The blame probably should (yet again) go first to the Papacy with its unhealthy repression of everything sexual, which itself originates in a most unfortunate misunderstanding of the Christian dogma of the primordial sin by Saint Augustine of Hippo who, at least, never insisted that this interpretation was the correct one (traditional Christianity does not believe that per se sex is bad, but only that it has to be appropriately channeled and sublimated). Alas, his misguided views on this topic were further picked up in a long series of sex-centered teachings, practices and dogmas (celibacy for priests, condemnation of “the flesh”, “Immaculate Conceptions”, etc.) and as a result, these sexuality-repressing teachings triggered a formidable backlash which began in the Renaissance and is sill felt today.
The next group to make things worse were the Freemasons, the various revolutionary movements in Europe and, of course, the openly secular/atheistic ideologues such as Marx, Nietzsche, Freud and many others. I won’t go into the pathetic history of feminism, hippie flower-power, abortion “rights” and all the rest of the nonsense we were fed, nor will I discuss the role of pornography or the so called ‘gay’ rights. My thesis is this: in terms of sexuality the West is now terminally cluster-f**cked. I won’t even bother proving that thesis. Look for yourself a the divorce rates, teen pregnancy rates, homosexuality, pedophilia, rapes, marital violence, gross sexism and macho violence or, better, try to find something healthy in anything sex-related in the West. It ain’t there. So I will say it again: in terms of sexuality the West is now terminally cluster-f**cked.
The latest example of that complete absence of any kind of healthy understanding of sex is the “Putin hits in Xi’s wife” non-event scandal. Here is the video of the ‘act’, see for yourself:
You can plainly see for yourself what happened: it was cold, Putin though that Xi’s wife might be uncomfortable in the chilly weather and he offered her his shawl. Notice also her reaction: she accepted it very gracefully, put in on just long enough to thank him (you can see her smile and bow), then took it off and was handed another coat.
This is how the western media saw that: (excerpts from here)
“’Putin’ On the Moves: Vlad Cozies Up to China’s First Lady,” screamed NBC.
“Putin Hits on China’s First Lady,” asserted US magazine Foreign Policy. “Russia’s Don Juan-in-chief just got a little too friendly with Xi Jinping’s wife.”
“The first unspoken rule of diplomacy might be “Don’t hit on the president’s wife,” but Russia’s newly single president Vladimir Putin seems to have missed the memo,” it continued.
Very interestingly, RT also offered this photo as a reminder of the fact that it was not the first time Putin did something like that:
![]() |
Was Putin also ‘hitting’ on Merkel? |
RT added: This is not the first time Vladimir Putin’s manners have landed him in a mini-storm. A similar gesture last year, when Putin offered a shawl to German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, provoked many of the same kind of comments.
In the typical westerner’s mind, this goes something like that: we know that Russian man spend their lives drinking and beating up their woman, that they are sexist macho pigs, all potential rapists (look at how they behaved in at the end of WWII in Germany!), so if one of them shows what could be misconstrued as courtesy or attentive care, he must be ‘hitting’ on the woman, already ready to jump, beat and rape her”. This is the kind of notion that the western corporate media has been trying to implant in the minds of the poor folks who watch the Idiot-box.
Before I tell you how I, as a Russian, interpret what has happened, let me share with you what a Chinese friend of mine has written about this in a private email to me:
You have probably seen the (non) news about Putin handing Xi’s wife a shawl. Western media has made a big deal out of it and I thought some Russian viewers might misunderstand.
Peng (Mrs. Xi) was not trying to intentionally spur Putin’s kind gesture, but Chinese culture is very sensitive to simple things including these types of social gestures because in Chinese culture such behavior denotes respect, place in society, and awareness of manners. To take another man’s coat is simply disrespectful to your husband in Chinese culture. Peng was caught in the unfortunate position of having to accept Putin’s hospitality yet avoid offending her husband’s “face” publicly. This is very important in Chinese society, perhaps not to myself in particular, but to most of us especially the traditional minded (whom we mostly are… believe me). Of course, as a foreigner Putin is not expected to be aware of these nuances and his “rudeness” can be forgiven and accepted as kindness. Actually Chinese manners dictate that when a foreigner exhibits lack of knowledge of your customs, you are supposed to accommodate them, but Peng’s reaction is understandable given her position. This wasn’t made better by Western MSM claims of Putin “flirting” with Peng — which is completely ridiculous of course.
I believe the best PR fix would be Putin issuing a statement saying something along the lines of, “I was trying to be polite, but the Chinese as we continue to see are very subtle, which I admire them for, and in their culture it is frowned upon for a woman to accept another’s coat. She was simply being respectful towards her husband. This is nothing but growing pains in the fast developing Sino-Russian alliance. Xi and I have a superb relationship and it will continue to bring us success in the future.” Putin has enough of a media personality and credibility to pull this off. It is unlikely that the Chinese will utter anything publicly until Russia does, because they would not want to seem patronizing to Putin or Russians by explaining often-accepted-as-simple-manners.
I will just add that I think that Peng handled the situation *superbly*. She showed her guest, Putin, no discomfort or offense at all, she gave him a warm smile, bowed and thanked him, kept the shawl on for just a second, then slightly turned (thereby signifying the end of her gratitude expressing) and immediately took the shawl off while her (smart) aides handed her another coat so as to make the removal of the now non-needed shawl natural. If I give Putin’s aides a B for not warning him about that, I give the Chinese an A+ about how elegantly they handled the situation.
Now let’s turn to the Russki side of the issue.
First, I will readily admit that there are some Russian man who would make a Cro-Magnon look educated, sophisticated, refined and otherwise civilized (all countries probably have those) In contrast, Putin is a highly educated man. Not only that, but he is a former spy. That does not mean that he is a pro at firing guns, copying documents or evading pursuing cars. As he himself explained it in his book, a spy is first and foremost a man who knows how to make himself liked by others. Being charming, reassuring, friendly and soothing is one of the core qualities of a spy. Putin is also an officer and he very much shares into the Russian officer ethos, especially officers from elite institutions or units. In other words, besides personal reasons, Putin has professional reasons to have impeccable manners. Having watch many, many hours of his town hall style meetings with all sorts of people and having him watched interact with all sorts of different cultural and social groups I can say that Putin’s manners are absolutely superb, every bit as refined and polished as Lavrov’s. And here is the key to what happened:
In Russian culture it is not only normal to take care, be courteous, be protective, attentive and otherwise gallant to woman, it is expected. Russia is still what I call a “sexually differentiated society” in which women and man are not “equals” but which sees then a very different and which strongly believes that real men take care of women. Russian society is also multi-cultural. Just as educated Russians will not offer alcohol to a Muslim guest, they will also know that, for example, you do not physically touch a Muslim woman unless she, for example, is the first one to move her hand forward for a handshake (because this Islamic no-touching rule is not uniformly followed by all Muslim woman). Had Putin known about the fact that handing over a shawl to a Chinese lady is inappropriate he would most definitely not done so and it is absolutely clear by her reaction that lady Peng completely understood this. Neither of them every even considered such a ludicrous and vulgar notion that Putin might be “hitting” on her, a married lady and his host.
But the corporate media of a “Michel Jackson society” (neither child nor adult, neither Black nor White, neither male not female) had to, of course, bring it all down to some vulgar crass move by the Russian “mujik” on the Asian “chick”. This says nothing about Russia or China, and everything about the modern corporate media and the sexually pathological ideology it tries to force down the throats of those who are exposing themselves to it.
Honestly, when I look around myself in western Europe or the USA I feel sorry for most of the people I see. How many happy, stable and truly loving marriages do you see nowadays? However, to measure the fantastic degree of sexual frustration of western men, it is enough to look at the huge income of the porn industry and realize that somebody is consuming that porn and that, by definition, those who are reduced to a sex-by-porn sexuality are completely dysfunctional, frustrated and sadly lonely people. The so-called “sexual freedom” resulted in a terminal case of sexual misery and dissatisfaction. While I often get in trouble for saying that homosexuality is a sexual psycho-pathology, I have to say that hetero sex in the West is rarely and only marginally healthier.
This is really sad as the consequences are devastating. “Sexually differentiated” (where each gender is different and has his/her role) couples are becoming increasingly rare (I won’t even go into the “gay marriage” folly!), most families are “multiply recomposed”, children lack real fathers or mothers, normal and healthy masculine or feminine behavior is frowned upon and even basic courtesy towards a lady is apparently inevitably interpreted as an attempt to obtain sex from her (which is what “hitting” is).
I wonder how long it will take for people in the West to realize this and to revolt against it. It is already happening. I know a few “real” couples (two identifiable genders, male in the father role, female in the mother role, no divorce, no marital infidelity and no domestic violence but true deep love, children who are raised close to their parents and not given up to state schools, etc.) and they are always more or less “off the social grid”: they do their own thing away from the rest of society whose values they have rejected, whose ideology they don’t believe in, and whose brainwashing appliances (TV, radio, papers) they don’t let into their homes. They are also sexually happy, with no need for porn, meds or props. In fact, they know that sex gets *better* with time. But they are still a tiny minority. The vast majority of people out there still follow the prevailing societal model to misery, loneliness and sexual frustration.
Finally, I expect that this post will earn me yet another flood of angry comments and I can’t even begin to imagine how what I did say above will be “re-worded” to make me say something I did not. I offer the above as my own admittedly subjective point of view about the context for the “Putin hitting on Peng” “non-event scandal” in the hope that somebody might find it interesting. As like to say, please view this blog like an AA meeting: you take what you want and simply leave the rest.
In this case, I wanted draw your attention that the (mis-)interpretation of what happened in China by the corporate media is only a part of a much wider problem and that looking at the general context of male-female relations in the West might allow for a better understanding of what is going on.
Frankly, this is not a topic I want to dwell on either. I shared some of my views above, but I have to ask you to please forgive me if I won’t participate in any further discussion about it. You are, as always, welcome to have a healthy and dynamic discussion in the comments section, but please don’t expect me to join it: I am way too busy (but I will lurk and read it though, just for my own education).
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
aged parent said “.I do not understand this kind of irrational hatred of Catholicism,”
the real villain are the anglo protestants and not catholics.
catholics were discriminated by anglo parasites and pirates even in America till only recently.
The evil Empire is Britain and it enforces its will through its Death Star, which is its USA colony.
“white “=misnomer used by english occupiers who detested even whiter irish and germans as nonwhites.
the english spies in us discrimnated agasint much of non anglosaxon whites in america.white misnomer.
The reason minority england worshipping anglosaxons are still ruling USA is because of this-other stupid whites(whom the anglosaxons hardly care about) are not fighting for their right from anglosaxons but from the blacks!
Usa comes to rescue of not European white nations but only england and its anglo colonies.
Usa shares stolen secrets not with white nato nations but only with anglosaxon races.
english racists occupiers of america really mean -white= anglosaxons who worship england as master nation.
most of anglos are not anglosaxon race which is the most vile race using usa as a colony for england. wake up whites and blacks in usa. kill british spy journalists and their stooges in hollywood.
Benjamin Franklin “we should bewary of allowing Germans and sweds to immigrate, because they were too swarthy!”
btw, some “conservatives” have adopted a moronism of Pat Buchanan – that western culture is dominated by corrosive cultural marxism.
Acutally Cultural Marxism/Frankfurt School/Critical Theory is a powerful critique of bourgeois culture that real, honest traditionalists could employ to devastating effect.
MK Ngoyo
You really don’t know anything about Ancient Greece?
Gay Pederasty was OBLIGATORY, son.
It was supposed to cement the loyalty and comradery of the troops.
And again, as for China, read the Chan’s Great Continent. There was nothing ‘under the carpet’ about it.
These are just the examples that come to mind off the top of my head…
btw, here in Saudi Arabia buggery is endemic and generally accepted, but granted, not exactly out in the open
First of all, I agree with your piece, that western society is sexual dysfunctional. I’d be a bloody fool to deny that.
On the other hand, you heavily err on your examples: “divorce rates, teen pregnancy rates, homosexuality, pedophilia, rapes, marital violence, gross sexism, macho violence”
Teen pregnancy rates are extremely low in western societies, much lower than elsewhere. Besides, teen pregnancy is not that much of a bad thing anymore, even when the pregnant teen is not married, since there is a lot of help in these cases. In fact, if you look at the statistics in contemporary western societies, teen mothers are better off long-term than women, who get pregnant at the average age of 26-32 (depending on country).
Pedophilia is unfortunately very much stigmatized, and there are huge misconceptions around it – like confusing pedophilia with child abuse, especially since most child abusers are not pedophiles. Pedophilia is something we should consider a mental health issue, something we should treat and help people deal with. Western societies are slowly progressing on this, but they are much further than non-western societies.
Domestic violence (what you call marital violence) is less widespread in western societies than in non-western societies. Once you treat this issue as a mental health problem as well, it rapidly decreases, as shown in the case of Norway. Unfortunately, feminism blocks any further advances in this area in most places, as shown in the case of Sweden.
Gross sexism is prevalent in western society, but only towards men. Sexism towards women is extremely rare in western societies, while men are frequently attacked, their issues dismissed, and their rights denied, simply because they are men. Feminism is pretty much the only source of sexism in contemporary western society: It replaced racism & antisemitism as the new hate ideology. Sexism in non-western countries is usually much more of a problem than in western societies.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean with “macho violence”. Generally, all forms of violent crime are decreasing in every western society, even the United States. Crime & violence is a much bigger problem in many non-western societies.
I know that there are many things amiss in western society, but I also know that one can fall easy prey to selective perceptions and bias, that make you believe things, that just don’t add up in reality. So please, while I support your criticism, I also have to caution against running roughshod over actual facts.
…Oh dear… *eye rolling*
It is just so dissappointing that sensible foreign policy views belong to such homophobic people. I agree with you, Putin and Marine Le Pen on many issues but these kind of rants always remind me of the negative things. So sad. And I even agree that these issues are used as part of the propaganda campaign.
“I wanted draw your attention that the (mis-)interpretation of what happened in China by the corporate media is only a part of a much wider problem”
Yeah, the wider problem is the vilification of Putin an everything Russian. There was no “misinterpretation,” this is standard Western Media MO to anything that Putin says or does.
What he did here cannot be seen as anything else but a kind gesture but the MSM’ll be damned if they’d say something nice about him, so they have to turn it around or make it look like something that is not. And they do have to bring it up to everybody’s attention because it’s Putin, if say Harper would have done it instead – Harper: a non entity that 99% of the world doesn’t know who he is – we would have never heard about it.
Yesterday when I saw the news which link one commenter put it here, I flipped in colors, because I do not see anything unusual, especially because I do not know Chinese customs.
For starters it is clearly not his coat because it is worn. If Putin wears the coat, being a man, would probably be a Siberian cold, and have thought, quite rightly, that Mrs. Ping would freeze with as little clothing, as we always happens to women when we go to an event with those so cute dresses we wear. I interpreted it as he had a blanket in her seat and gave it to Mrs. Ping. The atmosphere at the time was relaxed and you have not but to see everybody´s composure. I really thought it was a lovely gesture. ( Now I like him much more! How nice!)
Here, in Spain, at least, it is harmless and particularly gallant.
The anglosaxons are very puritanical and they get all riled up and twist to the limit. Then there’s the fact that they do not know where and how to catch him at waive and, having nothing to reproach him, lie and manipulate at will.
For ugly gesture (in any culture) that of the trio Obama, Cameron and president of something Baltic country making themselves a selfie guffawing at a funeral, no less than Nelson Mandelas´, and leaving Michelle Obama out of the fun. Simply unpresentable.
By nzakharchuk: “I have to remind myself that your peculiar cultural attitudes are not the reason why I read your blog. You should stick to politics.”
You’re telling me! I love it when people talk about stuff they don’t know anything about. Check it out: next I’ll be giving a key note speech on Quantum Physics even though I don’t know the first thing about physics myself, nor I’m that good at mathematics either… ;-)
But hey! Remember the mantra: we’re all entitled to our opinion…
Saker: Forget religious history. You’re too much of an anti-Catholic bigot to have any perspective on it.
Both Latin and the Greek Christians have frequently allowed politics to exploit their faith. For every Latin atrocity against Russia, there corresponds a Greek atrocity of similar import. This, though, has more to do with politics than religion.
The only Christian stance in this period of disbelief and godlessness is an ecumenical one.
Keep up the Catholic-bashing. Your former colleagues in the Pentagon will keep the checks coming.
btw Immaculate Conception isn’t related to sex. It’s just about Virgin Mary being born without original sin (=>Immaculate).
Really, headlines like those are more typical of a hormonally overloaded teenager´s twitter than of a serious newspaper.
The Western MSMotelose theft fall short of their owners
Perhaps it is a US attempt to distract attention from the fact* that Obama was seated in the ‘wives section’ at the APEC meeting in China.
* – it may be a troll but it is too funny not to be true.
“So I will say it again: in terms of sexuality the West is now terminally cluster-f**cked.”
That may or may not be true for the US, but lots of other western countries are just fine thank you.
Yes there have been changes since the introduction of readily available contraception, which changed the power balance between males and females.
And some of these changes are still in flux, as old western mating rules (virtually all totally male serving and completely hypocritical) have been swept away and being replaced by new ones.
To which most females say “thank god for that”, because they were a pretty rotten deal for them.
As for GLBTI ‘rights’ that you criticise. What is wanted is the simply right not to be treated any different to anyone else.
Like not being banged up in jail, just because your sexuality or gender is different.
Now I am transgendered, where I live it was illegal only 30 years ago. Yep I’d go to jail, just for being me, just for being born this way.
For all our many faults we have come a long way since then and, overall, things are better now.
Unfortunately there are sadly far too many males who would just love to go back to the ‘good old days’.
Though you won’t get many females or GLBTI people agreeing with that.
I just came back from Russia and I can tell you that I have never seen so many pregnant women and kids playing on the streets in any country I ever been to. I’m sure that the majority of statistical data is highly manipulated or purposefully misdated to suit some agenda. For example, in pre-Putin Russia there was a total demographic catastrophe but the trend has been recently reversed and moved in the opposite direction. However, some Western media still users those outdated statistics and purposefully ignoring the latest changes that took place in the Russian society since the beginning of this millennia.
BTW At some point, I was offered a book called “The Death of Right and Wrong” that has some interesting insights in regards to “the moral ambiguity” and insidiousness of the gay propaganda in the West. Unfortunately, the rest of this book is a total crap.
@ The Saker,
Could you please post your preferred links to some Orthodox theological teachings? Thank you.
Poor Saker. You really do need that break.
“.. All I want is for your guys to leave us *ALONE*: please stop trying to murder or convert us and just let us be. That is all I want…”
who is murdering who?
Catholics killing Orthodox?
blond haired killing dark haired?
blue eyes killing brown?
Is there any serious suggestion that today’s neo-nazis are Catholics? or any kind of Christians at all? (they certainly don’t act very christian by any definition). Any evidence they care or even know the religion of (some) of the people they are ethnic cleansing?
Religion is not a factor in this war, nor has it been in most wars. It’s about money and power. That’s what wars have always been about (and land). Religion has never been the real reason, but just used as the excuse (all Muslims are terrorists?).
You are going to blame and hate people for things that happened 1000 years ago? that is a game anyone can play and which will not end well for anybody, you included. Today’s people are NOT responsible for what happened in the past, nor are they able to undo it. Even more recent scandals — it is “normal” for any large organisation to cover up its wrongs. EVERY long-standing organisation has had members who’ve done wrong; if it’s not widely known it’s because the cover-up was better. The people not involved are not to blame.
Nor can people spend, say, 10 years comparing the histories of 100 religions before deciding which one has a clean enough past for them to deign to join. Religions are social structures and people grow up with them, as with every other aspect of their society.
Most religions. as most nations, emphasise their own goodness, soft-pedal their past mistakes, and exaggerate to the flaws of the others, particularly ones they are geographically close to. In both cases this is to improve cohesion and discourage defections. Both tend to claim to be the best/real/only and to demonise the others. “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
At the same time, all religions encourage morality (however defined) and what you decry as western degeneracy was not caused by religion. It is in fact decried by most religions. It has come about at a time when fewer and fewer people HAVE any religion, which is itself a symptom of lack of social cohesion. That in turn is caused more by mobility than anything else….not only do many western people not live with the community they grew up in, many did not even grow up in the one place. They are strangers in their own lands.
In the present context, if we are to interpret Russia and Russia’s intentions as being “not the Soviet Union” (because that did some bad and scary things, so that was the PAST) then we also have to allow other nations, and other religions to also be “today” and stop holding against them a PAST none of the present living was involved with (which can’t even be said for the USSR).
Hatred and paranoia cause blindness. How can we analyse if we cannot see?
Sex. All I read is sex. I love sex on the beach! Seriously: Maybe the reason for all this frustration, hate and telling others what they should do and what not might have a simple reason: people do not have enough sex.
I always find it amazing when white tourists come to the Philippines (and to other Asian countries) and all they are looking for is: “sex”. Obviously they do not get enough or they do not get good sex. They also do not care about the person they are dealing with. They treat us all as cheep hustlers. That part I definitely do not like. I met one (!) person from Europe who was into being pleased and pleasing me; he was like a brother; he understood it is mutual and like having good food. I am bi and that was the only time were no games were being played – he being white treated me as an equal. Finally someone “white” that treated me as an equal! To most Asians that never, ever happens but some Pinoys are outspoken. Surprise! Still remember him because it was such a unique experience. ONE PERSON! All the others: just trying to use me (or being used). I think that is an issue: the concept of using people. For sex, for political or economic gains. That people are just using people but not caring is a major topic! This happens with girls, guy, gays and ladyboys! This, I hope, might also be a topic on your blog.
I met some Russians in Cebu. Mostly not a good experience. Mostly very drunk, rude and abusive. Most of them smoked and – sorry to say – smelled badly. In a strange way they all were frustrated by life and could not enjoy the beauty of our islands. And they were all looking for only two things: sex and alcohol.
The other bunch of guys showing up on our beaches are Koreans. They are very stiff, but they know how to behave. To us America and Europe is culturally more close, but how people behave is not.
Sex is a function of our bodies. It is natural. The problem is not sex but the lack of it or if it is done in a way that you or he/she is just an object. Watching dirty movies on the Internet is not a good substitute.
In the Philippines we have many catholic priests that are supposed to have no sex at all. The result: child abuse, rape, you name it! Our goverment still does not do its job.
My conclusion: We need to understand that sex is a human need. That includes sex between men or a man and a ladyboy (girls spirit in a male body is the concept). If we suppress it, it only creates more hate and chaos. Family, which is very important, is another issue.
Saker: Please open up a bit. I understand that a lot of stressful things are happening in your home country. I understand you are religious; so am I; but I believe in having a good time on earth for all of us is the wish of God. He wants us to be happy! I like your works. I like that you are too having difficulties with our masters (the USA), we do too. Maybe for different reasons (their arrogance). Come to our beautiful Islands like Boracay or Bohol and understand that there is nothing bad about lust or enjoying your body. The only thing bad is if you do not care about the person that makes you feel happy!
P.s.: Nothing wrong with circumcision if done properly! Its much cleaner and I like it. Over here everybody gets it done. We call Euros cheese heads. Guess one can have different ideas about it.
– I understand Orthodox Christians can be pissed by the past with Catholic Christians.
– I understand modern Orthodox Christians are pissed by anglo-zionist thugs.
But on that particular subject, it is absurd to blame Catholics for a reaction that comes from Puritans.
To think the US is anything close to Catholicism is absurd.
Not to mention how it is absurd to consider Islam is an ally to Orthodox Christianity, for Orthodox Christians, to the eye of Muslims, still are Christians.
If Crusaders ransacked Constantinople, I guess turning Agia Sophia into a mosque was not an act of friendship neither.
Technically, today, everyone should be an ally against materialist messianism. Still, Muslims, orthodox Christians, Catholics, Jews, protestants & so on have their issues with each other. Not sure being divide now is quite the right time.
Ecumenism is globalist bullshit. And anglo-zionist want it to have a fake spirituality for their New World Order. Yet, I guess all faiths should be smart enough to fight alongside for now… For Humanity itself is at stake.
And we will convert others to the true faith of Catholicism afterwards, when peace has returned ;-)
Some of the highest birth rates are in the poorest countries. Where there is virtually nothing in the way of medical care, and epidemics are rife, death rates of babies and children are also high. People living a subsistence life style (or just scratching a living may be more accurate) NEED children as extra hands to contribute. Also people need a child to survive into the parent’s old age/younger disablement.
No amount of easily available contraception stops this trend. Only two things initially reduce birthrates in a developing country – working for money and compulsory education. No job pays more for someone with more dependents, and schools cost money. So people start to see children as an expense in a restricted budget, not as extra hands enabling a larger harvest.
When development reaches the stage of permanent institutionalised poverty, the birth rate will drop even more. Not among the poorest, but among the lower middle classes who still have some hope of NOT sliding into the bottom heap, AS LONG AS they watch their expenses. They have little choice in the price of an education (lifelong debts, in the US) or a house, or of a Government taking 45% or their income as taxes. They can’t buy half a house. They can have half as many children.
Russia after the war introduced support for single mothers (and creches in workplaces) to encourage single motherhood. They needed the population growth. No Catholic degeneracy there — they had lost so many millions of men, there were not enough to go around on a one-one basis. Nobody was well off in Soviet times but everybody had a job or pension. The birth rate started dropping again in the years of “westernisation” with the austerity policies Europe is still following today. Today there are bonuses and assistance for new babies, increasing with each subsequent child, recognising that a woman with numerous children can’t do a fulltime paid job as well. It is becoming affordable to have more than one without sentencing them to neglect or hunger (a consideration which, historically, has always been a factor in abortions in every society, legal or not).
Hrm. Some agreement with Mr. Saker, some strong disagreement. I’d say we are to some extent in agreement that sexuality in North America and to some extent the Anglosphere in general is dysfunctional, and that anti-sexuality strands of religion have something to do with it. And I’d agree that this dysfunctionality (combined with basic hostility grasping at negative straws) drove the silly coverage of this incident with Putin and Mrs. Xi. But as to the other main causes, I must beg to differ.
Specifically, this bit:
“I won’t go into the pathetic history of feminism, hippie flower-power, abortion “rights” and all the rest of the nonsense we were fed, nor will I discuss the role of pornography or the so called ‘gay’ rights.”
Now I don’t want to get into the whole “This is icky and wrong” vs “That is icky and wrong”–Mr. Saker no doubt feels gut-level disturbed by these things, I feel gut-level disturbed by people with positions like his. But that’s not the question here. I’d invite Mr. Saker to consider the basic question: Whether he likes gays, feminists and hippies or not, is a causal connection between them and the main bad things about US sexual culture plausible? I’d argue that not only is it not plausible, but that at some level Mr. Saker realizes it.
What gets me is that as soon as Mr. Saker gets into the commentary about the incident, the real causes start to pepper his language–the “corporate media” is mentioned a few times. The sexual dysfunction in North America has nothing to do with feminism or gays or hippies, which should be obvious to anyone who thinks for five seconds. It’s the commercialization of sex (along with everything else) that is the problem.
I mean, let’s get serious here. I know there are paranoid people who think teh gayz control everything, but obviously they don’t. Society is not controlled by hippies, it’s not run by gay rights activists, and it’s certainly not administered by feminists. The people running things in the US are corporate executives and billionaires. Most of them are men. They don’t on average care about gays one way or another, they aren’t feminists, and they very definitely aren’t hippies. In any case, the US was already sexually dysfunctional in the 50s, when there were no hippies, no feminists, and gays shut up if they knew what was good for them. The ancestry of the modern obsessive commercialization vs. repressive religious backlash tango was already quite visible.
Modern commercial cultures values only what it can sell. And it can sell sex oh, very well. In doing so it has a weirdly symbiotic relationship with repressive religion, including Catholic but really more evangelist Protestant. That is, one of the things commercial culture sells is the lure of the forbidden. To have a lure of the forbidden, you need someone to get out there and do some forbidding. On the flip side, these bible-thumping ministers always seem to feel that anything they’re forbidding must be more tempting than plain old fashioned sex within marriage; what would be the point of avoiding temptation if whatever it is weren’t particularly alluring? So you end up with these anti-gay ministers caught doing drugs with gay hookers.
Meanwhile commercial culture isn’t interested in gay rights or normalization of homosexuality. They’d rather it stay just forbidden enough to be titillating so they can sell it. The corporations also want to sell everything else. The distortions this creates in the society as a whole, with people encouraged to know the price of everything and the value of nothing, make people vulnerable to sex as advertised, commercialized, alluringly fetishized obsession. So the unhealthy sexuality is not an isolated thing, it’s part of the broader picture. A Marxist would here talk about “alienation”.
The feminist agenda, the gay rights agenda, and even the hippie agenda are/were opposed to both these sides of the coin. All three propose, rather than either forbidding or selling the temptation of “unnaturalized” sex, naturalizing sexuality. The gays don’t want to be a titillating forbidden thing, they just want to be folks like other folks who have sex more or less to the extent other folks do. They want it seen as an ordinary thing, not a venomously alluring thing. The hippies’ free love thing was partly about teenage guys wanting to get laid, and it went a bit overboard. But it was also a rejection of both religious repression and commercialization of sex. Quite frankly, the hippies were right about a lot of things and North America would be better right now if more of their view had prevailed–it would certainly be starting a lot fewer imperialist wars. But the hippies lost, and the money interests co-opted and commercialized what they thought they could use to make money, and tossed the rest in the garbage.
Feminism was never primarily about sexuality, rather was about power. They had some success, although partial, when it comes to rights, equal work and so on. But on sexuality, the feminists clearly lost. Consider the kind of dolls they were making in the late 70s early 80s or so at the height of the feminist wave, with girl dolls that were not sexualized and were cast in various roles typically thought of as male. Now consider the kind of dolls they make now: Bratz and who knows what all, highly sexual, all about fashion and revealing clothes and generally attracting the male gaze rather than doing anything independently. This underlines both that the modern dysfunctional sexual culture is not only the opposite of what feminists wanted, but why: Feminists wanted women not to be all about sex, wanted women to have autonomy and purposes of their own; they weren’t mainly anti-sex, but again, they would have preferred it be normalized, rather than something that forced women to serve the fantasies spun by commercial cultures. And commercialism here is the problem partly because the culture of money not only doesn’t want women to have autonomy and purposes of their own, it doesn’t want anybody to have autonomy and purposes of their own. It wants both men and women to be dependent on commercial culture, not autonomous, and for their purpose to be gaining fulfillment by buying things—including sex.
To sum up: You’re locating the problem in the wrong place, Mr. Saker. This is also a strategic error, since it makes alliance between people with your sort of opinion and the anti-imperialist left difficult if not impossible.
Final note: I live in Canada. We legalized gay marriage almost ten years ago now. The sexual culture of Canada remains on average saner than that of the US (I can’t believe USians actually do child beauty pageants with five year olds dolled up like whores–really, what the hell?!) and all the people who were “OMG the sky is gonna fall!” have mostly forgotten it even happened. Some gay people get married now; so far, they seem to treat their marriage vows with a little more seriousness than their het counterparts do. Big fat hairy deal. Instead of being an “Ooh! Aah! Forbid, then be titillated!” thing, it becomes just people living their lives and minding their own business. This makes the sexual culture more sane, not less.
As a side note, Mr. Saker talks about “real” couples as follows:
“I know a few “real” couples (two identifiable genders, male in the father role, female in the mother role, no divorce, no marital infidelity and no domestic violence but true deep love, children who are raised close to their parents and not given up to state schools, etc.)”
Well, that’s an interesting list. I don’t believe in personalizing things, but for the record I’ve been married 18 years, am a man of honour and so would never cheat, am still very much in love with my wife, and very much love my daughter. I suppose having my daughter go to actual schools, or not being afraid my manhood would dry up and blow away if I changed a diaper, or not dictating to my wife like I was the big boss and she the little servant, makes us not a “real” couple. Whatever. I disagree with the public schools and broader society about some things. When it comes to such disagreements, my daughter generally agrees with me and not them–but not because I spend my life trying to indoctrinate her, making sure she only learns anything from me. Rather because when she asks me, the things I say make sense to her. I’m thinking people who do home schooling in hopes their kids will think their way might be better off working on having their views make sense so they can persuade by reason rather than by domination. So I’m not particularly persuaded by all this stuff about what a “real” couple is allowed to be. Love and integrity is one thing, all the extra baggage is just Catholic-style domination.
@EVERYBODY: I am always amused at how often people who disapprove of a concept they are exposed to feel compelled to resort to the lame “calm down” and/or “take a break” argument-substitute thereby implying that the person who committed the “offending” crimethink somehow did that in a bout of uncontrollable anger or nervous breakdown. This is a rather crude variation on the ad hominem fallacy in which you basically dismiss an argument by dismissing the mental state of the person making it. Frankly, when I wrote the post above I knew that it would trigger such reactions – it comes with the territory of any dissent – but I still am both amazed and amused by each such occurrence.
Folks, if you feel that I am hateful, paranoid, or in need of “opening up a bit” (whatever that is supposed to mean) or that I am a religious bigot, why even bother reading this blog? If the best you can come up as an argument are such sophomoric statements, why even bother posting them? Who are you trying to convince? Me – the author of such a “foul, disgusting and offensive” post? Other readers maybe?
I recommend that you simply dismiss me as a hateful nutcase instead, that you just drape yourself in your certitudes and ignore anything I might say in the future. This blog is not about trying reaffirming you or your beliefs, I am not in a popularity contest here and I am not trying to make you feel good or happy. I speak the truth as I see it and I do that for those who appreciate that even when they don’t agree with me.
When I married my wife I promised her only two things: that I would be loving and committed/faithful. I did not promise her anything else. To those who read this blog I promise honesty and truthfulness, not affirmation or praise.
Finally, I did explicitly state that you should approach this blog as an AA meeting: take what you like and leave the rest. If you can’t do that – don’t go to an AA meeting and don’t read this blog.
It’s that simple. Really :-)
The Saker
Putin and Merkel, over a hundred photos.
Do you see what I see?
The Angela-only archive on this site reveals that playing kissie face with Angela is compulsory. Some hilarious shots of poor old sticks without a clue how to do it, puckered up from six feet away.
Mr. Saker,
I must preface this comment with the high degree of respect and esteem in which I hold your blog and analyses. While I don’t always agree 100% with what is expressed (I probably clock in at 98%), even on the points of divergence I can respect the cogency of what is being put forth.
However, the argument that homosexuality is a sexual psycho-pathology, a disease resulting from a sick culture, simply doesn’t hold water. Homosexuality is found in every modern culture and every historical culture that recorded their history. It’s about a true of constant as there is when it comes to humans; you find it EVERYWHERE. Ancient Greece, China, the Middle East, you name it. Even in Saudi Arabia today you’re only gay if you’re the one being sodomized, the sodomizer is deemed straight.
Certainly while sexuality is or can be flexible in humans does not mean everyone starts from the same sexual “point 0” and only deviates from there. Different people have different starting points. Even the children of those “healthy” couples in your post, those living off the grid and out of the West’s reach, will turn out to be gay at the same rate it happens everywhere else. I would bet my life on it, and I’m not a betting man.
Don Wiscacho
Happy families?
In a clan or tribe, settled or nomadic, everyone spends a lot of time with everyone else, as a group. In a peasant village a little less so, but close relatives are there. So if a couple don’t get on, they have plenty of others to get on with. Plenty of advice and social pressure, too, if one is really doing the wrong thing. A man can’t beat his wife or kids without everyone knowing and putting a stop to it. A man cannot leave his wife, either. He lives by having his land here. where can he go? A wife can’t leave her husband, where the only paid work for women is prostitution.
So how wonderful there was no divorce? they HAD NO CHOICE. Men started deserting women as soon as it was possible for them to move elsewhere and still make a living. Blame the industrial revolution. If they stayed and instead just beat her every Saturday night, there was no family close by to stop them. Women started walking out of situations like that only when financial support for them became available.
It is a function of mobility, not being tied to a single location or a single way of making a living. And indirectly, being among strangers, lack of moral support while having to “be everything” to the other.
The fact that it is easier to leave MAY be encouraging people into wrong decisions. Having fewer examples of “right decisions” in their lives may also contribute. And so does mobility in itself, that partners may be chosen from people with a different culture. (Most of Europe now is suffering the influx of foreigners, thanks to the EU; it’s only going to make these things worse as cultures get further diluted).
So, Cassie, who’s the best?
It’s a team sport; judging individuals is not really legitimate, but . . .
Russian Jews. Gold and silver.
Native Americans pretty good.
Central/South American Hispanics: If they were as good as they thought they were, they’d be Russian Jews.
Don’t be so easily-baited by one or two breathless, lobotomized gossip-merchants in the bowels of the toilet media. This was a non-story that was fluffed-up to fill a few more screen inches; no need to flap.
Your written English skills have improved greatly since I first came to your site. Congratulations on another excellent article.
Dan Smith
I come to the Vineyard for accurate information about Ukraine, Russia, and the anti-imperial world. The Saker provides facts that cut through the warmongering propaganda. What he’s doing is invaluable, and may well be forestalling another world war. All honor to him for that.
Strange that in religion and social mores, the Saker speaks from sacrosanct traditions that, however elaborate their histories and intricacies, come from reasoning, not evidence. Simply, I do not recognize my experience of homosexuality from the Saker’s comments on the subject. He (and President Putin) seem overly impressed by drag acts like Conchita Wurst — but that is show biz, not gay life. Gay life is living with my spouse (now husband) of 32 years, shopping, cooking, belonging to civic organizations to work for the entire community. Social pressure in the past forced gay people to live in ghettos or in secret, where they developed their own folkways. (Drag was one — if the culture deemed that everyone was purely male or female, and one didn’t fit the male category exactly, the choice was to act as some sort of female — “Oh, Mary!” Those days are past, but the tradition lingers as entertainment.) Now that gay kids can pair off at the same time as their contemporaries, and not delay adolescent experiences until they’re on their own in their 20s or 30s, being gay is becoming about as distinctive as being left-handed or red-haired. Gay culture was fun (and supportive when it was necessary), but it’s fading.
If there are any people who know from experience that the official propaganda, the conventional wisdom, is incomplete or just wrong, it’s the gays. We grow up with people like the Saker telling us what we’re like, and we find that our experience is otherwise. It’s a shame that tradition and religion in Russia considers homosexuality a degenerate importation of the West. When I want to celebrate President Putin as a world leader, gay friends point to the repression of gays in Russia. (Forbidding information about gays to adolescents assumes that if they don’t know about it, they won’t be tempted to do it. But sexual attraction appears with puberty, and it’s precisely the teens who need information — and alternatives. Simply finding partners and getting on with life is the best course of action. Repression, and suppression, make for deep-seated problems.) Yes, the Imperialists are currently beating Russia with the gay club; I wish Russia would take that weapon out of their hands. Difficult, I realize, when the Orthodox Church is an important pillar of support.
Yes, same-sex attraction affects a minority (4%? 6%? 10%?). That doesn’t make it an aberration. Just a natural part of the social order that needs recognition. (Nor are the intersexed [people born with ambiguous genitals] or transexuals aberrations. They’re just people different from the majority who should be allowed to live the lives most appropriate for them.)
I hope that the Saker (and clueless commentators on this blog) will be able to open their eyes to gays and other sexual minorities as contributing members of the larger society, not as strange others.
In any event, the Saker has wisely focused his Vineyard on facts in Ukraine and the propaganda assault on Russia and its allies. That enterprise is essential. Let’s continue to put attention there.
Sexually dysfunctional yes, the most sexually dysfunctional in the world, no. Different societies are “the most” dysfunctional depending on the metric, and they are not all western. The highest rate of gender mutilation eliminating maleness occurs in Iran. Domestic violence up to and including murder is accepted in India and in a lot of Muslim countries. Assuming for the sake of argument that abortion is a metric for dysfunction, Japan far exceeds the west. But there are few societies where mothers are as dedicated to their offspring as Japan. The biggest producer of pornography is Japan. The biggest per capita consumer of pornography is South Korea. The Koreans hate the Japanese, but apparently they like watching them fuck.
The west’s dysfunction consists largely of its prudishness and its denigration of the erotic nature of femininity. That stands in a somewhat jarring contrast to the embrace of the giddy licentiousness of gays, which is largely the result of political calculations for short-term gains.
LOL. I do not know where your Chinese friend came from, but it is no event in my (Chinese) book. She was famous long before her husband was, I am sure she is worldly enough to understand it only means friendliness from a different culture, nothing more. I would not sweat it one way or other. I’d dare to say no Chinese would.
I love it when men hold doors for me too, and they do it in droves, as do women and children. One young man in my neighbourhood walks out and stands in the road between me and traffic coming around the corner, without even looking at me for acknowledgement.
But that’s because I’m in a walking frame and need help.
When I was hauling hay, mucking out stalls, breaking young thoroughbred stallions, blacksmithing, if any man had treated me like a crippled old woman harsh words would have ensued.
BTW, it is inappropriate to touch the Queen period. There is no appropriate way to do it. One Canadian got roasted for doing that “splayed fingers on the back to signal direction” move. Michelle Obama hugged the Queen. The Queen invited the Obamas back for a private breakfast. Sometimes human instincts prevail over protocol.
nzakharchuk said…
“I have to remind myself that your peculiar cultural attitudes are not the reason why I read your blog. You should stick to politics.”
Of course it’s your blog, Saker – and your call what to write, but I think you might listen to friendly criticism if you wish to accept comments.
This is the first time I’ve posted a comment here. I have, however, visited often and found the blog a useful resource. I came here today thinking you might have a critique of Elliot Higgins latest intervention into global politics, which Australia’s PM seems to treat as revealed wisdom in his latest anti-Putin mutterings.
Instead, I find you’re busy alienating significant portions of your readership with what seem to me to be rather petty cultural prejudices.
That’s a shame. I doubt Putin would be so unwise. Perhaps you should study his style rather more closely?
To be fair, this issue was first hyped by internet chat before made into a big fuss by the MMS. Also I doubt this was a big thing outside the USA media.
Here is an article by BBC.
The USA is really the trash media of the world. We have it bad, but nothing compared to the USA.
Apart from the BBC article which I read because of your article, it’s a waste of time. Not really worth a page.
Putin should learn that that Asia is more conservative than the West, and Asian men are more possessive of their wives. Considering how lax the West, I think a little possessiveness, if it stops teen daughters walking around with half their buttocks exposed out in summer, is a good thing.
watch william boone—searcher for the truth—-like yourself.
maybe you get the story. it tells you something about yourself. and how broken our stories are.
In these days nothing is simple anymore but with contradictions and many of those.
deal with it and don’t make it simple!
still love you baby!
ps.: this shows how good our enemy is. nothing in europe or asia that can beat this mindfuck – as this level of sophistication. learn from it! same time admire their skills!
Putin bashing in Oz just reached new levels of hysteria… now Russia is accused of doing a ‘naval shirt front’ and ‘sending warships’ with 4 navy ships cruising (in international waters) off Brisbane ahead of G20.
The way blogs work is, the owner/approved author writes a blog and the readers comment on it. In other words the blog sets the discussion topic of the day.
I thought.
Must we agree with everything in the blog? everything in the other comments? are there blog topics that are off limits to disagreement? maybe those should have comments disallowed.
Is the blogger the only one entitled to speak the “truth as THEY see it”? (and everyone did give reasons, not just “calm down”). If something is not open for discussion, why write a blog about it?
I guess the reaction just shows, people from VERY diverse cultural backgrounds can still agree on, or see, some things the same way. Maybe we just think we agree? do we just use the same words but attach different meanings to them? do we know something is objectively wrong? or do we go on feelings and prejudices? who knows? who will ever find out, if we don’t challenge each other? help each other expand our minds from the one-sided histories we’ve all been taught?
I can hardly wait for threaded comments, boy oh boy will there be some discussions! keep them civil ;)
Saker, you are so right.
There is anyway a layer of decency that is part of us, western people, that is still intact. Zionist controlled media and the ‘moral of Hollywood’ that they promote can disrupt the cultural references of many of us but they can not change our human nature. We still tend to dream of women that are delicate and modest.
Take for instance all the attention around Natalia Poklonskaya that has been growing since last March. Look at the comments on the You Tube video in which she plays piano in the Livadia Palace in Crimea: there are hundreds of americans and western europeans that are simply fond of her and her manners, calling her ‘the perfect wife’. And she is exactly the opposite of the female role-model imposed by globalism.
If we overthrow the alien entity that controls our perception of reality, I am confident that we can still restore our societies. Russia, with its example, can be instrumental to this process of liberation and re-civilization.
Sorry, folks (the ones who don’t believe this), but all wars on this planet are religious wars when you scratch beneath the surface. This is why Saker makes the statement that all he wants is for his Orthodox brethren to be LEFT ALONE, for Christ’s sake.
Abraham Lincoln understood the US Civil War to be a religious war, but he never openly talked about it because he was justifiably terrified that the war over secession would devolve into a nasty brutish “Thirty Years’ War” and he wanted to avoid that horror at all cost. US officials got their revenge for the Lincoln assassination by supporting Garibaldi.
Sorry, no link. Let me try that again.
Putin and Merkel, 100s of photos.
Do you see what I see?
The Angela-only archive on this site reveals that playing kissie face with Angela is compulsory. Some hilarious shots of poor old sticks without a clue how to do it, puckered up from six feet away.
“so called ‘gay’ rights”
There are people born gay. They have often been persecuted against. The rights movement seeks to end that persecution. The end.
And yes, they are born gay. There is no significant dispute about this in the scientific community. Homosexuality naturally occurs in humans, and has been observed in some 1,500 other species besides.
Probably most famous is the Bonobo, which is the closest ape relative to humans and which regularly engages in casual and same-sex intercourse as a form of both stress relief and to strengthen social bonds.
I get that you have a cultural revulsion to the thought of two men getting it on with each other, but that’s your problem. You don’t don’t get to deny people rights because something makes you feel uncomfortable, nor because whatever old book you choose to follow says it’s bad. It also says not to each shellfish or wear clothes made of two or more different types of fabric, but I suspect you’ve never had a problem with either of those things.
Got news for you, there are gay people in Russia, just as there are everywhere. Probably a lot more than you suspect. I’ll be generous and assume you don’t condone beating up gay guys on the street, but I also suspect you would defend the recent amendment to a Russian child-sex law preventing ‘gay propaganda’. Telling kids that some people are gay, and that it’s okay does not constitute propaganda.
Sex: the answer
Biologists studying instinctive behaviour observe a strange type of it in some species. Animals are cued to exhibit instinctive behaviour by a releasing factor or a close facsimile. But sometimes the facsimile doesn’t have to be close.
Mother robins drop worms into gaping beaks, or cardboard replicas of gaping beaks. Baby robins are triggered to gape by mom’s red breast, or a facsimile.
But neither responds best to the facsimile most like the real thing. Baby robins will starve to death gaping at an enormous red balloon while mother robin is dropping worms into a big tin funnel.
The name for these inappropriate releasing factors is “supranormal dummies.”
Store-fronts of shoe shops often feature facing windows, men’s on one side, women’s on the other. The shoes appear to have been made for two different species. Secondary sexual characteristic — women have smaller feet.
Cinched waists. Shaved legs. Long hair. Lipstick. Rouge. Padded butts. Bustles. Plucked eyebrows. Let’s not even talk about boobs!
The male human sap responds sexually to supranormal dummies and the female does not.
Men have trouble detecting gays in drag. They are men decked out with supranormal dummies of female secondary sexual characteristics. Men nervously collect little tips on how to identify them: “look at the wrists.”
Are readers here familiar with the creative genius of Lex Gigeroff, creator of the sci-fi masterpiece, ‘Lexx’? If I remember correctly, he was a Russian-German-Japanese Canadian. You would have to be a Russian-German-Japanese Canadian to come up with giant Godzilla-Laika who stomps all over Tokyo in her big hob-nail boots. Russians and Germans have similar gallows humor.
Anyway, every episode of ‘Lexx’ is like a complete mockery of the decadence, depravity, and degeneracy of the Weimar Republic (except the episode called “Brigadoom” – it’s a Bollywood musical, and the theme of it is actually very powerful). I strongly recommend people lighten up and watch this superlative Sci-Fi series; it’s on Youtube for everyone’s hilarity and enjoyment.
And Saker, you would probably love the Lexx soundtrack by composer Marty Simon. It is spooky, eerie, beautiful, ethereal, and slightly menacing space jazz. The piece called ‘Poet Man/Cryo-Chamber’ is especially interesting. Youtube it, you won’t regret it. Marty Simon is probably one of the most underrated composers out there.
@Vehme:There is anyway a layer of decency that is part of us, western people, that is still intact.
I know, believe me. I have seen it everywhere, even in some of the sickest cities in Europe and the US. The Russian bad Vladimir Vyssotski once wrote that “boots cannot crush souls” and he is right. They can subject us to a massive brainwashing and stupidification campaign, they can try to train us (not ‘educate’, but simply ‘train’) to comply and feel that “black is white”, but the human soul always comes out victorious. Besides, you cannot built anything on a lie, that is an illusion. So our society continue to pretend like all this dandy and well, but that will help it no more than the playing orchestra on the Titanic. One short look at 5min of modern TV, one stroll down the sidewalk of our cities, a quick look at the kind of kids our society raises, and it becomes patently clear that no matter the denials, bile, vitriol and hatred spewed at those who dare say what they see, our society is going down the tubes, very very fast.
When dysfunction enters the elites, the elites become dysfunctional and when that happens, societies simply faceplant. Right now our elites and those who drank their cool-aid are like folks who jump from a sky-scraper and, passing the 10th floor on the way down, say “so far so good”. So far so good indeed :-)
Anyway, thanks for your positive interlude in this (very predictable) verbal lynching.
Cheers and kind regards,
The Saker
Saker – you are spot on.
I could not agree more.
And I base my comments upon the HUNDREDS (YES, – HUNDREDS) of years of collective teaching experiences of the dozens of teachers that I know, including my wife and I, across a broad range of socio-economic districts in 3 states in Australia in both public and private schools, from the late 1960’s to the current time. As well as the collective clinical experiences of tens of health practitioners, of which I am but one. Our humble conclusions?? Read Saker’s article again, and again, and again. This is what we, the above, have all witnessed in both of the areas of health and education at the ground level – the sick attitudes in our young people – a true reflection of the state of their families – and we try/have tried so hard to work with/against these conditions to change this society for the better, away from the steady disintegration of the people in the West – in Australia, for sure – owing to the disruption of family life, coupled with manic materialism, sexual perversion, mixed in with Catholicism. Witness the latest plague of outpouring of the testimony of sexual abuse victims of the Western churches. (Where is Australia’s Catholic leader, Pell at the moment in all of this??? The Vatican, where else?). In addition, the Australian PM is a Jesuit – note his perverse attitudes and undeveloped character. Another US puppet. Yes – Australia is at an all-time low in socio-cultural/spiritual terms.
Haha, a hornet’s nest was indeed stirred with this post.
About the issue of homosexuality:
1. That many animals exhibit homosexual behaviours does not mean that homosexuality is normative for humans. Humans are certainly not morally obligated to imitate bonobos.
2. Human homosexual behaviour probably has various causes but it is a natural albeit naturally marginal phenomenon. So long as homosexual behaviour remains a marginal phenomenon there is nothing to get excited about. That has been the attitude of most long-lasting civilizations in human history.
3. The current mainstream homosexual activism is harmful because it subverts the healthy male virtues of physical courage, discipline, the capacity to dream and plan big, etc. Those virtues were conducive to the earlier stage of capitalism where industrial development and entrepreneurship were central but have become increasingly inconvenient to the present late-stage of capitalism where consumerism is central. In the early stage of capitalism, there were vast physical markets to be opened up and as such titans and conquerors were promoted. In the late stage of capitalism, there are few physical markets left (North Korea maybe…) and thus, in its search for new markets, capitalism looks inward to re-arrange human behaviour so as to induce ever-greater consumption. Men, traditionally constituted in almost any society, make less efficient consumers than women. Homosexual activism, like feminism, is thus funded by big capital to make the society more effete so that individuals will consume more. It is the flip side of the rise of personal debt. One creates the desire to consume more while the other creates the material capacity to consume more. It is no coincidence that most consumer goods and services are geared to women. That most top people in business are men is irrelevant, especially now since top management no longer controls the big corporations as that controls generally sits with banks and private equity groups.
Wow. So much verbal stuff hitting the fan today.
I hope everyone sent in a donation. You throw bricks, pay for the window.
Not one good counter-argument by the way.
Saker lives his values.
Would any of the brick-throwers run a blog like the Vineyard?
I don’t agree with some stuff he presents. I do admire his depth and his strength to present his view with clarity.
Being Roman Catholic (which I am) is virtually indefensible ever since the end of Pope John 23. From the seventies on the vatican and the bishops have been a travesty. Corrupt, degenerate and worthless to the decent Catholics.
If Saker has a longer view of things, it opens my eyes, because I went K-12 Catholic parochial school and never heard a word of what he exposes here. So I am thankful for his edifications.
As for the sexual-gender stuff. I’m 100% with him about his analysis. We have a Cult of Liberals dismantling nature and calling it the new normal.
One reason this blog has attracted so many readers and commenters is in the struggle in Novorossiya and the destabilization of Russia, the core of resistance is values–orthodoxy, traditional views of marriage and gender, deep moral behavior that attracts us to what once was our norm, our mores. It’s sovereignty of state and sovereignty of the individual, of nature and ultimately the Sovereignty of God.
The Hegemon, the West, the Cult of liberals all represent the satanic challenge.
All Saker is doing is holding up a lantern so we can see what lurks in the shadows.
We can avoid the abyss if we use the light.
The explanation of the MSM Putin bashing was great.
But dear Saker, for someone who is crying out for rest, who is over worked and time poor … gosh why did you exposure so much of your personal thoughts on this topic knowing that the floodgates of comments would burst open drowning you?
Even though you said you would not engage in responding to those comments that stuck the knife into you… you found it impossible to resist. (wasting your precious time)
Please go and enjoy your birthday retreat with your lovely wife and leave the people here to argue the unwinable amongst themselves.
Russia to Expand Bomber Patrols Into Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has announced his nation will expand long-range bomber patrols into the western Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.
Shoigu says that the bombers will be making use of bases in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.
We can come here and take what we want from this blog, we can agree or disagree.
I find it odd that so many people insist that we all have to agree on all things or they won’t continue with the the blog.
This blog is a big tent that you can occupy and share if you wish to do so, and we don’t all have to share the same opinion about sexual politics.
Saker, you mention that the Freemasons had some influence on western sexuality. What was that? And what are the Freemasons, really? I spoke to one recently and couldn’t get anything useful out of him, he described it as a good bunch of fellows who get together socially. What is it all really about? I know that you are always busy, but maybe you will have the time one day to write a brief piece on what the Freemasons are – I’m not trying to make more work for you!
When I try to research it, I run into so much conspiracy stuff that I don’t know where to begin. Is there a good book on the subject which you would recommend? Thanks, and
Don’t let the droppings of sewer rats bother you. It is in the nature of rats to defecate everywhere, and it is the nature of most of the western media to defecate through their mouths. If Putin had not offered her the blanket, they would have pronounced him an ungallant lout, perhaps adding some snide remarks about boorish Russians. As for discussing sexuality with westerners, especially the LGBT (did I get the acronym right?) crowd: you might as well talk to the deaf. My personal view is that if the western world gets it kicks sticking poles up their backsides, let them please themselves. By elementary Darwinian logic, all these LGBT types are doomed for extinction anyway. I have no hatred towards LGBT or homosexuals; but I resent the political agenda that they carry and represent, to wit, a super nanny state, all under surveillance, all thoughts to be rigidly monitored for the slightest hint of political incorrectness, and the ultimate human right declared to be LGBT rights – and never mind the silly old rights to be free of hunger, starvation and unemployment. In short, on many counts, I have now ceased to engage in serious discussion with most westerners. And lastly, I must say that it is about time that Putin and the Russian govt stopped their self-effacing talk and mannerisms. Enough of that “our partners” nonsense.
If we have to wait until each of us completely agrees about everything, then we are never going to get anywhere.
Putin was just being thoughtful and a gentleman. Every day, Putin impresses me even more while every day Obama sickens me more.
I am an American and America has become a vile country of War and Welfare with endless corruption. I fully support NovoRoyissa and Syria who are fighting against the NWO and ZATO.
So, teachers are angels? no teacher ever sexually abused a child? beat them with sticks? twisted their arms? routinely kept them in without lunch? more recently got them handcuffed and arrested by police (happens every single day in the USA) get them diagnosed with ADD to be put on ritalin as young as 5 or 6?
No doctors ever did experiments on poor people? illiterate natives? (they still do in India), force sterilised poor or disabled women? became drug addicts?
Every group of people include some who are bad and some who did unspeakable things. That must not be used to smear all the ones who did NOT. And drag Catholicism into it? WOW you must really think these are really powerful — they’re less than 26% of the population (and a lot of those only nominally) and they are to blame for all this mess?
No other religion’s priests or pastors ever abused a child? no scout leader? no football coach? no UNCLE or FATHER?
What you seem to have is hundreds of years collective assorted bigotry, to the detriment of straight thinking. The REAL tragedy of it is, if you are so darn sure your bigotry explains what is wrong, you are put off making any attempt to discover the true causes — without which you have no hope of ever making a change. You even miss out seeing the thousands of lovely, friendly, sensible and decent young people who are out there, who remain all that despite being constantly vilified.
Just because of confirmation bias — every time you an example that matches, you notice it; every time it’s something different you ignore it, look right through it. We all need to start checking, AT EVREY TUEN, “is that really so?” and “why”?
Wow ! Lots of comments on this one !
Also St. Paul has been used and abused by early Roman Church “Fathers”. I really like reading through the New Testament and also reading scholars about the New Testament..and the scholars are pointing out that all the epistles of Paul that have been used to condemn women…are bullshit…see Elaine Pagels “Gnostic Gospels” for a very enlightening take from a scholar on these horrible epistles where Paul supposedly says women must take their second place to their men…Elaine Pagels and others see clearly from the wording that these parts of the Great Apostle have been manipulated….some of Pauls best friends were women, and he would never condemn them to wearing hats so they don’t go mad in the congregations…
All people who were repressed have had to make a revolution. They are not “given the right” to be heard. They have it take it for themselves.
We approve of ethnic separatists, do we? but not of women fighting to get the vote? fighting for equal pay? fighting to not be charged higher interest on loans on the grounds of “they won’t be able to pay anyway” (talk about self-fulfilling prophecy), homosexuals fighting to be NOT BEATEN UP? not excluded from jobs? not forced into drug “treatments” for something they were born with? (do we force people to change their eye colour???)
You don’t like these people screaming and shouting and making a fuss? start treating them the same as everyone else and they will quieten down like everyone else.
Equal rights only for the people we approve of? so let’s go back to oppressing all the “illiterate natives” and make sure they stay illiterate. Let’s go back to literally killing the other religions (or at least cheer ISIS in their endeavours). Let’s go back to every country oppressing their own minorities. Let’s start to support Azov and Dniept-1 because after all, they just want repress the people THEY think shouldn’t exist. Why not, if that is to be a legal acceptable way to look at other people? or again, will it depend on who we like? where is the equality in that?
Next logical step is to allow what the Evil Empire is doing, too. After all they’re just treading on people THEY don’t like or THEY don’t consider equal enough, human enough, for them to matter. That’s ok, isn’t it?
Guess we could just set up counter-propaganda and forget about the moral high ground.
Pity about that, high ground is the best place to be in a war. If you want to win it.
Larchmonter said “All Saker is doing is holding up a lantern so we can see what lurks in the shadows.” Today was a chance to see what lurks in the mirror.
Great topic ! I wish I could be taken care of by a man like Putin
Of course, that video about a Man Like Putin is actually jaded because it seems like its propaganda, but the words in the song are for real and millions of woman world wide love this song and what it says.
Saker what a great topic !!
To add to what you’ve said about the confusion of everything today…it is “liberal” to be a mixed bag…this is brilliantly dealt with in a book called “The Ideology of Tyranny” by a great author Guido Preparata…he follows this crazy liberal thing to Michel Foucault…Mr Neo liberal himself…but the book is a masterpiece of studying Foucault’s mentors…be prepared to by convinced…its a great book.
I’m sorry to have even more to say, but can’t resist…
Poor Putin is actually being punished by the hysteria and attention for being a sweet decent man.
I have been thinking of this quite alot lately, because I used to be a woman with some money, and there is a real difference between men…some will take a woman’s money…they work for women…
Other men will help a woman, especially one that’s alone in the world…
Now which man do you think I prefer ?
Excellent analysis, I agree wholeheartedly. Me and my wife have been called ‘throw backs’, some women have even suggested that the situation seems ‘controlling’, yet our roles are not enforced, they are natural and occurring in full openness and understanding. There is Love, where the critics live in a sphere of perpetual angst. They have a broken worldview and it causes them psychological pain, yet they are unaware of the source, and quick to cast aspersions. It’s sad really.
Juliana !
” juliania said…
Dear Saker, please be calm and accepting of people in other faiths, even other Christian faiths. Here is a wonderful thing you have said:
” In Christian tradition every single Orthodox person, man and woman, is responsible for the upholding of the Truth handed down to us by the Apostles and the Fathers and we take that duty very, very seriously.”
I would like to point out something that I think can be missing, when people rely on Church..whether Roman or Russian or any other…even on the Holy Apostles…
Christ is living amongst us now. He left His high realm and descended to Earth, and although he did ascend again…it was not to his “old” place…it is in the environs of the Earth…”I am with you always”…
This is why I would like to see more people less dependent on the Church…and more in finding the difficult, narrow gate through which we can find the Christ, as a Being that is waiting for us to seek him.
Rate of abortion is 2 1/2 times higher in Russia than in France.
Orphanates in Russia are full of children abandoned by their parents. Alcoholism in the parents being a frequent factor.
Those numerous orphans find no one in Russia to adopt them: not enough couples willing. By contrast, couples willing to adopt are more numerous in France, just as in other Western countries, than local orphans. Reason why international adoption exists at all
When all is said about hypersexualization, courtesy, homosexuality etc. the following basics remain: Real men protect the weak, first of all the children. Real women protect the children.
When living in glass houses, it is advisable to refrain from throwing stones. Better for everybody to keep his own house in order.
Matthew 7, 1-5 is definite about these issues.
Pug 3:19
About Freemasons…there’s a good book called “The Brotherhood” by Stephen Knight, about FM…also, for a very spiritual book on the ideal Free Masons…Rudolf Steiner “The Temple Legend”
Its a huge topic, but in a few words (and I know you asked Saker, not me) it is a secret society that started around the same time as Christianity give or take a few centuries…no one knows for sure… it was interested in occult things…
It may have started during the building of the Gothic Cathedrals as the builders of those buildings were definitely masons…
Later it became anti-Catholic because the Church had become corrupt in an obvious way…wanting money to secure a place for someone in Heaven…
Nowadays its misused by “the left” (occultly speaking) and is no longer interested in spiritual things but only monetary things…
Skull and Bones the Yale Club is a perfect example of what I mean in the last paragraph.
According to Steiner there is no hope that Freemasonry can re-surect itself…its gone for good, as far as a positive force in civilization.
Hi Saker,
I am sure you are familiar with writings of the brilliant Alexey Khomyakov who said it all about the Roman church in very few words: “Protestantism is a legitimate child of Rome”. The Latin church, to its own detriment and to the spiritual detriment of its followers, changed every single Christian Dogma while persecuting anyone who dared to speak up against it. The Reform, while being honest in their criticism of Rome, sadly failed to trace their faith back to the holy fathers, the only true “interpreters” of faith to us, pitifully broken by sin. Instead, they picked up where Rome left off, and solely relying on their fallible human minds broke into a myriad of semi-Christian teachings where every road leads nowhere. As Khomyakov correctly said: “They are searching for the truth knowing very well that they will never find it”.
Dear Roman Catholics, we don’t hate you. We are deeply saddened by the spiritual fraud passed on as “The true Christian religion”. No amount of arguing is going to convince you unless you honestly study the history of your church and see the truth for yourself.
I found this correspondence between A. Khomyakov and an Anglican pastor Palmer. It contains a wealth of information on what exactly happened to the Western church brilliantly worded by Khomyakov himself in English.
You are missing the point. Its not whether homosexuality was practised at all. As I said before it was in pretty much every society and more or less openly.
The issue is whether homosexuality was viewed as being normal, appropriate and on a par with heterosexuality as the principle form of human sexual expression. This is what your “All studies show” comment was implying.
Let me see if I can make it easier for you gramps.
Consider drunkeness and sobriety. Drunkeness may well be openly and widely practiced. Even for specific reasons (feasts, celebrations etc) in a given society but it is never considered the norm for human behavior relations. Even in Greece pederasty was confined to the upper classes and was for cementing mentorship bonds. It did not play the same role as heterosexuality. It was a tool not an expression of universal human sexuality.
Yet what the liberals of the west are trying to foist on the world is the claim that homosexuality is just like heterosexuality and should be accorded the same place and acceptance in society.
Besides as I pointed out earlier if sexuality was merely indistinct and dependent on the situation as your original comment suggested, there should be numerous examples of human societies where homosexuality was the dominant form of sexuality and heterosexuality in the minority. If you want to prove your point those are the examples you should come up with not Greek pederasty.
Though of course you are free to give as the full bore on Greek pederasty. Just recognize that its not relevant to this discussion.
P.S. Does anybody else find this new captcha way too hard to read?
All wars on the planet are not religious in nature. In fact very few if any are due to religion. Imperialism is what you find when you scratch below the surface.
Pretty much all major recent (last 300 years) wars are due to western imperialism.
Surely some have noticed that a key Anglo-American strategy is to make societies dysfunctional. It could be with immigrants who don’t assimilate. It could be with crime or drugs. So it is not surprising that the land of dysfunction would be sexually dysfunctional. It is only fitting.
And the only way for such a small number of elitists to rule the world is to ruin it.
I dont really understand this agiatations against religion per se.
Understandable if I persive it from a “modern” perspective, but against a religious background its been a mess of alegations, strawmen and so on regading as one ex. the Catholic church.
I will for the sake of arguments leave out a lott of their politics, banking and so on, incl their history witch isnt what YOU think it is, anyway.
When the Pope, finaly made a statment about Gays/Homosexualls, and refered to the orthodoxy of their teachings, many becamed worried, but what actually happened was an clarification of what it mean to be a catholic, witch I found to be sane and true.In a Religious aspect, and the teachings acodingly to the Church, the ONLY issue should be and all about what YOU do to others, and the way YOU conduct your life.
Are you conscious, respectfull to anything, and so on, aka a good person, and how on earth did this boild down to something so pathetic as this “war” on Sex. I find it to be a divertion, since homosexuallity is comon in all spechies of primates, not comon, but still its there.
To me this Homosexually massive agiatations for and against it, is becomed a no go sone.
WE may agree upon the MSM narratives, and their pimping of Gays lifestyle and belife.
But to over look it and make it to something evil and/or something unnatural is a de facto fallacy of science and nature.
I consider my self as 100% hetro, thats probably why I dont have any problems with Gays, and do infact chrerish their company if possible because they are far more literate and educated than comoners are usally, and I have grown out of p…, beer and cubic.
This is just a short narrative, but you gett the pickture.
This goes as well to the other religious difections, as Islam, witch is perverted beyound belife this days as the comon church is.
We think we are in a recourse war, it is equally a religious war, where both sides use Their description/interpitations of God and his laws as their guideline, to slaughter others.
Just ask any american, and They will tell you They have the God on Their side, of course.
Instead of pointing on Islam, the UssA is mutch wurse.
I hope that the Orthodox church goes back to its roots, namely the teachings of Jesus.
There is NO contradictions of been a real and true follower of Christ, and fighting for your land and family, non what so ever.
But anything beyound that, is a crime.
To trun the other cheek to the doer, dont mean to lett them kick you down, its about something mutch more valuable and regading the teachings of both Muhammad and Yeshua(among plenty of others), and that is, reconsiliation.
The difference bewteen a MAN and a beast.
And mentaly, the hardest thing we as humans can do and probably will encounter, its not easy, but the effect of the actions if you do it, is even notised in the realms of the Gods.
I am, a Cynical Anarcist, both notions that have loost its intitale meaning a long time ago.
I dont consider my self to be a christian, but the teachings of Christ, is what I also know and have expirienced to be true.
A road with a hart.
PS: I wrote in male tense, not intended, but this goes to women as well.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
― Gautama Buddha
@ Pavel in #1: sorry man, but if you’re catholic, you can not call yourself a Christian at all.
Christ told you to pray in a still chamber in secret and to not build golden temples, not to swear oaths, not to worship images and idols etc. Your “church” does all that and more, while disrespecting basic Christian values.
Let alone that they are moneychangers as well (Vatican mafia bank), who were whipped out of the temple by Christ himself and that they created and always supported every sort of fascism and extremism world-wide.
Wake up.
@ Topic: “it is enough to look at the huge income of the porn industry and realize that somebody is consuming that porn and that, by definition, those who are reduced to a sex-by-porn sexuality are completely dysfunctional, frustrated and sadly lonely people.”
Hardly disfunctional, it’s got other reasons – I know many women and had many, but I’d rather die then ever get married to any of them.
The vast majority are the female version of the worst macho man playboy whore and only know egoism and their little material interests. They don’t know what a “Man” is or even what a “human” is, they see everything just as numbers and value it as “useful for her success” or “not useful for her success”, whatever her goals are. The man himself, as a human being, is irrelevant except as a source of income, at best.
I just wanted to register my admiration for your post. Of course I agreed with you in toto concerning sexual dysfunction in the West and the role of religion in it.
“Unknown said…
Your anti-Catholic rants can be excused due to invincible ignornance.
12 November, 2014 17:32″
For fwck’s sake, just read the first evangelia and listen to what Jesus himself says. I mentioned it above.
You are taking part in a satanic cult, not a “chritian” chuch of any sort.