By Batiushka for the Saker blog
Introduction: The Traitors Run from the Birth of the New Russia
As the Saker has written, the New Russia was born on 24 February 2022, the first day of the SMO (Special Military Operation) to liberate the Ukraine of its militaristic Nazi demons. Almost at once, tens of thousands of hipster-type members of the Russian nouveau-riche upper class headed for Georgia, Kazakhstan, Finland, Serbia and elsewhere. They hate Putin, because now they can no longer go skiing in the French Alps in the winter, to Florida for summer vacations, or go to their villas and use their bank accounts in London, Nice, Malaga, Sofia, Nicosia and Podgorica, and get enough botox or original spare parts for their BMWs, like they used to.
The members of this ‘nomenklatura’ are all products of the imported Western consumerism of the 1990s: Money, money, money – parasites, thieves and traitors. However, the nomenklatura had already come into being by the 1970s. I can remember them then with their vulgar and amateur aping of bourgeois Western ways and clothes, shopping in Berjozka shops. In the 1980s they helped bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union, betraying the social justice that was its best legacy, fighting against the patriots who were centred in the KGB. Having lived in the USSR, I was not in principle against its fall, as it has persecuted the Church and also made the error of entering Afghanistan, but that fall could only be on condition that something better would first be put in its place. I follow the principle that you do not destruct until you first construct.
Post-Soviet Russia: 1992-2022
Tragically, instead of keeping the best of the old USSR, full employment, housing for all, free education, free health care, free culture and support for the exploited Third World, once the nouveau-riche nomenklatura had taken long-coveted power, they simply put in place a poor-quality imitation of the corrupt West, keeping only all that was worst in the old USSR, alcoholism, abortion and divorce on demand, corruption etc. It was the worst of both worlds. National assets were stolen (‘privatised’) by what were politely called ‘oligarchs’, tens of millions of abandoned Russians found they had become disliked minorities in new countries, Western companies made a killing inside Russia, tens of millions of people were robbed of their savings and pensions and millions died of poverty, despair, alcoholism and in nationalist wars in the Caucasus, which were directly provoked and supported by the West. It was one of the greatest thefts of resources and identity in the history of the world.
It is only since 2000 that Russian patriots have been able to develop something better to put in place of these monstrosities and despite them. This has been a generational project and could not be rushed. Only thirty years later, in 2022, was the project ready. The New Russia, purged of the parasites and traitors, is needed, but there are still institutions, like the Church, where the corrupt and infiltrators are present and so compromise them. These traitors are just like the aristocrats, generals, politicians and professionals who coveted power in 1917 and so brought the system down. Just like today’s aristocrats/oligarchs and bourgeois elite of traitors, they implemented the Western-planned February 1917 palace revolt and, once they had caused chaos, civil war and destruction, they irresponsibly ran away to the West.
The Fall of Imperial Russia
Having rejected the corrupt and failed post-Soviet Russia and the bankrupted Soviet Russia (1917-1991), the patriots who wanted to form the New Russia had two past models to consider: the brief Imperial Russia (1721-1917) and the long pre-Imperial Russia (988-1721), whose ideal was ‘Holy Rus’. Interestingly the last Tsar, Nicholas II, seeing the appalling decadence of the upper class in Saint Petersburg, had looked back with nostalgia precisely to that pre-Imperial Russia and especially to one of its last rulers, Tsar Alexis (1645-1676). He named his only son after him, reconciling those who used the Old Ritual with the Church, worked towards the restoration of the Patriarchate, building churches in the national style of the previous age and reforming church singing and iconography according to that age’s standards
Nicholas II was betrayed by those who disagreed with and evenly openly mocked his ideal of Holy Rus and laughed at the radical unity of peasant and Tsar. Those traitors had allied themselves with the West, with British spies and politics and French language and culture, which is why most of them ended up in Paris after 1917. The Tsar was left inside Russia, refusing to leave his homeland out of patriotism, and so was murdered with all his family. Imperial Russia had not at all been free of the West. That is why it fell. Compromised, it had contained the seeds of its own destruction, felled by its own internal contradictions, so well portrayed in nineteenth-century Russian literature, especially by Dostoyevsky in ‘The Demons’ or ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. The lesson here is that if the New Russia is to survive and thrive, the New Russia also has to be decompromised and cleansed of the post-Soviet westernised traitors. And, thank God, many of them have already voluntarily left!
Holy Rus
Thus, we come to that ideal of ‘Holy Rus’, which is free of the West. What is it? The word ‘Rus’ primarily means East Slavdom, the Slavs of Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus and Carpatho-Russia (‘Ruthenia’). ‘Holy’ refers to the models of sanctity provided by the Orthodox Christian Faith, which was officially adopted by the East Slavs in Kiev, ‘the Mother of Russian Cities’, in 988 at ‘The Baptism of Rus’. This Faith is the one thing that knits East Slavdom together. Whenever that Faith was weak or even denied as an ideal, the East Slavs quarrelled amongst each other, giving rise to civil wars between oligarchic princes, significantly in what is now the Ukraine in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. As a result, the Collective Mongol-Tartars invaded from the East. Invasions only happen when there is no internal unity. A house divided cannot stand. This is exactly the same case today, only now it is the demons of the Collective West that have replaced the demons of the Collective East.
Thus, we come to the question posed by the Saker: Are Ukrainians Russians? We can answer this by turning the question on its head: Are Russians Ukrainians? The answer to both questions is they are only each other, inasmuch as they share the same Faith and therefore share the same multinational ideal of Holy Rus. Otherwise, they are like a Venn diagram of two circles that never intersect. According to this definition, there are Russians/Ukrainians/Belarussians/Carpatho-Russians who do not belong to Holy Rus. Equally, there are those who have no East Slav ‘blood’ (whatever that is, (2)), but who are spiritually Russians/Ukrainians/Belarussians/Carpatho-Russians. Hence we can find flags with the Orthodox Christian double-headed eagle, symbolising the unity of East and West, overlaying German, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Swiss etc flags, showing the unity of representatives of the European nations within the Orthodox Faith.
A Prophetic Ballad
All of what is happening in the Ukraine today was foretold. Zhanna Bichevskaya is a well-known patriotic Russian Orthodox singer from the past, born in 1944. After fame in the Soviet period, she converted to the Faith and had a particularly prophetic moment in 2003, when she sang the following ballad, written by the composer and singer Gennadij Ponomariov. Below we give our translation into English (the first ever, as far as we know) of the ballad, ‘The Russian March’. Although we have taken a few minor liberties in translation to create rhymes and make the ballad singable in English, the translation is near literal. The Youtube reference gives the original song and one of the matching videos:
The Russian March
Russians march through all the dark of every heathen age,
Russians march, laying low the foes and the wars they wage,
Russians march, so sets free all the peoples the Third Rome,
Russians march to the Heavenly Jerusalem home.
March, march, march,
The Russian march, gathering to march
All who survived the war and now stand.
March, march, march,
The Russian march to end the demons’ farce
Of all who before would mock our land.
Russians march and so all the lights go on once again,
Russians march so to stop the depravity of men,
Russians march, reminding the Russians of who they are,
Russians march, defending all the peoples, near and far.
March, march, march,
The Russian march, gathering to march
All who survived the war and now stand.
March, march, march,
The Russian march to end the demons’ farce
Of all who before would mock our land.
Russians march and darkness and gloom flee the Russian coasts,
Russians march so to help their beloved army’s hosts,
Russians ride on, noble hearts held high, feet in stirrup,
Russians despise the power of America and Europe.
Russians ride on, noble hearts held high, feet in stirrup,
Russians despise the power of America and Europe.
March, march, march,
The Russian march, gathering to march
All who survived the war and now stand.
March, march, march,
The Russian march to end the demon’s farce
Of all who before would mock our land.
Russians march, with the fear of bullets and wounds behind,
Russians march so to summon the Slavs and all mankind,
Russians march, raising the standard of Christ at their head,
Russians march through Moscow, the heart of our home, Godsped.
Russians march, raising the standard of Christ at their head,
Russians march through Moscow, the heart of our home, Godsped.
Refrain (x 2)
March, march, march,
The Russian march, gathering to march
All who survived the war and now stand.
March, march, march,
The Russian march to end the demon’s farce
Of all who before would mock our land.
In relation to the war in the Ukraine, this ballad is prophetic. Thus, the words that the Western world is in a heathen age and that Russia is gathering others to march with them, strike home. But the whole verse,
Russians march and so all the lights go on once again,
Russians march so to stop the depravity of men,
Russians march, reminding the Russians of who they are,
Russians march, defending all the peoples, near and far
in the context of today’s situation strike home even more. All the lights will go on again in the Ukraine once the Russian mission is complete, they are marching to stop the depravity of the West and are reminding treacherous Russians of who they should be, not slaves of the West, but people with their own high Civilisation, who are called on to defend others. They are the people of the New Russia. And the words
Russians march so to help their beloved army’s hosts,
Russians despise the power of America and Europe
recall that at this moment Russians are helping their troops and, literally, spit on the illegal sanctions and NATO weapon supplies with which America and Europe support the Nazi regime.
Conclusion: Victory
Personally, I have never had the slightest doubt that Russia will emerge victorious from this SMO struggle. It is morally right and militarily and economically winnable, as Russia has been well-prepared. The present Kiev regime intention to completely close down the Church in the Ukraine shows the true nature of that regime. However, what will the Russian victory look like? Here there are many imponderables: How much of the Ukraine will pass back to Russia – all the south and east or just the four provinces taken so far?; how much of it will rejoin Poland, Hungary and Romania – just the five far western provinces?; what will the (landlocked?) remainder be called – the Kiev Protectorate?; how many Ukrainians will return from self-imposed exile in Western Europe – 50%?; what eventually will become of the three mini-Baltics and Moldova – becoming part of the Union State of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the rump Ukraine? We do not know. The main thing is that the former Anti-Russia of the Ukraine will be liberated, demilitarised and denazified.
In any case, there are much bigger questions than any of these. Firstly, how will Russia be cleansed of its traitors, still present in all Russian institutions, including in the Church? Secondly, will the New Russia really adopt the ideal of Holy Rus? Thirdly, what will the Russian-founded New World Order look like, as the new G20 is headed by Russia, China, India and Iran, together with a host of other participants, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia? And finally, how will the remains of Western Europe, after countries like Hungary have left it and countries like NATO-besieged Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia have allied themselves with the Union State of the East Slavs, cope with being in an impoverished and isolated ghetto? How soon will it be before NATO and the EU collapse? Can Russia free coup d’etat-prone Germany from US control – presuming it wants to be freed? When will the US elite realise that it must co-operate with other countries as equals, instead of trying to vassalise the whole world and so cause wars everywhere? Here there are even greater imponderables.
9 December 2022
1. Apparently, 90% of Russian consumers have not even noticed the absence of Western brands, as they buy the cheapest products anyway. This says a lot about the nouveau-riche elite. See:
2. For instance, it has been calculated that Tsar Nicholas II was only 1/128 Russian by ‘blood’. Like his wife, he was mostly Germanic and his mother Danish, which language he spoke fluently, together with Russian, French, English and German. Yet, you could not find a greater Russian patriot.
“Having lived in the USSR, I was not in principle against its fall, as it has persecuted the Church and also made the error of entering Afghanistan, but that fall could only be on condition that something better would first be put in its place. I follow the principle that you do not destruct until you first construct.”
This is a good observation. Wish more people understood this. You can’t destroy something until you have something to replace it with, else you are just creating chaos and harm to others.
Really liked this article and your others. Russia is most definitely on the side of the righteous in this battle and the West knows it. They know the tide has already turned and not in their favor. Think that’s why we are witnessing so many incredibly stupid moves being made by them. From my point of view it can be explained by panic and desperation.
“not to throw out the baby with a dirty water”
It all starts with a song of praise and worship to God!
For some added inspiration learn about what we tried to do for Russia early 1990’s through the League of and a dear lady Dr. Mary Stewart Relfe.
“When will the US elite realise that it must co-operate with other countries as equals, instead of trying to vassalise the whole world and so cause wars everywhere?”
Well, some of us US elites, us actual US elites, are at pains to make that happen at scale sooner than later.
You are right that The Church is the point of confluence in multipolar unity, or as one might put it: It’s Time To Talk [as equals].
@ Rev. David R. Graham
I’d argue what is really needed is a good dose of fear. Fear of God which would become a very real issue in the lives all but especially needed in the lives of the Elites if they knew the truth about climate change. Nahum 1:3 lays it out so very well!!!
“The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.” {Nahum 1:3}
Whirlwind in today’s vernacular would be tornado’s yes? It is mind-boggling unbelievable to me that so many in the Church actually believe the bulldung that climate change is the result of industrial pollution and actually help push this nonsense. This is an outright lie and ignorance of biblical history past, present and future on a scale that often leaves me fuming. I think its past time, long past time that the Church gives equal time to what the Scriptures have to teach on the subject and not blindly go along with the so-called experts on the subject. The day in fact i came across the words from the scientific community:
‘that they don’t understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then,’
is a prefect statement for what one will read here:
Almost every book of the Old Testament and a few of the New Testament mentions climate change to one extant or another with and get this it covers everything we are currently seeing and experiencing. Floods, windstorms, hailstorms, tornado’s, icestorms, heatwaves, earthquakes, even meteorites and the Church Elites are going to tell us its about industrial pollution? lol? Is this some kind of a joke?
You know the newer meaning of “the elite”? = closer to the fireplace
It is understandable that a minority of people will not see themselves as being a part of New Russia, so it might be best for themselves and Russia that they left.. Many, for example those who chose Georgia as a destination, are of the younger generation, without the money, who arrived at the frontier on bicycles.. What kind of life do they expect in a new culture, as uninvited “guests”, and which countries are offering them resident status? Having not found any milk and honey in the Promised Land, will they be able to repatriate back to Russia?
Isn’t it marvellous that we euro-peons are now the David’s with the catapult, taking on whom/what can’t be beaten? For a hardcore, albeit small minority in the West, it’s in fact liberating, having our beast exposed as a resourceless reliant paper(literally)-tiger. The perception/myth of invisibility/superiority over, relegated to division 2 and looking down, not up.
The grasshopper hip tiktok mindsets of today’s youth is what the Elites in their infinite wisdom manufactured, for better or worse. Unfortunately for them in their desire to placate they created Dr Genderless-stein, who can’t be relied upon to fight a war over land and resources but could rage hell over water for high-heels and dress.
Sourcing out your dirty laundry to Zone B and having your gadgets dispersed via Amazon at a click is one thing but relying on proxy Zone B warlords, societal misfits and trained thugs/militias to do your actual butchering, another.
Still, Mr Subsonic v Mr Hypersonic protecting your wealth and interests is a great leveller, insurance.
Unlike a lot of people I’m not sure that Russia will,or can afford to let the Poles take any West Ukrainian territory. Not so much because they would want it themselves. I think if there is going to be a rump Ukraine ,or even possibly two rump Ukraine’s.It will be part of that or those. But instead because of Belarus. Unlike West Ukraine,Western Belarus has a large Polish minority. And that area was also very much a part of pre-WWII Poland. Russia letting the Poles take part of West Ukraine opens up a Pandora’s Box of Polish nationalism that directly puts Belarus in danger. Russia gains nothing from trading a war in Ukraine for a new war in Belarus.And I’m pretty sure the Belarussians are constantly warning Russia about that. Allowing Poland to gain territory by stirring Russophobia in the ex-Kresy regions will only cause them to do the same in the rest of those areas,and nothing good for Russia can come from that.
Re: “NATO-besieged Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia…”
These countries are slowly being deprived of the necessary “oxygen” to survive, under
the auspices of thinly disguised “friendship” of NATO, EU and US. Majority of regular
patriotic Macedonians, Serbs and Montenegrins are naturally aligned linguistically,
culturally and spiritually and would welcome any Union with Russia. Russian Embassy in
Macedonia regularly sends messages of support and respect to patriotic Macedonians,
and understands the situation in Macedonia and Balkans perfectly.
1. I think that resettling people will help a lot: disloyal to Siberia, loyal to Ukraine.
2. Ukraine as a territory should be abolished: only Novorossia, Malorsia and Galicia may exist.
3. not to give neighboring countries parts of Ukraine – those were taken from them as war reparations, and this reparations did not pass.
The Romanovs were indeed usurpers to the crown of Russia and brought in their German historians to rewrite the history of Russia. That’s where they got the Mongol Horde and the Tatar Yoke, depicting Russia as primitive barbarians. In fact, the Horde was simply the Russian army under command of the Christian Czar of Russia. The Horde colonized Mongolia, China, Europe, America, and most of the known world. All this was erased from history, or simply changed to omit the predominance of Russia. Eventually, the various colonies became populous enough to field their own armies and assert their independence from the Horde. This was the rise of the modern nations.
like Pavlov’s dog, the word fatherland induces among the russians to salivate abundantly
I ‘d like to emphasize that Rurik was a ruthless conqueror just like Clovis or Attila
that the “great” khan reduced the russians to vassality despite their “russianess”
that Crimea used to be a turquish territory before Catherine2 joined it to the russian empire, the same with siberia or Kamchatka (mutatis mutandis) : easy to say afterwards that there is no a genetical russian type !
that Poland underwent the imperialism of russia, in the 19th century, not their liberation tanks to the tzar
there is a sort of racism coming from Moscow, half mystical (an elected people coming from the pure ice), half naive/simple-minded (orthodoxy = the true religion).
like if everything bad in Russia was due to the foreigner (…some evil jews ? again ?)
Geoffrey, comunist from Belgium – I appreciated the author mentioned that the USSR had positive aspects.