The war in Syria is in fact a war between US and RF in microcosm. Russia Armed Forces have demonstrated masterful tactical skill and her diplomats have shown they are the top diplomats in the world. While eu is reduced to fawning and groveling at the feet of DC and DC has done nothing but throw temper tantrums like a small child that is denied a piece of candy, VVP and Lavrov have skilfully boxed in DC in a fox trap. Do not think for a moment The World is not watching this with bated breath, all are hanging on to every statement and nuance, they parse every word, every facial expression, every subtle hand motion endlessly. The war in little Syria is world recognized as a fight for all the marbles. If DC looses this one, and they are losing, it’s game over. Those of us close to my age will not live to see the end of US but we will all live to see the end of US as the supposed major world power.
In reality the US as a major world power began to die at the end of Viet Nam. When Brand X is shooting at you as you leave, you lost. Korea was a draw, Nam was a total loss and catastrophe from which it took years for the US military to recover. Recover they did, to a point, but that recovery has morphed in to a hideous hydra that is totally out of control today. The very idea of senior officers making public statements about what they will and won’t do in regards to the civilians in power in DC speaks reams. Those clear and public statements are actually a courts martial offense but so far no one has slapped any noses for this egregious and open violation of UCMJ.
On the other hand two and three years ago there was a draconian purge of company and lower field grade officers and senior NCO’s. Many of the best and brightest, most combat veterans, were either put out or encouraged to retire. In essence the deep cadre loyal to America and her values were dumped and what is left are too afraid of PC to say a word. The numbers of senior NCO’s who would normally stay in for 30 at least are leaving the moment they get their 20. Officers, passed over three times for promotion and you’re out. That is how they’ve done a lot of it with officers, those who refused to take early pension. It has gutted the tip of the spear, ergo the spear is not sharp and lethal now, it’s blunted. They still have all the shiny toys with more baubles coming from time to time but as I mentioned in my SitRep after my trip behind enemy lines last year the bravado is gone, the ‘we can lick anyone anywhere anytime’ attitude had been replaced with ‘tell me about Russian soldiers’, ‘tell me about the Russian army’, ‘tell me about Russian pilots and planes’, ‘how good are they’, ‘will they fight us’. In few words although some spoke to me for an entire evening, the answers were ‘intensely loyal to Russia’, ‘formidable’, ‘as good or better than you are, pilots and airframes’, ‘you don’t want to find out how good they are’, and ‘yes, they will fight you if you threaten Мать Россия’.
Reality is Russia is moving heaven and earth to prevent a world war. However. Many, especially in Foggy Bottom, would be well advised to watch this little video from a couple years ago. Watch it, think about it, and do not imagine for a moment this gentleman was not speaking absolute truth.
Thank you for your time,
And also recommended
USA SitRep November 21 2015 by Auslander
Report from Crimea by Auslander
Life in Crimea 20 months after reunification with Russia … by Auslander
It’s all happening at Aleppo now…appafently..JFlores article on fortress….breaking news, very big push by SAA and associates to finally clear out rebels etc.
Syrian perspective has extensive details of up 24th Sept to date military success for Syria too.
Video of the RuAF taking some R&R at the beach near Latakia
Thank you for your insights. That sounds about right.
Dmitry Orlov has been blogging about ‘closing the collapse gap’ for several years. It looks like we are about to complete that formation.
Western newspapers are commenting on the “brutality” of the fight, the same newspapers who did not spend a word on the killing of the Christians by isis, and who have not given coverage to US shameful betrayal of the deal with RF. I pray for victory with all my heart, thank you Russia and Syria!!!
“The very idea of senior officers making public statements about what they will and won’t do in regards to the civilians in power in DC speaks reams. Those clear and public statements are actually a courts martial offense but so far no one has slapped any noses for this egregious and open violation of UCMJ.”
So why are they getting away with this insubordination when obama can simply can them? Is he afraid of these people? Legally he has them by the balls, so doubtful. Will the media crucify obama and thereby weaken clinton’s run? Hardly, they are his and her public relations team.
So that leaves a couple choices, really one choice. The squabble is theater, obama and the military brass are playing scripted roles here. Neither ever had any intention to stop the zionazi orchestrated war on Syria or their support for the terrorist mercs. Good cop, bad cop, the old zionazi standby.
Well said.
If the US pres was sincere he would immediately fire Carter et al for insubordination.
Obama/Kerry have no interest in protecting Syrians nor fighting Israeli Secret Intervention Services (ISIS).
There is incompetence sure. There is conflict between opposing parties (Pentagon, CIA) but the end goal is the same… weaken and divide Syria before taking out Iran, which would cripple Hezbollah and free up Israel to further expand and continue her agenda.
“Israeli Secret Intervention Services (ISIS).”
That is good. :D
Agree with the rest of your comment, Struth, these conflicts are to remove israeli rivals in the region, and more locally, free up real estate and resources israel covets.
In my opinion, Obama does not have much power. He is a gay muslim from Kenya with a transgender wife. It is hard for me to believe that the deep state could not use that against him if he steps out of line. I suspect the real power is with the Bush family and their connections. When Bush was in the CIA he was doing drug deals with the help of his good friend governor of Arkensas Bill Clinton. They were operating out of the Mena airport. They have been in control of the white house ever since, pretty much. That is 28 years more or less.
If you want clues of this, take the statements at the UN of the leaders of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba. Everyone is linking america with the drug epidemic, especially Duterte in the Philippines. On a different note, George Bush sr is saying that he will vote for Hilary Clinton. This is not supposed to happen, he was a republican and so was his son.
I also remember how Victoria Nuland was once rumored to have said to Lavrov: Cheney gives the orders here now, not Obama, and you a****les better get used to it! That was march 9 2015 after Russia arrested 4 CIA spies for helping ISIS. Apparently she was upset with Putin, go figure.
I suppose Auslander was speaking of what would happen in a normal country where the president is in charge and the military has to do what he tells them. Since they took out JFK though, the assassins are in charge. Whether the deep state decides to show its face or rule from the shadows a little longer, I suppose it makes little difference.
@”George Bush sr is saying that he will vote for Hilary Clinton. This is not supposed to happen, he was a republican and so was his son.”
To me this is kind of like the dog that didn’t bark.
But I am not aware of any discussion of Bush’s support for Hillary in the media. But of course I live in a cave, since I don’t have a TV. So perhaps there has been discussion of this. But I also haven’t seen echos of such discussion in the alternative media.
I think there is a lot to Thiamin’s take on teh situ. I hypothesize that Cheney was one of the big 9/11 puppeteers and has been able to continue to pull strings and make the various political puppets dance since then (since way before 9/11, actually, if I am right). The Obama administration is basically a continuation of Bush 2. The Clintons were a continuation of Bush 1. It stands to reason that Cheney is a continuous thread in all of these administrations.
Cheney is the big enchilada. He and his pals wanted this war. He was the only one actually in the seat of executive power, though. Now, with Hillary, as the writer Paul Larudee has pointed out, the Neocons get their girl at the very top. But Cheney may still be in charge behind the scenes.
Excellent SitRep, Auslander.
Aleppo is the main battle of the war against the “moderates”, those “civil war” forces that have paved the way for AQ-al Nusra/al Sham and ISIS.
It is where Syrians dispersed across the continents as refugees, some still near, others sent far, will return to by the millions. This is a super-Grozny, this time not rebuilt by Moscow but by China, with others, Russia and Iran, primarily.
It may take a month or months. But Aleppo will be pulled from the grasp of the devils.
Syria has become the test plate upon which the might of the Hegemon is challenged and defeated.
The battle zone change in Sept 2015, the last day of the month. The Russians arrived prepared to win the war against ISIS, to bolster the Syrian Army, to save Assad from himself and from his enemies and to preserve the Syrian nation-state from disintegration. Those are all on track.
Russia is in Syria forever. The US only came to destroy it. It’s neighbors (except Iraq and Lebanon) to devour it. Russia has prevent the destruction and the tearing to shreds of the country.
Russia, because of the will of Putin and the skill of its military, will defeat the US. It won’t be WW3. It is, as Auslander states, a micro-WW3. All forces are present. But, all systems are not employed.
However, in the analysis of this war we must understand that Russia is far more capable with newer systems and a better military and a willingness to use it fully, to bleed and die alongside the Syrian Army and the Syrian people, The US has no interest in suffering. Thus, it cannot win this war.
Even when Trump comes, he will rather have Russia do the fighting. The American public wants out and back home, in Syria, in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and most certainly in North Africa.
Until then, four more months, the Obama-Hegemon, the CIA, the Pentagon warmongers, the Khazarian neo-cons will extract whatever flesh and blood they can from Russia, Syria, Erdogan’s Turkey while they can.
This was and is a most particular war, unique and evolving. It was meant to go fast, like Libya. But Assad and the Syrians were more resilient, had a deeper culture and a glorious past to protect. So, for five years, and more, this catastrophe has gone on. Putin will end it.
Then we can begin to learn how the Hegemon was mortally wounded, in a “civil” war it constructed, in a “terror” war it financed and supplied, in a war for geopolitical parity that it wanted so to crush its challengers, all of which it lost.
The US Hegemon has not had the strategy, the generals, the political leaders or the high ground since WWII. It dominated 70 years since then, but was living on technology and its people conflating patriotism and following orders. They fought heroically in illegal wars, in immoral conflicts and in stupid adventures abroad.
Now the US has lost its public approval for war. The lifeblood of Hegemonic militarism is drying up in the heat, dust and sands of Syria.
Great to see Auslander spilling some wisdom
and comments by Larchmonter are always a treat.
_smr (formerly known as zweistein)
I hope you are right
short and inexoribly you nail it. Thats why Karl Marx called that beast “Politische Ökonomie”
“Those of us close to my age will not live to see the end of US.”
I wouldn’t bet on it.
If Mr. Putin intends to be the first to hit, his window of opportunity is rapidly diminishing IMO. The desperation of the “exceptional” nation and the financial interests that determine its policies and strategies is increasingly palpable in the face of recent developments, both foreign and domestic. Other than provoking more than the usual level of disgust, the ongoing quadrennial election charade is a totally irrelevant distraction as always.
why rapidly diminishing?
preemptive strikes are usually successful. They are Israel’s favorite tactic.
And if you consider that it may be nuclear hit, well, there’s no way the American billionaires are going to embrace that
Mr Putin is a bit of a procrastinator, I’m afraid. He had a few windows to crack in the recent past but his sling did not get out of his pocket:
1. Ukraine – He had a chance to prevent the chaos and show who is in charge in the neighbourhood.
2. Turkish downing of Russian SU-24 – Retaliatory Kalibre strike on a airbase to show that Nato is only a fig leaf and the emperor has no clothes.
Natoland would get the message that when the chips are down, they would turn French fries. End of Nato.
But he was quick in Crimea though.
This article talks about how a guy named cohen (gee, I wonder whose interests he represents) was instrumental in showing the american regime how to organise the “Arab spring” regime changes. This occurred at the end of junior’s regime and was put into practice during the change over time between his and the incoming obama regime. The clinton harpy had a hand in this muck, as well.
Hillary’s Secret ‘Ideas for Regime Change’ Program Gave Rise to Arab Spring
“The program known as Alliance of Youth Movements Summit was co-founded by a close adviser to Clinton, Jared Cohen, during his tenure with the State Department at the end of George W. Bush’s presidency, which enabled anti-Mubarak activists to organize and plot the eventual overthrow of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak.
The program was forged on November 18, 2008, only two weeks after Barack Obama was elected US President but during the “lame-duck” portion of the Bush administration with the first summit held at Columbia Law School in New York.
The seminar focused on using social media outlets including Facebook and MySpace to engage in a tactic called “smart mobbing” in which mobile devices are used to quickly assemble and coordinate mass rallies and protests before authorities are able to fully respond according to Cohen.”
This zionazi regime change strategy eventually was used on many countries including the Ukraine and Syria.
I was going to post that earlier.
What was interesting to me was that the story was carried by that Zio-rag Breitbart. Yes, the aim was to add to Clinton’s woes, but the main villain is a ‘Cohen’, not a Clinton.
Maybe it’s Zionist ‘Israel-First’ agenda is being put in the back-burner now that Nutty has billions of aid on the way.
Or a throwing of ‘chum’ with the advent of likely new realities on the ground, namely Russian ‘determination’ in Syria?
Or a prudent withdrawal in the face of American suspicions of the real agendas of Zionists?
It certainly bucks BB’s usual trend.
“What was interesting to me was that the story was carried by that Zio-rag Breitbart.”
A lot of the zionist right pundits have been pushing trump and non stop bashing clinton and obama. All of the “conservative talk radio” “lord ha ha’s” I’ve heard are doing this.
On the surface this appears weird, since at the same time these characters push a lot of the expansionist foreign policy that trump appears to want to end and clinton definitely wants to expand.
Why would they do this? My guess is it has to do with their specific tasked roles in the zio-gay media. They spend most of their time pushing Islamophobia and liberal-left bashing. They consider clinton a leftwinger and the democrats socialists, and liberal is anyone they want to smear. So it’s obvious their right vs left, con vs lib nonsense is designed to divide and create a false enemy to hate.
They do the same with racial and religious matters. These are always described in ways to sow division between peoples and keep them apart. Divide and rule.
That is the task I think zionazi, inc. has set for these pundits. Keep people at odds with each other, over stuff that doesn’t threaten the zpc/nwo status quo. Most of what the zio-right says is pretty contradictory and tailored to push the right buttons in people. They rely on the fact that their audiences are more emotionally triggered than rational thinkers with memories greater than common houseflies.
So what happens if trump does get elected and sticks by his campaign rhetoric on foreign policy, I’m betting these same zio-right pundits now praising him will be attacking him.
Well said VT.
It’s the old ‘if you want to control the opposition, you have to lead it’ routine.
They push hard for Trump, as they believe they can get him to crackdown on the thaw with Iran, even attack it. His rhetoric certainly seems to support that view – alarmingly so.
But that’s a general truism.
Cohen is clearly a ‘tribe’ member, and pursuing a neo-con agenda. The article demonstrates the ‘Arab springing’ has been going on since the time of Bush.
So Clinton is being exposed as a *continuation* of duplicitous ‘foreign policy’ rather than the architect – a departure from BB’s usual agenda.
That an article is effectively ‘fingering’ a Zionist operative is also surprising.
My belief is that this is in the nature of ‘limited hangout’, a ‘look over there!’ tactic. It’s the ‘sacrifice’ of one of their own that surprises – that indicates a deeper set of alarums.
There seems to be some kind of realization that Zionist agendas are becoming more widely known: thus you have an attempt to ‘separate’ them from neo-con policy ( even though there is no practical difference, except perhaps at the level of motivation.)
That suggests an ‘awakening’ of the ‘sleeping giant’ – I have noticed an increased net presence of US hostility to ‘Israel-Firsters’, and references to the attack on the US Liberty.
There is also a corresponding increase in ‘404 – not found’ responses to sites exposing Israeli spying/anti-Christian agendas.
But it could also be an indicator that Zio-oligarchs who have worked so assiduously for Israeli ‘security’ are beginning to withdraw from the hornet’s nest that is the current M.E. Situation.
And a possible unease at Russian influence on Israel itself.
More trouble than its worth?
A shift to more desire able real estate in other regions ? Like Ukraine ?
Hard to say.
But BB is a good barometer of Zio concerns and tactics.
Interesting times for sure.
It seems that Su-25 are active in Syria again – this time as double seat trainer versions. Presumably the Syrians are being trained in their use as ground attack aircraft. Maybe the Syrians are going to acquire a fleet just like the Iraqis. They will be more survivable than the outdated Migs they currently use.
Watch out around 1:10 in to this video.
Syrian has ordered 10 or 12 SU-24 bombers, 2 are delivered. Haven’t heard anything about them acquiring SU-25 model. I did come across articles stating that Russia was going to test new weapons systems in Syria. And this latest article fits in :
In looking at the bigger picture of the US – Russia war, we see that Russia is fighting for a multi polar world. A world where the US does not set the rules, but international laws are decided on by negotiation and agreement of all or most countries.
What is the US fighting for? The US system has been built on constant expansion from the time it was conceived. That is the culture, the economy, the politics, everything that is the US system is geared to constant expansion.
A quick look at us national/US government debt showed that there was a high but very short peak of debt around 1945/46. It seems this money was spent in ways that helped consolidate US control over the western world, perhaps internal infrastructure ect, but what ever the debt was spent on, it was to improve the US economy. The huge amount of debt was just a very sharp peak that quickly fell away.
The graph at wikipedia show a sharp increase in national dept around the period of the GFC which I take it was quantitative easing the a steady relatively steep rise every year.
Without expansion the US economy and system are unsustainable.
I think this is why we are seeing the desperation and hurried moves in Syria that always fail.
The US failed to gain Crimea and is left with the failed state of Ukraine as a chain around its neck.
The US failed utterly in its long term plans to contain/control China.
It is now failing in Syria.
The US maintains its ability to print money by enforcing the use of the US dollar in world trade hence the many military bases world wide. It also has to be seen to be strong and stable to create confidence in (and demand for) the dollar and in its stock markets.
I see the sudden dept increase after the GFC as a gamble to buy time to take control of Russia and China. There is now a huge amount of public and private dept in the US and the stock markets are riding a massive bubble.
The US economy at the moment seems to be riding on confidence but nothing else. Only propaganda to give confidence but nothing solid backing up the propaganda.
The US gamble to take control of Russia and China was a make or break effort. They are now in too deep to turn back without a major, if not total collapse of the US system, but the way ahead is very effectively blocked by Russia and China.
We a reaching a point I think, where a small but very precise move could initiate the collapse of the US system and with it the US based western system.
I suspect we shall live to see either the spectacular collapse of the US, similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union, but much grater in magnitude, or we shall get to see nuclear war.
I’m turning 49 in a few days. I rode out the Cold War. Now, you tell me this?
I’ve come full circle
Mikhail Khazine about the US collapse,Putin,Syria,TIPP,TPP,China,IMF and the DSK story,how all banks of the west are virtualy all broke and why they need a war(but not WWIII)to erase the all thing(reset)à la Cyprus.
In russian and with french ST.
WOW! great article. Tell us more about your trip behind enemy lines, if you are able. I must have missed your Sitrep from last year. Pls post a link if you can.
Never The Last One was great. I’m actually glad it was so looooong. And a happy ending with JUSTICE for all. It was like coming home to an old friend when I read every night before sleep,
Cheers, Blondinka
I am most pleased you enjoyed my little writing effort. It is long although the original idea was just some scribblings jotted down on a cold winter’s morn in ’12.
Here is the link to my foray behind the lines:
Occam’s razor – Not terminator…
One has to wonder why so much unfathomable collateral damage has been “tolerated” for such a long time in this conflict. If, according to Von Clausewitz “War is the continuation of politics by other means”, actual results -for most of the actors involved or impacted- create very little incentive to stay the course. I believe few key dots have not been clearly connected -in MSM or elsewhere- and this connection is rather deceptive as it pervaded Human History like no other: Money. There is no doubt that think tanks and advisers are producing weekly changing rationale for this war but unbiased analysis shows that wishful thinking stops at emails, blogs, books, thesis, conferences until it meets enablers.
The point of origin of this conflict is to be found in the realisation by foreign actors of large, legally unencumbered disposable wealth that the top tier of US and European political class could be purchased and coerced into military action on demand.
The root cause can be traced in the failure to do what it takes to actually implement democracy: Accountability, separation of legislative, executive and judicial power, free and independent press and -let’s face it- proper financing of the political top class, ideologically challenging when your population does not make ends meet. No one really knows if democracy can actually work as it has never ever been properly implemented. Future generations might have a shot at it by using what might come after social media, provided they can get rid or mitigate its current government control.
18 months before the Arab spring, these wealthy actors were warning investors that Syria was to be avoided for a while. It does not really matter if Arab spring was an engineered low-cost regime change strategy or state actors riding the train of a genuine revolt, the bottom line is that money had been earmarked then later disbursed for derailing a set of sovereign states, using mercenaries. And the reason for this vast influx of money was to … make more money (yep: that simple). The financiers were too small to matter as countries (nothing can replace a large territory with a large population and a working industrial development) but were able to throw a lifeline to politicians increasingly challenged by the rising costs of staying in politics and the difficulties of short lived careers. In the western world, politicians are confronted to the same reality than sportsmen or reality TV stars: They need to make a whole lot of bucks as fast as possible.
So what could possibly go wrong with this match made in hell?
As guaranteed with state actors involved (U.S. Administration and Army), hiccups, mistakes, waste, lack of planning and ridiculously “popular business” concepts thrown into the equation as outsourcing and sub-contracting the conflict. Look no further to understand the rationale behind ISIL/ISIS/DAESH and Co. Same storey than Afghanistan with Mujahideens during Russian adventure in Opium land.
This money came with strings attached, including loads of blackmail, leaks, evidence that can be conveniently revealed but, ultimately, what we are witnessing is the desperate attempt by US politicians to have the hired guns, gunslingers and nuts lobotomised jihadists recruited (primarily motivated by money and adventure) to … deliver!
The saddest truth is that short of bankrupting the bankrollers, the end is nowhere in sight. And they are becoming angry at US pirouettes, hence the request from US not to publish the details of the cessation of hostilities which were a far cry from the strategy mutually agreed with the investors. One of the worst challenge for this administration is that the intellectual sophistication of the “backers” lowers the bandwidth of communication: “I want results or my money back” is a good summary of the current exchanges. And lots of intermediaries who helped providing, underwriting, co-financing and covering these campaigns are becoming extremely worried as well… Not to mention the looming election in US where -despite widespread rigging and the entire bag of dirty tricks- nobody can guarantee the outcome. Some of these (devil) investors have started looking at the prospect of “dealing” with a Trump administration.
The current US administration has been given “Power of attorney” by small but wealthy sovereign states pushing for regime change or chaos in Syria. But money spent did not secure enough power and the US administration is left with Russia as unwillingly appointed attorney in the court of Nations. It is in nobody’s interests to have USA super power status crashing or hard landing. This would open the pandora box both urbi et orbi.
I was going to post that earlier.
What was interesting to me was that the story was carried by that Zio-rag Breitbart. Yes, the aim was to add to Clinton’s woes, but the main villain is a ‘Cohen’, not a Clinton.
Maybe it’s Zionist ‘Israel-First’ agenda is being put in the back-burner now that Nutty has billions of aid on the way.
Or a throwing of ‘chum’ with the advent of likely new realities on the ground, namely Russian ‘determination’ in Syria?
Or a prudent withdrawal in the face of American suspicions of the real agendas of Zionists?
It certainly bucks BB’s usual trend.
Excellent comment.
Maybe a little room for more in the nutshell, but nothing important.
Since speculation in commodities relies on accurate prediction for success, what better way than to ‘create’ events through political channels?
Much of the wealth associated with oil is generated in exactly that frame – not the commodity itself.
short and inexoribly you nail it. Thats why Karl Marx called that beast “Politische Ökonomie”
Your comment covers things quite well.
On this part “It is in nobody’s interests to have USA super power status crashing or hard landing.”
I also look at the view that, although a crash landing of the US would result in some collateral financial damage to Russia and China, it is a much cheaper alternative than war with the US.
As the US economy is now kept afloat by this invisible thing called confidence, and control of world trade,I believe they have gone past the point of no return and collapse is inevitable. Also the yuan is entering the IMF currency basket very shortly.
You are indeed absolutely right: The economical value of anything but food and energy (fiat currency, stocks, real estate, art, jewellery, …) merely reflects the CONFDENCE you have to be able to get rid of it. As long as you have high hopes that someone somewhere is able and willing to acquire it, the system works. If this hypothetical acquisition is to be made using the same pool of stuff (i.e. fiat currency, stock, …) you just actually end up trading confidence levels. This confidence can be sabotaged and manipulated by information alone. That, in itself, justifies exerting some control on media and networks, globally, so as to keep the confidence level of this pool of stuff within acceptable boundaries.
Dramatic collapse of economies occur when the exchange rate between this pool and food/energy varies too much or too fast. Wake up calls would be other powers starting to purge their currency reserves from US dollar and get rid of or forfeit anything denominated in US dollars. This would imply, for China Inc. to be able to sustain their economy without the massive trade with US. Unlikely at this stage…
While in such a risky scenario, food and energy self sufficient countries fare better, it is only for a limited time and war is the guaranteed outcome for a super power whose fiat currency gets too brutally challenged. The only existential war USA will undoubtedly fight will be the one to keep the purchasing power of the dollar for food and energy.
Today, the rising economical power of other countries allows these countries to promote their fiat currency to the same status, which will eventually allow them to print their way out of economical downturns in the future (that’s the American dream for foreign economies) .
Hence, trade agreements are trivially paramount to slow down and contain this process and projecting military power (the only way to achieve super-power status) is a prerequisite to remain relevant. Luckily for the USA, no other country combines all what it takes to confront them on multiple economical and military fronts. But, collectively, by forming some alliances, they can exert pressure and send the “confidence” in a downward spiral as controlling public reaction to information is way more difficult than controlling the information itself.
Here lies the clear and present danger of the current state of affairs.
Since Snowden, Greenpeace and Sochi, Putin has made it clear to everyone watching that he would not be drawn into a conventional war with the neocons of the West.
Neither sanctions, nor the massing of NATO troops on Russia’s borders, nor the intercepts of Russia’s planes in international airspace, nor the seizure of Russian citizens in third countries and their subsequent extradition, trials and conviction in the USA, nor the continuous shelling of Donbass, will provoke the Putin to engage the US — always Russia’s ‘partner’ — in a conventional fight.
As Putin hints in this clip, if after all these provocations, the fight is still inevitable,
he’ll “Be The First To Hit.”
And if you don’t think that means a preemptive nuclear ‘hit’, you are living in Paul Wolfowitz’s dream world.
For an alternative view, read “thousand balls of flames”…. the more effective way, according to Club Orlov.
Another silly sad 2c from moi to keep your comments rolling –
Seems to me that the leadership of the exceptional country, and their fellow travellers, have been shown the opportunity of real and peaceful change economically, militarily and socially every decade (or even continuously) since the ’60’s, including the Vietnam defeat, but have always doubled down to continue to be what they have always been since their civil war and before. It’s as if we’re living in a never ending gigantic western movie at home and abroad – a Star Wars produced by the mob over and over again – brains conforming to a pattern taught from a very young age that seems to be addictive and blind….or, education mistake 101.
Once again today the same choice is here?……so.……..
Also, forcing the first female POTUS on us all could well be a serious error of judgement if history is any indication (not that being female is a mistake:)….but i could be wrong.
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
Paul Craig Roberts
The Russian government deceived itself with its fantasy belief that Russia and Washington had a common cause in fighting ISIS. The Russian government even went along with the pretense that the various ISIS groups operating under various pen names were “moderate rebels” who could be separated from the extremists, all the while agreeing to cease fighting on successive verges of victory so that Washington could resupply ISIS and prepare to introduce US and NATO forces into the conflict. The Russian government apparently also thought that as a result of the coup against Erdogan, which was said to implicate Washington, Turkey was going to cease supporting ISIS and cooperate with Russia.
Alas, the Russians so fervently, or perhaps I should say feverishly, desired an agreement with Washington that they deceived themselves. If Finian Cunningham’s report is correct, Washington has taken advantage of Russia’s urging that Washington and Turkey join in the attack on ISIS by invading northern Syria under the guise of “fighting ISIS.”
Syria has now been partitioned, and the pretend or fake “moderate rebels” can be built up inside the US/Turkish occupied areas of Syria and the war against Syria kept going for as long as Washington wants. The western presstitutes will report that the Turkish/American forces occupying areas of Syria are not invaders but are attacking ISIS.
With US, Turkish, and, little doubt, soon other NATO troops operating inside Syria, the neoconservatives will have many opportunities to provoke a conflict with Russia from which Russia will have to stand down or reply with force. In the event of a Trump presidential victory, the neocons want to make certain Trump is embroiled in a war that will prevent an accommodation with Russia.
It is unclear whether US Secretary of State Kerry’s effort to arrange a Syrian ceasefire was sincere and he was sandbagged by the Pentagon and CIA. Regardless, if Kerry was sincere, he is obviously unable to stand up to the neocons, blessed as he is with Victoria Nuland and a number of other warmongers.
Obama is equally weak, which is why he was chosen by the oligarchy as president. A person without experience and knowledge is an excellent tool for the oligarchy. American blacks and white liberals actually believed that an inexperienced candidate from nowhere without an organization of his own could make a difference. Apparently, the gullibility of a majority of Americans is endless. This American hallmark of gullibility is why a handful of neoconservatives can so easily lead the sheeple into endless wars.
The idiot Americans have been at war for 15 years and the morons have no idea what has been achieved. The fools are unaware that the US in its decades long accumulation of weakness now confronts two major nuclear powers: Russia and China.
Americans have been taught by the presstitutes serving the military/security complex that nuclear war is not all that different from ordinary war. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two targets of American atomic bombs. Today, seven decades later, the cities are flourishing, so what’s the problem with nuclear weapons?
The atomic bombs that Washington dropped on these helpless civilian centers while the Japanese government was trying to surrender, were mere popguns compared to today’s thermo-nuclear weapons. One Russian SS-18 wipes out three-fourths of New York state for thousands of years. five or six of these “Satans” as they are known by the US military, and the East Coast of the United States disappears.
Russia had a victory for Syria and democracy in its hands, but Putin lacked the decisiveness of a Napoleon or a Stalin and let his victory slip away as a result of false hopes that Washington could be trusted. Now a Russian/Syrian victory would require driving the Turks and Americans out of Syria.
If Russia struck hard and fast, Russia could succeed by using Washington’s lie and claiming that Russia thought the US and Turkish forces were ISIS, just as Washington claimed when Washington intentionally struck a known Syrian Army position.
If Russia actually annihilated the Turkish and US force, which Russia could easily do, NATO would collapse, because no European country wants to be destroyed in World War 3. But it won’t happen. The Russians won’t fight until war is absolutely and totally forced upon them.
Then they will pay a huge price for their indecisiveness rooted in their foolish belief that Russia has common grounds with Washington. The only common grounds Russia has with Washington requires Russia’s surrender. If Russia will surrender, Russia can achieve Western acceptance.
PCR’s biggest mistake is in thinking Putins Russia can be deceived by the US. He is unable to visualise that the US can be taken down by any other means than direct military confrontation, which would most likely escalate to nuclear war.
He has not studied Putin enough.
Its the ‘he who dares wins, he who hesitates loses’ versus the ‘look before you leap’ debate again. No strategy is perfect all the time, it depends on the situation on the ground at the time.
I’d go with Russia on this one. Taking over Aleppo gives you all the population and industry, the western parts of the country, while ISIS and the Kurd’s are left with the desert and the oil in the East.
Then Russia can supply the oil while the numerically superior Syrian Army attritions the Sunni ISIS bunch to non-existence while an agreement can be reached with Turkey to handle the Kurdish problem, if the Kurds are still pro-American at that point in time.
What Turkey or the US does is up to them, but hopefully Aleppo can be taken first. Only Turkey can influence the result in Aleppo in any meaningful way for the next month.
I have the same feeling about Aleppo that I do about Mariupol. They are different in some ways.But alike in more ways ,than they are different.Mariupol too, is a city that could/should have been liberated,but it wasn’t. And continues as an open sore in Donbass,as Aleppo does in Syria.With it Donbass would have been a truly viable entity,with its industries,and its own seaport.And the city was vastly pro-Novorossia. Just as Aleppo,with its industries (pre-war at least),population and historical significance,make it a symbol of Syrian unity.Its liberation would firm up Syria as a state. And yet both these cities have not been liberated.That is a major problem.And until it is solved we can’t be sure of who will win in the end (in either case).
PCR is a nice fellow but he as no clue about Russia.
I wish he would avoid this topic – it makes him look so foolish.
@ smr
What’s so foolish about presenting an alternative approach to ending a never-ending disaster, which might work instead of prolonging the pain and suffering?
President Putin himself admitted having been “stabbed in the back” by Erdogan, which means “having been deceived by someone who took advantage of his carelessness”. He’s not infallible, do you know?
Many errors and wrong moves have been made and it is very possible that history might one day point out that PCR was right, that a more robust attitude on the part of Russia would have been the best tactic to bring peace to Syria and that President Putin was a tergiversator (apologies for sending you to the dictionary).
You are correct, for indeed ‘Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst’ (from some sci-fi book that is recommended reading in the US army I seem to recall).
Problem is Russia is uncertain about using violence now in case both the US and Europe attack her. Hence those poor people have been left to die in Ukraine and Syria while Russia adopts a holding pattern of sending in just sufficient numbers of ‘volunteers’ and supplies to stalemate the situation.
But in a few years time the opinions of the US and Europe will not matter and then Russia can exterminate the NATO irregulars in Ukraine and Syria / Iraq, also known as neo-Nazi’s and ISIS. And there is no need to send in the Red Army, just some more ‘volunteers’ and supplies will suffice.
My issue is that Putin might go the forgiveness route, and then much worse adjectives will apply than that unpronounceable adjective of yours.
It’s always great to see an article by Auslander, who gives a “whole picture” analysis and a living landscape for it. Truly satisfying. Thank you sir!
I agree with the assessment that this is a war between the Western Alliance and the Resistance Bloc. And while Russia has been keeping this conflict from becoming a direct confrontation until now, with the recent revelations and counter strike the well known slightly hidden truth is now out in the open and the truth must now be dealt with. The question should be how do both sides engage each other to defuse the situation so that another ‘mistake’, with perhaps disastrous consequences, doesn’t happen? This is primarily a question of how to change the West’s mind set from one of seeking world hegemony to one of mutual cooperation. At the level of the Apex Elites on all sides this should mean profits, zones of interest, and some areas of mutual cooperation in joint ventures. However, the western elites still hold out for world domination having come so close with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the near economic conquest of Russia. Now how is the explanation to be made that makes these people realize that that window has closed and the world has moved on? Why cannot a consortium of Gulf states supply the southern EU with gas splitting costs and profits denominated in SDRs or some mutual acceptable means of trade and put this damned fighting and winner take all behind us?
Mental madness? The major war drivers are megalomaniacs, first and foremost, because they could easily live from their assets for generations without any new revenue at all.
By the way, I doubt that it is in a country’s interest to sell much of its mineral and fossil fuel resources to third parties. As these resources are not renewing, once consumed up they will be looked after desperately. With global peak oil reached and global peak gas nearing, I would rather keep these natural reserves for one’s own use.
This article isn’t really on topic, but it does provide another example of the sort of all round incompetence of the pindoland neocons in even the trademark childish, bitchy gay stuff that they are mainly known for and one would think they would be able to do without stumbling. It’s also good for a laugh.
Trump to Seat Bill Clinton’s Mistress in Front Row of Debate to Taunt Hillary
“This week the Clinton campaign has been playing up the fact that Mark Cuban, a loudmouthed anti-Trump billionaire best known for screaming at referees from courtside seats while watching his Dallas Mavericks basketball team, would be placed in the front row of the debate to distract Donald Trump.”
“Like so many ideas that the Clinton campaign has had throughout the campaign, however, it seems that the latest has just backfired on the Hillary’s candidacy once again with Donald Trump refusing to be outdone in schoolyard taunting tactics.
“If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!” said Trump in a Tweet on Saturday morning. It seems that may happen.
Buzzfeed reported on Saturday night that Flowers’ assistant, Judy Stell, emailed them a statement saying that “Ms. Flowers has agreed to join Donald at the debate.”
Now if Flowers really wanted to distract clinton, she could wear a short skirt and “go commando”. That would be sure to cause clinton to forget her scripted lines and send her into multiple coughing fits. :D
On RT news line . Western powers summon emergency UN Security Council meeting over Aleppo fighting
The UN Security Council will convene on Sunday to discuss the escalation of fighting in Aleppo between the Syrian Arab Army and various militant groups, including the so-called “moderate” rebels. The meeting, which was called for by western powers, namely, US, France and UK, will apparently address the recently-announced offensive by the Syrian government on militant positions in the eastern part of Aleppo. The warfare resumed after the Syrian government declared an end to the seven-day, Moscow-US brokered ceasefire, on Monday, following a “mistaken” US-led coalition attack on its positions in Deir ez-Zoir that resulted in over 60 troops being killed.
Syria’s and Russia’s answer could be very simple:
The first cessation of hostilities agreement, still in force, enables anyone abdicating violence and surrendering his/her weapons to leave Aleppo and Syria, or to reintegrate into civil society. Hence, there is no need for further provisions to protect the lives of civilized people.
Yeah note buffoon b johnson uk foreign minister says if Putin attacked convoy that is a war crime…that Putin has handed a loaded gun to Assad but he is pulling the trigger himself…..whereas he should have said whoever attacked the convoy. ..all implication….time to send british embassy home Mr President.
Reassuring article.
Thanks Auslander!
Absolutely brilliant, Auslander!
“The very idea of senior officers making public statements about what they will and won’t do in regards to the civilians in power in DC speaks reams. Those clear and public statements are actually a courts martial offense but so far no one has slapped any noses for this egregious and open violation of UCMJ.”
What is this referring to?
What is UCMJ?
Uniform Code of Military Justice
Thanks. What was the violation of the UCMJ that the article was referring to? If it was the “mistaken” bombing ten the UCMJ would not apply since it was obviously a decision taken at defense minister level or higher.
Were there other events or statements that this is referring to?
This rant is more emotional than it is analytical. But the point he is making is valid and to a large extent true.
The purge of “warrior soldiers” began after Vietnam, during the Ford presidency. It reoccurred during the Clinton presidency; and now again during the Obama presidency. It happens whenever certain officers and NCOs cling to old practices and ideologies in the face of “new age” ideas and changing priorities.
The slaughter of the Iraqi army in 1991, gave the “powerful people” inside the United States a sense of invincibility. But, as they turned this invincible military to the thankless and largely pointless task of occupying remote countries and suppressing their native populations, they broke this war-fighting organization apart. The American military is broken. It is no longer invincible; but do not assume therefore that its defeat in war is a certainty.
The KIA of US soldiers since Afghanistan….the general public is unawares the 100,000 or more
Disabled from the conflicts.
Letters from A Stan indicated the troopers wandered around taking IEDs. ..with amputee a week for units.
The Coffins coming in to Andrew’s AFB at night captures the control of the meat grinder Military Industrial
Factor in the medical disabilities from forced Vaccines and the Disabled number goes well over 150,000
The above figures are actually under projection vs real.
Henry Kissinger “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
Good and short…
One point though … you might see the total collapse of USA in your time.
I am 75, b. 1941 in DK, remember a lot, now at 75 I fill out the holes and understand more…
Worked in 35 countries all over the world USA – Asia – Africa – Europe always read up on countries history, before going into a new country – always listen to people and observed. USA has all but collapsed, imploded and that is good; they need to get down there to the pit’s bottom and work themselves up, learning all the way and they will – – – – and it will be in my time.
I am not quite as wizened as you. But I have had similar experiences, and share your outlook for the future.
I actually disagree with almost all of this essay. The situation in Syria has radically changed with Turkey’s fresh aggression. Putin has THE question in front of him: is this an existential moment for Russia to defend Assad against Turkey and the US?
Although there are some that believe – probably most Americans and Canadians – that Assad and Syria are getting what they deserve, we are still watching a sovereign country, member of UN, and a country that was not at war with anyone that is being invaded and bombed by many entities: USA, ISIS, Turkey, France, U.K. (and other NATO members) ILLEGALLY. All against International Law. If anyone thinks that this treatment is legitimate then please tell me what the legitimate reasons for this war are. This war is no more legitimate than the Iraq wars – or any of them in the M.E.
And this is being run out of Washington where rules of governance, procedure and lawfulness are similarly being decayed. Clearly we are not threatened by Assad, but by Washington, the rogue state institution of the United States and we are to believe that this is somewhat permissible (somehow the logic defeats me) because once more a somewhat disliked leader is being attacked by the righteous West.
Right now we have Turkey expanding its foothold in Syria. The Russians have not reacted officially (as far as I have heard) but it seems inevitable that at some point those forces will attack the Syrian Army. If PCR is correct this is actually the plan in Washington. Turkey is NATO. Article 5 is the threat if Russia (legally) defends Assad’s forces against Turkey/US forces. The proxy war ends at that event.
To the extent that this premise is true, we are already beginning WW3.
If all of NATO follows a declaration of aggression of a NATO member under Article 5, then everything is set except for the dying.
Assad said days ago that Turkish planes can only fly in Syria with Syrian permission-presumably this can be withdrawn……..then state de facto, troops must withdraw.
A new cartoon from Fatah is the newest episode of libel against Jews, with the image of a “Jew with a large nose” who was “using a remote control” to set off explosions.
I have not looked at the cartoon but then I never look at the Charlie Hebdo antiArabSemite cartoons either.
I assume it is the same sort of thing and appeals to the same sort of mind.
Your use of the word ‘libel’ is interesting. Would you use the same word on what Charlie Hebdo does for a livelihood?
“libel against Jews, with the image of a “Jew with a large nose” who was “using a remote control” to set off explosions.”
You mean like how Jewish israel uses the usa and nato to operate terrorists in Syria? Or did you mean the zionist Jews who were instrumental in making 9/11 happen?
Russia stands their ground at today’s UNSC meet and the zionazis get nothing they strive for, except perhaps wasting some people’s time.
No more unilateral concessions in Syria – Russian envoy to UN
“Moscow’s experience of giving concessions to the Syrian rebels following requests from the US, in the hope of it culminating in a ceasefire has not worked, Russia’s envoy to the UN has told the Security Council adding that Moscow will no longer be following these steps.”
Unsc syrian ambassador speaking live now…hope we get it get onsaker…syrianpersp. yesterday saying saudi and turkey still sending supplies to rebels….
Turkish Army to Go Further in Syria Establishing ‘De Facto Safe Zone’ – FM
“Turkish army will move further south in the Syrian territory to create a “de facto safe zone” of 5,000 square kilometers in the Manbij region, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.
“First we should go down at least 45 kilometers [30 miles] to close the Manbij pocket. And this area can be a de facto safe zone. It is around 5,000 square kilometers,” Cavusoglu told France 24 broadcaster in an interview.”
Unsc …usa days russia reactions in syria is barbarism….uk says rus is partnering syria in war crimes
As expected, the zio-gay neanderthals are getting their arses handed to them in the field so the cowardly bum bandits ramp up their emulations of goebbels.
UNSC Meeting on Syria is ‘Another Information Attack Against Russia’
“An urgent UN Security Council meeting on Syria was summoned to conduct an “information attack against Russia.” This is a typical scenario the United States uses when the situation does not responds to its interests, Russian senator Franz Klintsevich said.
“A UNSC meeting on Syria initiated by Britain, France and the US is an attempt to shift responsibility for failures in the implementation of a Russia-US agreement on Syria,” Klintsevich told RIA Novosti.
“This is another information attack against Russia. The US always does this when the situation is out of Washington’s control. Of course, this meeting will not be positive for building Russia-US cooperation on Syria,” Klintsevich said.”
Poroshenko Hails Hillary, Blasts Trump Over Claim Russia Not Meddling in Ukraine
“Earlier this week Donald Trump’s campaign failed to respond to an invitation to meet with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko setting off alarm bells among the Beltway elite that the Republican nominee may have a negative position towards the official who has been embraced by Western establishment leaders in their bid to isolate Russia.
On Sunday, the Ukrainian President sat down with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to express his discontent with Trump and make clear his preference for a Clinton presidency while downplaying the possible diplomatic slight by the Republican nominee who flew all the way to Mexico to meet with President Enrique Pena Nieto, but would not even meet Poroshenko in his office in Trump Tower while the Ukrainian President was in New York for the United Nations conference.”
That must have been tramatic for pompous, fat queen. :D But trump probably doesn’t care for the stench of rancid bacon. Turns porkshank and clinton are old b-buds. Big surprise, eh?
“Poroshenko had a visibly fonder opinion of Hillary Clinton saying that he had worked with her previously and had known her since the end of her husband’s term as US President.
“I’ve known her for maybe 16 years. We have an intensive dialogue dating back to when we launched together the strategic cooperation between the United States and Ukraine and I can confirm that she is very well informed,” said Poroshenko.”
“We have an intensive dialogue dating back to when we launched together the strategic cooperation between the United States and Ukraine”
Granted, I would never have imagined that total sodomization — albeit with a drooling and wholeheartedly consenting victim — ever were to qualify as “strategic cooperation”. But I’ll happily admit it makes perfect sense in the realm of Kosher Nazi mentality.
I do not think that the combined West, that is the leader US with it’s vassal states tied firmly to it, even as it loses everything, will be able to change course to peacefulness or honesty. It’s levers of power arre drenched in human blood and gore, allowed to dry cement-like on the stopped mechanisms of civility. Cemented shut.Then just more gore as US arms, supports approves the genocide of Yemen.
Those former years of achieving civility and prosperity mutate into formlessness from the weight of human guilt. We are extincting each other as we allow America with European approval to monstrously expand the horrors that the Third Reich accomplished. Exactly what is being deliberately done.
The Russian Federation leadership is going to have to make up their minds .Does the RF decide to end the invasion of Syria or do they let it fall .Half measures will Not Suffice .
The zionazi freakshow unleashed their pet ginger neanderthal again, and dragged along one their brit toys to provide an echo.
US Ambassador to UN Suggests Russia be Removed From Security Council Over Syria
The israeli coward consortium is like a constantly mutating virus.
West still arming Al-Nusra in Syria, peace almost impossible – Russia’s UN envoy
“The Al-Nusra Front in Aleppo keeps receiving tanks and heavy weapons shipped by their Western backers as the US turns a blind eye, Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, told the Security Council. He added that securing peace “is almost an impossible task now.”
Al-Nusra Front is currently the most powerful group fighting against the government in Aleppo, with 2,000 out of 3,500 militants in the city the group’s members.
“They are armed by tanks, APCs, field artillery, multiple rocket launchers… dozens and dozens of units, including heavy weaponry… Of course, they couldn’t have made this equipment themselves. All of this has been received by them and is still being shipped to them by generous Western backers, with the US, presumably, turning a blind eye,” Churkin said.
According to the Russian envoy, the Al-Nusra Front militants use the civilian population of Aleppo as human shields while indiscriminately attacking residential areas in the city controlled by the Syrian government.”
ReThe very idea of senior officers making public statements about what they will and won’t do in regards to the civilians in power in DC speaks reams. Those clear and public statements are actually a courts martial offense but so far no one has slapped any noses for this egregious and open violation of UCMJ.”
Glad someone is finally saying this.
Had to stop and comment immediately (see my comment on Putin chess player thread re Truman and MacArthur).
Why is no one speaking about this openly ? This is insubordination pure and simple. Any commander who allows that in the field does not have long to live. Obama is lucky he is retiring, because he clearly does not understand what is happening. He should fire these pepople who obstruct his wishes and argue publicly with their CinC pronto.
What do the Clintons and the neocons have on BO that he is too scared to exercise his constitutional duty and summarily deal with these CinC wannabes?
Bring on the constitutional crisis, I say.
no mater what the red commie states, he is still a Commie anti god Marxist. yea we will fall, but not because of Putin, it will be for our ejecting our God out of every day life in this nation and aslo the military. the military decided under the Clintons, Bushes and this present Dog that is in charge to eject God using that khazar talmudic pig Jew Mikey weinstein, and in so doing rejecting Gods hand of protection, so to answer the question will we be defeated, and the answer is yes, but it wont be the red commie sub human pieces of crap from Russia or China, but from the hand of God.. Unless this nation falls to the ground and gts on there knees and begs God for mercy and I mean a nationalistic repentance from the top don, then we will go down.
You have clearly never been to Russia or the USSR or, if you have, you failed to ‘get it’.
The thing you describe as a ‘Commie State’, which like the word ‘Nazi’ or ‘Jew’ in the mind of the ignorant simply stands for what you do not like, has actually come to the USA. If you want to know what is happening to the USA, try to comprehend the term Trotskyite Bolshevism’. It may just get you out of your gloomy confusion.
But I really do get your sincere love and pain for the USA.