Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor


On June 25, Vladimir Putin signed a decree giving a green light to the creation of a new military innovative Technopolis in Anapa.

(Anapa is a resort town on the Black Sea coast. S.H.)

The object has been dubbed the “Era.” What kind of era awaits Russian military technology in the near future? A conversation on this topic might be interesting.


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On June 25, Vladimir Putin signed a decree giving a green light to the creation of a new military innovative Technopolis in Anapa.

(Anapa is a resort town on the Black Sea coast. S.H.)

The object has been dubbed the “Era.” What kind of era awaits Russian military technology in the near future? A conversation on this topic might be interesting.

In Stanisław Lem’s remarkable novel “Peace on Earth,” the main character reads a book titled “The tendency of unhumanization in 21st century weapon systems, or  Evolution upside down.” It is about a phenomenon that for Lem’s character was a work of the past, and for us – has yet to come.

Here’s a short quote for you:

“Intellectronics produced microcomputers as cheap as grass,  and neuroentomology finally solved the riddle of social insects who live and work together, communicating in their own language, even so bees, for example, have a nervous system 380,000 times smaller than a human brain.

The intelligence of a bee is quite sufficient for a foot soldier, as military prowess and intelligence are two different things, at least on the battlefield.

The major factor in the push for miniaturization was an atom bomb.”


We, living in the twenty first century, have not yet had a chance to observe success of intellectronica and neuroentomology . Moreover, even in the most advanced areas of science – like robotics – the military has yet to make some success in shifting the burden of warfare unto machines. Earlier, domestic media reported on problems discovered during battle testing of new Russian anti-tank robot Uranus-9 in Syria. Military experts have found flaws and deficiencies with systems of mobility, firepower, command, supervisory and intelligence functions of this combat robot. In addition, in a state of autonomous movement Uranus-9 revealed a low reliability of its running gear, guides and rollers, as well as suspension springs. The robot also showed unstable operation of its 30-mm automatic gun, untimely fire triggering circuits and failure of the thermal optical sight station. In addition, military experts believe that inability to fire in motion to be the U-9 great disadvantage. As follows from the materials, the robot is capable to conduct reconnaissance and determine targets at a distance of not more than two kilometers. In addition, there are questions concerning vision, surveillance devices and operator’s screens.

With so many problems here, no one is even talking about some kind of miniature weapons. Take drones, for example. They are not yet so tiny as to escape from air defense and to be stealth, like bees.

If you’re still listening at this point, you may be wondering what Russia’s new military innovative Technopolis Era have to do with it?

The answer: If you bring up the text of the Presidential decree to create this project, you can find the following paragraph:

“To entrust the general management of the Technopolis research projects to the president of the federal state budgetary institution the national research centerKurchatov Institute.

In case you forgot, Kurchatov Institute’s main specialty is physics.

It’s key objectives and sphere of research today are the development of safe nuclear power, controlled thermonuclear fusion and plasma processes, nuclear physics of low and mean field energies, solid state physics and superconductivity, and meson chemistry. Kurchatov Institute carries fundamental and applied research in other fields, like in  element base of quantum informatics and microelectronics. Physics, however, is still a priority for them.

And it’s under the leadership of the head of such powerful scientific institution that the young minds will be working in the field of military technologies.

Maybe Lem was wrong, at least with regard to our country, and the Ministry of Defense sees the prospects for new weapons development not in miniature robots that can burrow down into earth to wait out a nuclear explosion?

What if it was another writer who said it right, our compatriot Mikhail Yuriev. He created a very controversial novel “The Third Empire” where he stated that Russia defeated the USA with the help of and energy field. Here’s what he wrote:

“… The mechanism of action of this Russian miracle-shield is unknown even now, more than thirty years later.

That is to say that our scientists have long understood that the general principle of its work is a generation of a field related to so-called weak field, which changes certain parameters inside the atomic nuclei and therefore makes radioactive elements completely stable (albeit, only while the generator is running).

Accordingly, plutonium or uranium while inside this field cannot undergo a radioactive decay, and, in particularly, an explosion.”


I am not a physicist, and I cannot say whether the effect described by Yuriev is possible. However, even if I were a physicist, it’s not a fact that I would be able to tell. Still, there is a certain paradigm among our scientific community, the consistency of opinions when it comes to important fundamental issues. It is often possible to discover something new only by being outside of this paradigm, without being constrained by its framework. Maybe this is the purpose of creating a military Technopolis “Era”? To get together young people who are able to look at some important issues without some kind of horse blinders on their eyes and to brainstorm some revolutionary scientific ideas.

What do you think?

We still do not know who and how created the strategic missile system Avangard reported by President Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly on March 1st. It will probably take us next 50 years to find out. Since the military-political leadership of Russia is creating a new Technopolis, it means that it holds certain hopes. Hopes that are clearly not tactical, but of far-reaching strategic nature. At this moment, the United States can no longer afford an attack on our country that would be successful, and would not end in mutually assured destruction, but it is necessary to maintain our advantage in the future.

That’s why we need projects like the Era.

Who knows what the President of our country feels signing decrees for creation of this and similar technopolises? Maybe, as a character from one of the brothers Strugatskys’ novels, who gathered together scientists on some hostile planet, so they could forge a better future for themselves and their compatriots?

“And in almost every room, office or a lab were pictures of the Time Wanderer: on desks, beside tables and charts, on the wall between windows, above the doors, sometimes lying under the glass covering a desk.

These were amateur photographs, drawings in pencil or charcoal, one portrait was even painted with oil paint.

Here you can see the Wanderer, playing with a ball, Wanderer, giving a lecture, the Wanderer, chewing an apple, a Wanderer brooding, tired, angry, and even Wanderer bursting into  laugher.

These s.o.b.s even drew cartoons of him and hung them in the most prominent places!

The prosecutor demonstrated as he entered the office of the junior counselor of justice and found a caricature of himself.

It was unimaginable, impossible!”


Does Putin look like a “progressor” dispatched to us from a more developed civilization? Such a progressor who thinks that we should reach the new heights all by ourselves. The way a snail climbs mount Fuji slope. First, we got new weapons that protect us from attempts to “democratize” us, then –we will develop other sources of energy, then – a better social system. Every time I hear about creation in our country of a new point of growth like this Technopolis, I recall Putin’s words “everything is going to be fine.”

How does he know?

I know what you are going to say now: he has Yumashev, as his adviser, and Medvedev for a prime minister.

(A little known fact that Yumashev was the one who persuaded Yeltsin to step down. S.H.)

Yeah, I don’t really like it, either.

Many didn’t like Serdyukov, but the new army is here, fortifying Crimea and Kaliningrad, finishing off the bearded bustards in Syria.

It’s the vector of movement which is important.

And, if it will become unacceptable for us, we will correct it.


Scott Humor,

the Director of Research and Development

My research of the war on Donbass is available at the book store

The War on Donbass, which is called by the Western politicians and media the “Russian aggression in Ukraine” was a staged psyop.

My illustrated investigation titled Pokémon in Ukraine reveals how this psyop was staged, by whom and why.