“Gold is money, everything else is credit”
J. P. Morgan.
Tarik in the Vinyard for the Saker Blog
Empires, dynasties, new eras, they rise not on ideological abstractions or brute force, but with intellectual or moral discipline. Then they wither not by rigorous reason or righteous fury, but with pompous and extravagant proclamations. That’s just the way it is, that’s what they all do.
This particular version of the age old tale, starts with an obscure, yet brilliant Rothschild guy hijacking the Bank of England and its reserves, which handed him the control lever on “The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets”. In these early years, decades, it was essentially a mom-and-pop sort of Empire, with brothers, fathers and sons, bonded by blood loyalty, holding the strategic financial centers in Europe and dominating gold/money and currency flows. As they expanded, particularly to the Americas, they “recruited” other families, bonded more loosely by common interest and world objectives instead of blood ties, to share the increasing management burden. Their descendants and successors would later morph it into the more blunt “Exceptional Empire”.
As they spread their influence, the arch-principle for control of the various monetary authorities they spanned, consisted in never keeping to much of their gold in one jurisdiction and promote a “healthy” rivalry between the hosting states, so that no one host could forcefully reclaim its monetary sovereignty lest they be financially sanctioned by the others. This control of the international gold circuitry granted them immunity to the vagaries of currency cycles to which traditionally secular authorities succumbed, and insured they always dominate international financial allocations. Thus they could not only determine economic, industrial and military trends, but equally political, ideological and academic theories through funding of political parties, think tanks, universities, medias and any number of societies and intellectuals as suited, and with astonishing continuity across borders and time spans. Conversely they could kill a trend, idea or character by starving it or burying it under the competition. Zionism and its twin Wahabism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Marx, Freud, Darwin, Keynes, are just a tiny sample of such targeted promotions. Actually, it could safely be said that the entire sociopolitical and cultural achievements of the West over the last couple centuries was thus tailored.
The character of a Bankers dynasty is cold, pragmatic and venal, it cares not for ideologies or greater causes, its exclusive allegiance is to their One God: Money. While the “promoted” genuinely believes in his cause, or else is corrupt enough to sniff a self advancing opportunity, it’s highly unlikely the “promoter” would believe in any of it; they’re merely tools chosen to an end. Their strength and span may be modulated at will and no risk through the use of diluted currencies, or disposed of if/when obsolete. The astute analyst would be well advised to separate the noise from the melody.
They kept that discipline and methodology remarkably consistent, regulating economic boom and bust cycles, carrying innumerable large scale scams, sociopolitical events or wars, extracting a little more of the people’s and nation’s wealth at every cycle, while shaping history to their liking. That is, until WW2.
Arguably the Empire reached its apogee with the largely successful conclusion of their biggest scheme yet: WW2. They probably hoped for the world, but eventually had to renounce Russia, China and the satellites around them. Still, they controlled the main Central Banks of the “Free World”, 2/3 of all sovereign gold, and the most powerful standing military force in those days: the US Army. The apogee is typically the time of maximum potentiality, while pride and hubris compels to forsake that which elevates, and commit to that which lowers. It is also when the interests of the right hand start to increasingly diverge from those of the left, and internal dissent grows til the eventual fracture. And finally, it is when wisdom would normally recommends a measured pullback to a manageable and defensible position, but rarely does the wise climb Mount Olympus.
At that point the Empire’s banker oligarchs – the Rulers – were geographically split between the Old World fiefdoms and those that moved to the New World, which incidentally and uncharacteristically held all the sovereign gold and military power. Enough to make heads spin? The Breton Woods arrangement, by its very design, guaranteed the eventual redistribution of the gold stash to each fiefdom’s Central Bank – not unlike a gang of bank robbers would meet after a heist to split the bounty – thus reestablishing the traditional monetary discipline that so well served them.
But then 1971 happened, and the redistribution process was interrupted.
After the war, USSR industrial production was spilling over to the world. This put them in direct competition in global trade with the “free world”. The Law of Supply and Demand commanded a substantial portion of the hard earned gold released through Breton Woods, milked through centuries long strenuous mischief, would find its way back to the “proles”. An Iron curtain was quickly knit to avert the flow. The combination of excess industrial capacity, relatively modest demographics and severe restrictions to international markets, would actually doom the Soviets to a slow drawn out death. But it also introduced an internal conundrum between the Imperial factions.
Because the financial/industrial/military realities imposed the brunt of the Soviet economic containment effort on the US, the resource strains and expensive wars were monetized. Monetization and high prices, like joy and pain, sooner or later must meet. So the dollar was being de facto devalued. Problem was, the Bretton Woods’ gold peg. Intentionally or not, the US Demigods were being positively fleeced of their gold by their European cousins, whom meanwhile were also busy “reconditioning” their colonies for consumption in the new great consumerist world they were all hell bent on building. Hence 1971.
After some initial grumbling and gnawing, the European fiefdoms understood the US couldn’t restrain the USSR much longer without their full support of the dollar. And, particularly from a European perspective, if the Soviet gained free access to the world economy, the 500 years plunder of Africa (and the Middle East) would be substantially diminished, even terminated. It can never be stressed enough, without the looting of Africa, the bedrock, the material base of European power is gone, by by, never to be seen again. They would then quickly revert to small or medium economies, fairly inconsequential and dependent to the broader world, and Russia in particular. And thus they committed to their first capital mistake: they postponed the repatriation of their gold. Their forefathers must have jerked in their tombs.
“The trouble is, you think you have time.”
– Buddha –
They probably thought they had time.
Time to see the USSR collapse before the dwindling of their collective gold stash gets too far. Because practically that is what supporting the dollar ultimately came down to. Closing the gold window meant they had to write the dollar and associate currencies a new pedigree of sort, to receive the “Free World’s” approval. To the academia and media they threw the “Petrodollar”, the “Eurodollar” (I’m surprised they never came up with the “Nippondollar”, or did they?) and a few “new monetary theories” to the mix, to chew on and disseminate. Then they needed convincing central banks worldwide to fully support dollar issuance. Technically, dollar reserves would now be exchanged for US bonds instead of gold, while crucially local currencies must be devalued in tandem to mask the dollar’s own dilution and retain their trade advantage to insure a steady dollar outflow to the world for further US debt financing. The so called petrol backing is window dressing, they might as well have coined the “plastic gadget dollar” or “candy dollar” for that matter; oil just sounded somehow somewhat more credible to the gullible and easier to spell out loud with a straight face. Few would realize that it didn’t just allow for guarantied US debt financing, but equally forced the US treasury to accumulate debt whether they wanted it, needed it, or not. Thus fueling consciously or not, a quest of mythical perpetual economic growth, and determining all future socioeconomic and geopolitical strategies.
And so Europe was a done deal. Japan, after two atomic bombs and tens of thousands US soldiers idling on their shores, received Washington’s suggestions like a seventh century Arab shepherd would receive Quranic verses. The Middle East were offered protection against phantom threats. Etc, etc.. From a business perspective, to all, it was like they were told: “I promise I’ll promise to pay you”. And with each round of finance, another layer of promises gets piled. The whole proposition is so devoid of sense, only a pointed canon, or vested interest, could possibly enlighten the mind.
But the international markets wanted nothing to do with it, and the gold price broke out from 35$/ounce to reach 800$ by the end of the decade (along with oil and the entire commodity complex), and a 13% inflation handle. Only Volcker’s (in)famous interest rate hike to 20%, would restore order. But it also threatened, again, the US’ financial ability to keep the Commies under wrap.
We get a number of salient takeaways from this episode. To start with, 13% inflation is no joke, could have easily spiraled into a runaway type. The markets could have shrugged off the 20% interest rate and instead requested a return to a gold standard. Bear in mind, it took a full 7% above the prevailing inflation rate to be credible. Had the markets not believed the dollar was solvent at 20%, any level would have been futile. Thankfully the FED at the time still retained officially 8000 tons of its gold and its formidable military. It really was a close call.
This all suggests the closure of the gold window was a botched, precipitated move. They got caught off guard by the markets, something that never happened in their 200+ years of reign. They always had a safe haven from which they pulled their strings. First in the City of London to take over Europe and its colonies, then fortress America to pull WW1 & 2. which they just nearly let shred to pieces by out of control market forces, due to their contempt, or was it forgetfulness (the intoxication of power?) of the human foundation of the economy: the bloody producers, entrepreneurs, business and saving community! And they used to always have someone on the receiving end of those major market swings, meaning they had clear goals. But not this time, no visible gain or purpose, even with 50 years of retrospect. We’re talking about the proud heirs to the financial conquerors and slayers of kingdoms, nations and empires, getting nearly caught pants down at their own games, like amateurs.
It further indicates, since the end of WW2 they’ve been busy improvising, rather than planing, pressing their advantage to gobble every remaining geographical niche; instead of pulling back a step or two to consolidate their power base before, well…planing again. Inability to plan betrays either irreconcilable differences, sloppiness or plain stupidity, or all of the above (hope I didn’t miss anything). What comes next will confirm this assessment.
So the final – and hardest to get – endorsement required for a fiat dollar, was from the business community. Typically this crowd doesn’t take nicely to either empty promises, intellectual abstractions or physical threats. However they do react well to profits. In the aggregate, anything above inflation is profits. There are two available performance benchmarks against inflation: Interest rates, and gold’s price. The former is easy to temper with (only need a pen), the latter is very expensive. Hence, if in the aggregate profits are higher than prevailing interest rates (easy) and gold performance (very expensive), the dollar will be tolerated. Particular effort must therefore be spent on taming the gold price as we entered the eighties.
Followed the greatest (most “lucrative” too, if measured in nominal dollars, but a disaster measured in gold) shell game ever played in human history and incidentally, their fatal mistake. They started selling the precious metals futures, settling the exercised contracts that couldn’t be filled through the market, by leasing the reserves, and other sovereign gold they held in custody, to the bullion banks in charge of operations. The leasing trick allowed them to keep ownership on the treasury’s bookkeeping, hoping it would conceal the physical leaks. Interest rate could be brought down and dollar production could now be cranked up “safely” as “needed”. On the surface it looked a resounding success, It allowed the dollar to outlive the USSR and tempt China into the system, not to mention the godlike powers the now exorbitant privilege bestowed. So resounding in fact, it seems it covered all voice of reason. The entire apparatus: the media, academia, political bodies, business community, and amazingly the bankers themselves started believing in their own deceptions.
Underneath the surface however, the strategy hid in its bowels some unspeakable flaws. The most consequential related to the shiniest metal and the military.
When monetary systems die, gold is the cinder on which the economic phoenix rebirths. Whoever holds the gold, determines the shape of the next round. Their genius had been to exploit the irresistible compulsion of the political class to debase their currencies to either indulge in grandiloquent policies, solve the resulting socioeconomic problems, or wage hubristic wars. So it is most telling when this new generation of Money Titans forsake that which elevated them (gold), their very power core, in favor of the very weakness they used to pry on so successfully and understand so well. However it really shouldn’t come as a surprise, since the further away the inheritor of fortune stands from its original creator, the less understanding of the means and stronger the sens of entitlement.
It was as if the parasitic relationship became so intimate, the parasite completely identified with its alpha host to the point of both becoming indiscernible. In plain words, they fully reverted from an international monetary power based empire, to a classic military/industrial power based on the USA. They still benefited greatly from the existing international monetary/financial network/structure inherited, but as the gold reserves dwindled so did its effectiveness and natural cohesion, while grew its reliance on the military. Therefore, as time went by, they increasingly became subject to the same influences that affect all empires, whilst still thinking in money power terms, but comprehending neither.
One of the built in self destruct mechanism of empires, other than currency debasement but closely related, lies in their use of the military. Defensive policies are relatively cheap, but still a significant burden to an economy. An offensive or coercive force is much more onerous, up to an order of magnitude or more; no economy can carry that weight on its own for long. Such armies must be put to profitable use or mothballed. Conquest wars are often highly profitable: you enter the land, the loot is there for the picking. Retaliatory or punitive wars are the worst, they’re like looting one’s own house. They destroy previous investments which must be refinanced on top of the expedition’s expenses, to restore their economic contribution. As an empire expands, the required military growth is self funded by the spoils. But all expansionary dynamics are subject to the law of diminishing return. With each new territory, a growing portion of the armed forces gets tagged to maintain “peace”, and less is available for conquest, while spoils get relatively smaller and increasingly inadequate. Once the expansion reaches its limits, the burden of military cost falls squarely on the economy through higher taxes. With tax induced economic strains, dissent and disorder spreads resulting in still higher expenses (military and otherwise), that then must be met through monetization, which begets inflation, which begets dissent and disorder; and the vicious circle is now locked.
They used to understand those things (the fathers of our modern day demigods), and exploited them to their grand advantage. Yet for the next forty years and counting, their descendant followed this exact same script for themselves, with no safety valve in place anywhere in evidence to save their skins when that cycle runs its course; other than such inanities as carbon credits, brain implants, META economics and related eugenicist hallucinations as an excuse to turn the soon to be trillions into quadrillions. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Not so long ago it was customary to say China was sleeping. Nonsense! China paused, observed, studied its object, and when ready indulged the Empire’s invitation to dance. King Dollar entered a waltz hoping to lead (essentially make China a dollar recycling station), while Queen Yuan had its own salsa steps in mind. Thus started an awkward performance that would turn increasingly out of step as time passed by. The immediate consequence however was that the US could now redeploy considerable military resources from the Far Eastern theater.
In their perpetual quest for dollar conduits they set their mind on capturing shares of the CFA sphere in Africa. Recall the reason the European cousins indulged the dollar was to prevent the USSR from competing on that same continent, and the henchman was now turning against them. From insult to injury. The Americans must have felt justified, after all they were carrying the bulk of the containment effort. The Europeans on their side put new impetus on the EU and Euro project.
During “Bretton Woods”, the nascent EU/Euro project was undoubtedly meant to crystallize around the “repatriated” gold. The “Masters” required a second colossus to tackle efficiently the two rogues: Russia and China. But its purpose also revolved around the notion that the US had become disproportionately larger than any of its European counterparts, therefore a balance needed to be restored lest Washington/New-York (presciently) start contemplating pursuing ambitions of its own. That was then.
By now, for Europe it became a matter of opposing the US$ encroachment in their backyards worldwide by shear volume of money. For the US the feeling must have been mixed. On the one hand, their clipping at European spheres of influence would be dearer, but on the other it made the European Union a better US$ sponge than the sum of its members. But perhaps more importantly, the creation of a functional Euro would provide the appearance of validation to the whole fiat monetary system concept.
And what sort of creature is this? Well, a fiat currency bill is in essence a promissory note of payment. So the fiat monetary system is the backing of one promise by another, and vise versa for all reserve currencies. What is left unmentioned or barely mumbled, is: promise to pay what? More paper bills, or is it digital signals now? Oh silly me! It’s a promise that may or may not be kept, to exchange an unspecified future production that may or may not be produced, at an undisclosed price which nonetheless will probably be substantially higher than hoped for. A simpler mind however might wonder where did the real dough actually got lost in all this virtual money bouillabaisse?
It was being gobbled up by Arabian oil princesses and brides, whose exploding savings were blissfully spared fiat bank account holdings by Quranic verses against usury, and instead were held in non interest bearing hard cash or precious metals and stones. We’re talking 1980’s billions. Our Money Wizards then “invented” with the support of big Arabian oil money and the blessing of “appropriate” Muftis, modern Islamic finance to lure Arab savings into the fiat system quite successfully. By the nineties, gold prices were being decimated. However South East Asian and Chinese economies were slowly maturing and their public was ready to take in the cheap Arab and Bullion banks’ gold released on the markets, as did the PBOC for quite a while already.
Meanwhile the USSR was no more. Its constituent republics, Russia chief among them, dutifully applied IMF instructions, and mothers in Moscow turned prostitutes, and fathers turned drunkards or street thugs. The looting was perhaps worse than in Africa, if it were ever possible. Europe got all the natural resources it could hope for at a heavy discount (compensation for US grabs in Africa and/or backing of the coming Euro, petrodollar style?), the US could throw Russian gold reserves on the market to hush its price further, while the Russian Oligarchs sent their obscene profits to London, Geneva, New York, to be “advised” by the big private wealth management houses. The West in its entirety was exhilarated by the “Victory” of this post 1971 excretion of “Capitalism” over “Communism”; both China and Russia, the left overs of WW2, were now under Dollar chaperon.
Or were they?
On the monetary front strains were mounting, reaching climax in 1997-1998 with the combo implosion of Russian default, LTCM and SE Asia crisis. Followed the Y2K “end of digital time” scare to justify the hundreds of billions needed to stabilize the markets, and pumping the NASDAQ to orgasmic highs, only to blow up soon after in 2000 just in time to greet the new born Euro. All while gold was being crucified with outright direct market sales of Central bank reserves, to facilitate the undisturbed Euro delivery to the world, as a vote of confidence in NMT, and make sure no one gets funny ideas. Those sales continued a little while with the SNB selling a further 1500 tons between 2000 and 2008, coinciding with the subprime bust and the resulting Great Recession. Shortly after central banks around the world became net physical buyers ever since, and ended all direct sales.
The 1997 sequence and what followed, revealed the coming home of some disturbing roosters. Remember price inflation in the street must be controlled. That kind of inflation always starts in the commodity’s markets. Therefore the world at large couldn’t be allowed to develop lest the demand on resources explode and reveal the true worth of the dollar. But the latter relentless deployment requires persistent industrial production capacity increases and, crucially, a corresponding growth in consumer demand to sustain the exponentially inflating debt markets. Do you see a problem? Well 1997 was the year world excess production could no longer be swallowed by the western consumer alone. The Japanese bubble burst in the early nineties already hinted at the issue. Later, the system critical size a fund like LTCM would reach, showed a growing share of dollar liquidity in its quest for returns, could find no better use than going to the casino. Because this is what such algorithm based hedge fund’s investment strategy are selling: lottery ticket winning formulas. This trend towards fantastical investment pursuits instead of productive ventures, would then turn mainstream. First in the form of NASDAQ bubble and the internet of things’ promises of infinite liberty, prosperity and fun, followed by grotesque profits in selling mansions to the unemployed and unemployable, and much more to follow shortly as the planet sank deeper into dollar inebriation.
The Russian defaults was a banker’s cartel classic rinse and wash operation; standard builtin mechanic that rejuvenates third world countries plundering. What stood out though, is its spread to SEA, the shear size of it, and the severe repercussions exposing the stretching of the financial system and its fragility. It is one thing to pull the rug underneath “one” economy, it is an entire different thing when done to one of the main resource and industrial production regions of the world supporting the US$. Which suggest, again, an element of surprise. What must be kept in mind is, the post 1971 monetary construct was always, from its first day, an inherently unstable edifice perpetually on the verge of disintegration. Its only guiding principle is: pump, pump, pump, and whip ever more vigorously the rowers on the boat. That the “Soros” of the world learned to profit from those credit cycles, doesn’t mean they are masterminded; only that they are predictable, inevitable and no less of a threat to the system. As a matter of fact they get more threatening as the required monetary intervention is proportional to the exponential increase in liabilities each round compounds.
While foreign capital’s flight annihilated FOREX reserves, the Asian Tigers meowed and loaded up on IMF loans, with US destroyers sailing in the background, and the dollar printing press working overdrive to save the world from a software bug. But Beijing broke the line and blocked all foreign capital movements until the West cleaned up its mess in the area and stabilized the markets. No one was gonna get Chinese assets on the cheap. Not only did they have the atomic bomb, the reserves they held hostage already counted in trillions; which to a dollar master of the universe is possibly even more frightening.
From that point onward China became ever more vocal about the need to rebalance the dollar’s share in world trade and finance. Plus they had a plan that would manifest politically first with the SCO, then a long list of ever broader encompassing institutions that would constitute the legal frames for the coming BRI. And Providence would soon throw them an Ace in the shape of one Vladimir Putin.
Of course the West and the US in particular, completely ignored Chinese appeals comforted by the double edge sword nature of those trillion dollar reserves, and their strangle hold on Russian resources. Because the billions issued to stabilize the markets could not reach these “would have been” cheap Chinese assets, they fueled instead the techno stock indexes. Then as the techies went pouf, the printing presses in response, doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on the real estate market; the only remaining traditional sector with a fighting chance to absorb the exponential flood the Chinese now stubbornly refused to channel any longer.
As we entered the millenium, rivalries within the Empire were flaring up again after the brief pause the looting of Russia provided. Now that Beijing was scaling down its dollar reserves in favor of Euros and gold, Washington urgently needed new sinkholes for its greenback, to somewhat relieve the direct pumping of its asset markets. Saddam’s “food for oil” with the EU and France in particular, was good to go. It helped both, in fueling more oil in the petrodollar, and reassert its suzerainty over the EU while hopefully devalue Chinese Euro reserves. They then answered China’s SCO with Afghanistan. With Iraq already down, the Idea was to isolate the four main Asian poles of power that are China, Russia, India and Iran. As a matter of fact, 9/11 and corresponding legislation, instead of the proclaimed war on Terror, was America declaring good old fashion war on all dissenters of the world.
Meanwhile another issue showed its ugly head again and was reaching critical mass. Recall that pesky unruly entrepreneurial and business community? Well, as their centers of production and customer base moved East, their interests followed suit, and thus their loyalties and allegiance incentives. As the new century came to be, so did a new investment vehicle: the ETF. It was sold as democratization of the stock market, allowing the online retail investor to mimic the big traditional Funds without the entry and exit restrictions and high management fee structure characterizing the latter. You should seriously freak out anytime a money kingpin hands you candies. According to frighteningly cunning Nomi Prins, the buyer of an ETF effectively transfers his voting rights in the underlying equities to the fund managers, which in turn are controlled by the sponsors, themselves owned by handful of titanic investment power houses whose combined assets today total 20 trillions US$. Half of this held by Blackrock alone, and another quarter by Vanguard. The larger the ETF market grows, the larger the voting right of those entities over corporate decisions and strategies. Whats more, they get paid for it by the greed animated retail investors (the very ones that whine about the onepercenters) through the funds’ management fees, and with no capital proper at risk for their voting choices. Financial Poetry. As ETF popularity spreads and later further pumped up by CBs direct investment (FED, BOJ, ECB, SNB…), so will the Kyoto protocol finally gain economic traction, as will WEF agendas on green energy, LGBTQ corporate culture and what have you not, and now “spontaneous” corporate sanctions on Russia over Ukraine.
Still, as previously alluded, from 1983 onward, the PBOC started purchasing the excess gold released from the Bullion banks and later Arab supplies, but were careful enough not to disrupt the price suppression scheme. Ever heard the expression “bad money chases good money”? The opportunity was too sweet to pass. They could build a complete, modern, state of the art economy for 1.3 billion souls with paper bills while saving gold at a deplorable discount. See, through out the closing decade of the XXth century, the commodity’s markets were at their most suppressed stage. The entire sector saw its profit margins virtually disintegrate, while gold was selling at less than its production cost. According to top notch analysts from the sector, such as Alasdair Macleod, Simon Hunt and others, by year 2002 the Chinese estimated undeclared gold stash was already in the vicinity of 20 thousand tons. The same source tells us by now Russia caught up with Beijing, acquiring a stealth stash of 12000 tons. In contrast to Chinese figures, I haven’t had the opportunity to read the investigative study concerning Russia, but I know these guys to be no nonsense, stick to the fact type. So I can see little reason to doubt such important claim (what would be the point?), and feel thus compelled to weight it in.
In parallel, China also deployed their sovereign funds to resource exploration domestically and abroad. On paper those investments were made at a loss, but the properties were prime exploration land bought for pennies. In 2006 they displaced South Africa as top world gold producer, launched a still ongoing “gold savings” promotion campaign on their citizenry estimated by now at another 20 thousand tons, and continued still with government gold acquisition; all while pleading for a reorientation of the monetary system to a deaf, self absorbed Western leadership. One could do worse than giving peculiar attention to the meaning of the precious metals savings program to the public, and its implication for the strategic end game China envisions.
When Putin came to power, the Masters couldn’t care less; Russia had devolved to that proverbial gas station status. What they didn’t foresee was Beijing’s sudden maniacal stockpiling of resources shortly after Putin’s election. The more dollar printed the more commodities bought, triggering a brand new bull run culminating in 2008.
There’s one and only one thing China truly fears. That is shortage of essentials. While the grab in international resource markets certainly qualifies as a short term fix, the resulting price rise suddenly and dramatically altered for the best Russia’s prospects. As the bull advanced, many oligarch Bears resurrected a long neglected patriotic fiber that would firmly consolidate Putin’s stance. Thus it broke loose the US’s resource shackles it held over China’s continued development. Lastly, the resulting pressure on interest rates would prick the subprime bubble as a wake up call to the US, perhaps more like a punch in the nose really.
As the US stumble nearly brought down the EU with it, the community of nations realized how vulnerable the two main poles of the fiat system really were and began paying much closer attention to Chinese whispering. The following years saw an abundance of infrastructure and economic negotiations and deals that were threatening to crack open the dam and send splashing international dollar reserves onto the brick and mortar economy. Indeed China wasn’t gonna wait longer for the West to come to its senses.
The war of terror was then dramatically cranked up, with a special focus on the Middle East, to postpone what I like to call proto-BRI projects, hopefully indefinitely. Once more we need to pause a moment and consider how much desperation those “color spectacles” concealed underneath the apparent bravado. It all lies in the scale. Again, it’s one thing to discipline one defector such as Iraq and hope to handle the fall outs and unforeseeable consequences even if somewhat expensive, but to unleash chaos on the highest concentration of energy resource producing region in the world is a whole different game; closer to a redux WWI or II, but without essential control of the gold factor. Meaning, unless they somehow regain that lever, they already denied themselves the end game narrative.
One thing became clear though: the next major crisis would probably be fatal in the sense that Dollar hyper inflationary forces will be impossible to longer contain. Monetary mutiny of the unruly bunch – rogue states, international business – would become inevitable. So while NATO/US armies were doing what they do and CIA/MI6/Mossad/DGSE/… did their own, WEF’s Great Reset was put in high gear as a counter offer to nascent BRI.
The Idea, as far as I can tell, rests on one essential premise. Technology has brought Humanity…sorry, has brought the Elites – and not just any Elites, but specifically western variety – at a Godlike status which enables them (but not you) to build the world of their choice, and create the fabric of reality as they see fit. At least as much has been spent on projecting this omnipotent imagery as has been spent on wars and foreign subversion. No wonder half the world or more, across all classes and populations, had fallen under the spell, not realizing the display of power has long relied more on a certain exorbitant privilege than technological prowess or scientific knowledge. Fascinating the self erasure from memory of how that privilege came to be; first the imposition of the US$ reserve with the backing of 2/3 of world gold reserves, then its gradual replacement with crushing military power, as yellow nuggets were thrown at the barbarians to defend the emerging paper fortress. How docile the widespread adoption of MMT by the academia to cover the blatant hijacking of the world economy, and the self indulgent pretense to carry a Great Reset with no gold and a putrefied military. Dumbfounding.
Anyway, back to our tale.
Suddenly a reinvigorated bear threw its heavy paws on Syria and Crimea, breaking the war of terror’s momentum. Followed a extended period of mutual attrition, where the West was busy pumping up asset prices and fomenting increasingly impotent foreign interventions, while Russia and China were consolidating their base.
I love Elvira. She’s my sweetheart, ma babe. Were I set to marry a central banker, she’d be the one. And if Putin is the Father of modern Russia, then Nabiullina is the fiercely protective Mother. Her handling of the Ruble attack after the Crimean intervention, was truly heroic. I can almost hear the strident cries from all her brats: the public, the business class, academia, media and the government, to lower rates and open wide the money spigot. Had she fallen under the pressure as they all do since Volker, had she not risen interest rates to 17%, the ruble would have been irrevocably broken. The entire economy would have loaded up on unsustainable debt that would trigger the familiar hyper inflationary trend common to US$ vassals going rogue with no understanding of the money game (Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina…), and thus annihilated Putin’s achievements on all fronts. Instead, by letting inviable western focused businesses fail, financial resources could flow to local production and eastbound and southbound ventures. As a result the economy cleansed itself of obsolete dead weights, excessive unserviceable debt, and business discipline was enforced, leaving it lean and mean, ready do tackle any future rough patch. Once the last treacherous FDI dollar and Euro left the space, the ruble stabilized, interest rates slowly normalized, dollar reserves now kept at strict minimum to cover trade requirements while overall reserves quickly recovered all losses. Sure some short term pain on certain sectors, but necessary and long term well worth it. No wonder Putin today would ask her for another term (note that he asked, she did not offer). With roughest seas ahead, he imperatively needs a proven captain that can handle any coming economic tempest.
What’s funny, those accusing her of “Atlanticism” seem to have completely missed that her policies selectively strained precisely those western bent businesses, while protecting the Eurasianists and patriots. Some reproach her playing into IMF hands yet she kept the RCB free from its predatory loans, thus keeping Russia safe from the coercive influence. Go figure. Elvira’s policies are best described as Classical, admittedly with some allowance for some serious wiggling on account of the extremely hostile, near or actual martial environment in which she must maneuver. Meaning she strives to basically mimic a gold standard in the absence of such under most adverse circumstances; while the “Glazyev” cohort have utterly sunk into MMT, the very theoretical frame that allows for all the western abuses. I mean no disrespect, it’s not personal, but let it be said bluntly: Keynes and MMT are less economics, but more tortured mental circumvolution to justify the monopoly of currency creation, a constantly and conveniently updated “how to do” manual to drain wealth through inflation as efficiently as possible, and incidentally provide to the politicians and others inclined to be gods, the pretense they can elucubrate the economy and the Money of their whims.
After the Russian double intervention, the world discovered a limit to US military power. And many understood Xi Jinping’s recent official launch of BRI had fangs too. And not just because of Russia. Progress in the PLA’s missile defenses turned the China Seas into Beijing’s ponds. It could now obliterate any ship, annihilate any military base within 1000 km of its shore. The construction of artificial island bases would further increase that range. US destroyers and carriers maneuvering in those seas resembled now a Greenpeace flotilla on parade, even more so because the bulk of Washington’s resources were spent on their attempted “remapping” of Western Asia and likewise countering Chinese penetration in Africa, all the while suffering mounting maintenance and moral deficiencies of its armed forces. South East Asia would start in earnest dedollarizing regional trade in favor of local currencies. US signed the JCPOA with Iran and initiated its pivot East, releasing the pressure in West Asia.
A similar dynamic took root in the EU sphere too – taking advantage of the same opportunity US overstretch provided – with North Stream 2 the most obvious manifestation, but also densification of railway freights from the East, engagement with Iran on the back of the JCPOA, Minsk agreement for Ukraine, increased Chinese presence in European maritime ports, and the growing use of the Euro in eastbound trade. Encouraged by the EU seeming newfound spine, however fleeting it would prove, the contagion spread to the Persian Golf and Africa, and Latin America, and then came Trump The Magnificent. The twitting Emperor, pfeeww… Can you feel the crescendo?
The Orange Guy was the perfect dude to try and “repair” the damage done with the disastrous, yet unavoidable (if they were to remain relevant in SEA) Pivot East strategic misstep. Well “repair” is too strong a word; the dollar was already way, way past salvaging by now. Orangeman with his twitting super power abilities was more like an American version diplomatic “Baba Yaga” of the John Wick vintage, designed to tear apart the rapidly progressing BRI and attending formations. His specific purposes were to discipline the EU mutineers, through the scrapping of JCPOA, installing a junky clown in charge of the Minsk agreement, and green lighting their Anglo accomplice’s Brexit. Thus weakened, the EU could now fully support the “true” Ukrainian cause” and isolate itself, or suffer further damage in the form of increased terrorist activities, political scandals, a heating up in the Balkans, or which ever other trick Washington may have in store.
Our geostrategy geniuses concurrently charged him with setting the Abraham Accord, better referred to as the coalition of the useless and the unwilling, to enforce the canceled JCPOA, but which half the participants politely declined. Make Kim Jong-un an offer he could not refuse, but nevertheless was rejected; revived yet another coalitions, this time of the useless and clueless specie (Quad), in the hope it would deliver a substantial blow to China’s posture in SEA. And similar “step in the plate” initiatives in Latin America and elsewhere.
The whole commotion had really only one possible (at least rational) purpose: force integrate BRI to the US$ system. Trump’s trade war/talks were never meant to repatriate jobs as it would have reversed the all important dollar trade imbalance and “inflation export”. The fact is that ever since the 2008 debacle, there was no remaining economic sector wide enough to suckle up the trillions upon trillions discharged from the FED except for China and its silk road. Thus the liquidity was force fed almost exclusively to the financial markets instead, which were rapidly approaching insanity. Same was true with all dollar integrated fiat currencies as per dollar peg requirement (mentioned earlier) to sustain the constant dollar outflow. Although to be fair, the value of those currencies were now so dependent on that of their accumulated dollars (far above and away anything their national economy could ever hope to “back” on their own), the alternative, should any of the major currencies pull out of the inflationary spiral, would have meant immediate monetary collapse of the entire fiat charade. Hence surreal negative interest rates, 150T green energy conversion programs for an 80T global economy (does anyone even notice the debility here?), talks of universal wages, together with a few additional twists to an ever more haggard, vacillating, stepping on its own foot, drunken economic theory to explain the imponderable.
The real takeaway of his presidency is manifest in the “Russia Gate” phenomenon. It expressed a defining internal contradiction in the US pseudo strategy to counter China, and exposed the festering multidimensional dissensions across the entire imperial fabric. Unless Beijing is cut off from Russia, Washington’s fooling around in SEA and elsewhere are essentially a nuisance or unwelcome distraction, an annoying fly in the nostril if you will. Disagreeable to the extreme, but ultimately nothing a vigorous sneeze can’t handle, such as Russia’s MSO to get rid of its own irritating bugs. “Trump Team”, to carry its mandate, absent direct and total military confrontation which is impossible, had no other choice but offer Putin an equal or better deal than the Chinese. That deal could have been nothing less than full normalization of European/Russian relations (not that Russia would have fallen for it given past history). However, an EU/RF combo, shall it ever arise, would rival and exceed US power in short order, as well as reassess the Euro and Ruble relative strength in the international monetary order, and kick start dedollarization of the European sphere in line with SEA, thereby canceling any benefit or even possibility of a dollar integrated BRI. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
They immediately realized the enormity the moment the “Trump card” hit the board. Open conflict broke loose between the American version “Atlantists” and “Eurasianists”, as all understood that one side must be sacrificed, thus defining his failed presidential term. However it only highlighted what was already brewing in every nation on planet Earth for quite some time. Actually a more appropriate labeling would be the worldwide divide between financial interests and industrial ones. Or fiat, out of the blue, near space altitude interests, and real stuff ones, the kind that sweat and still obey the law of gravity.
With that eureka moment and following the self inflicted Trumpian carnage, they were running out of fools, orange or otherwise, willing to occupy the oval office’s now red hot seat. Only a literally brain dead, semi conscious figure could possibly write the next chapter of our saga. And so entered Bubbly Biden.
A senile POTUS, in my eyes, is at least as relevant as Russia’s operation Z in reading the tea leafs on the present global situation. It suggest we’re pretty close to Mises’ final collapse where no amount of new currency could save the day, possibly within this presidential term. For a while now JPMorgan Chase and HSBC have been acquiring vast amounts of silver and gold respectively. Note, to my knowledge, these are the only western banks accumulating PMs. It appears someones at the very top western echelon know somethings the rest don’t, or are at least hedging their Great Reset bet. My fired up, already wild in the best of times, imagination believes those two institutions have been chosen as their Noah’s Arcs to sail through the coming great deluge. The rest will perish.
And whom are the rest? These are the Davos crowd, WEF, Bilderberg or what ever preferred referential, and anything dwelling under their geographic reach. The ominous oracle came in the form of an abrupt zero to 10% increase in the REPO rate on September 17, 2019. Covid was their last attempt to remain relevant to their hidden handlers; by trying to engineer a controlled systemic meltdown that was meant to drag Russia and China into its vortex, because this Grand New World Order could never withstand a competing and functioning production based monetary system. But the latter were well prepared. The Russian economy was now mainly self sufficient, and China had accumulated such huge piles of resources, both could sustain an extended disruption in international trade. After that, the puppets were earmarked for the slaughterhouse of history while the Fed’s assets jumped from 2T to 8T. For perspective, it took nearly 90 years to reach 800B, then a mere 20 years to total 2Ts, and 2 years to quadruple that amount.
I remember back in the late eighties when I started getting involved with markets, a FED intervention on the scale of hundreds of millions would be noticed, and a billion or two would be reason for great commotion in trading rooms. Through the nineties, we gradually got used to tens of billions, followed by hundreds of billions at the turn of the century, then swiftly moved to trillions before the first decade ended. In the past two years,at least 6 trillions, maybe eight or nine globally. When the next crisis hits, we’ll be talking of 10 trillion packages. In a 300 trillion and climbing debt world, over which hoovers in levitation a supernatural 1 or 2 quadrillion derivative nebula, near zero interest rates and 8+% US inflation, it isn’t hard to foresee a rapid accelerating succession of crisis spreading from sector to sector, country to country. 10T will turn to 100T, and then add a zero or two with each iteration. “Trillion” is a suitable word for planetary geological measurements and cosmological stuff: in human economics it’s a dirty word, blasphemous even. And “quadrillion” should be punishable by death (well… if I were in charge).
Once China lifted its COVID lock down and its economic indicator pointed up north again, it was apparent at last that a huge swat of the world could function with minimal western input. A fiat, debt based regime that has evolved on the back of the entire world cannot possibly perpetuate, let alone reinvent itself, with only a fraction of it. So while the puppets in Brussels, Washington, Davos etc.., are still driven by their own momentum, the Mr Xs behind JPMC and HSBC are busy making good use of the collective western folly to secure a reduced post reset sphere of influence. And so Ukraine is not about Russia, but against European Eurasianists and patriots, and severing all economic links to the East that could jeopardize said influence. It’s becoming increasingly apparent a similar scheme to lock in their Indo Pacific stooges through Taiwan will be attempted. However, apart maybe Japan, Australia and New Zealand, it is doubtful even South Korea would bite; the region is simply to intimately integrated to China’s economy. Oh, and let’s not forget that lame attempt centered around chaos sunk Israel to secure Golf Nobility oil and gaz.
Interestingly, just prior to Russia’s MSO in Ukraine, Putin and Xi signed a 20 year gaz deal to be settled in Euro. WTF, right? This can only be construed as a life line to a dollar decoupled Euro. Till the very last moment, both Russia and China believed/hoped that Europe would finally find the guts to let loose on US$ dependency, especially after signing the Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI) with the latter. They could even have traded US protection racket against fabricated threats, for Russian S400 coverage and “hyper missile” deterrence against very real American coercion. But it seams the financial interests, which include not only the usual suspects such as banks, investment and pension funds, etc.., but also the tens and hundreds of million socially entitled cohorts, largely outweighed their industrialist or productive counterparts weakened by their mounting loss of direct access to cheap African (and other) resources, rendering them toothless in their power struggle.
Now, as the West has started the process of complete economic disintegration and fiat destruction, China, Russia, JPMC and HSBC are hoarding gold and silver; the rest of the world is busy catching up: 80% of the global south central banks intend to add to their gold reserves in 2022. Only two years ago they were the odd exception. It seems the once slow and hesitant trend has recently and suddenly acquired a new sense of urgency.
I think now is an appropriate time to address in more details the new international trade settlement currency attempt by the EAEU under Mr. Glazyev’s leadership.
Truth be told, there’s no fundamental need to develop such device, we already have one in gold. It is readily available with a proven track record, and is the most honest means to settle trade imbalances between sovereign nations, because it needs no esoteric equation formulated exclusively by a monetary high priesthood to determine its value. I’ll spell it out: it leaves no room to cheat.
For all we know, it’s a SDR type fiat currency basket “tied” to a commodity pool. In essence a replica of the basic petrodollar, only more formalized and inclusive, or more WOKE, or more LGBTQxyz like. As if factoring more nonsense to nonsense could make it rational in some weird translation of “minus multiplied by minus equals positive”.
And one might ask: why is a non-gold commodity “backed” currency such a bad idea? Oh dear reader, I wish it were a rhetorical question so we could all have a good laugh and go home. In short the link is psychological at best, if you’re easily impressed. It does nothing to preserve or even stabilize the issuance and purchasing power of the currency. Take the Russian Ruble for gas; its new found strength is only relative to a bunch of denominations loosing value at an 8+% rate, but it does nothing to shield the local economy from a still 10% inflation rate in direct proportion to excess issuance from the RCB. Now, in this particular case the 10% tag can be justified because Russia started from such a low base in 2000 with huge real pent up demand that until now makes it serviceable, as long as it’s efficiently spent on necessary logistics and services that further real economic development. Also, the war like environment is further justification for temporary monetization of the impressive military upgrade, providing there is a clear plan to scale down once the threats are somehow neutralized. The high degree of monetary and economic mastery demonstrated on the ground, together with the ongoing gold reserves accumulation and recent tax exemption on gold transaction, strongly suggest the RCB is fully aware of an eventual necessary monetary anchoring at some point. Unfortunately there aren’t many Elviras hopping around the bushes…
So reverting to our “commodity backed currency” topic, the only way to make it real (not subject to a central banker’s good will) is an effective peg to a fixed price of the underlying commodity, a sort of Bretton Woods on commodity arrangement. But this opens up a huge new can of very dirty worms. It forces the issuer to divert an excessively large stock pile of commodity as reserves, thus drying up supplies on the market, exerting economically unbearable price pressure and disrupting production queues. The buyer of commodity is now compelled to redeem currency for the cheap CB’s reserves. The CB in turn can either retire those bills to maintain the peg and trigger a monetary quantitative collapse so to speak and instantly freeze the economy, which of course is unfathomable; or issue new currency to replenish reserves at the increased market price and adjust the peg higher, thus triggering simultaneously an inflationary spiral and an industrial production collapse. That is why the petrodollar could never truly be bound to oil; the only link was, and still is, US military threat. Commodities are meant for consumption and production. The cheaper, the more economic. Anything that unnecessarily makes them dearer, makes the economy uneconomic. That’s a simple, easy to follow rule of thumb. It is why they should not serve as money, which does not mean they cannot be used as a means of exchange, in which case it must be treated as a barter contract. Gold is different in that it has no significant impact on industrial processes and can thus safely be hoarded as monetary reserves, without triggering the disruptive supply crunch price imbalances.
It all begs the question: what are these fine gentlemen at the EAEU aiming at? If I were a dried up cynic, I’d be tempted to conclude the purpose is to recuperate the dollar’s exorbitant privilege to share among the participating players. Like it’s bad when one guy (US) cheats, but if we all do then it’s ok, never mind there’s then no game left to play; in this one case, no economy left to plunder.
But I’m not a cynic, to the contrary, I always have my nose stuck up in the clouds and often step on crap. Besides, I must acknowledge the glaring paradox of Mr Xi and Mr. Putin’s endorsement of this initiative, while accumulating what would seem disproportionately large gold reserves – that is, if the end game is what I’m inclined to call a “fiatly” backed commodity currency. Yet it could all make sense if we consider it an intermediary step towards a full fledged international gold standard.
An abrupt conversion to a gold standard would probably be lethal to a great many economies and political regimes on the planet, so it could stand to reason those great many would rather proceed (if at all) with the migration through a “buffer” system ,while traditional fiat denominated debts are being extinguished through hyperinflation. That assumes that over time the gold component of the reserves would gradually replace all others. But in the absence of more information regarding the valuation of such currency and how its constituent reserves are re-balanced with changing economic realities, this all remains phony, and honestly I’m not holding my breath.
Foremost because no such intention has been advertised or even hinted at. But also because the overwhelming economists today are the pure bred of a system that has successfully fooled itself into existence for so long, they lost touch of the underlying deception and confuses the resultant distorted reality as some new paleontology era in monetary evolution. But in 5000 years money didn’t evolve anymore than water did in 40 billion years. It is what it is: gold. The fiat concept in essence is nothing new. It has already been tried from the dawn of time, in the form of seashells, pebbles or what have you not; the only notable difference being the authorities’ exclusive right to harvest the modern mollusks. Yet, the old and the new both fail for the same basic reason: unlimited supply. What I’m clumsily trying to convey is that money must be “organic” to the economy. In other words, it must be a direct product of the economy, as any other goods, in order to “discover” prices reliably according to supply and demand, thereby modulating production; and not to be determined by some obscure committee behind closed doors in the deep of a secluded temple. That is, if the goal is a fair unit of account and dependable storage of value for all.
What does evolve though, are methods of payments and settling of accounts, and currencies which may either be the real thing (gold), or a derivative (gold backed), or fiat (mollusks) as we climb the evolutionary ladder. Crypto technology in this respect is probably one next step in this evolutionary thread, it remains to be seen in what capacity. But what should concern us most is the evolution of means and schemes to suck dry the purchasing power of the people’s savings. For millennia it was a straight forward cheat on the metallic content of coins. The first real innovation came with the adoption of derivative currencies (certificate of deposits) and the fractional reserves policies it allowed, followed in 1668 with the creation in Sweden of Riksbank and its fractional reserves regulatory monopoly. Before that each bank was responsible for its own reserves management. If the public noticed abusive behavior, it would simple switch to a better managed institution, and the losses would be largely confined to the culprits on both sides of the ledger. Abuses were common and losses considerable. And so the many reckless would disappear themselves and the few prudent would prosper, and fierce competition at least insured no monopoly. Once centralized though, there were no choice left and the entire economy became hostage to one national monetary policy for better or worse, all for the greater good of course; and ultimately made possible the Rothschild dynasty and the present monstrosity we live in. Since the Sweden model’s rapid adoption throughout a rising Europe, evermore imaginative and creative tools came to existence to physically further separate the world from its real savings and wealth, as these were replaced by evermore intangible, fluctuating and ultimately dissolving forms.
Before we all ride our high horses, the fact remains that the “fractional” practice and the differential interest rates it is based on, and which the so called modern economy derives from, could never have been without the full support and complicity of governments, legislators and the economic crowd as a whole (yes, yes, you and me included); all driven by mainly short term ignorant lust and greed in pursuit of happiness. It was and still remains a collective sin of Biblical or Quranic proportion, the kind that invites God’s wrath over the entire city.
And it is not just my feverish religious zeal for the forthcoming apocalypse speaking. The concept is based from the start on lies and misrepresentation. Usually presented as a white lie, or a sufficient enough approximation to the truth that it makes it acceptable. It assumes the chances of a call on all deposits at once is negligible, and that it can guarantee the account holder an interest return. Problem is the chances are actually pretty guaranteed catastrophes. Unexpected events, black swans, large and small are the fabric of life, and no return can ever be guaranteed. One can call it the monetarist’s original sin, if you will. And by the way, what was just described: “no risk and guaranteed income”, is the basic recipe for every Ponzi scheme, in case the irony didn’t register.
Hence, when watching a pack of good wishing suits consulting for a “new” currency, but unable or unwilling to recognize the fundamental turpitude at its core, and offer instead a more complex rearrangement of the deck together with a mere promise of better administration, skepticism is hard to resist. Do they even understand the topic? Am I being presumptuous?
More important yet, does Putin and Xi understand? I believe they secretly do.
My guess is that Mr Glazyev was sent to the EAEU to put him as far away from the Russian economy proper and mire him in no ending labirynthic discussions where he may do no harm. A sort of economist’s gulag. It may also be conceived as a focus point, a sticky fly paper, for the worldwide hordes of keynesian inspired economists, while the real game is being played unnoticed.
As for China, we know their methods. When an idea, good or bad, receives sufficient traction, their response: fine, show us in real time and limited space how it works out and have the practical results exposed for all to see. The project has been ongoing for quite some time now, but still no noticeable progress even at a preliminary agreement stage, not to mention practical results. Frankly I don’t believe it is even possible to devise a stable one size fits all synthetic currency for such a complex system as the international economy.
Of course this is all just one lone armchair “sort of analyst’s” opinion. But here are a few facts that need some answering before I consider changing my opinion.
- Why has China built up a tens of thousands unreported gold stocks that it keeps safely shielded form the current international banking system (and possibly the same situation in Russia)? What use for such gigantic volumes if gold is to be just one among 20 or more commodities backing an SDR style new world currency? Could they be keeping their powder dry for the eventual complete demise of all fiat systems and possibly even its root cause: the fractional reserve system?
- Why China is promoting for well over a decade now, savings in gold to its population?
- Why has Russia lifted VAT on gold transactions, thereby reinstating gold’s function as money (as opposed to a mere commodity), thus tacitly inciting its saving?
Circumstantial? Maybe.
Meanwhile, as EAEU are talking (no doubt in lavish five stars setups), bilateral and regional trade settlements using local currencies are flourishing, and international CBs commitment to gold reserves are steadily growing, even accelerating. So clearly our two gentlemen and their trade partners, at the least, are not waiting for an SDR like breakthrough to advance their own “new monetary arrangements”.
Now I’m not saying this “supra currency” wont see the light of day, and it might even start successfully. After all it’s a feature of all ponzis that success lies at the beginning, not the end. Just bare in mind that the dollar’s reserve status was first imposed on a super solid gold backing, then as that base eroded, it could depend on the US’s overwhelming military superiority to prolong its lifespan. Now clearly gold will represent only a minute portion of the currency’s reserves, and it is highly doubtful China will bring forward its hidden stash to complement it, hence its shelve life can be expected to prove considerably shortened. And neither will Moscow and Beijing militarily coerce its adoption. If they did we’d only be changing one master for another, with no fundamental change to the core rottenness, and they’d be setting themselves up for the exact same outcome as the US today, only in Asian clothes instead of Western. So yes it may happen, but China and Russia will (at most) only expose their current reserves as they officially stand now (mostly paper), and as a final demonstration of the fiat concept futility.
As a matter of fact it might be the only way to permanently discredit the notion of “artificial money”. The vast majority that occupies the seats of power and academia, were born to the current system and are evidently incapable to imagine the alternative. To them the fundamental problem lies in the US or Western “mismanagement” instead of the many internal contradictions and outright fallacies embedded in their concepts. Thus, they must be confronted with their own failure to “see the light”, and Putin and Xi will graciously provide them with the opportunity. The experiment will certainly be short lived because of the predictable lack of fiscal cohesion and discipline between the participants – EU style. But unlike Germany, neither Russia nor China will sacrifice its long term prosperity for the shortcomings of the rest. Meanwhile, those that gather sufficient gold in the interim will inherit the earth as equal sovereigns; the rest will be subservient until the day they decide to put their wallets in order.
Or I could be totally wrong… we’ll see.
Anyways, I tried throughout these lines, to draw a rough sketch, or perhaps caricature really, of how we came about to where we are, and to show empirically the last fifty plus years, as a long sequence of “pathologically-greedy-system” induced accidents begging to happen and consequent improvised responses, with the final outcome never in doubt. And then offered what I believe is the ultimate stake. I feel I still left out a ton. I’d have liked to address the main objections usually brought forward against gold, talk about the Economy’s nature and its fundamental function in human affairs, expose the politics and ideologies masquerading as various economic types, and the moral and philosophical (Islam) stand point that guide my understanding, and still more. But I also have the nagging impression that I have embarrassingly far exceeded my welcome, so I’ll keep it for some other day. Meanwhile, if you felt you’ve learned a little something today, if your curiosity was tickled, if you’ve been somewhat pushed out of your comfort zone, or God forbid, even outraged by some of my comments and smiled maybe once or twice along the way, then I’d consider my mission accomplished. In closing allow me to offer the following, taken slightly out of context but still the more relevant, quote.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”
– Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) –
Thank you !
We are all born into systems that we don’t understand…and many will never understand it because it has a language and ceremony surrounding these systems that the rest of us believe that all the wise men before us have worked on and perfected for the benefit of man.
Once you knock through the facde you realize the work of the wise is to obfuscate the true nature of the system and to find ever-more “efficient” means to use the system against the “subjects.”
If the system was fundamentally unfair and exploitative at the start…then that always will be until the system is pulled down.
Those who benifit from the system are not going to do that…why would they?
Those that do all the work are the only ones who have an interest in creating a new world…look at your average fellow citizen…do you think he knows what his/her best interests are?
Thats the mountain to climb…to put the fundamentals of the unfairness of the current system and to sell a new fair system that your average citizen is willing to fight for.
A non-trivial correction:
“… do you think he/she knows what his/her best interests are?”
The feminist welcoming and promotion of wage slavery as “liberation” from homemaking and parental care responsibilities ore in no human’s best interest. Not her own, not her offspring’s, and certainly not the family’s nor society’s in general. On the other hand, workforce doubling, labor value halving, and the substitution of easily manipulated emotional decision making for rational thought certainly do serve many corporate and financial best interests.
Loved it !
Very intersting.
Looking forward to read your next article.
“I’d have liked to address the main objections usually brought forward against gold, talk about the Economy’s nature and its fundamental function in human affairs, expose the politics and ideologies masquerading as various economic types, and the moral and philosophical (Islam) stand point that guide my understanding, and still more. But I also have the nagging impression that I have embarrassingly far exceeded my welcome, so I’ll keep it for some other day. “
I really appreciated your wonderfully poetic writing style. Come back soon.
I second that.
I read the quote in your comment, “…objections usually brought forward against gold…”
I always smile when the subject of gold is a cause for so much polarization, judging by the attitude evident online and in the mass media.
When you accept that the financiers and corporate owned media have literally beaten the idea of money, that is gold, out of the collective consciousness of man since at least 1912 then you have your answer.
Still, the legacy is alive and well in Asia, and whether you as an individual “like” gold or not is irrelevant. The history of man is the story of gold. Yes, other monetary systems and metals functioned to spread civilisation and the ascent of man, but none have played a greater role than gold. It’s the choice of humanity over millennia, not yours, not mine. Me? I love gold. Or you may not have noticed ; )
Very well done. I had also heard and wondered about “Atlanticist Elvira”, since results appeared favorable for Russia. After spending time thoroughly reading this article, it is obvious that Russia and China refuse to “re-set” According to “plan”. As for gold standard or commodity base or the new “system”, I honestly think the idea right now is complete decentralization to reboot. Some nations will be in a barter system (because they have no gold and IMF slaves), some nations currency will be commodity based, some gold backed, I think Russia & China’s global reset vision, is due to the complete realization of all the Nations Defaults coming, the blow out, and how globally to deal with the swarm of Sri Lanka’s coming all at once, without the usual methods the “rescue loans” . Think they’re throwing test tubes out there right now, but are really not in favor of a “global” currency, gold or otherwise (the gold one didn’t work out that great for a lot of country’s either). It seems moving forward, the “standard” will be flexible, since a whole lot of countries have nothing but the land ( mortgaged) they stand only. At least initially after current fiat crash.
In any event, the reading of this makes it more apparent, as has been becoming Day by Day, how phony this whole “Ukraine” war nonsense really is. It’s just an economic recalculation in the “system” and nothing more. Russia still flying around with the USA in Roscosmos… Fed Reserve goes on and on, just all nations EU as well recalibrating and adjusting.
I surprise myself how often I fall for the “war” garbage. Anyways, thank you for the financial 100 year plus deep dive!! As well as current global financial assessments.
the war in Ukraine is very much a real blood an guts war , its just that it is also part of a planet wide war and what is actually the end result of the war in Ukraine isnt going to be that much a deal as it is just a small piece of a much greater contest
“Any will to a system is weakness” – F. Nietzche
Indeed, fractional reserve and rent-scams – and all the power it accumulates for (((itz))) masterz.
Oj vey – if I were a rich man…just for a few minutes, come hell or high water…
Hell methinx by the looks of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sTdcD7Djpc
That was a very good and interesting essay .
thanks for wrapping it all up in one comprehensive and cohesive article.
It certainly filled in some holes in the puzzle Iv’e been studying for last 15 years or so , one thing Im still wondering is why didn’t Mr.Putin install the gasoil/ruble back in 14 after the flood of western sanctions on Russia [ sanctions are acts of war] and could that be something he meant when saying he should have moved sooner .
Outstanding piece of writing.
I salute you for an incredible eye opening, curtain lifting essay.
well said agree 100%
Lively, salient, informative and compelling ~ true ~ but also decidedly entertaining. Thank you for such impeccable generosity. Regards.
Applause. Very well articulated and refreshing to read a well chronicled examination of facts that are so easily forgotten, forbidden and memory holed from the public’s consciousness by the MMM.
Frankly I don’t believe it is even possible to devise a stable one size fits all synthetic currency for such a complex system as the international economy.
Yes, indeed they know that themselves but have found a way forward!!! You go to a number system electronically.
Gold won’t work as one can’t eat it, cant wear it for clothes, to heavy to carry on the streets as a legal tender or medium of exchange. etc etc
Cantelon saw it way back in 1971:
I had seen wars bring debts and rationing. I had seen certain natural circumstances contribute to the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. I had witnessed the computer age transform our world into IBM cards where men were filed as digits rather than people. I had viewed the skylines of the world’s leading cities, where bank buildings rose heavenward like giant cathedrals.
Unbelievable, I said, as I studied these superstructures dominating the horizons of the world. Unbelievable that some of these great banking houses will be devoid of vaults. They will have no need of such, for in place of money will be only computers which carry a man’s number and determine his allowance in a world-wide ration system.
Even while I thought on these truths, I was moved with the knowledge that banking houses were perfecting the non-toxic ink with which a number could be implanted for life on man’s flesh.
The world system will be praised and promoted by brilliant men. With eloquence and apparent logic they will persuade men that this is the path to peace and security.
The world leader will rise to power with flattery and gain complete control of the military and monetary powers of all nations.
A dark picture? Yes, indeed. But hardly the conclusion of man’s drama.
John the revelator did not conclude his book called Revelation with the universal number system described in Chapter 13, nor the battle of Armageddon in Chapter 16, nor the anti-Christ system under Lucifer mentioned in Chapters 17 through 19. Thank God, the prophet John writes Chapter 20 describing the overthrow of Lucifer and his forces diabolic. Chapters 20 and 2l describe with
inspired eloquence a new heaven and earth, where blood no longer is shed, where tears no longer flow, where war clouds no longer darken the sky.
pgs 142 – 143 The Day the Dollar Dies Cantelon 1971 Logos International
A Social Credit System similar to what China has implemented is the gold standard.
QR Coded? Is this what St. John the Revelatory saw in his visions about the last economic monetary system?
I look with fear when I read about that guy from Sweden who got himself an embedded chip in hand and praising such a system as a modern convenience.
Yeah, ignorance {Upton sinclair} I’m afraid doesn’t cut it for me and shouldn’t you either when everything is already written!!!!!!
good outline for book, but much more on this👇. w/o the recycling of petrodollars into the machinations of wall street paper, the real juice for USA hegemonic power and internal control of the nation, the petrodollar exchange just stabilized and maximized the value of $ (1 pillar not 2, 2 signifying both value and substance). The substance requires pillaging of external gold supplies and replacing that pillaged currency with fiat, followed by inflation and its twin, high usury, the most destructive forces to humanity save war.
When I first heard about Peak Oil some 20 years ago now all the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. If one has two countries one with all the oil in the world and the other all the gold in the world which one do you think would eventually come out on top?
You seem to have a problem with Gold Gerry. Earlier you said : “Gold won’t work as one can’t eat it, cant wear it for clothes, to heavy to carry on the streets as a legal tender or medium of exchange. etc etc”
You obviously don’t know a lot about Gold – – I suggest you brush up on that because 20 + years of owning Gold have taught me that it is a model asset for holding value. You certainly can’t eat it or wear it – -BUT likewise you can’t eat or wear any other currency.
@ James1
thanks!! Like yesterday an once of gold would buy one a suit and tie set fit for a millionaire and likewise the same once of gold today.
There is however, a history about it and its difficulty…
The Gold Standard
“In 1870, America’s banks went on the gold standard. This meant that any American could come to the bank with his paper money and exchange it for gold. In 1933, however, this was changed. In the aftermath of the crash of 29 and the depression that followed, the morale of the nation was such that it was willing to accept any revisions or suggestions which might point to a way out of their misery. Mr. Roosevelt asked the government to pass legislation demanding that the American people give up their gold. this they did, receiving in exchange paper money showing they had received $20.67 an once for the precious metal. Immediately however, the government realized a 3 billion dollar profit. When asked his opinion on this particular action, Senator Carter Glass replied to President Roosevelt on April, 27 1933,
I think it is worse than anything Ali Baba’s forty thieves ever perpetrated.
Cantelon pg 43
The 1871 Specie Resumption Act linking US credit to British gold, set off 3 recession yo-yo’s.
Glass and Steagall advised FD to split up the banks in 1934, repealed by Clinton in 1999. What followed – one crash after another, and now hyperinflation.
the ability to sum up the hugely complex history of money an human nature shows you have a brilliant mind and has in no way worn out its welcome
Please continue to enlighten us ty ty ty
james Vasquez gets his ass handed to him on the subway after picking on the wrong og. seems hanging out with kid rapists and murderers never taught him to fist fight a real man
“Empires, dynasties, new eras, they rise not on ideological abstractions or brute force, but with intellectual or moral discipline. ”
Dear friends, already the first sentence shows us that the author “Tarik” does not understand what he actually wants to talk about.
Without physical violence there are no empires and without empires there are no dynasties.
And without intellectual, ideological “abstraction” there is no veiling of physical violence.
Elitist forms of rule always need both.
with kind regards, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay
The author doesn’t say that brute force or ideological abstractions are not necessary, he just says they are not enough to build a lasting power/start a new era.
It is a real great article.
Yes, it is a great article. I think the same. At the end he wrote about, that he would like more write about economy. We don’t need this money-spectacle. And his last quote from Upton Sinclair pointed to the same.
The money system ist only a manipulable image of reality.
In Paraguay there is a better understanding of “empire” than here!
Lots to think about. Thank you!
PS – keep stacking !
The heading of Tarik’s excellent piece has the quote, “Gold is money, everything else is credit” — J P Morgan
A common misquote that is explained below, by James Turk. The distinction is important because today nobody understands what the difference is between money, currency, credit, gold, or even how to define each for the purposes of fully understanding our present monetary system and the intrinsic value of tangibles as opposed to illusions of wealth and value as digits in a computor memory.
“It is noteworthy that he ( J P Morgan ) is often misquoted to have said ‘gold is money, and nothing else’, which is also true but misses the important point. It is clear that Mr Morgan was defining money in a way that is unfamiliar and therefore baffling to the modern mind, so the quote is frequently altered, whether wittingly or not, to make it understandable today. No doubt further confusing and perhaps somewhat shocking to the modern mind, Mr Morgan – who a century later remains a pre-eminent historical figure in American finance – did not say that ‘money is the dollar’; it is only gold and nothing else.”
The following exchange occurred on December 18, 1912 when J.P. Morgan – the most influential American financier and banker of his time – was called to testify before Congress.
Mr Untermyer:
I want to ask you a few questions bearing on the subject that you have touched upon this morning, as to the control of money. The control of credit involves a control of money, does it not?
Mr Morgan:
A control of credit? No.
Mr Untermyer:
But the basis of banking is credit, is it not?
Mr Morgan:
Not always. That [credit] is an evidence of banking, but it [credit] is not the money itself. Money is gold, and nothing else.
Samuel Untermeyer was chief counsel of the Pujo Sub-Committee of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, which was formed to investigate the influence of Wall Street bankers and financiers over the nation’s money and credit. He was attempting to determine whether a “money trust” that controlled American business and finance existed and if Mr Morgan was part of it.
The above exchange is just a small part of more than three hours of testimony by Mr Morgan, but it is the most revealing part of their discussion about money. It hits upon a point not often understood today that, as Mr Morgan put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is gold, and nothing else”.
Here’s a short piece of background from 2018 to the Russian and Chinese attitude toward gold as the only reserve monetary asset that has no counterparty risk and is universally accepted throughout history and geography.
Also a must read book written in 2002 predicted the changes now happening.
“Tomorrow’s Gold: Asia’s Age of Discovery”
by Marc Faber
Looks like that 1912 Morgan exchange followed the 3 major recessions after the 1875 Specie Resumption Act linking US credit to the British Gold Standard.
Details here :
From Robert Peel to J. P. Morgan: what is a British-style gold standard?
You know, when Enron was the latest/greatest and beloved by all “the smartest guys in the room,” it never made sense to me. I felt a little inferior, until, lo and behold, it turned out that I wasn’t just stupid, Enron was a con game and it really didn’t make sense.
Fiat money and the fractional reserve system have always given me that Enron feeling. Special drawing rights, too. Hmm.
98% of my holdings are in Gold so I fully support this article but it would have been better appreciated & easier to read if presented in 2-3 presentations. The author to his credit did allude to the length being a bit of a worry.
Some important quote from very in the know people:
ln 1934, when legislation was passed prohibiting the American public from owning gold currency, the door was left wide open to the foreign holders of American dollars to claim gold in exchange for their paper. But even before this international stage was set, Representative Louis T. McFadden (R-Pa.), Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, made statements on June 10 of 1932 which indicated America’s gold was already moving back to Europe. His statements were recorded in the Congressional Record and pages 140-174 in H. S. Kenan’s book
entitled The Federal Reserve Bank. Representative McFadden speaks of those on the other side of the water with a strong banking “fence getting the currency of the Federal Reserve Banks-exchanging that currency for gold and transmitting the gold to the foreign confederates.”
McFadden named the dates on which America’s gold was shipped to Germany:
On April 27, 1932, $750 thousand in gold was sent to Germany. One week later another $300 thousand in gold was shipped to Germany the same way. In the middle of May of that year, $12 million in gold was shipped to Germany. . . . Almost every week there was a shipment of gold to Germany-these shipments are not made for profit.
Representative McFadden referred also to the comments of Senator Elihu Root:
Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold which could have kept us from catastrophe will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return.
In his report to Congress, Louis McFadden asked the question,
Why should our depositors and our government be forced to flnance the munition factories of Germanv and Soviet Russia?
Representative McFadden continued,
Gold was taken from the entrusting American people and was sent to Europe. In the last several months $1,300,000,000 in gold has been sent to Europe everydollar of that gold once belonged to the people of United States and was unlawfully taken from them.
As I weighed the words of Louis McFadden and other Iawmakers, I also witnessed the faitastic scene of America’svanishing gold. The record was unbelievable:
1949 – $24,500,000,000
1958 – $21 ,593,000,000
1959 – $20,478,483,000
1960- $19,420,997,000
196l – $ 17,667,587,000
1962-$15,997 ,647,000
1965 – $ 13,733,000,000
On and on the gold drain went, unabated. Then came the crisis in the spring of 1968. We were living in Europe at that particular time. On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England, and to the bank windows of the sub-basements of Paris to exchange their paper for gold. On one single day, the crude and the cultured, the peer and the peasant, carried off 200 tons of the precious
metal. They stored it in secret places of their homes and deposited it in various banks in strongboxes labeled with fictitious names.
On that day Senator Everett Dirksen in conversation with Secretary of the Treasury Fowler, William McChesney Martin, and a dozen other senators said,
We have reached the bottom of the barrel.
It seemed like only yesterday when I spoke on monetary matters when America had $26 billion in gold in her treasuries. By June 30 of 1971, it had been reduced to $10.5 billion.
Yeah, women’s labour has deflated the pressure on men’s wages, doubled the tax base and destroyed the family as building block of society.
Western ‘civilisation is built on sand and killing 6 billion useless eaters is seen as a solution.
Zainab, sister of martyr Hussein represents Islamic ‘speaking truth to power’ and the challenge is to find and read her ‘lecturing Yazeed, the murdering tyrant of the time.
She was the first ‘Z’ in history, Putin is the second!
I don’t understand finance, having lived on a straightforward path of Job, Salary, Retirement, Pension. My only fear is that the planned crash will wipe out my pension. But in this essay I recognize enough of the financial movements and resource wars since WW2, to realize that it is a very good essay on the subject of modern (500 year old) “Western” finance.
My only comment comes from my previous reading of the equally good essay by Michael Hudson, on the need for a “Royal” or “Priestly” authority sufficiently powerful to occasionally override “Financial” power by declaring cancellation of debt. According to Prof.Hudson this need for some higher social power, to offset the relentless accumulation of wealth into private hands, goes back much further than 500 years; it goes back to the beginning of recorded history.
Although at present we are necessarily fighting a war of “West” vs “the Rest”, it is worth remembering that history records a higher level struggle: to whip the money manipulators out from the temple.
If gold is money then all you have to do is nationalise the gold mines and the gold resellers and you have infinite money.
But we don’t have to do that, because we have already nationalised the power to tax and the power to set what denomination that tax is settled in.
It’s the power to tax that is money. Everything else is doing what is necessary to get that money to pay that tax.
The difference between the amount you have to pay the tax collector and the amount you would otherwise have to pay the bailiff, is the interest rate.
There is no such thing as foreign reserves, as we have seen. All that does is hide what the actual asset that backs a nation’s currency is – the ability to tax in it.
The Account: “It’s the power to tax that is money.”
Very limited resource of money. In many ways you will harm the economy if tax rate is near 50%. The debate since Thatcher and Reagan has been is 40% (of GDP, i’m not talking about wages) enough.
Interesting thing but after 10 years of Maggie ruling the tax rate in UK was higher than in 1979. It underlined that you can’t the nation with too low tax but you can destroy it if taxing too much.
Anyway we should talk more why gold has had such trust until 1914 but not other raw materials. In August 1914 it took just couple of weeks to have European nations lost all their gold reserves to (mostly) New York.
One explanation to value of gold was found in Russia. You could take your gold in early 1917 and move to America even if losing your castles and farms later to Bolsheviks.
The market price for gold:
2022 $1,877.53 (average)
2021 $1,798.89
2020 $1,773.73
2019 $1,393.34
2018 $1,268.93
2017 $1,260.39
2016 $1,251.92
2015 $1,158.86
2014 $1,266.06
2013 $1,409.51
Lower trend: lowest price during 21st century $436 (April 2001)
Charts are showing prices very low when there are economic “positive vibrations”, optimism. We can compare it to the price of $2,387 in August 2011. Generally gold has been much more expensive since 2005 than before that year. But there were some exceptions. Prices were very high in 1980 (top around $2,600). But mostly after WW2 the average price were around $450-500 per ounce.
This all at least underlines how speculative the price of gold really have been. Let’s remember one could buy 10 times more things with $100 in early 1960’s than today. So why won’t price of gold reach even level of $4,000/ounce? Also if 1 gram of gold is 5,000 rubles then why we have seen prices of $55-60 per gram in western market but also $1 = around 60 rubles at the same time on free market. There are some contradictions need to be explained. I can’t.
Anyway buying stocks/shares with $10,000 in early 1960’s has been far better investment than 20 ounces gold. Average rise of stock/share prices have been annually 8% during the last 150 years. Not sure is it nominal rise ignoring inflation. Rise of gold price has been far more lower. When it comes to paper money like US dollar it has lost 95% its value. Many others have lost 99-99,99% of their values.
So truly owning land (near growing cities) or plenty of different shares (limiting risks) has been better way in longer run to secure your property than owning gold.
The ability to tax depends on a Population which flourishs / grows….. . Where IT is worth working.
No real work.. No taxation.
Work time is life time….. TIME…. the one and only limited Ressource in everyones life.
….. nobody wants to give his real work (life time) away for fake money… which is fake time. (or better… which is money unable to save work time = life time)
By extension of this logic, the power to hang the tax collector is “money.”
Not exactly, but the higher the taxation the less taxable work will be “found” by the tax collector…. When it’s Not worth working officially either everbody wants to live on a state pay check (Hunger games) or does its work in a spaces “where no taxation is”
“The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets”.
Yes, even God wouldn’t trust an British in the dark.
Thanks Tarik for your article. My question is: why did Elvira choose recently, not to buy 500 tons of gold produced by Russian gold mines? Previously the RCB bought up all of the gold mined in Russia. This time the gold (500 tons) was sold to markets outside the country. Her decision in this case did not make any sense to me.
My guess, off the hat, to help the 80% increase their reserves at a still reasonable price.
“why did Elvira choose recently, not to buy 500 tons of gold produced by Russian gold mines?”
It’s a good question, but there are good answers, too (although we don’t know which is correct):
– the mentioned foreign markets may be friendly foreign markets (e.g., China)
– Russia’s gold quota for the year had already been met
– In preparation / support for the SMO, it made more sense having more immediate cash for trading than gold
– As a diversion tactic
Albeit a unexpected move, I wouldn’t worry too much about it
Thank you. Truly one of the most interesting articles in Saker blog ever published.
“The vast majority that occupies the seats of power and academia, were born to the current system and are evidently incapable to imagine the alternative.”
This is large scale problem not only in economic echelons but all around especially western world. And mostly because all alternatives since late 1940’s have been strangled. We have had monoculture of thinking:” this is the only way to operate”.
The solution or better to say solutions will come outside the west, from culture enclaves who have experienced what this fiat dollar fake virtual economy has done to Global South (and Russia)
I’ve not asked much and haven’t so far got explanation e.g what does even real economy mean and why OECD never published tables of real economy production. Instead all they did was boring fake figures of nominal GDP. Even mentioning GDP PPP was almost a sin.
The culture of nominal GDP publishing industry must be based on attempt to hide truth from public. Behind the scene is the fact that western nations with real economy production figures have not developed much since 1990. What has increased is fake virtual economy, making money with money. We are certainly missing what Adam Smith would have said of it.
The chapter telling not so well understood facts of “Atlanticist Elvira” was one of those hooks giving many Saker blog daily visiters some uneasy feelings compared what they themselves have declared since late Feb 2022.
Soon after ruble remarkable recovering since first days fall out should have hinted all of us that something very different was happening. As always the MSM will be the last realizing it.
(Honestly ruble should not become too strong and RF CB has tools to handle it… true or not but rate $1=60 rubles often mentioned as RF goal)
You have to pay 5000 rubles for a gram of Gold in Russia, and we have to pay about 55 Dollars for gram of gold in the west… Right?
The rub/USD exchange rate by knowing this is 5000/55…
Is… around 90…….
.which IT is of course officially not
Because the “official” ruble/USD exchange rate today is around 57
That meens…. the americans give you about 23 rubles more for a gram of Gold then the rusdians would of could do..
Does anybody know a Bank to make this deal?
Please correct me if I’m wrong
I think the agreement to buy gold at 5000 rubles a gram has been suspended. Besides, even at the time of its announcement, Putin had said the price could be revised depending on economic conditions.
Putin’s agreement was to accept gold in payment for gas and oil, not to buy it.
Russia is the world’s second largest gold producer at 330 tons per year.
RCB’s Nabiullina has no need to buy Russian gold, since its export is banned by US sanctions and therefore remains in Russia, where it cannot be stolen.
Brilliant !
A thought inspiring bid to describe the last 300 Years of power politics !
As a European I say so with considerable Bitterness as it also describes the selfdestructive Folly
of Europe.
My only Hope is that Europe would find the Men and Women able to achieve a RE-DIRECTION
of european Policies … as impossible as this appears at this moment
Wow – a long log article and a lot of work. Very illuminating. Thank you.
Put the author’s opinions aside and see what EAEU economist Glazyev actually posts :
The Bank of Russia has achieved its policy of a new wave of capital exports from our stagnant economy, which is hostile to the goals of economic growth.
MMT is from NYC Prof. Abba Lerner, a Keynsian, who blurted out in 1971 “that If Germany had accepted austerity, Hitler would not have been necessary”. Why people are surprised at a Keynsian saying this is because they did not read Lord Maynard Keynes General Theory forward, published first in Hitler’s Germany :
“The theory of aggregate production, which is the point of the following book, nevertheless can be much easier adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state than the theory of production and distribution of a given production put forth under conditions of free competition and a large degree of laissez-faire. This is one of the reasons that justifies the fact that I call my theory a general theory.”
ad hominem removed … mod
Put the author’s opinions aside and see what EAEU economist Glazyev actually posts :
Let me fix that :-)
Put the author’s opinions aside and see what EAEU economist Glazyev actually DOES :
Which is little enough and powered by hot air. In other areas of the world we have real progress. In Glazyev’s area we see nothing – not even the proposal that should have been made to the BRICS. He is a bag of hot air!
That is an opinion – fair enough.
See Glazyev’s note on the RCB which the lede Author “loves”.
The only real progress in the world is in China, and the EAEU combined with the SCO extends that.
BRICS+ already includes Russia from the get-go.
As with all Sitrep’s here admit we do not know all of what does go on – even Martyanov will not assume what the MoD does. Nobody say’s the MoD is hot-air!
I strongly suspect some here love that Russian capital outflow, an echo what Yeltsin did, as opposed to said?
What an article!
Length is a necessary part of an analysis of this caliber. Very well laid out and presented.
“Only gold is money.” The simplicity of this truth is staggering and lays bare the rotten core of the financial empire of the moneychangers.
Except it is not true.
J.P. Morgan had a problem with the Greenback.
That mere money, Greenbacks, defeated J.P.Morgan”s British Confederacy, and started the greatest industrial expansion ever seen in history, extending to Germany and Japan in a mere decade.
The financial system is indeed rotten – it is called Derivatives, nominal debt of $2 QUADRILLION.
That is not “money”, rather a financial neutron bomb in major banks vaults.
Easy to moderate this nuclear pile – Glass-Steagall bank separation.
It sure seems the lede is promoting the British Gold Standard, yet again.
I wonder what the Author thinks of Lincoln’s Greenback, that enabled both the defeat of Britain’s Confederacy, and the massive reconstruction and industrial expansion after?
J.P. Morgan and his banker friends did not like to see the USA vastly surpassing the British Empire, and even spreading the American System to Germany and Japan!
How dare they!
And just imagine, China and the EAEU taking up the torch! How dare they!
Hitler did rather well too, with the monetary concept of ‘one Mark, created against one mark of labor’.
Gold as money has always been a tool of entrenched power structures to control the peasants, with the mesmeric gleam of precious metals!
Yet—millions of Indian peasants hold gold to preserve their savings for time of need.
“The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Buddha
It’s a made-up quote traceable to Jack Kornfield and many copies.
It doesn’t change the main idea of course as used in the article. People tend to live in future or past times. Have all these plans, fears and assumptions about it. But sometimes reality becomes a shock in the now. When things happen completely outside the usual scope of time and life narrative.
As Yogi Berra noted: Most of the things I said, I didn’t say….
Most analysts approach the macro problems besetting the world from the perspective of the monkeys, Turik approaches them from the perspective of the organ grinders. Turic calls them the promoters and the promoted, I call them the organ grinders and the monkeys, same thing really. Thankfully the organ grinders are screwing up, as Turik posits “However it really shouldn’t come as a surprise, since the further away the inheritor of fortune stands from its original creator, the less understanding of the means and stronger the sens[sic] of entitlement.” When I was a little boy I remember my granny saying the first generation makes it, the second generation keeps it and the third generation fritters it away. All true generally, with the exception that gifted individuals within the generational bloodlines can randomly turn up and renew and redefine the bloodline mandate, but don’t depend on that. I would say the organ grinders are in the fritter it away stage at a time when a lion like Putin has come onto the scene, and he seems to have a pride (not that kind) with him. Hence the loud whining from the organ grinders monkeys.
If you want to solve a problem you identify the problem properly. Turik has, so more like him please. What has not been addressed by anyone I have read so far is what is the ideal wealth producing economic model for a sovereign nation populated by sovereign individuals, and no, Michael Hudson is not that architect, yes he clearly sees where we are, but in my opinion, not where we should be going. I think we can all agree on the peaceful sovereignty of nations but each nation and it’s citizens will have to craft their economic models for themself.
I think it’s safe to claim that after around 1973 all statistics and tables of stengths of economies have been infected by fake virtual economy, especially when it comes nominal GDP. And as example of Ireland teach us one cannot trust too much on purchasing power parity gross domestic production. It’s only gradually more reliable source while cannot eliminate mostly effect of virtual economy and corporate tax heaven’s money refugees (like Ireland, Norway, Neatherlands etc) .
Following study of Maddison the Western Europe had these percentages of global GDP:
1 AD: 14%
1000 AD: 9%
1500 AD: 18%
1600 AD: 20%
1700 AD: 22%
1820 AD: 23%
1870 AD: 33%
1913 AD: 33%
1950 AD: 26%
1973 AD: 26%
We must remember that even purchasing power parity of GDP is relatively new invention first time used in large scale during late 1980s. So W. European numbers might have been too high e.g in 1973.
When it comes to USA the figures are these:
1700 AD: less than 1%
1820 AD: less than 2%
1870 AD: 8%
1913 AD: 18%
1950 AD: 27%
1973 AD: 22%
After 1973 Maddisons table, using GDP, is showing more decline in W. European than in US share ( 19% for W.E and 21% for US in 2003).
What we really are now missing is real economy figures. Then we seriously have to compare figures of China.
1 AD: 26%
1000 AD: 22%
1500 AD: 25%
1600 AD: 29%
1700 AD: 22%
1820 AD: 33%
1870 AD: 16%
1913 AD: 8%
1950 AD: 4%
1973 AD: 5%
2003 AD: 15%
There was no “natural superiority of western nations” from 1820 to 1960s. Just normal aggression and imperialism destroying and enslaving both Chinese and Indian economies.
According GDP PPP figures China passed USA as biggest economy after 2014 (some studies: 2016). The gap in 2022 was +20% favoring China. But is this the whole truth? Hardly.
Comparing steel, aluminium, motor vehichle production China’s production numbers are much bigger: steel 53% vs 4,5%, aluminium 54% vs 1,8%, motor vehichles 32,5% vs 11,5%.
In energy production US has far bigger crude oil and natural gas figures, China much bigger coal production. China consumed energy 65% and electricity 80% more than US. These figures are giving quite realistic perspective of real economy volumes of two giants having relatively as warm or as cold climate.
Right or wrong but estimating real economy factors China is easily more than just 20% bigger economy than US and 25% bigger than whole EU. Is the gap 60%, 80% or even 100% is other question. The common MSM narrative is now praising “information technology” even making some social media platforms as “leaders of modern economy”. Take it or leave it. I wonder what will happen to all these YT/TIK TOK celebrates and other gloryhunters when last bread of town has been sold and blackouts surprised them pants down. Then we can finally start to think real things of life. Like sports these sectors of modern human life are no more no less just marginal. In good times economy tolerates them but not when real shit start flying.
Excellent that the lede DOES note the extreme danger of $2 QUADRILLION nominal debt on the transatlantic necks.
The 5 major SIFI Banks, Systematically Important Financial Institutions, must be immediately put though bankruptcy and Glass-Steagall separation. FDR did that in 1934, Germany failed or was sabotaged by Hitler’s minister Schacht, the head of the Bank of International Settlements, the Versailles Reparations bank.
Great article. I am not an economist, but caught on to the gold story about 20 years ago and so had a chance to educate myself. I am in close agreement with your perspectives, even if mine are somewhat less informed.
The big question, however, if you have a moment to opine:
It seems we are at an enormous pivot point. Okay, a couple of major banks can insulate themselves with gold/silver holdings, but “them’s small potatoes” compared to world currency control. Will “they” go quietly into that (not) good night?
Being rich in a world controlled by others is quite effectively nothing compared to being in control. I personally do not see the banking families willing to step off their pedestal.
It would seem there is almost no (financial/monetary) play left in the game now that Russia us gaining increasing control over the Ukraine.
As you pointed out, the ultimate claim on control falls to military power. But even that is impossible (on the current worldwide scale) as purchasing power weakens. That is, if they lose monetary power, they lose military power; if they lose military power, they lose monetary power.
Net result: They (the money controllers) are facing a “now or never” situation. That implies use of any and all means possible up to and including all out war in the near future. Being minions (even high level ones) in the pecking order would likely mean trials and ultimate execution in any sort of just world.
What do you think?
Excellent summary.
But I must say, though I am not an expert by any means, to me gold has four major advantages:
1) It is relatively portable
2) It is limited in quantity – there is only so much of it in the world – and it will never be increased (unless the alchemists finally succeed)
3) It is anonymous
4) It has universal recognition of value and appeal (no matter what your view of monetary theory, I know of no one who would turn down a gold coin).
But I think gold bugs fall short because they insist on a difference between gold and fiat money, believing that gold has some kind of intrinsic and stable value. It doesn’t. I’m not talking about values based on fiat currency (how much gold can you get for a dollar). I am instead talking about the purchasing power of gold – how much of a commodity can I purchase with a given amount of gold. In that sense gold is just another fiat currency, the value of which is determined by market forces.
Gold only has the value you place on it, just like fiat. If we only had gold (or gold-backed currency), we would still have the tendency to change its value over time as conditions warrant. And what would make you change that value? Market forces, of course. So here I might disagree with the author who seems to, if I interpret correctly, look rather down on the concept of “commodity-based” currency. Gold is just another commodity, just like timber, potable water, oil, etc. Seems to me a digitised economy based on commodity values and traded with a common digital (or even paper-based) currency can fairly accurately reflect a nation’s wealth.
“Gold is just another commodity, just like timber, potable water, oil, etc.”
You left out one old big advantage that gold has: it is much more durable in storage than the others commodities. It suffers very little change even in a timeframe of centuries.
That with the fact of its scarcity, which means its value/weight ratio is high, means gold is an excellent store of value.
Besides, oil, timber and agricultural products, once used, are gone, while gold is not (you can recycle it).
I agree, though, that it’s us who give value to gold, even if there are good reasons for that.
an entire university semester in a one-hour reading! BRAVO!
The author of this essay uses the word fiat to describe the major currencies, such as the US dollar, British Pound and the Euro. Strictly speaking they are not created by fiat or edict of any government, but as interest bearing debt by private banks ex nihilo every time they make a loan to individuals, corporations and governments, so that no debts = no money.
The debts are increasing exponentially, not only by increased lending, but also due to the magic of compound interest.
True fiat currencies are created by sovereign governments free of debt. Such is the case with China whose government owned central bank creates their domestic currency the yuan, free of debt to private banks. This has enabled China to pay its workforce without taxation to build modern infrastructure and eliminate poverty.
Sounds like Lincoln Greenbacks with China characteristics!
The only difference is in ownership of the currency (government or private), but the idea is identical. You might prefer government ownership (I hold no preference, personally I dislike both), but it’s no guarantee of good governance of the money supply.
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws.”
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
While there is much I agree with in this article, it always irks me when opponents of MMT completely misrepresent the theory based on third-party interpretations that are based on an agenda, that has little to do with the theory itself.
Maybe for fairness sake, here are some caveats regarding those interpretations:
“MMT is neither modern nor a theory. It was, in fact, completely misnamed . All MMT does Is describe how money works in an economy with its own fiat currency. A fiat currency is one that is issued by the government through its own central bank without any asset backing, meaning that it is nothing more than a promise to pay.”
“As far as I am concerned MMT is simply a tool that assists understanding in some areas. And that is it. It does not mean that I have to suspend my judgement. And it does not answer political questions. It does not prescribe policy. It does not let you pursue economic fantasies. It just explains how money works. To those who think otherwise I have one simple message: get real.”
and as to the theory itself:
What MMT says is as follows.
“First, in a country with a fiat currency, which means that there is no asset backing (like gold) to the money in circulation, which means that the country’s money does as a result only get its value solely as a consequence of its government’s promise to pay, there is, at least in theory, no limit to the amount of money that a government can create. It’s important to note that every major currency in the world has been a fiat currency since 1971.”
and the article goes on to number seven, touching on taxation, borrowing etc.
The principle is simply this:
“In essence, the government can and does create money. Government debt is just a means for saving private wealth. If you want government-created money (and you do) the government has to run a deficit. There is nothing to worry about in this policy so as long as the economy is not overheated as a result. And the art is in not over-heating. Tax can stop that over-heating.”
Check what MMT founder Abba Lerner said in the post above.
Hint – austerity.
I fail to see what Lerner has to do with the creation of MMT. And I missed the reference to him in the article.
“which argued that government policy should be designed to obtain full employment output and price stability regardless of whether it increased or decreased public debt. He was an effective debunker of the the idea of the “burden of the debt” and “crowding out” arguments commonly used against deficit spending. Lerner’s propositions initially shocked even John Maynard Keynes himself – although he eventually embraced them fully. As Keynes wrote, “[Lerner’s] argument is impeccable, but heaven help anyone who tries [to] put it across to the plain man at this stage of the evolution of our ideas.” (Keynes to Meade, April 1943).
This is the closest reference to anything MMTish I could find regarding Lerner.
As to the formulation of MMT:
MMT is based on Lerner’s functional finance, basically Keynesian-ism.
Monetarism, like its so called polar opposite, von Hayek’s, ignores the physical economy, insisting on a money “control” knob. Result is the same – austerity, hence Lerner’s public admission.
Keyne’s German edition Preface explains “but heaven help anyone who tries [to] put it across to the plain man at this stage of the evolution of our ideas”. In 1943 the plain man saw what Totalstaat really meant!
Dear Peter,
I might have used the term a bit too liberally here and there. But still, if MMT is the study of how money works under a fiat system, and fiat is a fraud (at least I made my opinion abundantly clear), isn’t it the same thing as studying how a game works when cheating, and thus an exercise in either futility or deceit? And I maybe going on a limb here, but wasn’t negative interest rates rationalized with MMT concepts?
MMT is a study of how money works in a TotalStaat. As Keynes fully concurred – see above.
Check the Lincoln Greenback for a rebuttal of today’s rather careless name-calling – see above.
Derivatives are not money, fiat or otherwise, and yet are the real problem. Enabled by the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall – easily fixed therwith.
After having read this very lengthy tale. It makes Ali Baba and the forty thieves look very boring and pathetic.
” “Nippondollar”,
Perhaps Nippon-dollar would be more illuminating?
The prime target which was almost never “spoken in general conversation” and named instead “Petrodollar, to enhance spreads re-directed from potential gold to paper.
In the 1970’s the main economic challenge to continuing “US economic/industrial primacy” was the Japanese, and Japan’s perceived “wound” was reliance on external materials not restricted to “fuels”.
In 1973 Mitsui-Mitsubishi held meetings with the Soviet Academy of Sciences to explore potential recycling of paper to finance materials to facilitate developments, including but not restricted to transport, though restricted initially to transport corridors from Honshu, Hokkaido, Primorsky krai to Poland , which was rejected by the Politburo as a consequence of The Amur war with China, and focus on the construction of BAM (Baikal Amur Railway) in misguided hope of detente with “The United States of America”.
Strategically the most useful fool in the room during the period 1970 to 2000 was not Mr. Yeltsin, nor Mr. Gorbachov, but Mr. Brezhnev.
Thank-you for all the effort put into this wonderful summary. I can’t claim to understand all of the economics, but as a layperson, I continue to read and suss out as much as I can. I have great appreciation for Saker and others who continue to educate people like myself who wish to know more.
Tarik, thank you very much for your long article. I enjoyed it.
My poor comment is about your RCB paragraph. It does not seem have logical support or sources.
Which Glaziev’s articles, works, videos did you analyze?
Anyone, please correct me where I am wrong. Or give specific logic and directions where to research, not just eloquent poetry. At least I give some sources.
RCB did nearly nothing to stabilize ruble and finances in 2014-2022. At glance below:
1. “Interest rate controls” inflation is a myth. Economics is much more complex. These who rule economics with simple rules are either illiterate or helpers for thieves.
2. Yes, RCB is not that bad doctor who infests patient “with syphilis” aka Argentine, Ecuador, etc gov. do take IMF loans. At least RCB has a “discipline” not to take such loans.
3. But RCB is enough bad to stagnate economy by shutting down oxygen to near death to prevent the worker eating too much, to save family’s fold, although making worker nearly impossible to create food.
4. But RCB is enough bad when discipline the patient by removing oxygen at the same time bleeding the patient wealth by allowing short term speculation to Wall Street. (90 % of Moscow stock transactions is “Wall Street” speculation.)
5. But R. financial elite gives money to US Treasury bonds for low % and takes these money back by selling state obligation with high % where both % difference is money outflow to US. Perhaps this stealing scheme benefits both US and R gov. crews.
6. But R. financial elite permits money transfers abroad up to 1 million now.
7. Glaziev gave at least 4 practical advises which proven working. He is not only an abstract theorist. The statement that Glaziev is selfish and sectarian theorist would be a fake. In a glance, here there are practical terms in this video and other materials:
a. Gerasimov gov fixed R economy in few months in 1990th crisis. Very practical.
b. China and India print money and invest them into economy. (Unlike R. who asks US to print money and invest US-inflation into R economy and B) to suck investments interests form R.
c. In spring 2022, West gave a good example which financial laws to use and which worked for health of R economy. RCB must use these laws. Namely, Western sanctions cut R from dollar speculators. Why RCB did not use this scheme since 2014? (By the word, US government did happen even more economically illiterate than Russian in their desire to hurt R. and did even more stupid thing for themselves.)
d. US sells and buys goods with own-printed money. R. can do the same. R has positive trade balance. No one can stop R from doing this. What is more practical example? This is not a rocket science to understand.(By the way, current “gas for ruble scheme” is a fake “ruble” sale. Because rubles are still bought by dollar liabilities, with banks liability chain ending at US Treasury. This is still not real ruble-based trade.)
8:13 currency speculations and ruble’s rating
21:54 unnecessary credit history and paying high percent (8%) for Rus. gov. oblig.
42:00 gas export for gold
47:10 fin. illiteracy
51:05 fake “inflation targeting”, system policies are needed.
52:00 insufficient investion: fake resources accumulation, wrong budget rule,
(In Chrome, you can turn on on-fly translation from Russian to English subtitles by using CC and other settings)
Other materials https://glazev.ru
8. “Nothing is more practical than a good theory.” If one refuses Glaziev’s “theories”, the one still must have some rules to govern the economy, which means one creates own garage-level theory. Refusing theory is a fake at best and corruption at worst.
If one does not have enough brains to govern economics, the one must hire other brains. Like
Isaac Newton was hired as Master of the Mint in 1699.
9. Russian state of financial art is quite murky. It is unclear what is going on.
Rus. gov. is of patriotic-cronie-mathia-style. This perhaps is best for R. The leader can chose the people whom he trust. But this makes gov. less scientific. Idioticy in some fields is remarkable:
“Silicon Valley by gov. directions,” lagging behind nanotech for 20 years.
It is not clear the role of Elvira Nabiullina. Either “collective Putin” cannot really conquer oligarchs and uses her like the middle agent in his flirt or fight with compradors. Or he is so “mixed” with oligarchs that it is impossible for him to separate own self from outflow of Russian wealth. It may be extremely complex pyramid of human relations. Or he is economically illiterate himself.
The role of Glaziev is murky also. Perhaps Putin wants to test Glaziev practical skills in BRICS?
Or there is a strong opposition against G. in thievery part of Russian financial elite?
Apparently, if compradors won’t be conquered, all military victories of R will be useless.
West did many mistakes. The most effective approach for the West to fix them would be: A) to stop Ukraine support, which will relax patriotic notions in R. and then B) use Russian financial corruption to continue to rot Russia from inside.
PS: Possibly my temporary misunderstandings:
“Why has China built up a tens of thousands unreported gold stocks that it keeps safely shielded form the current international banking system (and possibly the same situation in Russia)? ”
What are your sources? Thank you.
“… Had she fallen under the pressure as they all do since Volker, had she not risen interest rates to 17%, the ruble would have been irrevocably broken.”
“broken”. This is inaccurate. It does not matter 1) which course ruble have, the only thing it should be stable for importers, 2) raising / decreasing interest rates is irrelevant for current ruble rate: what is relevant is demand/supply law, budget rule, the rule of selling 100% of dollar profit internally, 3) control of outright speculations: dollar transfers amounts abroad.
“The entire economy would have loaded up on unsustainable debt”
There cannot be “debt” if R prints own money. Debt to whom? To own self? USA has the debt to own self for decades. Who cares. Even deindustrialized US economy is still sufficient to cover the life.
that would trigger the familiar hyper inflationary trend common to US$ vassals going rogue with no understanding of the money game (Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina…),
“Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina…”
wrong example. These countries are dependent on Western technology. So they need dollars. They possibly took loans and now trapped in loan obligations. Russian can convert trade to rubles and there will be no debt, even steady ruble/gold surplus necessary to by high-tech stuff.
These countries have compradors who won’t let own independent economy to succede.
“Instead, by letting inviable western focused businesses fail, financial resources could flow to local production and eastbound and southbound ventures.”
“As a result the economy cleansed itself of obsolete dead weights,”
R. economy stagnated in 2010-2022. Compare with China, for example, growth. R did not cleansed ownself from wealth outflow. This results in underinvestment in education which in turn results in bloody brains outflow.
“Once the last treacherous FDI dollar and Euro left the space, the ruble stabilized,
interest rates slowly normalized, dollar reserves now kept at strict minimum to cover trade requirements”
They lef space not because treacherous RCB “high interest rates” rate, but because West shoot own self in the foot by leaving this space own self by blocking dollar transactions own self. West did the job which RCB ought to do for decades. But R. gov. does not understand this.
” while overall reserves quickly recovered all losses. ”
Not real again. Dollar reserves cannot “recovered all losses” in general because dollar does not exist in R. How can it exist if dollar cannot be used for trade? The only purpose of money is trade. No trade no money. If losses are recovered, the because of R internal resources.
R. does not have dollar reserves. R. has dollar liabilities. These are fake reserves. Even formally these reserves are in accounts in banks in Russian territory which cannot be blocked in internal transactions, these dollars can be blocked while trying to cross the border. Non speaking about additional $300 billions blocked abroad.
Thank you very much for your attention again and sorry for my disorganized thoughts.
1. “Interest rate controls” inflation is a myth. Economics is much more complex. These who rule economics with simple rules are either illiterate or helpers for thieves.
I suppose there is some truth to the first part of you’re comment, in a Fiat, MMT enabled, world of infinite money supply. So yes if you raise rates and simultaneously crank up the printing press (double or triple the volume), it may not overly affect inflation especially at the higher levels of the economy (government finance, large corporations or funds with preferential access to financing, etc…) But if the central bank shows a modicum of discipline, as the RCB does, then the Interest rate/inflation relationship is undeniable. You raise rates you get less debt. Less debt, is less money in circulation, is less inflation. Sure there may be timely and localized exceptions, but arbitrage and normal competition will take care of those. So considering the “extortion through inflation” that I’ve exposed in my story, I have to wonder who’s the “illiterate or helper of thieves”.
3. But RCB is enough bad to stagnate economy by shutting down oxygen to near death to prevent the worker eating too much, to save family’s fold, although making worker nearly impossible to create food.
Another classic MMT fallacy and another show of illiteracy or helping of thieves. I suppose you’re referring the RCB’s restricted issuance policy. Even if I new nothing of economics, how well did this advice (open the spigot) serve the US, EU and Japan? But lucky for you I know a thing or two and am willing to share. In my writing, in a different context, I mentioned the law of diminishing return of expansionary systems. Well the entire economic field is eminently subject to that principle, and money above all. You can see it most clearly by comparing any GDP chart to fiat money supply. The higher the supply the less economic progress, until it eventually starts reversing as we now see in the west. Classical Economic explains it perfectly, go read. If your too lazy, suffice to say that additional supply (as debt instead of savings) brings future consumption forward and puts pressure on prices. Debt repayment will then lower consumption back, thus canceling the previous increase in economic activity and bring back prices in line. In other terms nothing was achieved. To avoid the deflationary stage (decrease in economic activity) one needs to pile up debt. But if deflation was prevented, then prices are still high and therefore more debt is needed to achieve the same effect, and you’ve just entered an inflationary spiral. More money is almost never the answer. The only exceptions: when real pent up demand exists as in underdeveloped economies, or when the nation is under physical threat and concrete goals must be achieved in a timely manner for survival, but even then only with utmost discipline and a clear exit strategy. As far as I can judge, the RCB is meticulously following these principles, exemplary really. The answer however to most challenges, is more often found in correcting errors and/or renouncing sins, which is what the RCB policies have encouraged.
4. But RCB is enough bad when discipline the patient by removing oxygen at the same time bleeding the patient wealth by allowing short term speculation to Wall Street. (90 % of Moscow stock transactions is “Wall Street” speculation.)
You say 90% is Wall Street speculation. That means 10% is other foreign investments + Russian money. Clearly very few Russians have their savings tied to the stock market, so any movement there affects mostly the local masters of the universe which can more than afford the occasional bleeding I can assure you. Russia is not the US or EU in this respect, but more like Egypt or Indonesia: the stock market can go where it wishes, the street couldn’t care less. But more essentially, only in an MMT world does the stock market fall under the purview of the CB. Actually, to your crowd, there’s not a single problem that must not be solved with extra money.
5. But R. financial elite gives money to US Treasury bonds for low % and takes these money back by selling state obligation with high % where both % difference is money outflow to US. Perhaps this stealing scheme benefits both US and R gov. crews.
I cannot make sense of what you wrote as stated, but whatever arbitrage or hedge operation you’re referring to, this is private money doing what it wants, and it’s none of the RCBs business or responsibility. The RCB cannot and must not formulate its policies according to the fluttering whims of the investment community, it would only breed chaos. And if there is some nefarious aspect to it, then it’s a justice and legal issue, not a monetary one. Know to identify the correct causes to the appropriate effects.
But you know what? I’m tired. Barely at number 5 and I already feel like discussing Islam with an ISIS member, or the rotundity of the Earth with a Flat Earther, it’s an invitation for migraine. To me clearly MMT is to Economics what Zionism is to Judaism, or Wahabism to Islam. So poetically I’ll say that you live on your planet, and I live on mine. Your gravity has characteristics that mine hasn’t. So lets agree to meet again with our next planetary conjunction, if ever…
Thank you Tarik.
Here is my clarification to point 5 for which you wrote “I cannot make sense of what you wrote as stated”.
Scenario simplified math:
Eurobonds have interests 8%. US Treasury bonds – nearly 0%.
Russia puts 10 billion to US Treasury bonds and gets 0% interest in a year.
10 billions of Eurobonds drain from Russia 800 millions in a year.
Beneficiary is the West (or whoever bought the bonds).
Moreover, if there are physical persons who took this loss, for example, took a 10 billion loan from US T. then bought Eurobonds, then these 800 millions go to the pocket of these persons. If these persons somehow connected to bond issuer, the this becomes a criminal case.
In all cases, the bond issuer, “the charlatan” is Mr. A. Siluanov. The week excuse was “we need to build” a credit history.
This scenario is clear like 2+2. Every non-economist can understand. The numbers can be different than in “simplified math” above, but essence stays the same.
In more depth, it is discussed in [1] 19:35 – 20:30, 23:59 “…they are mentally disabled, or thieves, or accomplishes of the thieves …”.
If you look with math and knowledge of Russian context to other points which you dismissed, these are similar to above. They, again, are discussed in [1] and in many Glaziev works. If you verify their math and logic your self, then these numbers may make you very emotional. The repeated conclusion of these numbers may be that RCB are charlatans and are one of the reasons Russian economy stagnated for decades. (What be the other explanation?) Even SMO does not help: the R. gov. is too interwoven with oligarchs. It is not financially authoritarian (like Chinese). This is not a 5th or 6th column, like some say, this is a plain compradority: greed + incompetence.
(turn on Chrome autotranslate from Russian to English)
Thank you Kirillov,
So you’re not really speaking of Russian financial elites, but a government official. Now I wouldn’t presume to know Mr. Siluanov’s motivation, but there might be political components to his decisions. It could have been a gesture to the EU in exchange of some other concessions, or there may be ill intent as you seem to believe, in which case its a justice problem not a monetary one. In any case the RCB has zero influence on either US and EU interest rates, or the finance ministry’s choice of financing; so why involve it?
Famous Keynesian of his era, John Kenneth Galbraith in his book “Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went” mensioned important rule: bad money always replaces good one. Owners want to keep good money and leave bad money for public. The history of money has been endless counterfeinting.
When estimating “golden era”, years 1880-1913 we certainly will find thumb rule: no inflation at all. No risks in rate of exchange. Inflation frees the entrepreneur from the consequences of his own stupidity.
3 major recessions in that time slot because of the Specie(Gold) Resumption Act of 1875, I would call a fools golden era?
What is gold?
Sometime, in times long past, when the Spaniards plundered the colonies, i.e., deprived them of large parts of their population – because of their gold, with which they then flooded Europe, it is said that, as a result, there was a massive “decline in value” of this noble material.
Why probably?
These self-appointed financial experts are getting on my nerves …
IMO money serves three purposes.
1. It is a widespread medium of exchange that facilitates the universal exchange of goods and services.
2. It is a measuring stick to compare the units of exchange between any good or service and any other. By using the same money price for the compared items the unit exchange ratio between the traded items themselves can be readily known.
3. When the purchasing power of the money is stable the money can be considered a highly fungible store of value.
I am sure some sort of attempted resources and national fiat money basket of currencies algorithm that denotes a new reserve currency object will be superior to the USD and Euro that the Khazar mafia runs but I am unimpressed by the unnecessary potential complexity in such a system.
I like monetary objects that humans can’t easily make more of, that can be transacted peer to peer privately, undetected by “authorities”; basically private specie money. I think gold, silver and Bitcoin provides these attributes.
So in a world where we have weaponized global reserve fiat money, precious metals money, crypto money, and various national local central bank fiat money, I’ll accept them all, as long as they are directly or indirectly privately exchangeable for the money of my preference and remain stable in purchasing power long enough for me to effect the monetary exchange.
I wish good luck with Glazyev’s money project, a new money being created to serve governments who say they want to serve the people, an oxymoron in my book. Welcome Mr. Glazyev to the emerging money club of the many new types of money in the world. This includes the emergence of private, stable (even money whose purchasing power increases over time), specie money to be sought after by sovereign individuals who have no use for “authorities”. They want money that emerges naturally by gaining the confidence and usage of a critical mass of ordinary people, a money whose value is governed by free market forces emanating from the choices of freely choosing free will individuals. They don’t want money ordained by confiscatory authorities and overseen by their obstructionist bureaucrats.
Imagine you are a free minded sovereign individual with an entrepreneurial bent living in a sovereign nation that has a plethora of ‘isims’ forming a confused mixed economy (aren’t all nations some version of that?). And as is typical everyone is trying to figure out how to get the other ‘ism’ to fund their ‘ism’ whether by force, fraud or philosophy. All you want to do is earn your money in the free market of exchange, please your customers so they come back, pay your legitimate costs, and keep all your profit to do with as you please. The only place to do that in a confused and confiscatory economy is in the economy’s underground section. Private, fungible, specie, peer to peer money is the tool that allows you to conduct business relatively undisturbed, away from prying and avaricious eyes. Especially if that money is easily stored and hidden and transported. And much moreso if it is recognized globally both in the legal and underground economies. That’s why I think over time Bitcoin (or something like it) will have it’s place in the various economic niches of the worlds multipolar nations. Because not only the nations can be multipolar, each for better or worse with its own economic system, they are also internally multifaceted economically. Did you know that many countries in the world has more than 50% of their economic activity take place underground, out of the sight of the “authorities”? It’s what people actually want, even while they preach their various vauge coercive redistributive ‘isims’. Where the rubber meets the road we all want a good life for our labors, and I’ve never met the ism and it’s government that provided that.
Dr. Martin, I remember him telling us that the best definition of a bank ever given was by Harry Truman:
“A bank is by definition a corporation of thieves who will loan you as much money as could possibly you want as long as you can prove to them you don’t need it.”
Excellent article.
I would like to mention something to you and not have it public e mail in your forum.
Over 40 years of wondering, a few consistent threads run thru.
The biggest is this- I believe we are controlled by off plant powers and we are essentially a farm with a corporate setup.
The stupidly of our leaders is incredible. I predict they will be scapegoated and killed.
Then the REAL powers appear as saviors. We are valuable real estate. We are being conditioned to accept this.
Again, a really well written article.
You remind me of the words of Colonel House:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Whew! That was compendious. What will Pepe Escobar, who promotes Glazyev, say about this assessment of the latter’s activities, knowledge, and intentions?
My carry-away from this essay: be as much as possible in the production economy and out of the greed economy. Make things, don’t be a rentier. Tarik passes over it just once, but it is central to the degeneracy he addresses: greed-animated retail investors complaining about the one-percenters they enable by their “investing.”
I can imagine Batiushka observing of these matters that they are spiritual at root, not economic and certainly not financial. Or, as Augustine might say, love God and do what you want, because the “loving God” part keeps one from harming others.
What a complex subject, and what a lengthy article.
I have only read one writer so far who has grasp on this subject and writes publicly, but I won’t mention him. I believe you have read and liked the novel Man Without Qualities?
Keep us posted.
I do not think the ruble or yuan or any other fiat currency will be gold backed, but gold will be the reserve asset, freely convertible into domestic fiats, and used for settlement of international trade balances.
Free gold(from monetary constraint) will prevent the exorbitant privilege of a world reserve currency, currently the USD. The governments will continue to maintain a domestic fiat, but to participate in international trade they will need gold to settle the account if they have a negative balance.
I agree a gold backed currency will fail, as it will be subject to price fixing by power centers, who wish to hold gold down, to permit the fractional reserve and inflation fiat racket to continue fleecing mankind of their savings. Gold price fixed by governments is the oligarch’s attempt to maintain the master/slave system. Gold unchained is the money of free humanity!
Free gold will serve as a real store of value and the ultimate (one gram of gold) accounting standard for measuring value. Yes–fiat will continue as the money of transaction. Humanity solves many problems by separating the store of value, transaction, and unit of account functions. Fiat will exist along side free gold as the world’s reserve asset.
The article is an outstanding contribution to understanding the current system of oligarchy of money. Thank you for your effort to educate The Vineyard on the history and destiny of Gold!
Thanks! Great piece!!
The criticism of Glazyev is harsh.
The important point is the role of gold as a central pillar of the economy.
Great essay. Comments have been superb also. Economics is always part voodoo.
This is not:
….there are two kinds of money….blessed money and cursed money. If you didn’t really earn it by honest work, it’s cursed. Dying and leaving a big bank account of money does you no good at all. If you inherit that money, you didn’t earn it……so, watch out. Tithing on your increase helps….a lot.
Cursed money will never do you any good. You’ll never spend on anything you truly enjoy. It makes you miserable.
Blessed money provides you with the essentials, times of real joy in life, the feeling that you’re doing what God has for you on this earth. It provides satisfaction.
If you only have a little, if it is truly blessed, it will be enough. If you have a mountain of money and you’re miserable, you know it’s cursed—no matter how much you have it’ll never be enough.
This is the essence of Jesus’ teaching on money.
Truly a well above average analysis. Thank you very much, Tarik.
I would very much like your future analysis, complementing the one you presented, on the patriotic vision of Elvira Nabiulina and Sergey Glazyiev, because, unless I am very misinformed, Glazyev is a patriot, and has been fiercely opposed to the Atlanticist Group. Grateful.
I’m not criticizing the man, I don’t know his motivation and would never presume to. But I totally reject all modern notions of economics and money in particular. In my opinion they are flawed at the core, that’s all I’m saying really. Maybe I shouldn’t have named him at all.
Me again. Tarik, your excellent article made possible high-level comments, and equally serious objections, among which I highlight that of Konstantin Kirillov. Once again, grateful.
Tarik: “I’m tired. Barely at number 5 and…. it’s an invitation for migraine…. So poetically I’ll say that you live on your planet, and I live on mine. Your gravity has characteristics that mine hasn’t. So lets agree to meet again with our next planetary conjunction, if ever…”
I commiserate with Tarik here. I skipped that person’s post after Number 5. You have to unscramble a century’s worth of false “economic / financial” teachings before you can teach the typical Westerner about hard money. Before you are into your second sentence he retorts from a miasma of confusion with carelessly-defined (if at all) words such as ‘money’, ‘currency’, ‘debt’, ‘derivative’, ad infinitum…. all the while supremely confident that he has it all under his belt.
But, Tarik, that is one excellent article, well above the usually high standards on this site. I’ve archived it for careful, deliberate study. Please send us more such articles.
For those interested with a more in depth description of the current situation with gold, please consider Jorge Vilches excellent piece here
I also strongly recommend reading his interventions in the comment section that answers many common questions.