A week ago, one commentator – Fernando – asked me whether I considered the Serbs a defeated people to which I answered that, at least for the time being, yes, I saw them as totally defeated, though I was sure of their eventual re-emergence. And now, I see this absolutely incredible headline from the BBC:
For a while, this left me speechless. Yes, it is “the” Strauss-Kahn, aka “DSK”, the serial-rapist, pimp, sexual predator and hyper-Zionist. He and his fellow Zionists were at the forefront of the European Zio-franchise which lead the entire propaganda campaign against the Serbian nation: Bernard Henri-Levi, Andre Glucksman, Alain Finkelkraut (the “Jewish Ustasha”), Marek Halter, Bernard Kouchner, etc. etc. etc.
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Bliss in the Empire |
And now, that infamous and outright nefarious Serb-hating imperialist will, I kid you not, “advise” the Serbian government.
So yes, I consider that as the ultimate humiliation for a nation which was completely defeated, partitioned and subjugated by the Empire.
But then, I also remember the kind of “advisors” which the Empire kindly sent to advise the Russian government in the 1990s. We can now expect a Camp Bondsteel somewhere near Belgrade I suppose.
The Saker
PS: DSK has also been offered a seat on the supervisory board of Russian Regional Development Bank, owned by Rosneft. Which tells you who is still in control of many, if not most, of the Russian banks, Putin or no Putin.
I thought this was interesting.
Russia seeks to seize Berezovsky’s Serbian assets
I always try to see the positives even if the negatives seem so apparent. In reading human nature, I would assume perhaps incorrectly, that perhaps this is Strauss-Khans attempt at revenge for his humiliations at the hands of the powers that be.
He knows where the bodies are buried in a sense and he could give great dirt concerning what he knows and still has contacts and sympathizers in western capitals whose think he got a raw deal.
Also another question, do you believe that Serbia could qualify or even attempt to engage with the Shanghai Cooperation Council?
In my opinion, Serbia has to get its internal house in order and have a limited partnership with the EU.
Then from that position as partner use whatever influence to cause the breakup of that disastrous and tyrannical organization.
Serbia has a great record so far of serving as a contributing wreaking ball of political entities, Austria-Hungary, Ottomans & Yugoslavia itself.
Vecer njie.
@Fernando:do you believe that Serbia could qualify or even attempt to engage with the Shanghai Cooperation Council?
Personally – no. Serbia is too far, too small, too weak and too sold out to the EU and, therefore, the US/NATO to present any interest for Russia or the other SCO members. Besides, the SCO is a deeply Asian organization, it’s aims are not centered on Europe. Frankly, Europe is becoming very “passe” very fast, including for Russia, while Asia is booming and has an immense potential and solid partners.
Sorry, I am sure that you hoped for a different answer, but that is my honest opinion.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Thank you for the response. Along with Moon of Alabama & Penny for your Thoughts (whom I think I have a crush for) these are my favorites.
The excessive desire for Europe and the USA to impose themselves on every culture and Nation are making them undesirables all over the world.
Ugh I’m so disgusted.