Clintons have the Dirt on and have Complete Control over some Elected Representatives and Appointed Public Officials, who Know that there has to be a Minimum of two Political Parties in what is said to be a Democracy.
This is not interviewing PCR. It is Lavelle’s using PCR’s presence to talk about his own opinions. Even though Lavell’s points are generally correct, it takes some patience to watch his interviews. I used to watch several of his interviews on RT and I could barely last to the end of his interviews. His show was the last one when I quit on RT and on their eccentric and aggressive liberal talk show hosts. Back to Lavelle; he cuts of people and he starts his own rant. If this were a conversation I could understand it. Lavelle should stick to moderating instead of using the platform to express his opinions. But he is too excited to be simply a moderator. This interview was no good. Let PCR talk; you sit, listen and learn Lavell. Lavell is good when there are two guys on his side and together with them lynch the fourth guy who is on the other side of the fence. I say this, although I agree with his perspective! Yet he is far from being fair. I would not duel with him because I doubt he’d be alone. PCR talks about a bigger picture with a strategic perspective. Lavelle talks about tactics and reactions. It’s sad that he managed to frustrate PCR at the end. I think PCR and the Saker could have had a much better conversation. We shall see if it ever happens. Until then I will continue listening to PCR.
Great discussion. I believe PCR is correct in his assessment that Russia is being reactive rather than proactive in what the Russian establishment fails to realize is the end of the beginning in a no holds barred fight that aims to dismantle Russia so that it never poses a threat to the western elites ever again. The western elites are spitting mad that they didn’t dismantle Russia when they had the chance during the Yeltsin years and will not make that mistake again if given the opportunity. The west is and will attack on multiple fronts and levels simultaneously towards this end goal and the west is very practiced at conducting hybrid warfare. Roberts emphasis on the need for Russia to protect itself from economic warfare is in my opinion existential if Russia is to survive the coming escalation due in the middle game, to use a chess term. Russia must stop being reactive and use whatever leverage it has if she wishes to play a definitive part in the human experiment or perish as an important entity within the next decade or so.
The Judge in the case regarding the Republican Presidential nominee is Ethnically Mexican, and he is even though Judge Gonzalo Curiel is an American Citizen, but the Albanians of Kosovo were and are Serbian Citizens, and Albanians from Albanian are Albanian Citizens.
However, both groups of Albanians are of one Nationality and have many People who want a Greater Albania, and the same applies with certain Ultranationalist Mexicans in America and Mexico.
Judge Cinderela Guevara who inappropriately denied an autopsy for and pronounced the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as being of natural causes over the phone and without seeing the body, is a Mexican and a Democrat, and there are People who think that there are some Supreme court justices who are Bribed or Blackmailed to want a Greater Mexico.
It needs to be Understood that it is Not racist to mention that Ethnic Groups either Represent their own Ethnic Group, or they Allege to Represent their own Ethnic Group like the Democrats’ Congressional Black Caucasus, who Appear to have been Blackmailed or Bribed to want a Greater Mexico.
There is Only one Ethnic Group that could ever be concerned that some Areas of America where once Mexican, and there is Only one Ethnicity that could ever want a Greater Mexico, and there is no need to pretend to be Naive about that, for both the Mexicans who are Innocent, and for Non Mexicans.
I am Not making any accusations regarding All of Mexican American Citizens, or even against All Mexican Citizens, and History provides numerous examples of Ultranationalist Movements, and those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.
We can see that Hillary Clinton is to the right of Senator John McCain, because Hillary Clinton recently said: “I believe with all my heart that America is an exceptional country – that we are still, in Lincoln’s words, the last, best hope of earth. We are not a country that cowers behind Walls, and we lead (Bully and Dictate) with purpose (Corruptly Making the Clintons Rich, and giving the Clintons access to the Presidential Nuclear Bunker).
Hillary Clinton wants Illegal Immigrants to Vote at Elections, and to use the Greater Mexican Movement to Disarm the American People to create a Military Dictatorship in America.
This is why Hillary Clinton wants more Illegal Mexican Migrants in order to say that Disarming the People will prevent a Greater Mexico, but a Wall will stop weapons coming into America from the currently porous border between Mexico and America.
The Biased and Corrupt Media are trying to say that the Republican Presidential nominee is attacking the Ethnicity of the Judge who belong to the The National Council of La Raza, and La Raza means The Race in Spanish, but the Republican Presidential nominee is Not attacking anyone’s Ethnicity, but the Biased and Corrupt Media is Lying in order to try to cover up the possibility of a Conflict of Interest that the Judge may have, because of his Heritage and Longtime Associations and Political Orientations rather than on Ethnicity, and Many People of any Profession have their Biases, and so potential or Real Biases must be considered at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/championing-trumps-truth-telling-about-la-raza-judge-curiel-law-professor-victor-williams-endorses-trump-and-announces-a-new-pro-trump-super-pac-300280567.html .
We have seen the Results of this attitude by the Beastly and Dictatorial Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships on other Countries and on America, along with the Clintons Destroying the Environment with Fracking, and Many other Bad Policies of the Clintons.
There are Many People who think that the Only way to prevent a Nuclear War is to ban Nuclear Shelters in America, because the Rich and Powerful Plutocrats and their Bribed and Corrupted Politicians do Not care about anyone but Themselves.
This would give them Incentives Not to destroy the Planet, because they will also Perish in a Nuclear War, and there are People who wonder if Senator Sanders has been Offered a Place in the Presidential Nuclear Bunker if he helps Hillary Clinton become President, or will Senator Sanders or American Social Democrats Campaign to ban All Nuclear Shelters in America at http://www.blackagendareport.com/bernie-sanders-sheepdog-4-hillary .
The Clinton Foundation has the Money to purchase Many miniature cameras and listening devices to Blackmail People that lured into Illegal or Embarrassing situations, and now they are the Puppets of the Clintons.
I think that looking back it would appear that Senator Sanders is just another Puppet of the Clintons.
Peter Lavelle is defanately an expat. He is not going back anytime soon.
And yes, it is the central bank stupid. The network of them.
Wish Putin would make a play for incorporating PCR’s ideas into the conscience of the Nation.
I haven’t been able to finish watching this. Not because of Peter’s reaction to the things PCR was saying, but because of the latter.
I like and respect PCR, but on this issue he is plain wrong. And he’s sounding like a broken record – every article and interview it’s same droning wrong song.
There is an internal contradiction that I find astounding; why a man of PCR’s undoubted intelligence is falling for it I don’t know.
His entire thesis seems to be, basically, that the Evil empire is cleverer than the nice but very simple and naive Russians, who dont know how to handle it’s much cleverer machinations. And what they should do, says PCR, is —- behave like the Evil empire.
PCR says Putin should cut off gas supplies to EU. Thus, of course, adding fuel to the US of Aggression assertions that Russia is “aggressive”. Thus angering the Europeans, Thus losing friends. Putin should do all sorts of things according to PCR which are very much taken straight from the book of the Aggressive american Empire. In other words, Russia, which we like because it is the exact opposite of America in every way, should behave —–like America?
And he can’t see the stupidity of this stance?
Russia and Putin are playing by their own rules, according to their own code of behaviour, of graciousness, of morality and integrity that they know is the only way to win. You never, ever, win a battle by trying to fight an enemy using his own rules – you’ll lose, every time. You have to make your own rules and stick by them.
Putin has said “we will not be isolated. Russia is not going to be surrounded by enemies, that is never going to happen”. And as a result of his calm, careful, rational policies, the people of Europe, even now of Ukraine, are behind him. More and more are there calls for dropping the sanctions, more and more we are hearing statements of disgust at America and those leaders who, like Merkel, have thrown their country under a bus to kow-tow to the Evil empire.
Putin stands, like that truly ancient symbol that has been found all over the world, from the Middle East, the Far East to Peru in the Andean continent, of a figure holding a snake [or other beast], one in each hand. The figure is the holder of balance, of opposing forces of light and darkness, and every other opposing force, and it is bringing them into alignment.
Putin stands between the lost and broken Russia, desperate for an end to a cold war and longing for peace which gave in to the Americans in 1990’s on the one hand – and the aggressive warmonger Empire on the other. He has many forces to balance, and is forming a long term strategy as a statesman, not some politician with an eye on the next election. He needs to bring these opposing forces into balance. And I’m sure he has read his SunTzu, that the most successful Supreme Commander is one who wins a battle without firing a shot!!
Moreover, Putin is an expert in his field. From his extensive superb training in the KGB, to his years as an agent, to his positions rising through the power structure of Russia to his 16 years in power he has a depth of knowledge and experience unmatched. He has extensive intel at his fingertips, from the Intelligence services, the Armed Forces and other.
And here are a group of people who know nothing of Russia, her people, her national character; who have no experience and no intel, sitting around criticising Putin and his team, laying down their worthless advice,and in the process sowing dismay, fear and despair among many supporters of Putin, who listen to and believe them.
If it were a hot war, they would be breaking the law as in UK during WWII – when to say such things was a chargeable offence, it being known that to win you must never ever think anything but that you will win.
So – in the name of solidarity, of support and at least of sane common sense, people should quit this tiresome, infuriating rant and start looking at things in a positive light.
“””””So – in the name of solidarity, of support and at least of sane common sense, people should quit this tiresome, infuriating rant and start looking at things in a positive light.”””””
The thread slept for 1 day.
Who do you believe just revived it?
As to your message I rather don’t even start to respond.
As stated by some, Russia is either naive or blind, or acts like it does for “other” reasons.
You must be caught in some prison of delusion, singing he is always right, always right dam dam dam dam, he is allllwaayyyyssss right.
Everything is just wonderful, wonderderfoool:
Sergei Lavrov Grilled Live on Air by Famous Russian War Reporter (Video)
p.s. Had Russia not promised DonBass in bold letters to protect them, nobody would have died.
Versus had they in fact protected them fullscale, immediately, as announced in April 2014, propably very few would have died.
But as it was implemented 50 Thousands of both sides did die and worse: Not for victory, but for a frozen conflic mess.
You deman solidarity?
I give solidarity only to those who deserved it with actions _or_ total inaction (hence no war).
But not for this poisonous mixture.
To me, if you truly believe there is a “war” on – and it’s hard to say there isn’t, to come to a site like this one spreading such negativity based on nothing but your own perspective amounts to treason, pure and simple.
“As stated by some, Russia is either naive or blind, or acts like it does for “other” reasons.
This statement is treasonous in its implication, not only of supposed stupidity of its’ highly expert leaders, who have shown their expertise of the past 16 years, but also in your strong suggestion that these leaders – whose track record demonstrates their commitment to their country – are themselves possibly treasonous.
You, sir, are beyond the pale; your writing is a stain on this blog.
Lets close this conversation down.Its getting personal. Thx. Mod.
I’m happy to abide by your request Mod.
It seems that the other guy isn’t.
I didn’t continue this sub-thread, unlike you just now.
Or: You want to forbid me my mouth on all comments sections of this and perhaps all blogs?
In contrast to you I bundle each of my posts with some references, facts, videos, books’ excerpts , images.
“”””Isabella”””” wrote:
“”””spreading such negativity based on nothing but your own perspective amounts to treason, pure and simple. “””””
“Based on nothing but mjy own perspective”?????
No, can’t you see and read?
PCR btw has the same perspective, so has the couragous ar reporter lady from Komsomolskaya Pravda. And PCR – that’s what this entire article about a Duran video was about.
I have seen enough images and videos of dying and dead women, girls, childs in DonBass. They are still in a widely visible position on my facebook and twitter accounts under my full name. This costed me my career, but I sh* on that.
These died and not only died, but for nothing.
And I swore them to keep their memories alive and to defend them forever.
I don’t follow blidnly anymore.
Especially not like you without knowing what you are talking about and only re-acting like a reflex.
Was there are single of my arguments for which you delivered a counter-argument? No, but that’s why you escape into personal flame wars.
Sorry if I’m disturbing your deep sleep, but this is the next clear insanity:
Putin signs NGO bill exempting charities from Russia’s ‘foreign agents law’
And it shows that Russia is telling the world: “Our red lines are actually intended as jokes and keep changing all the time, like a ping-pong ball in the wind”.
Not only are facebook and twitter still not ipfiltered (much unlike in China), no.
Now this straight invitation for a Maidan.
SumTszingWronk here:
February 2016: Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia
I was frustrated by the interview. Lavelle is a motor mouth. He cannot help always adding his two cents and constantly interrupting his interlocutor. PCR wanted to go deeper at various moments, but motor mouth derailed the thread.
Interesting though the way PCR draws much more tough-minded conclusions, whereas Lavelle is a more hesitant and fearful individual. I don’t think he understands things as clearly as PCR as regards the enmity of the neocon-zionists towards Russia. That is why PCR thinks they should have acted decisively in regards to E. Ukraine, and also not have left so quickly from Syria. In fact, they probably should have entered the fray in Syria at least 6 mos. to 24 mos. earlier. At this point they need to drive the Turks our of Iraq and get rid of Erdogan. The man is a menace.
John and Anonymous on June 03, 2016 · at 8:24 pm UTC ,
sadly I must back each of your words.
The question is, why does Peter Lavelle act like this? Because is enjoys interupting his guests each time on CrossTalk for the Ads break, sometimes in a quite disrespectful sadistic manner? Or is there more to it: I get the impression he wants to throw fog over the truth that Dr. Paul CR is openly and clearly speaking out. Something which is miss in Russian media and allegedly pro-Russian blogs and alternative social media.
No – Putin is the smartest chess player, he is alllllllllllwayssssss right, right?
That’s unfortunately the same reason why I lost my originally blind faith in other cetrain “analysts”.
The facrce with still calling USA and EU “partners” will backfire.
If this gets denied forever or not, it will.
And what happens then cannot be wished for by anybody who really loves Russia.
Google “judo partner images” and see that perhaps there is another meaning implied other than the most common and obvious “dear friend” variant.
Arthur: John,totally agree with you. Lavelle interwiews himself all the time and he does not allow
his interlocutor to complete his explanation. We know his views (from Cross Talking)
John: Totaly agree with you.Lavelle gives the impression of selling the latest news at a corner of a N.Y. street.
Are you a military expert? America was beginning to introduce numerous of its most advanced weapons in Syria, and the Russians would have suffered huge losses. The Russians negotiated with the Americans, and guess what? The Americans for the first time are attacking Daesh/Isis. A pretty good deal I think, for a nation that is still extremely outgunned by the Americans. Putin got most of what he wanted, without the military humiliation that was about to happen.
“”””” Anonymous on June 06, 2016 · at 5:05 pm UTC
Are you a military expert? America was beginning to introduce numerous of its most advanced weapons in Syria, and the Russians would have suffered huge losses. The Russians negotiated with the Americans, and guess what? The Americans for the first time are attacking Daesh/Isis. A pretty good deal I think, for a nation that is still extremely outgunned by the Americans. Putin got most of what he wanted, without the military humiliation that was about to happen.
No, I’m not a military expert nor ever claimed to be. But I guess I try to use my ability to process incoming information.
But who is a military expert?
Fact is, you appear to be ill-informed on most accounts you mentioned.
Neither did the USA ever honestly bomb ISIS (opposite comes closer to reality), and if it is indeed true that Russia had to stop it in order to avoid damage, then I ask you why they appear to re-launch the operation now, after ISIS could re-arm and could continue raping, murdering and burning entire settlements.
Russia Prepares to Bomb the Rebels in Aleppo Again: As the rebels launch an offensive, truce around Aleppo approaches collapse
PCR brought up a point that I have been trying to make for years now. The group called NeoCons (and now Liberal Interventionists) is not a political movement. It is a religious belief system, a cult with its own ideology, dogma, and blind faith in a way of life that is absolutely not supported by any facts or reality. They are a death cult that has unleashed an inquisition upon the world.
The Death Cult has the support of the four estates in the US, the rich, the political, the media and the religious fundamentalists. Their message is good(US)-evil(Those That Oppose US). Any opposition forfeits the right of life. Their fear to keep the masses in check is the Hell of a terrorist attack or the Hell of Socialism.
Where I disagree with PCR is that I think Pres. Putin is well aware of how rabid these cultist are and that they would blow up the world rather than give an inch.
Recently I had a talk with a rabid believer who thought that we should bomb the RF. I said that was MAD, mutually assured destruction.
His response was “Yes, I know. But we would WIN!
But, we’d all be dead.
His response was “Yes, I know. But we would WIN!”
Win what? At that point, he stopped the conversation. It required to much critical thinking, and that interfered with his belief system.
I think that Pres. Putin can only push so far because he is well aware that the NeoCultists are crazy.
That is my take anyway.
I am deeply dissapointed with this so called “discussion” I was looking forward to hearing Mr. Roberts’ ideas and thoughts – and instead I listened to Lavelle’s almost monolog. Did you really had to show yourself off so much Mr. Lavelle that you practically did not let Mr. Roberts finish any single idea, constantly interrupting him with a waterfall of your own phrases and words? Eventhough I admire your work and regularly listen to your crosstalk, this time, it was an awfull perfomance and big failure from your part.
Yes, a case of the gushing gabbler and gracious professor was too irritating for me to listen all the way through.
It’s not an interview nor even a discussion when the interviewer dominates with monologues, interrupts, interjects and redirects mid point of the guest whose opinion is the drawcard of why people have tuned in to listen.
Cudos to PCR for managing to return to almost complete a few of his points … before I switched off.
@Aunt Sally: I now had the time to watch the entire show.
The main part after the first 5 minutes is better.
I withdraw / take back some of my too heavy criticism against Peter.
Peter lets Paul finally finish his sentences and also partially criticises Russia’s (in)actions himself there.
The technical quality over that instable Skype line and streams taken with laptop-builtin trash cams however is simply a pity, which will reduce the overall experience for no reason.
That needs to be changed.
So why does Russia does this and that instead … Mentallity issues ?
Simple, Putin is not fully in power.
I am sure there will be some sort of compromise, and Russia will never have full sovereignty.
Today’s another idiot’s decition:
Putin signs NGO bill exempting charities from Russia’s ‘foreign agents law’
Should be tutled “CIA free to continue their sabotage.
Jew already took over the world, too late folks, we all have to submit, or live own life in our own homes. I choose second option.
PCR is correct, in the first minute he pointed out the puzzling feature of Putin’s retreat from Syria (and Ukraine/Donbass before that). I am totally nonplussed myself! like I said, it’s really snatching defeat from jaws of victory!
I get the impression that Peter Lavelle interrupted Dr. PCR intentionally every time when he criticized Putin. Especially during the first 5 minutes, where he interfered with his thoughts as if he was some average western troll schoolkid. This was not worthy given who he was talking to and how much Dr.PCR sacrificed his own career to help Russia!!! And it makes me wonder if Peter Lavelle makes no distinction at all in regards to *who* is is talking to. Would he also interrupt VVP every few words?
Then (after the 5 minutes) he somehow noticed how correct PCR is with his disappointment and further on he even agreed with him several times.
That’s why the first 5 minutes differ from the remainder.
Many thanks to both for this important talk.
Kudos to Dr. Roberts!
This interview is badly mislabelled. The correct title is: “Paul Craig Roberts Interviews Peter Lavelle, A Fierce Salaried Toady To The Official Government Line”.
Lavelle keeps talking and talking and talking… Dr. Roberts can’t insert even a single word sideways. As soon as he opens his mouth, Lavelle has “something to say”, and poor Dr. Roberts simply “shuts up” out of politeness (after all, he is a “guest”, isn’t he?).
But near the end of this “interview”, first concerning RCB’s Nabulina, then concerning Novorussia, Dr. Roberts is finally fed up with Lavelle’s sycophantic stupidity in defending the indefensible — and manages to say it all exactly as it is!
Don’t be too unfair with Peter Lavelle – I really admire his CrossTalk program.
For some reason he didn’t notice yet, that blindly defending Mr. chess player always correct at this point is not the best thing to do anymore.
I was in a similar situation not that long ago.
And others still have to wake up as it appears, including certain people, either they are blind or they have other motives.
The entire mess that is endangering world peace has grown that big, simply repeating “we keep telling this our western partners” and “no WW3 is coming” – that may work for some time, but at the end it may be – exactly that.
@ Martin from Soviet East-Berlin
“I really admire his CrossTalk program”
So, you do. While I do not, because of that show’s host. Lavelle is always on the “correct” side, towing the official line – always – no exceptions – ever. Doesn’t that single fact strike you too at least as mighty strange?
The rest of what you said is exactly what I think also. I couldn’t put it better.
Well, you are right, he has to, because that’s what his financiers demand from him.
Nevertheless I think he is a good Russian/American with the best intentions, I trsut him.
Only awakening can be bitter and can mean bankruptsy.
He is in a tragic situation as it gets more visible by the day, that thinks are not as ideal as always believed and hoped for. Sad.
BTW, that’s simply the way in which they implemented the format: To counter Western lies.
As long as he has his typical guests like Mark Sleboda and a few others of his regular guests, he _is_ in fact mostly right (ok, that is if he lets him finish some of his sentences …).
How else would you propose to air such a talk show?
We saw with the South China Sea mis-hap how wrong it can go if he is too tolerant with his (chosen as suggested by you, but completely wrong) “guests”, like that Neotrash from Irvine …
Here is my favorite talk show (monologue, but it was all true, no joke), debunking western Liars-TV in East-german TV with original western excerpts/snippets, then comments:
Karl Eduard von Schnitzler – Original-Aufnahme Der Schwarze Kanal – Nr.1046 / 1519
Der schwarze Kanal 1985 2/2
I personally prefer such a PRAVDA style format, this saves us all the fake pseudo-discussion nonsense and fake-objectiveness fake-unbiasedness as in most MSM papers and media. It is well possible that from a psychological standpoint many average viewers prefer such fake-fakes, but that’s then only because they are naive and believe in such myths as “unbiased open discussions”.
I hope Peter gets some better audio hardware for these things going forward.
Like some others in this thread, I find Peter Lavelle’s presentation style to be somewhat annoying. I wouldn’t listen to his videos or to Crosstalk, except that he has such great command of the *facts*. And I’ll take that over a stylish, smooth talking air-head of either gender on CNN etc., reading out the official deep state propaganda feed.
As for this discussion, it was interesting to hear that PCR has become such a Russo-hawk. But it was great to hear his commentary on finance / economics. He’s right, Russia has everything it needs to run its economy without the destructive western banking mafia.
As for why Mr. Putin seems to be hesitating, waiting, stalling for time — I suspect he has the same information as bloggers like PCR and like Dmitry Orlov. Perhaps he knows that collapse is the inevitable consequence of all the corruption and mismanagement, and by simply buying a little more time, he can avoid all the fuss and bother and destruction of a major war, leaving Russia and China to manage the Eurasian continent without any meddlesome foreign interference.
“””””As for why Mr. Putin seems to be hesitating, waiting, stalling for time — I suspect he has the same information as bloggers like PCR and like Dmitry Orlov. Perhaps he knows that collapse is the inevitable consequence of all the corruption and mismanagement, and by simply buying a little more time, he can avoid all the fuss and bother and destruction of a major war, leaving Russia and China to manage the Eurasian continent without any meddlesome foreign interference.”””””
What Dr. PCR said was very different.
Listen again: He asks why Moscow is wasting all of its (and our all’s) chances
Waiting for your USA collapse is a nice dream.
Maybe it will happen, but wounded dogs are the most unpredictable and insane ones.
It will end badly.
Better you put the dog into a cage before the worst case scenario starts to unfold.
Then it is too late.
@ Martin from Soviet East-Berlin
“… Waiting for your USA collapse is a nice dream.
Maybe it will happen, but wounded dogs are the most unpredictable and insane ones.
It will end badly. …”
How true.
That is exactly what French historian and demographer Emanuel Todd warns about in his 2001 book “After The Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order” (Après L’Empire: essai sur la décomposition du système américain). He reminds us from history, that empires are in fact most dangerous in their collapsing phase, when all they have left is their bare military muscle, no longer backed up by solid economies. They are just then highly likely to initiate reckless military adventures, not well thought through in advance, somewhat akin to a desperate cornered wounded animal. Dr. Todd argues that the United States has already entered that phase (and mind you – that was already 15 years ago!…)
In 2003 Dr. Todd gave an interview to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, http://www.nzz.ch/article8NMZJ-1.207990 , touching upon some of the views expressed in his book.
The book itself discusses many, many interesting aspects of the internal situation in the US, demographic, economic, political. 2003 Columbia University Press translation: http://www.amazon.com/After-Empire-Breakdown-Perspectives-Criticism/dp/0231131038/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465167805&sr=1-1&keywords=After+The+Empire%3A+The+Breakdown+of+the+American+Order
“What Dr. PCR said was very different.”
I wasn’t trying to describe what PCR said. I’m just speculating on what keeps VVP from taking the bait in all these provocations.
I think VVP is anticipating taking a key role in the eventual “silk road”, and getting bogged in a war in Europe is counterproductive to that.
Just how long it will take the AZ empire to finally die, or whether Europe comes to its senses, is hard to predict. Such changes can take place quickly, however. In 1988, the USSR looked pretty solid, and a few years later it was simply dissolved.
Aha, ok.
But as another poster wrote: It took 1400 years until the Roman Empire collapsed (yet another one corrected: It in fact never collapsed).
And the more the Dollar gets instable, the more the Cabal manics will rather kill us all than surrendering.
I had hoped for a solution for some time, but Russia doesn’t prove to effectively deal even with simple problems.
And in the rare cases if it does, retreats shortly before victory for a new talking round with our “partners”.
That’s what I find unpleasant.
I think most historians put a fork in the Roman Empire around the year 475. Of course, the Byzantine branch continued to flourish for some time. And the follow-on empire, the Vatican, is still quite powerful today. But the Roman Empire, as such, is no longer.
I guess it depends on whether or not you see the Vatican as simply a continuation of Rome.
“but wounded dogs are the most unpredictable and insane ones.”
This is what I think that Pres. Putin is aware. He backs off when he thinks the insane ones are ready to push the red button.
What many fail to grasp is this, had russia invaded ukraine to settle things with force in another sovereign country it would have in a way legalised all illegal american invasions and wars, by not invading ukraine and looking broader and back to history and into the future, going this high road is righteous and beneficial it gives russia a tool to deal with western imperialism and keeps russia free from blame of breaching international law.
I think many of the views of PCR are too american to be true and shortsighted, its show of force he preaches, also his criticism of the central bank of russia is stupid, russian reserves are in good shape and defense products are very cheap in comparison with the West, wich is very welcome in an arms race, import substitution and improvement of food production makes russia stand on its own and strong while still being connected with the world economy, the north Korea way of economy is not strengtening.
A righteous and careful aproach of problems on the global level is the better but more painful way to deal with them.
Imo the russian aproach is the best as it is now, a better national industry, strong modern defensive army, highly skilled diplomacy, offering a loving friendly hand to the enemy to give them a way out of their own evil stupidity, and a righteous moral careful walk and talk.
@ s.a.top on June 05, 2016 · at 1:11 pm UTC
“””””What many fail to grasp is this, had russia invaded ukraine to settle things with force in another sovereign country it would have in a way legalised all illegal american invasions and wars, by not invading ukraine and looking broader and back to history and into the future, going this high road is righteous and beneficial it gives russia a tool to deal with western imperialism and keeps russia free from blame of breaching international law.”””””
What you fail to grasp is, that nobody except Russia really cares about intl. law.
Those who do, will lose.
Under international law Ukraine is still part of the Soviet Union btw, as expressed by the majority of Soviet Citizens in the March 1991 referendum.
But facts look different on the ground. So how useful is your intl. law??
How useful was it in Kosovo?
Or in Iraq 2003? Or in Vietnam?
Continue your day-dreams …
“””””I think many of the views of PCR are too american to be true and shortsighted, its show of force he preaches, also his criticism of the central bank of russia is stupid, russian reserves are in good shape “””””
Then give me all your money and I promnise you, it will not be yours anymore but I will keep it in good shape.
Rarely heard such nonsense.
You apparently live in a fictional CNN FOX BBC world, without noticing anything but the weather!
Starikov: Rouble Nationalization
federal reserve fraud
i did not say russia is upholding international law but in these actions they are not blamed by international law unlike usa. btw i believe putin wants to uphold international law, but not if it harms national interests and the balance between the two is a difficult one.
your claim that only russia and no other country wants to uphold international law is vain rhetoric, and that when you uphold international law you will lose is empty rhetoric too, crimea was won without breaching international law and without a destructive invasion and with democratic vote in line with international law.
and no, russia under jeltsin gave ukraine away so there is no way for russia or putin to now invade another country they created by their own decision under international law, as sergei lavrov reinstated in an interview not ong ago russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign nation.
you can not blame russia for kosovo, that is the whole point, and usa is not in the position to accuse russia because they themselves broke the law in kosovo.
“””””and no, russia under jeltsin gave ukraine away so there is no way for russia or putin to now invade another country they created by their own decision under international law,”””””
He and Kravchuck and the BelaRus guy back then had no right to do so, therefore their USA sponsored actions and decisions that he supported in October 1993(!) by shooting into the elected parliament in Moscow and into a crowd of peaceful protestors are *void*.
I can give your girlfriend away to a former schoolmate, I doubt you will respect that decision.
Simply because one cannot give away what one has no authority to give away.
“””””you can not blame russia for kosovo”””””
Russia and Serbia used to be aliies.
Russia gave ensurances but failed to meet them. It’s like letting your comrades die on the field.
Russia is one of only 5 permanent members of the UNSC, it could have put more pressure onto the West, but it didn’t at least attempt to. Treason.
“””””that is the whole point, and usa is not in the position to accuse russia because they themselves broke the law in kosovo.”””””
Hahaha, no, that’s my point.
You say the usa is not in a position, but did you ever read a western newspaper in recent years?
So even though Russia did not invade Ukraine and pi pa po, all those allegations are being made _anyway_ and the NATO owned western “free” “independent” press continues to draw a picture of Russia invading the Baltics in May 2017 before starting a nuclear war.
This was proof enough that everything you said would have happened, had Russia “invaded Ukraine”, happens nevertheless, even though Putin played the role of a soft gummiball and about 50 thousand people of both sides died for nothing at all in DonBass.
“””””as sergei lavrov reinstated in an interview not ong ago russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign nation.”””””
At the same time court trials over ignoring the outcome of the March 1991 CCCP-wide referenda are blocked by Russian courts themselves.
As I said, looks more and more like self-sabotage (to avoid the sad word Treason).
“March 11, 2016
Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic says he has received assurances from Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow will continue to back Belgrade’s claim to Kosovo.
Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008 and is now recognized as an independent state by some 110 countries.
“Putin said clearly that Serbia can count on Russia everywhere that Serbia is defending its territorial integrity and independence, especially in Kosovo,” Nikolic said after meeting with Putin in Moscow on March 10.
Serbia relies on Moscow’s support in its diplomatic fight to prevent Kosovo, populated mainly by ethnic Albanians, from joining the United Nations.”
And no russia is not guilty for kosovo, only in the eyes of the People that want to decide everything with nukes.
Yeltsin had all the right to dissolve the soviet union because gorbachev agreed and… The agreements were ratified.
Western propaganda has no say in what is True or false or righteous or not, your argument holds no water, going the moral higher road has nothing to do with being praised by the enemy press.
Dont mix court with politics.
its vain rhetoric to say nobody exept russia cares for international law, all countries care about international law some more than others, the balance between sovereignty and international law is valued differently in different states that is true but to say russia alone or russia perfectly is false.
russia won crimea without breaching international law, and by democratic vote, and without violence so yes it works.
but under russian law russia gave ukraine away under jeltsin, so for russia under putin to invade ukraine is out of question, and russia recognises ukraine as a sovereign country as sergei lavrov said recently in an interview.
the central bank of russia is under russian control by law, “The Bank of Russia (Russian: Банк России) is the central bank of the Russian Federation, founded in 1860, headquartered on Neglinnaya Street in Moscow. Its functions are described in the Russian constitution (Article 75) and in the special Federal Law.” the gold reserve is not owned by the central bank only managed.
but you dont have a bank account ? in wich you save your money and receive interest ? is the bank now stealing your money ? can you not use it anymore ? you make no sense to me
also a reserve currency or gold reserve serves to back up the paper banknotes that are printed and we use in our business, there is nothing to do with it, and also 50 percent of the profit made by the central bank flows into the govt budget should we get rid of extra income ?
Take this for now:
Sergei Lavrov Grilled Live on Air by Famous Russian War Reporter (Video)
“””””but you dont have a bank account ? in wich you save your money and receive interest ? is the bank now stealing your money ? can you not use it anymore ? you make no sense to me “””””
What are you talking about?
What does a private bank account have to do with a Central bank, other than I’m using the same fraudulent currency they issue for the benefit of private banks?
I do believe you that I don’t “make sense” to you” because either you are a paid troll or confused June 5th with April 1st.
Maybe you need a lesson on the B.I.S., Federal Reserve, BOE and fiat currencies.
After these 3 hours and 29 minutes come back:
The Money Masters Full Documentary- The rise of the bankers
What interest are you actually referring to?
We live in the age of ZPIRP, now even NIRP.
Did you open my earlier liunks and watch/folow/read them?
You must be a quick reader if you did.
So: do not talk about things you have no clue of.
Focus on tomorrow’s wheather.
In the very interview you throw at me sergei lavrov is exactly saying what i wrote.
The central Bank is owned by no one, it exists by Russian law it is limited by the Russian law, and Russia indirectly owns and rules the central Bank, and the central Bank does not own the Russian gold and reserves, only manages it, and pays 50 percent of its profit to the Russian govt. Budget and besides that the Russian law gives powers to the central Bank to rule certain aspects of the economy to keep it stable, and it is doing well.
You yourself have no clue about what a central Bank is, even after all the hours of video you watched and endless pages of pdf files you read.
Putting whatever money in a whatever bank does not make the bank an owner of it, letting a whatever bank manage whatever money does not make them owner of it, and now this Russian central Bank exists by the grace of Russian law lol what harm can we expect? no inflation thats fine, stable currency good.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Bank of Russia Chairman and 14 Board members. Members of the Board of Directors shall work in the Bank of Russia on a full- time basis. Members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the State Duma for a term of five years at the proposal of the Bank of Russia Chairman, with the agreement of the Russian Federation President.
So Who is in control here? Lol
s.a.top on June 05, 2016 · at 3:27 pm UTC wrote:
“””””the central bank of russia is under russian control by law, “The Bank of Russia (Russian: Банк России) is the central bank of the Russian Federation, founded in 1860, headquartered on Neglinnaya Street in Moscow. Its functions are described in the Russian constitution (Article 75) and in the special Federal Law.” the gold reserve is not owned by the central bank only managed.”””””
I had asked you to read the real thing, Starikov’s book, not some MSM fiction written along the USA playbook on wikipedia.
Here the proof that you didn’t open a single of the sources I provided, yet you kept telling me that everything you never only attempted to read is “wrong”.
Now, here in an excerpt from page 28 (of 300) in http://lit.md/files/nstarikov/rouble_nationalization-the_way_to_russia's_freedom.pdf
“””””The law on the Central Bank is full of controversies. It is technically
federal property, and nevertheless, the Central Bank has no obligations
towards the state. What is more, should we, that is the state, decide to get
rid of the annoying man and use the gold and foreign currency reserves of
the Central Bank to build new factories and roads, we would be doomed to
failure. The three guys next to the lift would not beat us up while we still have
the Russian army and the nuclear shield. But very soon a fourth roughneck
would come to the flat. ‘Independent International Court’ is written on his
back. You must have already guessed that there is no chance for justice.
The Central Bank of Russia, if the Russian state wants to use what allegedly
belongs to it… can file a complaint to the international court!
‘Article 6. The Bank of Russia is authorised to file suits to courts in ac
cordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Bank of Russia
is entitled to appeal to international courts, courts of foreign countries and
courts of arbitration for protection of its rights’.
The Bank of Russia and the state cannot decide a controversy themselves.
It will be decided by the Stockholm court of arbitration. Or the independent
court of the State of New York. This is as ridiculous as if the Central Party
Committee and the People’s Commissioners for Finances at the times of
Stalin did not solve their disputes in the Kremlin or government sessions,
but at the court of the Third Reich. It was equally independent from the
Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party and from the USSR
government. Right? Right. Therefore it could decide who was right and who
was wrong in the USSR, being the court of Nazi Germany. It would have
been fair and impartial. And of course, it would have been guided only by
the interests of Russia and by the letter of the law. But the funniest thing is
that should the Central Bank appeal to the International Court of Justice,
it would inevitably win. And Russia, that is us, would inevitably lose. Why?
Because the Central Bank is a part of a whole system of similar central banks
which, in their turn are a part of a web called the International Monetary
Fund (IMF).
And what is most important: the gold and foreign currency
reserves of the Central Bank of Russia are not stored in Russia”””””
I don’t believe that Russia “needed” to invade Ukraine at that time (not so sure about today). But to me it had nothing to do with “legalizing” the US involvements in other countries or not. Do you think they care one “iota” about that. Or that any other Western countries are worried about that either. History is replete with hundreds of cases of invasions of other countries,century after century. Including in our own century today. The “legality” of it is what the winners say it is. Always has been,and almost certainly always will be.Russia as I said, at the time didn’t need to invade. And she could always have held the “high-ground” morally. She should have refused to recognize the coup,demanded the “legal” government of Ukraine be reinstated. Called on the Ukrainians to not accept the junta as their leaders. And recognized a government in exile.If Russia’s concern was “legality” that was the legal way to go. The situation they (and we) face is because they did not use “legality” as the basis of their policy.
The problem that many economists (and certainly vast numbers of Russia’s citizens) have with Central Bank is that while they have good reserves. The domestic economy is stagnant because of the imposed interest rates.A domestic economy doesn’t run on military equipment spending alone (maybe the US’s does. But that is a problem there. Not a blessing).There have been some benefits from the import substitution in food products. But not nearly enough yet is what I see from almost all Russian posters on social media. And the non-food substitution progress is in the talking phase,not the “doing” phase. I don’t see the picture you have painted. Things are moving,I’ll agree. But its still touch and go.In no way is it good yet. Facing reality is “always” the right answer.
Uncle Bob wrote:
“””””I said, at the time didn’t need to invade. And she could always have held the “high-ground” morally. She should have refused to recognize the coup,demanded the “legal” government of Ukraine be reinstated. Called on the Ukrainians to not accept the junta as their leaders. And recognized a government in exile.If Russia’s concern was “legality” that was the legal way to go. The situation they (and we) face is because they did not use “legality” as the basis of their policy. “””””
That’s it exactly 100%!
They should have closed the embassy and instantly cut off oil/gas/commodities/everything, instead they worry about “Gazprom’s image in the West”.
Everytime the West orchestrates illegal coups or riggs elections, Russia should instantly step in!!!
Instead we hear Lavrov and Putin speaking of disappointment regarding our dear dear western “partners”.
And Russia promised the DonBass people to protect them, than wathced how they got wiped out.
As PCR correctly said: Had Russia simply accepted LNR’s and DNR’s decision to join Russia after the 2014 referenda, problem solved.
What we instead got was: All the same sanctions, all the same condemnations, all the same NATO-buildup, plus: 50k deaths for nothing.
And: After Debaltsovo Russia retreated for nothing and “achieved” a M2 which is worth as much as Yanukovich’s deal with the EU and Germany, France from February 21th 2014.
Russia is not enforcing that either.
There were treaties. If we speak about intl. law, then we have to force _all_ sides to stick to it.
What a farce.
How quickly people forget (not you, UB).
The rate is only 1 percent above 2009 level and is to curb inflation, and is already significantly lowered from 17 to 11 percent, you want more inflation and instabiltiy in russia in return for more growth?
The too high rates in Russia kill its economy.
Guess what would happen in the US would the Fed suddenly increase the rate from about zero to only 1%, not dreaming in their worst nightmares of 11% or 30% as we saw in Kiev to stop inflation.
The stock markets would crash instantly.
Independently of the amount of the rates, a proven fact is that the mainstreet economy still finds it tough to actually get any loans at any rates whatsoever.
Only the Billionaires, TOP500 multinationals and large banks are benefiting from the ZPIRP.
The 11% in Russia do have a very real effect on its economy (what Peter is misreprsenting as “loans get a tiny bit more expensive”).
You contradicted youyrself.
Didn’t you claim “everything fine with Russia’s central bank” ???
_No_, with a few key strokes the Rouble can be devalued or totally destroyed, as long as Russia continues to be engaged in a B.I.S. aka Rothschild controlled central bank.
You wouldn’t need to worry about rates nor circulation or inflation, if it was in fact a Russia-owned and -controlled central bank serving the interests of the Russian people, rather than its pro-western pro-Oligarchy 5th column.
With a few penstrokes…. Read what you write is it reaaaaaalllyy that easy????? Fool yourself not me lol so give me the exact procedure to destroy the rouble show me how easy it is.
Instead of getting expensive loans businesses can spend their own money, work more efficiënt, innovate etc.
The Russian central Bank is not the same as the fed get the details straight.
one rouble is more worth than one dollar if you are willing to see it.
The bis is not owned by rothschild or controlled by rothschild.
A gold backed ruble is the best, but do you have the gold to back the pile of paper?
Is russia not improving on that?
The rates are not too high the rates are fine, the economy is stable not destroyed and not declining.
You think that if Russian business neckdeep in the loans and debts it is a good economy a strong economy? yes lower the interest rate to zero print more paper money build that house of cards then.
Forget it.
Read ZH every day for half a decade.
Watch the links I sent.
And stop talking naive mainstream rubbish.
By the way did you know this about the ruling board of the central Bank of russia?
“The National Financial Board shall be a collegiate body of the Bank of Russia. The National Financial Board shall be comprised of 12 members, of whom two shall be delegated by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Federation Council members, three by the State Duma from State Duma deputies, three by the Russian Federation President and three by the Russian Federation Government. The National Financial Board shall also include the Bank of Russia Chairman.”
Isnt that funny :-)
The mainstreet buying power for imported goods or travels abroad is less than half of what it was 2 years ago, although the Russian central bank has consumed hundreds of billions of USD (google yourself) to support the Rouble:
To the normal people it does make life a damn lot harder, trying to pay the bills or even some urgent healthcare.
Google youself for poverty.
It isn’t a paradise.
Yes and when the ruble climbs up again they can buy double dollars back ;-)
Ha, the Rouble would ten times quadriple, if nationalized, Gold-backed (Russia and China bought off the entire world-market, but what for?) and if Russia and China finally implement the SWIFT alternative, best before b_RICS starts to lose more of its letters.
Until then, however, first a good evening from me, must switch off for some hours …
A comment I saw on yt:
“””””As a diplomat, Lavrov is clearly unmatched by any figure in the West. Russian foreign policy, however, has been hobbled by a long-standing naivety about the political culture of both Europe and North America. Had Russians not wasted all of the 1990s and most of the 2010s in a fantasy about them as their Western “partners” and had they seen the US in particular as the utterly unscrupulous and unprincipled enemy bent on world domination it actually is, they might have acted differently in relation to Ukraine. But then, had they been realistic, they wouldn’t have dissolved the Warsaw Pact and pulled out of Eastern Europe on the mere assumption that the West is really about democracy, human rights, and liberal freedoms — all of which have been seriously eroded in both the US and the EU in the last 30 years. Just yesterday, the European Court of Justice ruled that the EU can suppress political criticism of its institutions AND of leading figures, a move that confirms the totalitarian tendency at the heart of Western neoliberalism.”””””
That’s one way to look at. Over time, however, one begins to wonder if there aren’t other reasons. An obvious possibility is that Putin and his allies are largely liberals at heart, or at least have way too much sympathy for systems (such as an aristocratic order) that aren’t up for the job of resisting an aggressive superpower. Another possibility is as simple as the creature comforts of the Russian elite. Many of them are more “European” than Russian. As an American, I can’t stand how internationally-oriented many of our elites are, but it seems to be much worse in Russia. Finally, perhaps Russia really is as weak as many in the West think. It is unfair but, the phrase “a gas station with nukes” was how insane McCain phrased it. So perhaps Russia is dependent upon too many things from the West to resist, but wants to straddle two chairs.
My fear is simply that Russian elites want to join the West, but haven’t been offered a good enough deal. The US may be willing to let Russia into the club, but the price could be high: Kasparov as President, no Russian military in the Crimea or Belarus or Armenia; privatization of oil and gas; something like a 90% reduction in nukes; and perhaps independence for various areas, such as Chechnya or Dagestan. So Moscow goes back and forth in an indecisive way as they want to show the West that they seriously want to join, but yet resist to show they can and to try to get the West back to the negotiating table. This scenario would explain things like breaking the contract over Iranian S-300s. It wouldn’t be naivete; it would be trying to finesse the impossible. A strong and independent Russia is just bad news for the West. The West and Russia may have a few interests in common, say, NK not getting nukes, but these are overwhelmed by the problems that Russia causes the West all over the place. As an example, in Syria or China. Russia is making it harder for the West to gain domination over China. But Kasparov as President would be glad to help.
UB, see those two comments on yt, which describe what I thought then versus what I think now (althoug I cannot post on yt, these are not my texts) :
“””””Loup Kibiloki1 day ago
Strange title. Lavrov did well and I agree with him. I won’t have to write my whole comment because I fully agree with this one by Jakob Steinbauer further down on this page : « .. concerning the main question about deploying the army to Ukraine, [Lavrov] is absolutely right. That was a trap and fortunately Putin and his advisors were so smart not to raid the country. Really, everyone disagreeing on that is absolutely dangerous and stupid too. »”””””
“””””Lyubov Lyuba
Lyubov Lyuba16 hours ago
I also thought so in 2014
but let’s look a moment the things
“With hindsight” as we say in Italy ….
If we look at Crimea, for example, this was an operation conducted masterfully, not a single shot fired, not one man killed
very rapid operation, timely, absolutely determined and I think also long-planned.
We can say, thinking how should they think in Moscow, everything perfect !
Well , so now on the point of view of this journalist
question is this :
“why this scheme was not applied in the rest of ukraine in those parts where it was certainly applicable ?”
All south, southeast and east of Ukraine
was ready to fall into the hands of Russia
exactly at the same way of Crimea
This certainly would not be a surgical operation as in Crimea
but just as surely it would be a successful one
against an Ukrainian state completely disarray
which was basing its reaction force almost exclusively on the bands of irregular battalions
and not less
such fast and determined action would take in a complete break the international community
that would not have been able to react
as it was not able to react with the Crimea case
It would have been a risk
of course
but again with that “hindsight”
today we know that at least this action would have avoided nearly 3 years of war and the martyrdom of Donetsk
The answer is always the same,
Moscow has no one interest on doing about UKraine
a state ethnically purely Ukrainian
Removing from our days Ukraine
the most pro russian south, center and the south east
would lead to the loss of any possibility of political control over Kiev in the future
And not surprisingly,
in these days, the Kremlin said
it would be available for a return of Donbas within Ukraine
with the marginal note
“if this were wanted by Kiev only for humanitarian reasons””””””
I look at Ukraine through the lens of history ,geography,and ethnicity only. From the earliest days of “Statehood” the “Rus” have been one untied people speaking several regional dialects of the same language. The split from that only came about because of the Mongol Invasion in the middle ages.An invasion that devastated the country. Followed quickly by Western invasions that tore apart the Western regions of Rus and added them to Lithuania and Poland.Before that the entire population had been Orthodox Slav. The Poles forced a religious split in the Western regions and imposed the Latin Roman Catholic faith there. Hoping to divide the Western Rus from the Eastern Rus through religion. And ensure the Western Rus’s loyalty to Poland. It didn’t fully work for them. But it left problems of identity for those people that exist even today. For over a 1000 years the Western and Eastern Rus have intermarried,migrated from one area to the other. And blended together,as the one people they are.Millions of people one one side of the artificial “border” or the other have family and ancestral backgrounds on the other side. Once a person understands these simple truths,its not hard to see the complexity of today’s situation. And to understand why “Ukraine” is,and always was,so important to a “Rus”. All of Russia’s “enemies” recognized that hundreds of years ago. Which is why for hundreds of years one after the other of those enemies has tried to use Ukraine as a wedge to attack Russia through.From the Poles,to the Germans,and now the US. Its always been the same. Which again is why Ukraine is of vital importance to Russia. I don’t care about all the talk I might hear about Ukraine not being important to Russia. History tells a different story. And if that were true,Russia’s enemies wouldn’t try so hard to split it away from Russia. If you look at the India-Pakistan situation you see the nearest modern parallel to Russia-Ukraine. The Indians and Pakistanis were united as one group of peoples for thousands of years. Until religion (and the British) split them apart. Since then they have fought several wars with each other. Both are nuclear powers,that threaten each other. And both economies have been held back by the split.With military budgets,aimed at each other eating up development funds.The US/NATO want a similar situation between Russia and Ukraine. Its a dream come true for them,Ukraine as the anti-Russia. Just as centuries ago,so as today. To cripple Russia the West wants to use Ukraine. That is in my opinion the entire “real” purpose behind the coup. Certainly there are a list of benefits the West hoped for there. But they all pale compared to that one.
Good one.
Interesting to avoid Yugoslavia as “closest similar example” and to take India. But agreed, in Bosnia versus Croatia versus Serbia the situation is more distributed/multi-faceted than claimed by either side, including the serbian nationalistic hypothesis.
The question is now, did Russia need to “sacrifice” an unknown number (10s of thousands) of DonBass residents simply to prove how evil the West is?
Because, had Russia reunited with DonBass Crimean style some would always complain (and if not, then the West would pay Busloads to protest and send there). And nobody would believe or technically be able to only imagine, that only 1/10000th of those barbaric crimes that we saw could ever be done by Kiev.
Geopolitics – heartless game.
Difficult for me to accept that this was the “best” way.
page 29:
“””””The fact that the IMF is fully controlled by the Anglo-Saxons and other
monstrous offspring of Bretton Woods will be discussed later. For now we
will only note that the Central Bank always purchases various bonds when
Russian economy needs the credits resources. But investing them inside
Russia is impossible. Why? It is prohibited by law.
‘Article 22. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to credit the Government
of the Russian Federation to fund budget shortfall, buy state securities at
the initial offer, except for the cases when it is provided for by the federal
law on federal budget’.
The Central banks of the so-called developed countries credit the budget
through buying state bonds. And our Central Bank is not allowed to buy
Russian bonds. But it can buy American state bonds and securities of some
other countries. This is an important detail: the Central Bank of Russia is
only entitled to buy bonds issued by OTHER countries”””””
We have heard how Hillary Clinton made comments regarding the University owned by the Republican Presidential nominee, and it is Lying and Crooked if the Accuser does the same thing or worse, and Especially if the Wrongly accused is Known to be Innocent.
There is a News Article that says that Bill Clinton Profits from World’s Largest For Profit University at http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/06/bill_clinton_profits_from_worlds_largest_forprofit_university_comments.html#disqus_thread , and we Know that it was Hillary Clinton as Senator Clinton who Voted to make Student Loans Non Dischargeable if they became Bankrupt.
Those who Know the Clintons, Know that the Clintons Falsely Accuse others of what they themselves are Guilty of and even more Guilty of, or of what the Clintons themselves are thinking of doing, and the use of Slander in an Election Campaign is Evidence of being Anti Democratic, and it is Evidence of Treason against the Citizens, because American Voters have the Human Right to Vote for Non Slandered Candidates, and to give their Vote to a Candidate based on Facts and Not to be Manipulated by an Unprincipled Slanderer who is Not legitimately entitled to votes based on Slander and other Dirty Tricks, where they give their Vote to the Unprincipled Slanderer rather than to a Candidate that they wanted to give their Vote to, had that Candidate Not been Slandered, and this tactic is a Perversion of the Course of Justice, and Lawyer Clinton Knows that Perverting the Course of Justice is a Criminal Offence, and Treason and Criminality and Lying come easily to the Clintons.
Hillary Clinton said that America is electing a President and not a Dictator, but the Clintons, and Especially Hillary Clinton has been a Dictator during her Co Presidency with Bill Clinton, and she Decided Policy during the time she was Secretary of State.
The Clintons were able to do this, because they Learned from President Nixon and Watergate that People can be Enticed and Recorded and even Filmed, and then Blackmailed to become Puppets, and the Clinton Foundation has the Money to purchase Many Concealed Recording and Filming Devices, and we do not Know if this is what is happening with the Judge that is presiding over the case of the University owned by Donald Trump.
It has been claimed that the Reason for the Unethical Bias shown toward the Republican Presidential nominee may be based on Grossly Improper Considerations or Aspirations of a particular Ethnic Group, and this could raise the Question of whether this represents sympathies for an Ultranationalist Greater Mexico Movement that wishes to Illegally Annex Sovereign American Territory to create a Greater Mexico, and the Clintons would use this to create a Military Dictatorship in America for WW 3, and Hillary Clinton would use the experience gained with Kosovo, and the Article Titled: Why Albanians Fled During NATO Bombing at http://www.antiwar.com/rep/jared3.html , and we Know that the American led NATO and their KLA Terrorist Allies were Guilty and Serbia was Innocent.
There are Many People who think that asking a Person who is Not a Citizen, or a Not Tourist, or a Not Refugee what they are doing in your Country is Not racist, but it is a Legitimate question, and there are Many People who think that it is up to the Country to decide who comes to that Country and under what circumstances that should occur.
There are several examples in History of how Ultranationalist Groups take over parts of a foreign Country, and these Ultranationalist Movements are Always Racist, and involve Ethnic Cleaning, even as the Armenian Genocide was part of the Greater Turkey Movement.
There is one example that shows how this is done, and it was the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships who were the sponsors of this.
The Conspiratorial Partnership of the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Treasonous Dictatorships were Complicate with trying to create a Greater Albania, and for which the Ultranationalist Albanians used the Ottoman Empire, the Nazi Third Reich, and the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Treasonous Dictatorships at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Albania .
A Dictator is Above the Law, and there is one Law for Hillary Clinton, and another Law for Ordinary People, even as Edward Snowden said that if you break Classification Rules for the Public’s Benefit that you could be exiled or imprisoned, but if you do it for Personal Benefit, then you could become President, and President George Bush the second said that Bill Clinton was his brother, and that Hillary Clinton was his sister in law, and this photo was taken this Election year, and they say that a picture tells a thousand words at https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/0de1c75741d26ac1ee1d4449038900d3e8830469/45_232_606_363/master/606.jpg?w=700&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=85016df7b6cb42e07e51911542152cfe .
The Clintons are Criminals and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton should be in prison, and they Know that the American Presidential Nuclear Bunker is the most Luxurious prison with 50 years of supplies including drugs and alcohol, and this is more than enough for the old Clintons, and is a much better deal for the Clintons than an above ground American prison, even though they are among the few People on the Earth after WW 3.
The Corruption and Scandal Ridden Callous and Evil Clintons care Only about themselves, and they will prefer the Luxurious prison of the American Presidential Nuclear Bunker to a Court Trial, and to prison facilities above ground in America, and this is why Morality or Honesty matters with regards to Elected Representatives and Appointed Public Officials, and Especially for President of America, and this is why there are American Social Democrats who think that the Congress should Impeach any Attorney General that hinders a Court Trial for Hillary Clinton.
The American Presidential Nuclear Bunker is a Very Large Facility and can accommodate several People for 50 years, and perhaps the Clinton Foundation Money has built Underground Facilities and these Facilities use Recycling Technology of the Mars Manned Mission Program Research for this.
There are Many People who think that because of these Facts, that the Clintons should be granted Mansion Arrest if they are Convicted of Crimes and have to go to prison.
This is because the withdrawal from Drugs could cause Hillary Clinton to create WW 3, because she Needs her Drugs.
Professionals Know that Drug Addicts are the Best Liars and are Persuasive, and the same is True of those who are Evil at http://www.thedailysheeple.com/why-does-hillary-clinton-always-cackle-with-glee-at-violence-horror-and-death_012016 .
The Cocaine Clintons have Not changed their Characters or their Evil Plans, and they try to conceal their Real Intentions, and People Should do their own Research on the Topics of the Clintons and Cocaine and Drugs, and on Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and on Bill Clinton and the Lolita Express.
There are American Social Democrats who think that it is possible that Senator Sanders is a good actor and stooge for the Establishment Clintonites at http://www.blackagendareport.com/bernie-sanders-sheepdog-4-hillary .
There are People who think that the Clintons have the Dirt on and have Complete Control over some Elected Representatives and Appointed Public Officials, who Know that there has to be a Minimum of two Political Parties in what is said to be a Democracy.
This is not interviewing PCR. It is Lavelle’s using PCR’s presence to talk about his own opinions. Even though Lavell’s points are generally correct, it takes some patience to watch his interviews. I used to watch several of his interviews on RT and I could barely last to the end of his interviews. His show was the last one when I quit on RT and on their eccentric and aggressive liberal talk show hosts. Back to Lavelle; he cuts of people and he starts his own rant. If this were a conversation I could understand it. Lavelle should stick to moderating instead of using the platform to express his opinions. But he is too excited to be simply a moderator. This interview was no good. Let PCR talk; you sit, listen and learn Lavell. Lavell is good when there are two guys on his side and together with them lynch the fourth guy who is on the other side of the fence. I say this, although I agree with his perspective! Yet he is far from being fair. I would not duel with him because I doubt he’d be alone. PCR talks about a bigger picture with a strategic perspective. Lavelle talks about tactics and reactions. It’s sad that he managed to frustrate PCR at the end. I think PCR and the Saker could have had a much better conversation. We shall see if it ever happens. Until then I will continue listening to PCR.
Great discussion. I believe PCR is correct in his assessment that Russia is being reactive rather than proactive in what the Russian establishment fails to realize is the end of the beginning in a no holds barred fight that aims to dismantle Russia so that it never poses a threat to the western elites ever again. The western elites are spitting mad that they didn’t dismantle Russia when they had the chance during the Yeltsin years and will not make that mistake again if given the opportunity. The west is and will attack on multiple fronts and levels simultaneously towards this end goal and the west is very practiced at conducting hybrid warfare. Roberts emphasis on the need for Russia to protect itself from economic warfare is in my opinion existential if Russia is to survive the coming escalation due in the middle game, to use a chess term. Russia must stop being reactive and use whatever leverage it has if she wishes to play a definitive part in the human experiment or perish as an important entity within the next decade or so.
The Judge in the case regarding the Republican Presidential nominee is Ethnically Mexican, and he is even though Judge Gonzalo Curiel is an American Citizen, but the Albanians of Kosovo were and are Serbian Citizens, and Albanians from Albanian are Albanian Citizens.
However, both groups of Albanians are of one Nationality and have many People who want a Greater Albania, and the same applies with certain Ultranationalist Mexicans in America and Mexico.
Judge Cinderela Guevara who inappropriately denied an autopsy for and pronounced the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as being of natural causes over the phone and without seeing the body, is a Mexican and a Democrat, and there are People who think that there are some Supreme court justices who are Bribed or Blackmailed to want a Greater Mexico.
It needs to be Understood that it is Not racist to mention that Ethnic Groups either Represent their own Ethnic Group, or they Allege to Represent their own Ethnic Group like the Democrats’ Congressional Black Caucasus, who Appear to have been Blackmailed or Bribed to want a Greater Mexico.
There is Only one Ethnic Group that could ever be concerned that some Areas of America where once Mexican, and there is Only one Ethnicity that could ever want a Greater Mexico, and there is no need to pretend to be Naive about that, for both the Mexicans who are Innocent, and for Non Mexicans.
I am Not making any accusations regarding All of Mexican American Citizens, or even against All Mexican Citizens, and History provides numerous examples of Ultranationalist Movements, and those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.
We can see that Hillary Clinton is to the right of Senator John McCain, because Hillary Clinton recently said: “I believe with all my heart that America is an exceptional country – that we are still, in Lincoln’s words, the last, best hope of earth. We are not a country that cowers behind Walls, and we lead (Bully and Dictate) with purpose (Corruptly Making the Clintons Rich, and giving the Clintons access to the Presidential Nuclear Bunker).
Hillary Clinton wants Illegal Immigrants to Vote at Elections, and to use the Greater Mexican Movement to Disarm the American People to create a Military Dictatorship in America.
This is why Hillary Clinton wants more Illegal Mexican Migrants in order to say that Disarming the People will prevent a Greater Mexico, but a Wall will stop weapons coming into America from the currently porous border between Mexico and America.
The Biased and Corrupt Media are trying to say that the Republican Presidential nominee is attacking the Ethnicity of the Judge who belong to the The National Council of La Raza, and La Raza means The Race in Spanish, but the Republican Presidential nominee is Not attacking anyone’s Ethnicity, but the Biased and Corrupt Media is Lying in order to try to cover up the possibility of a Conflict of Interest that the Judge may have, because of his Heritage and Longtime Associations and Political Orientations rather than on Ethnicity, and Many People of any Profession have their Biases, and so potential or Real Biases must be considered at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/championing-trumps-truth-telling-about-la-raza-judge-curiel-law-professor-victor-williams-endorses-trump-and-announces-a-new-pro-trump-super-pac-300280567.html .
We have seen the Results of this attitude by the Beastly and Dictatorial Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships on other Countries and on America, along with the Clintons Destroying the Environment with Fracking, and Many other Bad Policies of the Clintons.
There are Many People who think that the Only way to prevent a Nuclear War is to ban Nuclear Shelters in America, because the Rich and Powerful Plutocrats and their Bribed and Corrupted Politicians do Not care about anyone but Themselves.
This would give them Incentives Not to destroy the Planet, because they will also Perish in a Nuclear War, and there are People who wonder if Senator Sanders has been Offered a Place in the Presidential Nuclear Bunker if he helps Hillary Clinton become President, or will Senator Sanders or American Social Democrats Campaign to ban All Nuclear Shelters in America at http://www.blackagendareport.com/bernie-sanders-sheepdog-4-hillary .
The Clinton Foundation has the Money to purchase Many miniature cameras and listening devices to Blackmail People that lured into Illegal or Embarrassing situations, and now they are the Puppets of the Clintons.
I think that looking back it would appear that Senator Sanders is just another Puppet of the Clintons.
The Department of Justice has an Official Policy of not covering up for Criminals, but we Know that the Attorney General is Only Human and wants to be in the Presidential Nuclear Bunker if Hillary Clinton becomes President, and this is why there are Many American Social Democrats who want Anyone But Clinton for President of America at https://www.the-newshub.com/us-politics/i-wont-vote-for-clinton-and-will-encourage-sanders-to-run-a-third-party-bid-for-president .