by Israel Shamir for the Unz Review
Our grandparents faced a quandary when they had to describe some body parts or physical activity. The ‘obscene words’ remained taboo at least until D.H. Lawrence broke the prohibition in Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and the four-letter words became printable only recently. However, now we have new banned words, or words one can use only at one’s own peril.
‘The Jews’ is such a word. Speaking about the Jews is fraught with consequences. Jews do not like to be referred to, unless in extremely flattering terms. You are likely to be banned in Facebook and other social networks for referring to ‘Jews’. You can be fired. Even a hundred years ago it was a troublesome step, likely to cause social ostracism.
Therefore, there is a permanent demand for euphemisms.
- “Semite” is an early and enduring euphemism of the 19th century which is still with us thanks to “anti-Semitism”.
- *The Clergy prefer to write ‘Masons’ instead of ‘Jews’.
- ‘Khazar’ or ‘Khazarian’ is popular in the networks, thanks to Arthur Koestler, the author of The Thirteenth Tribe. He claimed modern Jews were the descendants of the Turkic Khazars who were Judaised in 12th century.
- The nickname ‘Ashkenazi’ originally referred to the Jews of Central Europe; the East European Jews of Lithuanian and Ukrainian origin gladly accepted it despite the German Jews’ objections. Nowadays it is just an euphemism for a Jew, with an extra bonus: not-very-prominent (outside trade and money) Oriental Jews will gladly join in Ashkenazi denunciation.
- ‘Zionist’ is a popular term of use and abuse, as in “Jews are fine, it is Zionists whom I dislike”.
- “Reptilian” or ‘Illuminati’ are the words used when all the rest fail.
There is one big problem with these words. They clearly show that you are afraid to write the J word. And they know how to deal with frightened persons. It is enough to murmur in response, “It’s an antisemitic slur”, and the guy will collapse in a paroxysm of denial. There is a second problem: it makes very little sense to call the Bolshevik Jews “Zionists.”
The Jews themselves have proposed a few euphemisms of their own: ‘Hebrews’ or ‘Israelites’ were the preferred ones, but they didn’t make much inroad in the English-speaking world. However, ‘Hebrews’ became the official designation of Jews in Russia, while the ‘Jews’ moniker had been outlawed, though it survived in Poland and the Ukraine.
Now the US has produced a new word: “globalists.” The Huffington Post called the tweet of Donald Trump about the dismissal of “globalist Gary Cohen” – anti-Semitic. It turns out that a “globalist” is just a Jew. For example, globalists like gefilte fish.
This neologism pleased Ann Coulter, and she amused her numerous readers with her tweets: “Paul Newman is only half globalist,” “How many globalists came under the distribution in the fight against male assault and harassment!”, “Israel is the last refuge of globalists.” These Tweets received thousands of likes and reposts, and caused an angry condemnation … of globalists.
Mahmud Abbas, the president of Palestine, created an euphemism accidentally. He called the US Ambassador to Israel a “son of a bitch”, and His Excellence Right Honourable Ambassador David Friedman said it is was an “antisemitic slur”.
A propos, the creation of euphemisms is a very Jewish way to deal with taboos. At first, the Jews banned the Name of God יהוה, and then they banned the substitute, and the substitute of the substitute, and the substitute of the substitute of the substitute. Nowadays, the religious Jews refer to ‘God’ in writing in an oblique way.
The whole of political correctness (PC) grew out of extrapolating this Jewish attitude to other groups. In the PC culture, the word ‘Negro’ was displaced by “Black”, and then by ‘black’ in low case, and then by “Afro-American”. Thus PC had created a new fence around the ban.
The idea of fences is another Jewish concept. A Jew is forbidden to pick fruit on the Sabbath. Fine! Then, the Jews created a fence around this prohibition forbidding the climbing of an apple tree on the Sabbath. The idea is: if you climb on an apple tree, you may be tempted to pick an apple. And then they built another fence, forbidding the climbing of any tree one the Sabbath. Otherwise, you’ll get used to climbing a pine on the Sabbath, and one day you’ll climb an apple tree.
PC is this additional fence. If today you refer to a black person, tomorrow you will be tempted to refer to Jews. And if you refer to Jews, perhaps you will do so in unflattering terms. The concept of micro-insults and micro-aggressions completes the fence.
And now we have a new fence: a reference to ‘bankers’, ‘moneylenders’ and even ‘globalists’ has become forbidden, as in the case of George Soros. The Hungarians referred to him as a “globalist banker” and the Jewish world rushed to his defence. Not that he is liked by his fellow Jews, he isn’t, but they have to fight the breach in the fence. You know the logic: today you call Soros ‘’a globalist’, and tomorrow you will call a Jew – a Jew.
President Putin did just that. In an interview with Megyn Kelly, he answered her question about the 13 Russians who were indicted by Mueller for alleged interference in the elections: “They do not represent the interests of the Russian state. Maybe they are not Russians, but Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews with Russian citizenship. Check it out.”
He was attacked ferociously. The leading Jewish organization ADL (Anti-Defamation League) referred to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (this is their standard response whenever a Jew is mentioned), and added, “Don’t you dare blame the Jews for interfering in American elections!”
This is especially piquant – if there is a foreign country that actively interferes in the US politics and elections, it is primarily the Jewish state and its supporters. American friends of Israel, Sheldon Adelson and Jeff Katzenberg are the largest donors; and in general Jews spent more money on presidential elections in the US than on helping needy Jews. Israeli diplomats are actively interfering in American elections at all levels, as the Jewish website Mondoweiss writes. But you can mention that only in marginal publications on the verge of a ban from Google and Twitter.
And in Israel, the energetic young MK Xenia Svetlova, (a Knesset Member for the Zionist Union), accused Putin of anti-Semitism and called upon Netanyahu to ‘protect the Jews’. It’s nothing personal – Xenia grew up in Moscow, worked for Russian TV channels, even loved Russia, but when she went into politics, she had to prove that she was not a Putin stooge. And she calls for Israeli intervention in Syria against Assad and Putin, and for the condemnation of Putin’s anti-Semitism.
The Tatars and Ukrainians did not resent Putin’s words. The Russian Jews in Russia dismissed it, too. For a good reason: the taboo on the word ‘Jew’ is not universal. It does not exist in Russia. Russia is the land of many native ethnicities, a hundred and fifty or so, from Yakut to Mordva, and people freely refer to all of them without fear. The Jews in Russia are just another ethnicity, or ethnos, or nation, one of many. ‘Russians’ in Russia connote members of Russian ethnicity, the most numerous nation of the Russian Federation, not the citizens of Russia, as you would expect.
This attitude may surprise an American, or a Frenchman. It is not totally unknown in Europe, where Walloons and Flemings populate Belgium, and Catalans and Basques live in Spain. Still, a Frenchman of Brittany or Provence is a Frenchman first, and a Breton or Provençal a distant second. In the US, ‘ethnicity’ is a domain of recent immigrants, Greeks or Poles; the Americans have race and religion as identity-forming factors.
In Russia the ethnic identity has been enforced since Stalin’s days: it was actually recorded on the ID. I explain this by Stalin’s personal perceptions: a native of Georgia, the country in Transcaucasia, he was brought up in the local tradition of ethnic awareness. For Russians proper, this ethnic identity is of little importance. They know of it, but do not consider it greatly important. That is why in modern Russia ‘ethnicity’ is not registered on the ID anymore.
Of course, Megyn Kelly, while referring to ‘Russians’ indicted by Mueller, had meant ‘citizens of Russia’, and not ‘ethnic Russians’. Me myself, like the majority of old émigrés, also refer to “Russians” meaning people in Russia or from Russia, or even people from the former Soviet Union. In Israel, every person whose origins are in the USSR is called ‘Russian’, to the chagrin of Russian Jews. They would like to be called ‘Jews’ in Israel, and ‘Russians’ in Russia, but alas, it is other way around, they are called ‘Jews’ in Russia and ‘Russians’ in Israel.
Russian ethnic nationalists of the kind embraced by my colleague Anatoly Karlin would like to keep the ethnonym ‘Russians’ just for themselves, but they are harmless, you can disregard their whines – they aren’t globalists for you.
Now, for the first time ever, the Russians are being trained to stick to American word usage. This is done by Facebook, a platform that millions of Russians use. Besides opening Russia for American business and stealing its data, Facebook is a powerful enforcer of PC in Russian minds. Whenever you refer to blacks, Jews, or even Ukrainians you risk being banned for a week or a month.
As unusual this attitude is for the Russians, they are susceptible for training, as we all are. These small punishments go a long way to bring Jewish hegemony to Russia. Beside protecting Jews, or Blacks from micro-insults, the banning of words has a powerful impact on the mind. Whoever tells you what you may or may not say, is a person of authority. This way of subduing people to your command is called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the CIA is on the forefront of using this black magic of words.
Israelis, and Jews in general do not accept these taboos. It is perfectly all right for Israelis and Jews to refer to ‘Jews’, or worse. The late Israeli MK Ze’evi, a popular right-winger minister, called Martin Indyk, the US Ambassador in Israel, a ‘Jewboy” (יהודון); Netanyahu’s aide called another US Ambassador a ‘Jewboy’, too. Israelis speak freely of blacks; they do not speak only, but deport them as well. They do not mind banning non-Jews from renting apartments quite openly, too. This disregard of taboo gives Jews an additional power in dealing with Gentiles, like a disregard of the Matrix gave supernatural powers to Neo.
The Palestinians disregard the taboo, too. They do not hesitate shouting “Jews are coming”, when Israeli soldiers on their jeeps roll into their villages. Americans of Palestinian origin are scrupulous with their observance, they never utter the forbidden J-word, (unless they want to say something nice about a Jewish friend), otherwise they speak of ‘Zionists’. That is why Palestinians in Palestine are free, and Palestinians in the US are not, like all Americans.
This taboo should be broken. Until it is done, the Jews will continue to dominate the discourse and the US society, the Palestinians will suffer, the bankers will grow fat and prosperous, legal and illegal immigration will continue unabated. Saying “Jew” will have a liberating effect, like mouthing the name of Rumpelstiltskin. And it is much shorter.
Israel Shamir can be reached at
This article was first published at The Unz Review.
Note by the Saker: just to clarify my personal take on this, I do not use any other word when I refer to Jews than “Jew”. When I am speaking of AngloZionists (for which I got a lot of very angry criticism) I am specifically *not* referring to a tribe/ethnicity/religion but to an ideology. I explained all this ad nauseam here:
The Saker
So if calling someone a son of a bitch is an anti-Semitic slur, does that mean that every Jew is a son of a bitch? :))
Seriously, this is an excellent article, and the discussion is long overdue. Recently, Russia Insider ran an article: Breaking the jew Taboo, along similar lines. We all need to have the courage to speak up when it is appropriate and yes, “name the Jew”, especially when that is frowned on-because that is precisely when honesty is needed most.
Of course, part of the problem is that Jews are uniquely protected from criticism, both legally and culturally. “Naming the Jew” can mean a prison sentence in some countries. In the USSA, supporting disinvestment in Israel is enough to keep you out of a government job. So the Jews have been very good at introducing a chilling effect on anyone so bold as to criticize them.
It hasn’t been very long ago that even mentioning the word “Jew” in a positive way meant that your comment was suspended in Disqus. That is the kind of power that should give all of us pause and question why you cannot openly speak of the 800 pound gorilla in the room which Jewish power and influence represents.
Indeed, one only has to look at the ridiculous Russian collusion narrative to see the absurdity of the current zeitgeist. Not a shred of real evidence has been presented relevant to Russian involvement in US elections or policy, but that is all the Jewish media (which is the entirety of the MSM) can talk about. Yet no one dares speak of the very real Jewish domination of the US government by Israeli and fifth column Jewish operatives in our foreign and, increasingly, our domestic policy as well.
It’s high time we dragged this vampire out into the light of day and spoke openly about it. Yes, easy for me to say-as of this moment, I can’t be jailed for saying so. I can’t even lose my livelihood over it. But someone needs to speak up, and soon. After all, it’s pretty easy to make the case that without the neocon Jewish influence in DC, we wouldn’t be embroiled in wars all over the ME, let alone shaking our sabers at Russia. We need to decide if we’re vassals of greater Israel or masters of our own destiny before we’re all sacrificed on the altar of philo-Semitism.
I categorically disagree.
“Naming the Jew” wrong at pretty much every level, from ethics to logic. It is also a reverse, mirror, of what Jewish supremacists always want: be at the center of everything. My solution is totally different: treat everybody exactly the same way, with no special right, privileges, stigmas, labels or anything else. “Naming the Jew” is also fundamentally and categorically non-Christian. The Church Fathers, while engaging in very vehement polemic against Judaics and their teachings, never EVER lowered themselves to the primitive level of “naming the Jews” (if only because some of them were Jews themselves).
The vampire is not the Jew or the non-Jew. Both of these notions are equally stupid and misguided. Saint Paul put is best:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Everything else is just neo-pagan bullshit and a guarantee for defeat, sorry.
The Saker
Well, obviously I disagree.
There is nothing unethical or illogical about naming those who are at the forefront of destructive policies, especially when a significant percentage of those people belong to the same group. To say otherwise is simply to conduct a war against noticing.
I want to treat everyone the same way, just as you do. To that end, just as I do not shun legitimate criticism of Christianity or Islam, I do not think we should have to make a special exception for Jews. That is true equality.
Of course every Jew is not a media mogul. Does that mean we’re not supposed to notice those that are?
Neo paganism? No, just logic.
yeah, I think this smearing over of all ethnic groups that happens in the US and Canada is unfortunate – people should be proud of their ancestors – not hide it –
In Canada if someone has brown skin and I say – ‘so where are you from ?’ I always get a sneer and an answer – Canada –
Then I say – ‘well then, where are your ancestors from ?’ And generally the wall is broken down and we talk about their land of origin – its so nice to talk to people of their land of origin – its a wonderful conversation –
So I think Jew – is okay to use – and Black – and Chinese as opposed to Japanese – its okay to ask people if they are Chinese or Japanese – its okay –
To that end, just as I do not shun legitimate criticism of Christianity or Islam, I do not think we should have to make a special exception for Jews. That is true equality.
Being a Christian or a Muslim is a CHOICE and, therefore, it is a legitimate object for scrutiny and criticism. Ditto for being a Zionist. Or a Judaic (i.e. “religious Jew”). But being born in a Jewish family is not a choice. Therefore “naming the Jew” is absurd and assumes that there is some kind of fundamental difference between a Jew and a non-Jew – something which Jewish supremacists of the Zionist-secular or the religious type actually very much agree with. Well, I don’t agree with that. Being born into a Jewish family makes you just another human being, no more, no less. There is no non-ideological difference between Jews and non-Jews. It’s really that simple and to deny that is to serve the cause of Jewish supremacists.
Name the Zionist if you want, or name the Judaic. But don’t name the Jew :-)
The Saker
What annoys me is how rarely we hear about Jews, like myself, who are pro Russia, admire Putin and have condemned Israel’s human rights violations since the King David Hotel terrorism in Israel’s pre-history.
And the election of terrorist leaders such as Begin and Shamir to their high position. Don’t we hear the MSM
lies about Putin’s past in the KGB? Well, how many innocents has Putin been responsible for compared to
those two criminals? What Jewish news publisher or cable tv owner would dare to mention actual factoids
like that when they fill their space with guesstimates of the billions in Putin’s pockets?
Why aren’t the complainers about Jews looking for more examples like the unimpeachable Stephan Cohen?
There must be thousands and thousands of Jews with impeccable records and beliefs about Moscow, Palestinians,
Assad, Sharon, the USS Liberty, Vietnam, CIA, FBI, the division of the Middle East after WWI, etc, etc, etc, etc.
I didn’t mean to get started on this topic. I’d almost rather piss into the wind.
What annoys me is how rarely we hear about Jews, like myself, who are pro Russia, admire Putin and have condemned Israel’s human rights violations since the King David Hotel terrorism in Israel’s pre-history.
I absolutely and totally agree. In fact, I would invite you to write an article about this for the Saker blog if you want. Really, email me if you are interested in my proposal.
For the record, I can categorically confirm that there are A LOT of Russian Jews who are truly patriots of Russia and that there are A LOT of Jews worldwide who are categorically opposed to what is being done in the name of various secular or religious ideologies.
Here in the USA several of my closet friends are Jews (secular) and in my life I have received more help and compassion from Jews (again, secular) than from my fellow Orthodox Christians (no offense to any Orthodox Christian here, but that is a fact so I need to state it).
As for Prof. Stephen Cohen, did you read my article about him?
I don’t think that you can say that I overlooked him :-)
So, don’t get disgusted with mankind, we are not all out there to “name the Jew” or only badmouth them.
However, organized Jewry has wielded tremendous power in the 20th century and done an obscene amount of evil with it. You cannot expect us to not discuss this and not look into the causes of that.
It is a fine line, I agree. I personally try hard to walk it very carefully and very honestly.
I hope that I succeed in doing a halfway decent job.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Well, I think that Jon’s expression “naming the Jew” means when a person’s being Jewish is relevant to the discussion, such as pointing out that a preponderance of the MSM are controlled by Jews and the evidence is strong that their being Jewish affects these entities’ actions and impact on American public life.
Thanks, Katherine. That is exactly what I mean. Perhaps I didn’t expired myself clearly.
Re my ” and the evidence is strong that their being Jewish ”
I might recast that as “and the evidence is strong that their being Jewish and their consciousness of being Jewish and their strong self-identification as Jews with strong convictions as to what their goals *qua* Jews should be.” This point is made pretty clear by, say, Naftali Bennett in his disrespectful comments to Ron Lauder for not behaving as, per Bennett, a Jew should. LIke, you’re in or you are out. It is made obvious in so many ways, that IMO it is simple prima facie there and there is no point in denying it.
I believe one of the problems in this whole issue is that the concept of Jew and Jewishness shape-shifts from being an ethnicity to being a religion to being a nationality. The three are sort of different, but they all run into each other, with “ethnic” Jews—often, obviously, assimilating if they can—but also coming under enormous pressure not to assimilate, and indeed to “de-similate.” And this is exactly what a lot of originally nonreligious and more or less apolitical Jews have done—moved toward embracing all the the political and nationalist exceptionalist folderol of Zionism and of the synagogue and a lot of the accompanying hysteria as well. This is a form of Jewish group-think. There are many brands of group-think, and Jewish group-think is one of them. I do not mean to say that all Jews are part of this. But it is a phenomenon with different outlines than that of , say, Yankees fans.
I wonder what the propensity is for converts to Judaism to become Zionists.
Referencing the religion/culture/DNA question of Jewsihness, I tend to fall on the side of a genetic definition, not the least reason of which is that is what Jews themselves generally employ. By Jewish tradition, a child is a Jew if the mother is a Jew. He could be raised as a Hindu so far as they’re concerned, but he is a Jew by birthright. Likewise, DNA testing is used routinely to determine whether someone should be able to become an Israeli citizen. Ethiopian Jews are normally not accepted as citizens and in fact contraceptives are secretly administered to them to keep the population levels down for those who are trying to enter the country…a tacit admission that they are not accepted as Jews for racist/genetic reasons in spite of their adherence to the Jewish religion.
You are correct that if only Jews are allowed to define who they are, then the “shape shifting” allows for no real discussion of the issue at all. This is how the “good” Jews like Einstein are always identified as Jews in spite of the fact that Einstein was at most a Zionist (and at one time even explicitly rejected Judaism), while Lazar Kaganovich, if remembered at all, is simply a Communist. By applying their own standard to the definition, we are able to speak coherently about it.
BTW, my remark above was supposed to be “expressed myself clearly”, not “expired myself”…still working on that, I guess…:))
“neo-pagan bullshit”
Never heard that phrase before. What is it?
I was puzzled at the screeching after Putin included Russian Jews as a group that might have poisoned the Skripals. After all, there are Jews in Russia, and so presumably they are Russian Jews . . . Or Jewish Russians. Actually, I feel that the latter is a better way to express the identity.
As Shamir points out, the Jews are free to constantly point to their specialness, the need to prevent assimilation (i.e., maintain the Jewish tribal identity), point to the achievements of various Jews, etc. But if a non-jew, or even a Jew, uses the word “Jew” in the course of discussing the attributes of the tribe that Jews self-describe as belonging to, or in any other context, suddenly the use of the word signals “anti-semitism.” The Jews are trying to own the word and have successfully set the rules for its use!
Incredible that FB is prevailing with this mind control in Russia. I would have thought that the Russians would immediately understand this dynamic of imposing taboos on perfectly normal words that describe reality and reject such obvious mind control. The sooner FB can be internationally discredited and scrutinized, the better! So glad not to see the exhortation ” Follow us on Facebook!” at this site!
Pfui Teufi!
I love the Rumpelstiltzkin line. Ha ha.
The Rumpelstiltskin line may be more than just adorable.
“When she has given up all hope, an imp-like creature appears in the room and spins the straw into gold in return
for her necklace (since he only comes to people seeking a deal/trade).”
Are the Brothers Grimm saying that Rumpelstiltskin is a Jew? He spins straw into gold. Is the adorable Rumpelstiltskin line really a double entendre?
But aside from the Grimms, no one names Rumpelstiltskin’s name except Rumpelstiltskin himself and the now Queen.
“‘Zionist’ is a popular term of use and abuse, as in “Jews are fine, it is Zionists whom I dislike”.
There is one big problem with these words. They clearly show that you are afraid to write the J word.”
Actually, no. I use zionist because I mean zionist.
Well, not so much anymore. I usually use zionazi. Used to use zionist for the less fanatical of the critters, and zionazi for the foamers. But when one thinks about it, zionists are zionazis. What is a zionist? It is a fascist with a “master race” delusion. What is a nazi, a fascist with a “master race” delusion. So if by definition zionists are zionazis, the term zionist is essentially redundant.
That explained, back to the original point I wanted to make. Not all Jews are zionazis and not all zionazis are Jews. Everybody understands that, so it is really not necessary to point out that using the term Jews for zionazis is like using the term automobile instead of ford, when what one wants to describe is ford’s.
Agree with Shamir about the taboo of goys mentioning the word Jews in all but the most obsequious of circumstances. That is a result of both the power of zionazism and Jewish suppressionism in western societies. Note that while zionazism is based upon Jewish suppressionism, not all Jewish suppressionism is supportive of zionazism.
On Putin referring to Jews in the quote Shamir supplied, and his description of why, I definitely agree. What is interesting in that quote, is that Putin didn’t observe western practice, talking with the zionazi media. No doubt he knew the zionazis would get hysterical.
Hi VT – I agree with this – also – the Bolsheviks were Zionists – before the name was created recently – but that is what they were – don’t you agree ?
Well, no, the Bolsheviks weren’t Zionists, they actually hated the Z guts. The main problem of Bolshevik Jews was that they were anti-religion, against Jewish faith and against Christianity. But they were all for assimilation, for intermarriage, for one culture.
right – yeah I’ve heard their big mistake was forbidding relgion – thanks Israel.
Jews played a leading role in Bolshevism. One of the first laws passed by the USSR was to make anti-Semitism illegal, and a rabbi of that era marveled that while tens of thousands of churches had been destroyed, not a single synagogue was touched.
in the first years of the revolution, various religious buildings were closed in the framework of the “struggle against religion”
after the establishment of a new state government and the separation of the Church from the State (all religions were meant by the Church), most religious buildings were closed down, altered and demolished, for which the churches did not have the means to maintain and repair
в первые годы революции закрывали разные религиозные здания в рамках ” борьбы с религией”
после установления новой государственнорсти и отделению Церкви от Госсударства ( под Церквью имелось в виду все религии) закрывали, переделывались и сносились в основном те религиозныяе здания на которые у тех или иных Церквей не имелось средств на содержание и ремонт
Jews played a role in Bolshevism, not a leading one. Synagogues were destroyed and closed down as fast as churches or faster. Bolshevik Jews were very anti-synagogue. Antisemitism was indeed forbidden, and Zionism, too. Bolsheviks, and their Soviet next-generation communists were adamantly against ethnic nationalism, as they were afraid this may destroy unity of the Soviet people. It turned out it was reasonable assessment.
Bolsheviks in the first place were “INTERNATIONAL” and it was no matter what race you are or ethnos
The Jabotinsky strain of Zionism, represented today by the Likudniks like Bibi, was openly and proudly fascist. Jabotinsky highly admired Mussolini, and probably thought well of Hitler. The German Zionists thought that they could co-operate with the Nazis, as they shared similar racially supremacist ideologies, and a lust for lebensraum. They worked together, for a while, on transferring Jews to Palestine, until they fell out, with tragic consequences. Israel itself has plainly been a fascistic, racist, terrorist, expansionist settler colonial state since its inception, and one whose descent into ever more crazed fascism has simply made its inevitable destruction certain. Indeed, when you examine the likes of Bibi, you get the impression that he actually is under some sort of obsessive drive to create a New Masada in Israel, impelled by a species of perverted ‘survivor’s guilt’ at not having been a victim of the Nazi Judeocide.
Hi Israel !~
what an adorable ending to your article – about the naming of Rumpelstiltskin – that was genius –
I always enjoy your articles – very wise – kind of an oriental wisdom – and I see on your Facebook page – that half of the articles you post are in Russian…too bad I don’t read Russian. I also liked that article over at your FB page – by yourself – about the recent Russian elections – people should check it out –
I didn’t understand in this article here at Saker’s where you said this first –
“…However, ‘Hebrews’ became the official designation of Jews in Russia, while the ‘Jews’ moniker had been outlawed, though it survived in Poland and the Ukraine….”
And then later in this article you said this –
“…The Tatars and Ukrainians did not resent Putin’s words. The Russian Jews in Russia dismissed it, too. For a good reason: the taboo on the word ‘Jew’ is not universal. It does not exist in Russia. Russia is the land of many native ethnicities, a hundred and fifty or so, from Yakut to Mordva, and people freely refer to all of them without fear. The Jews in Russia are just another ethnicity, or ethnos, or nation, one of many. ‘Russians’ in Russia connote members of Russian ethnicity, the most numerous nation of the Russian Federation, not the citizens of Russia, as you would expect….”
I wondered at first if you were contradicting yourself – but looking over it again – perhaps either you meant – in the past the moniker ‘Jew’ was outlawed ?
I have been very aware of the freedom of Palestinians. The girls don’t wear hijabs and the darling angel Ahed Tamimi – and all her friends and female cousins wear very stylish modern jeans. In fact the Palestinians as a whole race of youth – the youth in Palestine – are the most attractive people in the world – the men are real men – REALLY – they are so brave – they go out every night – the young guys in Palestine – and throw rocks at Israeli soldiers – – that’s their thing – and the girls are so beautiful and slim and stylishly dressed in blue jeans and casual attire – OMG – for a figure like theirs – and their HAIR – OMG.
In alot of ways – the Palestinians are the greatest people on the planet now – IMNSHO – in my not so humble opinion. So what you say here is really true –
“…The Palestinians disregard the taboo, (Jew) too. They do not hesitate shouting “Jews are coming”, when Israeli soldiers on their jeeps roll into their villages. Americans of Palestinian origin are scrupulous with their observance, they never utter the forbidden J-word, (unless they want to say something nice about a Jewish friend), otherwise they speak of ‘Zionists’. That is why Palestinians in Palestine are free, and Palestinians in the US are not, like all Americans…”
Thanks Israel – I will definitely be going over to your FB page – while it still survives – and will be reading everything I can – over there. Love to you Israel –
Thank you, Ann, for your kind words. You can always pop in to my own site (for newer pieces) and (for older ones), or to indeed. Your remark had been fully justified. At first, I said that the word Jew (zhid, in Russian) had been outlawed. The word Hebrew (evrei, in Russian) came instead. But further on, I used an ordinary English word ‘Jew’, instead of sticking with ‘Hebrew’. Now I see it could confuse a cautious reader. And thank you for what you say about Palestine – this is my main topic, my book Galilee Flowers is about Palestine and her noble sons and daughters.
oh – I’ll try to find your book – I’m very interested in Palestinians – Galilee Flowers – I’ll look it up
btw – do you think that King David was more related to Ahed than to Netanyahu ?
Thanks alot for comment –
This is an example of Jewish zionazi power in the uk.
Corbyn Branded ‘Hostile’ by Jewish Leaders as Anti-Semitism Scandal Deepens
The final part of the article sums it up quite well:
“This protest has got absolutely nothing to do with anti-Semitism, this is a co-ordinated campaign by the Israel Lobby and Blairites to try and topple Jeremy Corbyn
Anti-semitism has been weaponised to silence critics of Israel and supporters of Palestine
— Socialist Voice 🌹 (@SocialistVoice) 25 марта 2018 г.”
This is a typical Jewish zionazi smear job.
“Jonathan Goldstein, chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, told the Daily Mail, “there are no safe spaces” in Labour for Jews any more, elaborating that Jews are often told that, “Rothschilds run the world, ISIS is a fake front for Israel and Zionists are the new Nazis.”
The goldstein zionazi is equating criticism of israel with anti-semitism. That right there exposes this campaign as a zionazi smear job.
Let’s also break that last bit down.
“Rothschilds run the world”
They are trying to, in concert with their unipolar associates, but the multipolar folk are standing in their way.
“ISIS is a fake front for Israel”
There is enough known evidence for this to be considered an established fact.
“Zionists are the new Nazis.”
Yes they are. Good call. And those who act like goldstein are also criminals and traitors. This should be pointed out at every opportunity.
The labour response to the zionazi smear is typically feeble and self disempowering. Becoming defensive plays into the hands of the smear campaigners. One needs to go aggressively on the offensive.
In this case, naming the Jews and their orgs involved in this smear is not only justified, it’s mandatory. Along with exposing their connection to israel and their corruption and criminality due to that. Likewise, those in the uk in positions of authority or influence, “taking the shekel” should also be exposed.
Momentum is a movement setup and run by Jewish Labour supporters. This whole affair stinks of misdirection. Corbyn stated himself he has Jewish heritage. And don’t forget that Blair protected Corbyn and a Blairite nominated Corbyn.
You highlight the name Goldstein — that’s a metaphor for Corbyn right there :D
One of the Zionazi grandees leading this carefully co-ordinated witch-hunt against Corbyn and the hundreds of thousands who joined Labour to support him and flush out the Blairite filth, openly declared that one of UK Labour’s crimes under Corbyn was its ‘Leftwing policies’. Pretty fine case of accidental(?) candour, that.
Ann, @ 7:26
I can warmly recommend Shamir’s books. ‘The Flowers of Galilee’ was the book that got me introduced to Israel Shamir’s writings, and his many more books. So much knowledge and wisdom and a pleasure to read. He is a great storyteller. ‘Cabbala of Power’ is in my opinion the best one for people who want to study the enormous influence that jewish power wield in our Western Countries. Not only in media, but in finance, music, arts and in the ‘Christian’ Churches. It’s an all out war on our culture.
How can we hope for any change, to get anywhere at all, if we are not allowed to use the word Jew and Jewish power and point it out?!!
This talk, given by Israel Shamir at a Conference in St. Petersburg, helped me connect a lot of dots to see the bigger picture of the world we live in;
Shamir’s website;
thanks so much Siljan – great to read this and I will look into the conference link – really exciting.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians, 3:28).
This words help us to separate the description of a subject from the substance of that subject. Words and labels, like mathematics, are only descriptions of the reality, they are not the reality. This secular, materialistic and relative world force us to blur the limits between description and substance, and without a trascendent faith descriptions become real substance in our minds, leading us to live in a flat 2-D “virtual reality” (“real virtuality”?). That is because the ruling elites deceive us giving excessive importance to the use or abuse of some words. St.Paul here speaks about human beings: this is the reality, the substance. After, they can be greeks or jews: these are the descriptions.
One of the funniest, wittiest essays I’ve ever read!
When I was growing up I went to the cinema to watch some Japanese cartoon expecting some fun movie maybe even sci-fi, but it turned out to be an anime about Hiroshima or Nagasaki, with all the graphic violence and gore scenes still embedded into my brain.Can’t remember how old I was those days (below 10 I think) just memories of plane engines noise, that were keeping me awake at night, lying in bed waiting for nuke to explode after each plane pass, expecting to burn alive together with my mother, granny, sister and step dad. Finding myself in a similar state now.
It’s certainly true that the anti-semitism card is played way too often. I recall Wall St Journal economics corespondent Jon Hilsenrath claiming that criticism of Goldman-Sachs was “anti-semitic” since that institution was traditionally associated with Jews. However, I’m not sure I agree that the term “globalist” is a euphemism for “Jew”. Personally, I use the term to refer to a socioeconomic class of plutocratic bankers who wish to promote the primacy of financial capitalism. Globalist refers to the desire for unimpeded capital flows through national boundaries as well as the drive for global wage and social benefit arbitrage in which nation states race each other to the bottom. This also requires the suppression of nationalist interests by nation states participating in the global trading system and eventually a global currency and government. The core of the globalists does seem to be Jewish but that seems to me to be largely beside the point.
There are a number of Jews in the globalist movement, but so are there people of other ethnicities such as Arabs (Saudis). The Rothschild family is still the leader in international banking, and now Soros (Schwartz) has taken Rockefeller’s place. However, there is a hidden truth, they say, about the house of Saud, known as the Dönmeh, which they state is the Middle-East’s most whispered secret. The Saudis have taken control of a good portion of the Federal Reserve.
The globalists, though, are also controlled by the large industrialists in the US and Europe, who are not bankers. The globalist cabal consists of the international bankers, the industrialists, and the intellectuals from universities. Thus, it’s leaders are actually made up of many ethnicities, though it seems that the Jews do control the money supply.
Look for the article titled “The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret”: by Wayne Madsen at the Strategic Culture Foundation.
If the descriptive word taboo is not broken, then the US will end up like Britain, where you will be arrested for what you think and say. Facebook and Twitter are trying to force people into that mindset now by censorship.
Not everyone in the US is cowed by what is happening, as I still refer to Blacks as Blacks, Whites as Whites, Jews as Jews, Russians as Russians, and Brits as Brits when describing an ethnicity. I do not care if I offend someone by calling them a Globalist or Nazi, nor do I care if they accuse me of a micro-aggression. If they are offended, I merely tell them to seek their psychiatrist, a bottle of Xanax, a safe space, a therapy dog, some Play-Doh, a coloring book with crayons, and a pacifier. Last, I tell them to grow up.
As a side note, here in Argentina, is not uncommon for friends or even acquaintances to call a jew just “russian” (ruso). A famous comedy writer (Gerardo Sofovich)used it as a way to become more “friendly”; everyone called him “el ruso”.
This nickname is explained because the vast majority of eastern immigrants were jews from Russia and neighboring countries.