by Scott Humor,

the Director of Research & Development for the


The general debate of the General Assembly opened on Tuesday, 24 September at 9:00 a.m. (New York time). This year’s theme was “Galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action and inclusion”.

The internal properties of the C.I.A. newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m.

Thus, at some point on September 24th the C.I.A. decided to move forward with the Operation Impeachment, and uploaded an amended “Disclosure of urgent Concern” form to cover their asses with a fig leaf. They did this in response to something that was said during the day of September 24th at the UNGA and to what was about to be said the following sessions. The C.I.A. decided that Nancy Pelosi’s full statement on launching Trump impeachment inquiry will be sufficient enough scandal to detract the Media and the public from statements being made by the leaders and representatives of many nations. Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry on September 24th at noon. So, the C.I.A. posting a revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form four hours later was an afterthought. See the complete story here.

It shows that they had Trump phone conversation with the Kievan mamzer set aside to use when there is a need to create a side-show, but they weren’t completely ready for the UN General Assembly because they didn’t know about the diplomatic demarche and learned about it at the last moment.

Another curious detail is that the impeachment inquiry is officially based on the complaint arising out of a confidential diplomatic communication between the President and a foreign leader and it being used to detract from the diplomatic demarche made by the foreign leaders at the UNGA.

How to detract public attention by offering a fake target

The UN organized a diplomatic demarche. To detract from this international demarche, the globalists conjured a fierce fake target with the cooperation of their Kievan mamzer. Trump, of cause, had to become their main target. Why not to kill two birds with one stone, to detract from the UN members’ diplomatic demarche and to try, once again, to unseat the president and to grab power? The thinking humanity, being totally disoriented by information wars, thundered following this dog and rabbit race without paying the slightest attention to the fact that leaders and representatives of so many world states expressed harsh criticism of Israel’s occupation and murder of Palestinians living in this open air concentration camp and used as live targets by Israelis. Even the Chinese offered Israel to clear off the occupied territories.

Did you hear on your national TVs that the heads of states representing half of the world population loudly and sternly demanded Israel to get out of the occupied lands? No? That’s right you didn’t hear anything because at the end of the first day of the diplomatic demarche in the UNGA, the C.I.A. changed the rules of engagement, and Pelosi made her statement about the impeachment, and from this point on all you could hear were the attacks against Trump, the following day everyone rushed to discuss the Kievan mamzer, then the meeting between Trump and the Kievan mamzer, them the pictures of the mamzer and Trump, next day it was the turn for the mamzer’s wife and her clothes.

On the top of the verbal and visual torrent, came the globalists’ spawn, the face of disdain that the rich and powerful feel towards the rest of us. The code name of the spawn is “the girl Greta,” and she is not to be confused with another similar girl whose code name was the “Kurdish girl,” who gave so called The Nayirah testimony, a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by the daughter of the Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United States, who has never been to Iraq. She was revealed as a fake Kurdish girl, but after the war that she with so much emotion called for. The truth about the girl’s identity was whispered after Saddam was killed along with hundred thousands Iraqis children, Saddam’s children and grandchildren were killed, then children of the Iraq’s military officers and police officers, Christian children and Muslim children, and children of Iraq’s teachers and scientists. Children are still dying in Iraq long after the war is over, from depleted uranium 4,000,000 pounds of which used in the 2003 invasion.

While the slaughter of the nation was taken place, the Kurdish actors played on camera a talented scripted show of being raped by Saddam personally with fake tears streaming down their lying faces. It was non-stop around the clock tales of ‘rape,’ while real Iraqi women were raped by invading armies of the US and their partners in crime, Israeli proxies, and by Kurds themselves and all mercenaries from around the world that Kurds managed to bring into the country.

The 21st century genocide of Arabs started with the girl in the UN.

The “girl Greta” turned out to be a bit too much even for the trained to listen and obey international audience. She, like similar females prior in history, Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Nadezhda Krupskaya, was brought up to be ‘the face of protest’ and the face of European youth. But this face is so terrifying, that European youth is slow to recognize itself in it.

So, here we got not only a detraction from reasonable well-educated men in suits who started their speeches with thanking God and demanded that laws adopted by the international community were observed. We also got the face of the future “genocide from the distance,” We see a girl… she is not killing anyone, no, on the contrary, she asks to protect someone, or something… it’s only with the lapse of time mass murders will commence. These girls, and the fake Kurdish girl and this fake European girl, they were brought to the UN by some evil men as if into some enchanted forest. And when it will be over, this girl will grow up like the one before her, and who would blame them for the tragedies they both caused?

The first act of the drama “girl Greta” has already played, when she also served as distraction from the diplomatic demarche of the leaders and representatives of fifty percent of the world population to stop genocide of Palestine. From the “Girl Greta” point of view, people are not nature. It’s because of two terrifying female dwarfs playing their roles, Nancy and Greta, the world didn’t hear the demands of the world leaders for Israel immediately seize the occupation and to return back within its 1967 border.

The political demarche started with the address by the president of Nigeria.

“An injustice on the global scale”

The UN General Assembly session 74 started on September 24th with the speech of Muhammadu Buhari, the president of Nigeria.

(All the following are mine unofficial transcripts.)

Listen starting at 9:15 minute of the video. “The UN has new opportunities to take the lead on issues that continue to cloud the prospect for international peace, prosperity, namely the right of the Palestinian people to have their own country free of occupation. The international community has spoken from Resolution 242 of 1967 to the present day on the right of Palestinian people to have and live in peace on their own land.”

After spoke the president of Turkey. And, what a speech it was!

Stating at 22 minute of his speech Erdogan spoke about the plight of Palestine under Israeli occupation. he said that Palestine has been the most striking place of injustice.

If the images of the innocent Palestinian woman, who was murdered heinously by Israeli security forces on the street just a few days ago will not awake the global conscience, then we are standing at the point where words are not sufficient. I am quite curious, what about this map of Israel? Where is Israel? Where does the land of Israel begin and end? Look at this map. Where was Israel in 1947? And, where is Israel now? Especially between the years, of 1949 and 1967. Where was Israel and where is Israel now? Look, this is 1947. The Land of Palestine. There is seemingly almost no Israeli presence on these lands. The entire territory belongs to the Palestinians. So the map suggests, but in the year of 1947 the Distribution Plan takes place, gets ratified, Palestinian lands start shrinking and Israel starts expending. From 1947 to 1967 Israel is still expending, Israel is still expending and Palestine is still shrinking. And today, the current situation… there is seemingly no Palestinian presence. The entire land belongs to Israel. But would it suffice to Israel? No. Israel is still willing to take over the remaining land. But… what about the United nations Security Council? What about the United Nations? What abut the resolutions? Are those resolutions being activated? Are they being implemented and unforced? No. We have to ask ourselves, what does the UN serve? Under this roof we are producing resolutions without any effect. Where do you think justice can prevail? This is our main suffering. This is where the pain is coming from. the current Israeli government and the administration right to these murders and atrocities is busy interfering and attacking the historical legal status of Jerusalem and call it secret lands and artifacts. As Turkey, we have a very clear stance on this issue: the immediate establishment of the independent Palestinian state with homogeneous territories on the basis of 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital is the only solution. Any other peace plan other than this will never have a chance of being fair and just, and it will never be implemented.

Now, I am asking from the rostrum of the United States General Assembly, where are the borders of Israel? Is it the 1947 borders? The 1967 borders? Or, is there another border that we need to know of? How can the Golan Heights and the West Bank settlements be seized just like other occupied Palestinian territories before the eyes of the world if they are not within the official borders of the state? Is the aim of the initiative promoted as the Deal of the Century to entirely eliminate the presence of the state and the people of Palestine? Do you want another bloodshed? All actors of the international community and particularly the UN should provide a concrete support to the Palestinian people beyond more promises. In this regard it’s very important for the UN relief and aid agencies for Palestinian refugees to continue their work effectively. Turkey will continue to stand by the oppressed people of Palestine as she has always done. “

Curiously, Erdogan’s statement that “words are not sufficient,” weren’t reported in the Western media at all, and they were mis-translated and mis-reported by the Russian-language media. The RT ‘forgot’ to translate this statement, and other media outlets reported this statement by mis-translating it as If the images of the innocent Palestinian woman, who was murdered heinously by Israeli security forces on the street just a few days ago will not awake the global conscience, then the world is standing at the point of global moral collapse.”

Next, the pro-Palestinian diplomatic démarche was continued by the president of Egypt Abdel Fattah Al Sisi.

Listen starting at 16:20 of the video, ”… the resolution of the protracted crisis that I inherited once is the necessary precondition for any serious efforts aimed at formulating a more effective international system. The most prominent example of this is the longest standing crisis in the Middle East, namely the Palestinian cause. The persistence of this cause without a just solution based on international resolutions calling for independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital doesn’t only mean the continuation of the plight of Palestinian people, but it also entails the continued depletion of resources of the people of the Middle East. And I repeat with the clear conscience what I stated from this podium over the past two years. I say that Arabs are open to the realization of the just and comprehensive peace. The Arab Peace Initiative is still on the table and there are remain an opportunity to launch a new phase in the Middle East. However, we need bold decisions that restore the rights to the Palestinians that would pave the way to the major change in the reality of this region. And I say this without exaggeration, for the entire world this decision would led to the establishment of the security and economic system in the Middle East that is based on peace, security, cooperation and common interest.”

Then the Assembly was addressed by Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President of the Republic of Maldives

“Despite of the best efforts by the UN and its member states for a number of decades, the question of Palestine remains unresolved. Never before the unalienable rights of the Palestinian people being so acutely and blatantly dismissed by Israel, marginalized and discriminated against, in complete disregard of the international law and the resolutions of both, the General Assembly and the Security Council. We are strongly agree that the lasting peace in the Middle East can only come to fruition through a two state solution, driven by genuine and meaningful dialog between them and between Arab countries and Israel. We call on the United Nations and its member states to undertake every effort to a settlement that would achieve this result. We expressed our unvarying support for the Palestinians to achieve their independence in the 1967 borders.”

Then the world was given to our favorite Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, the victim of an illegal international blockade and extortion.

“Honorable audience, the continuation of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Arab territories in general, and the ensuing unlawful practices, in particular of settlements, judaization of the city of Jerusalem, the unjust and strangling blockade of Gaza strip, intensifying settlement activity of the occupied territories of Syrian Golan Heights and changing its nature, all these practices are happening in defiance of the UN and its resolutions, to the extend that Israel has come to regard the airspace of the countries of the region as opened to it. How long will international legitimacy remain inapt and unable to find anyone who would enforce its respect when it comes to Palestine? It has been proven that settlements based on the imposition of the logic of force will only result in their violation and denial by the logic of force of occupation as well. However, permanent peace is based on justice, which means guarantying the rights of the Palestinian people whose homeland has been usurped. For most of which it means the establishment of the Palestinian state in the borders of 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital and the end of Israeli occupation of all occupied Arab lands including the Syrian Golan Heights and the Lebanese occupied territories. Qatar will not stop supporting any efforts in favor of realizing just peace. It will continue to provide political and humanitarian support to the brotherly Palestinian people. “

Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation, didn’t mention Palestine, but offered Geneva for the next UN headquarter.

Next to address the plight of Palestinians was His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He dedicated his excellent speech to the plight of Palestine.

“No crisis has done more global damage than a core conflict in my region, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Neither side has achieved a durable peace that the secure future depends on. The regional and world stability has continued to pay the price. It is a terrible irony that the land holding three faiths, the faiths which shared the great commandment to love one’s neighbor, should ever be a place of conflict. This is the land where prophets walked. The land where generations of Muslims, Christians, and Jews resorted to live in obedience to God’s teaching to share compassion, mercy and respect for others. Segregation, forced displacement, violence and mistrust do not belong in this Holy land. Forty years ago my father his late majesty King Hussein who loved peace stood in this very chamber and decried the occupation and attempts, in his words, “to eradicate from the world memory centuries of history and tradition and spiritual and moral cultural ideas.” It is the global moral tragedy that the occupation continues. But no occupation, no displacements, no acts of force can erase people’s history, hope or rights, or change the true heritage of our shared values that are three monotheistic faiths. And nothing can take away the international rights of the Palestinian people to equality, justice and self-determination. My friends, young people ask me why don’t world stand up for Palestinian rights? Isn’t it time to answer them by showing that global justice and human rights belong to them too? And it begins with respect to the Holy sites, and rejecting all attempts to alter the legal status of East Jerusalem and the authentic historic character of the Holy city of Jerusalem. What lessons do we teach the young people when armed personnel enter Al-Aqsa mosque even when Muslim worshipers gather to pray. As the Hashemite custodian, I am bound by the special duty to protect Jerusalem Islamic and Christian Holy sites. But all of us have a stake and a moral obligation to uphold religious freedom and human rights. Let us to safeguard the Holy city for all humanity as a unifying city of peace. We must also press towards an end to the conflict, and for a just lasting and durable peace through realization of a two-state solution, a solution that is in accord with the international laws and the UN resolution which provides the end to the conflict and creates an independent, viable, sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in mutual peace and security. The two-state solution is the only genuine solution. Because what is the alternative? One state? Segregated? With unequal laws? Depending on force to strain the deepest values of the good people on both sides? This is the formula for enduring conflict. It’s not a path to stability, security and peace.”

Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi said,

Starting at 12:50 of this video, ” the Palestinian issue should be pushed on top of the international agenda. What we lack is not a grand design, but the courage to deliver our commitments and the conscience to uphold justice. There should be no more regression from the two-state solution and the line for peace principle, which represents the bottom line of the international justice. For the Palestinian people to establish their own state is their inalienable right. something that should not be used as a bargaining chip.”

On Septenber 27th, the diplomatic demarche continued by Malaysian Prime Minister. Starts at 6 minute of this video.

The president of Burkina Faso addressed the General Debate of the 74th Session with the support of Palestine and two-state solution, starting at 19 minutes of this video.

Statements made by Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia.

During his Q&A session: “It’s a pity that we cannot navigate out of the corner where Palestinian problem is being trapped.”

Sergey Lavrov: “As I said, all the games are around the Palestinian problem: the promise of the “deal of the century”, the offer of $50 billion. in order not to return refugees to Palestine, the attempt to first persuade Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel, and only then to solve the Palestinian problem (which directly contradicts the Arab peace initiative) – all this is currently driving, if not already driven, the Palestinian-Israeli settlement to a standstill.

We are convinced (as I also said in my statement to the General Assembly) that it is not in the interests of Israel or of anyone else. Because only a two-state solution, only the creation of the Palestinian state promised 70 years ago, can ensure peace and stability in the entire region, alleviate the problem, including dramatically reducing the ability of extremists to recruit young people from the Arab street. We say this openly to the Israelis. Unfortunately, while the American line is to do it yourself, remains in demand.”

In the statement made at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019, Lavrov said:

“The United States set a tough course for abolishing the UN resolutions on international legal framework of the Middle East settlement. It suggests waiting for some “deal of the century”, meanwhile it has taken unilateral decisions on Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. A two-state solution to the Palestinian issue – which is essential for satisfying the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and providing security for Israel and the whole region – is under threat.”

Statement made by Syrian Arab Republic Deputy Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 74th Session

“Instead of working towards peace and stability of the Middle east, Israel has started yet another phase of escalation, heightening regional tensions to unprecedented levels. Israel has not not only occupy Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan, it also continues to violate international humanitarian and human rights laws, and it continues to support terrorism on a daily basis. It has even launched repeated attacks on the Syrian territory, and the territories of neighboring countries under false pretense and in fragrant violation of international law. the UN Charter and relevant Security Council resolutions. This Israeli violations would not continue to escalate would it not for the blind support of certain countries that are fully responsible for the consequences of Israeli actions.

Such support became horrifically evident, when the United States decided to recognize Israe’s alleged and false sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan recognized the occupied city of Jerusalem as a capital of Israel, and to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem, not to mention the intensity of efforts to undermine the Palestinian cause. All of these decisions are null and void and represent a complete disregard to international legitimacy. Some must understand that the era of acquisition of land by force has long past. It’s a delusion to think that the crisis in Syria would force us to forfeit our inalienable right to recover the Golan fully to the borders of June 4th of 1967 by using all possible measures under the international law. Moreover, it’s a delusion to think that the decisions of the US administration on the sovereignty over the Golan would alter the historical and geographical facts, or the provisions of international law. The Golan has been and will forever be a part of Syria.

Israel must be compelled to implement relevant United Nations resolutions. Notably the resolution #497 on the occupied Syrian Golan and to seize its repeated attacks on the countries of the region, as well as its settlement activities. Israel must be compelled to allow the Palestinian people to establish their own independent state with Jerusalem as its capital along the borders of June 1967, and ensure the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes.”

The UN transcript of all the speeches will be available in months to come, when the 74th UNGA will be a thing of the past. You can search the addresses of the heads of states here on the UN YouTube channel. Maybe, you will understand why this year diplomatic demarche against Israeli occupation and aggression called for such drastic measures of detraction.


In conclusion, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Israel as a country is, by all accounts, a hellhole. Israel will be uninhabitable in the next fifty years. Extreme heat, lack of drinking water, vegetables grown in human excrements, militarism, mind control by the police state, poverty, overcrowding, unemployment, desperation, – name a social malady and you can find it there. Most Israelites are poor and depending on the state to provide for them, many still live in kibbutzs. Israel is a state of militant socialism and the ruling theocracy in many regards. Most young people dream of leaving Israel for good and look for every opportunity to move to Europe and the Americas. Two million of Israelites are from the Soviet Union and Russia, and Russia doesn’t want them back considering their loudly proclaimed hatred of Russia, Russian people and the Orthodox Christianity, and considering the genocide of Russian people that the Jewish government of Trotskists-Bolsheviks organized in the 1920s.

Mostly the religious families depending on social payments and other poor people live in the illegal settlements. Forced to move inside the 1967 borders, they would have no place and means to resettle, even if all agricultural lands would be build over. The faith based and state authorities use the UN pressure to create non-stop hysteria and the apocalyptic visions of the ‘war of the world’s nations of Gog and Magog’ against them and the ‘end of their world’ inside the Israeli society.

Using President Putin’s words of ‘not trapping a rat into a corner,’ the UN members should come up with an attractive offer. Those states who claim “friendship” with Israel, like the US and Brazil, should offer to Israelites a part of their territory to create an autonomous Jewish state. New president of Brazil had especially boasted his ‘love’ for Israel and having vast sparsely populated territories where Israelites could create their new better home. Simultaneously, rich Israel’s allies like the Saudis and the UK should pay for people to resettle. When those who want to relocate have new homes, schools and jobs in their new lands, a couple of ocean-liners should be dispatched to take them all to their new new life in Brazil or the US. Then, the UN peacekeepers should be used to secure the 1967 border.

The most devastating war in history, the World War II, was facilitated as a part of the plan to create the state of Israel, To amend this terrible mistake that drains resources and good will of an entire world would take an effort of humanity as a whole, once again.