By Batiushka for the Saker blog
God is not in force, but in truth
St Alexander Nevsky
Introduction: How Much Longer?
Many ask how much longer will the US war against Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine last? Some say only another two or three months, others much longer, even five years and more. For my own reasons I say another eighteen months, until 5 May 2024. Whatever you think, it all depends on how much the American neocon/neoliberal elite via their NATO allies, especially the UK, the Zelensky sect and their hired killers (so-called mercenaries – for few Kiev nationalists are now left to fight) want to escalate their war. And they do, which is why it did not all end last March when it could have ended. In other words, how much does the American elite want their subject-peoples, in Northern America, Western Europe and the Ukraine, to suffer?
It appears that the US elite wants them to suffer until they are all dead. But that will not happen, for the worm will turn, long, long before that. Indeed, in today’s energy and water-restricted Ukraine, some worms are already turning. And even some cold and hungry people in Western Europe and Northern America are turning too. What the elite wants, and what the people, especially in the Ukraine, will put up with, are two different things. It could all be ended tomorrow, if the elite wanted. Much more likely, this is going to take quite some time, for the war is not between the Ukraine and Russia, but between the USA and Russia. The Ukraine is merely the battlefield. No, I repeat, wait patiently until May 2024.
A Thousand Years of Hell
What never happened between 1857 and 1945 has happened: War between the Russian Empire and Great Britain. (It did happen in Sevastopol in 1856; and Russia still has not given the British Establishment a bloody nose for that). What never happened between 1945 and 1991 has happened: War between the USSR and the USA. True, the Russian Empire/the USSR is for now called the Russian Federation and Great Britain/the USA is for now called ‘NATO’ (in fact, mainly gangs of international mercenaries) and the battlefield is the south-western borderland of the old Russian Empire/Soviet Union, for now called the Ukraine. And the motive is not the dispute between Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Monarchy/Communism, but that between the Global Tyranny of Oligarchs and the Freedom and Sovereignty of the Peoples of the World. It is the dispute between the Few and the Many.
The Western world, and today that simply means the USA, which hides behind the word ‘Globalisation’, when it really means Americanisation, and words like ‘The West’, ‘NATO’, ‘the civilised world’, ‘the international community’, ‘the rules-based order’, only knows one system: Feudalism. And that is nothing but the pyramid scheme of criminal racketeers. As Michael Hudson has so precisely written:
‘Medieval Europe’s analogue to America’s New Cold War against China and Russia was the Great Schism in 1054. Demanding unipolar control over Christendom, Leo IX excommunicated the Orthodox Church centred in Constantinople and the entire Christian population that belonged to it. A single bishopric, Rome, cut itself off from the entire Christian world of the time, including the ancient Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople and Jerusalem.
This break-away created a political problem for Roman diplomacy: How to hold all the Western European kingdoms under its control and claim the right for financial subsidy from them. That aim required subordinating secular kings to papal religious authority. In 1074, Gregory VII, Hildebrand, announced 27 Papal Dictates outlining the administrative strategy for Rome to lock in its power over Europe.
These papal demands are strikingly parallel to today’s U.S. diplomacy. In both cases military and worldly interests require a sublimation in the form of an ideological crusading spirit to cement the sense of solidarity that any system of imperial domination requires. The logic is timeless and universal’.
Today Pope Joe is in power, or rather the self-interest of those who stand behind his throne is in power. But that power is being destroyed militarily (NATO will become armless at the present rate of attrition), financially (who will want the worthless dollars of a bankrupt and divided State?) and politically (who wants to be part of a tiny and morally discredited minority?).
After the Victory
When, with time, Russia has won what is in fact just the last phase of our millennial struggle, then all will change. Then the whole world will step by step free itself from the American straitjacket and at last saw through the bars, let the bedsheets down and leave Washington’s lunatic asylum.
First of all, there are Russia’s own fifth and sixth columns. We estimate them at 5% of the population – that was the figure of those who supported the CIA traitor Navalny. (The fact that the CIA then tried to poison Navalny, pinning it on Russia a la MI5, is almost proof that the perpetrator was the CIA. Murder is what the CIA always does with its agents for whom it has no more use, from umpteen Latin American and Asian tinpot dictators to Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden). Either the fifth and sixth column can leave Russia (some already have left, for Finland, Georgia and, especially, Israel), so cleansing Russia of their presence, or else they can repent for their treachery. The Great Cleansing of Russia has only just begun, the whole oligarch class, including those ‘the creative class’ and the perverts and money-obsessed careerists in the Church hierarchy, will all have to go.
Then Latin America can free itself of nasty CIA-imposed dictators, drug-runners and dependence on Northern American drug markets. South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico can begin to recover their advanced Civilisations destroyed by Spanish and Portuguese exploiters, ‘conquistadors’, who sent the survivors to abandon their palaces, temples and villages and live in remote places that became jungles.
Then there are the USA’s Asian rim vassals (the USA never managed to penetrate into the interior of Eurasia, getting kicked out of even the South-East Asian Peninsula, as well as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Europe, which it penetrated only as far as the Ukraine): Japan can be freed of its occupiers after over three generations and start on the path of rediscovering its real identity; the Korean Peninsula can be reunited; Taiwan can at last rejoin the Motherland; in western Asia, Israel is forced make peace with the native peoples whose lands it stole and renamed Palestine.
Then the USA’s vassals in North-West Eurasia can turn their backs on the cold and empty grey Ocean, with its clouds, wind and rain, and face where its capitals, Reykjavik, Dublin, London already face – eastwards – towards the sunrise, homewards, to their origins in Eurasia, the Heartland of Sovereign Nations. The tyrannical and parasitical constructs of the EU and the UK, imposed by hated and alien Establishment elites, can tumble away into the past, unneeded and unloved. Just like the Ukraine, the Baltic States too will dissolve after their liberation from their Fascistic regimes.
Afro-Eurasia is seven-eighths of humanity, led industrially and economically by China and India, ideologically and militarily by Russia, together with the huge human and resource potential of Africa, once its infrastructure has been created.
Oceania, perhaps to be renamed Polynesia, the Many Islands, with its central island still called by the alien Latin name of ‘Australia’, but to be renamed perhaps ‘The Great Island’, can rediscover its original East Asian identity.
Finally, this will leave Canada and the USA to dissolve themselves into a series of First Nations, in which their original native peoples can play a new and important role, the old centralisation gone. It will be long before they will be able to prosper again, as they are much burdened by the debts of militaristic imperialism, but the potential for some modest recovery in the future is there.
As for the ‘international’ institutions, which have never been international at all, the US-run financial institutions of the IMF and the World Bank could probably simply be closed down. They are just like its European political and economic wing, called the EU, currently being bankrupted by its suicidal leaders, and its European military wing called NATO, currently being wiped out in the Ukraine.
The US vassal, the so-called UN, will be renamed and removed to the centre of the world, away from its primitive edge in North America. Perhaps some name like ‘The Alliance of the Peoples’ (AP) would be suitable? Perhaps to just outside Ekaterinburg, on the very frontier of the Heartland of Europe and Asia? Or perhaps to that centre of Ancient Civilisation, Tehran, nearer the centre of Afro-Eurasia?
Conclusion: The Long, Long March to Freedom
We are living through the end of that old Westocentric world and seeing the birth of the new multicentric world. This is the world which would have existed all along, had it not been for the deviant millennial Western interruption of history. The West is going to pick up history where it left off, or rather, from where it was forced to deviate all those centuries ago. As Michael Hudson wrote above: ‘Medieval Europe’s analogue to America’s New Cold War against China and Russia was the Great Schism in 1054’. As we advance towards 2054, the West is going to be forced to liberate itself from the millennial burden of its past.
Others too will learn to understand that Russia’s SMO was an operation to free a country from its occupation by the neo-feudal US-ified elite. The latter illegally overthrew the Ukraine’s democratically-elected government in 2014, which is the date when this World War III, due to last one decade, began. But the same is true of all Western Europe, it too has been occupied. Only it has been occupied by its own feudal elite since at least 1054, when that new elite imposed a new mentality and then manipulated the peoples, disenfranchising them into serfs, plebs and villeins. The liberation of the Ukraine is going to make Western peoples outside the USA think: ‘Are we not also vassals of the elites, manipulated by them? Let us be free and be who we should be, who we really are, before the elites captured us. Let us throw off the chains of serfdom to the elites. Let us be free, as long before’. This is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.
Let me quote again. This time not from the brilliant economist Michael Hudson, but from the former President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, who today wrote these words of truth:
Against us today is part of a dying world. This is a bunch of crazy Nazi drug-addicts, people zombified and intimidated by them and a large pack of barking dogs from the Western kennels
With them is a motley herd of grunting swine and narrow-minded bourgeois of the collapsed Western Empire, the saliva flowing down their chins from degeneration. They have no faith and ideals, except for the obscene customs invented by them and the standards of doublethink implanted by them, denying the morality bestowed on normal people. Therefore, having risen up against them, we have acquired a sacred power…
Why were we silent for so long? We were weak, devastated by the bad times. And now we have shaken off that glue-like sleep and the dreary haze of the last few decades, into which the death of the former Fatherland plunged us. Other countries were waiting for our awakening, violated by the lords of darkness, slaveowners and oppressors, who dream of their monstrous colonial past and yearn to maintain their power over the world. Many countries have not believed their nonsense for a long time, but are still frightened of them. Soon they will be wide awake. And when the rotten world order collapses, it will bury all its arrogant high priests, bloodthirsty followers, mocking servants and mute zombies under a multi-ton pile of its debris.
What are our weapons? Our weapons are varied. We have the opportunity to send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna, but that is not our task. We listen to the words of the Creator in our hearts and obey them. These words give us a sacred purpose. The goal is to stop the supreme ruler of hell, no matter the name he uses ….For his goal is death. Our goal is life. His weapon is an intricate lie. And our weapons are Truth. That is why our cause is right. That is why victory will be ours!’
Thank you Batiushka for your writing and faith which gives me hope. God bless you.
Hope may depend on where you reside. There is talk about the great cleaving, with the rest of the world distancing itself from the US. It looks more to me like the US is getting ahead of this and staking out it’s slice of the pie.
Russia says it wants to demilitarize Ukraine. The actions of the US appear to be to demilitarize Europe by sending equipment and ammo to Ukraine to be destroyed. In addition, the US appears to be intentionally destroying production capacity and the economies of Europe.
To me it seems the US is making it’s carve out of what it expects to control, making its own slice of the world pie. Once production competitiveness and military is destroyed, Europe will be largely dependent on the US for trade and protection.
I do not see the US being able to retain the Asian periphery of the western world consisting of Taiwan, S Korea and Japan. Modern weapons make any attempt to save these impossible.
What we are left with is a US led common market consisting of the US, Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia. The question of Israel is shaky. Turkey to me looks like the meat in a Russian sandwich. Caught between Russia, Iran and Syria. One thing Russia has shown the world is that the US is a lotta talk but will not protect you. Therefore, I do not see Turkey in the US common market.
I believe the opposite, defanged and minus any measurable economy, Europe will surely turn to the new economic powerhouse rising in the East while mending fences with Russia in the process. This is especially likely after European citizens realize it was the U.S. that led them to their dead end. Once this en masse realization occurs, Europe’s traitorous “rulers” will likely be Ceaușescu’d. It matters not what the U.S. plans are, especially at this point when the country of my birth/residence is clearly sliding off a cliff and all by its own doing.
I second David’s comment, well done Batiushka.
It would be nice if we could stop referring to these oligarchic cabalistic criminals as “elites.” I know, it’s just a word, shorthand at that, but still…
Too easy; they are System Pigs (thanks, Gonzalo) like the Apartheid Occupation of Palestine, untill the masses call them what they are, they will continue to hide in the dark crevices.
Lexicon changes with time, new words, more conveying of form appear.
Cheers M
At the end of the article, Batiushka says “That is why victory will be ours”. Victory will NOT be ours. As long as mankind lives in ignorance, the means of production will remain in the hands of the few. Mankind kind has had tens of thousands of years on this planet to live in peace, abundance, freedom. But it never has. There has NEVER been a period of time without war.
The ease with which the owners/rulers of the world installed Medical Tyranny 3 years ago and the ease with which the owners/rulers of the have convinced many parents that mutilation of children’s sexual organs is a good thing shows me that we live in very dark times. There is no evidence that the world population is waking up. On the contrary, the world population has become infantilized.
Batiushka says “The Great Cleansing of Russia has just begun, the oligarch class will have to go”. As long as there is an oligarch class in Russia, Russia will not be cleansed. I predict that even when the multipolar world comes into existence, the oligarch class in Russia will remain. Ask yourself why do the Russian people put up with the existence of oligarchs?
To rely on politicians (of any country) to liberate mankind is childish. Revolution is the opiate of intellectuals.
Unfortunately I reckon you are correct.
I agree with you Anton, but I would go further. Some folks have estimated global human population at 10,000 about 70,000 years ago, and now it is approaching 10,000 million, though I doubt it will actually reach that level. All sorts of good fortune allowed us to get to such high levels of population, but by far the most important now are oil, gas and coal. Sometime this century, I believe sooner rather than later, we will be producing zero oil, gas or coal. There will be plenty left in the ground and that is where it will stay. Talk of a new renaissance – I don’t see how that is possible in a world of decreasing and eventually no fossil fuels. Looks to me like the Powers That Be are aware of this and making plans accordingly.
The age of reason starts at seven, but the law of sustainable numbers ends at eight.
That 10,000 number is very small for a global population and very interesting. I believe it was derived by researchers who were stunned to learn homo sapiens suffered a near-extinction event about 70K years ago, leaving only that number of us alive. The basis for that theory is they claim all of us living today can be genetically traced to those 10,000.
The world supported around 750 million people in 1750, prior to widespread use of fossil fuels, but this required extensive deforestation and mass extinctions. I will tell you a secret most biologists have forgotten. How many people could truly live in harmony with the planet if there was a great reset of the world back to 70,000 years ago? Maximum sustainable global population of a new omnivore species (humans or bears, makes no difference) in the 50 – 100 kg range without destroying ecosystems has been estimated at 50 million. This is an order of magnitude less than the Georgia Guidestones, which only imagined a great reset to a new age of feudalism. Getting back to ‘the garden’ would require a greater than 99% population reduction. This is the physical reality of our planet, and no political, economic, or social system can change it. Our rulers are sociopaths, but at least some of them understand this. In retrospect the main difference between Neanderthals and modern humans is that Neanderthals were sane. They lived circa 300,000 years in Eurasia without damaging the world. Modern humans always want MORE, that is our curse, permanent discontent.
You have put this aptly. Just because our ideal is to think reform for the benefit of mankind is possible does not make it so. Look at history. There has been one empire after another, with the wealthy and powerful crushed only to have another group take control. What is to replace capitalism? Call it anything you like, but the realty is people like money, there will always be elites that rise to power. Disguise it as helping the people, say, China’s system, but in reality isn’t there a group (of rulers) that are making decisions for the people? While people have risen out of poverty there, have they not lost some of their freedoms? Russia, China, India seem to be the real powers right now. Do you think their multi polar vision will end there? Greed and power have been around forever and I just don’t see that changing to selflessness for the benefit of people.
I posted an article earlier today stating pretty much what you have just said, that this piece by Batiushka is mostly idealistic claptrap and for pretty much the same reasons as you cite. With the fall of the West we will not be ushering in some grand Utopian future. Human nature and history dictate that all that will change will be the names of those at the top of the pyramid. My article was deleted. I suppose the term “claptrap” was just too much for some.
Agree Anton! China (for one) treats her own people as badly as any western dystopia. India and Brazil are famous for extreme inequality and corruption, which is cultural in both locations and intrinsic to those civilisations. Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses. Humanity has one champion, Jesus Christ. Spiritual rebirth is the only hope of humanity, and common Russians are leading the way. Praise God for that.
The Orthodox saints all fought to win one fight: the subjugation of their own hearts to God. Even Satan had no power in the garden of Eden over Adam and Eve. It was their own sin that resulted in their expulsion from Eden.
The Orthodox countries are faring a little better than average in these times, but check out the abortion rates, acceptance of sexual perversions, etc. around the world to grasp how far humanity has sunk.
If we humans do not master our own hearts, conquering an external force means only a little. The evil embodied by that force will simply migrate to the next power.
Hard times are purifying, however, so perhaps humanity will return, in some degree, to the truth.
Some say that the “original sin” of Adam and Eve was their sexuality. So that ‘sexual perversions’ become targets of power. Simply stated, having lots of people is in the interest of both the State and the Church, and in modern times, of Corporations.
When a sinner rejects the breeding program of most humanity, that is effectively a sin against established order. In some cases, this is a prenatal confusion and the results are “two-spirt” people, neither traditional man or woman but something else. There are also lots of people who at a young age see the precarity and suffering offered by the world and essentially opt out by choosing to not breed.
Thus, sexuality and sexual ‘perversions’ are not simple matters of Good and Bad.
I have read many ideas along the lines you mention over the years. Sexuality is always an attention grabber, but it is only tangential to what I was trying to say.
Put simply, the whole drama of life here on earth is about man’s rebellion against God. I’m sure the Saker could give a more erudite discussion of this topic as he has studied theology, but I can provide some insight from my own understanding.
God, having created the universe, us, and nature itself, gave commandments for humans to live in harmony with Him in His creation. Just as there is a law of gravity, there are laws for human life. We humans, however, often choose to not live in accord with Divine nature. This rebellion leads to pain, misery, and suffering. We can choose to defy God’s natural laws, but we cannot change them. If we defy them, we suffer the consequences just as a person jumping out of a window breaks a leg or dies.
The Tower of Babel is a great story that many people look at almost whimsically. How silly and primitive of those people to try and build a tower higher than God. But it is a clear example of trying to invert reality by putting man above God.
The entire globalist endeavor is simply the latest organized effort to get God out of the way and install man as the ultimate boss. Genetic engineering is one of their tools: their idea is “Who needs God, we can make and control life!” It is simply a modern Tower of Babel.
Because they are rebelling against God, they certainly see no reason to go along with any of His commandments. This means, for example, they are against holding life as sacred, so they push abortion and euthanasia. They certainly don’t want any rules about sexual behavior so they actively push every type of sexual deviance, including, more and more openly, pedophilia. Watch what happens to any country that tries to maintain their religious values.
I do not know Putin personally, so I really have no idea what actually motivates him. That’s really between him and God. But publicly, he stands against all the globalist goals like eugenics and the attack on Christian values. This puts him in direct opposition to the globalists, and is why many people like the author of the above article place great hope in Putin and his efforts.
The point of my post above is simply that the world will not change substantially for the better unless we humans begin to live in harmony with God’s laws and stop rebelling against His Divine nature. Wars alone do not bring peace or happiness.
Live in peace, for it is impossible to live in harmony.
I haven’t been very impressed with Batiushka’s work up until now, but this is very, very good. Perceptive, eloquent, and impassioned.
Ah such eunoia, this is so very beautifully written. The last three paragraphs were so eloquent and artful I had to reread them a couple of times, thank you for the smile :)
I have an earnest prayer for many good things to come!
Loka Samastass Sukino Bhavantu
Wonderful and full of messages we all need to keep us going (even those of us not following the religious path!)
By the treaty of Tordesillas Spain limited from the Philippines to Brazil, the Pacific sea was Spanish sea, the Atlantic was Portuguese sea. Australia is named in honor of the spanish Austrian dynasty.
“Australia is named in honor of the spanish Austrian dynasty.”
Ah, no! Australia from Latin Terra Australis (16c.), from australis “southern”
I read the whole article twice and I still do not know why Batiushka mentioned the date 5 May 2024. What will it happen this day ?
I agree more or less, perhaps a little humility would have helped the dough rise. It is a jest but without it all is hubris. The author dispatches empires and on the very ruins a desire to build his own.
What a powerful article Batiushka. Yours are the words of a true believer and certainly inspired from above. I fully subscribe to your statement that God is truth. The sufis have often called themselves “seekers after truth” because truth is the essence of God.
Observing people is often perplexing and sometimes very interesting. I remember one case where an American friend, a disciple of CNN, came to spend a few days and at the first dinner quickly and proudly challenged me (he was salivating at the mouth, but not from the food) by announcing that Assad had used chemical weapons, the proofs were irrefutable, Russia was part of that… He was looking at me for an admission of some sort, a feeling of guilt maybe? I calmly replied that terrorists did that, with help and support from the “West”, and there terrorists were USA agents. He was laughing loud and nervously but I asked him to wait for the next morning where I would provide the evidence.
I got up early as usual and prepared a file: a summary of events from reliable sources and the cherry on the cake: an interview with none other that VVP. As you know VVP is a model of knowledge, wisdom, conceptual thinking, logic and plain common sense. My friend never heard Vladimir and was watching every word like a hawk for any fault or weakness. The package acted like a punch on his nose.
My friend started to walk back and forth in the room, shaking his head, repeating: “I really have to think, I really have to think”. He ruminated this for one full day and next morning he announced: I thought about this and decided that I prefer my illusions.
I produced this story Batiushka because is reflects the state of mind of a surprizing number of people of the “West”. I could produce dozens of sad stories like that. If truth is God, lie is evil, like darkness is the absence of light. In my view that is the reason for our poor state of affairs.
Thank you. I have made a note of the appointment. I begin to prepare my pilgrimage to Russia for the fall of 2024. I will go from Saur Moghila, to what used to be Stalingrad and to what used to be Leningrad. I will pray in all the places along the way that Providence will show me.
A very eloquent and poetic article. All empires eventually fall and come to pass. Enter Russia who has completely shattered the foundations of the old world order and reintroduced a sense of balance to the world. An event many people living under tyranny and subjugation were anxiously awaiting. Regarding how much longer the conflict in Ukraine will last, at this point in my opinion it is irrelevant because every day that passes Russia continues to drain the empire both militarily and financially. Having said that the most pertinent issue is of course the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The sooner all of Ukraine is liberated the faster the Ukrainians can all be free to be able to improve their lives and no longer live in fear. The delicate balancing act for Russia is to avoid as many civilian casualties while at the same time avoiding massive damage to civilian infrastructure. Russia for example is targeting energy infrastructure but not obliterating it. Just temporarily disrupting it. This is why people get frustrated at Russia’s calculated, disciplined restraint. They are inpatient and don’t realize this is approach is the only way for Russia to achieve absolute victory.
God love ye, Batiushka, I do not share your optimism about “After the Victory”. Skipping past how awful it will be Before the Victory, please consider what history shows us happens when empires collapse. When I say “empires” I am not just talking about big global players. Let’s take Yugoslavia after Tito, for example. Yeah, you can say “It was always an artificial country” but that’s a copout. Most countries and all empires are artificial in that sense. When the binding force no longer holds the satellites in an orderly pattern there is a period of reorganization that looks and feels like chaos until equilibrium is restored.
In a famous bard’s words, it’s a hard rain a-gonna fall. With luck and a sprinkling of divine intervention we will come out better on the other end. Believing that didn’t make it much easier for folks to freeze and starve in Stalingrad. So while we pray for a great macro outcome let’s not forget to pray for the little people who will suffer for that outcome.
God helps you pull the cart once you yourself harness up and reach exhaustion trying to pull it.
The farmer was at peace in his cottage being swept by storm winds when he said to himself, “What can I do about this? Nothing. So I’ll just think on God and take consolation from that thought.”
One ray of hope is how countries like China and India who were swayed by the western neoliberal development model have in the recent past started to move back to a more government led nationalistic society led development model – That has also resulted in widespread crackdown on oligarchs and billionaire business men who have been crushed and put in place – Maybe that’s something Russia might be thinking about
You mention something which in my opinion has been pivotal. India and China’s stance since the very beginning of Russia’s SMO has been crucial. China’s position was predictable but India who was under extreme pressure from the U.S. and all of Europe to succumb and turn their backs on Russia remained loyal and kept a neutral stance.
Putin did just that some years ago. Now it’s the turn of Americans to do it to their oligarchs, Europeans theirs, and Latin Americans theirs. Russia is a cynosure because Putin brought Russia’s oligarchs to heel. It’s one reason he is so popular with voters. No one likes an oligarch. They have money and think that it entitles them to have everything. It’s a degenerate idea.
How did he do that?
Right after the last time Putin got reelected, he was at the height of his popularity. He could have expropriated the oligarchs wealth and distributed it equally to the middle and lower class Russians. Instead, he reduced pensions.
Right. Bolshevik style “expropriations”. That went really superbly the last time we tried that… Brilliant!
With Kordokovsky and others years ago he told them to stay out of politics …or else. Kordokovsky ignored him and paid the price.
Wise, poetic and touching words <3
Bit of a boo-boo including the UN in the demonology. Russia and China are committed to supporting the UN (although not as it currently exists, dominated by US and proxies), and the rule of international law. This sort of mistake reminds me that growing up in the US inevitably means you absorb some of its pro-selfishness and pro-individualist but anti-socialist and anti-communitarian propaganda. Not he sort of mistake one would make growing up in Russia.
Unfortunately it is too late to negotiate. Far too many people have died, inflation will continue. Debt crisis will not be solved, and bankruptcy is neigh.
There is nothing but death for the west.
Batiushka, your and Hudson’s historiography in re 1054 is accurate in spirit and hyperbolic in specifics. To wit:
1- America is not an enslaving hegemon. American oligarchs are hegemons, just like most oligarchs. Certain groups who nurse ambitions for self-aggrandizement — formerly for industrial and trade monopoly, currently for monopoly on land and other wealth ownership — and scheme successfully to lay hands on powers of American and other governments are enslavers, hegemons (cf. those who conducted The Highland Clearances). The former were Episcopalian and Presbyterian Republican academics, food processors, heavy industry developers, and financial speculators (bankers). The current are Ashkenazy Jewish Democrat academics, social media techies, “wealth” managers, biochemists, and financial speculators (bankers). Between then and now two types of oligarch match: academics and bankers. That right there is a significant specific. Know your enemy.
2- The schism of 1054 was a tango. It takes two to make a mess and more than two to build a state. That said, both were degenerate Christians. Today, however, the comparable mess is made by degenerate Christians and degenerate Jews, Ashkenazy varieties, who, with respect to positions of influence in Washington D.C. and academe around the country, significantly outnumber degenerate Christians. Where the schism of 1054 is primarily of Roman Christian making, the schism of 1991, with which we all suffer, is primarily of Ashkenazy Jewish making (the infamous Neocons). That right there is another significant specific. Again, know your enemy.
3- You and Hudson are right about the pain-causers being oligarchs and degenerates. Again, know your enemy.
4- In re 1054, note please that it was the Bishop of Rome who excommunicated the Orthodox Christian Church — as if that can be done!!! — not the Bishop of Tours, not the Bishop of Milan, not the Bishop of Saragossa.
Overall, I recommend simply declaring the 1054 schism mutual stupidity stupidity and on that account null and void. Who’s to say that cannot be done? I just did it. It makes life a lot easier. No more waiting for a great wrong to be righted. Just call it a wrong — a mutual wrong — and carry on with a smile for what needs doing right now, today.
Such as, laying moral, intellectual, and institutional ground for what needs building *after* American and other oligarchs are brought to heel. Get an early jump on it, we can if we set our minds and hearts to it.
It strikes me that President Putin operates in this frame of reference as the prius of statecraft. With it he can make light where that is helpful, and heavy where that is, in consequence.
It’s perfectly understandable that Russians think the US Financial/Military Power has centered all it’s power against Russia.
But looking at it a bit closer, we see The US Hegemon is using a hammer hedge between Russia and EU/China trade policies As Dr.Hudson, rightly pointed out, Russia has been forced into becoming more independent by growing its own crops, and by trading more of its own immense mineral resources with non-Western Nations.
Their rabid US Neo-cons, like Victoria Nuland and Robert Khagan are using Ukraine as a means of increasing military armament against Russia.
Think of the US Financial/Military Hegemon as a huge, deadly spider with enormous legs that can extend its poisonous control in the UK/EU and in Africa, Latin America, and in parts of the M.E.
It’s the Financial Elites in the US/the UK/ Eu who are in control. Their first step is to destroy EU/UK industry, trade, public institutions; enabling them to cut millions of jobs and to replace those remnants with Privatized stores, businesses, privatized roads, hospitals, and universities…..It’s ALL about the never-ending thirst for More Power and MORE Money.
I’m sorry, I din’t manage to finish the article, I found it superficial and dumb.
There is no Europeans, The EUrope is an Anglo-Saxon fiction that the vassal Elites have been trying to hammer in for the last 20-30 years, while destroying their nations. Don’t confuse selfdestruction for lack of agency.
Perfidious Albion goes scot free. Their not European, that is just for the suckers at the world island.
My appoligies, wrong posting … please remove or ignore.
Not everyone, perhaps not most, who logs into this site and posts is a Christian. As a Christian, however, I must see this struggle, which is the tension between the hamartia (the Fall) and the catharsis (Christ’s passion), in the context of the theological understanding of “Deo vindice,” “by God having already been vindicated.” The victory has been won by Christ on the Cross, and the victory is His alone; it does not belong to any state, nation or people. Those of us who align ourselves with Christ get the opportunity to suffer as martyrs of the Faith from time to time as things unfold, or we get the opportunity, rare in the struggle, to be in a battle which is won. I am hoping to be living in a time that a battle, carried forward by the Russian people, can be won. The victory, won by Christ two-thousand years ago, will, however, not be made fully manifest until His Second Advent, when all things in Him will be made new. Until then, we must endure the ebb and flow recorded as “history.” Several years ago, the Saker wrote about the Russian movie “The White Tiger.” I have viewed it numerous times since then. The metaphysical message is clear: there is good and evil, and from time to time, good can prevail as it did when the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany; yet, at the end of the film, it was made obvious that the evil would rise again, when in the distance the astute viewed saw the exhaust puffs of the White Tiger even as a transient peace fell on Europe. So it will be if Russia can prevail: there will be a time of relative peace, but it will not end the cycle until the Prince of Peace rules.
Brilliant…it must be must be read….
Borrell’s less than subliminal esoteric metaphor ‘garden v jungle’ doesn’t pull their masks further down, it rips them off. The big game-hunters are now there for the taking.
Maybe we need Vlad to soften them up a tad more before the People’s Purge of 2024.
Many won’t make it though!
Expreso mi disconformidad con el trato despectivo que usted da a la conquista española que dio lugar lugar a la Hispanidad de nuestros Reyes Católicos su Majestad la reina Isabel y el rey Fernando que consideraron a los indios con los mismos derechos que los españoles y para que no hubiera abusos promulgaron la Ley de Indias que prohibía la esclavitud, los pueblos americanos nunca fueron colonias del Imperio Español fueron provincias y formaron virreinatos a diferencia del colonialismo inglés y francés que permitieron la esclavitud.
Small comment for the naysayers. In 1941 my father was a 6 year old boy, standing on the side of the road and watching Wehrmacht solders marching in south-east direction. They were all in brand new uniforms, caring weapons that no one has ever seen before, with the steel gaze in there eyes. Most of common folks thought that they are unstoppable. In 1944 he witnessed the same army walking in north-west direction in disorder, with dirty ripped uniforms, many of them bandaged and with fear and dispare in there eyes. One of them walked into the house and through the helmet and his weapon under the bed asking for bit of food. His was repeating one sentence ‘Russians are coming’ and pointing to the east with his finger. And, although the same army just 2 years earlier shot 100 male civilians, including 16 year old boys, for every 1 killed solder and 50 for every wounded (this order was personally signed by Hitler) , in several towns of Serbia, he was given food and civilian close. Stayed with my family until Red Army arrived. As they say, the rest is history.
Excellent article by Batiushka. We are living through a 1000 year change, for the better. Justice in the air.
I’m not sure if the battle really is between USA and Russia, you have perfidious albion hyper active ATM.
I also seem to remember Putin having mentioned that the main enemy is the UK. There is something nasty that has resided in the City of London for close to 1000 years.
The economist Dr. Michael Hudson does a good job in honestly describing what is going on between Russia & China/BRICs versus:
“Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his State Department spokesmen have explained that Ukraine is just the opening arena in a much broader dynamic that is splitting the world into two opposing sets of economic alliances. This global fracture promises to be a ten- or twenty-year struggle to determine whether the world economy will be a unipolar U.S.-centered dollarized economy, or a multipolar, multi-currency world centered on the Eurasian heartland with mixed public/private economies.”
The prime culprit is the US Financial $$$ System that is using every trick in the book to keep EU countries away from Russia trade along with the whole of Eurasia, Latin America, parts of Africa/The Middle East.
Well, it sounds nice and I pray that ultimately we defeat evil, at least this iteration.
But I wonder where all the billionaires, the “elites” pulling the strings, will go when the US hegemony is ended? Do we think they’ll just say, “Well, it was fun while it lasted. I guess we’ll just stop trying to manipulate governments for our financial benefit.” I doubt it.
Right now Russia and China are run by strong, patriotic leaders who clearly love their respective countries and cultures. But Xi and Putin won’t live forever. There will always be people scheming for more money and power. The WEF will just relocate to Abu Dhabi or Singapore. Soros will buy off new politicians. Bill Gates will continue releasing viruses to depopulate the world.
It just seems rather naive to believe that if the US is removed from the scene then everything will just be hunky-dory. Evil is not restricted to the US/EU, it has no problem traveling anywhere.
Batiushka —
Some months ago, you wrote a piece celebrating the saints, miracles, and sacred sites of Europe, and calling on people of the West to reclaim and take inspiration from their own Christian heritage. You cited many specific examples; it was like a long, beautiful litany of praise to holy men and women of the past, in the West itself.
I have spent HOURS trying to find that article. Apparently I did not personally bookmark it. The search engine here on the site did not yield it, neither did a general internet search engine.
That article really moved me, and I would be ever so grateful to find it. Could you please help me out and share with me a link to that article?
Mr. Batiushka: Outstanding!
Putyin’s Presidency marks the beginning of the end of Satan’s rule of Hell on Earth.
where is the post?
Got it. New comments are at the end.
But how to explain the nearly universal adoption of
— the covid vaxx
— the global warming hoax
— digital money w its ominous destruction of freedom
All 3 of these adopted exactly as if there were some supra-State entity that compels the abandon of individual freedom. Difficult to explain this within the confines of a bilateral struggle between States.
That’s because there is a global deep state that runs everything. It’s all lock step. And the evil succeeds only because the vast majority of people are weak, stupid and lazy. In every country. Here in the USA, 2/3rds of the population foolishly took the deadly clot shots for a disease with a 99.9%+ survival rate. Nothing will change until people wake up en masse and stand up for their rights. Forcefully, not just complaining and standing in the streets “protesting”. The globalists laugh at that. There is no fear in them, no fear of the teeming masses.
Sorry, but this all sounds like pie-in-the-sky woo-woo to me. As if suddenly people all across the world are going to join hands and sing kumbayah. It reads like a 1960’s Coca-Cola commercial – “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony – grow apple trees and honey bees and snow white turtle doves…”
Bottom line, humans are a pathetic species. Always have been, always will be. There will always be a large segment who lust for power and money and an even greater segment who will always follow orders and be obedient sheep. This is how it has been for well over 6,000 years and it’s only gotten worse, not better.
Yes, the USA needs to be cleaned out and taken back to its original glory and goodness. Yes, Europe needs to be free of NATO. Yes, Russia needs to stand up against the globalists. But this kumbayah stuff you’re predicting or hoping for? NEVER gonna happen.