By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog
It now seems certain that we have a Jon Bidet for president. For if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, a Biden, metaphorically speaking, by any other name still smells like a poorly maintained sanitary device, however many euphemisms the imagination may body forth out of the forms of things unknown.
The American election campaign with its arcane modalities, along with the contemporary pandemic narrative, and somehow functional to it, have revealed the progress of an inextricable confusion. Statistics, medicine, health, illness, science, opinion, belief, critique, criticism, freedom, law, crime, punishment, openness, censorship, liberty, compulsion, have lost their original meanings. And the amazed world by such amazing changes, no longer knows which is which.
There are ethical bombings, therapeutic missiles, democratic assassinations and humanitarian imperialism. Even the most perspicacious reasoner may be easily bewildered, while the mythical average citizen, lost in the mental labyrinth of Newspeak, feels as if he had stumbled into the utter darkness of a starless universe.
Still, looking at the whole as impartially as we can, it cannot be denied that confusion is the raw material of power.
The general conception of power describes it as a regime of asymmetric transactions involving a strong dealing with a weaker contractor. Disrespect for the laws means jail, failure to pay bills leads to extinction of service, non-payment for ‘protection’ results in the store being burned, etc. The basis of power is then a concrete threat with the consequent fear of the threatened.
If the relationship of meanings were so straightforward, the nature of power would not require further investigation. However, reality shows that he who doesn’t comply with the laws can incur penalties, but power may and can treat much worse him who tries to comply with them.
That power is based on fear is patently clear, but fear creates assuefaction and can also be rationalized. However, a rational analysis of power does not imply the acceptance that power is rational. On the contrary, nonsense and self-censorship represent a constant of its behavior and communications, leading to the conclusion that power is schizogenic and schizocratic, as a European philosopher has determined.
Examples. Ever since Reagan and Thatcher the operating economic concept has been the oxymoronic concept of expansion with austerity, meaning, in practice, gluttony at the top and hunger at the bottom. For capitalism likes deflation along with the pauperization of the unworthy crowd. But in a regime of constant stagnation who will pay the taxes?
Inter-imperialist and inter-capitalist conflicts may explain some inconsistencies we are witnessing – e.g. demonizing and threatening China while buying all that China can sell. But there is no such conflict when considering economic policies. If Trump really wanted to defend the most national capitalistic entities against transnational ones, what was the point of indiscriminately reducing taxes to all corporations, domestic and transnational?
The Supreme Court refused to examine the charges of massive fraud in the presidential elections, brought forth and demonstrated by the plaintiff. The reasoning, in layman’s terms, is that fraud was none of the Court’s business, even when it involves the actual future of the country – of whose laws, and therefore civilized existence the Supreme Court is the supreme arbiter. One reasonable conclusion is that the majority of the Supreme Court does not feel as powerful or secure as the supremacy implied in its appellation would suggest. In laymen’s terms some of the ‘supremes’ fear for their ass. The confused citizen wonders what is ‘supreme’ about the Supreme Court.
On the other hand power does not live by planning but by power, as if in a kind of blissful irresponsibility. Where power, for maximum effectiveness, includes confusion and nonsense. During my corporate days, I remember passing by rows of cubicles in a large office hall, one cubicle for each individual, veritable monuments to the unknown employee. In some of them the dweller had hanged a poster with the script, “If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
And in terms of pure domination, nonsense pays off; for nonsense is more seductive than fear. US President Harry Truman is credited with the sentence summing up the principle of psycho-war, “if you cannot convince them, confuse them”. In reality power prefers to confuse rather than convince, since beliefs can change. Both fear-based domination and conviction-based consensus are uncertain and transient, while a confusional state can perpetuate itself indefinitely over time, establishing a sense of permanent loss and fragility and thus a lasting dependence. Covid-19 docet.
Another classical example. Communism in Russia died 30 years ago. And yet the US cabal sees Russia as the same threatening power of yonder years. The proverbial average citizen, more interested in the sexuality of royals and of show-people than in the actual world around him, will depend on the televisual ministry of truth for actual news, the shorter the better, leading to the average citizen’s assured and lasting dependence on lies.
Some psychopaths, though not being in a position of strength, can establish dominant relations over other people; this is achieved through a behavioral pattern where an attitude of giving an exaggerated importance to the other is alternated with an exactly opposite attitude, contempt and ridicule. By so dong the victim is persuaded that he lost the benevolence of the other because of some personal mistake. While fear can be rationalized, this confusional state, instead, leads to an uncritical identification with one’s aggressor.
The development of the Covid emergency demonstrates the principle. Power has alternated an exaggerated attention to the health and lives of citizens with callous disregard for their economic survival. Even the most sordid business connected to the emergency is presented to public opinion with a communications technique already described in literature. Power can be angry at you for harboring suspicion while, at the same time, it makes you feel that what you suspect is certain.
Hence the ordinary citizen today does not know what power wants from him. He strives to literally follow the most absurd rules, at times nonsensical, at times draconian, at times falsely permissive. Yet, the more he strives to comply, the more he is threatened with imminent new dangers (e.g. new strains of the same virus requiring more coercion and (?) new vaccines). In the end the situation dampens the desire for rebellion, while it reinforces, in the most part, the feeling of having something wrong within oneself. For a confusional state, therefore, creates more dependence than fear or consent.
Equally, a confusional state blocks the individual’s mind from perceiving the massive buffoonery of which he is the target. In this sense, and from the point of view of power, buffoons are a godsend – because they don’t understand what they are doing, believe everything which is in the domain of personal interest, know how to lie because their whole life is a dissimulation, and create enough confusion to disorient people and prevent the birth of a coordinated and widened opposition.
The instrumental use of the virus has been contradicted and exposed by many. Who are competent, illustrious people, credible on paper at least as the ensigns of the virus, and have provided mountains of evidence for an operation with horrible or at least questionable ends. Just to quote an example, during the last 30 years, the US government had to indemnify people damaged by vaccines for a total amount of 4.4 billion $. A proportionate indemnity applied for people equally damaged by vaccines in the UK. Yet, as it is widely known, Pfizer is legally exempted from compensating patients damaged by the vaccine.
As for the highly paid, highly visible and highly wrong ‘scientists’ pontificating on sundry viruses, they are living proof that no estimates are more in danger of erroneous calculations then those by which a man computes the force of his own genius.
Regarding the concurrent goals of the pandemic, the operation is not even hidden, so much so that the term ‘The Great Reset” (attributed to the Caliban-looking Karl Schwab, mastermind of the World Economic Forum) has almost become part of the common parlance. Yet, such is the mental and moral armor that confusion, conformism and fear have instilled into most, that the extraordinary conjuncture (virus-great reset) is either overlooked at large or mostly relegated to the limbo of so-called conspiracy theories.
From such a perspective, the parallels between the American elections and the Covid phenomenon are more meaningful than random. Can there actually be a straight connection? As long as the inquirer is not asked to resort to crude generalizations and vulgar simplifications such as a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ he may be allowed to proceed. For history (and indeed life) can be compared to a Byzantine mosaic, composed of an apparently endless number of tiles. A single independent tile could not possibly suggest or enable to imagine the whole. Yet the mosaic would lose its completeness if that tile were missing.
I will therefore collect some ‘tiles’ of the “Great Reset,” which encompasses events intrinsically connected, namely the fraudulent recent presidential elections, the pandemic as a means for crowd and mass control, the practical elimination of the middle class, the fight against Western Christian civilization, the ethnic replacement in Europe and America of the white race via mass third-world in-migration, corresponding to the final stage of the Kalergi plan.
Known to many, I will just repeat here the end goal of the plan, the substitution of the white Western ethnicity with a Negroid race via miscegenation. Images of men on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs will give the idea of how the “new European” will look, writes Kalergi. And ruling over this new inferior race will be the Jews, the best of whom will have, in the meantime, intermarried with the best and most successful whites, to amend some racial characteristics among the chosen people, produced by millennial intertribal marriages.
The previous paragraph may sound anti-Semitic were it not an actual quote from the book “Praktischer Idealismus” published by Kalergy, the recognized founder of the European Union, whose work was massively supported by Jewish bankers both in Europe and America.
Still, all this could be thought of as a bold hypothesis, were it not confirmed by palpable evidence that only willful mental blindness could ignore or contradict.
Just one example among many, concurrent with the elections and the pandemic, the New York Times, under ownership of the chosen people since 1895, carrier of the ‘official’ political American opinion, and best known newspaper in the world, published an article by Roger Cohen titled, “Trump’s Last Stand for White America.” (Oct 16, 2020)
Yet, historically, we are approaching the end of a project whose roots sink into what for us is a bare faint remembrance of things past. Still, there is no shortness of evidence. For example, thus writes Emperor Claudius, in 41 AD, “I command the Jews not to agitate for anything beyond that which they have hitherto enjoyed, and not from henceforth, as if they lived in two cities, to send two embassies — a thing which never occurred before now – nor to intrude themselves into games and elections, but to profit by what they possess and to enjoy in a city, not their own, an abundance of all good things, and not to introduce or invite others of their race who make voyages to Alexandria from Syria or Egypt, thus compelling me to conceive the worst suspicions; otherwise I will by all means take vengeance upon them, as fomenting a general plague upon the whole world.”
Claudius made this proclamation, in response to riots between Greeks and Jews in Alexandria. He thought that peace in the city would be restored if the Jews ceased certain negative behaviors. Meaning agitating for heightened and special privileges (“to agitate for anything beyond that which they have hitherto enjoyed”); attempting to circumvent established practices of representative politics (“to send two embassies — a thing which never occurred before now”); attempting to intrude into, and disrupt, the cultural life of the Alexandrians (“to intrude themselves into games and elections”); attempting to manipulate the demographic balance of the city (“to introduce or invite Jews who make voyages to Alexandria from Syria or Egypt”); and finally, abusing and exploiting the advantage of their diaspora condition to cause problems internationally (“fomenting a general plague upon the whole world”).
Next, it may be instructive to compare the pronouncement of Emperor Claudius with the following very recent speech by the good Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, which some have titled, “God will bury America.” It is a transcription but the original can be found here,
“The Jews run the show in the world. Not because they want to but because that’s what God wants. And it’s written in the Torah that the non-Jew admit that this is the word of God. And if they did not admit what is the proof?
But in the Torah it says that in every nation you, the Jews, will be always the highlight of the place. Even though we are only a small part of the community compared to America, 300 million Americans, 5 million Jews, no comparison. But the Jews are everywhere. All the systems of Trump, Jews. All of the system of the Sleepy Joe, Jews. Obama? Jews. Everyone around them Jews, conservative Jews, “Habat knit (?)” Jews. All somehow, same thing was in Spain, same thing was in many different countries. When a country hosts the Jews, and the Jews live in that country with freedom, God blesses this place thanks to the Jews. As soon as they torture them, or kill them, or throw them out of the country, the end of the empire shortly comes to them one by one.
The Roman empire, when it started with (messing with) the Jews that was the end. After the Jews no more Roman Empire. The Greeks? Same story. Babylonia disappeared. Persia (inaudible) in Iran modern days.
The Iranian Shah was very good to the Jews. Iran was the fourth powerful country in the world, in his time. After Russia, America, I think Germany. Iran, who was selling oil, controlling the market. Iran was an empire several years ago. The Jews ran away when Khamenei came and Iran went back in time 1000 years. The end of Iran came. Germany, they killed the Jews. It used to be a massive empire – they are now one more country, nothing special. Spain, same thing. the Jews were in power, then they did the Spanish Inquisition. Spain and Portugal? There is nothing left from them. Russia… there were many hundreds of thousands of Jews there. Russia was a powerful empire. The Jews left Russia, the USSR collapsed. the Jews in America have assimilated and have nothing to worry. But the Jews that are religious will have to get away within a year or two or five – all have to run away from here. Once we would leave this place Hashem (God) will bury America. That’s what is going to happen. Not because I am some kind of a prophet. I am not giving you any prophecy, I am just describing to you a divine formula. The chosen people when they (the locals) are going to be good and nice to them I (God) will bless you from that place.”
Many have described but relatively few have given logical explanations for the overwhelming power that Zionists hold in the countries they are hosts of. Recently I heard one that, in my view, merits consideration. It goes as follows. Like any other group or people or nation, Jews contain a criminal element. But their criminal element is exceptional and uniquely different from any other criminal entity, because of their historicity as a global travelling group. This always gives the criminal element an advantage as long as they operate in the criminal ground, and that’s why they occupy positions of power and control. As the good rabbi said, “All the systems of Trump, Jews. All of the system of the Sleepy Joe, Jews. Obama? Jews. Everyone around them Jews, conservative Jews, “Habat knit (?)” Jews. All somehow, same thing was in Spain, same thing was in many different countries.”
It’s not because of just skill, it’s because of coercion, bribery, blackmail, corruption and deceit that many of these people end up in positions of power. The host nation is not capable of resisting them once they are brought into the pen, when the wolf has been allowed among the sheep.
Joe Bidet is a ‘Catholic’ sheep who excels at applying his tongue with gusto to the buttocks of his masters. Besides, 30 pieces of silver will buy more than one Judas. In various occasions he has defined himself an ardent Zionist. There is no depth of flattery he did not resort to. As when he told one of the many Zionist organizations in the country that, “The Jews have been major contributors to the success of America.”
In this context, it may be interesting to examine an extract from one of his very recent declarations to an audience of African Americans.
Biden said he wants to appeal to Trump’s 75 million voters but not by “giving them anything.” He repeatedly drew parallels between white Trump supporters and the Ku Klux Klan, and further suggested he was planning to use the bully pulpit to harass white Trump supporters for their “racism” as though they’re KKK members.
He also said he got a call from the Pope to congratulate him on his victory and the Pope told him that “the most important thing you have to do is to deal with racism.”
As a side note, Pope Bergoglio said that migrants are ‘God’, that European must miscegenate because the Madonna was a mulatto. And as a symbolic sign of a more-than-symbolic subservience of the Catholic church to the New World Order, the most recent Nativity Scene in St. Peter’s square was made up of Startrek characters. And in the Nativity Scenes of some Italian churches Joseph and Mary wear anti-Covid masks. It may be more colorful than meaningful but many Catholics openly call Bergoglio the “Antichrist.”
Biden talked about the deluge of biracial couples in commercials as evidence of progress and an indicator of where society is heading, “Fifteen years ago could you turn on the television and see few commercials being biracial.”
“You want to know where society’s going?” Biden said. “Watch entertainment, watch the profit motive.”
“Why are these commercials, so many of them biracial? The young generation is changing, they’re demanding more, they don’t come with the baggage — maybe 10, 20, 25 percent of them are pure racists, who knows — but the vast majority, the vast majority, are not at all (as) when I was coming up.”
It was interesting to hear Biden talking so forthrightly. Unlike Trump, he’s coming with plans (read, those of his masters). Unfortunately, they are disgusting and, as he said, “This country is doomed” (meaning, unless it opens the border to the third world and whites miscegenate).
Trump did much to promote Zionist objectives, including the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of the Jewish state and of the occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory, the assassination of eminent and respected Iranian leaders, the acquiescence in considering ISIS a ‘terrorist’ organization – whereas it is/was but a Saudi setup with strong Israeli participation. Yet it is astonishing that Zion did not find it sufficient – maybe short of a public circumcision, possibly performed by the aforementioned Rabbi Mizrachi.
Given Biden’s plans, the pandemic is a perfect tool of confusion and a tile in the mosaic of the Kalergi plan. As well as a perfect test of how much and how far elites can go in (effectively) emasculating entire populations, preventing or eliminating the risk of upheavals – in the style of the now-all-but-forgotten Gilets Jaunes. For the pandemic has brought the threat – no matter whether real or narrated – to the biological level of pure existence. A state to which attempts are made to reduce us, so as to erase the resistance and the consciousness that were beginning to emerge.
In summary, if multinational, pharmaceutical and banking cartels make up the laws, if America accepts the verdict of falsified elections (which means accepting the death of representation), if Europe and America are driven by lobbies and cartels still seeking all sorts of hegemonies, then we live in a perfect tyranny, because it is a tyranny that successfully hides itself.
Finally, the present is a fleeting moment, the past is no more and our prospect of futurity is dark and doubtful. But we think, therefore we are, and thought is still free from the extant censorship, unthinkable just a few decades ago.
We can take the view that so long as Heaven has condemned us to suffer, patience is a virtue. On the other hand, we can hope and work at creating the anger required to destroy tyranny. For, as Thomas Aquinas said, “The absence of anger is a sign of the absence of reason.”
Whoever is using confusion is using the Elders of Zion text as a model.
But these are ideas as old as humanity…the trick is to see past the BS and identify the power behind the confusion….then remove them.
So Kamala is married to a Jew!
I have nothing against any tribe yet sometimes things get out of hand … two of my two minute videos dealing with the substance of the article above.
From the Merchant of Venice to the Merchant of Vice. A video that looks at Epstein Island and its many visitors. Was this all an intelligence operation by Mossad, Wexford and the US deep state or was it merely a diversion for the sensational media? Will we ever know?
Jewish Satire: Why do you imagie that here are 50 states in the US and 32 Holocaust museums, yet there are only 25 civil war museums. US population is 2% Jewish. Even universities in the US understand that Jewish equity studies have a higher academic appeal than trans gender equity studies.
You run into an invisible wall when God sows the confusion with sophisticated language and humans then use that language to control the population.
Ah … Alabama, excellent comment! Subtle yet telling. Using God as an ‘a priori’ consideration that may control folk, as it often does.
Here I must applaud “The Saker’ as it seems to have a standard that it will publish intelligent commentry so long as it is polite and useful to any argument. Intelligent with some element of consistency being the highest concern. Wether it is written by Goebbles or the owner of the fish and chip shop on the corner makes little difference so long as it is consistent,relevant and intelligent. To this point I often wonder how my old philosophy professor would consider many of today’s arguments as he was very strict on language and its ability for formulating exact meaning of concepts. He approached the task rather like a physicist might approach an explatation of gravity.
Today many folk approach a subject from the other side. They consider the outcomes then work backwards to discover the fallacies. That approach I consider wastefull as did my esteemed Professor. I do admire those here whose logic is inpenertratable and thier conclusions are inescapably honest regardless of how superscillious society might label their attitudes.
We all are aware that is the challenge.
And for some fun here is an ancient picture where there are two faces most regcognisable …
@John H
Actually, your picture brings an OT to my mind where instead of a Roman, we would have had Pharaoh of Egypt and Moses trying to pimp his wife. Excellent comments and the picture.
You might enjoy Cleopatra’s Banquet which many painters of old used as a vehicle for their own considerations.
I am using some of their creations to deliver a satire. This may not last long on youtube as there is nudity an some not so obvious individuals involved. or
A bit of fun anyway for a happy new year for all those here on ‘the saker’.
The removing part is the problem in modern times its much more complicated
How you suggest this should be done?
Kalergi this, miscegenation that. The problem is that Whitey has become too fat, too lazy, and too infatuated with LGBTQ++ to procreate. Kalergi hasn’t been involved in any Whitey sterilization campaigns, nor did he start the LGBTQ crusade in the West.
As an Italian-American, Jimmy Moglia should take a look at Italy’s abysmal birth stats. The corollary is obvious: How will ’true ethnic Italians’ survive if these birth stats don’t improve?
Mr. Nussiminien, Thank you. Looking back at my school years and school friends, there was a not-so-much-spoken-of idea (but in retrospect adhered to by all), that we would only marry until we could guarantee a home and at least a decent (as opposed to extravagant) lifestyle to our potential brides. This was a universal perception across the board and the nation. Was it good, was it bad? I I will take each man’s censure but reserve my judgment.
Ever since Reagan, Thatcher, Cultural Marxism and associated ideological stench, a home is all but impossible without a steady job and a steady job is impossible thanks to new labor laws. Laws that not only do not guarantee but are structured to make jobs ‘endlessly’ temporary.
Of course migrants reproduce at fantastic rates, because the government pays for their food and lodging (as well as for their crimes) – or even when the government doesn’t.
If you have a solution that is not ideologically driven, many, not so say millions will be eager to hear you.
Thank you for your reply. I assume you are the author. I remembered your surname as ”Jimmie”, but the inserted caption right before your submission reads ”By Jimmy Moglia for the Saker Blog”.
You kindly asked me whether I had something sensible up my sleeve. I am happy and proud to respond: Yes, absolutely.
Firstly, don’t partake in imperialist violence bringing wanton destruction to poorer regions, especially not in the near abroad. The Mafiosi in charge of Southern Italy’s agrobusiness and their profits based on caporalato thrive when absolutely destitute people are put to work. It would also spare Italy the problem of increased foreign organized crime (predominantly Nigerian at the moment).
Secondly — and this is a corollary of the previous advice: Ditch the West and align with Russia and China. The latter are being ruled by non-criminal governments that have committed themselves to global poverty reduction and have something to show for them at home and abroad. Clinging to Western imperialism still brings unearned wealth and foolish pride, but today the West’s 1% is no longer committed to its lesser compatriots whom it quite openly despises.
Apologies for my typo. I fixed Jimmie’s name. Surprisingly it was correct everywhere else like on tags and so on. My mind must need an oil change or something.
Mr. Jimmie.
Just a note and info. The fellow you are discussing with uses a name “Nussiminen”. This is a Finnish word. I know, I am a Finn.
The exact, and I mean exact, translation is “Fucking”. This does not help much, but is does give a perspective on the individual using such pen-name.
Personally, I must say that I find the articles written by Jimmie Moglia extremely interesting and I agree 100 % with the writing, when it comes to Jews. If there ever is one main reason for the total collapse of the Western countries, it is them. Give them power, and you are gone, destroyed. West is now economically, socially, politically, and even physically destroyed. Usual suspects.
@ ValhallaX
Well, I am addressing the problem of declining nativity, so here there is at least some contextual substance to my pen name, LOL.
You wrote:
”West is now economically, socially, politically, and even physically destroyed. Usual suspects.”
Basically, that’s a correct conclusion. But unlike Jimmie Moglia, I find that there is zero justification for making a lot of noises about Coudenhove-Kalergi. If anything, that’s exactly the kind of stupid distractions the globalists are more than happy to see us wasting our time and energy upon. Kalergi died nearly 50 years ago; he has no part whatsoever in any anti-White sterilization campaigning, he didn’t introduce the neoliberal austerity regime, he didn’t wage wars on the poor, oppressed countries, and he didn’t promote the LGBTQ++ rubbish (of which there was none while he was alive).
I suspect the globalists are laughing themselves silly as they deliberately flood Whitey’s Heimat with ’the great unwashed’ only to get the totally self-defeating tantrums borne out of unrequited love in response: ”You are under the spell of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi; that’s why you don’t love us anymore!”
A minor aside concerning Finnish names (could be deleted from my submission at the moderator’s discretion): The erstwhile Swedish high jumper Patrik Sjöberg wrote in his memoirs about the pedophile rapist who was his coach during his boyhood: Viljo Nousiainen. Last name seems to ”make sense”.
Well, Coudenhove Kalergi may be dead but he was a very influential politician and many of his ideas were incorporated into the European Union.
He was a founder of the Pan Europa movement along with Otto von Habsburg who saw European Integration as a way to counter “Russian hegemony”.
The Coudenhove Kalergi prize is awarded every year to very prominent politicians (it was re-baptised the “Charlemagne prize” )
I’ve only been able to read a few online extracts about his wierd racial engineering ideas and Jews lording over all of Europe. It appears that his magnum Opus “Praktischer Idealismus” has not been widely printed nor translated……strange, that, for a “Pan Europa” manifesto…
@Serbian girl
It’s quite telling that there was absolutely nobody who was the slightest interested in, let alone obsessed by, this figure while he was politically active. In those days, which were the Golden Age of Welfare State/Reformism/Social Democracy, the 99% of Western Europe handsomely enjoyed the spoils of imperialism under the latter’s reign of Global Apartheid (definitely terminated in 2015).
Now as the 1% has ditched Global Apartheid and is not trying to conceal what is going on either — what happens? Suddenly, there is a lot of noise about the supposed daemon Coudenhove-Kalergi and his ominous ”influence” upon the EU almost half a century after his death at that. As if the soulless apparatchiks of neoliberalism and the plutocracy they are serving cared about any ”philosophers” whatsoever. At the very least, It would have been more appropriate for anti-globalists to focus upon contemporary ”philosophers” such as BHL who brazenly advocate imperialist terror, lawlessness, and open borders.
The whole point in revering Coudenhove-Kalergi seems to be fooling people for the mere fun of it. Like: ”We’re not trashing your cozy lifestyles because we’re greedy and contemptuous. We’re doing it because we’re under the spell of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi”. Well, it seems to work so why not?
And his Ideas are quite real now in 2021
,,In his 1925 book Practical Idealism, Coudenhove-Kalergi envisioned an all-encompassing race of the future made up of “Eurasian-Negroid[s],” replacing “the diversity of peoples” and “[t]oday’s races and classes” with a “diversity of individuals.”[42]
In an interview in the first Pan-European Congress in 1926, he expressed the support of Jews by the Pan-European movement and the benefits to Jews with the elimination of racial hatred and economic rivalry brought by the United States of Europe.[,,
Nussi seams to he a shill some of his comments are just BS
But he is here for years already so who knows maybe he is just confused….
Concordo com o autor em grande parte do texto, quando ele expõe o controle exercido pelos judeus sobre economias e nações, assim como quando ele aponta o racismo implícito nas concepções e ações desses mesmos judeus (deveria dizer elite judaica, já que como brasileiro sou muito mais judeu do que a maioria dos ashkenazis, por via dos chamados cristãos novos, que compunham uma parte significativa dos colonos portugueses que aportaram no Brasil, mas na verdade eram judeus sefarditas convertidos ao cristianismo sob coerção).
Mas o racismo inescondível com o qual o autor se refere aos imigrantes, que estariam prestes a “sujar” a “sacrossanta raça (?) branca” com casamentos “inter-raciais”, termina por sugerir que na verdade o autor está apenas aborrecido com o fato de que a sua (?) “raça branca” está sendo “injustamente” retirada do lugar que “a natureza lhe reservaria” no “pódio das raças” poe aqueles judeus terríveis…
Talvez essa não seja propriamente a intenção ou o pensamento real do autor, e, se este for o caso, sugeriria a ele que tomasse mais cuidado na redação dos textos, colocando os “marrons, amarelos, negros e acobreados” como personagens no palco por ele desenhado, ressaltando inclusive que eles atualmente já vivem economicamente o futuro que se desenha para a classe média da “sacrossanta raça branca”, na Europa e nos EUA, infelizmente com o apoio entusiástico dessa mesma classe média branca da metrópole.
google translate … mod
I agree with the author in large part of the text, when he exposes the control exercised by Jews over economies and nations, as well as when he points out the racism implicit in the conceptions and actions of these same Jews (should say the Jewish elite, since as a Brazilian I am very more Jewish than most Ashkenazis, via so-called new Christians, who made up a significant part of the Portuguese settlers who landed in Brazil, but in fact were Sephardic Jews converted to Christianity under duress).
But the unspeakable racism with which the author refers to immigrants, who are about to “dirty” the “sacrosanct white (?) Race” with “interracial” marriages, ends up suggesting that in fact the author is just upset with the fact that his (?) “white race” is being “unfairly” removed from the place that “nature would reserve” him on the “podium of the races” by those terrible Jews …
Perhaps this is not exactly the author’s real intention or thought, and if this is the case, I would suggest that he take more care in writing the texts, placing the “brown, yellow, black and coppery” characters on the stage for he designed it, even emphasizing that they currently live economically the future that is being designed for the middle class of the “sacrosanct white race”, in Europe and the USA, unfortunately with the enthusiastic support of that same white middle class in the metropolis.
Observador, I am sorry, but you have misunderstood or you are wrong. Personally (and like me millions) I like and enjoy diversity, including the characteristics of Brazil. I know the Middle East well and, if I had three lives, I would like to spend one full year in a Middle East country or in a country of Central Asia, or have similar experiences in other places. We just would like to maintain the different individuality and cultures that make the world such a rich source of continuous learning, enjoyment and surprise. Nor I (and those who think like me) object to anyone’s choice of mating partners, but object to the vastly promoted when not imposed miscegenation (see Sarkozy in his related pronouncements and now even the so-called Pope.)
Why should North America and Australasia be majority white, as far as those two regions are concerned they should be as mixed as Latin America. While you can make case that the white homeland is the region of North-West Asia called Europe, the same cant be said of the Americas and Australasia. Nobody asked the natives of these regions if they wanted white European immigrants in their lands. Also, nobody asked African slaves if the wanted to come to the Americas in horrible conditions in order to endure generations of forced labor and human rights abuses and racisms. To me the reduction of the so called white race in to minority, via immigration, higher birth rates by non-whites or interracial mixing, is absolutely justified.
The Americas and Australasia’s destiny is not to become Europe 2.0, it’s long term destiny is to become a unique and different culture and region despite the European legacy. As a mixed person who lives in North America thank god for that.
“Nobody asked the natives of these regions if they wanted white European immigrants in their lands.”
That’s true, but today, nobody is asking the Europeans if they want more immigration organised by Soros & Co…
Nobody is asking the Europeans if they are ok that the fruit of their labor subsidises newly arrived foreigners over the locals..
This isn’t about race at all. It’s about top-down power being imposed over the will of the people.
Os europeus não querem que o fruto de seu trabalho subsidie os estrangeiros?
Ótimo! Você chegou ao ponto!
No Brasil, o governo recentemente vendeu campos de petróleo em águas ultra-profundas por centavos de dólar o barril.
É isso mesmo: centavos de dólar o barril, com um custo de extração praticamente equivalente ao saudita.
Mas para que isso fosse possível, primeiro foi necessário que os brancos europeus e norte-americanos derrubassem com um golpe colorido um governo trabalhista que simplesmente se recusava a entregar o patrimônio nacional nesses termos, assim como Mossadeq no Irã.
E esses brancos europeus e norte-americanos mentiram e corromperam sem quaisquer limites para atingir seus objetivos, de mãos dadas com o grande capital anglo-sionista.
Tão morais e justos são esses brancos europeus e norte-americanos!!
E jamais eles pensariam em sobreviver com o fruto do trabalho e com os recursos materiais de latino-americanos, africanos e asiáticos!!!
Menos ainda se isso fosse fruto de corrupção por eles próprios praticada…
Posso garantir a você, garota sérvia, que todos na América Latina, África e Ásia concordaríamos alegremente com a implementação da ideia de que cada país vivesse apenas com o que é seu.
Todos na América Latina, África e Ásia adoraríamos que ferramentas de psicologia de massas não fossem usadas para enganar as pessoas apenas para que nossas empresas estatais e privadas fossem destruídas, para em seguida serem compradas a preços de banana por esses bons trabalhadores brancos europeus e norte-americanos.
Todos na América Latina, África e Ásia adoraríamos que ferramentas de psicologia de massas não fossem usadas para enganar as pessoas por aqui para destruir os nossos sistemas de ensino e nos incapacitar para o futuro….
Mas sabe como é: no fundo (segundo você aparentemente pensa) todos nós na América Latina, África e Ásia adoramos abandonar nossos países para sermos desprezados e humilhados na Europa e nos EUA, porque, afinal de contas, seremos sustentados pelos diligentes e trabalhadores brancos europeus e norte-americanos!
google translate … mod
That’s right: cents a barrel, with an extraction cost practically equivalent to the Saudi.
But in order for this to be possible, it was first necessary for European and American whites to overthrow with a colorful coup a labor government that simply refused to hand over national assets in these terms, as did Mossadeq in Iran.
And these European and American whites lied and corrupted without any limits to achieve their goals, hand in hand with the great Anglo-Zionist capital.
So moral and fair are these European and American whites !!
And they would never think of surviving with the fruit of work and with the material resources of Latin Americans, Africans and Asians !!!
Even less if this were the result of corruption they themselves practiced …
I can assure you, Serbian girl, that everyone in Latin America, Africa and Asia would happily agree with the implementation of the idea that each country lives only with what is its own.
Everyone in Latin America, Africa and Asia would love for mass psychology tools not to be used to deceive people just to have our state and private companies destroyed, and then to be bought at bargain prices by these good European and northern white workers -Americans.
Everyone in Latin America, Africa and Asia would love for mass psychology tools not to be used to trick people around here to destroy our education systems and disable us for the future….
But you know how it is: deep down (according to what you apparently think) all of us in Latin America, Africa and Asia love to leave our countries to be despised and humiliated in Europe and the USA, because, after all, we will be supported by diligent and white workers Europeans and Americans!
Please, not all of us white people are bad. We too get exploited by those other white people who are really really bad.
Por favor, no todos los blancos somos malos. Nosotros también somos explotados por otras personas blancas que son realmente malas.(machine translation)
Yep. Really bad whites and not-so-whites:
President Obama, went on a rampage in Ukraine and Libya, and before him, Secretaries of State Condoleeza Rice amd Colin Powell destroyed Iraq…
The “mis” part of the word “miscegenation” suggests that you object to someones choice of mating partners.
ANGER, is not a permissible attribute individually in the present gulag which formerly masqueraded as the land of the free and brave.,
it is only reserved for the ruling elites who genocide now and then, those whom they consider as ‘useless eaters’., viets,arabs,serbians,afghans,palestenians,labanese,iragis,libyians,yemenis ,syrians etc.,to keep fortune 500 companies shares rising endlessly.This maybe the main reason young men/women from the gulag sign up to carry m-16 .,so they can experience ANGER!
The outlook for humanity has changed ex covid 19.,it is not all about president elect and such distractions.,it would be a war between the VAXERS and ANTIVAXERS.
Welcome to the farm ,we do live in interesting times as only in crisis, do humans change or put on their thinking caps.,so that maybe the silver lining in the proverbial dark cloud.
Brilliant! Thank you so much.
Ha Ha, what a wonderfully challenging opening.
Your words make us laugh to our hearts content –
“There are ethical bombings, therapeutic missiles, democratic assassinations and humanitarian imperialism.”
As always a rhythmic use of English and more words to learn.
Winds have been known to give amazing results,
at times they kindle ashes and sometimes they put down flames.
You give us hope for a better tomorrow 🙏
“Finally, the present is a fleeting moment, the past is no more and our prospect of futurity is dark and doubtful. But we think, therefore we are, and thought is still free from the extant censorship, unthinkable just a few decades ago.”
Of course that’s the case, Jimmy. Yes, you can say whatever you want. The truth is that Israel did 9/11 and got away with it. If you say that, there will be censorship. You will never be published and your future will be dark and doubtful. The next 9/11 will be the same. It will be blamed on Iran. Trump and Biden will have nothing to do with it. The dark entity, PNAC, once said, “Further, the process of transformation [of the military], even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.” A redo, this time blamed on Iran, coming right up, Jimmy.
There are few writers, bloggers and/or authors that I can say I agree with everything they write or say. Jimmie Moglia is one of the rare exceptions…even though I have to look up some of his words in my dictionary…lol
Despite the dark times we live in you give me a chuckle…and hope. Thank you
The next nein eleven is already here, courtesy of Gates and Fauci.
No, COVID-19 is indeed a bioweapon, but its deployment, first in China, then Iran and Europe, and now in the USA was all about culling the human herd of “useless eaters” like the elderly, the already infirm, and especially people of color; not the “new Pearl Harbor” event that could be blamed on Iran. That will be the pretext for Trump declaring a “national emergency” under the USA Patriot Act and staying in power indefinitely.
Trump’s days in the limelight are over, bar the shouting and criminal pardons.
The covid lockdowns are causing far more lasting economic damage than the disintegration of the twin towers into micron sized dust in the space of nine seconds ever has.
The COVID-19 plandemic in the USA was cover for the biggest heist, trillions and trillions from the US Treasury, in history. Trump knew about this back in November 1919 when according to the Jerusalem Post he warned Israel about it. He also warned his Likudnik bankster pals that there would be free money coming their way in the spring of 2020, which there was. This saved them from the collapse of the derivatives market which was going to happen anyway. The phony vaccination scam is all for show. There was a vaccine available all along. That’s how a bioweapon works. Otherwise, it would be like a circular firing squad for those who deploy it.
The ‘progressive’ profiteers of mega-kind (FakeBook, Google, Twitter, and such) have been enjoying censoring anything unpleasant for the ZUSA. Thus the ‘progressives’ are totally quiet about the simplicity of a Covid test. The price for a Covid test is $1 (one US dollar). The Covid test is easier than a pregnancy test but the populace is not allowed to do Covid self-testing. Wonder why.
Please supply a link to information on the test to which you are referring.
2 nuclear subs headed into shared waters with Iran, Israeli & american
astral family maybe, galactic federation, maybe
earth humans 4th world maybe 5th, hopi legend
It isn’t about miscegenation, it’s about the disposal of the bulk of the proletariat through the creation of a large outcast class to be sedated with Universal Basic Income and eventually depopulated, regardless of their skin color. It is what happens when labor can be removed from productive forces under the development of automation and AI.
Mr. Moglia, you depict exactly what is happening. The same is happening, perhaps with even worse strength and speed, in France.
Civilization exists in people’s minds not in their genes.
The Nativity in St. Peter Jimmie alludes to is well analyzed at the link below. It goes well beyond the Star Trek characters, since one of them is the big villain who wore an executioner mask. I guess Bergoglio understands that executioners are badly underrepresented in nativities and wanted to redress that wrong. I bet next year is Mario’s and Giuseppe’s turn, but I better not comment further, or the mod will bin me for foul language, use of caps, and disparaging comments about satanically oriented religions.
Wow, that is one ugly “nativity.”
I am surprised that this thing was still standing after a day or two.
I would be tempted to pick up a can of spray paint and message “Aliens go home!”
What’s that in Italian? Or Latin?
Great article, Jimmy!
It’s not very often that the US’s true leader addresses the congress and American people, so here’s a little refresher of one of those rare events (notice the electricity in the air as the moment of the Great Man’s arrival approaches):
Jimmy Moglia, your choice of words and your syntax effect a marvellous clarity in an essay which you entitle “The Power of Confusion”.
And it makes me think of the aptness of the adjective “healthy” when it so often prefixes the word “scepticism”.
Also, I like to think of you as the kind of guy who is whimsically amused on pondering the glass half empty, which makes an essay like this, with an urgency of meaning, an enjoyable read.
Thanks, and have a Happy New Year Jimmy.
Brilliant article. Summarizes what has been going on in our world in recent decades and who is behind it all.
Now what are we going to do about it?
” the fight against Western Christian civilization, the ethnic replacement in Europe and America of the white race via mass third-world in-migration, corresponding to the final stage of the Kalergi plan.
Known to many, I will just repeat here the end goal of the plan, the substitution of the white Western ethnicity with a Negroid race via miscegenation.”
Western Christian civilization could carry on just fine entirely staffed by a negroid race. What’s wrong with people of different races having children?
A good article. A passing nod should be given to the evangelical crowd in the USA that supports and promotes the idea of the second coming of Christ. Evangelicals are more predominant in the US than any other country and wield strong political and cultural power.
Interestingly enough, with debit cards and eye scanners, and now entering into Israel peace plans with Middle Eastern nations, are we now into the 7 years period spoken of in Revelations? I’ll leave that to the more religiously educated to ponder.
A happy New Year to all.
A very nice article. Thank you!
Thank you for this article
It’s long but very very good and courageous
At this point I want to thank the saker for its existence as there are very few good blogs left
on the planet
Happy and healthy new year
Jews operate as a network while whites operate as individuals without any discrimination. That’s why jews come on top, they give positions, business orders and opportunities, nominations to each other.
They also own the federal reserve, and as such control the issuance of the US money supply as debt, control the main stream media and the US military.