Bad news all around today. The US has just slammed provocative sanctions against Russia even though the US ambassador to Moscow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and clearly told that if the US imposes more sanctions there will be no meeting between Putin and Biden.
Then there is this: the US has informed the Turkish authorities that they will not send two USN ships into the Black Sea. This is politically a good sign, but in military terms, this is what the US should be doing if they were preparing for war. Why? Because any USN ship in the Black Sea at the moment of the initiation of a conflict would be sunk withing minutes: not only do the Russians have formidable missiles – Bal and Bastion – they had SIX advanced diesel-electric submarines of the 636.3 class ready to “greet” them. Keep in mind that engaging submarines without air cover is another form of collective suicide.
So, the phone call was a deception and the US is still going down the road towards war with Russia.
In my professional opinion, what I see is a joint preparation by the Ukronazis and the USA (along with the UK and Poland) to attack the Donbass and force a conflict upon Russia.
Considering the extreme nature of these developments, I am reopening an open thread.
The Saker
PS: as for the Ukronazis, they have just used their heavy artillery (banned by the Minsk Agreements) to murder another civilian in his home. They were apparently trying to disable an electric station (a typical move by US-trained militaries before an attack).
It is very hard for me to see how a war could be avoided.
The war cannot be avoided. Russia is a country rich of resources.
The west and their vassals want their share.
It is very simple.
I wonder who really rules in USA?
How could grown up persons make such stupid decisions, as in the end they can lose everything in nuclear war?
Could it be that they know Russia is afraid and its liberal ruling elite would step back?
Russia cannot step back because Russia has no where to step back.
Step back means capitulation.
Yes USA monster wants war. Maybe they are in such condition that only victory in global war can save them.
I do not know for sure.
I do not know how much these sanctions can harm Russian economy. USA is not very big trade partner of Russia.
What I know is that only condition for free and democratic world is that USA must disappeare.
World will not be able to avoid nuclear war.
USA does not hide intention to destroy Russia completely
Russia MUST be prepared. And to start destroying its Fifth Columns inside Russia. It is high time
I hope that S-500 will be ready shortly.
Any negotiations and eventual agreements with USA are worthless and wasting of time.
Margarita Symonian is right 100%
I’m with you on the S-500 system. That appears to be the pivotal point. I’m sure the Russians are rushing it’s readiness through as quickly as they can. If they can keep the can kicked down the road a few more months to stave off a western invasion, that may tip the balance but I think the west already knows this. Sadly there will be war prior to September. If the Nordstream 2 pipeline isn’t the driver, perhaps the Russian election is… Not to metion that MAD remains in place until the S-500 system is online.
Russia IS prepared for long.
I agree that Russia has nowhere to step back, but I also think this is the reason that this situation is little more than political grandstanding by the Biden Administration. I would be immensely surprised if this turns into real escalation.
As The Saker and others have explained over the years, there can be no stepping back by Russia. The threat is not over a piece of land, it is existential.
Regarding who runs the US, I feel this is a highly relevant and difficult question. It appears there are at least two groups – one more Israeli centered and the other techno-globalism centered. Israel can (or perhaps must) play both sides, especially with Bibi in trouble legally.
The Israel centered force seemed to be behind Trump while the other side despises him, and were frustrated for 4 years. Now, their impatience appears to be driving events. A frantic sense of urgency, even desperation seems to be driving them. Some analysts feel it has to do with a coming dollar collapse. Whatever the case, Russia stands in the way of their plans and they are behaving like a rabid animal.
I certainly agree with you – it IS “existential”.
Ultimately, it comes down to who you are, deep inside you. With a single human we look at the values which they have accepted deeply and which drive their decision making. These derive from the mind set in many ways. A narcissist and psychopath are driven by those two pathologies.
The “mindset” of the “civilisation” – if such it be – of the so-called AngloSaxon [more accurately the Franco-Germanic] Euro-English block which constitutes the majority of the Hegemon, is and always has been one of the pathology of the narcissist, which is why it has operated under the Dominant Paradigm it has for the last 1500 years, and does to extremes now.
A professor and scholar of ancient English studies recently put it splendidly {on a documentary about J.R.R. Tolkien} “the two greatest disasters for the English occurred in 1066, and the onset of the Industrial Revolution, because the invading Normans sufficiently diluted the Saxon culture that all mythologies, all the tales of “this is who we are; the people we came from” were destroyed. And the Industrial Revolution brought about the destruction of true sense of Religion, with its acceptance of a force greater than we are, plus the Darwinian Revolution teaching that all is separate from all else, that all is Random and Unpredictable, and life is a mere meaningless accident.”.
This fed the Dominant Paradigm which had been there from the beginning, of the separate, accidental random nature of the Universe and the psychopathic desire to exert control over it and other people using tactics of violence, force, war, invasion death and destruction.
And they have lived this way ever since; in fact, over the last 70 yrs, it’s increased more than exponentially. They are how they are, and they cannot change. Can anyone see any signs that there might be a change possible among them? I dont.
But also, Russia is who she is and cannot nor will ever try, change. Russia gains the greatest hatred of the Empire because she stops it in it’s tracks and refuses to be controlled, owned, and destroyed.
And thus, I am afraid, this will indeed to the finish. Either the Empire will find a way to bring Russia down, or Russia will finally come to the day when she knows she is going to have to totally destroy the Empire.
My money is on the latter.
Yes, now I think about it, you are quite correct about the lack of founding myths of the English people. First suppression by the French cultured Normans, but secondly by the ‘British Project’ started in 1603 when the English crown was inherited by the Scottish King, James the 6th, with the founding of the United Kingdom, and latterly the British Empire. That project has slowly been coming apart through the twentieth and now the twenty-first century, with the minority peoples of the UK demanding self rule if not out right independence. The liberal elites of the UK hate it, and still Trumpet British-ness when they can, which is normally laughed at if not just ignored by the English, and yes I mean the English. They were once the core of the British people, but that is fading away. Those under forty in England predominantly refer to themselves as English rather than British. I have even heard on the radio a Black politician asking why can’t he be English? (David Lammy FYI), though nobodies stopping him from doing so. The English are discovering who they are again. The UK, the US most loyal vassal is going away, hopefully soon, and with a nice spanner placed in the works for the globalists. Yes, there is still the nyalism of scientism, birthed from the industrial revolution, but as industrialism fades with fossil fuel burnout so it will go away as well. There after will be the rebirth of culture and religion.
” Darwinian Revolution teaching that all is separate from all else, that all is Random and Unpredictable, and life is a mere meaningless accident.”.
Darwin did not say anything like this.
This guy told us who runs America any years ago,he should know he worked for them,then woke up.
“The west and their vassals want their share”.
In other words, 100%. The lion’s share.
Or, in this case, the carrion-eating eagle’s share.
more like “carrion eating vultures share”. Eagles are majestic.
“… the American Eagle eats carrion, never tackles anything its own size, and will soon be extinct…”
– Robert A. Heinlein, “Glory Road”.
Heinlein was an almost rabid US patriot.
Good point, Marko. Perhaps Russia’s ruling elite might blink, but Russian military knows it’s superior capability over the US. They just moved the Intel signal antenna to the Arctic to watch US missiles coming over the Arctic…which is a shorter path.
But the anglozionist bankers are either blinded by their arrogance thinking they will win a war against Russia, or their psychopathic enough to take that big a gamble.
That is why the Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad0peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If you Muslims don’t have the upper hand (meaning Just World Order/Rule), then non-muslim rulers will not only do injustice to each other but also plants and animals.”
“The war cannot be avoided. Russia is a country rich of resources.
The west and their vassals want their share.
It is very simple.”
On the contrary, this madness has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia’s natural resources. The demon-possessed, devil-worshiping rulers of the corrupt “West” do what they do because they’re evil. Put simply, they hate Russia because evil cannot stand a good example. What we’re seeing is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. If the satanists are to accomplish their agenda (as set forth in Isaiah 14:13,14), all independent states on earth must be deceived, corrupted and manipulated into destroying themselves or destroyed by force. Since Russia, China and Iran refuse to surrender their sovereignty and start taking orders from the beast (first beast of Rev 13) they are being targeted.
It would be also interesting to know how the western MSM so perfectly coordinate their anti-russian propaganda.
RUSI or simply recycling copy from NATO
They have journalists salaried by NATO and Agencies
Paul and everyone else,
Please read this essay from investigative journalist and author, Mike King
about NATO:
The NATO War-Making Scam
NATO is NOT and NEVER was a ‘peace-keeping/defensive organization’.
Mike shows the proof in the above essay.
Hope that helps to clear up the created indoctrination and crap-a-ganda
surrounding it and it’s ‘reason to exist’.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
That’s one I can answer: The news people (networks and reporters) are bought and paid for, and receive their talking points regularly. Some people have even made videos comparing news reports even from different countries (with word for word similarity) and a couple of reporters have spilled the beans about CIA influence. There is a substantial literature on the subject if you (non-Google) search.
Isn’t that very difficult to coordinate?
How can they keep that secretive as so many people are involved?
I think they just imitate BBC or CNN.
But how comes that so many journalists are ready to do so?
“But how comes that so many journalists are ready to do so?”
the almighty $ and lack of morals and honor.
I suspect career advancement also plays a role.
The transition to the internet and digital media has undermined the financial basis of much western media. It has also permitted the creation of competing alternate media publishers such as the Saker.
The financial squeeze on pre-internet media has reduced the available job opportunities. If you want to succeed and advance you need to pay attention to those who control the reins of power. You find out what is wanted and you publish not to educate your audience and promote critical thinking and dialog, but to manufacture consent and ensure the populace views Russia and China as the evil enemy and the US as the embattled defender of democracy. If you look back to the pre WWI and pre WWII periods you see the same demonization of the öther to bind the populace to the will of the state.
‘But how comes that so many journalists are ready to do so?’
There’s a saying I keep hearing about economics, ‘Bad money drives out good.’ When governments debase their currency people horde what’s left of the old money (like silver coins under Johnson.) I think the same thing is happening elsewhere. Bad journalism drives out good. Either literally in that the old timers get disgusted and retire, or symbolically in that they trade integrity for a paycheck, they’ve got to eat, after all. Look at the successful poisoning of western culture by idiotic ‘woke’ ideology.
“Isn’t that very difficult to coordinate? How can they keep that secretive as so many people are involved? … But how comes that so many journalists are ready to do so?”
Syndication is the name of the game.
These media companies aren’t there for our education, they exist to rake in profits and to supervise our indoctrination. They are not independent corporations, they are collectively part of a global cartel. The business model is exceedingly simple – tap into a central source of material, and publish it. They don’t produce anything – they just publish whatever is fed to them. End of story.
As for the supposed “journalists”, in a word – they are not journalists, they are paid stenographers who do exactly what they are told if they value their jobs.
Welcome to the wonderful world of conspiracies! You see so many signs that things are amiss and the same general people seem to be benefiting each time that finally you can no longer just dismiss it as “impossible.” Take 911 as an example. If you’ve studied physics and understand it in practical terms, where you are not getting lost in theorizing, you realize very quickly that the way the three high-rises fell would be physically impossible without the coordinated use of high explosives. It amuses me no end that quite intelligent people still say that the impossibility of getting people to coordinate trumps the physical impossibility of free-fall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance, disregarding the shaming and silencing of anyone brings forth evidence of coordinated plotting.
But I fear I am going way off topic here.
Journalists are people and unfortunately not the smartest among us.
The digitalization of media-coorporations have made them even more centered on fast news. Journalists go to the quickest sources (Reuters for example), and they are served the same news. It is not because the journalists are “in on it”, they just dont know any better and dont have time to do a better job.
The ideals of journalists in the west aren’t that different from the ideals of bankers, thay have all gone to the same schools, lives in the same societies and are brought up under the same philosophical principles.
They all believe in progress, thay all believe the world is moving forward, becomming better and better. They are the only ideas under witch capitalism makes sense. Never ending growth and expansion cant exist in a closed system, so therefore the guiding principles of our time must counter that fact. Everything can and is expanding, and with this growth and expansion everything becomes better and better.
Under those guiding philosophical principles capitalism, democracy and expansion is a force of good.
“they just dont know any better and dont have time to do a better job.”
Not only that. They are rewarded and punished based on their adherence to unwritten rules.
Many know better, but know as well that if they want to progress and keep their careers, they have to toe the line, because otherwise they risk toeing the welfare line.
There are enough written accounts of how for decades now, the independence of media and news is but an illusion. Not only obviously in the united states, but all around the world.
Indeed journalist DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO FACT CHECK! First they do not have the back of their masters as to have a large team to do the fact checking. It is far to expensive, they claim they just do not have the money!
Power is in the hands and brains of those who do have to much of that commodity.
Two tips on this subject:
1. Read the book ‘Gekaufte Journalisten’ from Udo Ulfkotte. He describes how journalists get on the payroll of the CIA, get their stories delivered trading off with scoops and contacts. There also might be an English translation, I’ve read something like that on PCR’s blog.
2. See the premiers of Canada and Australia giving the exact same speech on the Iraq war:
Canada and Australia aren’t superpowers but part of the 5 eyes. Who has such a power to force those premiers to held *his* prescribed speech?
Cheers, Rob
They have units set up for nothing else but this. In UK also – the English have an Army unit which does nothing else but co-ordinate propaganda and anti-Russia BS.
Problem is many buy the bullshit,normally rational people start barking like rabid dogs when Putin or Russia are mentioned,its quite disturbing,its led to many wars in history.
There was a neat little propaganda number done in the Guardian in the last 24 hours. A virulently anti-Russia article appeared overnight immediately followed by a large number of (obviously prepared) anti-Russian comments. There were a few what we’ll call pro Russian defensive posts. Then the commenting was chopped and the article and comments frozen. Anyone subsequently reading the article would note that the overwhelming number of comments agreed with the anti-Russian narrative….which is patently absurd.
Thank you for noting that and telling us!
CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” – the CIA has increased a vicelike grip on all legacy corporate & government media since the 1950s and is extending that to social media. It was briefly & superficially exposed by the Senator Church Commission in the early 1970s.
The myth of a Western “free press” is deadly as too many people (sheeple) still believe it, despite the media and journalists plummeting approval ratings.
The provocations are now extreme. From a Chinese correspondent this morning, open war talk in the Chinese media. The gossip is that the US/NATO want to open conflict on 2 or 3 fronts (Russia, China, Iran), in order to somehow have each area busy with its own problems, so that the areas cannot combine into a more formidable force. (This is the gossip and I’m passing it on as gossip of the thinking).
Its all speculation, the only real thing is that there is open war talk in their media.
I agree Amarynth that there’s a lot going on.
2 or 3 front war isn’t really realistic for the or two of these could just be distractions from the real front..but which?
atomic war doesn’t see fronts – it sees depopulation worldwide – which it appears to me is what Mr Global wants.
Mr. Global, that devious committee of so-and-so eugenists…
The US (+NATO, or which bits could be coerced to join in) could not possibly take Crimea (to take one example) – EVEN IF the US was permitted the 9 months needed to transfer its forces from the US. There is zero probability of this.
So the notion of taking on Russia+China+Iran is the stuff of Hollywood fantasy. The only thing bigger than ego in the US is their over-estimation of their military capability. Even the Taliban are mocking them now.
There is this, from the Russian site InfoRuss, a rather startling new approach, from Simonyan and expanded by the writer; in brief, Yes there will be a war and No, it wont be a bombing,tanks, and shooting war.
But one where entire cities can be eliminated at the touch of a button – massive cyber war.
Worth thinking about, I’d suggest:
We must always remember the great truth:
“Smart people discuss ideas, stupid people discuss personalities.
From this point of view, no matter how many people I dislike (or, on the contrary, are unpleasant), but I try to evaluate WHAT they say to me, and not WHO says it to me. Although the latter, of course, also matters, but indirectly.
Take, for example, Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT. Someone adores it, someone does not like it. But I now suggest that you take a break from the personality of Margarita and listen to what she said about the war with Ukraine on a recent program with Solovyov. And, not just to listen, but also to evaluate. Try to find flaws in the logic of its presentation.
So, first we talked about a possible big war between Russia and the United States, against the background of the conflict in the Donbas. To which Margarita said the following:
“I agree that such a war is absolutely inevitable. Another thing is what kind of war it will be. In our time, I no longer believe that there will be a large-scale hot war, like the Second World War. And I don’t believe there will be a long Cold War. The war will be of the third type-it will be a cyber war.
Cyberwarfare. This word is now often pronounced, but most do not even think about how terrible it is.
Cyberwarfare is not about hacking your mailbox. And not when the Odnoklassniki site breaks down. And it’s not even hacking your bank card… Everything is much more serious. Here’s how Simonyan herself described it:
It will be a war when (if we really simplify it) a person sits, presses a button and once-Voronezh is extinguished. And there’s no more light. With all the consequences. I’m exaggerating this completely right now, but in principle, it’s true.
I want to focus on “all the consequences”. What does this conditional “turning off the lights in Voronezh ” mean for a long time? Yes, this is almost the complete death of the city’s economy and infrastructure.
Complete defrosting of heating
Stop hospitals, schools, banks, and any other organizations
Spoilage of thousands of tons of food
Stop of all types of public transport
Gas station stop, followed by a private transport
Road collapse (traffic jams of 10 points will look like flowers)
Violation of the regime of prisons, colonies, pre-trial detention centers (that is, it will be easier for prisoners to escape)
And much more
All this can be achieved simply by hacking the” brains ” of the power plant. What if a nuclear power plant is hacked? You need to understand that a cyberattack can cause more damage than an air strike.
Based on this logical premise, Marguerite moved on to the next one:
We are invulnerable in terms of hot war, but forget about hot war. It won’t be there. It will be a war of infrastructures.
And here we have a lot of vulnerabilities. We don’t have a sovereign Internet yet. We have not reinforced the perimeter of this technological infrastructure, so that it is impossible to “turn off Voronezh”.
Here I would like to recall those “geniuses” who a couple of years ago literally screamed at the news that the state has taken up the construction of a sovereign Internet.
What a flurry of stupidity then poured out of every oppositional iron! Russia has been compared to North Korea. Foreshadowed that now we are waiting for total wiretapping and the complete abolition of freedom of speech.
My friends seriously convinced me that another month or two and everything-Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other foreign social networks will be turned off at the click of a switch in the Kremlin.
I think you yourself remember how every opposition blogger with a grin reported that “comrade major” simply wants to disconnect Russia from the world Internet in order to broadcast his own “truth”, as in Orwell’s dystopias.
But years have passed, and YouTube and Facebook do not even move. Everything works as it always did. Only there are more bloggers now.
And it’s hard for them, the poor devils, to understand that Russia doesn’t need a sovereign Internet to disconnect from the world. And so that Russia can live if the rest of the world suddenly turns off Russia in a cyber war.
Adequate people understand this. And with this understanding, we turn directly to the words about the war with Ukraine.
We must be prepared for this war, which is inevitable. And of course it will start with Ukraine. To do this, we must mend these vulnerabilities in a “Stalinist”, mobilization mode.
I want us to refrain from hat-throwing. Yes, in a hot war, we will win Ukraine in two days. Well, what is it to win then, Lord? … This is not a problem. But the war will be different! We will defeat Ukraine, and they [the United States] will respond by shutting down Voronezh.
And here, in my opinion, 100% hit the nail on the head. Generals are known to prepare for wars that have already taken place. In the sense that the experience of past generations is mainly taken into account, and that is why we now have so many tanks and planes. That’s why we have such cool missiles and nuclear forces.
But the trouble is that all this may not be necessary in the war of the future, which will not hit the tanks, but immediately hit the infrastructure of the state through cyber attacks.
So with Ukraine, everything is not so clear. Yes, we will defeat it, but isn’t this a trap in which the West will get a good excuse for a real cyber attack? This should be remembered by everyone who likes to do cap-making and count the number and thickness of rockets.
I think our management is doing everything correctly, putting the brakes on the conflict as much as possible. Cutting the corner as much as possible and delaying direct conflict. You can always hit, but you need to remember about the possible consequences.
Now the construction of a sovereign Internet is proceeding at a rapid pace and, in my opinion, it is no less important that all these “Calibers” and ” Vanguards”…
True, but can’t Russia in the case of cyberwarfare then attack the very basic infrastructure required for internet usage.
Certainly, during informational warfare ( internet being the main source) a sovereign internet would be extremely important. China and Iran may have already achieved the capability of having a sovereign internet, perhaps Russia also has a system in place which can activated in the time of crisis.
Seeing that Russia has the high ground in the Ukraine, and that NATO cannot move there but a small number of military personnel, I sincerely hope that Russia will give NATO and the Ukis the answer which they deserve.
If those morons attack Donbass and Russia responds,it must be swift brutal with overwhelming force,anything less will send the wrong signal,it must be so savage the enemy won’t ever want anymore of it,i wish it could have happened many years ago when the FRY was attacked.
No comment on the expelling of diplomats as the response will be a proportional decrease in the number of US diplomats operating in Russia. Not worth discussing.
US Treasury sanctions – I’m watching this one. It goes without saying that the movement to non dollar denominated transactions will continue, but will Russia issue silver or gold backed bonds ?? Stay tuned.
This is how Washington created Eurodollar Market. When Moscow Narodny could not use New York
Shanghai or Hong Kong will expand further
Gold is the answer because it is the original reserve asset and has no counterparty claims on ownership. At a minimum we can expect that in retaliation Russia’s remaining treasury holdings will be immediately dumped, likely exchanged for gold. Next, Russia could ban its own banks and oligarchs from purchasing US treasuries in a mirror of America’s actions, which would force them to either buy gold or competing reserve currencies.
Which is fine, the Rouble is so worthless that Gold is indefinitely more valuable.
I strongly suggest Russia should go into bitcoin or even the Yuan if they ever want to recover financially.
At the same time there is a possibility that they haven’t done this because of further financial warfare against them. Newer forms of economy would be targeted too so instead of baiting the Empire to sabotage any other financial gain, let them play themselves out with attacks on current finances.
I cannot claim I know anything about investments and the sort, but that’s my two ce — roubles for you.
The sanctions as described by cassad look like token, face-saving measures. Saker has been predicting imminent war a number of times and nothing has happened. Given the weakness of the present American leadership and the ongoing Covid problem, any war this year is unlikely.
Confiscation of any property on a whim of Secreatary of Treasure with “no need for prior notice” – is face-saving?
What should be a face that can be saved by outright robbery?
The problem is no one knows who the leadership is if it’s the intelligence groups or the military or a combination of the two, one thing is for sure it’s not Biden congress or any other representing force or the many think tanks who create U.S. policy. And you never want to double guess them for if you do so it’s at your own peril. With their upcoming games around Russia’s border anything is possible.
The country is in DEEP trouble with far too many internal problems, (financial, unrest BLM, the country divided) and they may see a war as a way to get out of those problems I have to agree with the Saker that anything is possible even war…
A Think Tank sells policy.
The problem is no one knows who the leadership is if it’s the intelligence groups or the military or a combination of the two…
It’s the global banking cartel (primarily Zionists) that is in control. All wars are banker’s wars. They “buy low” and “sell high”.
Further, please remember Bibi Netanyahu’s famous quote – “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
It’s happening today, right now, isn’t it?
Also never forget that the jews have a extreme narcissistic sociopathic dominance fixation
that IS absolutely rooted in their Talmud, Zohar and Torah – anyone who is NOT a jew IS
to be made/treated as a slave or worse.
See the ‘Noahide Laws’ for more such criminal insanity….
In their minds, via all of those documents, non-jews aren’t even seen as “Human”; jews
alone imperiously claim to be “Human” while every other non-jew is but a ‘beast of burden
on two legs’ existing only to serve them.
In both essence and practice THEY are the true racists and supremacists!
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
To forecast is to guess the future.
Agree that sanctions mentioned are not really that serious. They noticeably are not placing any further sanctions on Nord Stream 2. This is significant, as there has been STRONG bipartisan pressure to stop the pipeline using whatever means necessary.
Serious-sounding sanctions are designed for several purposes:
1. Makes Biden look tough to Democrat base who hate Russia (do not know why there is this hatred.
2. Keeps military industrial complex happy because it keeps amping up the Russia “threat.”
3. It attempts to placate Russia hawks in Congress and elsewhere who wanted Nord Stream 2 stopped.
So much of this Russia stuff is about energy, and attempts to kill off Russia economically through forcing the world to go “renewable” – and/or get rid of Putin.
But main U.S. obsession right now seems to be China.
Antagonism toward both countries feeds the military/industrial/intelligence/ media/ tech conglomerates / academia complex.
Later, Colonel Cassad changed his view when Biden declared a national emergency which is a precursor to a declaration of war.
National emergency is meant to establish a dictatorship in the US targeting local dissidents, hence the word “national”.
The two destroyers backing away struck me as a possible move preparatory to actual war.
There’s no sign that the US is prepared to negotiate or back down. The sanctions were accompanied by a delcaration of a national emergency with respect to Russia. This is not the language a nation adopts for peace.
Yes, the US has cancelled their ships’ deployment to the Black Sea. At first, I thought it was part of the de-escalation.
But in fact it’s the opposite.
Moving lucrative targets away from a war zone is a sign they are anticipating an escalation.
In the military they always told us, “If you see the fire engines quickly leaving the scene of the fire with sirens on and lights flashing, then you better leave fast as well!” That’s what the departure of those ships remind me of.
With today’s sanctions and expulsion of diplomats, it looks like Biden shows his diminished cognitive powers.
He clearly psychologically wants to meet Putin and show he’s the toughest, roughest big man.
However, the sanctions make this, atop the “Killer” comment, a near impossible event. How could Putin agree to doing anything with the US?
In the context of the historic Biden Russophobia, why should we think he would be less a phobe as President?
Here is the crux of the US dilemma: how to use Ukraine in a war with Russia and not lose Ukraine altogether?
I believe the recklessness of Obama-Biden appointees will follow on in this instance and they will “damn the torpedoes”. They know nothing less. Look at their operations in the ME. Libya, Syria, attempt to kill Erdogan.
I expect they are having a hard time calming down Zelensky so the war clearly can be blamed on Russia. Right now, he is the clear instigator.
Zelensky is more problem than puppet right now.
Once they get the talking points (InfoWar propaganda) straight, they can launch.
As for NS-2, they can force Germany to shut it off after its completion. They have the screws to turn. When Russia is bloodied and branded, it will happen. Germany is the US whore. Old and worn, but still a prostitute.
The only thing slowing down the march to war is logistics. They have a lot of gear and men to move closer to Ukraine.
They may be buying a few more months. The delay is more a problem for Russia than NATO. Keeping huge numbers of troops in ready state has its problems.
Also, Taiwan could explode if there is a misjudgment by Taiwan or China. And these US clowns know a two-front geopolitical world war is beyond the capacity of the US. Ukraine they can control. Taiwan has its own multiple triggers and redlines.
Putin has the West where he wants them. Anxious for war. Walking into his cauldron.
The West led by an addled-brain Biden and his second in command, Kamala the laugher. A silly woman whose skills belong to brothel-dwellers.
Larchmonter, how right you are, right indeed, see what I posted below. You and I have spoken privately, don’t make no difference who knows, you and I are comrades. My feeling is that at this moment war is on a hair trigger and some fool is slowly tightening the pressure on the trigger. The only ‘saving grace’, if that, is SehSha is not ready for war in that feckless ‘ally’ they have in EU. Still and all, it’s close, very close.
This all has relatively little to do with Biden or Harris other than giving the green light for the forces that want war to prepare their weapons and projects for the long haul. This will be a new version of the Cold War–sort of a “Warm” War full of minor clashes, covert ops, cyber-warfare, and maybe very new and more toxic weapons than we know about. All this to shore up power in Washington and circle the wagons of the West and it’s minions. The real victims are the US and European populaces. Key to how warm this new conflict will be lies in Germany. They have to decide whether they prefer neutrality or Empire–they are the one country that can choose by itself. It can oppose the US’ call for circling wagons–will it?
“With today’s sanctions and expulsion of diplomats, it looks like Biden shows his diminished cognitive powers”. Not really. He is half brain dead, and it’s questionable if he fully understands what he is signing nor if he is capable of remembering what exactly he signed. He was placed in the White House to promote aggressive neocon imperial policies and not to promote peace. He is just a puppet, the worst that was ever placed in the White House by the neocons.
It would appear that we are – probably – looking into a political and military showdown between the Atlantic, Anglo-American powers and Russia, which the West will fight using proxies, although a direct confrontation is not impossible. As I have written before, the US has a gigantic foreign debt and an even larger domestic one. As analysts have stated, it cannot kick the can down the road permanently when it comes to repaying these debts. On top of that the dollar is printed in huge amounts backed by nothing, while Russia and China are preparing to introduce gold backed currencies, not to mention that both have introduced international trade organizations, which are attracting sovereign states.
The US is provoking Russia to war, not only to banish her on the international political and economic scene, but also in order to provoke internal reactions. I am surprised that nobody is mentioning the September Parliamentary elections in Russia. It’s easy to see what Washington’s intent is. It will force Khazar Volodymyr Zelensky to attack the Donbass, hoping Russia will intervene and thus be accused of “aggression”. After that Washington is hoping to see internal reactions in Russia, namely a liberal takeover of the Russian Parliament, which is laughable nonsense. The opposite will happen. Russians will rally behind President Putin.
What the Anglo-Americans are doing is not only a very dangerous thing, but a dangerous gamble vis a vis their European allies. How many of them really want to see a wider conflict ? How many of them want to be a permanent American political and imperial stooge ?
This Anglo-American strategy is also directed against continental Europe, primarily against Germany, with France in second place. By provoking a war, the Anglo-Americans are hoping to drive a political and economic wedge between Russia and Continental Europe, hoping to terminate North Stream – 2 gas pipeline and bring Europe under American economic control. A dangerous policy. Russia is in Europe while the US is on the other side of the Atlantic. The US is trying the patience of Europeans.This will not end well.
By “banish her on the international political and economic scene” , you probably mean Zone A.
But who needs Zone A?
Jose, U$A “banishing Russia from the international scene” by such actions reminds me of a an old British headline: Fog on the English Channel, Continent Isolated.
“Germany is the US whore. Old and worn, but still a prostitute.“
Not correct. The Anglozionist Empire always intended and intends to destroy Germany AND Russia.
Correct is your statement:“As for NS-2, they can force Germany to shut it off after its completion.“ To “force“ is the decisive word. Germany is not a whore but a prisoner of the Empire.
Incidentally, I would like to politely ask you to refrain from insults of this kind. Thank you.
To Schaumamoi,
That was not an insult by Larchmonter – that was simply stating a fact. You, Germans, must understand that what you are exhibiting as a nation is a severe case of the “Stockholm Syndrome” – also his expression.
And one that is spot on!
Tell us why, knowing full well that Merkel is a totally manupulated and controlled puppet of Anglo-Zionist Cabal, you kept her there for 16 years?! Kept voting for her! No alternative? You have an alternative, it’s actually called Alternative for Germany, party that is showing you the way to free yourselves at last from this sick, demeaning occupation and it’s only got 10% of support?! So, what does that say about you, as a nation?
The way you people feverishly support your Germany being an instrumantal part of this US/NATO, the war-mongering bunch of US and Euro-trash – tell us if that is not a prime example of this pathetic “Stockholm Syndrome”? Happily offering your land to place several US Bases, including missile ones, in the process making yourselves a PRIME target? Tell us, what in your opinion does that make you, as a supposedly “proud and sovereign” nation? You had over 75 years to free yourselves. Did you do it? No. So, his description of Germany as “an old US whore”, suffering from SS, is very descriptive and totally apt.
You hit the eye not the brow. To use a Russian expression
I am sorry, but you do not have a clue what about you are speaking.
The AfD is a MI6 asset – created to calm down the conservatives, to engage the AntiFa in Germany.
Nothing else – clear to see over the course of the last eight years.
By the way – Germany uses Dominion election machines as well as ….. you name it. The Sozial Democrat Party of Germany for example. Everything is very well orchestrated in Germany – and not by the Germans.
“There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the Germans. No lie can be conceived treacherous enough, the Germans believe it. They follow a slogan which was given to them, to act against their own countrymen, rather than the real enemies of their country.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
To Chris GG
Alternative for Germany is an MI6 asset?! Please, stop reading Bild..
“Tell us why, knowing full well that Merkel is a totally manupulated and controlled puppet of Anglo-Zionist Cabal, you kept her there for 16 years?”
Because they had their elections manipulated like in most of the world?
“if voting changed anything, they wouldnt allow it”
I guess L445 means the German politicians and not necessarily the German population
And they are the whores of the Arsch(ke)Nazis
No doubt about that
Than why L445 don’t point out exactly what he mean by Germany is a old worn hure? He is known for his lengthy explanations- I assume that he can’t differentiate or he is not willing to do so – this block becomes more and more of hate filled sand box games, instead of promoting more unity and respect among its members – Well I guess it is what it is, if you call someone just long enough a hooker, this person may actually become one – mission accomplished !
““Germany is the US whore. Old and worn, but still a prostitute.“…thats 100% right; I´m german, and i know which sort our regime is, since the first day of this state Federal Republic of Germany, they established this state with the old nazis, in full agreement the usa;
To Larchmonter445
This is a lead up to a false flag, which is planned to be much, much bigger than 9/11. The world better get ready for that..
Very much likely, Katerina. The idea come to me when seeing how the US has collected all the nonsensical accusations ever made by their media, as if preparing their citizens for what the “Big One” they are preparing to pin on Russia, so the people support whatever they plan to do attempt Russia.
And no matter how many times a false flag is employed across history.
Each time everyone falls for the trick.
The “Unseen” consequence. Right on Katerina. You too RMM….they got away with it once and much like Novochok….the thing they use over and over….or the gas attacks. What’s another 9/11 amongst citizens? Anything to forward U$A thousand year ‘American Century’.
Agree with Katrina.
What comes next… much bigger than 9/11.
If you think that there is so much to be gained by victory in this conflict by the ultra rich and a trigger point is all that is necessary to release the locked and loaded, then a false flag, a surprise beyond anyone’s expectations should not surprise you. The last two acts, Sept. 11 & the pandemic are examples of so much to gain, by so many that it takes such skillful and cleaver coordination to execute these crimes. Shock and awe and touching people at a very personal level are the methods that have evolved as most successful. The imagination and coordination are contained in the swirling smoke of occult, thus the unexpected.
Perhaps this next act will occur in the America and the resonance of tears and screams will shock the triggers and start the fall of dominos.
The false flag trigger maybe a white flag. The US inflation rate and the fall of the dollar.
From October 2019 to February 2021 the US M1 Money Supply grew 446%.
At this rate the US M1 Money supply will have grown 2,000% by Summer 2022.
Dollar collapse due to inflation will be blamed on Russia & China. The MIC will swell the coffers & coffins as its latest big haul. What’s next is anyone’s guess, only the zion bankers know.
Larchmonter445 wrote: “The only thing slowing down the march to war is logistics. They have a lot of gear and men to move closer to Ukraine”.
My comment: The Logistics of rapidly sending US troops through Europe toward Russia was tested in January 2017
Open Schengen Borders for NATO Troops
By Elisabeth Braw
In times of war, NATO SACEUR is free to move troops across NATO member borders.
In Time of Peace, NATO need permission to move troops across National borders within Europe.
Ian Brzezinski, a deputy assistant secretary of defense under George W. Bush,
Now a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council said:
NATO must be able to conduct exercises with 40.000 troops in the Baltic and Eastern Europe, in time of Peace. Only by exercises involving the movement of large numbers of troops and equipment can you minimize the logistical confusion that accompanies the fog of war.
After Crimea:
At the 2014 NATO summit in Wales, NATO tripled its Response Force to muster 40,000 troops.
And all NATO member states agreed to pre-clearance for NATO Troops.
At the 2016 NATO summit in Warsaw, NATO agreed to station 4 battalions (4,000 troops) in Poland.
13. januar 2017 ·
7 US divisions arrived in Bremerhaven Germany on Jan. 5, 2017 after departing Fort Carson Jan. 4, 2017. They are the first US Soldiers to start rotations of ABCTs to Eastern Europe in support of US – NATO operation Atlantic Resolve.
The first order is to rapidly move the brigade’s 2,800 pieces of equipment, including tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles and Paladin self-propelled howitzers, off of three supercargo ships and to Poland, where the brigade will disbursing its battalions to 8 countries ranging from the Baltic to the Black seas.
The latest Biden escalation is made in accordance to long time NATO planing.
@A.Dane: “Ian Brzezinski, a deputy assistant secretary of defense under George W. Bush, now senior fellow at the Atlantic Council”
Wikipedia: “Parents: Zbigniew Brzezinski; Emilie Benes”
U$ regime hereditary Kakistocracy.
It strikes me that the closest historical analogue we have to the Biden administration set up/composition and the way that it functions, would be imperial Japan’s government. Instead of an emperor , we have the president. And instead of a cabal of military leaders, we have a cabal of secretaries. Decisions are made elsewhere and then announced by the undead president. Who’s coordinating the decisions and policies/goals of the various satrapies of state, defense, intell, etc.? The Dni? The national security advisor? Who’s primus inter pares? Cuz it sure ain’t Biden or heels up Harris. It takes “anonymous official”to a whole new plane of existence and meaning. What a cluster f**k. This is how you stumble into a war. Not that the cabal is really trying to avoid one, but for the rest of us “little deplorable folks?” I’m starting to comprehend the full meaning of agreement incapable. How do you negotiate with such an entity?
This bears a deeper analysis. Thank you for bringing up similarities with Imperial Japan: they are legion.
Let’s start with the attitude. Imperial Japan was the “land of the gods.” They had a sort of “manifest destiny” in which virtuous Japan was going to lead all of its neighbors into a “co-prosperity sphere” and cast off the western devils. It is common knowledge even now in Japan that what started Japan down the rosy path to imperialism was its victory over Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. That is what gave the messianic nationalists political power and forced everyone else into line.
Second, aside from scattered coal deposits, Japan lacked its own resources, but having developed into a modern industrial society at the behest of the Meiji Emperor, whose advisors had seen it as the only way to stave off the Western colonization that had devastated nearly every other country in Asia. They were undoubtedly correct, but that left Japan in a pickle when its access to oil from southeast Asia was threatened. It can be reasonably argued that Japan had valid reasons for challenging America, except the ruling cabal was way out of touch with the ugly realities Japan faced, and they deemed Japan invincible.
My husband, from a prominent samurai family, says Gen. Isoroku Yamamoto, who ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor, had been to New York. He’d seen what American industry could produce. He knew what the consequences of a war would be, but he was unable to convince enough of the cabal to form a consensus to seek another solution to the predicament. Like a good samurai he carried out the consensus decision, though it was suicidal. I sincerely doubt the American generals would be able to do any better, given how thoroughly the Neocons have taken over in the US and its allies.
I’m being called! I’ll try to write more later.
Bravo for both above for the Japanese analogy. I have never thought about that, but it is something that I will keep looking at, wow. And for another part that the “cabal” overwhelms, the dog that does not bark is the usOfa House of Rep and Senate who never authorize military actions that often go straight to war.
@Skuppers: “This is how you stumble into a war.”
Same way Great Britain “stumbled into WW1”. After 10-20 years of forging military alliances plus nonstop propaganda against “German militarism”, start a war in little Serbia then defend your ally France by rushing an army to Mesopotamia to grab the oilfields for Lord Rothschild before France can grab them for Le Baron Rothschild.
Different countries, same modus operandi, same family business: a hereditary international Plutocracy.
Like many of us on this website, I have been frustrated by Russia’s supreme patience and wisdom in refraining from reacting to US provocations and crimes. I pray for peace, but when there’s a psychopathic rogue nation practically begging for a smack down, maybe that’s what needs be done. On the other hand, I think our brother VV Putin is has all the necessary information and facts on the ground, as well as a core of helpers, to analyze the situation thoroughly and to create a strategy to deal with whatever the mentally ill and evil US does. Thankfully, Russia is well-prepared to meet any military threat from the queer-infested Western soldiers.
It is because US is not Georgia for Russia. Symmetrically Russia is not Iraq for US.
Actually this all is not real war. US is bullying Russia very hard, but not touching her.
Patience and wisdom is the key for Russia to win this battle in long term – *until* – US or Ukraine will not attack assets of Russia.
War is not the worst outcome. US has not fought an advanced industrial power since 1945 snd then it had British Empire and USSR providing most of manpower and resources.
US is terrified if any of its overpriced assets are shown to be useless and the image of superiority implodes
Hollywood has been a Pentagon propaganda arm for decades and covered up defeat in Afghan or Vietnam or Iraq ……… but conflict with Russia or China is terminal for USA but they see a fading window just as Germany did 1914 when faced with. Russia growing fast economically
The war started at least 7 years ago. What is happening is that the war is evolving and if the current path is maintained the war will become kinetic soon.
The US by sanctioning Russia clearly demonstrated that it doesn’t want to talk or negociate. No negociations mean war.
Like I said many times the only thing we don’t know for sure is the scale of this war.
How far will it escalate? Regional war or WW3 with nukes and all? That is the only question which matters at this point.
The Russians should employ shock and awe if any NATO involvement(or not) . Fast and furious. Or it will be the end of Putin (not Russia unless they get another drunk Yeltsin)
Indeed the Reich never had a problem with this Court Jester,the man was a disgrace who humiliated his Country,Putin fixed it thats why they hate him,like you say any response must be overpowering,take the whole Ukrainian coast.
Russia needs to take some intentional and serious actions against the US in response to the latest sanctions.
Why does Russia supply the US with engines for their space explorations?
Why does Russia partner with the US with the International Space Station?
These are just 2 decisions that the Kremlin makes that confuses me. I’m sure there’s other area’s too where Russia could hurt the US but they seem to be too kind or timid?
War is a terrible outcome if it ends up happening but, IF War breaks out, Russia should make a definite statement that the west doesn’t forget.
Russia also supplies heavy oil to the US for refineries in Texas since Uncle Sam blocks heavy oil from Venezuela. In this way Russia unfortunately is not showing solidarity to Venezuela but taking advantage of the their misery.
There is this saying in English – “cutting off your nose to spite your face”. Russia would never, ever do something so stupid.
When Russia undertakes these actions, she is getting paid. Never think she acts towards these enemies out of some misplaced generosity, . Russia needs and wants income. Also, if you supply someone with something they need/want, who has the whip hand? They — or you? She can deny these things any time she wants.
But clearly just now, she sees no advantage in refusing to supply America with things America needs and can get nowhere else, and many advantages.
she can always withdraw later if she wants and needs to.
Russia is building 4 nuclear reactors in Turkey, financed by Russia at a cost of $20B (or more). They recently completed the Turkstream gas pipeline. They are selling Turkey the S400. Why? What are they getting for this? A kick in the teeth from Erdogan?
regime change – the multipolar way
I’d love to sell my “friend” an advanced, armed and fully functional radar system to put in his yard.
Ever more strident drums of war beating. Additional and semi draconian sanctions against Mother with the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats from US, said diplomats accused of being spies under cover of diplomatic immunity. Sanctions are aimed at those who ‘helped Krimea in leaving orcland’ and against Russian sovereign debt and her ability to borrow internationally. The ‘debt’ deal is in and of itself half a step from war.
I read the two US ships cancelling their cruise in to Black Sea another way in they know their lifespan is measured in minutes if that when the balloon goes up. Uncle Sugar is moving troops and equipment as fast it can to eastern eu. It smells more and more like war. If this comes to pass, we in this village are going to find out just how good S300, 400 and 500 are in addition to other little goodies involved in air defense. As a point of honor, our little village will be swamped with swarms of cruise ordinance.
Pls do consider – Leave. Fight another day… No need to take unnecessary risk atm… Leave with your family and children to a safer place for now… you can always come back after the birds in the skies and outter earth drop like flies… you will be sorely needed then… The decision is solely yours and your family to make but do consider again…
be well be safe
If people were wise, they would be leaving the US now. The US will have the fate of Sodom.
I thank you for your considerations, but we will never leave.
Godspeed to you and yours Auslander, i will say a prayer and light a candle for you tonight.
Speaking to you as a 3rd gen WW2 survivor family clan,
I remember. I did not forget nor forgive.
I understand.
will ask few more mighty angels to watch over you and your family
they get the job done I pay them
(I think they will ask for more than 10 ice creams :D)
Be close to your family and your young ones
friend of saker is friend of mine
If things gets really ‘fun’
as a REAL taoist/buddhist (not the streets type) and the magicians we dont pray
we manipulate energy, hence destiny path
we will ‘take’ them to a ever-looping black hole
I will watch closely I promise
I wont wish for peace when there is no peace…
be well be safe
p/s i feel the energy of your young ones. they are very lovely. do tell them the mighty angels are watching over them :)
Good luck to all of you. We all look forward to receiving your very interesting and informative updates on the current situation. Greetings.
My dear friend, Auslander,
I imagine if Krim is hit with cruise missiles, the US will lose Newport News.
And the naval military planners must know that they have nothing to stop the hypersonic missiles that will come at them at M 9- M18 hypersonic velocity.
The prayers and spiritual thoughts of millions are coming toward you. It is the strength of the people of Sevastopol and Crimea and Donbass that terrifies the soulless Westerners who cannot find the means to break your will to exist.
With Christ, my friend, and awesome power of the Russian spirit, we shall go forward.
I think something very small and feeble will occur, but it will be swept aside.
My dear friend and very close comrade Larchmonter,
We do not want to fight, we do not want war, we abhor the very thought of war, but if we have to fight we will fight so hard it will make the third monkey look like a helpless babe in arms. Our prayers are that cooler heads will prevail and back away from the yawning abbis…. but we won’t back away, we can’t back away, we have nowhere to back to. How am I going to look in to our children’s eyes and tell them Mommy and Daddy are leaving them? They know we are worried, not frightened but worried, and all seven of them are very quiet and affectionate this eventide, even Ye’katarina is for once quiet and calm and old Ruslan, feeble as he is, is Ye’lean’chka’s shadow this night, won’t let her out of his sight, just patiently sitting beside her no matter where she is.
We’ll guage the city tomorrow, but already my bride has gotten a call or two asking if we are staying. Of course we will, we’ll put our faith in God and stay on our land in this city, come what may. What tomorrow will bring will be.
Keep them close; they know more than anyone would suspect.
The US can sanction the purchase of sovereign debt all they want. It’s not going to have much of an effect, on a country like Russia, whose fiscal deficit is less than 1%, and whose debt-to GDP ratio is under 15%!
Stay safe Auslander! Keep us posted.
these are terrifying times. How does the sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan fit in here ? Is Biden actually making any decisions – I can hardly believe he would be allowed to in his state. I can well believe he wants to posture / talk tough to Putin – but Putin isn’t ‘ Cornpop ‘.
Thinking of the two ships – the story of ships having their electronics rendered helpless by Russian planes – was there any truth to that or was it just an apocryphal tale ? ( I’m so sorry I have no expertise to evaluate these things.) I find it hard to believe that there are no competent professional military men in the US advising against this – are there really not any ?
Please stay safe. I’ll be eagerly looking out for your ongoing reports.
I can not at this time comment on what may or may not have happened concerning the two ships negated in seconds.
For all of you, my friends and fellow ‘sakers’, we will I think be safe, worried we may be, VVP has said more than once that an attack on Sevastopol is the same as an attack on Moskau or St. Petersburg and the reaction will be the same, we are all three the only Federal Cities in Rossiya ergo in a symbolic way ‘the most important’. I was going to write what I think may be the retaliation as long as the attack on us is not nuclear but I think I will not congect at this time, no sense in giving what is becoming our enemy ideas. Let Foggy Bottom worry, as they well should.
Auslander – Godspeed to you and your family. You will be in our prayers here in Northern Canada.
Withdrawal from Afghanistan? Give up the huge heroin market?
I live near a very large Afghan refugee community in London. They have been extremely candid about what they observed themselves and what the ordinary Afghan knows about the US presence in their country. In the same way that the attack on Iraq was never really about “WMDs or destroying Saddam Hussein the dictator and helping to introduce freedom” but about destroying the capacity of the nation to be a cohesive nation (hence the deliberate use of depleted uranium to debilitate the population), plus grabbing the oil (when the Iraqi government made a tally of what was available after the British forces departed from Basra, they found 3 oil wells emptied)- the US occupation of Afghanistan was primarily about grabbing rare earth resources. Sure, along the way, the CIA did what it did in Vietnam and Central and South America – make money out of the drug trade – but the real money has been in the removal of mountains of copper, gold, lithium, uranium, lead, chrome, precious stones and many other high priced resources. THAT is why they have delayed their departure, it is a very very lucrative business.
The removal of US troops is also a game of smoke and mirrors. If at the highest level, the US had 150,000 military personnel there, in the direct pay of the US government, today they have 150,000 civilian contractors replacing the role of the military. These civilian contractor are a mix of ex-servicemen, mercenaries and civilian technicians…and they are as good as invisible if you listen to any media broadcasts (if any get killed, they dont count as they are not Government Issue troopers) – so any focus on the remaining “US military forces” misses the point: there is a minimum amount of military acumen still needed, to coordinate issues with the Deep State players who are running the show. The real reason for a gradual withdrawal would be a case of diminishing returns but for the moment, it is still a very lucrative business to stay in there as long as possible. Its a game… by announcing any withdrawal, it adds a bit of media attention but a real withdrawal can be delayed for as long as the US feels like staying …and even troop levels raised, if circumstances require this. Fact is, you have to work on the basis that you cannot trust a word the Americans say.
One comment I would make is that the withdrawal is hardly ‘sudden’ after 20 years, of basically accomplishing nothing, after destroying Al Quaeda (for the most part).
They didn’t destroy “Al Quaida’; they created, trained, financed,protected, and transported them. Everything the opposite of destroy in fact.
Americans refuse to believe how brainwashed they are, they’ve been told their entire lives the rest of the world are brainwashed idiots.
This goes out on so many levels; they have almost zero geography skills, ridicule anyone else who is multilingual, while they themselves barely have a grasp of English, and want to start wars at the drop of a hat because the (((media))) tells them so. Questioning the bolshie media gets you labeled as an anarchist.
This is not going to end well for the US, as they have hit rock bottom on every level today.
A verbal commitment to leave Afghanistan in the future by the US is no guarantee that they will actually do it. Remember Mr. Pompeo’s quote about ” lie, cheat, steal”
Good morning Auslander.
May God protect the heroic people of the Russian Federation.
My support and solidarity is with President Putin and may God guide him and be victorious.
If they start WWIII, so be it. It will be the end of a genocidal economic system based on greed, exclusion, permanent proxy wars and amorality.
Devine justice should prevail.
I wish we could be with you! Solidarity! Be well. Be safe. Take care. You are in my heart and prayers.
Thank you Saker for maintaining a close watch on these issues.
If the recall of two Burke’s was to reduce risk exposure in the event of conflict, is it possible the sudden change ofplan with respect to an Afghanistan withdrawal was also prompted by a desire to reduce risk exposure?
Question 2:
The US has continually undermined the “international architecture” put in place after WWII. The US is not a signatory to the International law of the sea yet inists on running FONOPS everywhere. It refuses to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the World Court and has acted to replace the UN with NATO. Is there any potential for Russia and China to raise these issues within the Security Council and seek to re-establish that body as the dominant deliberative body between states?
Well….Ukr Foreign minister has been touring Baltics…. whether drumming up support or warning of consequences who knows. Also at the Nato recent meeting he has been trying to persuade members that Crimea has infrastructure to host nuclear weapons….MoD Ukr has a secret intel report claiming extravagently about Russian troops : extract
“RUS troops massing around UKR’, says: ‘By the end of April 2021, Russians are going to deploy up to 26 BTGs (Battalion Tactical Groups), several artillery tactical groups, air defence units, reconnaissance units and 4 Special Operations Forces detachments. ‘The total amount estimated to be 54 BTGs, up to 107,000 troops, up to 1,300 tanks, 3,700 armoured vehicles, up to 1,300 artillery systems and mortars and up to 380 multi-launch rocket systems.’ More photos… maybe Bellingcat will “find” some more.
Hope so ….jolly good….might prevent Z from making a stupid mistake with huge consequences some people think is possible despite Ukr repeating mantras about peaceful solutions hoping they are believable? Is there not a Normandy thingy due soon?
A reminder
KIEV, March 12. /TASS/. The Normandy Four (Germany, France, Russia, and Ukraine) leader may have a meeting in April. Preparations for it are underway, Ukraine’s chief negotiator in the Contact Group on the settlement of the situation in Donbass, Leonid Kravchuk, said on Friday. “Serious efforts are being taken at the level of political advisers , they are discussing this key issue – a possible top-level meeting. It is planned, probably, for April but it is difficult to say what will become of it,” he told the Ukraina-24 television channel. He once again spoke in favor of expanding the Normandy format and involvement of the United States, which, in his words, would render bigger strength and authority to the process. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said earlier that a Normandy Four summit was being prepared but if it failed to be organized he was ready to meet with each of the three leaders. In response, Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the best way to prepare a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders would be for Kiev to implement its commitments under the existing agreements on Donbass.”
Latest events may put the kybosh on USA attending/ participating.
All becoming so dangerously absurd….relentessly?
Donetsk, Apr 14 – DAN. Ukraine’s representatives in the Contact Group have refused to discuss a full-fledged operation of the coordination mechanism within the framework of the Additional Measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire, the DPR delegation press service said. “Today’s discussion was a continuation of yesterday’s meeting, an absolutely wasted meeting of the security subgroup,” the statement reads.
Meanwhile Ukrainian “unofficial” propagandists propose blowing up a nuclear power plant to show meek EU they mean business.
I think, people of southern hemisphere can feel lucky for watching the most epic absurdist show of century…
This is an interesting move by Russia:
JUST IN – Russia is closing the strategic Kerch Strait in the Black Sea for warships and state ships of foreign countries from next week until October 2021, closing off the Ukrainian ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk to traffic (Interfax Ukraine)
Link please? Zero in Russia and local news.
Interfax was cited at moon of Alabama but I can’t read russian, so couldn’t confirm.
И ещё тут :(Yandex translation. Mod – “And here again”:–cf00a5c2cc0393dc2503a5fbb7086fba
Господь да будет с вами и вашими и со всей Малороссией (Yandex translation. Mod – “The Lord be with you and yours and with all Little Russia.”)
After closing Kertch proliv, Next step of Russia should be closing the airspace on Crimea and neibourghland : these are and could be strong steps from Russia to prevent « inter-slavic inter-russian war » with God’s help
This is more or less official in Russian
Reportedly, the three zones would be closed off for “military and governmental” ship.
From 21.00 April 24 up to 21.00 October 31
Reportedly NONE of those zones lies within Kerch Strait.
RIA Novosti mentions some “bullettin published on 14th of April” however the last one published at is December 2020
Maybe there also are offline paper-only publications, dunno.
According to informations available late last night, only certain areas of the straights are closed for training exercises. Normal navigation through the actual channel and under the bridge is not affected. Can’t verify eyes on.
In Donetsk, locals are ordered to prepare hospitals, administrative buildings and bomb shelters for a possible intensification of hostilities, and to be ready by April 21.
I hate to say it but that was a clever move by Uncle Sam. They still have the upper hand in the financial battlefield with the dollar’s advantage, and there Russia has no real means of destabilizing the combined power of Wall Street, the City, and global world finance.
At this stage I wonder if Russia and China should not stage a one-two punch : Taïwan, and then the Donbass. This would force the US to fight on two fronts and abandon one of them. But this means world war.
Another alternative would be a completely unexpected judo move. Attacking the US at a weak and unexpected point. This is particularly hard. It could also be done in the financial world ; the issue is that here we’re dealing with unimaginable amounts of power, the absolute core of Anglo-Zionist dominance, it’s almost like trying to attack the core of the nuclear reactor.
One thing for sure. If the Ukies and the US choose to attack, Russia should retaliate not only in Ukraine, but also against NATO. Vaporize the bases in Poland, Germany, do not hold back. Make them pay.
There is a sequence in Stephen King’s Charlie book which has always stuck with me. At the end of the book the dying father Andy McGee tells his daughter to completely destroy the CIA headquarters and its goons. Before dying, his final words are “Make them pay. Make them know thy are in a war.”
That’s what I would like to say to the Russians. In the name of all the civilians killed, of all the destruction brought by the anglo-zionists on Ukraine and Europe, make them pay. Make them know and feel in their bones what does war mean.
In fact, they go to war because the dollar system has around four months of live…
Why do you think all major banks were selling assests in mass to grab cash?
The fall of Archelos put major banks at risk of bankrupt. Credit Suisse is in a very troubling situation…
the king has been dead for a long time..
but the perception and propaganda lives…
esp in west and everyone play the game of making shitload of cash and nobody ask no questions…
now the east is calling out their bluff
and the west needs to prove the dead king is still powerful…
more or less thats the story…
be well be safe
Russia and China are only posturing. It is extremely unlikely they are going to risk nuclear war by invading what they covet.
Meanwhile Erdo again started talking about digging “channel Istanbul” which would not be subject to Montreux.
All in all, USA from the outside look more and more like that stereotypical dying USSR. I can only imagine how embarassed and disgusted with their “representatives” should simple Americans feel today. I can’t help hearing old jokes and songs but everytime i read some news from USA.
Wikipedia on Soviet “Stagnation era”: The period’s political stagnation is associated with the establishment of gerontocracy, which came into being as part of the policy of stability.
What was that relentlessly wipped accusation against Trump and trumpers, “sowing discord”?
Wikipedia again: After the death of Brezhnev in November 1982, Yuri Andropov succeeded him …. he died little more than a year later in February 1984. Konstantin Chernenko (died in 1985), his successor…..
There was a joke about official news TV then: “Dear comrades, just don’t you laugh, but we again suffered a devastating unredeemable loss…
Now i read Biden: ….with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States
…unusual and extraordinary…
What, again???
….therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice….
Expropriate expropriators, to borrow from Marxism vocabularly.
Backstab and rob with no prior notice.
It should be very embarassing to be USA citizen today.
It is VERY embarrassing to be a U.S. citizen today. However, I would also be embarrassed if I were British, or German, or French. They keep submitting like lazy fools to any dangerous idiocy the U.S. government can dream up.
The corruption and stupidity is international and epic.
My Turkish friends all despise the clown Sultan Erdogan, and promise to buy the champagne if he drops dead. Assuming we don’t all go out together in a nuclear mushroom.
Perhaps the Americans and its allied crime partners actually want to provoke World War 3?
Because the Elephant-in-the-Living-Room issue that many people don’t address is that the American and Western financial system is ready to implode.
This financial system is the Mother of All Bubbles. The financial derivatives bubble alone is tens of trillions of dollars.
A planetary war would provide a useful “political cover” to disguise this financial implosion.
And it would provide the Mother-of-All Political Diversions to channel the anger of the sheeple away from this Ponzi Scheme financial system towards some external enemy, as part of a hackneyed “rally around the flag” effect.
Yes, for normal people, this type of gambit is insane.
But the American and Western political ruling classes are all clinically insane.
I agree with your premise. The size of the derivative bubble far exceeds your figure, it is actually more than a quadrillion dollars, maybe 1.5 quadrillion, all off-books, all unregulated, with unlimited counterparts risk. All the more reason for Russia, China, Iran, et al, to abandon the hemorrhaging digital dollar and SWIFT. I expect if the US starts a war with China, they will nationalize all the industries moved there from the US. But that might be the least of our problems if nukes start flying.
The Kremlin needs to send a message, expel the entire UK diplomatic mission from Russia and break off relations completely. Again, with the US expel sufficient diplomatic staff that leaves the US embassy the minimum required to function and close all other US consulates, kick out the US/UK press completely and close all foreign NGOs. Shut off Twitter and Facebook as well.
Cancel the deal for RD180 rocket motors, and ban the export of vital commodities required by the US defence industry such as titanium.
Contract for rocket motors is ending anyways.
Big Putin mistake after Crimea(the only good move).Odessa… No retaliation, no real counter sanctions. They hoped ukraine would collapse from inside of course no. After 7 years of brainwashing the situation is now much worse.Almost all possible sanctions have been taken except swift and…war.
You can not deal with people who think on ideology like ”the exceptional nation”, ‘the indispensable country”, the ‘choosen one”..they are the real fascists.Decisions are not even taken in D C, in London and in the head office ‘Tel Aviv’.
Triple targets: Iran, Russia and after later on, China. Neocons are on for their final armagedon.For normal people like us it is hard to understand the logic because there is none, pure ideology, a sectarian tribe.
Anything but war would be an even worse disaster. Delaying things does not help to the countrary.
They don’t care about Donbass, THE target is Crimea (for them just a strategic ukrainian location) for Russia is territory.They will double down otherwise they loose face.
Of course all EU and NATO idiots are behind but be sure they will not sleep well tonight.
New sanctions have banned all US banks from buying Russian sovereign debt, with the intention of defunding the Russian government and causing inflation. Almost immediately, the ruble plummeted.
This is the most significant act of economic warfare that America has ever undertaken against Russia.
Ruble is up 3% just today.
There does not appear to be any serious Nato mobilization?
So is this diplomatic brinkmanship?
Or does Nato think they can use standoff weapons , air and naval power to respond to Russian actions
Send a message that way?
Without a balance of conventional force on the ground, would this not be a strategy fraught with the risk of
failure and or escalation?
They are implementing a strategy as if the outcome of it is assured, with little contingency, except dangerous escalation
It seems on both sides there is a “just do it” mentality developing and if one looks at it rationally, it is unnecessary
Or both sides are looking for the other to be the ” big guy” and back down
Made worse by the US thinking Russia is actually rational and that they will back away and Russia thinking the US has gone quite mad
Where is the third party to mediate?
Bring everyone to their senses
Culture is dead in the water through lockdown, and politics, being downstream, is no more. War theatre of the absurd raises its grisly head, after four years of being held back by President Trump.
The best defense for RF is to consider this is a declaration of war and declare war back on the US.Then you will see the NATO ”alliance” collapse because it is in Europe I doubt big countries will want a war even as US whores they are.Poland and mini baltics will follow ukrops(who cares?) Declaration of war will collapse their financial ponzi(that is maybe the real goal?).They will loose trillions in a few hours or even minutes.This better than firing 2000 nukes.The only thing they care about is to keep their fake money, confort etc…
But my two cents, Russia will expel a few diplomats and that’s it.
This is so sad. The reality is that Washington swamp creatures are all being set free to plot, plan, and manipulate themselves into power-positions and the only sure-fire way to do that whether you are in the military or the media (same Deep State) is to push for war whenever and wherever it’s even remotely feasible. It’s the culture of the foreign policy elite–they each try to out tough their rivals. To most observers Washington makes no sense unless you can see it as a game rather than a serious approach to policy whether foreign or domestic–in short, policy does not matter only power, influence and status.
Having said that, policy is now formed on the basis on the basis of “emergent” qualities that are the sum total of dozens of factions all pulling in a direction that benefits them but that ends up having an appearance of real policy. Washington requires crisis and war to exist and keep the imperial project going. Russia, Washington believes, is unlikely to do much more than defend the Dombass and Crimea–it looks like they might be right. This is why many of us believe the RF should seize and/or destroy all command and control structures in Ukraine and stop just at the edge of total war with NATO and let that reality sink in. Either way, Russia will be isolated and removed from the Swift system even if it does nothing–Washington will invent something like cyber-attacks (carried out possibly by CIA contractors) as a casus belli that will lead to a Cold War II scenario that attempts to expel Russia from the “international community” and will sanction any country, person, or corporation from doing any business with Russia. Russia will be forced to defend itself against all kinds of non-military and covert attacks fueled by almost unlimited funds for covert ops. I want to repeat, this is not necessarily a clearly thought our policy by the USA only part of a game played by many players where the rewards all stem from bellicosity to the utmost. A weak POTUS makes the situation more dangerous.
One of the great insights made by the PNAC neocons in the 90s was that they believed that without a common purpose (and the only common purpose they believed worth was war) Americans culture would degenerate into hedonism, tribalism, and sectionalism and literally fall apart at the seams. That unity partially happened after 9/11 but the neocons squandered the opportunity by pursuing personal power and wealth over the interest of Empire. Today, the common purpose is always war but, unlike the project of the neocons after 9/11, no one is directing that project.
An “right sector” Ukronazi with an explosive device was unmasked in Stavropol, via .
Blowing up chlorine tanks- so attempted chemical warfare. No idea if it’s true, but certainly a provocative claim.
You have to remember that this is the AngloZIONIST Empire, not just the USA. Biden is just as beholden to AIPAC and the Zionist neocons as Trump was to Likud and US Christian Zionists. They are both organ-grinder’s monkeys and Benjamin Netanyahu is the organ grinder. The Mighty Wurlitzer (MSM) will never tell the truth about why we are soon going to attack Russia just like they will never tell the real truth about 9/11. It was that false-flag attack that was the pretext of all the wars of this century, all for Israel.
The Empire is finished and there is no stopping its decline, economically and militarily. But unlike empires of the past it will not go quietly into that dark night without taking the rest of humanity with it. That is the ONLY reason why it has nuclear weapons, lots of them. They really can’t be used in conventional warfare and all sides know that. But, Zionism is a death cult that presumes God has chosen Europeans to range around the planet displacing the indigenous and stealing their land. Russia has been a prime target for centuries.
Ultimately, Zionists long for an apocalyptic war with Russia (Magog) that will bring their warrior messiah back to Earth to smite all unbelievers, including the very Ashkenazim who now occupy Palestine. They know this because it says so in their “Holy Book.” I’m guessing that Russia doesn’t have a cult even remotely like Christian Zionism in the USA. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Damn Tommy. Afraid that’s too tall an order for me but you are so spot on! It’s just sad. I am in the mountains, having fled the city a few years ago. Limited internet…….now limited funds. I knew it was all coming. What a correct summation of everything. I hope Saker doesn’t get shut down. I’ll miss you, Larchmonter, Auslander, all of you. Opposite my property is a 2 lane highway with a Trump sign everyone honks at. They are all gun toting militia people who think they’d like to fight, like the movies they watch, anyone who comes up here. Be well.
“.. Biden is just as beholden to AIPAC and the Zionist neocons as Trump was to Likud and US Christian Zionists. They are both organ-grinder’s monkeys and Benjamin Netanyahu is the organ grinder…”
Actually, no.
‘Bibi’ is also an organ-grinder monkey. The REAL ‘organ grinder’s’ are the Rothschilds, who
operate from their ‘The City of London’ control nexus. ‘Bibi’ is just one of their ‘corporate
employees’…just like slo-joe the PINOUS*, o’blammo and drumphschtic (and all the rest..EVERY senator-shit,
congressional shitweasel and cross-dressing black robed Nazgul ‘SCROTUS’ priesthood).
*PINOUS – pResident In Name Only US
Hope that helps clear that up for you.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Russia is out of asymmetrical options.
Eventually Russia can make a step that would frighten Israel by arming Iran.
But The West is obviously not afraid of nuclear war.
No surprise. They respect nothing and value nothing. They have no dignity. How do they look at themselves in the mirror?
Poland and Ukraine will be instantly destroyed and will never recover. This will be the end of their history. The devil took their minds away for them to be pushing this. There’s no other explanation.
I don’t think that the UK and the US will survive either. Russia will survive.
I say that I prefer peace, but part of me wants the war to come. This is not peace currently. It also cannot go on like this and at some point Russia will need to look for account from these people.
One cannot simply forget or let go something like this:
This was a purposeful, totally evil and malevolent targeting and execution of a 4-year-old boy using weapons of war and knowingly. This is the age when children are the most incredible and interesting. As to confirm their malevolence and that it was intended, they tried to convince us that it was fake news and that they didn’t even want to explain why, but it was obvious and whoever didn’t see it as obvious was stupid or propagandist.
The innocent blood of this boy and of other innocent people is something so loud and stark, it’s deafening, that one cannot ignore it and look to the other side, going on with his life as if nothing happened. Either through the hand of Russia or through some other means justice will be served.
Let the wrath of God spill all over those whose father is the devil. Let us witness the justice that we thirst so much.
It is definitely heart wrenching.
The US Ambassador left the foreign ministry in silence and by a side – door. I hope he was asked to go home for consultations and then given a list of 10 other diplomats to leave with him.
I wonder if the level of diplomatic relations could now be reduced below Ambassador level – the US has only itself to blame.
Some other points raised too in regard to the US Dollar and Western payment systems. It has now been placed in jeopardy by the US’s own actions:
The low level of intelligence in the US Government bodies is frightening in itself, let alone the mental capacity of the man who is called President. We all know a comedian is in charge of Ukraine – put that all together and this is what Russia is having to deal with – to quote Peskov – “frightening”!
The jellyfish EU supports the US even if it means destruction of Europe as they know it.
Yes, there will be war and it will be a two front war. The Home Front: Already, the “committee” has orchestrated the arrest of a reporter associated with Alex Jones as a preparatory pretext for a raid on his station and his arrest. They know that he financed and helped to organize the peaceful, mass protest which was taking place miles from the false flag sit-in/masqueraded as an “insurrection” in Washington, DC.
In fact if Russia kills American servicemen it will be so much the better..etc. because they figure the American people will rally to “the cause”. And if you. do not…the label of traitor and arrest will be ready. No one cares about the Ukraine so it will have to be somewhere else.
Second Front: Maybe somewhere near Alaska/Vladivostok? That brings the Arctic into focus, is easier to fight and look good and it is harder for Russia to transport armies clear across Russia quickly so the beat down would be delayed giving the UN the opportunity to arrange a “time-out”
It is going to be a long hot summer. Russia!!! watch your back.
Probably will be several front’s, add Syria, Iran and Kalingrad.
Andrei My Orthodox Brother,
I think you’ve been right to say that Washington is willing to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian, Georgian, whatever. I cannot see the Western Elites committing “suicide by Russia”. Why would they do that?
I think your earlier assessment about Washington looking for an excuse (via NATO) to kill the Nordstream 2 Pipeline, further sanction Russia (as they did today) and to keep Europe in complete vassalhood (and energy dependent on the US) was right on the money.
As you noted before the US, UK and all of there NATO allies cannot win a conventional war with Russia. Any major conflict between NATO and Russia would almost be certain to nuclear. The level of Global destruction necessary to win a war with Russia would defeat any possible purpose of initiating such a war. It would be committing suicide and even if the Elites were sheltered in their underground fallout shelters with ample food and water at some point they would inevitably run out of resources and emerge from their bunkers to a complete radioactive wasteland.
Andrei my brother. You were a NATO analyst during the Cold War. Why would these Elites commit not only Civilizational suicide but would assuredly be their own deaths?
I’snt it Russian- Orthodox Eastern this Weekend?
I’snt the West famouse for using special Events
for starting Wars? Just a thought.
Biden will deliver “remarks on Russia” at 4:30 p.m., White House
No. Orthodox Pascha/Easter is May 2.
If this war happened, there are 2 things I question – in that I just dont know and can’t envisage.
1. would American troops and military be deployed to Ukraine, or would they just use local proxies as they have mainly done in the ME?
2. Remembering Putin warned – that if attacked Russia would not only respond by destruction of the primary site of attack, but also the HQ commanding it. Would that involve HQ’s in America – so would we be looking at Russia raining down missiles on America?
I just cant get a sense of where this might go with these two issues.
Yes Pamela, it means a response to anywhere in an asymetrical way. The Ruskies will defend the assult (s) , then (about one thousandths of a second later) go after any or all command posts anywhere in the world they seem fit to dismantle. They have a long list ready, All navy ships and dockyards sre sitting ducks, all command posts in deep (stateside) backwaters, All european command posts, All middel eastern posts,,, and most probably those Little bunkers where international cabal families watch war on the telly will be smoke,,,,, nothing like bringing the bacon home for a change.
I pray.
Russia is a great nation, so is the USA. I pray for them both.
The usa is in a pickle, she is out of oil and thirsty, she will have the Ruskies from 3 sides , chinese helping, Iran helping, and 80 million armed and pissed off deplorables helping from the inside. She’s fooked as they say, and war or suicide is her only escape. What ever she choose, she wont be allowed to survive either way,,,,, she has pissed off, abused, raped, threatened, killed and stole from too many to be given any quarter.
We pray for peace, and it looks like the Ruskies will bring it again.
“Bringing home the bacon” wouldn’t be as much fun watching them squirm in the dock. Afterwards we stick them all in golden cages and encourage them to brag about how they fooled us. Not as much fun to watch, but a lesson to future generations and we (collectively) deserve it for letting them get away with it for so long.
The one thing that would stop US aggression around the world would be the collapse of the US dollar as an accepted global reserve currency.
So perhaps it is time to stop the use of the US dollar now for major areas of the globe.
For simple-minded discussion’s sake, what would be the consequences if China and Russia announced the following:
1. As of Wednesday, April 21, 2021, financial institutions in China and Russia would no longer allow the use of the US dollar in any transactions handled by any banks or similar institutions (national or foreign) located within either country. All US dollar accounts would be frozen prior to the announcement for later distribution. The Euro, the Ruble, and the Yuan would be generally accepted as would most other national currencies. Decision would be reserved on the British pound. Global digital systems developed by Russia and China would replace SWIFT on the same day. The only use of the US $ allowed would be for the 2 central banks to buy physical gold at an arbitrary price of $6,000 thereby immediately devaluing the US $.
2. As of October 1, 2021, any commercial contracts with amounts in US dollars would become null and void within the commercial and legal systems of both countries.
3. As of January 1, 2022, initial conversion values would be established for several commodities like gold, silver, petroleum, and wheat to allow for inter-country clearing of imbalances. A subsystem would be included whereby commercial interests would be able to apply through their national governments for conversion of their funds of other nations to a a commodity equivalent related to the national currency.
4. As of January 1, 2023, commodity valuations would be reviewed and ongoing systemic management proposals promoted.
The US might finally be forced to address the real components of its untenable hegemony (as would the vassals, each in their own way).
The focus on Ukraine might disappear overnight and we would not have to weigh alternative scenarios of nastiness and death for a while.
Time for China to step into the ring. They are going to have to do it sometime anyway.
There would be a large impact on exports to the US but the payment for existing shipments is increasingly heading toward worthlessness.
We should cut to the financial chase rather than focussing on kinetic damage which should be used primarily as a backup threat (remember MAD?).
When I read your post on Biden’s Executive Order calling it a national emergency I thought at first it was some type of April Fool’s joke. Can this be real? Shockingly it is real and I’ve never read such an abhorrent order coming out of any sitting president and that includes any president during the Cold War. Every president we get is worse than the preceding one. I now look at nostalgia for Trump. That shows how low the bar is getting for US leadership.
One other thing. Saker I need you to forcefully answer Alexander Mercurios’ videos of yesterday where he lays out point by point that the west is backing down and pleading with Putin to help them save face in Ukraine. I’m not going to go over each point he makes but his videos are on youtube for all to watch. His remarks are in such contrast with yours that I feel it really needs a post in itself to answer why he’s wrong.
what national emergency this imbecile is talking about? americans now don’t have bomb shelters.
Thought the same thing. How can Biden sell this as a ‘National Emergency’ … it’s ridiculous. On the other hand people have been running around wearing ridiculous masks for almost a year, which demonstrated to me that … they can sell anything.
SteveK9: “On the other hand people have been running around wearing ridiculous masks for almost a year, which demonstrated to me that … they can sell anything.”
Very good point. Perhaps it was all an obedience test.
Politics is complicated beyond rhyme or reason, especially right now when no one really knows whose calling the shots and Russia has such military power, what do I know, nothing, but it would be good to hear the Saker’s intelligence capacity giving a response to Mercurios’ video content.
USA is not interested in open confrontation with Russia, therefore there is only one logical explanation for all this.
So called ‘western democracies’ (satanistic dictatorships, actually) are realizing that Russia cannot be conquered, either militarily, either from inside.
To coexist with powerful state that openly pursue different values and is sucessfull at that, is unacceptable, especially for the ‘civilization’ that is for the past 20 years based solely on perceptions and illusions, not on reality.
A total distancing must occur to completely stops flow of information and ideas. So called ‘fact checkers’ are but the harbingers of that.
Therefore, a limited war with LDNR will commence, without active Usa participation. Result is militarily well known, total ukie defeat, and it is O.K. with Usa.
The aim is to use this as a pretext for complete severing off all ties between ‘collective west’ and Russia, both economically, politically, and most important, informationally and culturally.
The end goal of all this is nothing but total control of western satanistic elites over their population, and for that they need some limited distant war and extreme demonizing of superior opponent.. Nothing else.
Ukies will attack and die, LDNR will expand, and a new wall will be built between Russia and western democracies/evil empire. The wall will be total, both physical and informational, in order to keep perception of superiority of the west alive.
Use of nuclear weapons is absolutely not contemplated, that is guaranteed. Usa heroes wouldn’t risk that even with North Korea, so to go nuclear with Russia is a big joke.
I would tend to agree, the US is simply manipulating emotions. The US has nothing to gain from a war with Russia, their military advisors would know this. The worlds billionaires are not seeking to discover immortality as they have any plans to die soon from a nuclear holocaust. Agree if there is a war it will be localized without any overt NATO. The end game is some perceived political advantage.
I still also think the US sees China as the real threat, however Russia is seen as weaker to these type of probes, no idea what they think they will achieve. The US may not be the military threat it was once, however their underhanded machinations are still reasonably effective.
In Germany, tomorrow there will a law be approved that makes Merkel defactocoincidenceJustified with the “pandemic”, right in time to meet the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine-show. This is no coincidence, as Cicero knew best: when in arms, the laws fall silent.
For those who wish for war as some way of punishing the US, the Empire, the Russophobes and Khazarians working to destroy Russia, I post some data from WWII as reminder that war is ‘total’.
This is from Col. David Glantz’s pdf on the real history of the Soviet-German war.
Figure 4. Red Army Wartime Casualties
Total Killed, Missing, or Captured
1941 4,308,094 2,993,803
1942 7,080,801 2,993,536
1943 7,483,647 1,977,127
1944 6,503,204 1,412,335
1945 2,823,381 631,633
Official Total 28,199,127 10,008,434
Armed Forces 29,629,205 1,285,057 (38.1 % of the total)
Actual 35,000,000 14,700,000 (42 %) of the total)
“Although incalculable, the civilian death toll was even more staggering, probably reaching the grim figure of another 20 million souls. In addition, the dislocation of the Soviet Union’s wartime population was catastrophic, comparable to enemy occupation of the United States from the Atlantic coast to well beyond the Mississippi River. While countless millions of Soviet soldiers and civilians disappeared into German detention camps and slave labor factories, millions more suffered permanent physical and mental damage. As unimaginable as it may be, the total Soviet human losses amounted to as many as 35 million dead and an equal number of maimed.”
You can download the .pdf at the above link.
These were real people. Precious humans. Men, women, young, old, children, the best of the nation. They freed Europe from the Nazi menace. They won the War. But they were forever lost and so have a much smaller futeure base, the RF.
I don’t want the Russian people and the Russian Federation to suffer a similar disaster.
I pray for Peace through the Strength of the Russian Military Weapons and Defenses.
The wisdom of VVPutin is the only difference between Peace and War.
Pray for President Putin as well as the hundreds of thousands of Russian military.
The numbers are completely of the chain false…
Official number is about 28 million dead including military casualties. The military casualties were slightly higher than Axis war casualties.
Don’t cite Americose fake numbers. The total number of purges from 1930-1940 are another such fairy tale, if I remember correctly Bortnikov revealed KGB archive numbers, totaling 600000 not millions and billions
Col. Glantz is considered one of the premier military historians. He pioneered the use of Soviet archives. He eschews the West’s use of German data.
He has a massive list of publications of his work.
Are you accusing him of false statistics?
I don’t care how he calls himself. Could be the general of all galaxies. Considering the amount of propaganda, especially in the West. I do not “trust” anyone. After Stalin and more so after the fall of the Soviet Union almost all parties, including the new comprador class in Russia, were interested in inflated and frankly made up numbers. Even in the Soviet Union, these numbers started with something in the range of 13-19 million, which climbed depending on who counted to now 28 million. Putin has been on record citing 28 million. Bortnikow 600000 dead in the purges. I doubt there will ever be an objective inquiry into the real numbers, because it is a potent weapon in destroying the ideology of communism – I eschew any set ideology, including communism.
Truth of the matter is, that we cannot even settle on statistics in peace time, it is even much more elusive with war time statistics.
Even if we consider so called historical facts, which are based on government documents, you will find people, who will bring forth arguments like bias, over estimation for political cover (lying to fulfill quotas and political goals) and much, much more.
It is and was a political football. For one side to show the supposedly incompetence and negligence of the Soviet leadership, for others to use higher orders of victim credits for political gain or the exact opposite – minimizing for other reasons.
Nachtigall ick hör dir trapsen
Yandex translate. Mod:
Nachtigall I hear your patter.
Mikey du hast zu viel gesoffen…
Google translation,MOD:
Mikey you drank too much …
The correct translation…
Nachtijall, ick hör dir trapsen” literally means ‘Nightingale, I hear you trampin/clumping/galumping/ (walking noisily)’, and is used to indicate that you are seeing through somebody’s intentions, that you are on to them.
Then you are also stating it was not 6,000,000 but 200,000?
Russia paid a higher price in destroying Nazis in WW2, and then the West (Allied Powers) claimed they defeated Hitler. What a bunch of liars!
90% of WW2 took place on Soviet soil and the US has everyone convinced they won the war.
Johnny come latelies with a death toll of under 400,000. Amazing how they accomplished that. As well as all the other post war propaganda.
Yes, thank God the Russian leadership is wiser and more patient than us.
VVP takes the diplomatic, economic, political, cultural, legalistic roads first and only in the end the military.
There were on several occasions from very high ranks the claims that Russia is about to separate itself from the Western dollar-based system. I don’t think Russians bluff. They also openly called the US and “enemy”. I don’t think this is only to send a message. This is a true intent and we have witnessed a lot of preparation for that, for years.
I don’t think that’s an incredible or good thing. It’s more like an inevitability and the consequence that one cannot avoid anymore. The dollar will soon lose its reserve status and this will bring suffering to a lot of people. Not a happy thing at all.
What you just said, Larchmonter. Amen to that.
I have been burning such a prayer candle for five years now.
It time for Russia to evacuate those Russian nationals from LNDR. Mr. Orlov was right. Evacuation is now imminent.
USA can not engage Russia openly hence Ukraine and perhaps Poland. To hell with Ukraine. Let those fools pay the price of their hubris.
LNDR evacuation will save lives on both side as well save precious resources Russia needs. A battle ground next to Russia’s doorstep is not what Russia needs.
I hope and pray that this blunders don’t bring us pain and misery for generations to come.
Regarding “time for Russia to evacuate those Russian nationals from LDNR”: unless Russia posits an evacuation as an “order” – in which case MMM will accuse Russia of de facto occupation of Donbas – most people won’t leave their homeland, even under threat of war.
Earlier in this thread, in response to encouragement to evacuate Krim, Auslander wrote “I thank you for your considerations, but we will never leave.”
One wanders what it takes to have an iron clad patience that the russian government has in dealing with the west. Perhaps some day the reason for this patience will be revealed in one form or another. In the mean time, I agree with the saker that war is almost un avoidable at this point. As one of the comments on here has said, its only a question of, at what scale it will happen, and when it starts.
Given the mixed signals coming out of Washington in the last couple of days,one cannot help but wander who is in control in the U.S. obviously Biden/Harris are not, which leaves the the deep state/security complex running things. For all itents and purposes this latest action by Biden/security complex might be just the final straw that tiggers the beginning of the end of talking between Russia and the US in any meaningful way. And as the saying goes: if you won’t listen to lavrov, you will listen to shoigu.
Russian forbearance is easy to explain.
WW2 they lost 27million people.
Cold War they lost, and thus in the 90s they lost millions more – many people fled, many died. (I don’t think the toll in lives has been easily tallied).
War has not been kind to Russia.
Unlike the US, who fights its wars on other country’s soil.
US bankers, industrialists won wars, and until recently the US population enjoyed some share in the spoils.
I am sure with this in mind Putin recently said: “Russia will never again fight a war on our own soil.”
Thank you. I agree with you. The western anglozionist neocons are determined to start a war to deflect the blame of implosion of unsustainable debt in their respective Western countries. They face decapitation by the masses for destroying the Western economies, thus they would rather deflect the blame by blowing-up the world. Dmitry Orlov wrote a good piece yesterday titled, “Putin’s Ukraine Judo”. Unfortunately, the neocons may ratchet up the atrocities on innocent people of Donbas, and not leave any choice for President Putin to engage, even in an evacuation mode for Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Then the other interest of zionists of Greater Israel plot for reordering the world after WWIII to be global masters. Same playbook as shift of power from British empire to Pax Americana. Only chance for that to happen is if China as new world power back Pax Judaica militarily, after WWIII? (Read “Jerusalem in the Qur’an” by Shaykh Imran Hosein, Pioneer in Islamic Eschatology, after Late Dr Israel Ahmad
Children and elderly may have already left the frontline.
The “retreat & scorched earth” tactic advocated by Orlov has worked previously during land invasions from Paris or Berlin, as it stretched and snapped the enemy’s supply lines.
Not sure it applies to this moment, though, as the enemy is on Russia’s doorstep…
Orlov’s explanation as to why the evacuation option might be the best for Russia and the civilians of Donbass made sense to me.
@Serbian girl,
Orlov’s essay describes the reasons Russia will temporarily evacuate Russian citizens from Donbass and defend the land from Ukrainian incursion, meanwhile continuing to call for Ukraine to uphold their side of the Minsk Agreements, with a view to de-escalation and then resettlement. not a “retreat and scorched earth” tactic.
The Donbass has extensive anthracite coal deposits which recommend the area, and Russia made the very clear international statement of building the multi-billion dollar Crimean Bridge as a symbol of Russian resolve, and as an embodiement of pragmatism. That bridge had failed to be constructed for 100 years.
Made a rare visit to the Beelzebub Broadcasting Coven (BBC). No mention of any of this – an article on Biden’s Afghan plans and a key Navalny aide being sentenced. That is it.
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thess 3: 15)
I am feeling increasingly uneasy.
Tsar Nicholas.
Isaiah 8:12
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Saker, this is your Nightmare Scenario, the Crazies have seized control and they will do Crazy things like start WWIII. The Neoliberals seemed to have tried to assert control but Biden has Advanced Stage II Alzheimer’s Disease and will be Stage II before Christmas. He can’t go anywhere and his wife is in the hospital for some Surgical Proceedure. The only hope that I see is for some people in the Pentagon with some sense stop this Insanity.
“Bad news all around today. “
Really ?
Putin’s Ukrainian Judo
MagdaTam on April 15, 2021 · at 11:17 am EST/EDT
“but an option that has been acted upon by a significant number of people “
with periodic upgrading of options:
partly in anticipation of opponents’ attempts of sanctioning sovereign debt of the Russian Federation :
whilst US soverign debt is under increased instability.
Ah, I see, the offer is for really wealthy people, upper middle class and so….
A pity….
“Ah, I see, the offer is for really wealthy people, upper middle class and so….”
Apparently you don’t see except holograms of your own projected expectations.
Perhaps you wonder why the form which was used to catalyse the ongoing process transcending the “Soviet Union” was/ is named the Russian Federation ?
Yeah…I wonder what was first, the excellent IMF prospects for Russia or the definite planning for war…
Gazprom shares are up about $0.10 (10 cents). I bought five more.
I have confidence that Power of Siberia will pay off.
Also Gazprom pays a decent dividend.
Apologies this was omitted from the previous comment.
I thought that backstabbing of the very close friends like E. Honecker, S. Milosevic (and Serbs in general), F. Castro, Qaddafi, Armenians, North Korea, and all others will never be properly appreciated and remunerated by the “partners” in the West, but obviously I was wrong. It’s time to collect the rewards!
the two warships were cancelled because russia stood firm and cannot be bluffed. didn’t work. ejecting diplomats and sanctioning russia even more are just irrational acts out of desperation and neither will work . shows just how weak the americans are. russia has already adapted to sanctions that if it can be treated like a virus, russia is already immune to its destructive effects. two words for biden,, “try harder”.
no more rides on Russian rockets or engine sales+ no more platinum or heavy crude for the u.s.
And please take LMT445 comment about total war to heart and pray for peace.
Biden is trying to get his defense budget passed.
Beating drums but no all out war albeit accidents can happen especially in these circumstances.
Russia and China are ahead in spectrum warfare many times utilizing drones Sometimes you find out more by going to adversarial sites. These ‘UFOs’ are and have been overhead where I live for a few years. Read both texts. No USA ships are safe anywhere and a substantial number are being shadowed. Put two and two together. China’s big thing for years has been stopping USA ships before they reach their destination. I would imagine the Russians are using the same strategy. Lots of original weapons waiting in the wings that the US does not have.
STAR WARS Mysterious UFO encounters probed by Pentagon could ‘hypersonic drones from China or Russia’, claims ex-MoD investigator
Patrick Knox
Apr 13 2021, 13:09 ETUpdated: Apr 15 2021, 2:38 ET
GAO: US loses control as Russia advances in electronic warfare (EW)
By Boyko Nikolov On Mar 29, 2021
WASHINGTON, (BM) – The U.S. Department of Defense presented a report on the U.S. electromagnetic warfare force’s state, which U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published. According to the Pentagon report, Russia has shown excellent efficiency in this area, as has China. Department of Defense analysts say the United States is at risk of losing control of the battlefield if it does not control the electromagnetic spectrum.
“The U.S. risks losing control of the battlefield if it doesn’t control the electromagnetic spectrum, according to the Defense Department. This range of frequencies is critical for communications, navigation, weapons, and more. Russian electromagnetic warfare forces, described by the Defense Intelligence Agency as “world-class,” have demonstrated effectiveness in real-world applications against U.S. and foreign militaries. China also has advanced capabilities,” the report said.
The U.S. military warns that the measures, strategies, and improvements taken so far in this area have not shown the desired effect and have failed. Recommendations are attached to this report by the Department of Defense to outline the direction of the U.S. electromagnetic warfare force.
The report mentions Beijing’s progress in this area of ??defense, saying that new military units have already been formed in the Asian country and new drones designed to conduct such military operations.
The State Department says even Russia has gone further and has accurate data on the capabilities of its units after being able to make “successful real-world applications against the U.S. and foreign military.”
Why is the United States losing control in the race for electromagnetic warfare?
According to the Department of Defense, there is organizational chaos among military units in the army and administration in the first place. This chaos is describing as “dispersed governance, limited full-time senior-level leadership, outdated capabilities, a lengthy acquisition process, increased spectrum competition and congestion, and an inexperienced gap staff and realistic training.”
The GAO writes in its report that between 2013 and 2017, the U.S. Department of Defense developed two strategies for working in the electromagnetic spectrum. Still, the ministry itself did not implement either. The right people have not been recruited, radiofrequency operations have not been integrated into the Department of Defense itself, important structures have not been reformed, and no process has been developed to oversee all these actions.
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum (the spectrum) consists of frequencies worldwide that support many civilian and military uses, from mobile phone networks and radios to navigation and weapons. This invisible battlespace is essential to Department of Defense (DOD) operations in all domains — air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace.
The interruption of U.S. forces’ access to the spectrum can result in a military disadvantage, preventing U.S. forces from operating as planned and desired.
According to Scott Ritter, the reason for the pullback of the ships from the Black Sea was that the Pentagon informed the clueless neocon morons running policy that they are way outgunned in Ukraine, and in Europe in general, and cannot fight a conventional war with Russia without getting humiliated. Listen at the 86 minute mark, this is telling:
This humiliation, if it were to happen, would completely expose the USA, reduce their power and influence around the world, and would be a turning point in history. It would be the end of Pax Americana. For this reason, cooler heads in Washington may prevail. However, the Saker may be right – we are dealing with clueless idiots who think that Russia is Libya. They are delusional neocon chickenhawk ideologues, brainwashed by their own media and hubris, and they may just force a war thinking that they can easily beat Russia. It’s going to be a dangerous few weeks ahead.
Hi Dragan
Thank you for posting this link. It is, without doubt, the best I have seen recently in terms of illustrating just how utterly ill-prepared the US is to fight a conventional war almost anywhere, let alone with Russia. The 86 minute mark is absolutely essential listening in order to begin to understand this.
So to, the 99 min mark where Ritter reminds us how Biden and the US are being increasingly isolated in its meddling in Ukraine. It outlines how of the 28 nations only perhaps five have spoken out in support of Ukraine.
The remainder are silent or actively saying they will not support Ukraine. Of course, apart from in regard Article 5, Nato is a consensus organisation…ie nothing happens unless they all agree. Of course, thankfully, Ukraine is not a member so Article 5 doesn’t apply.
And the long and the short… if there is conflict in Ukraine, Nato and the US will be on their own. The idiotic groveling Stoltenburg’s ramblings are only paying lip-service to his master Uncle $am.
Meanwhile, heavy hitter Germany is under no illusions as to where they stand militarily, not to mention economically [NS2] and so Biden is very busy idiotically steadily isolating himself from his main historical and most powerful Euro vassal State.
The Pentagon would no doubt have had the presence of mind to warn Biden about the military disaster he was lining himself up for. This is what would have prompted the phone call to Putin.
Far too late now though… of course Putin wouldn’t waste his time or breath in talks with Biden and more so than ever after yesterday’s ridiculous proclamations. That train has well and truly left the station.
So as far as Russia is concerned they hold all the trump cards [scuse pun] and Biden has exposed his hand of mixed nil value cards to most of the world. The only local bystanders that are foolish enough not to take this in are the likes of the UK, Poland, and Lithuania…go figure!
In summary, the above being spelled out should be of comfort to us all.
But then again the people that pull the strings in the AAZ alliance are rabid psychopaths who fall for their own propaganda and have multiple agenda’s that many of us can’t even begin to fathom.
My own 2 cents gut feeling is that their strategy is to have their war in Ukraine, destroying much of the country and in the process orchestrate an escalation that will lead to a NATO member being attacked [perhaps by false flag…history demonstrates that it works 9 times out of 10 anyway]. This would then in turn give them cover to invoke Article 5. The situation would then quickly escalate to WW3 and for TPTB their much anticipated Samson Option.
Perhaps Gerald Celente and so many others are right when they say…
“when all else fails they take us to war”….because quite frankly, everything else has…ummm well…failed!
The UK and most of the remainder of Europe are so hopelessly feckless when it comes to national sovereignty, I wouldn’t hold out any hope that they will come to their senses. Methinks the last hope and key to avoiding WW3 is…wait for it… Germany. My God!… how’s that for faint hope and profoundly tragic Deja Vous!
Many thanks and kind regards Dragan… from Downunder.
Ditto, thanks for the link. I started to listen at 86:00 as suggested.
To me the most incredible takeaway or one of them is that Russia, spending–what?—10 percent of the US military budget, has produced a working fighting force, whereas the USA has squandered billions of its treasure for . . . what?
Of course I am glad if it the failure gives the Pentagon pause in the reckless provocation of Russia.
But this is such a tragedy for the American people. That money could have been spent on the country’s genuine needs such as infrastructure upgrades—creating jobs, too—and there should still have been plenty left over to pay for a decent military. It is not news that we have a bloated MIC that has gobbled up our countryh’s resources. But it will be news to many that we have spent all that $$$ and still can’t fight a war.
I love the analogy at the end of the 250-pound football player thrashing around in a pool while those he has bullied try to calm him down enough to save him . . .
Hi Katherine…I always enjoy your writing
Methinks we are both on the same page re Ukraine. I love that analogy too.
Such a tragedy for Mainstreet America…but in essence, they lost the battle back in the ’60s. This time though they will not just lose the battle it will be the war!
In the 60 years since the 3Ns insidiously took over and proceeded to completely extinguish any semblance of a functional democracy. Now as a result all anyone can do now is watch in despair as the tragic consequences unfold.
The way I see it is the last train has left the station some time ago. This situation was utterly inevitable regardless of the result of the recent ‘election’.
Same disastrous result, just different timing.
All the best
As I keep reminding my fellow Tasmanians, you always get the government you (collectively) deserve.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilence, and most of the US sheep are terminally wool-blind.
I find it hard to believe that USA will take on a major conflict when the leadership is so weak and the unity of USA is non existent. US various grand standing is all about posturing for the domestic audience.
If US wants a war in Ukraine it would be to further distance Europe from Russia and sabotage Nordstream 2. But Ukraine wont dare act without strong US backing and US wont back Ukraine strongly because then a Ukrainian loss would be humiliating and damaging to USA.
I believe The Duran’s analysis that what USA is doing now all aims to save face. So it can withdraw its troops and pretend nothing happened.
They want a pretext for Merkel to exit North Stream 2 and she will do. But a military attack of NATO against Russia I doubt. They will probably try to sabotage their infrastructures, which will lead to war after.
I do not see the Russians starting a war for any such petty reason. At least not as long as Putin is president.
The UK, ( number one lackey ) has just summoned the Russian ambassador :
The most biting sanctions that I see are those affecting Russia selling debt instruments, but those don’t take effect until June 21. Not enough details about the other sanctions but presumably not as intolerable.
I’m seeing nothing about Biden addressing the nation tonight.
I suggest we all take a breath (a deep one) as this plays out. Putin gives his speech next week. Let’s wait and see what happens.
The roles have changed..Russia is now the one luring Ukraine into a war:
Russia has just imposed a naval blockade on the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk.
The historic objective of the West and others for about 1000 Years is to dismember and destroy Russia. Many failed attempts have been made and this is just another. It is inevitable that Russia is again faced with the challenge and should settle this matter once and for all times.
Fortunately, Russia has a capable leader on President Putin today to manage this challenge. Plus, Russia is strong enough to respond. There is one single issue that must be settled and that is that the Ukro Nazis must be eliminated asap.
The Comic puppet leader of Ukraine has to dance to the tune of his European/American Masters. Putin, must be wise to timing if he cannot avoid War that Nord Stream 2 is completed. China, Iran will not sit quiet and not back Russia at this crucial time of need.
If Russia proper is attacked by the invaders London, Warsaw, and Washington must not be spared. These restless Gods of War must be put to rest. Russia did not go looking for trouble.
Drang nach Osten III
To obsessively pursue idea of destroying Russia for hundreds of years is something that knows only one cure.
Orcs will fell encouraged by latest US bid, and from this point on, things can start rolling so fast, that in a week, we might found ourselves in a full blown war.
The only national emergency in the US is the pathetic state of their ‘democracy’ the corrupt state of this weak and clueless administration and the absolute kicking their military are going to get if this goes hot. Whatever happens Russia has to completely dispatch the Ukrainian military within the first 48 hrs, finish them off for good, no more festering American controlled sore on the border. After that its up to NATO to decide how humiliated they want to be.
Z bluff been called out?
The head of US forces in Europe, General Tod Wolters, was giving evidence to the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington when he was asked about the risk of invasion in that timeframe. The general insisted the chances were ‘low to medium,’ adding that it would depend on a number of factors but, based on the current trajectory and disposition of Russian forces, that likelihood would start to wane.
Hi – I’m from Germany. Since 2014 I was hoping that our country would try to wriggle out of Uncle Sam’s embrace and team up with Russia instead. Mrs. Merkel, however, is the most transatlanticist chancellor we have ever had. Being the daughter of a priest, she has this very ill-advised idea of good (the USA) and evil (Putin). In the Navalny case, she involved herself without necessity, staged her “rescue operation” and ruined the German-Russian relations in the aftermath. Germany has such a key role to play in this, it is the only country that has a real choice – but our MSM don’t keep us informed, and there is very little public awareness.
Many Europeans hope for this too. Pax Americana is destroying us.
This is really becoming a point of no return for Russia. The latest sanctions enacted by the Biden regime are tantamount to a declaration of war. I am scared for the first time since this crisis started that an all-out war is possible.
The world has gone crazy. F*ck it, it was a matter of time, anyway.
“He will make a special address to the nation tonight.”
Where is the reference for that?
The only thing I found is on the White House website where it says Biden will deliver remarks on Russia at 4:30 this afternoon.
Thanks, it links to
The time is past 16:45 EDT/22:45 CEST and the address is already over 15 minutes late (did the Puppet get a stroke?) but the YouTube page already shows 650 thumbs up versus 1400 thumbs down. :D
Will this be the most demented and farcical declaration of war in history?
A half hour late and still no Joe. Maybe he doesn’t want to take questions on Russia closing the Kerch Strait today.
So just a lot of hot air. I almost chocked when he said that “elections are sacred” though. Only for that it was worth listening. :D
Current thumb score: 1.2k up/1.8k down.
Link to his remarks
Remarks begin at 54:15.
He really didn’t say much.
In an interesting coincidence, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III appears to have arrived in the UK just before/while Pres.Biden was speaking.
This Tweet was posted at 4:53 PM.
Biden did forget that. I am sure.
On Reuters dot com:
“Biden to deliver remarks on Russia at 4:30 p.m./2030 GMT”
Having read your site on and off for years, it has filled me with insight and a prospective i did not have before. It has inspired me to read more and to try and gain understanding from many sources.
I come back here to read your thoughts and in the current i believe crisis is the right word. I think our conclusions are similar US/UK/NATO are pushing Russia, then therefore by extension China into a war. A war that US/UK/NATO want, as then believe they can ‘win’ it, but i an convinced Russia does not. Indeed Russia would like these utter morons to act like adults in a responsible manor where meaningful conversations and negotiations can take place. Not the posturing and empty words that appears to be all these idiots are capable of.
As pointed out in another analysis here President Putin has for major traits that the west appear to ignore at there peril. Protecting the Russian people of Donbass and Crimea is a red line, if we are stupid enough to believe we can egg Zelenski and Ukraine into carrying out the bombastic and boleros rhetoric to take Crimea, Sevastopol and Donbass. Then Russia will in my view respond, this response will be military and may be measured/controlled or decisive. Ether way US/UK/NATO will be ‘outraged’ at ‘Russian aggression’ and will probably counter respond with force too. Then who knows where this ends but i think we all fear the worst in terms of escalation, (which in light of the national emergency and National address seems may well occur sooner rather than later).
It should also be noted that the military movements in terms of air movements over the UK/EU over the last couple of months have been the highest they have been since the Gulf wars and all such conflicts, have NATO been preparing for this for a while now?
South Front Youtube account deleted a short while ago.
Chaos and war have reached the Russian borders? [ENG SUBS] 30 Jan 2016
Igor Korotchenko is a Russian journalist and military expert. He is the chief editor of the magazine “National Defense”. Rostislav Ishchenko, the President of the Center for the System Analysis and Prognosis, is the expert on everything Ukraine
extremely enlightening video.. if interested in either the events in Ukraine, Syria or the Russian reaction to these events..
If Russia would begin civil defense drill, evacuation exercises etc. – declare before hand to prevent a trigger for WWIII, but nevertheless, do them on schedule, and maybe this would cause some people in DC to think a bit before too much provocation. And if not, the practice might be useful if it comes.
Reportedly by locals….not drone training staff but special forces……any more cargo planes shops arriving from Turkey?
Is this why Russia has shut sea of Azov to all military shipping?
“Russia has reportedly announced it will close a crucial strait in the Black Sea to foreign warships, including the Royal Navy, for the next six months. It comes amid growing tensions in the region – with the UK and other G7 nations demanding that Russia ‘ends provocations and de-escalates tensions’ in Ukraine.  Royal Air Force (RAF) Typhoon jets, armed with Paveway bombs and Brimstone missiles, have already been sent to Romania amid fears President Putin is preparing to invade its neighbour. Earlier this week, UK defence chiefs confirmed the multirole fighter jets will police the skies around the Black Sea.”
Plymouth Herald.
Ukraine has called Russia’s closing of the Kerch Strait to foreign warships an act of war. That closing is probably as meaningful as any other news today.
The pendulum swung,
Turkey beware of your Path..
Or The 3rd Rome,
Byzantium hath..
Putin as said “Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first,”
Maybe this is the way the Empire will renege on their debt. Forced Majeure!!
“Maybe this is the way the Empire will renege on their debt. Forced Majeure!!”
With all the talk of ‘the great reset’ as being pushed by the Davos set, this is highly probable. The BIS openly want a one world, single currency digital money system. The $USD is finished, like a cartoon chacter that has gone over a cliff and does not yet know.
Even $USD appologists accept that the only thing backing the currency, is the US millitary. It only needs to falter just a little, to be seen as ‘the emperor without clothes’ and it will collapse. This takes down the ecconomy of America / Europe and the other 4 eyes nations. But China & Russia have been hoarding Gold, Russia has vast wealth in natural resources & China has huge production capacity.
The west would be in chaos, but a currency collapse that could be blamed on ‘an event’ on a ‘who could have seen that coming’ excuse will be a rather convenient debt default by another name. It will give the managers of the current broken system a bit of a pass, and the best chance of remaining in charge of whatever comes next. I do believe a lot of preparation has already been done and a new monetary system may be nearly good to go.
The global Banking system will be in ruins, the savings of depositors will vanish, but so too will the inconvenient burden of toxic derivatives. They have served their purpose, transfering wealth, letting them blow up now would be useful to the financial elite. The seriously Rich are not sitting on Bank deposits or government bonds, they own real assets, Gold and Bitcoin & real estate in NZ. They are ready for a transition to a new system.
Western nations will have to swap sovereignty for their unpayable debts to the IMF / World Bank, the UN will push for this. Over the last year, western governments have been emboldened by the ease with which their populations have complied with the removal of many freedoms. UK government ministers have been looting the treasury as if they know the jig is up, corruption is openly on display, the PM lies repeatedly to parliament….and people mostly shrug. We are in a lot of trouble, many people are more worried about gender politics and race these days!
So if the geopolitical tensions go millitary, and if that goes against Uncle Sugar…..not too many tears will be shed by the ruling class.
Misery, hunger, unemployment and social unrest for the masses will give the western ‘elites’ perfect cover to launch their new system and finalise the enslavement of their populations – the job that the over financialisation of the last 25 years has almost completed. The next step ( as advertised by the WEF ) is nothing short of a hybrid, digital feudalism with complete corporate/state control of individuals.
Currency collapse might be a consolation prize, the goal I am sure is Russian resources and land, but the lunatics in charge will be persuading themselves that they are in a win/win situation, and it is time to kill the USD anyway while there is a plausible scapegoat.
What most alarms me is that China will be integral to any ‘one world currency’ and everything will be done to encourage them to join in, I do not think Russia can trust China to be a staunch ally at the moment. They too covet Russias natural resources. China has no fear of Biden, they are confident he and the Dems are going to give them a good deal. There is sabre rattling to distract the populations, but I think behind the curtain it is all smiles.
Very grateful as ever for this site, and for the quality of the comment section.
I am in the UK, brought up in the cold war years to fear Russia. How times change! I wish her and her people well.
Praying for peace & the safety of those near the current pressure points.
Salutations to all.
Andrew nailed here. He has a deep and seasoned understanding of what is going on.
It’s depressing because the situation is so dangerous and the general public hasn’t the slightest idea how close we are to war with Russia. It’s like 1914 all over again. The media are now under total control and there is no questioning or dissent allowed at all. No voices asking critical questions. Going to war has become much easier since the attacks on Iraq and Libya. Today our aggressive, imperialist, wars are close to popular with vast swathes of the public because the wars are presented as noble, defensive in character and proud crusades for human rights and the preservation of democracy and freedom.
General public is pretty clueless, but the post-person just came by, and knew that it was quite close to war, the propaganda narrative is losing authority ( the credibility of the state and the “media” is pretty frayed generally, as are the “rules” about the disease)
Postperson told of filling the gas cans, testing the generator, all that. Country type, not sophisticated or intellectual. People in line at the sore speak of it, as at the gas station. The fascist story line is failing.
Biden stumbled through the speech. It was live on YT.
The incoherence in Imperial City is tragic, and with the nature of things, makes war impossible to prevent, absent another coup, a mutiny.
Hillary was moving in the directions of war with R, and that motivated many to vote for Trumpie… Funny about the connections between the old fella and the old female person, eh?
Today Russia closed the Kerch Strait for six months, effective immediately for Ukraine, and for all others starting in 1 week. In effect they are establishing a tight defensive perimeter around the Straits Bridge, which they will need in order to reinforce their forces in Crimea in case of attack.
But I wonder what would Russia do if Crazy Joe destroyed the bridge with stand-off weapons, or tried to at any rate? Starting WW3 would seem disproportionate.
Seize the land bridge from Belarus to Kaliningrad?
I can’t find any reference in online media to Biden intending to address the nation tonight regarding Russia.
What is the source of this?
The White House is saying that Biden will “deliver remarks on Russia” at 4:30 eastern time. Now, at 5:10 eastern time and still no Joe.
It turns out it is a “live address,” not a national one in the sense that it will interrupt any regularly scheduled programming:
Gerald Celente used to keep saying “When all else fails they take you to war”. The US is printing US$ like no tomorrow. Mark Skidmore has done research showing the US could be greatly understating its national debt.
The US knows the game is up so they have to start some conflict to distract attention from problems at home.
its a pity Stephen Cohen isnt around to comment on this as well
Looks like it’s all head games to me. To tire Rus out, make it fumble, make a mistake.
Like Biden calling Putin, claiming USS Donald Cook is sailing into Black Sea, people are lined up on the Ukranian side, now this “emergency address” etc etc. It’s all what the psych major’s call as projections.
All Rus has to do is be alert, take a deep breath and stay calm and ready. Less caffeine, more water.
Everyone knows US cannot and will not take on Rus directly. Never. Israel is too scared to make mischief here. The UK may try something. Once again via media poisoning.
This is just a major major stare down. After being on the scale. No fight coming.
What does the military have to say about this? If ever there was a time for them to step in,it is now. By doing nothing to stop this madness they are failing to protect the country.
The U.S. needs military law now more than at any other time in it’s history. Military law is apolitical.
A flaccid “de-escalation” flub framed in standard liberal victimhood and self-righteous narcissism:
Biden calls for de-escalation with Russia after imposing sanctions over baseless charges of hacking and election meddling
Talk about retarded mixed messaging…
My fallow mercons, I come before you…ah…ah…is this Sunday or Sunday, we’ll anyway…you pretty much got the ting. Evil Russia is at…it..C’mon man you know!
I did some emergency thing today…th (muffled)…pause, sign it, and you know what I did?…My dog signed it. He’s a real bitter, I mean Bite’re. Anyway.
Putin is a killer…I almost named my (pause)…well
I recon this is it Nu-Clear Combat Toe-to-Toe against the Ruskies.
Biden speaks:
The SolarWinds allegations are totally bogus. It would be impossible for a Russian hacker to insert a spyware backdoor into the SolarWinds source code. This functionality is a part of the design and specification of the system. It was an inside job, either by the CIA in the US or by someone at the Israeli subsidiary of SolarWinds.
Of course Petri, since wikileaks we know(thanks to Julian and courage guy), that the CIA is using russian alphabet and language as a signature of the hacks. It is ridiculous, imagining super pro SVR doing that is beyond me. Only serial liars like US neocons may believe their own lies(Coué method).
Agree, Petri. It’s all too obvious. “Sneaky Russia did it” is always the fallback excuse when NSA’s or Israeli’s mateurish hacks are inevitably exposed.