This video was recorded in St. Isaac’s Cathedral during a concert dedicated to the Russian Army Day on February 23rd, the Saint-Petersburg choir performed a song about the nuclear bombing of the US. The performance received standing ovations.  However, the lyrics of the song in question absolutely infuriated the Russian liberals and their western patrons in spite of the fact that this song was written in 1980s by a singer-songwriter Andrei Kozlovsky …as a joke!

Here is the song itself:

and here is the translation of the lyrics into English: (courtesy of Scott – thanks brother!)

On a little submarine with a little nuclear engine,
And with a dozen bombs under a hundred megatons,
We crossed the Atlantic and I call on my gunner: “Point,” I say, “Petrov, at the city of Washington!”
Tra-La-La, tra-La-La,
We can do anything for three rubles!
Greetings, the New Land of the Enemy!
On the airplane above, my friend Vovochka
Not with empty hatches came for a visit.
On a little submarine with a little nuclear engine,
Our crew cheerfully sings a song.
TRU-La-La, tra-La-La,
We can do anything for three rubles!
You burn, burn the Enemy’s land!
Sweetly sleeping shore lights in Norfolk, toys are sleeping, and Negros are sleeping quietly,
You forgive us, America, good America,
But five hundred years ago you were discovered for no-good,
Tra-La-La, tra-La-La,
We can do anything for three ruble!
In half is burning the land. Unfriendly land.