By Rostislav Ishchenko
Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard
cross posted with


The Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán never distinguished himself in diplomacy. He always directly said what he thinks, which put his European colleagues – who got used to saying one thing, thinking another thing, and doing something completely different – in an uncomfortable position.

And now they (Europeans) passed a resolution through European Parliament with the demand to take disciplinary measures towards Hungary for his dislike to migrants. Orbán from the tribune of the European Parliament stated to the accusers of his country that he won’t allow any pro-migrant forces to blackmail Hungary, and also accused deputies of being biased and manipulating the facts.

Frankly speaking, I don’t really understand what the EU wants to obtain from Hungary. Of course, it is clear to me that places in European Parliament and in the bureaucratic structures of the EU are mainly distributed between politician-globalists who don’t represent anybody other than themselves and try to herd mankind into happiness via a “bayonet” (i.e., via sanctions). In the past these politicians were called pro-American, but now, when in the US there is an isolationist administration hated by both Washington and European globalists, they are already rather anti-American. They, in principle, are anti-statists. That’s why their conflict with the statists Orban and Trump isn’t surprising, as well as their hatred to the statist Putin and Russia supporting him.

It is also clear that the collection of “offences” on the account is now shown to Orban: for blocking the cooperation of Ukraine with NATO and the EU because of the language law that limits the rights of ethnic minorities. After all, it was explained to Orban in a nice way that this law is against Russians, and Hungarians as Europeans won’t be touched (almost like Crimean Tatars). For example, the Romanians are also dissatisfied, but they don’t block anything and don’t even buzz (the president just stopped to meet Poroshenko, but he did this quietly). And the Poles also somehow passed an opinion on this law, and that’s all. They catch and thrash Ukrainian gastarbeiters, remember the Volyn massacre and the Polish city of Lvov, file claims concerning the restitution of property that was taken away from them, and state that Ukraine won’t enter Europe with Bandera. But there isn’t any blockade — they understand that Kiev “is on a first line of the fight against Russian aggression”, that it “holds a shield between two hostile races”, and “saves Europe from desecration by the hordes of ugro-finno-Mongols”.

And Orban somehow behaves suspiciously in a pro-Russia way, despite the fact that Hungarians came to Pannonia from somewhere beyond the Urals. And concerning other issues he somehow doesn’t confront Moscow, preferring a pragmatic relationship, and he was the first in the EU (even before the Italians) to start demanding to lift sanctions from Russia. They hadn’t yet been firmly applied, but he wanted to lift them already.

Generally, grey European bureaucrats stockpiled a truckload of pretensions to the Hungarian charismatic leader. But it was somehow inconvenient to make pretensions to Hungary for expressing its opinion on the format of relations with Russia (in the end it didn’t block sanctions). And for Ukraine it was difficult to kick Orban. After all, he spoke out in defense of European values and defended the violated rights of European Hungarians.

But the European principle of tolerance indeed issues orders to cruelly impose punishment for public anti-migrant statements. Let Orban rejoice from the fact that, as the head of the government, he possesses diplomatic immunity, otherwise they would send him to the Hague directly from Strasbourg. There, the cells of the International Criminal Court remain vacant after the Serbians, and Bolton forbids to fill them with Americans and Israelis.

All these problems that caused the anti-Hungarian bacchanalia of euro-globalists is understandable for me. It’s just unclear if they indeed don’t see that the migrant story buries the political career of Merkel. She, via a difficult compromise with the Social Democratic Party of Germany, and not without pain, was able to keep her chancellorship (having conceded additional ministerial posts to the social democrats), and she was forced to reconcile with them controlling foreign policy. But even this unstable design is ready to collapse at any moment, because the social democrats understand that if they will go to the next elections directly from a grand coalition with Merkel, and they will thus lose them. They need to, firstly, slam the door with a scandal, and deal with elections only afterwards. And it means that they will search for a reason to hold early elections. Merkel has a split in her own CDU/CSU bloc on the basis of the non-acceptance of her policies, and it becomes more and more difficult to hide it. And all of this is because of migrants.

In Italy the forces that are rigidly blocking the entrance of migrants into the country came to power. Even when “public activists” organising the smuggling of migrants squall that people will now drown or die of hunger and overcrowding on the vessel that tries to bring them to Italy, the Roman government remains unshakable — let them float where they want, but not to Italy (even if they drown).

Macron – already slippery and constantly changing his position on any strategic issue – started to express concern about the migrant crisis. Eastern Europe doesn’t accept them initially. The migrant crisis led to an explosive growth in the popularity of radical right-nationalist parties, against the background of which the right-wing conservative “Fidesz” of Orban looks almost liberal.

Right-wing radicals – nationalists and isolationists – are already almost ready to replace liberal-globalists in European politics. By the way, they have much more in common with the traditional European partner – Trump – in comparison with the present euro-bureaucracy, which was actively playing on Clinton’s side during the American elections, hating Trump and using his reciprocity.

Every new scandal that the European liberal-globalists make vis-a-vis right-wing conservatives strengthens the positions of right-wing radicals. Moreover, it pushes conservatives towards radicalism. In fact, liberal-globalists – trying to oppose the political tendencies supported by the European people and defaming the politicians personifying these tendencies – dig a grave not only for themselves, but also for the entire European Union that they are more and more associated with.

After all, it turns out that, at the national level, the authorities elected by the people protect the state’s interests and support a pragmatic policy concerning all issues – from ways of combatting the migratory crisis, to restoring a normal relationship with Russia. But, at the level of the EU, the euro-bureaucrats that weren’t elected by anyone continue to pursue the globalist policy that destroys the national states and habitats of the European people. As a result, people easily come to the conclusion that the EU is evil trying to destroy the beneficial national state. The number of eurosceptics grows, and the EU weakens more and more and starts fragmenting.

Finally, because of this it will be bad both for Europeans and for Russia. For them – because they will lose a common economic space, a united semi-billion market, and will again face old territorial and other problems that have led Europe to bloody and long wars more than once. For Russia – because we will lose a united stable promising economic and political partner (even if it still fluctuates between Russia and the US), having received instead of it a conglomerate of unstable states on our western borders conflicting with each other, which in addition will constantly try to drag Russia into their conflicts.

But the worst fate, of course, awaits European liberal-globalists, who will lose their power, political prospects, social standing, and financial wellbeing. And all of this, without having the opportunity to reach out to Trump or Putin, is only for the sake kicking Orban at least a couple of times… But after all, European invectives for Orban are the same as a spider for an elephant. Those times when euro-bureaucracy decided the destinies of countries and presidents have passed. It is time for euro-bureaucrats to think about their future, which today looks far from brilliant.