I regularly get the comment that Putin is pro-Israeli, Russia controlled by Israeli interests and that Putin and the Israelis are in cahoots. I tried to debunk this nonsense in my article Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship, but that silly canard is still circulating all over the net. So I thought that it would be a good idea to publish a typically Israeli point of view on the Russian role in the Middle-East in the hope that those who still believe that Putin is an Israeli puppet will come to their senses. I would also add that while Putin is most definitely not pro-Israeli, many in Russia still are, and they are very influential. A friend today emailed me the Russian version of this article published, if you can believe that, by RT!! Here it is: https://russian.rt.com/inotv/2017-02-20/Arutz-7-sdelkoj-s-Iranom. I guess that this is their version of ‘pluralism’. Notice that a state-financed media outlet like RT translates and posts an article saying that Putin and Lavrov are the “greatest fools in history”. So much for the ironclad censorship in Russia :-)
Anyway, check out this lates Zioscreed:
MUST READ: Putin is repeating Stalin’s most catastrophic mistake
source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/20189
Iran can manufacture nuclear bombs in weeks, thanks to the Obama deal, and it will become a deadly nuclear world power in a matter of a few short years. Putin is supplying the raw material. It has to stop.
Everybody knows about Stalin’s egregious and ultimately deadly August 23,1939 Nazi-Soviet pact in which Hitler and Stalin agreed to attack jointly and co-occupy Europe. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the casus belli for Britain and France to declare war on Hitler and Nazi Germany. (Interestingly, Churchill didn’t also declare war on the Soviet Union for also invading Poland.)
However, the most important aspect of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet deal was not the agreed upon co-invasion of Poland. The most important, and calamitous, aspect of the catastrophic deal was that Russia sold oil and other vital and necessary natural materials to Hitler that fueled Hitler’s war efforts against Great Britain, and ultimately against the Soviet Union itself. In fact, without the Soviet oil Stalin sent Hitler after 1939, up to Operation Barbarossa, Hitler wouldn’t have had the necessary oil to effectively attack the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941. Hitler’s attack murdered 4 million Soviet soldiers and took 3 million Soviet prisoners of war, all of it fueled on Stalin’s oil shipments to Hitler.
Stalin, and his Foreign Minister Molotov, were perhaps the greatest fools in history. That is, the world’s greatest fools until President Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Stalin gave Hitler two gifts: Poland and oil. Today, Putin is giving Iran two gifts: Syria and uranium that can make 10 gun-type nuclear bombs.
Now in defense of Stalin, Stalin was really only cutting a short-term deal with Hitler after Chamberlain had preceded him with the naive 1938 Munich “Peace” agreement in which Chamberlain handed Hitler the ill-fated Czechoslovakia. So, Stalin thought he was buying time and saying, “Attack the other guys first.” However, it’s one thing for Stalin to delay an attack by Hitler by deflecting him to go somewhere else. It’s quite another to also send Hitler the very raw materials Hitler’s army will be using to annihilate Stalin’s own country. So, delaying a war is legitimate; arming your enemy with key minerals and fuel so his Panzers can come perilously close to occupying Moscow is the definition of folly.
Today, just as in 1939, Putin and Iran have agreed to co-attack Syria. Just like in 1939, Putin thinks Iran will agree to divide Syria. But that “division” will last until Iran controls its partition. Then, Iran will take Putin’s part of Syria. By pulverizing the Syrian Sunnis, Putin is stupidly giving Syria, the epicenter of the Arab world, to Iran. With control of Syria, Iran will metastasize the rest of the Arab Middle East in short order. Once Iran becomes the puppet-master of the remaining Arab capitals, it won’t be long before Iran comes a-knocking on Russia’s door. By then, thanks to Obama, Iran will be armed with dozens of nuclear bombs. So, Iran will not only control over 50% of the world’s oil supply, but will also be replete with nuclear capability.
Putin isn’t fueling Iran with oil, he’s fueling Iran with uranium for its nuclear stockpile. Putin doesn’t have a Stalin-type defense of buying time to prevent an immediate attack. Putin is arming Iran with a game-changing nuclear arsenal that actually enables Iran to geo-strategically challenge Russia. Putin’s only defense is “Obama made me do it.” The fact that Obama played Putin for a fool and connived him into helping Iran take over the Middle East only makes Putin look even more like a blunderer.
This brings us to the present day where Putin is sending Iran 130 tons of uranium raw ore. David Albright of the Institute of Science and International Security said the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple gun-type nuclear bombs, “depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon.”
The key point here is that Iran just announced that it has uranium centrifuge-capable gas in IR-8 centrifuges that it claims are 20 times faster at enriching uranium than their older centrifuges, which they “got rid of” under the Obama-Iran nuclear deal. The Obama-Iran Nuclear deal didn’t stop or slow Iran’s nuclear program, it allowed Iran to greatly modernize and update its nuclear enrichment program. Before the Obama deal, Iran had first generation Model-T centrifuges that, we were told, would take a year to produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb. After the Obama deal, Iran has replaced their old centrifuges with the latest Maserati centrifuges that can produce enough bomb-grade uranium twenty times faster or in month or so. And, Obama gave Iran 150 Billion dollars to destabilize the Middle East with its terror proxies. No wonder President Trump says it is the worse deal in the world “ever.” It is.
Why is this a danger to Russia? After all, that country has thousands of nuclear weapons. Iran will have 10 nukes and Russia has thousands, but the danger is in remembering that when Hitler had finished occupying Western Europe to the English Channel, he turned on his next-door neighbor the Soviet Union. Here, the parallel danger is that once Iran succeeds in subduing Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab world, Iran will ultimately turn on Russia. It won’t be 5 years from now, but 10-15 years from now. And in those 10-15 years, does Putin think Iran is going to stop its nuclear program? Of course not. Those 10 nukes produced from Russia Uranium ore will only provide “protective nukes” under which Iran will become an untouchable nuclear weapons producer because it will have become a nuclear power with the first crop of 10 bombs. In 15 years, Iran will have hundreds of nukes.
And of course, Iran will likely not fire an easily traceable nuclear weapon at Mother Russia. The more likely scenario is that Iran will smuggle a nuclear weapon to a Chechen Black widow terror cell and have the Chechens ignite a nuclear catastrophe in Moscow. Any Iranian attack will likely be totally untraceable to Iran.
Let’s get real. The only way Russia can stop its insane policy of not only crowning Iran the King of Syria, but also crowning it the nuclear-armed hegemon of the Arab world and the world’s oil supply, is to insure Iran fails in Syria, and fails badly. Otherwise, Stalin’s fueling of Operation Barbarossa will look like genius compared to Putin’s arming Iran with nukes.
Whether Putin uses Trump as a cover to betray Iran, or Putin has to make a direct deal with Saudi Arabia to bring Syria to a pro-Sunni conclusion, it doesn’t matter. It only matters that Iran loses big in Syria. Otherwise, Iran will ultimately train its nuclear terror sights on Putin’s Russian Motherland.
Mark Langfan The writer is Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) and specializes in security issues, has created an original educational 3d Topographic Map System of Israel to facilitate clear understanding of the dangers facing Israel and its water supply. It has been studied by US lawmakers and can be seen at www.marklangfan.com
“Iran will ultimately train its nuclear terror sights on Putin’s Russian Motherland.”
I’m lost.
Perhaps some time in the future, when their people take over Iran: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Mujahedin_of_Iran (sarcastically speaking)
I take it as the israels threatening to blow up moscow when they say iran will *wink *wink smuggle a bomb in. Totally not mossad behind such a plot.
Wow, what world is this guy from?
The wacky world of Khazar fake Zionazi Jews.
That aside, and thank God most of them are now sponging off America, this was one of the worst articles I have ever read. What a dank hole the Jewish State must be. They can have it… just not in the Middle East.
It’s a tactic of the worst of the Jews, Zionazies like this execrable maniac, to act with unhinged belligerence, arrogance and violence. It works on some people to intimidate them, and, along with the ‘antisemitism’ vilification industry, the Zionazies find themselves with two very useful tools.
And when they encounter people not intimidated by their grotesque and rabid screeching, and who stand up to them, that, too, is grist to their mill, because any such are, naturally, ‘antisemites’, probably ‘Holocaust deniers’ and wannabe exterminationists. This recourse to hysterical denunciation and abuse, is intended to end careers, as the fakestream media, so heavily influenced and, in fact, controlled, always cravenly regurgitates any Zionazi agit-prop, no matter how bizarre. For example the Zionazi campaign to destroy UK Labour, because Jeremy Corbyn dares speak to Palestinians, was a truly filthy farrago of entirely false accusations of ‘antisemitism’, culminating in the vile witch-hunt against Ken Livingstone, a life-long anti-racist and defender of Jews (as many Jews attested in his defence), for the crime of telling the truth about Zionist-Nazi contacts in Germany before WW2. The truth was irrelevant, because it ‘upset’ supposedly, some Jews, to have a little known feature of Zionist history revealed. A society where any group can DEMAND that an eminent man’s life and career be destroyed in disgrace, simply because they can, is in deep trouble, but that is true throughout the West. The great danger, certain to happen, is that the Zionazies will simply overreach, say by criminalising all criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’, and provoke a nasty backlash, as so often in the past.
An absolute hogwash of a story. It has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese.It is only believable by zionists,Americans,and EU citizens. And only some of those in each category.Not one shred of evidence produced in that story. If anything,personally I’d fault Putin for selling the US titanium and rocket engines.That would come closer to the authors analysis.But this “fake news” story shows two points.One, how worried the Israelis are that Syria might defeat their terrorist friends. And two,how deep the the 5th column has infiltrated the Russian press,including (or especially) RT.
“..Iran will become an untouchable nuclear weapons producer because it will have become a nuclear power with the first crop of 10 bombs. In 15 years, Iran will have hundreds of nukes..”
Do you see how these criminals just casually spew massive lies about Iran?
They have wailing about Iran for decades, because Iran – aside from Syria – is the only country in the region that refuses to give them a free pass to rob and kill.
They are trying to convince the world that Iranians are a threat to the world that must be stripped of all means of self defense, and then targeted for destruction.
When will we wake up and lay siege to Zion?
I suspect that I could be convinced that if Nairobi was able to make nuclear weapons, that they probably would.
It is a stretch of my reason to say that if they could make them, that they’d probably use them.
Well beyond my rational ability is the idea that we must invade Nairobi because they might be able to make a nuclear warhead.
Refried Netanyahu
“Any Iranian attack will likely be totally untraceable to Iran.”
So this proposed attack could be a false-flag delivered by any actor with the will and the means.
So this article is delivering a threat.
What a scenario. It only shows that they already have a lot of experience in false-flag attacks.
Absolutely! I fully expect a false-flag somewhere in the world, preferably (for propaganda purposes) the West, that will be blamed on Iran, and the Zionazi-controlled Western fakestream media will peddle the story without hesitation. No doubt Mossad and Western agencies under their sway will be responsible, and anyone who dares dissent will be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ at best, but probably a ‘traitor’. Destroying Iran, killing as many Iranians as possible as offerings to their genocidal ‘God’ and obliterating Syria and Hezbollah are absolute priorities for the Zionazies, and they have been crowing as much since Trump was elected.
What a clown. The Iranians are simply going to conquer the entire Middle East, including all the Israeli and US client states, no problem… And the US and Israelis are just going to twiddle their thumbs while they do that… Sure…
And then the Iranians… without pausing for breath; their war-making machine still full of puff… are going to attack Russia with their tens of nuclear weapons… Russia, which not only has thousands of nukes; Russia, which has the best anti-missile defense system in the world… Sure.
And these are the same Iranians who haven’t attacked a foreign country since just after the United States was formed… but now for some reason they’re going to go meshuggah?… Sure.
Your right.
The only interest i see in reading this kind of article is that we can have a very clear view on how “work” a “sick brain”.
Definitely pathological…
Years of total domination of Israeli politics by Rightwing zealots, politically and religiously, the total control of US politics by the money power of the Jewish Grandees, and the Zionazies’ total impunity no matter what abominations they commit, have produced a generation of Zionazies who are truly unhinged in their arrogance, belligerence and mania. This creature, with its stupefying mendacity and hypocrisy, and psychotic projection of its own and Israel’s behaviour onto its latest target, Iran, is a perfect example of the type. It really is hard to conceive of any equivalent, save, perhaps, some Daash fanatics.
… unfortunate Israel. In German we have the beautiful expression
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall
freely translated:
before the crash the hybris
*hubris. An English equivalent is “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Can be bigger physically or metaphorically: ego, pride, etc.
“Pride goeth before a fall.”
“Pride goeth before a fall” is a saying that is similar to the original Bible verse, found in Proverbs 16:18, but it does not accurately reflect the original text. In fact, the verse says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” This shows that destruction is the end result of pride, according to the Bible.
Not sure why this (“Hochmut etc.”) was cited, though.
The worst problem facing this planet is israel and its zionazi network. Solve that, and the dismantling of the rest of the right-wing nonsense will be again a possibility.
Some problems have no solution, ergo we are stuck in the 9th level of hell with the zionist running the sh!t show.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we must always remember three things – Iran, Iran and Iran
Former Israeli Amabassador says North Korea should be wiped off the map [killing 24+ million people] to send a message to iran.
These people are out-and-out psychopaths.
Oh. I see what the author did there.
If you hold the article up in front of a projection lens and then read it, the article will be completely inverted- top to bottom and side to side. With this method, “up” will be up again and “right” right. A classic case of projection. :-)
I thought propaganda these days was more sophisticated than ham-fisted reality inversions like this. It works on the choir, I suppose. Unfortunately I fear those choir members are on the board of trustees, as it were.
I began to read articles and watch press conferences from W’s administration through this corrective lens. Unfortunately, the hope of putting the lens away after 2008 is unrealized. As a matter of fact, the lens has proven useful for reviewing the major events in history as I was taught them. Well, “useful” only insofar as I haven’t been duped into supporting monsters in any material or spiritual way ever again.
What an amazingly incompetent piece of propaganda.
He seems to think his audience is entirely composed of demented Zionists.
Even the tone is hysterical.
Who is it intended for?
I guess Trump.
Let’s hope he’s not as stupid as the author thinks.
Or compromised by his zionist backers.
The hysteria is a Zionazi trade-mark. I believe Gilad Atzmon calls it the ‘Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder’. Jews are inculcated to believe that the goyim are all intent on destroying them, generation after generation-it even features in the Passover seder meal, every year. With various Israeli figures having declared at numerous times that they would use their nukes freely if threatened by a ‘new Holocaust’, and one Jewish worthy, a Professor Perlmutter, declaring in a LA Times opinion piece in 2002, that Israel should cause a ‘nuclear winter’ to punish a ‘Jew-hating world’ for centuries of oppression (he was enraged by the EU criticising Israel’s brutal suppression of the al-Aqsa Intifada), Israel may yet be the architect of human destruction.
What can one really say about such psychotic lying? Suffice, perhaps, to just observe that no-one lies as hysterically and hypocritically as a Zionazi ultra. And that the blood-lust to find an excuse to destroy Iran in a ‘New Purim’ is simply Satanic.