This photo comes from a Polish forum and has reposted by Colonel Cassad.
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Meet the new US, NATO and EU “allies” |
The Saker
This photo comes from a Polish forum and has reposted by Colonel Cassad.
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Meet the new US, NATO and EU “allies” |
The Saker
Not that I doubt for a second that Nazis are running rampant through the new abomi-nation of Ukraine, but this is too perfect. Some guys in military kit, the filthy compass rose alongside the Swastika and Azov Battalion flag… It could have as easily been shot in Moscow as in Kiev or wherever. No identifying landmarks, license plates etc.
Or, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…
Saker, those shabbos goyim are not nationalists.
I wish I had the patience to explain my view. I need to start saving my writings because sometimes, in moments like this, I’m not in the mood to type them all over again.
How in the hell do these people take orders from the jewish oligarchs that rule Ukraine. This really needs a proper explanation. Paul Craig Roberts has staunchly maintained that there are Nazi factions in Ukraine militias but he will never mention the ethnicity of the Ukrainian oligarchs or explain the obvious contradiction of Nazis working to further jewish interests.
This picture is all over Twitter too – stuff like this gets harder for Kiev to hide.
BTW Saker, I loved your post below on the “US Controls all Gulf of Mexico” comparison to what Breedlove said about Crimea! I really have developed an image of this fellow Breedlove as NATO’s version of Dr. Strangelove:)
Very informative discussion has been interrupted at Croatian forum about Ukraine and Russia with explanation that there will be new rules. BTW, demoncratic trolls were getting heavy casualties with couple of posters who were translating original videos from Russian and Ukrainian. They even had very convenient expressions for events, just add “democratic” before everything:
exp: “democratic beatings”, or” democratic dumpster lustration”, or “democratic shelling of civilians”.
anyways, here is forum and its topics about Ukraine and Russia which are closed since Sunday:
Never underestimate the power of demoncracy
Non ci fanno paura. Dalle mie parti, Lombardia, confine con il lago Garda e il fiume Mincio, i nostri Padri partigiani Italiani hanno fatto bere la terra fino ad ubriacarla di sangue nazista, nel 1945.
Nel 1915- 18 furono il Carso e le Dolomiti a bersi il sangue Tedesco.
E prima ancora, nel 1859 in un giorno solo i nostri bisnonni accopparono 40.000 Austro Ungarici, a Solferino.
Come vedete costoro, i Krucchi nazisti, non ci impressionano. Li aspettiamo.
Greetings from Singapore:
It is now a constant: The US always uses extremists (Wahabi/salafists & fascists) to do their proxy wars. It was with Al Qaida, it is with ISIS and now in Ukraine with fascists. It is a constant too that this guys turn around after and fight their creator/boss.
I have zero tolerance for fascists. My father was 2 1/2 years in Buchenwald for the sole reason of being a Yugoslav patriot/partisan when he just was 24. Russia lost close to 20 million souls fighting and defeating nazism/fascism. Russia is today the ONLY guarantor for the elimination of any kind of nazism/fascism and they have as a non-Russian my full support.
The only right place for a nazi/fascist is jail.
Mario Medjeral.
Nothing to see here folks, move along -these are merely romantic Nazis reminiscing about old times.
More bread and circuses will be available presently.
In the meantime there is that drought-resistant Kardashian posterior to mesmerise all of you.
(Should it be registered as a WMD?)
I dunno, looks a bit staged to me. Any gaggle of fools could wave a couple of flags and throw a random cock-arm salute off to the side.
I don’t have a mortar far enough to reach, I hear they needed a Flash for the lighting on the photo.
Buon giorno Saker.
Linko questo, a proposito del MH17.
That’s a picture worth a thousand words if there ever was one!
Critical thinking skills are rare. Agenda driven lies are common.
I havn´t seen this video around here but it is a good one, subtitled in English, a Ukie general speak his mind on who´s in charge of the “ukraine”:
Labels are often used as tools of obsfuscation precluding detailed analysis.
Labels are often used as kabuki masks to which hate is directed, dissipating energy, releasing tension, and limiting effective action towards transcendence whilst giving emotional satisfaction that action has been undertaken.
In propaganda circles Chaplin’s The Great Dictator is used as an illustration of this.
Orwell’s 1984 also describes this technique in group hate activities.
Ideas like all phenomena have half lives, and preception forms part of any analysis.
Description/explanation through analogy deflects focus precluding detailed analysis.
According to present information there are no members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP)presently in Ukraine, although this may be moderated by a sprinkling of members who would likely be older than 89 years and formerly recognised as members of the volksgemeinschaft, since membership was not usually offered to the schutzmannshcaft.
To wave a flag was never the only requirement to being offered membership in the NSDAP.
As to the ideas of the NSDAP and their currency in Ukraine, some aspects of “national community” are being dissipated as illustrated by local actions against the oligarchs, the educated,and the metropolitan centres.
The notion of being part of the cognoscenti and/or elect is being dissipated by each setback, and increasing resort is being made to terror, rape and pillage – even in Kiev, Lviv and other centres.
Terror, rape and pillage have been consistent tactics used by the opponents since at least 1945, including being part of the curriculum in the School of the Americas and associated organisations, but the greater incidence of and resort to terror, rape and pillage are indicators of frustration rather than success, and that the techiques adopted are not realising the expected results.
The use of symbols reflect many of the uses of labels but add notions of historic continuity and inclusion.
To transcend your opponent you need to know your opponent which is precluded by resort to labelling.
Transcending the NAZIS (NSDAP) National Socialist German Workers Party may require time travel which is presently not an option.
To transcend present opponents does not require time travel; physical travel being minimised through the increasing frustration/hubris of the opponents.
There are therefore many opportunities of lateral challenge if the ill advised techniques illustrated above are circumvented.
Although it will likely increase the resort to terror, rape and pillage in the short-term, like a suspension bridge under increasing oscillation, increasing the frustration levels of the opponents may prove beneficial in more than the short-term, and catalysts could include but not be limited to – Whatever happened to Stepan Bandera?; whatever happened to the Afghani translators possibly being too incendiary although already suspected by associates of those illustrated in the photograph.
Transcending the opponents requires lateral strategies as has been illustrated to date, and war is neither a zipless fuck nor an event.
Consequently there are no Nazis in Ukraine.
At least they feel they have to hide their identities. I still don’t understand the big appeal of Nazism for these people. What do they expect out of it? Do they enjoy being S.O.B.’s?
link below to video of pensioners trying to get their money out of closed banks east ukraine
The best part is the NATO flag. It says it all.
A coalition of Nazis and oligarchs currently rules Ukraine. Worst possible scenario.
Dear The Saker,
And yet again a picture says a thousand words. Maybe Churkin should show this picture at the UN. Following the anti-nazi resolution.
Disgust is a form of control often encouraged.
Testing for bowel cancer entails testing faeces and night soil can be a useful fertiliser.
Disgust can kill you.
The Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaichenko underlines that the Ukrainian authorities are working to create conditions for peaceful life to come back to Donetsk and Luhansk regions. He stated this at the international round table ‘Asymmetric War of Russia against Ukraine’ held at the National Institute for Strategic Studies today.
Mr. Nalyvaichenko drew attention to the crimes against humanity committed by the occupants. Population is not provided with either food or humanitarian aid; people are not given a chance to survive on the territories occupied by terrorists and military mercenaries. ‘Unite efforts of international community and Ukrainian leadership, first of all, the President of Ukraine, – this is what we can do save these people, primarily providing social safeguards and humanitarian assistance. Hospitals should resume working there as well as normal peaceful authorities, and looters, militants and criminality should finally leave that territory’.
According to him, the war was preceded by the treason on the highest state level. Mr. Nalyvaichenko stated that the war in Ukraine is a consequence of a total state treason, complete ignoring of the security and defence issues by the former state leaders.
The Head of SSU emphasized that today Ukraine needs to response to the four key threats to the national security: military aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, informational aggression against Ukraine, subversive activity of the special services, and the fourth threat – corruption.
Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Volodymyr Horbulin stated that our country is in the state of asymmetric war imposed upon it from the outside. ‘This is, first of all, a confrontation of different systems and values. The European system of open society and human rights, supported by Ukraine, is opposed by the ‘Russian world’ phenomenon’ – he thinks. Mr. Horbulin stressed that the aggression against Ukraine is the first attempt to destroy the United Europe project by force and introduce instead an alternative totalitarian vision of the world.
The Director of the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine Marcin Koziel remarked that the topic of the round table is important not only for Ukraine but for the whole Euro-Atlantic community. In his opinion, such challenges demand from the Alliance a reassessment of strategic security environment and, as a consequence, review of a number of programs and priorities.
The round table was organized for the representatives of security and defense sector agencies, research institutions as well as international experts. Alongside with the Security Service of Ukraine, the coorganizers were the National Institute for Strategic Studies, the NATO Liaison Office and the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine.
The experts discussed military and political aspects of European security and international law in connection with the annexation of the Crimea
by the Russian Federation, the hybrid war conducted by Russia against Ukraine, gave prognosis of the developments in the future and suggested ways of joint counteraction to the Russian aggression.
NATO experts on strategic communication put emphasis on the importance of strategic communications in the conditions of a hybrid war, which stipulates new requirements to conducting proactive informational campaigns and interaction with the public.
Press Centre of the SSU
So the implication is:—that’s it?
That is supposed to be the face of all Ukraine and all Ukrainians?
“The Ukraine was always a historical fiction, a completely artificial entity, originally conceived by the Papacy but which truly acquired a material form only thanks to Lenin and Stalin (the Ukies should be not be tossing down their statues, they should honor them as their founding fathers, really). But from 1991 through 2013 it did exist. It was very imperfect and it suffered from many problems, but at least it did exist. Now that Ukraine is gone forever. If you boil an aquarium, it is easy to make fish soup out of it. But you cannot turn a fish soup back into an aquarium. What we are observing today is this process of ‘social boiling’ from which there is no way back.”
—This quote indicates that Saker
is something of a stalinist,
essentially saying,
that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people,—all of them are “wrong” and none of them should exist.—This sort of attitude is a foundation for eventually murdering millions of people,—try to do to all “Ukrainian-speaking population” what Ivan the Terrible, per all sources, did to the original population of the Republic of Novgorod [he and his son spent one whole month torturing all the original Novgorodians to death, then resettled the city with other people loyal to him].
So with such an underlying attitude all that talk in Lavrov’s speech about the good of respecting traditions, religions, etc. DOES NOT APPLY TO UKRAINIANS. They have no “real” country, traditions, language, etc., to merit respect.
Looking at the world at large, it seems that in Europe and Mideast there are only a few nationalities which face a challenge to their very legitimacy and existence, with periodic genocidal efforts agsinst them.
They are notably the Kurds, the Ukrainians, the Jews/Hebrews and the Palestinians [those last two are ironically denying each other’s right to exist as sovereign state].
Who are the Ukrainians? I think you might even re-name them the “pre-Muscovite Russians”, given even their symbolism: the trident is the ancient symbol originating in so-called Kyivan Rus, the currency “hryvna” is the name of the currency of Kyivan Rus, the blue and gold colors were used in the kingdom of Halych-Volyn, one of the last sovereign states on the territory of what is now Ukraine.
Ukrainians are descendants of the pre-Muscovite Russians who founded most of the so-called “Russian world” in the first place.
Also, there is a difference between “created by” and “allied with”, with this whole concept that Ukraine was “created by” non-Muscovite forces rather than being simply “allied with”.
Moscow and its government did not even exist until around 1270,
and it started like a mere dot on the map {I saw visuals], and then it just grew and grew, but then somehow got captured by the true anti-Christ pattern of crazy bloodthirsty tsar or Stalin-style leader [the “vozhd”] butchering and terrorizing first and foremost his own people, overkill in waging war against his own, starting with Ivan the Terrible and the pattern repeating thereafter. Actually, Putin & Co seem not to be stalinist, not really, but the spectre of true stalinism keeps looming in the background, like this abovementioned attitude about Ukrainians and Ukraine.
And as I have said, I often think that all of us humans are being influenced, manipulated, even possessed by spiritual demonic entities and “emotional organisms” which set the stupid humans
to be like gladiators in an arena, just endlessly hating and fighting, with the actual objective being simply the maximal production of rage energies and fear energies presumably for a nourishment of the predatory demons in the background. It takes detached intellectual analysis and strong will power to stop and defuse these emotional organisms influencing the wicked and fallen “human heart”.
Id call them zionazis or hollywood nazis. It’s not a secret by now that the new cabal leading Ukraine is dominated by zionist, or whatever word you wanna use, oligarchs, is it ?
To me, national socialism has a lot in common with other socialisms and I don’t view Third Reich as negatively as Russians and other slavic people, though I think I understand their viewpoint. I dont believe in many of the myths surrounding Germany under Hitler, either. The war between Germany and Soviet Union basically destroyed the strong nations in Europe and pawed for this new world empire we are living under.
From Ukraine, the fortress of the pre-Muscovite Russians [“vid tverdyni predmoskovskykh rusychiv”].
Considering the history which enjoys broad consensus,
two major crimes stand out perpetrated by J. Stalin and his government in Moscow
against the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian people.
1) Very shortly prior to the German invasion of the USSR, Stalin
ordered the execution
of many if not most of his most experienced, most professional and
effective military officers,
thus leaving the Red Army effectively leaderless when the German
invasion struck.
I can only draw some likely conclusions about why any leader would do
such a weird thing.
It must have been because Stalin needed to be always the unquestioned
“best” among all
others, and could not stand the idea that in a war, some experienced
professional military
officer [like Marshall Tukhachevsky for instance] might steal the
supreme praise from Stalin.
So in order to gratify his own needs for his own ambition as the
supreme leader [the “vozhd”]
Stalin destroyed the leadership of his own army. Due to the terms of the Treaty
of Rapallo in 1922, there was a period of sharing of military
technology with the Germans, and the seasoned
officers of the Red Army had reason to know the doctrines and weapons
of the German Army
and could well counteract the Germans. Had the Red Army possessed the leadership
of these seasoned and professional officers, it would have likely
stopped the Germans
in their tracks and maybe even launched a “blitzkrieg in reverse”
several years prior to what
was eventually done.—The whole terrible invasion and its vast losses
of lives and property
would have likely never happened.—The Socialist Republic of Ukraine
was a party to this
Treaty of Rapallo according to my sources. Had crazy bloodthirsty
Stalin NOT butchered
all those capable men, Ukraine would have likely been saved from the
invasion and all the
loss of millions of lives in the war. But then, Stalin was notoriously
NOT in the business
of saving human lives but in the business of sacrificing human lives.
2) In the early 1930’s Stalin undertook the industrialization of
Russia by purchasing the
heavy factory machines [no doubt did not build them all from scratch]
from certain financial
interests, a certain cartel in the West. Note this excerpt from E.H.
Carr’s book:—
“In December 1921 a group of industrialist and financiers of allied
countries (although not the United States) met in Paris, and proposed
the establishment of an ‘international corporation’ for the
reconstruction of Europe It was understood that large-scale investment
in Soviet Russia would be one of the major functions of the
corporation, since the exploitation of the Russian resources was now
recognized as a condition of European recovery” (E. H. Carr, The
Bolshevik Revolution 1917-1923, vol.3, p. 356, Penguin Books)
The payment was to be in grain, the only commodity that Russia had to
offer. Therefore,
the government in Moscow confiscated grain specifically targeting
Ukrainian farmers, and
arranged [with complicity of the “international corporation” as well]
for the huge famine
that was a serious attempt at genocide against Ukrainians,
especially since the famine was also accompanied by a pogrom and butchery of all
Ukrainian cultural leaders and activists, including the destruction of
Mykola Skrypnyk,
one of the older Bolsheviks who sought to reverse the results of
decades of Russification
in Ukraine, under the old tsarist regime.
Given even just these two atrocities, why would any Ukrainian want to
be ever again ruled
by any government in Moscow, given how crazy and bloodthirsty such
governments have
tended to be?—WD
the NATO flag is a nice touch, shame they didnt have room for the stars and stripes
“The FIFA confirms sanctions against Ukraine for racist behavior and Nazi salutes in Lvov”:
Hello from Skandinavia.
Keep up the good work Saker –
Time is on our side.
Yet another German social-Democrat polit-dinosaur Egon Bahr willing to break the current impasse and proposes to ‘respect’ the merger of Crimea with Russia:
Kind regards,
Plus aren’t the Ukis now forced to pre pay for heat?
Will there be a coup before Christmas?
Let the NATOists foot the bill
In a just world this photo would be on the front page of the New York Times
To Anon – your quote:
” Paul Craig Roberts has staunchly maintained that there are Nazi factions in Ukraine militias but he will never mention the ethnicity of the Ukrainian oligarchs or explain the obvious contradiction of Nazis working to further jewish interests.”
Yes, anon…PCR must know alot about the israel lobby in the US but never breathes a word about it.
Hmmm…if he would, then I would believe his really great articles were in true earnest..
I know he’s worried about his safety. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t speak about that…just look at poor Deudonne…
Anonymous said…
“So the implication is:—that’s it?
That is supposed to be the face of all Ukraine and all Ukrainians? “
I’m not sure if you get your history from Ukrainian “history” textbooks are not.But if so you need to search for real history.The “Ukrainians” are a West Russian dialect speaking group of Russians.There is not a Ukrainian ethnic people anymore than there is an Austrian ethnic people.If you look at ancient Rus you see that around a third of it was in present Ukraine and two-thirds in present “Russia” and Belarus.Many Russians are descended from settlers from areas of present Ukraine that for various reasons moved East and North over centuries.Much as Western Germans moved into Eastern lands in the Middle Ages.The area where Moscow is,like Brandenburg in Germany,became the leading state in the Russian lands,during the late Middle Ages.But is not separate from the rest of the “Russias” which included present Ukraine.Ukraine is merely,and always was merely,a region of a much better national entity known as the “Russian lands”.Ukraine and Russia today are separate countries.But just as Germany and Austria are separate.In neither case does that change the facts of history.Russia and Ukraine are both part of the “Russias” and Germany and Austria are part of the “Germanies”.And no amount of Ukrainian nationalist propaganda will erase over a thousand years of written history.
Uncle Bob
Anonymous said..
“Considering the history which enjoys broad consensus,
two major crimes stand out perpetrated by J. Stalin and his government in Moscow
against the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian people.”
Again more of that Ukrainian nationalist BS. There is no “Ukrainian people”. There are West Russian dialect speaking Russians that live in a country called Ukraine.Along with millions of East Russian dialect speaking fellow Russians as fellow citizens of the country of Ukraine.They are the same ethnic stock,”Russian Slav”.For years now,starting in the 19th century with outside interference.Some people have tried to twist history to their interests and create from a regional subdivision a whole fake “nationality”.And during the period from 1991 until today “Ukrainian” nationalists have worked overtime to construct that fake nationality even more.They have ended up with destroying their country by doing that.As for Stalin,the Georgian ruler of the USSR (not Russia alone).He made a mistake in purging the military.A mistake that harmed the USSR as a whole.And was not directed at Ukraine or Ukrainians.Just as the affects of the famine were felt in all the main food producing areas of the USSR,not just in Ukraine.Ukraine as a main food producing region,was badly affected.But not because it was “Ukrainian”,but because it was a main food producing region.If anything Stalin was a benefactor to Ukraine in the long run.Some of his top collaborators were from Ukraine.Much of the industry he pushed in the USSR was located in Ukraine.And he added a quarter of all the territory,and around 6 million people to within the current borders of Ukraine.Hardly the actions of a man trying to destroy Ukraine.
Uncle Bob
Those of you who have expressed a ‘healthy cynicism’ about the photo : Cassad has a follow up piece with the identity of its source, the original VK page URL, and more ‘not-Nazi’ screengrabs you might want to take a look at:
The Fascist thugs are playing up in Maidan Square again. ” days in a row…on the streets showing their thuggish behaviour.
As the economy starts to really bite along with the cold….we can probably another set of brutal riots in Kiev before Christmas.
I see we have Ukrainian “Anonymous” visitors frequenting the Saker website again.
This video is very revealing related to the MH17.
The Russians recently broadcast this documentary…..unfortunately i cannot understand Russian and it doesn’t have any English sub-titles.
I wonder if there are any Russian Speakers on here….that can provide their conclusion from this Documentary.
БОИНГ (Boeing) – Момент Истины 24.11.2014 (24 ноября 2014)
Translation of a blog entry describing the main points of the latest MH17 movie
Andrey Karaulov announced its version of the one who knocked down and Malaysian “Boing777.”
In mass crimes involved 299 Squadron Air Force of Ukraine of four stormtroopers, tail number 06.07, 08 and 38. knocks “Boeing” Su-25, tail number 08. Lёtchkik – Colonel Dmytro Yakotsuts, who soon fled to the United Arab Emirates. Anna Petrenko – Manager, which led “Boeing” from Dnepropetrovsk. The day after the tragedy has gone on vacation and has not returned to work. Judging by her page in the social networks, loves “Right Sector” and personally Kolomoiskiy.
According to the Karaulova, “Boeing 777” guarding advance and attacked on the orders from the ground. The first blow was struck 30-mm cannon Su-25 cockpit for pilots, The crew was killed instantly. The plane continued on autopilot to follow its course. Then it fired a missile “Buck” from the ground, which fell into the nozzle and finished off the inside. The plane-killer, Su-25, 10 minutes circled over the area of accident and photographed the crash site “Boeing”.
And most importantly – Karaulov claims that pilots, and those who shoot with “Buck” submit to the personal Kolomoisky, from whom they received the task to destroy the who was on board … Vladimir Putin. Kolomoisky wanted to kill Putin. He was told that the president of Russia after the tour of Latin America flies to Rostov on military exercises. Malaysian plane, similar in appearance to the Russian , was destroyed by mistake. Poroshenko learned about this crime, drunk with fear.
Following this, Kiev and the West did everything to the investigation had not taken place, and the truth has never been proven. Russia – the only party who is able to show and prove what really happened. I suppose that is not to Karaulov voiced their suspicions, and the results of the Russian investigation.
This is a variation on existing theories.
* main target was Putin but the order came from Kolomoisky, not Ukie government
* rather than BUK missed and plane did “coup de grace”, plane killed pilots, BUK was called to get plane down as it kept going on autopilot, PLANE CIRCLED AND TOOK PHOTOS OF CRASH
Meanwhile with the December 1 deadline fast approaching Ukraine is withdrawing services from Donbass
* postal services have ceased. They say mail addressed to Donbass addresses can be picked up ‘post restante’ at Ukrainian post offices. What happens to mail addressed to private addresses is not specified.
* however how will people get there? coach and rail transport across the “border” is to be stopped. Rail administration has also been ordered to stop services within the Donbass area, but of course they are capable of running it themselves, as long as they make sure the rolling stock is not all removed.
*there were already reports almost 2 weeks ago that buses to Luhansk were prevented from leaving Ukie areas on the grounds that “there is no such city”.
* stopping rail service will put a hole into Ukie plans/hopes to buy coal from Donbass. The only such plan they are likely to go along with is supplying Slavyansk power station, which has put in an order.These will be trucked, Ukie checkpoints permitting.
* LPR officials so far are not co-operating in arrangements for moving some 700 prisoners out of prisons in their area.
Only desultory sniping going on, no serious fighting. Everyone seems to be either digging in, or waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Several smaller towns have set up “social dining” where they cook in bulk for everybody; the idea is being taken to all villages. This will be a big aid to survival, making sure everyone gets something to eat.
Jeez, what a breakthrough! Van Rompuy finally agrees with Putin that Ukraine should be federalized.
Kind regards,
“Considering the history which enjoys broad consensus,
two major crimes stand out perpetrated by J. Stalin and his government in Moscow
against the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian people.”
I suppose the author in question believes the above pronunciamento to be something absolutely brilliant. Allow me, therefore, to just trash it with a healthy dose of Schadenfreude, contempt, and sarcasm. Here goes:
1) Actually, it does make “sense” to welcome Western sponsored Nazi mayhem and utter social collapse as progress as long as the stunning achievements of the USSR conversely are reviled. Some people simply do prefer squalor, for whatever reasons.
2) The Ukros seem to have very little to say about their true man-made famine in the 20th century, as opposed to their bogus Holodomor nonsense. Ukraine did indeed fall victim to a horrible, deliberate famine during the Western anti-Soviet campaign in the wake of WW1. The Allied powers entrusted the army of the defeated Kaiserreich to burn, slay and starve Ukraine’s poor. Hermann von Eichhorn, Adolf Hitler, and Angela Merkel trashed the Ukraine; Stalin and Putin not so.
3) In view of the above, the noble, distinguished patriotism of the Ukro Nazis becomes a very tender, lovesick plea for Ukraine’s terminal destruction, courtesy of the West. I must confess that it’s hard to blame Western imperialism for taking advantage of über-delusional plain offal.
Just One question.
Did this Stelkov(the hero) start this war or not.
And so far, inbetween the lines I gett that impression, and if so, they (noevorussians cause if it ever existed) lost me.
Then this civil war was instigated by others ( I have an idea of whom), and now, I dont truts either Your site any more, and certanly not the storys we have been feed, some of them rings bells in me, and when my bullshitt detectore is yelling I know something dont ad up.
And belive me, this isnt the first time WE have been fooled.
I am getting somehow used to be just that, nothing suprices me anymore, absolutely noting.
I am an old grumpy bastard, and I am not easy to convince.
So convince me/us about the facts.
nemchenk said…
Those of you who have expressed a ‘healthy cynicism’ about the photo …
Memchenk – I must direct you to the comment at 27 November, 2014 11:09 (click on it). This can easily be (and probably is) a bogus photoshopped or staged photo.
Too many people here are prone to snap up nonsense and run with it.
Instead of arguing who starved more of them and when, they’d do better to start seriously looking where they can find seeds to start growing their own food, the moment the snow starts to melt. There is no money for importing food, they’ve successfully bombed and flattened some of the best growing areas, and in any case cut them off and refuse to trade with them. So everyone in Western Ukraine is going to go hungry next year, unless they grow some for themselves.
If the Government survives, they will have to introduce reforms to qualify for further IMF loans. Reforms means much higher prices for gas and electricity, halved pensions and other social payments, and more unemployment. Anyone who doesn’t start growing his own vegetables is going to start starving. At least they’ll knows who to blame.
@ Alpha Link
did you look at nemchenk’s link???
which has images of numerous similar “selfies” by the group shown in the main picture.
@anonymous asking
Did this Stelkov(the hero) start this war or not.
And so far, inbetween the lines I gett that impression, and if so, they (noevorussians cause if it ever existed) lost me.
Strelkov became well known for being “Defense Minister” of DPR, and looked up to for being “legendary leader” in Slavyansk.
He is a dreamer, and ideaological idealist, with little if any military training. He is also an adventurer, which is how got involved in several other theatres.
The way he remembers Slavyansk is not quite how many others who were there remember it. He did start the fighting there, and many others came to join him when it was obvious he was in trouble (small group, lightly armed). In a way, having to go there to rescue Strelkov contributed a lot to the formation of the other groups, which on their own had not felt strong enough to start something on their own.
The concept of Novorossiya and independence existed from the start in the people; the events in Odessa recruited thousands. The other groups were set up independently, because they wanted to; Strelkov did not recruit or lead them, they just co-ordinated.
Slavyansk was a trap, a Kiev provocation. The building Strelkov’s group took over was left unguarded and the basement full of guns. The expectation was they’d come out right away, guns blazing, all get killed also right away, and that would be the end of the armed revolt. Because they took 2 weeks of circling the Government forces, both sides wondering why the other side was NOT shooting, the Government momentum was lost and other fighters started to join the rebellion.
Going on his activities since being banished back to Russia, Strelkov’s head is easy to turn with flattery. He’s been pushed into fronting several schemes he could not see were the opposite of what he believes in. At the same time he never stops sniping at people he feels betrayed him, eg the current and legally elected Prime Minister Zakharchenko. The first DPR Prime Minster, Borodai, an imported Russian citizen, was supposedly a friend of his…did well out of sabotaging a lot of early efforts to arm and organise the fighters.
That one battle did not “start” the civil war. Many were prepared and preparing to fight, and did fight skirmishes in many cities. Strelkov was just the first to set up at the edge in a city that might form a bridgehead, rather than try to take over from the centre of a larger and indefensible city.
You may well have BS alarms ringing. Nothing is clearcut in Ukraine. There are 5 to 7 sides, not 2.
On the Government side were elected deputies, oligarchs (some elected and some not), the Defense Ministry, the Internal Affairs Ministry — these two rivals in many ways and at each other’s throats even now — and oligarchs using the situation to jockey for position and/or grabbing property from each other (and starting to arm people for the purpose…Right Sector was already set up to do the protester-bashing on the Maidan). Add various regional and city administrators to the mix, who were loyal to different government members and local oligarchs. It would have been rare for anything to happen without a double-cross, but triple cross more likely.
Some of these had contacts/business partners inside Russia, where there are also pro-EU/US people and pro-making a lot of money people. These were influential in the appointment of the Russian citizens who first appeared from nowhere and took official positions in the new republics. Some were sabotaging the rebel efforts, some were conduits for supplies and aid.
After the first ceasefire, in July, these all got purged and sent/called back to Russia, when it became obvious the rebellion was succeeding and they would not surrender. I believe this was about the time Putin began to see he’s stuck with long-term support of the new republics….the new (current) Prime Minsters have been called to Moscow, they know exactly what help they can expect and what lines not to cross.
The aims on the US side are also not of single focus. The main original plan was purely economic, and mostly to benefit the US money people — get hold of the oil and gas fields, get Ukraine into the EU which would force them into reforms like selling land to foreigners (which US interests would buy of course) and so on.
They must have known Russia would take back the Crimea, a good opportunity to bad-mouth Putin and put on some sanctions. This was to be political pay-off #1, the second coming later as the local gas fields replaced Russian gas in the pipes that serve Europe.
The US seriously miscalculated the feeling in Donbass. FOf course nows that5or all the data they slurp up, they have zero feel for cultures. Probably they didn’t even know about “ethnic Russians”, all they knew was the gas pipes running all over the maps. They may have thought a rebellion was something like a US city riot, that a few days of SWAT team work can put down.
Now the US is stuck betwseen a rock and a hard place. They want to keep poking at Russia, but they don’t want direct war.They cannot afford the more usual frozen conflict because that stuffs up the oil aznd land sale plans. Of course the sudden emptying of the territory would help a lot for those. But it can’t really be achieved by military means. So they came up with the “starve them out” method.
US does not trust Kiev at all. The old divisions and rivalries are still there. So is the old corruption (which should now be going west). So they’ve decided to make “advising” more direct.
Poroshenko just set up a new law that FOREIGNERS can serve in Government positions, including as Ministers (or alternatively that he can give instant citizenships). The ministries so far proposed to be held by foreigners are Finance, Energy and Coal Industry, Infrastructure and the Vice-Premier.
Once again they don’t understand the culture. They are badly asking for another Maidan. This is not over yet.
@Kat Kan – Of course I did – did you look at the link I mentioned? It looks far more real than the shopped photo (swastika). Any child with a computer can doctor an image to suit an agenda. Again, it’s not that I’m a skeptic that Nazis abound in Ukraine at all, but I do think it’s essential to not go running with false info/images, as the hoax photo of the plane launching a missile at an airliner amply demonstrates. There’s enough well-documented proof of the neo-Nazi horror to preclude a need to latch onto some very dubious “photography”. I’m inclined to believe that the swastika was superimposed. Stupid as they are, do you really think they’d antagonize their masters by flying a swastika alongside the NATO symbol!?
Of the two renditions of the group picture, it’s obviously that features photo-shopping, and a very clumsy one at that — plain fact and no “suspicion” whatsoever. The artist wasn’t skilled (and/or didn’t bother) enough to erase the lower left part of the Austrian flag with the swastika. And if the Western sponsors of the Banderivtsy would take offense at NATO being revered by overt Nazis, it’s strange the slob who photoshopped the picture still kept the proud Nazi salute, isn’t it?
Westerners never learn that their betters don’t bother about moral purity. The Ukro Nazis couldn’t care less as long as they feel that anti-Russian genocide is in the air, period.
“Instead of arguing who starved more of them and when, they’d do better to start seriously looking where they can find seeds to start growing their own food, the moment the snow starts to melt.”
Well, good luck with that I’d say. True to their habits of grovelling before the West, they’ll just keep yelling Holodomor and blaming Russia — no bloody “arguing” among them whatsoever, come what may. Thinking about it, their somewhat narrow Weltanschauung is not without some credibility. After all, didn’t Nuland et al. show up in Kiev with some tasty eatables right in dark, cold December last year? So to bring up the topic of History again, we have finally arrived at the following biting irony:
What Marie Antoinette failed to achieve in 18th century France due to her own laziness — not doing the thing suggested — her beloved American sister of the 21st century finally proved to be a stroke of genius — at least when dealing with the Ukro-trash.
Nazis are best thing happened to Europe, Russia was anal raped by Jews during Bolshevik Revolution. you are bastardized race , at least there are some pure White Volk who is willing to take on filthy Jewish race
There may be operetta ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine, but they are merely the tools of the real power brokers, the useful idiots to do the dirty work for ‘AngloZionist’ (read: Zionist) interests. The ‘Nazis’ (read: harcore Ukrainian nationalists) are absolutely NOT in power. Here is a Ukrainian general who admits that the CIA took over Kiev:
Yes, there are halfway smart nationalists, like Dmytro Yarosh, who very well understands who was behind the Maidan coup, but they follow the ISIS strategy: let Americans fund us and we pretend to be in bed with them, but in the meantime we will try to initiate a European White Power movement.
But in contrast with ISIS, the Right Sector hardly has any chance to achieve its objectives, not even within Ukraine itself, as the last elections have shown. Ukrainians are not interested in ‘white power’, not even in excessive Russophobia, they just want a better live and they hope that the EU can deliver. But the poor ‘Ukies’ are in for a nasty surprise: the European wallet is emtpy. Ukraine was shoved into EU, mainly because of the US, with the help of some liberal European US water carriers like van Baalen and Verhofstadt, who both showed up on Maidan.
Yes, the ‘Nazis’ are a pain in the *** for the people of Donetzk, but they are only a sideshow. The real chess-game is being played out in Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Washington and Moscow. Washington wants the NWO and as a consequence to destroy Putin-Russia, not via war, but subversion: NGOs + oil price + sanctions. Europe follows Washington lukewarm at best in this and there are increasing signs that a lot of Europeans who really matter are looking for a way out, without destroying relations with Russia completely. Names: Schroeder, de Villepin, Steinmeier, Gabriel, Bahr, Schmidt, Kohl, Schuessel and now even van Rompuy. Common denominator: these are mostly all people with their careers already behind them. The question is: where is the European Putin, ready to challenge the Americans?
Marine le Pen?
Everybody lost, except the Americans, who organized the entire mess.
Kind regards,
Anonymous said…@ 29 November, 2014 10:57
But in contrast with ISIS, the Right Sector hardly has any chance to achieve its objectives, not even within Ukraine itself, as the last elections have shown.”
Evaluation is a function of purpose.
Your formulation in quotes is predicated on the notion that you fully understand the objectives (plural) of the Right Sector and your extrapolation there-on limits this to “we will try to initiate a European White Power movement.”
Your further extrapolations also posit a type of omniscience on your part.
Perhaps you seek to don the mantle of Ronald Reagan by your tagline, but let me remind you of Mr. Rove’s hypothesis, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones we should concentrate on.”
Careful putting your fingers in dykes, it likely will not end well.
Would this explain the ruling for “Citizens united” and ubiquitous corporatism?
The United States Isn’t a Country — It’s a Corporation!
“the Act of 1871 was passed. In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES”
BTW In 1985 65% oil consumption in the US was by the military, projected to be 80-85% in this century.
“Nazis are best thing happened to Europe, Russia was anal raped by Jews during Bolshevik Revolution. you are bastardized race , at least there are some pure White Volk who is willing to take on filthy Jewish race”
Deeply regret to inform you that today’s Nazis are proud and very happy to sell themselves for shekels, whether in Eastern Europe (the Ukros) or in the West (the entire stinking EU swamp except, perhaps, Front National in France and Jobbik in Hungary). Quite touching to see militant Whiteys apply bourgeois respectability to their vulgar psychobabble, ha!
Snatched from a nowhere Polish mag—and naked, moronic false flags do not exist! Kiev is not hiding the absurdity but promoting it in tandem with the oligarch controlled Russian media. Zionists are Nazis, Saker must believe. Of course it is all over Twitter, Ninny.
Israel Shahak (†2000), said Anti-semitism is useful only in the hands of us Jews.
How are Jewish oligarchs and Nazis symbiotic in either direction?
The answer can only be that the race of the enemy is an option in Naziism and interchangeable. It can be blacks. Kolomoisky has no problem with Naziism so long as it doesn’t target Jews. The Nazis have no problem with Jews while they can use him as an ATM.
They are probably both thinking “Use now, control later.” They thought that with Hitler, too.