First, as the entire Western press is clamoring in impotent range, Russia has fired 8 Kalibr missiles at a major NATO base in Western Ukraine. The base is utterly destroyed and there are many (well over 180+) dead mercenaries and even more wounded ones. The base was near the Polish border which, of course, triggered even more hysterics.
What is important about this strike is this: Russia has just proven to the world that she can “reach” as far as she wants and that her conventional strikes can be truly crippling. That, of course, also means that as soon as any Western mercenary crosses the Ukrainian border he will have a crosshairs painted on him.
Ever since the first Ukie civil war, the Nazis have been organizing what they called “safaris” where wealthy Western Nazis could pay a lump sum to then travel to the Donbass and shoot some Snow Niggers. Of course, the problem with this concept is that sometimes you could mistakenly hit a soldier rather than a civilian and that this Snow Nigger would shoot back.
So now, instead of asking Nazis to pay to kill Snow Niggers, now the Ukies (and their US masters, of course) are willing to pay Nazis to come and fight the Snow Niggers. And Iavorov in western Ukraine, hundreds of miles away from the LOC must have felt extremely safe and cozy. This is how this facility is described in an interview of the Mayor of Lvov by the Israeli website Ynet:
Those who were there a week ago said that some 100,000 men, some of them are new recruits, were at the base, undergoing a fast-track army training before going into battle. It appears the Russian intelligence received a tip on the actions in the base, before deciding to bomb it.
True, in the same interview, the said mayor claimed “at least 35”!
This is what this major NATO facility looks like today, judge for yourself:
It should be noted that this base was also a huge weapons depot for weapons brought in by land, from Poland, and that all this Western kit is now reduced to a gigantic Lego pieces dump.
By the way, there are many more such facilities in the Ukraine!
The base on the far left indicated as “International Center for Peacekeeping and Security”, Iavorov, Lvov oblast” (международный центр миротворчества и безопасности, Яворов, Львовская обл.) is the one the Russians destroyed! Yes, it was labeled “Peacekeeping and Security”, I kid you not!
I don’t know who taught whom to lie like that – NATO and Nazis are both specialists in that field, really – but to call a military base which was supposed to bring a full brigade (several thousand!!) of Nazi volunteers a “peacekeeping security center” is truly precious, even by the rather lax standards of the Empire of Lies.
Then there was this strike, also in the Ukraine:
What you see here is the result of a Ukie strike on the Donetsk city center today.
The Ukies fired a Tochka-U missile precisely at downtown Donetsk.
Military value from this strike? Zero.
Feelgood value from this strike? Immense!
And no, this is NOT a war crime! This is how the glorious glorious armed forces of the Nazi Ukraine take just revenge against Russia and the “separs” who dare to support her.

Russia exposed to the world’s contempt
You cannot compare the innocent mercenaries to those criminal civilians, because the former act in the name of humanity, civilization and progress whereas the latter are russki brutes, Mongols really, who represent a threat for the wonderful White and Christian European civilization.
In fact, when the Western doubleplusgoodthinkers proclaim with indignation that the Ukrainian civil war (well, the two Ukie civil wars really) killed 14’000 people, they “forget” to mention that the vast majority of those killed were civilians from the LDNR and that for YEARS the LDNR forces did not reply to Ukie attacks, not just sniper or mortar fire, but also heavy artillery strikes and major terrorist attacks, including the President of the DNR.
But that matters nothing to the Empire of Lies.
But now that a sad and ugly group of bona fide Nazi volunteers got hit on a military base (a legitimate target under international law and the laws of war specifically!) we hear a massive “oy veh!!!” rising to the heavens and demanding that Russia be severely punished for daring to shoot at those wannabe Kulturträgers!
I think that it would be fair to summarize The Rule as follows: we get to kill as many Snow Niggers as we want, but Snow Niggers dare not kill any of our White and Christian Kulturträgers.
Speaking of niggers, here is another important missile strike.
The Iranian Sand Niggers used their (very accurate) missiles to obliterate a Mossad base in Iraqi Kurdistan. Now that, what shall we call it? Maybe a “Jewish Cultural Center” or maybe a “Iraqi Law Center against Antisemitism” has been turned into this:
Interestingly, the IRGC indicated that the operation was in response to an Israeli airstrike on the Syrian capital of Damascus last Monday, in which two IRGC officers were killed. Apparently, the Iranian Sand Niggers do not believe that the Jewish Kulturträgers get to kill them without retaliation.
Most interestingly, following this strike the Israelis have copied the US “counter-attack philosophy” and… …done exactly nothing about this! The story is mostly buried deep in the Israeli media, which doesn’t deny or cover it up, it just mentions them en passant and then goes on to other topics (including lots of anti-Russian pro-Ukie coverage of the Russian’s special operation in the Ukraine).
Here is the simple truth: the Empire of Lies cannot afford a full-scale with against Russia and China: that we already knew, but it can’t even take on Iran, in spite of that country being much smaller and comparatively weaker. But what the Iranians do have is truly formidable weapons, and I am not referring to their (actually quite formidable) missiles, but by their political will and courage to use their missiles against *any* enemy.
An often-repeated story is that the Iranian hero and martyr General Soleimani personally visited Moscow and convinced the Russians to launch their military intervention in Syria. This inspires two hopes in me:
- I hope to see Moscow at least once more before my time down here is up and that day I hope to be able to bring flowers to a large statue of General Soleimani somewhere in Moscow, maybe in the place where the Pushkin Square McDonalds (due to close today, not a day too soon, thank you sanctions!!!) stood all these years? Or maybe right in front of the US Embassy in Moscow which, by then, I hope to see vacated by the servants of the Empire of Lies and, maybe, replaced by a US Music Center (Jazz, Blues, Country, Gospel, Appalachian and many other kinds of beautiful US music.) or, maybe, an exhibit like the one the Iranians did with the CIA station in Tehran? Something beautiful and inspiring for sure.
- By the time I see Russia, maybe for a last time, I hope that the spirit and ethos of General Soleimani will “infect” all the Russian ruling elites and give them the morality and courage they currently so clearly lack.
God willing, God willing!
It is too early for any maps right now (dragon-first-1 was told by persons in high positions to stop making and posting his while Radovka is slow), but if I see something interesting, I will post it here.
PS: Radovka just posted this map, so I share it with you
And where were the Russian antiaircraft missiles?
It’s not as if this were the first time that the creeps from Galicia shot ballistic missiles at Donetsk.
Very true.
Not only that, but they shot down plenty of Tochka-Us in the past.
This time somebody seems to have been asleep at the wheel.
I mean, this is war, with its famous “fog of” and shit happens,
But this time there needs to be a commission of inquiry to figure out what when wrong.
No one was asleep. They shot it, but it was loaded with cluster munition. If they did not shot it down, the damage would have much bigger.
Southfront explains:
“The missile was intercepted in mid-air and did not reach its direct target, but even the aerial detonation of the missile, which was equipped with shrapnel cluster munitions, had terrible consequences.”
See and
Just saw some video of that at Southfront. Friggin’ inhuman animals to launch a missile laden with cluster bombs – obviously to kill civilians. May Russian soldiers wipe the floor with the entrails of perpetrators that fired that rocket. Absolute horrible bastards.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
The fact that we are not allowed to make maps anymore would seem to indicates that Russia does not view it beneficial for them to show how much territory they have taken.
Before posting, use your head.
Next I will ban you.
SAKER: I think the reason for no maps is to keep the civilians off the roads. The thaw is coming soon and the roads are going to be needed by the Russian military to do its job. Both sides know the military situation, so there is no point in publishing maps. On the first day this started I began following this operation “accidentally” in the Russian language media, small blogs and news sites, following the progress village by village and bridge by bridge, then recording the points on Google Earth. And all of my maps matched perfectly with the ones you have been posting. And I would say yours are more generous to the Ukrainians. I wasn’t trying to create a map but just follow the progress… having been burned too many times by Western media.
OBSERVATIONS: From the above exercise I can tell you the Western media is living in movie studio fantasy world. Even the what looks like genuine live coverage is being directed by someone (the Ukrainians?).. designed to create a false impression. Everything you see in the Western media is fake or highly choreographed to mislead. The only guy who has a clue is Tucker Carlson and that Colonel Macgregor guy. This thing is OVER and the only thing the Russians care about is now minimizing civilian casualties… and cleaning out the forces of the CIA armed political fanatics (call them what you want). I feel truly sorry for anyone following this in the Western media… I know they are genuinely hungry for information, but they would better served by re-watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy than watching any US network. I briefly saw a bit of Hannity (after a Tucker segment) where was talking about Biden needing to release the Polish MIGs… unless they fly combat missions directly out of Poland they wont last more than 20 minutes on the ground… they will be taken out by Russian cruise missiles like the NATO base / barracks on the Polish border. If Hannity wants those Migs in there he should volunteer to go with them as an observer, then he might start taking an interest in the actual military situation verses the hog-wash he is reporting.
From what I can see this thing is militarily OVER. Russia won and all of the rest is just a mopping-up siege operation/ or massive human-shield hostage situation. I don’t know what the CIA’s objective here is in prolonging this, other than to do Eastern Europe what they did to the Middle East (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen); thus the Poles and Romanians ought to think long and hard about being used as a “staging area” for a guerilla war, like Cambodia was during the Vietnam War.
Anyway, I am new to your site, but as far as I can tell, you are one of the few English language websites in the world that is reporting anything that correlates with reality. So, thanks for your content and updates!
@Rokossovsky. Your “individualist” map reading “from small blogs and news sites, following the progress village by village and bridge by bridge,” reminds me of an account of the Russian liberation of Lvov in Nazi-occupied Poland towards the end of WW2. An 11 year old Jewish girl in hiding would piece together various news reports of “a strategic withdrawal” here and there, put them together an a map — and realize that she was going to live.
A warm welcome to the Vineyard of the Saker, where I learned 911Truth.
Thanks for the kind words and welcome! I only did the Google Earth thing out of desperation, as a means of preserving my sanity, so it hardly is a testament to my intelligence. Had I not done that on Day One I would have been an emotional marionette of the US corporate media… as all of those currently around me are. And every update Saker posts about the Donbass operation corresponds perfectly to my homemade map… splitting the cauldron in three places, I can follow Saker’s descriptions without even seeing his diagram.
this logic makes no sense. It’s not about showing which territory they’ve taken. It’s all about Russia not wanting the enemy to know exactly where its troop positions are in a nice handy, convenient format for dumb Ukie generals to view without having to do the intelligence work themselves.
If the DPR’s official messages are to be believed, the ukies seems to have launched a number of those missiles; most of them were intercepted.
Reports say that it was intercepted but that a portion of the warhead (cluster type) fell into the city.
that could be, but this indicates a late or insufficient intercept.
but what I really want to know is this: why are there still Tochka-U’s available to the Ukies?
even worse: the max range of these missiles is about 120-180km.
that means that there are still combat capable Tochka-Us in Ukrainian hands less than 200km from Donetsk.
The DNR authorities had claimed 15 intercepted Tocka U missles but it seems the warhead was a cluster one and landed over civilians waiting to get $$$ out of local ATMs…? An injured child was saved as he instinctively ran for cover and was wounded were older people had no clue what was happening!? T__T
Thanks for the regular updates and intelligent analysis Saker.
Blessings to you and the Saker Community during these troubling times.
Before the war the Ukies had 90 Tochka-U launchers and 800 missiles.
But, of course, in reality
1) only a faction was operable (too old)
2) plenty got destroyed during the (now) 3 Ukrainian civil wars
3) we have no idea how many of these 800 were destroyed in ammo dumps
4) Russia (as opposed to the LDNR) also shot down a lot of Tochkas
The real bottom line is this:
Nobody (except the Russian GRU) knows how many launchers and missiles were destroyed or how many are left.
That is why Russia needs to assume the worst and STEP UP HER ANTI-MISSILE OPERATIONS.
She most definitely has the means since the air above 6km totally belongs to her and the air below 6km is gradually made safe(r).
Recalling the first Gulf War by the US/UK/NATO against Iraq, despite the country being covered 24/7 with NATO aircraft and drones the Iraqis managed to continue firing V2 type ballistic missiles into Israel right up to Saddam surrendering to the US/UK/NATO “allies”. That in a desert country with little natural cover like forests to hide them in. After the war many more were found in warehouses and such by the disarmament teams.
So if Ukraine started the war with around 800 Tochkas-U missiles scattered around under cover – many more than Iraq had – I would expect they will continue to fire them until Ukraine surrenders or some kind of cease fire agreement is signed.
Ukraine having been the frontier of the USSR started the war with a huge stockpile of of former Soviet frontline weapons intended to fight a full scale war with NATO and locating and destroying them in a country of 603,500 sq. km with tens of thousands of villages, warehouses, and hidden former Soviet underground bunkers is a daunting task. Even Germany continued to build and fire off V2 rockets to the last weeks of WW II despite the entire Luftwaffe being destroyed and the air filled with thousands of Allied fighters, bombers, and ground attack aircraft looking for targets of opportunity.
Russia simply can’t cover all the bases while conducting a war with a very limited number of troops. Most of their AA defence systems are needed to cover their troops against a possible NATO attack.
As to using S-400 or S-500 missiles, those are very expensive and exist in limited numbers and need to be reserved in case NATO gets involved in the air war. I expect the Tochka missiles will be dealt with mostly by Pantsir systems which are much cheaper and more abundent than S-350, 400, or 500s.
Hi Terry…
“Ukraine having been the frontier of the USSR started the war with a huge stockpile of of former Soviet frontline weapons intended to fight a full scale war with NATO and locating and destroying them in a country of 603,500 sq. km with tens of thousands of villages, warehouses, and hidden former Soviet underground bunkers is a daunting task. ”
Thanks for this critical thinking following this Saker’s update reveal. This shows us the following:
1.) The Ukraine, in Soviet days, as you so lucidly point out, served as a sturdy bulwark against any NATO attack on Moscow. The Ukraine thus effectively sealed these flatland Western approaches to Moscow with the most cutting-edge of Soviet missile technologies such the munitions whose devastation, even after a successful interception, is graphically depicted above by The Saker.
2.) The Ukraine, quite naturally and even way, way more crucially, must continue to play this same role for Moscow even- and especially- after this special operation. Ukraine must therefore never, ever join NATO, whether fully, or as any part. Given that this war in the Ukraine is actually a real, all-out and full scale proxy military attack by NATO against Russia and real Russians, it will be priceless for Moscow to even strengthen this unbroken Ukrainian Bulwark in the current Kaliningrad and Crimean legacies: i.e., a fully fledged Russian military fortress to seal its western approaches against any perceived future foreign military adventures. This is because in our very generation, the unthinkable in Soviet days has happened; NATO has actually attacked the former Soviet Union, and is actually right now on the ground conducting command-and-control war on former Soviet territory, killing actual citizens of the former Soviet Union (Ukrainians, Novorrosians and Russians)… NATO’s ultimate goal: to seize and fully colonize former Soviet territory (Ukraine) and directly threaten Moscow. Observing all this from way out here in Africa, where not much is being done except follow the war on a minute by minute basis by almost everyone, the only conclusions are:
A.) Russia must crush NATO in Ukraine.
B.) Russia must clean up Ukraine.
C.) Russia must actually oversee the unnegotiable roll back of NATO military strike capability right back to the 1997 positions- if not even further- at any and all military costs.
D.) Russia must extract full war and economic sanctions reparations from all participating countries taking part in this madness of a conflagration. They all and sundry must never, ever be allowed to get away with it. These reparations must include:
(i.) The full cost of Russia’s inevitable re-arming of its unbroken Ukrainian Bulwark.
(.ii) The full reconstruction costs of its Ukrainian Bulwark.
(iii) The full cost of this war on the Russian state, as well the Russian government as calculated by the Russian Ministry Of Finance. I’m hoping that Russian economists are currently very busy on this undertaking and that there is already an office dedicated to this task.
(iv) Full compensation of each and every war dead based on real and current insuarance rates in Zone A.
3.) The NATO advisors, researchers, cartographers, bio-warfare scientists and other military specialists have been on the ground in the Ukraine collecting prohibited research and intelligence on both Ukrainian and Russian ballistic and other missile technologies in a real wartime scenario and auditing capabilities. The Russian military therefore has no choice but to audit all this in the unbroken re-possession and future thorough re-arming of its Ukrainian Bulwark.
Agree completely. This is a unique occasion for Russia to redress the humiliation and robbery of a proud nation which stood up to and defeated every would-be conqueror in history. It was not in the field of battle that Russia went down on its knees in 1990, she was betrayed by a gang of traitors who worked insidiously since the days of Khrushchev to undermine the labour and sacrifices of two generations to build, almost from scratch, a superpower capable of standing alone eyeball to eyeball against the Hegemon and his satrapies. As Mr Putin put it in 2005, the dissolution of the Soviet Union was “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century”; a catastrophe that gave the Hegemon effective control over the world, and an insult to the memory 27 million deaths sacrificed for the defeat of Hitler.
As Mr Putin also said, Russia is not going to fight next war on its territory. And that’s why it has started on the borderlands – which is the meaning of the word “ukraine” ( Оукраина ) in Russian – and will not stop until the current would-be conqueror is defeated.
This “special operation” is not a war against Ukraine; it is the dismantling of NATO, the first stage of a greater war against the Hegemon.
You are spot on. NATO can, and will be walloped if they don’t move back voluntarily. This will not end well for them, either way. With the Russian soldiers now all the way to the central half of Ukraine, and the Polish border already properly covered by the range of Kalibr missiles, the bridgehead is well poised.
Hmmm…intel slava says today 14.10 hrs near Chernigov two ukr SU 25 shot down by Russia… bit surprised ukr stuff is still flying…..hmm
PS…anything much happening round Moldova way…?
Was wondering the same thing , if the cauldron is closed why arn’t they wiped out or surrendered yet
Give it a few more days or maybe two weeks. The 6th army’s demise at Stalingrad took two months:
“The 6th Army’s flanks were protected by Romanian troops, who were quickly routed, and on 23 November, the pincers met at Kalach-na-Donu, thereby encircling the 6th Army. A relief attempt was launched on 12 December, codenamed Operation Winter Storm, but this failed. The army surrendered between 31 January and 2 February 1943.”,German%20Army%20%27s%20summer%20offensive%20into%20southern%20Russia.
But yeah, this is ugly to watch…
Muitas pessoas estão preocupadas.
Achavam que esta guerra contra a terceira maior força armada da Europa seria um passeio, um piquenique. A Ucrânia é a terceira maior força armada da Europa e recebe armamentos modernos da OTAN há 8 anos. Não esqueça que os EUA, os “excepcionais” (pausa para risos – rs, rs) demoraram 11 dias para chegar em Bagdá. E, como disse um comentarista, “as tropas americanas travaram uma batalha feroz contra galinhas e vacas ao longo do caminho”.
Aqueles que agora estão lutando contra nazistas fanáticos, estupradores, assassinos que não pensam duas vezes em usar inocentes como escudos humanos devem ser tratados como heróis.
E eles são HERÓIS!
Este trabalho que está sendo feito hoje, com muitas baixas, certamente livrará o mundo de algo que seria muito pior e mais perigoso em um futuro próximo.
Me desculpe pelo meu Inglês.
OBS: Aqueles idiotas mercenários brasileiros que foram bombardeados e sobreviveram, viraram piada em todo o Brasil.
Many people are worried.
They thought that this war against the third largest armed force in Europe would be a walk, a picnic. Ukraine is the third largest armed force in Europe, and it has received modern armaments from NATO for 8 years. Don’t forget that the US, the “exceptionals” (pause for laughter – lol, lol) took 11 days to arrive in Baghdad. And, as one commentator put it, “American troops fought a fierce battle against chickens and cows along the way.”
Those who are now fighting fanatical Nazis, rapists, murderers who don’t think twice about using innocents as human shields should be treated as heroes.
And they are HEROES!
This work that tare doing today, with many casualties, will certainly, rid the world of something that would be much worse and more dangerous in the near future.
I’m sorry for my english.
OBS: Those Brazilian mercenary idiots who were bombed and survived, became jokes throughout Brazil.
Russians today are not fighting the German the German 6th Army (+ most of 4th Panzer Army) at Stalingrad;
they are fighting a quasi-terrorist Ukrainian rabble. All of whom should have been dead or captured 10 days ago. And but for Putin’s inability to design or wage large-scale war, they would have been.
Agreed. Putin has no killer instinct like Stalin and Crushchev.
Not all of the 6th Army complied with FM Paulus’s surrender on the 2nd of February. It is estimated that up to 40,000 fought on for many months, most were collaborationists and knew the penalty for their traitorous act was summary execution. And yes, you have already guessed it, he majority of those were Ukrainian.
already replied elsewhere in the thread. look it up
Because, unlike the Americans, the Russians don’t want to kill civilians.
As to eliminating the “cauldron”, that is a huge area with hundreds if not thousands of villages where the Ukrainian army and National Guard are hiding. It is not easy to take out thousands of Ukie units without killing tens of thousands of innocent and mostly pro- Russian civilians. It will be a slow process. Russia can’t just start firing thermobaric rockets into every small village occupied by the scattered and dug in UAF troops. That would really be a genocide, and against their own people.
Unfortunately, I doubt the 125,000 UAF troops and tanks in the pocket are conveniently located in a nice big group out in the middle of a field waiting to be wiped out by Russian cruise missiles, MRLS and SU-25/34s. That might have been the case when Russia launched the surprise attack, but they would be long dispersed by now, using the civilian population as hostages and human shields against Russian air superiority.
It’s not a cauldron yet.
Because it’s not closed, best I can tell.
The systems of VSU in the Donetsk Cauldron are using shoot and scoot tactics
Not only are they moving around constantly, the danger is that the VSHORADS systems of VSU operate in optical tracking mode and utilize a SACLOS system to guide missiles by radio command. The 9sh38 and 9sh319 systems give soviet SAMs this alternative to using radar guidance ,and is effective to mount ambushes in an environment where their command posts and comm centers were wiped out since week 1. They are still capable of mounting ambushes without functioning IADS.
In that case, a warning is never on the RWR of Su34 and other strike planes which enter the zone to hunt MLRS and strike weaponry of the VSU. The only warning they get is the presence of a search radar which is cueing such optically guided SAM systems as Tor, Buk, and other VSHORAD systems that can no longer rely on disclosing their presence to the VKS by utilizing their own tracking radars.
For any air force, it is nearly impossible to completely neutralize such systems that are using SACLOS guidance (semi active command to line of sight)
Russian forces must utilize a calculated approach to conducting operations in Donetsk
Also with forces tied up in Mariupol and Kharkov, they are waiting for additional forces to destroy this cauldron, that holds the biggest reserve of VSU forces in Ukraine
Even then, Russia makes good progress in the Slavyansk and Kramatorsk directions
It’s a matter of time especially fighting at 1:3 disadvantage in numbers, yet inflicting a 20:1 kill/death ratio on the whole VSU.
Which in turn begs the question of where is the recon to spot these missiles and nail them while they are still on the ground?
FWIW, I am as far as one can get from a Wehraboo, but one thing I will credit the Wehrmacht for is that they relentlessly criticized themselves, their strategy, tactics and execution.
Camoflauge, if you know how to do it well, is still a pretty effective way of hiding from drones and airborne recon.
what VSHORADS do the Ukies operate as part of their Tochka-U brigades???
also, I do not believe that the Tochka has in flight guidance capabilities. They only use inertial and anti-radiation modes. SACLOS are used primarily by air defenses, not tactical ballistic missiles.
So if an S-300 hits a building, then maybe, iirc the S-300 uses TVM so that could work.
But not for a Tochka
or I am wrong and missing something here.
Am I?
How would a Tochka-U missile get targeting updates from the visual channel of a very short range air defense guidance system????
What I read was that it was fired from 55 kms away. Elsewhere, 1 of the Tochkas was shot down with a Pantsir? What about the S-400 or even S-500 defending Donetsk & Gorlovka?
Also, the Russians need to send in say 10 000 – 20 000 Russian military with arty, MLRS – SMERCH would be really interesting…etc and open fire continuously on the 50 000 satanic shits W & NW of Donetsk. Yes, I know they are dug in, but when they can’t sleep…
I was talking about VSU SAM systems
Coupled with shoot and scoot tactics, is the reason Tochkas are still alive
And the tochka was shot down , but the donetsk area is in need of reinforced AD
Do you think it was a decision in command? I don’t doubt the reconnaissance. I am sure they see them and have intelligence on them. Every day Maj. Gen. Konashenkov gives a statement. They are reducing the Ukrainian military every day. The ordinance to take out objects are assigned. So a decision must have been left to use ordinance for other targets of more value depending on their plans of the day. I mean I am just thinking. It must be calculated on something. These costs must have been at a gain elsewhere which could have been worse. We aren’t in the loop of decision making.
Could canister munitions arm by spilling out of a struck missile? Or is their a fuse that’s armed by being on target? I know their are multiple ways a fuse is armed. It may or may not have been a late intercept, they found tochka u cases in villages, next to homes. I know they are willing to punish the general population of Donbass. Hopefully, they will be reduced and eliminated real soon. Tragic.
On RT so many people gave thumbs up. One grandma was too afraid to go searching for her husband that she asked a young fellow to do it for her. She told him she will call his phone when he went into the building. She got bad news. People who think Russia started this when these people have been suffering this 8 years, it makes me sick!
There was also a video of a Tochka U complex getting stuck in the mud. They had a bulldozer trying to get it out. These things are likely scattered and hidden in storage areas. When Mariupol falls in the coming days, things will change, I think.
It also seems like NATO scum want to try their luck at weapons convoys and bring more mercs into play.
i think the dpr army is doing the airdefense themselves with old captured materiel. my advice would be to request russian air defense
That would explain the (relatively) small number of casualties.
It does indicate the Ukrainians are the bad guys, to put it mildly.
Or, to any pro-Ukraine lurkers out there: The Ukrainians just tried to destroy Donetsk city center and kill hundreds of people.
Only motive I can think of is sheer spite.
Azov Battalion and SS 2nd Tank Division have something in common…. Also the 3rd Tank Division Totenkopf’s Death’s head emblem makes appearances. Comment sections will troll and say they are coincidences or they have some cultural significance nothing related to Nazis. Sure… Donbass has been suffering since 2014. And the US, UK, EU hasn’t had the “Hans, are we the baddies”?, moment…. They definitely targeted a part of the city. Evil.
Sladkov+ had an interview with a guy trained out of the NATO camp in Yavorov, near Lvov. It’s right across the border from Poland. First real town on the E40. This interview shows NATO is fully involved in Ukraine.
I think of it as a smaller scale version of the Nazis firing V-2s at London.
As the RF army advances I assume many of the air defence assets have to advance with them, which may leave rear areas less well defended.
-DPR Ministry of Foreign Affairs: (English)
“We will do everything to spread the truth about the egregious crimes of Ukrainian formations”
Inshallah (God willing) the gates of hell awaits these mercenaries and Nazis that are sent back to their creator by Russian missiles. Inshallah Russia finishes off all these Western backed bases with their beautiful and accurate missiles!
Russia…all the people who have suffered from Western arrogance and imperialism are with you and may your creator be with you!
Please listen to this lecture by Sheikh Imran Hosein about why Allah Mighty and Majestic will give the upper hand to Orthodox Russia in this war, insha Allah, God-Willing, and destroy all those nations in the West that have done an abomination upon The Lawgiver, Allah Mighty and Majestic by making legal men marrying men and women marrying women.
Allah Mighty and Majestic says in The Majestic Qur’an, they plot and I Plan, and I am the Best of Planners.
US politicians are using the word WWIII willy billy to convince their constituents that it will not be that severe, so don’t worry. Who are they to decide the outcome of a war this big.
Baba Vanga (I think Hungarian mystic) also said in early 1960s that in the coming WWIII Europe will be a wasteland.
May Allah Mighty and Majestic save the righteous and God-fearing people to rebuilt society under God’s Law under the leadership of the Righteous Leader, Imam Al Mehdi (may Allah Mighty and Majestic be pleased with him, Ameen), and Prophet Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Mighty and Majestic be upon him and his Blessed Mother, Mary, Ameen).
Only Allah Mighty and Majestic has the final say.
Baba ( Grandmother ) Vanga was born in eastern Macedonia and is of Macedonian descent. She dwelt in Bulgaria I believe and BG claims she is BG.
She obviously believed the same.
“Russia…all the people who have suffered from Western arrogance and imperialism are with you and may your creator be with you!”
Not just those who have suffered, also those with a conscience and respect for humanity who themselves are trapped within the confines of Empire.
Exactly, and there are many of us in that position.
Tomorrow another salvo of Kalibrs will come. 8 Kalibrs is salvo from just one Buyan class corvette. Russians are just warming up.
Yes. Most people have no idea how small these corvette’s can be. They can launch these highly capable and deadly Kalibrs. These small ships can be hidden almost anywhere and these were probably launched in the Caspian. The Russians probably had on the ground intel and people near the base 20 miles from Poland.
This is Putin and Russia telling NATO to stop sending weapons and mercenaries through Poland or from anywhere.
For those interested, a nice description of Kalibr missiles here (if you can access it):
Pretty impressive.
Of the 11 NATO bases depicted in the map. how many of them are still operational?
I see Ochakiv is included. Wasn’t it reported to have been destroyed?
The one in Ochakov is both in ruins and in Russian hands.
The one in Iavorov is basically in ruins
I do not know know about the other ones, but that is good question.
I know that Russia whacked some very major airport in western Ukraine (yesterday I think).
And now Russia is warning all the personnel working in Ukrainian military factories or repair sites to quickly evacuate, so we can expect many more strikes in the near future.
But yes, it would be nice to know what happened to all these NATO “peacekeeping training” centers.
More like NATO war-making centers.
War is Peace, He wrote.
The naming is very much appropriate.
Got a situation between Belarus and the Ukraine, if they cross then we will defend.
At stake is an operational nuclear facility and knee deep mud soon as the ground thaws.
A lot of resistance and very few roads if an approach from the north is to occur.
Note that every single one of the bases is right up next to a border. Handy for attacking! I hope that the four in the north and the cluster near Nikolaev have already been neutralised. Mariupol, perhaps, is being taken care of.
Anyone know for sure?
“I hope to see Moscow at least once more before my time down here is up and that day I hope to be able to bring flowers to a large statue of General Soleimani somewhere in Moscow, maybe in the place were the Pushkin Square McDonalds (due to close today, not a day too soon, thank you sanctions!!!) stood all these years? Or maybe right in front of the US Embassy in Moscow which, by then, I hope to see vacated by the servants of the Empire of Lies and, maybe, replaced by a US Music Center (Jazz, Blues, Country, Gospel, Appalachian and many other kind of beautiful US music.) or, maybe, an exhibit like the one the Iranians did with the CIA station in Tehran? Something beautiful and inspiring for sure.”
Priceless, Andrei, priceless!!
Quick question to those who might know … the decision to use the Toshka missile against civilians is speculated to have come from Kiev …..
… are communications still intact between the Russian-hating, CIA-funded, neo-Nazi rodents at the frontline and the CIA-run regime in Kiev – or were the communications effectively destroyed by the Special Military Operation?
Could the decision have been made at the frontline without any instruction from Kiev?
Either way, there’s plenty of murderous Russian-hatred to go round … fomented by the US in Ukraine for years .. and now being actively fomented in the EU.
The deep controllers of the US political pantomime – with its’ panoply of cartoon commentators, vile political ogres, and cowardly chicken-hawks – must really be apoplectic with rage that Putin has thwarted their every move – from taking over Sevastopol, to moving (NATO-smoke-screened) US missiles minutes away from Moscow.
Let them knock themselves out now with their anti-Russian propaganda !!
They were going to demonize Russia and Putin anyway.
This was always going to be part of the plan to fragment the Russian Federation – whether now or later.
That how it works – that’s how you manipulate the minds of the unthinking herd.
Demonize someone – make up appalling lies.
Publicize your best liars – (they vie among one another .. remember “BHL” – the strutting cockerel known as the “philosopher”. Remember Tony Blair. Remember Colin Powel. Remember Cheney .. Rumsfeld. Remember Richard Pearl)
Ramp up the outrage.
Kill innocents in an outrageous act and blame the ones you wish the herd to hate.
It works,
The herd does not let you down.
They hate, with all their might, and they KNOW that the demonized person IS the personification of evil. And they feel good about themselves … they have shown the extent of their hatred – along with their deep “care” for the innocent.
Hopefully lots of people who have to bear the pain of shotgun wounds to their feet (courtesy of their boot-licking political “leaders” craven surrender to the US Pantomime) might eventually say .. maybe this is not the best idea …. but I wouldn’t be sure!
Propaganda is very powerful. You can justify the death of millions of people with it. Even afterwards … !!
Being nice to an Empire of US & EU Liars seems a waste of time – but it did give time to Russia to prepare to finally say FU. They probably understand that language – it’s how the Americans treat their inferiors!
“Quick question to those who might know … the decision to use the Tochka missile against civilians is speculated to have come from Kiev …..”
Not necessarily at all, it could be by the command of a Ukie regional group.
Or, in theory, even by a missile brigade commander
Remember that the Ukie military has already be deconstructed as a strategic formation, so what we see instead are groups of formations, units and subunits all fighting “their own war” if you want.
I bet you that the order came from a core of Azov-like Nazis, possibly sticking a gun to the head of the battery operators, and who yelled “Feuer!”.
Remember that the Nazis who are now inside the Donbass cauldron have no hope of getting alive or being taken prisoner, so they lash out with everything they have.
As for the cluster warhead, it would not have had such an impact of the interception happened earlier.
The min distance for a Tochka-U is, iirc, 15km. So maybe it was fired from not very far, which would reduce the reaction time and flatten the flight parabola
Maybe that explains it?
Thanks Saker,
surprise, surprise … look who’s back …. The Strutting Cockerel …. so more lies and more nonsense to be put into the infotainment/herd-manipulation sphere …
Lies and nonsense — no.
World top class philosophy — yes.
Ukronazis and BHL jointly singing Horst Wessel Lied would be absolutely irresistible. European values never cease to inspire.
The prevalent opinion in LDPR and Rssian observers is exactly that – the command was from the handlers. It could be retaliation for the destruction of the “glorious ” Legion Etranger in Yavorovsky polygon.
I just hope that secret service RF going to be more active and there will be more and more actions like that. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO.
Going to be very interesting another problems around the IRAN-ISRAELI front which is growing.
The banderite cauldron needs to be closed and cleansed. Then, move on to central ukraine and then west. Don’t stop until you see the whites of the eyes of scared Poles, if they dare to stick around at the border and not run to their US masters for help.
it is closed
but cleaning? you need to keep this in mind:
we are talking about at least 60’000 soldiers, the best the Ukies had, all dug in deep, many METERS deep, and sometimes with A LOT of reinforced concrete, sometimes several METERS again, with pre-positioned ammo, POL, food, communications (deeply buried cables!), etc. etc. etc.
Think of this as the Ukronazi Ligne Maginot if you want.
I agree, this cauldron has to be totally cleaned, denazified, if you want. But please realize that using huge bunker busting bombs is not only rather cruel towards folks whom the Russians thought of as “brothers” (mostly mistakenly as it turns out), but these weapons are also very expensive.
A “regular” artillery barrage is a cheaper option, but not very effective with deeply dug in forces.
Did for aerial bombardments.
TOS-1A are very effective against dug in fortifications, but their range is limited to about 5km (iirc) AND they are both very cruel and very expensive.
Which leaves trench warfare.
Let’s say that only 30’000 Ukies remain and they are under attack from another 30’000 Russians.
What is your estimate of how many casualties should be expected in case of a frontal Russian assault??
And I don’t mean only Ukies, Russkies too.
No, what Russia needs at *almost* any cost is to give these Ukrainian men a chance to surrender, run (either east or west), negotiate with their Russian counterparts. etc.
Neither Russia nor the future Ukraine (whatever that will end up being) need tens of thousands of massacred Ukrainians if there is ANY chance to avoid that. If there is really no chance, fine.
The problem of that surrounded Ukie force is that it drains a lot of Russian/LDNR forces. So the Russians have basically three options:
1) vaporize the entire Ukie force in the cauldron (or at least one part of it, as a demonstration)
2) wait and accept the drain on your own forces (and strikes on civilians like the one today!)
3) bring in reinforcements to block the Ukie long term and liberate Russian forces to go west.
I vote for #3
If not, I am very sorry, then I vote for #1
#2 is not sustainable and will end up costing too many lives
That’s my personal take.
Other opinions?
Run a LIDAR scan of the area, map the locations of the bunkers and put a siege on them. Well, if you want to be cruel just put a blast wall over the entrance and put grandma with a rifle as guard
With all the tech available, one can do an aerial LIDAR scan or even a thermal scan for buried hot spots. that concrete spits out a lot of heat
Alpine,those groups in south-east are predoninantly nazbats. They were concentrated there to fight LDPR and terrorize locals. We might call them nazi, but they actually are more like the ISIS and their fight in the similar way. They are holding civilians as human shields. They are holding and terrorizing even the regular Ukrainian army groups. That is. why is so difficult to do away with them.
Those are monsters. They are not going to surender after all horrible atrocities they committed there. They especially are not gong to surender to LDPR forces, who are coming to their destroyed homes, graves of their beloved and lost families. If Russians can take and treat them as POW, Donetsk and Lugansk army are not going to treat them in such way. They know that very vey well.
Well blow them to Kingdom Come. We can’t have it both ways. They can’t be moderate ukies and nazis at the same time. They have had over two weeks to surrender after rebelling or fragging against nazi generals and kommisars.
If innocent, well they now have to die as innocents as collateral damage and meet with other world innocents in heaven. The Allies had to kill many allied innocents to drive the Nazis out of occupied France and Italy.
Run a LIDAR scan of the area, map the locations of the bunkers
All long done.
We know where they are.
What we need to decide is what will we do about it.
Before I saw your options, my thought was to surround and besiege until surrender, essentially your #3. Perhaps use teargas and smoke to mimic the gas attack they expect–I doubt many have protective gear–and CS is brutal in enclosed areas. Probably lots of semi-innocent conscripts inside those fortifications too.
Hi Saker,
Given the high quality of the comment input of this blog, I think you should close down commenting on that cauldron from now onwards. You never know who is scanning your blog for battlefield ideas, now that the Special Operation is being conducted in such a strategic fog… Who knows for sure whether even President Zelenski himself reads your blog. Your blog’s quality of input especially in the past few weeks is unsurpassable anywhere on the internet. And as you saw with your previous update post entitled “Day 10…” a few days ago, it had a whopping 67, 000 views, the last time I checked, and climbing!! Even one person, commenting on my open letter to President Putin, there, and specifically on Kenya’s colonial fight against the British, even admitted to having once worked as a pilot for the U.K. government, and climbing up there in a jet plane with the late Bruce McKenzie, Kenya’s first Agriculture minister, armed with British maps of Kenya. Now, Bruce McKenzie ended in catastrophic career infamy, having being openly exposed as a Mossad Agent by Kenya’s intelligence in a sensationally publicized expose. Is that commentator to my post on your “Day 10…” update still working for the British Government? Or even Mossad, just like his former boss, Bruce McKenzie???
Like I once also commented here, the quality of a lot of people commenting here as well as the quality of their opinion is actually collectively sufficient to wage war, if Russia didn’t have a military. But fortunately, it so happens that Russia’s military is the best in the world.
Given the civilian toll that’s likely to come from a direct Russian attack on the Ukrainians hunkered down in those bunkers, its clear that the Russian Aerospace Forces are facing a very unique challenge, in regard to which I’ve no doubt they’ll improvise accordingly. What if that Tuchka-U munition was lobbed at the Donbas with the objective of inspiring a barrage of comments that would give away Russia’s next move on the hunkered down forces and prepare accordingly? The cauldron faces an even worse conundrum on what to do hence, you can take that to the bank, Saker.
But I’ve seen it once with a rats menace in downtown Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city. It wasn’t until the authorities here noted a deadly outbreak of the fatal mengitis brought about by the filth and rats fleas that a hand somewhere was inspired to quickly act. Giving rats even a moment causes the causatives the opportunity to breed trouble by the millions…. Eventually, it wasn’t until the removal of all the hiding places that the rats were all sent a scampering.
I be that pilot who flew B Mackenzie.. but that was in a twin piston engine Macchi, low wing, WOODEN, monoplane.. and no, I flew for your very own East African Airways for ten years, ending up as a Snr Check Capt. on the SVC10s, and not in UK. I’m retired in Siam and never with Mossad, although we did various top secret flights to Israel, taking Ugandans for military training. Stay on story. so Hakuna Matata.
that would invert the narrative
I think its time for The Father Of All Bombs – just one would persuade the Ukies to hurry up surrendering.
Opinions ?
I’d be surprised if the cauldron is as well supplied as you make out. I also doubt that 60,000 Ukie troops remain in the cauldron. More like 1/2 are MIA, AWOL, etc. These are just guesses so ….
If I was Generalisimo – my operational choice would be to surround the cauldron with low grade linfantry and slowly starve the bastards out. They aren’t mobile. Selected air strikes and Artillery will keep them stuck. Might take 2-4 weeks.
Use the mechanized units freed to push on to the river -and link up with the RF forces coming from Krywyj Rih
The cauldron is a side show now. The next strategic goal is phase 2 – liberation of Lemberg. Focus on reaching Unam and driving West to Lemberg
The cauldron was built during EIGHT YEARS.
In preparation for exactly that: either a Ukronazi attack on the LDNR or a preemptive LDNR attack.
The latter happened.
Exile – may I ask, what is your personal military experience?
Probably not Generalissimo, but to talk “operational choices” like you do you must have at least a staff officer rank of some kind, no?
What do these guys live on, reds vitiman c cocaine and chocolate?
> What do these guys live on, reds vitiman c cocaine and chocolate
captagon and cigarettes
Hopefully they’ll be trucking on Bama!
You would be a butcher then. Butcher of YOUR OWN “low grade infantry”.
Sorry, but this is not how Russians operate. Soviet union during WW2, possibly. Russia in 2022, no.
I am guessing you are either a keyboard warior or are actually pushing the “lets dehumanize the Russians even more” narrative. Going for the second option at this point.
The point is, the Russians are fighting the REAL hearts&minds war here. Both for the Ukrainian nephew and for the Russian mother. Using your forces as cannon fodder for the Ukrainians to chew is not a part of that.
I disagree the West’s “lets dehumanize the Russians even more” narrative on Russia is affected one bit by what Russia does or does not. Self-imposed moral restraint is only good for feeling good and only limits Russia’s options.
I think it’s naive to try to morally appease your enemy. “fighting the REAL hearts&minds” sounds too flowerland to me. The result of war isn’t decided by who’s actually on the moral highground. To be realistic, throughout the history, the ones with the most mercilessness and dirtiest tricks won the wars and they became the rulers of the world. In your term, butchers. The biggest vicious butchers are the ruling powers we are seeing today. The victor claims the moral leader and decides how people think, the loser gets demonized.
You are right the Western narrative will not be affected by what Russia does or does not. BUT the personal experience of the people in Ukraine overrides that narrative.
Russia is fighting the infowar by NOT waging an infowar. That is the only way they can win it – at least locally. But focusing on truth. This strategy requires they can withold truth. They can even (tactically) lie to hide the truth, BUT they must be able to explicitly justify any lie ex post and explain it. That is the only way they can sustain the “one narrative” onslaught.
But that also means THEY MUST ACT IN GOOD FAITH. That is essential for them vis-a-vis the (east) Ukrainian population and their home court.
Now, onto which this is so essential:
The objective of Russia here is to remove a threat. It will be at a great cost, so to be worth it they need it removed permanently. Or at least for a generation plus. If this means they lose 10.000 soldiers more this time, only to avoid a repeat in 20 yrs. Then to them it is worth it.
And they cannot achieve this objective by leaving a hostile population after withdrawal. They can have the population hate them the same way the population now hates the SBU & Co. But not more.
Basically, Russians want to win the war with the West, or at least get a draw. Winning battles is not enough here. To win the war they NEED to break the brainwashing Ukrainians were subjected to for decades.
(Intentionally) sacrificing your soldiers _only_ to gain some time will not work here. It may allow them to win faster, but the long term cost would be too much.
Nough said.
“Think of this as the Ukronazi Ligne Maginot if you want.”
Absolutely and it was circumvented mostly the same way by Russian forces coming from Kharkov/Izium region into forming a cauldron!
Option #1, this is war. Btw: to be vaporized is instantaneous and final. I know we are not talking nukes but remember what Herman Kahn was quoted as saying, (in the Michael Hudson piece) he wanted the nuke to fall directly on him as being a survivor in a nuclear war was not a desirable option for him.
Thank you for all you do Saker. You are a beacon of light in this murderous time.
Russians could and should do their best to determine where the biggest concentration of nazi rats combined with the least number of civilians is, then make sure there is a mean of communication that everyone in the cauldron will hear, use it to declare “THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE”, then immediately drop a BARRAGE of termobaric bombs on the part of cauldron where most of nazis are and follow up with instructions on where to run with arms above the heads for anyone who wants to live.
It is cruel, but mathematics will very likely prove it would save more innocent lives than other options when all is set and done.
If it was nothing but trenches and bunkers in no man’s land, I would 100% agree with you. I would go for Saker’s option 1.
I am using this part of Donbass as an example. This is part of where they are! It is South of Izyum. Look at Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. They are densely packed villages, city dwellings, industry, rail yards, etc. They roll from one into the other following these roads. If you go off the path, you end in no where. A place where you’ll be observable out in areas being mined or farmed. Not really effective for give’em a big juicy bomb. All those homes and apartments still are loaded up with people you want on your side. Eastern side of Ukraine especially.
The third option isn’t Satisfying, but it is a better choice for the goals of Russia.
This map is dated 2019. Donetsk Airport….
West of it, the church is destroyed. Northwest, trenches were dug. Fighting went through the population of Donbass. Since 2014. There is proof everywhere for the West. I digress…
Saker, ‘what Russia needs at *almost* any cost is to give these Ukrainian men a chance to surrender, run (either east or west), negotiate with their Russian counterparts. etc.’ – after what happened today, the mood of the Donbass Defenders – & civilians – has changed a lot, & the enemy had been warned enough times to surrender, so now it is retribution and no mercy! – Only God can save them, but He has heard the cry of the dead and innocent for nearly 8 years, and now it is deserved vengeance.
Setup a network of meteorological stations around the area followed by a chemical (not biological) weapons attack using a nerve agent to watch how the nazis squirm out of their fortifications.
…….oh wait the Russian signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Well you can always wait and starve them off. Use drones to document how they eat each-other alive (hunger games) ?
Option 1, cruel though it seems, is the best option.
Stop prolonging this war – and option 1 sure hastens its conclusion.
Silence once and for all the Western/Ukraine narrative that Ukraine is winning and has a chance + Russia is weak.
I have said before that Russia’s image is already bad in the collective West – no amount of goodwill nor counter narratives can change that.
This is a war for Russia’s very existence as a sovereign state and also the beginning of the end of Western hegemony IF Russia wins this war, the swifter the better. War is war. Cut the civility and let the killing/vaporization does the talking : it is the only language the West understands.
The approved narrative is written by the victorious.
“No, what Russia needs at *almost* any cost is to give these Ukrainian men a chance to surrender, run (either east or west), negotiate with their Russian counterparts. etc”
Regarding denazification, if most surrender in a block, how will the Russian/DLNR differentiate the ukronazis from reasonably-normal Ukrainian soldiers? Not all of them have tattooed swastikas or other evident elements to identify them.
I understand completely.
It’s just a crying shame they’re so close to Donetsk and Gorlovka.
Other opinions?
If the business end of the Ukie forces are faced eastwards, how vulnerable are they to being attacked from the rear / west?
Do whatever is needed to mount a long-term siege.
Make a stab at reducing morale and maybe inducing some friction within the ranks by dropping leaflets stating that that is the reality: long-term siege. The Russians are not going away.
Include info on progress of rest of campaign—again, to reduce morale.
Provide legitimate estimates of how long those holed up can hold out.
It doesn’t matter how long, because they are trapped.
End of story.
Despite the neoNazis being totally dug in, it seems like Russia holds the upper hand because of the realities of a siege situation. No one is coming to lift this siege. Make sure the besieged know it.
Surely electronic communications are impacted underground and can be intercepted and traced above ground? Send some drones overhead at night to catch infrared videos of anyone who leaves bunkers etc. at night. Maybe shoot those guys.
Just some thoughts of a granny armchair general.
Nr 1 definitely
They killed innocents for 7 years
This can not be forgiven
No Mercy for these troops of he’ll
May be using one or two huge bunker busting bombs then offer a chance to surrender…see if they get it.
Well if its ‘opinions’ you want including the arm chair varieties, my number 1 would be to take out the comedian and his hangers on plus the backer(s) that hide behind him. They have had plenty of time to sue for peace and taking out 200+? people in exchange for 100,000 + people seems a fair trade to me. The option may have some logistical difficulties to overcome but the outcome I think would be worth the investment. And no I dont suppose it would stop those too entrenched in their mindset and under the ground but it would present a huge problem to the main instigators of this disaster by removing their contacts and by inference their influence over the matter (that is another important line in the supply chain is cut).
Back here in Princess Nut Nut land the press and politicians would go wild no doubt thinking that they will be next on the chopping block. The plebs will do what they always do and lap up the hysteria. You have to see it to believe the hypocrisy and idiocy on display but then again these are the people that have willing opened their veins for a pharmacy industry poison.
From a personal point of view I would like to see the war over and done with, it may take time and sadly many more deaths but it is the end result that counts and I see those as being the ones that have been stated again and again by Russia. I put my faith in Russia keeping its word and bringing a lasting peace to the Ukraine and protecting those that are innocents.
Am I deluded in that thought?
Why dug in deep.. weren’t the entire crew getting ready to overrun Donbass, Crimea, the Bela Russ, then Russ? Wasn’tbthat the exposed game plan? How can you do that from a deep, comfortable, stocked bunker?
I find the mercenary story hilarious. I know some want to be merc types that are thinking of fighting in Ukraine. I told them this was stupid and that they would be killed rather quickly. The next day this missle strike happens.
I also tried to draw the comparison between ISIS and the Azov battalion or the right sector. In part the Azov battalion is funded by Igor Kolomoisky the same financier of Zelensky’s tv show and presumably his actual presidency as well. Strange that a jew would finance Nazis and that the CIA would train them, no? Strange the Pentagon would arm and the CIA would train ISIS to attack places like Syria but these great antisemitic don’t touch Israel right next store, no?
Probably the biggest news in this vein is the Iranian missile strike. Unthinkable not long ago. This action could lead to some interesting consequences depending on how Israel chooses to react. Israel’s death grip on the region looks to be weakening. Keep a close eye on Syria, I think if a war on Russia widens it will likely begin in Syria.
I wonder more about the total media silents over this Iran strike. i would LOVE to see that Iran and Russia going to Town with the ISIS in Syria oppenly and set a deadline for the Occupation force there.
Will not happen, i known, but let me dream.
I have to pull me back at time to stop gleeing over such prospects but finally this system is start to crumbeling. Freedom will be near.
kuz the media is 99.99999% run by Zionists.
The latter think of themselves as racially superior to the rest of mankind.
So having your sorry little ass handed to you by the Iranian Sand Niggers is very, very offensive and massively distressing.
Like all racists, most Zionists cannot cope with reality.
Hence the silence and obfuscation, especially in the Zone A media (the media in Israel is actually BETTER than the one in the rest of Zone A).
I can not confirm this report but it would be interesting if it is confirmed. 9 Israeli general’s got hit in the missile strike.
PS. No.3 is my vote
Here is what it looked like at ground zero of the Iran strike:
Thanks Dax. Beautiful precision fireworks!
btw: everybody mentioned the timing. Whats about that?
i am not surprised. US needs Iran and Venezuela NOW. MSM is a tool – their decibel level can be freely adjusted.
I imagine those who are sitting in charge of Idlib are starting to feel a bit twitchy right now (if they’ve been watching tv)
Oh but it is WAAAAAAAAAAY bigger than just that
All of CENTCOM is now in need of new underwear (triple layer for the Israelis!)
I think they are mercenaries the way German and Italian fascist volunteers in the Spanish Civil War were mercenaries.
They are either:
NATO special forces and regulars who temporarily “resigned” from their posts to save the CIA from certain defeat
After sales service for useless NATO weapons to prove in the right hands they do work and were not duds purchased by a staggeringly corrupt defense establishment
“Strange that a jew would finance Nazis and that the CIA would train them, no? ”
My take of it is that the ultra-nationalist ethnic Ukrainians (the so called Nazis) are being used for either the purpose of making trouble to weaken Russia, or they are used to cleanse the Russians from Ukraine. People that have a high ego or narcissic tendencies are easily manipulated. The Nazis are nothing more than programmable human missiles and thus are used as any other weapon.
“Strange that a jew would finance Nazis and that the CIA would train them, no?”
Tactical alliances, how do they work?
In that leaked phone call with a subordinate, I.V. Kolomoiskii remarked that many of his charges “didn’t exactly like Jews”.
I understand how this “alliance” works for Jews but how does it work for the Nazis?
The Nazis are all going to die in this “alliance”. Not a good outcome for them. The Jewish oligarchs have already fled to Israel in their private jets.
Is there a political group that is less intelligent than these Nazis anywhere in the world?
from AP:
“Foreigners — some of whom have never handled a firearm yet but are ready to die — have arrived in Ukraine from other European countries, the United States and elsewhere. They are hoping to get equipped, instructed and made battle-ready.”
NOTE: the emphasis is on “but are ready to die” – that seems to be the only option left.
*I wonder who sends those idiots willingly. They know what will happen to them.
Same with Mig-29 “flying coffins”….. idiot Lindsey Graham, I wonder if they are indeed that stupid and ignorant, or they are just acting for the press?
The strike in western Ukraine should have happened before now,,might make all the wanna be Rambos think twice about it,as for these weapons shipments into the country they need to be hit as soon as they cross the border,don’t know what the MSM are saying about the murder of civilians in Donetsk as I stopped listening to them a long time ago
maybe they waited until enough Nazi mercenaries were all nicely gathered in one spot?
This is what Maj-Gen. Konashenkov just said – waited not so much for the mercenaries, but for the military technical “help” to arrive.
could be hardware too of course!
The British press (Daily Mail) were reporting this morning that several UK Citizens were killed in the strikes along with x3 “Ex” Special Forces soldiers (they went to great lengths to explain that the citizens and spec ops guys were “not currently serving members of HM Armed Forces”, so I think they were).
According to British press and blogs, many of the people killed in the strike were apparently there to receive live-fire training on anti-tank weapons systems, especially NLAW on one of Europes largest training ranges for man-portable systems (which I didnt know).
There were also several videos being circulated showing a large number of British citizens travelling to Ukraine prior to the Russian attack. they were all boasting (and bloating) that they were “combet experienced ex forces” with experience with Milan, HAW, and LAW, and even NLAW. Interestingly, one of the ex-soldiers said that he was travelling to Ukraine to stop the Russians from “raping and killing Ukrainian girls and Women”. This made me wonder about the level of lies and propaganda being fed to these people, because in the videos they clearly were not “Nazis”, but they really did believe they were on the side of right fighting the evil Russians who had invaded Ukraine for quote, “no reason”.
It may well be that the Russians waited to strike the base until “both” the anti-tank missiles and the people who can use them (and train others to use them) were all together – a very efficient and effective way of doing things.
Also, it should be clear with all the talk of a NATO no fly zones that this base and the border area around NATO members in western Ukraine was being set up to become a NATO protected zone for “Humanitarian Operations”.
Consider this as a new “Al Tanf” type of protected zone. Following the Syrian playbook seems to be a theme, even the pseudo White Helmets rescuing pregnat women and talk of chemical weapons use.
I doubt howver that that NATO will give up on a beach head into western Ukraine from which Lviv would become the new capital of “Free Ukraine” and centre of “Humanitarian Operations”. The bombing of the base should at least postpone this type of development, but likely will not stop it.
I believe you will find – after the stablization of a new and significantly smaller Ukraine – the brief emergence of an unstable nationalist, Ruthenian enclave that will end up destablizing Poland (and to a lesser extent, Slovakia) before the West puts an end to it. Most of it will then be re-absorbed into the new Ukraine, with the remainder split amongst Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Galician nationalism will not return if our lifetimes.
Nothing about Donetsk in MSM. Visited a couple of outlets today for the first time in over a week. Nothing. But then there was nothing about the biowarfare labs until Nuland slipped up, then it was full on denial mode with an added pinch of ‘we expect a Russian gas attack’ distraction. Typical US projection, always accuse the enemy of that which you are actually doing yourself.
Every single story is a lie or a fake, even the already debunked ones are still doing the rounds why? becuse the sheeple don’t have access to any other point of view, thats why Russian TV and news media websites were banned or cyberattacked to prevent any access to non narrative points of view. Its pretty sickening after you see the videos from Donetsk. It could be amusing how tawdry and poorly written this stuff is but it is cretinous stuff, there we are, the people who write it are cretins writing for the cretinous. The other point is that if you write comments to counteract some of the lies you eventually get moderated or banned completely. So much for freedom and democracy
I have been thrown off three forums in the UK for calling them liars and posting the facts,i am quite proud of it i wear it as a badge of honour,these people are scum with blood on their hands.
Saw something about it earlier today on CNN. They were reporting that “sources said” the missile was shot down, partially, but still caused damage. They claimed to not know the origin, because they are clowns.
@ Davyboy
“…. as for these weapons shipments into the country they need to be hit as soon as they cross the border…”
Perhaps not necessarily “as soon as they cross the border”. They might be hit, legally, even in Poland if there is a nexus between Polish involvement, even indirectly, in the conflict. Irrespective of the legality of Russia’s intervention as self-defence – which clearly is, considering the potential consequences of NATO de facto membership of and collaboration by the Ukraine to encircle Russia with nuclear-capable missile installations – once a conflict is activated any state participating in the hostilities is fair game under the laws of war, subject to secondary rules regarding justification and proportionality.
International law of armed conflict is sufficient elastic to consider Poland’s behaviour as casus bellum to attract Russian legitimacy in destroying personnel and materiel en route to Ukraine and even sending an exemplary demonstration to Warsaw for its acquiescence to and harbouring hostile agents.
The US has done much worse for much less, starting with the conquests of Mexican lands; still going everywhere.
Ukrops claim the tochka missile on Donetz was a Russian false flag!!!!!
Expect some fatherofallbombs soon?
Well, during their previous civil war when they shot a downtown Donetsk they said that it was a A/C which exploded.
Looks, when you run out of stores, you might as well use stories :-)
Such are our Ukronazi friends, doing exactly what Hitler did during his inglorious retreat from Russia (promising and imminent victory).
Well it worked where I live. TV reported prorussian separatists claimed there was an airstrike, ukrainian government denied the accusation claiming prorussian separatists hit AC with MANPAD. When OSCE reported it was indeed airstrike TV didn’t bother to air it. In effect no airstrike on central Lugansk square happened…
You’d think that the DNR/LNR would stop attacking themselves, since, unlike the poor saps who actually live in Donetsk, the western MSM is far too clever to be fooled by such fakenews. Not only that, but Russians apparently have SRBMs and artillery shells than can do a 180 turn in mid air.
Yes, that post was sarcasm.
Well, the problem with your joke is that the Russian DO have SRBMs which can do an 180 turn mid-air. Heh.
That is what all the fuss about Iskanders was after all.
I was left with the impression that the russians phased out their OTR-21s in 2020 and replaced them with Iskanders.
These EUSUK axis aholes think they’re on some kind of a crusade. Deluded freaks, all of them. In the middle ages, wealthy nobles from as far as England used to travel to the Baltic regions to fight the pagans, instead of crusading to the Mideast. They got their ‘praise from the catholic church’ by fighting godless heathens on the cheap.
as Gandhi once said about western civilization, ‘It would be a good idea.’
Ve Slovenské republice dostal nápad, asi koncem listopadu a začátkem prosince 2021, jednoho obyčejného muže, Slováka, napsat dopis panu Putinovi. Napsal jej a odnesl ho na ruskou ambasádu v Bratislavě a nechal předat velvyslanci.
Dopis zveřejnil také na facebooku a šel od toho. Když se po pár hodinách ke svému facebooku vrátil, dojetím mu tekly slzy. Připojilo se za krátký čas k dopisu pět tisíc podpisů od lidí, kteří cítili obdiv a úctu z textu dopisu. Psal samozřejmě, jak už jistě tušíte i vy, o slovanství, o bratrství, o krásných krajinách, i přírodě obou států, o statečných lidech. Psal to v době, kdy již svět poštvával proti Rusům, a v době, kdy se slovo Rusko ještě smělo vyslovovat- podzim 2021. Přála bych si, aby se ten dopis k panu Putinovi dostal. Jen tak, jenom pro radost, sílu… Moc krásný dopis psaný na papíře… Podpisy a slova podpory přicházely stále ještě několik týdnů elektronicky… Na Slovensku se zmíněným ruským velvyslancem proběhlo uctění památky (u nyní pokresleného památníku) padlých hrdinů 2. světové války 24. 2. 2022… neoficiální akce několika málo dobrých lidí…
Yandex Translation: The Slovak republic has had an idea, I’m about to end the letter and start the prosience 2021, a single man, Slovváka, to write a letter to Mr Putin. He napped her and took him to the Russian embassy in Bratislav and left the ambassador to attend.
The letter put these on Facebook and the beast from that. When he came back after his Facebook page, I’ll finish his tears off his leak. The letter was sent to the letter of the thousand podpis od people, who felt admiration and respect from the text of the letter. I’m sure you know, about slavantví, about brarství, about beautiful countries, i přírodě both statví, about the statví lidech. It was in the time when he was turning his head against the Rus, and in time, when the word Russia was allowed to pronounce- under 2021. I wish that letter to Mr. Putin was given. Jen tak, jenom pro radost, sílu… Poc lovely letter of piá papiře … Signatus and the word of support přicházely still ještě několik výdně electronically … Na Slovensku se zmínění památky (u nní painí památní) falllych hero 2. světové války 24. 2. 2022 … unofficial akce několika few good people …
Better Yandex Translation, It’s Czech:
In the Slovak Republic, the idea came about in late November and early December 2021, of an ordinary man, a Slovak, writing a letter to Mr. Putin. He wrote it and took it to the Russian embassy in Bratislava and had it handed over to the ambassador.
He also posted the letter on Facebook and went from there. When he returned to his Facebook page after a few hours, he was overcome with tears. In a short time, five thousand signatures were attached to the letter from people who felt admiration and respect from the text of the letter. He wrote, of course, as you already know, about the Slavs, about the brotherhood, about beautiful landscapes, and the nature of both states, about brave people. He wrote it at a time when the world was already turning against the Russians, and at a time when the word Russia was still allowed to be pronounced – autumn 2021. I wish the letter could reach Mr. Putin. Just so, just for joy, strength… a very beautiful letter written on paper … signatures and words of support were still coming for several weeks electronically … in Slovakia, the mentioned Russian ambassador held a commemoration (at the now painted memorial) of the Fallen Heroes 2. World War 24. 2. 2022 … unofficial event of a few good people…
As for my self- my signature is on the letter. Letter was really heart moving
Myslím a doufám, že Putin tuší, že existují lidé, kteří rozumí pohnutkám a krokům, které vedly k uskutečnění této speciální operace.
Snad ví, že jsou lidé, kteří ruskými lidmi nepohrdají. Ano, ví to.
Yandex translation. Mod:
I think and hope that Putin suspects that there are people who understand the motives and actions that led to this special operation.
I hope he knows there are people who don’t despise the Russian people. Yes, he knows.
Quick try at a translation:
Roughly towards the end of November and early December 2021 an ordinary man, a Slovak, in the Slovak Republic got the idea to write a letter to mister Putin. He wrote it and took it to the Russian embassy in Bratislava and left it for the ambassador.
He also made the letter public on Facebook and went away. A few hours later, when he returned to his Facebook page, tears of emotion fell. In that short time the signatures of five thousand people, who felt admiration and respect for the text, had been added to the letter. He wrote it at a time, when the world was already setting itself against the Russians, and at a time when it was still permitted to utter the word “Russia” – autumn 2021. I would wish, that Mr. Putin received this letter. If only for joy, strength and… A very beautiful letter written on paper… Signatures and words of support were still coming for a number of weeks electronically… In Slovakia with the above mentioned Russian Ambassador a memorial service was held (at the now graffiti covered memorial) for the fallen heroes of the Second World War on February 24th, 2022… The unofficial action of a few small good people.
Děkuji za překlad, jste nejlepší :)
Yandex translation. Mod:
Thank you for the translation, you are the best :)
Thanks for this post. It is tragic that innocents continue being killed by the UkroNazis. This has to stop.
Here, in the north of London, we are getting isolated gradually, as the only news site I can open — and trust — are… is RT. Only RT. And it takes almost a minute to open. I hope you can continue keeping us informed. Many people, now, may have only The Vineyard of the Saker to get news.
I can also open Andrei Martyanov’s Blog Reminiscence of the Future… A few minutes ago and read this in his site:
This is important
“YEREVAN, March 14 – Sputnik. The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China will develop a project for an independent international monetary and financial system. This was agreed upon by the participants in the economic dialogue “A New Stage of Monetary, Financial and Economic Cooperation between the EAEU and the PRC. Global Transformations: Challenges and Solutions”, which was held on March 11 via videoconference. It is envisaged that the system will be based on a new international currency, which will be calculated as an index of the national currencies of the participating countries and commodity prices. The first draft will be submitted for discussion by the end of March. As Sergei Glazyev, Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC, emphasized, China was the first in the world to move to the stage of national economic recovery.
While the massacres continue happening in Ukraine, the world is fast moving to de-dollarize and form a NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM! This is excellent news.
The deaths of the Russian soldiers and so many innocents in the Donbass and other places were not in vain. They were part of the resistance that has finally kicked the East ahead while braking the back of the beast by exposing it to the whole world. The king is nude.
Continue the great work! I admire you a lot. Many thanks.
The Russian news sites auto-translate on browsers these days e.g., and load very quickly.
That is important, will use of this new currency be by invitation only? Meaning for example, could the EU members use it or would they have to be approved to use it?
The US keeps talking up the “chemical false flag” warning. I see at least two possibilities and even more dire interpretations of what would follow. The two possibilities I see are:
1. A distraction and attempt to redirect attention from the biolabs.
2. Preparation for a real false flag to be blamed on Russia.
Let’s look at case #2. Remember several years ago when Obama was president, for awhile competing US proxies were fighting each other in Syria? The Pentagon was supporting one faction and the CIA the other. It became clear that there were multiple conflicting agendas and one group was sabotaging the efforts of the other. Could this be in play now? Is it possible that the knowledgeable people in the military know better than to have a direct NATO/Russia confrontation, but perhaps the CIA/State Department apparatchiks orchestrate a false flag chemical attack to achieve what they want?
Suppose that happened. The press immediately states Putin ordered a chemical attack, killed hundreds of civilians, etc. What happens next? All the idiots would demand a “harsh military response.” And I think we all know how this could end. How realistic is this scenario?
There is a Pentagon biolab right in the city center of Kiev – Solomensky neighborhood, Donetskaya Str.
Few Ukrainian journalists and Bulgarian Dyliana Gaytandjieva raised the issue two years ago. Ukrainians were forced to run underground to save their lives, Bulgarian one was expelled from EU headquarters and UN.
Venezuela has refused to sell its petroleum to Pindostan
Saudi Arabia will build some of refineries in China so they can process even more crude oil from Russia.
link please!
“The deal came just two weeks before Russia launched a special operation in Ukraine aimed at neutralizing the country before it can become a launchpad for a NATO attack on Russia.”
Maduro should demand that Britain should first repatriate the 250 tons of gold that they sequestered in London, and the US should return ownership of the Citgo oil refinery that it stole some years ago from Venezuela, plus all the $millions given to Guiado.
Next up seems to be a chemical false flag by Uncle Shmuel.
This seems the real point of the hysteria whipped up by the mind manipulation machine.
Well, if they blow it.. will be their last chance.
I fully concur
that is their “best” (satanically speaking) option now
I am sure that the BlinNudel cabal always had a chemical false flag in their playbook for their planned Russian color revolution of summer 2022.
It was supposed to start in February with a Ukrainian attack that would then be claimed to be a Russian false flag, provoke a Russian intervention in the Donbass, followed by a chemical false flag leading to a Russian attack on say Lviv, followed by a NATO no fly zone accompanied by sanctions, followed by protests in the streets of Moscow and other cities and an oligarch led regime change, leading to the return of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Bill Browder and the economic conditions in which they made their fortunes.
Meanwhile Congress would make some well timed investments in energy and defense stocks (see this episode of Jimmy Dore and no doubt oil futures.
The Russians have completely wrong footed them and the Washington cabal has been struggling ever since.
Which page on the playbook to turn to? Who forgot to cancel Jill Biden’s visit to Fort Campbell? Will someone turn off Kinzinger and tell him that part is now cancelled?
How did that sneaky Lavrov convince the Chinese, the Iranians, the Saudis, etc. to get on board for the fight of the century where the little street fighter from Leningrad finally takes on the global schoolyard bully?
The BBC had a story today about how a gay couple was so disgusted with “Putin’s Russia” they had to escape to Tblisi. I am sure they were hired for the street protests and now realize that the planned Russian color revolution of summer 2022 has been officially cancelled. It was a stupid plan anyway.
In the West we have been sold a fantasy Russia (and a fantasy America) for over a hundred years. Even Wikipedia admits Stalin got Bulgakov a job and the famed Holdomar also affected all of Southern Russia and how do you explain the end of the cycle of famines following collectivization. It is all propaganda.
The only danger is how crazy are the crazies in the cabal in Washington as they still do not seem to understand that their own corruption has led to this: a global power with no friends only minions or enemies, woke armed forces with weapons that do not work due to corrupt procurement and financial markets about to commit collective hare kiri due to Washington’s own actions. America really needs to clean house as much as Ukraine and the EU.
Israel has declared a national emergency as a result of a massive cyber attack on all its government websites. Interesting timing and of course they a blaming Iran.
Iranian IT is very VERY strong.
Could be :-)
Russia should do the same thing to the US.
Indeed. A few months ago Iranian hackers broke in to MOSSAD and other’s sites and did a data dump on the open net.
Phone numbers, photos, resumes, and home addresses of Israhelli military scum.
i had a pleasant a’noon ringing the scum on globphone. The so called heroes could not handle verbal abuse and hung up. Imagine their reaction to physical threats LOL
From what I gather there were a lot of western clueless somewhat military types in that center, like this french guy :
Doesn’t look like NATO would mingle their own special forces with them. The strike seems to have spooked a lot of people in the West though
According to Western propaganda: Russians are mostly out of ammo, out of fuel and being tired in general. Even some gypies steal Russian tanks as if they are some wheelbarrows and three babushkas can stop entire Russian armoured columns. Here in Poland, they have even shown how to start up t-72 tank, because they belive that Russia has no fuel and leaves hundreds of them in the field, running back hopelessy at the same time.
This alternative Matrix like reality.
Reality struck these morons really hard this time. :))) But instead of need of swallowing the red pill, it was Mr Kalibr flying through the roof. :)))
No worries
when we run out of ammo, POL and soldiers we will unleash our secret weapon: “Bear Divisions” – each such division is made of 12’000 angry Siberian bears who were told that Kulturträgers meat is delicious, especially when savored according to the “steak tartare” recipe.
And if even that fails
we will release our invincible babushkas :-)
Two comments.
First, judging by one single picture, that base looks like most of the buildings are still intact, (on the edges and in the distance).
Second, is Russia warning that more strikes are coming as part of a psy-ops? Why allow them to evacuate known mercenaries? Put the financial burden on their home countries to ship the bodies back home for burial. Any who are still in Ukraine at this point have had adequate warning of their potential fate. Warning them also allows them to disperse more military hardware.
Come to think of it, maybe the point is to disrupt the smooth flow of weapons and fighters into Ukraine since the eastern operations will be wrapping up in the next couple weeks anyway, and dispersing the mercs now will keep them from forming real fighting units.
First of all. Russians aren’t monsters and they won’t shot at the injured.
Second. Many of the so called mercenaries are just a cannon fodder lulled by propaganda of success. They are naive folks living in a dream world, who maybe shot couple times at a shooting range. They have no clue about real war and many of them are already running back through the border with tears. They ve got the warning. For more stubborn ones there will be more rocket salvos.
All the training and weapons cache will have moved to Poland already.
From now on they will move units into Ukraine when they’re ready to be deployed.
“Westerners awake” – yep,once expressed as “Deutschland erwache”
Seems like more and more “good deeds” are returning home, intel slava reports heavy cyber attacks on Israel. An Austrian web side reported, Spanish police allegedly, recovered a list of names of Austrian special forces in the hands of Taliban. Those (very,very neutral) Austrians worked as instructors to Afghan police and military under order of the empire. Sadly the exceptionals forgot to clean up the office before leaving.
To be fair, i wonder how the sanctions for the West will look like. And how they will play out on the Ground. sitting here and look in awe at our Gasoline prices and how idiots buy up ALL the Cooking oil and wonder how they react if a TRUE shortage will hit our, just in time Foot delivery system.
It will be brutal. and i will laugh at it when they fighting over the last breads in some discounter.
A tear but shoulders back. Sorry I shouldn’t say this from Norfolk, UK.
Is this true, it seems to be a numbingly stupid mind*fthing* ?
If Russia attack a NATO convoy from Poland (or anywhere) carrying mercenaries, guns, bullets, missiles, anti-tank kit, anti-aircraft manpads or any other special ‘defensive’ materials *not an exact quote* , NAZ0 will consider this as an ‘Article 5’ event?
Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
The principle of collective defence is enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 inside job.
NATO has taken collective defence measures on several occasions, including in response to the situation in Syria and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
NATO has standing forces on active duty that contribute to the Alliance’s collective defence efforts on a permanent basis.
This is all crapola, but the last one is simply factually wrong.
Please let me the composition of the NATO army!
Article 5 sais that if a country, member of NATO is attacked that triggers an automatic response from NATO. Then this article continues like that: if an attack on a NATO country is a response to an attack from a NATO country, then it does not trigger an automatic response from NATO.
First, article 5 does not MANDATE any action
Second, once you cross the Ukie border you are not in NATOland anymore
Third, crucially
NATO does not have the means to fight Russia directly.
No amount of quasi-religious appeals to “Article 5” will save you from any Russian missiles.
everybody in NATO knows that
they just can’t say it :-)
Indeed ! In this Art-5 there is one tiny little word, that I told whoever wanted to listen to among my numbed down friends, that defeats this whole we-stand-together-as-a-holly-alliance nonsense: may
Hello Doug. They talk because they have to talk. The whole thing would cave in at lightning speed if they did not. Russia will be done soon in the east and will be able, if it chooses, to roll west. There will be more talk, more ´not one bullet´ BS. The truth is they can´t do squat wihtout getting plowed deep. They are not prepared and completely misread Russian resolve.
Their god is the god of propaganda and that one doesn´t hold well against the likes of the gods of fire. My take, I wish well to you.
Terrorism is NATOs ‘greatest’ export. Not military defense however.
To be honest it does t appear that Nato wants any of that , thank you very much, so i think they are bending over backwards to avoid it.
But big nato exercises soon …..
probably better for nato to use the battlefield as it is rather than poland or wherever next .
The Russian demands are in the treaty documents, this is the military technical response…….
So if nato is gonna fight …. I think Russia is prodding them , daring them to join the fight, demonstrating what is waiting for Nato should it get involved .
Psychological warfare, war is a battle of wills. It appears to me that the west lost before the first tanks revved up i think theres some payback time if they do.
Russian nuclear triad ensures that any military piece or personel, which crosses the border is just a shooting target. They can call or label themselves as “NATO convoy” or “Group of peaceful fluffy bears”. Doesn’t matter.
Russia now also have a “conventional triad” which is no less formidable than her nuclear one.
Nothing personal, but this question is about as dumb as the recent IGN(orance) article claiming that Russia legalized copyright infringement (Protip: Patents and copyright are entirely different things).
Likewise, the NATO treaty – at least in theory – is a defense alliance! In a defense alliance, if one nation in the alliance is attacked, all other nations in the alliance help to defend it.
What do NATO convoys on FOREIGN territory have to do with national defense? You do realize a convoy is not a nation, yes? If NATO were to send tanks to a far away nation whom’s name us westeners cannot pronounce, and those tanks get blown up, we do not get to scream outrage. Or at least not from a legal POV: Given that the empire of lies is also an empire of despots, laws don’t seem to mean anything anymore, so everyone gets to claim whatever the fuck he wants.
NATO will continue to do whatever the cabal in Washington tells it to do. They have all been dragged kicking and screaming into this mess:
Germany – Do what we say or we will bankrupt VW and put our puppets in power (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
France – Do what we say or we will bankrupt your banks (BNP Paribas) destroy the jewels of your industry (Alstom) force you to break defense contracts (Mistral) and put our puppet in power (Macron)
UK – Do what we say or we will use our sleaze files on the Royal Family – the only oligarchs who supposedly have no political power (Prince Andrew)
Rest of the US – Do what we say or we will set the Woke Guard on you (what is happening now in the US is like the Cultural Revolution in China) or open up our Epstein files on you
If Russia can show that the cabal in Washington have no teeth maybe the collective shoal of fishes will swim off and finally be free.
Article 5 is just so much toilet paper, like the AmericLoned Constitution. Fighting for peace in Vietnam is like fucking for virginity. Yippie! Read me now, mofo? It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, a new life for me, and I’m feeling good.
All respect to the Saker, Andrei Martyanov, my guru and spiritual teacher, and Bernd from MoA, and all of you my brothers and sisters is this brave new world. Inshallah. We will persevere and overcome. It’s been a long hard slog from my childhood to be here with all of you, my marvelous brothers and sisters in righteousness.
The official text of the notorious Article 5 as written here – – (my apologies for copy/pasting this crap) goes like this:
“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .”
The key words here are “such action as it deems necessary”. There is no explicitly stated guarantee that a military force shall be used – the set of the actions deemed necessary also include “let them fry in their own sauce”. Furthermore, whatever actons are taken, it is done to “to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area”, but there is no clear definition what this “North Atlantic area” encompass. These are fine points that seem to have eluded to all eastern european politicos, who sold out their countries to NATO for a tap on the shoulder.
Doug, I’ll be blunt:
”Article 5” is pure cant. It’s (or, rather, was) used to scare less determined adversaries of the collective West, basically telling them:
—Now, are you going to get it!
Not that NATO is incapable of violence, far from it, but their real calls to arms have nothing to do with this putrid ”Article 5”. The Maidan Nazi putsch in Ukraine is an excellent case in point. And it goes without saying that threats based on ”Article 5” in front of Russia, China, Iran, and the DPRK aren’t too convincing except as a way of inflating the ego of an utter nobody such as Stoltenberg.
Thanks, Saker for replying to my question about the NATO bases depicted in the map.
Would it be accurate then to assume that of the remaining 8 or 9 or whatever intact bases, none of them can receive fresh supplies be it men or material given that the RF control the skies and watch all the roads?
Is it fair then to simply categorise them as useless and little more than sitting targets?
Looks, all these maps are just REPRESENTATIONS based on:
1) old data
2) partial data
3) with some deliberate obfuscation (by all sides)
So do NOT trust ANY map too much!
Saker, what do you think of Defense Politics Asia, the youtube channel ? Seems to be skyrocketing. I have watched a few of his videos, of course it’s only based on open source information so probably lagging by a few days, but I find him very informative and it helps a lot to understan the dynamics of the battles.
I don’t know why but today I have this deep optimistic feeling. I feel that the resolution is near.
I would like most of these monsters to be exterminated on the spot, but at the same time I think it would be good to keep a small sample for a very public process in Moscow, followed by hanging on the red square. The world needs to be educated.
One map I think would be useful (although some might think it frivolous) would be an overlay, at the same scale, of Texas or France over the Ukraine. Just to compare the relative size of their outlines.
I tend to forget what a big place it is, because it looks small on a map of Asia.
Ukraine is a big as Texas and with similar population. The difference is West Texas is a desert (or anything west of the Colorado river) where as all of Ukraine is fertile
And the reason Ukraine looks smaller than Texas is because of the way the map projection (mercator) works. Similarly India is much bigger than it looks for the same reason
To make matters worse with those Mercator projections, the equator is often placed two-thirds of the way down the map, not in the center where it logically should be. This makes Africa, South America, Australia and India appear even smaller. On such distorted world view, Greenland appears as large as South America, when in fact it is about 9 times smaller.
9 times smaller
Or about one-ninth the size.
Thanks. Of course, Texas is famous for being large … but about half of it is desert.
It’s about the size of Texas, and an occupying army would need to be fairly large, just to take up that much space.
And it also explains why a one-day difference looks as small as it does on the map.
The distance from L’vov to Lugansk is a little over 1,100 km. From Paris to Berlin is a bit more than 800 km.
Look at Ukraine on a map of Europe. It is obvious that Ukraine is bigger than any (other) European nation.
It is also obvious (to me) that eastern Ukraine is like a spear pointed at Russia’s guts.
Thanks, Tom. And thanks, everyone else, for the maps.
If I start out from Austin and get on the interstate, El Paso is almost 9 hours away by car. A very long one-day drive, or an easier 2-day drive on the interstate at 80mph.
The cauldron in the LDPR would take up several counties in east Texas. If they’ve been digging in for eight years, and were well-supplied over that time, it will take a while to dig them out. And even more time, if you aren’t willing to simply burn all the towns to the ground.
By hitting the proto-NATO bases near Lvov and Kherson, it looks like (or I get the impression that) there is some hope that people in charge of the other ZOG outposts will come to their senses and head for Poland. The precision of these cruise missiles is amazing. It’s like shooting from Killeen and hitting Fort Stockton, not merely somewhere in the town, but hitting the visitor center at Old Historic Fort Stockton.
Remember that little demonstration when Russia fired Kalibr missiles from the Caspian, and hit targets inside Syria? You’d think some of the NATO generals would have noticed that.
There you go (map of the Ukraine with Texas overlay):
” Amerikanski on March 14, 2022 · at 4:39 pm EST/EDT
One map I think would be useful (although some might think it frivolous) would be an overlay, at the same scale, of Texas or France over the Ukraine. Just to compare the relative size of their outlines. ”
Made one last week,(March 8) which you can see here:
Overlayed Kiev on Oklahoma City, which places Odessa over Austin, Kharkov over Little Rock, Arkansas, and Mariopol near Baton Rouge
I then overlayed 2 different maps on that showing Russian advances, pink being the readovka map and purple being the NATO admissions from wikipedia, etc. My conclusion at the time was that since US media was reporting ground combat near the limits of the readovka map, while at the same time claiming the other was where Russian troops had been “stopped” was that the purple was territory “controlled’ by RF, and the pink was the extent of RF advances.
Hi Andrei,
Thank you for keeping us informed about the warfare in Ukraine. Military actions are not my area of strength, but stay informed on the developments with your reports. Thanks.
This conflict is about the global order and this is just a beginning.
Excellent article! Many of us in the United States are rooting for Putin and Russia in their war against globohomo (the rulers of the U.S, to separate from the people of the U.S)
Andrei said: “Here is the simply truth: the Empire of Lies cannot afford a full-scale with against Russia and China, that we already knew, but it can’t even take on Iran, in spite of that country being much smaller and comparatively weaker. ”
And here we see confirmed what A. Martyanov has been saying for a long time, that the true extent & capability of US military power is massively exaggerated – now we see this massive exaggeration in all its glory, or all its pathetic humiliation. It is going to be interesting to see the extent of fall out from all this when the Russian operation in Banderlaand is over, judging by the hysteria now, I wouldn’t be surprised if this causes a full on political crisis both in & between Washington & Brussells. NATO is done & dusted. It is over. The other day Verhofstadt, an Atlanticist Nazi of the first order stated that the EU needs its own military, basically out of NATO. I expect to hear a lot more of this, & not just rhetoric, but the real thing. The Biden admin. was always going to struggle, but my mind flips when I think about the effects that all this will have, I’m not sure that admin. can survive. That is just for starters, because it won’t end with 404 either, once the operation is complete, Russia will no doubt turn up the pressure spigot even higher to demand NATO pull back from east Europe, withdraw US missile installations, etc. etc. We are going to see a meltdown of the collective west.
It seems that – according to Donetsk speakperson Basurin or Pushilin – 16 Ballistic missiles, Tochka-U, were shot at Donetsk by the Ukro-nazis this is a major provocation ordered by Kiev directly. May be was it an attempt at escalating thru some huge Russian retaliation.
All missiles were intercepted, including the one which fell on Donetsk killing 20 something and injury another two dozens of people. Its fragmentation warhead didn’t explode as planned at about 2,500 m / 7,500 feet, spreading some wide area with shrapnell but fell onto the street where the rocket exploded and its fragment inducted some relatively smaller damage – although some terrible carnage.
Tochka-U are very big rockets able to stop an armored offensive in its track, their willful use on civilian targets amounts to war crime.
I hope your dream comes true and we can all benefit from that peace dividend that all the Europeans were expecting from the Moscow Peace Treaty (see: A Europe without NATO, a US with a pared down US military and bridges that do not fall down, a world without 17 competing US intelligence agencies messing it up.
I note that Russia waited until the two new US Patriot batteries were installed in Poland before launching the strike – a message to the Pentagon to get the blowhards in Washington to dial down the clamor for a “no fly zone” i.e. WW III. I wonder if this time they will get the message.
Ukraine is no longer the first item in our local newspapers here in France, but then again Total has not announced any divestment from Russia.
From twitter GEROMAN regarding the Tochka:
The shelling of Donetsk “Tochka-U” was carried out by Ukrainian nationalists of the 19th rocket brigade from the vicinity of Krasnoarmeysk. It is said in the statement of the people’s militia of the DPR.
could you please measure the distance in Google maps of Krasnoarmeyk to the center of Donetsk and post it here?
thank you!
Looks like about 60 to 65 km.
Looks like those British Special Forces that “went AWOL” to Ukraine have been liquidated.
“EXCLUSIVE: Three British ex-special forces troops feared dead in Russian attack near Polish border
It is believed three British ex-special forces died instantly in the Russian cruise missile blasts on a base close to the Polish border, the Mirror can reveal”
other sources picking it up
No such thing as ex-special forces. In the UK, when they are sent on off-the-books missions, they are allowed to resign their commissions, and reinstate them as though nothing happened once they return. All deceitful sleight of hand. These were probably trainers for the UK weapons shipped over in mid January.
exactly. It’s called plausible deniability. A well known tactic. We know what they’re doing. I’m glad you picked up on it.
Being English they use their language correctly, ex being the operative word here.
When dead you are ex-whatever you were.
They’re ex-special forces, ex-British, ex-human.
If they had died in service, they wouldn’t be “ex,” they’d be “KIA,” (Killed in Action) or “deceased.”
I heard Kadyrov is in Ukraine, Kiev specifically. It seems he is staying there to command his troops. Very courageous and noble i must say.
I loved this entry! You’re clearly upset but it is raw and real, Passionate. I read Iran warned Iraq against becoming a staging center for Israel. That would just add to the current nightmare. Soleimani by all accounts was a great strategic leader, truly loyal. I too would honor him.
You appear to be disappointed in Russia’s “ruling elites” (not typical from what I have observed) Perhaps you know something that I don’t but under the circumstances I think they’re doing okay. I want to think so. We’ll see. I’m going to bet on Russia to do what they need to do. The game is over if they concede to pressure. Pray for beauty and good. Pray for strength. Let’s pray for victory. God wills it.
You appear to be disappointed in Russia’s “ruling elites”
Yes, they nauseate me.
Yes, the FAILED and Putin’s popularity is now higher than before the Russian operation, but they sure did try.
Also, just look at this fat piece of shit:
And why does RT even post crap like that.
That fasto ought to move to the USA (asking for political asylum, of course) and live in a McDonalds till he dies.
and these are the folks who fancy themselves as the “creative intelligentsia”.
Then there is all the billionaire-scum a la Diripaska and others who wants Khodorkovsky in the Kremlin.
So yeah, there are A LOT of immoral scum and plain old assholes in Russia.
… thanks to this war, the true faces of everybody are becoming clear, and THAT is very VERY good news.
BTW – this is nothing new, look what I was writing in distant
/the-moral-yardstick-of-the-ukrainian-war-saker-rant/ 2015 (!!!!!!!)
Kind regards
@ Saker
Glad you addressed that McDonalds travesty.
While his brothers and sisters are valiantly fighting the new wave of nazism, others are being killed mercilessly, this POS is chaining himself to a McDonald’s. Such a gross moral degradation.
Lone Wolf
“Replying to
After looking all these horrific photos&video and remnants of the missile, I can confirm that it is indeed 9M79 OTR-21 Tochka-U ballistic missile with the 9N123 cluster ammunition warhead.”
I agree ^^ because:
1. large segments of the missile were found which would mean either that the missile was shot down and thus “didn’t explode” on the ground (which would have atomized most of the missile fuselage) or that it was a cluster warhead which opens up above and doesn’t slam into the ground to vaporize itself.
2. there was no large impact crater in the ground and in fact many of the dead civilians I seen were scattered around a wide area, not one centralized area where the warhead would have impacted.
As to questions why this wasn’t shot down by “Russian air defense”
1. Russia doesn’t operate in Donetsk, this is the zone of LDNR troops. Do they have their own air defense? Probably nothing too advanced. So why doesn’t Russia provide them with such? Many reasons such as training and/or bureaucratic redtape with allowing Russian advanced systems to fall into enemy hands by way of lesser trained troops (LDNR).
2. “Why can’t Russian air defense that’s further away from Donetsk shoot it down?”
Answer: Because Russia has no S300/400 in theatre. The only S400 is in Belarus to my knowledge. In theatre are only SHORT RANGE systems like Tor, Buk, Pantsir. These systems on average have ranges in the area of 50-70km. Are there any Russian forces 50-70km within Donetsk? Not really.
The closest one is south in Volnavakha but here’s the problem: The Tochka was launched by Ukie forces only 40km northwest from Donetsk Russian forces are about 40km SOUTH of Donetsk. If you do the math and triangulate it, a missile flying from NW of Donetsk cannot possibly be intercepted by a missile 40km south of Donetsk because by the time it is even detected it would already be halfway or more towards its target. At the speed which the missile flies, which is actually Hypersonic — in excess of Mach 5 — there is no anti air missile on the planet in any country’s arsenal that can catch up to it from that orthogonal vector and intercept it.
By the way, there’s word that an underground Ukie saboteur/NGO/telegram group tried to organize a gathering/protest of the mothers of lost LDNR soldiers in exactly that street/section where the missile hit. It is being reported that Ukies attempted to have the mothers of these soldiers gather right at the epicenter of the cluster terror attack.
Danke aus Deutschland für die vielen Informationen des Saker Blogs. Wir werden hier von den staatlichen deutschen Medien gegen Russland manipuliert. In den öffentlichen Medien wurde eine Anti Putin Hysterie erzeugt.
Yandex translation. Mod:
Thanks from Germany for all the information of the Saker blog. We are being manipulated here by the German state media against Russia. An anti-Putin hysteria was generated in the public media.
“why are there still Tochka-U’s available to the Ukies?
even worse: the max range of these missiles is about 120-180km.”
Because not even near all were in action during the first 10 days. Of course Armed Forces must have reserves. Far from 100% of Ukie heavy weaponry have been destroyed. Let’s not live in fantasia.
3 things…
1) It seems Israel recognises that it has no alternative but to deal with its semitic and persian regional brothers in a peaceful way. Uncle Shmuel is out of fuel, out of guts, out of credibility. To coexist with its regional brothers, Israel therefore needs Russia as a strong, principled mediator.
2) Russians might soon lose patience with those dug-in bastards and test their newest missiles and explosives. I would rather not be one of those 60k Ukies, no matter how high the payout. Remember that those were considered the finest Ukie fighting force. Whoever participated in them is certainly no innocent against-his-will conscript! There is an explanation why they have not surrendered en masse yet. They never will.
3) Western Europe is toast and boy does she deserve it. As to the new commodity (PM) based reserve currency, bring it on! Can’t wait, as many others.
Stupor Mundi, do you think Eastern Europe is toast as well? I am particularly wondering about Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria.
Judging by the satellite photos, the Iavorov facility will not house 100k troops. Maybe 10k. If that.
@ Saker
By the time I see Russia, maybe for a last time, I hope that the spirit and ethos of General Soleimani will “infect” all the Russian ruling elites and give them the morality and courage they currently so clearly lack.
Excellent post, as usual. Thanks for all your work.
May Allah hear your wishes and grant your requests.
Your words capture the spirit of the moment, the anger at Donetsk, the satisfaction for the Kulturträgers, and the path Iran lights up for the oppressed, the Path of Resistance.
Lone Wolf
This was a moving sentiment: to have a statue dedicated to Soleimani–and perhaps w/ Che, Lumumba, Mandela, Malcolm X in a post-Imperial pantheon … w/ fountains and flowers.
“the Nazis have been organizing what they called “safaris””
This is what the West needs to hear about. Right now Zone A propaganda is trying to hide the fascist nature of the CIA government in Kiev and present Ukrainians as monolithic and represented by this “government”. I hope that “government” will not be allowed to speak for all Ukrainians. I wish we had more detailed information about the different parties in Ukrainian politics and their behavior, and more information about the character of the “government” and how it is not a democracy. This story about “safaris” needs documentation, because Westerners will just dismiss it as “Russian propaganda” without such evidence.
The fact is many Americans have come to appreciate that the U.S. government has been lying to them . If they start to suspect this is happening concerning Ukraine, they may quickly become more skeptical.
Some Canucks are waking up, read this:
Why is Canada supporting a Nazi battalion in Ukraine? (
You need fairly reliable documentation and you need to name names. Which rich westerners have done this? It may be true but it sounds too fantastical to be believed without evidence. Maybe I missed it.
Yes, I agree; evidence is needed for this claim.
This “internet of things” like air conditioners + smartphone etc are pretty dangerous as this missile hit proves. The coordinates can be found even without any “Russian spy” at all. Panic in NATO. And Russian military has not even used its most modern arsenal of weaponry. Merc – you gonna die there.
Could be fake but, for what it’s worth:
Around 2,100 Armenian soldiers from the Karabakh region are reportedly going to be sent to Ukraine to join/support Russian forces. The units involved are apparently artillery units, SOF and ATGM crews. Most of these guys have military expertise from the 2020 Karabakh war.”
What did I just say?
Are You listening?
I just said, next time it will hurt.
So stop, while You are ahead.
Ask Your professionals, what cab they do? Ask them.
What you have is the media.
Your domination network sounded nice…how does it work for You just 10 miles outside of DC?
Your problem is NOT Moscow….lemme tell ya.
time is up.
Quick question on Russian forces.
When they are on the move, in armored units, as they currently are, where/how do they sleep ? Do they claim buildings as temporary barracks ? If so, do they pay some cash to building owners ? Dress camps in the forrest ? How many hours of sleep does a soldier get (counting the fact he has to take a watch) ?
Same question for food/water. Do they claim some in the area where they are deployed ? Do they purchase some ? Or is strictly everything consumed part of logistics/supply chain ?
Dear Jordi, My experience in Australian armoured units. You sleep on, in or beside your vehicle. No camps, tents or housing.
On average you can expect 4 hours tops of uninterrupted sleep in a 24 hour period so you sleep at any available opportunity, wherever you can. You will even sleep lying in water and rain. As long as at least one of your crew is awake and observant, the higher the threat level, the more time awake, more men on picket. Young fit men can be pushed to work extremely hard for extended periods and recover quickly.
Re-supply is all through the logistics chain, water included. Sometimes oportunities arise however for fresh food though not often. Thats my experience. Im sure purchase of local produce if available occurs further along the logistic chain.
Could be vastly different in Europe but i doubt it.
I hope that may answer your question.
Thank you Saker for your work. God bless.
Thanks David for your inform answer
And of course, thanks to the Saker and his fantastic team for providing real journalism.
Not being cynical, but maybe letting one through now and again strengthens overall resolve. pulls in hearts & minds of fence sitters. Bad good publicity. The bombings will continue until morale improves or Russia decides enough’s enough.
I read that London greatest length and width is 45 x 30 miles. When LDNR say they moved 11 miles and 9 miles in one day respectively, it kinda gives you a picture of the immense operation being undertaken. Donetsk & Luhansk are like small countries.
How might Russia raise questions about the fascist qualities of the Kiev government? One way might be by submitting a U.N. resolution, say condemning the Ukrainian torture centers– or whatever other issues seem appropriate. The resolution would need solid evidence, because the zone A press will try to deny its claims. Such a resolution will of course be vetoed, but it is a way of publicizing these issues. The resolution would need to be something China is comfortable with, which may be a complication.
Unfortunately, U.N. is not an option – even if the evidence is the most solid on the world, the west and their lapdogs are going to dismiss it as russian propaganda, fake news, the whole repertoire. Like it or not the current U.N. is meaningless and probably finished, like the League of Nations before it.
The governments will dismiss the Russian claims. That is true. They don’t really care about Ukrainian torture centers. The real point, I think, would be to try to raise doubts in the zone A public about the Western propaganda. Hopefully, the press, as bad as it is, will feel obliged to report about such a resolution.
I fear that the brainwashing, performed by the western presstitutes, is at too advanced stage for this to happen. Indeed, there would be smart people, who think for themselves here and there, but they’d be minority and they don’t trust the official propaganda anyway (i.e. the russians would be preaching to the choir).
‘Torture centers’ are a song for the US deciders’ ears.
John Yoo, the former DOJ Attorney and ‘legalizer’ of tortures is currently “a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law where he is Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law.”
The Empire of Lies needs its deciders (and their families) to experience John Yoo’s tender rules in practice.
Don’t even try to find any signs of decency in the rotten US government, legal system, and Army. Nothing but Disgrace.
I have been following Ukrainian history from Maidan on almost every day, mostly on SF and here, but it has somehow eluded me this information on rich Nazis making “safari” trips to Donbass. I always thought they were diehards for the “cause” who went there and stayed there for specific period, but not this. This is beyond everything known over debts of human horror, this is like learning that Roth’s Hostel is for (sorry for the word) ” for fuck’s sake” real! I would dare to ask for some more info on this one, maybe even an article. Thanks!
Here are some easily searchable links:
The worst part about the Donetsk strike is that right at the same time, the media’s entire attention was diverted to “an UNIDENTIFIED pregnant woman” from the hospital at Mariupol who just happened to die right at the same time.
This was a truly ingenious sleight of hand. A few days back when the hospital / Azov base was hit, the media made much of an “injured” pregnant woman who suddenly materialized out of the rubble as the sole “victim” on that day. In some shots she was standing, in others she was on a stretcher. She was quickly identified on social media as being an instagram influencer from Ukraine who was indeed pregnant in reality. Well. mother and baby are both fine. Meanwhile the “victim” who was diverted the world’s attention from Donetsk has no name and no face. Not a single newspaper or AP have given this ghost a name, the real ghost of Mariupol.
“A pregnant woman and her baby have died after Russia bombed the maternity hospital …… In the chaos after the attack, medics did not have time to get the woman’s name before her husband and father came to take away her body.”
This is an all out financial and infowar.
Pregnant woman and baby are alive and well, see photo’s in following article:
One has to know how to decode Western “news” stories. “A pregnant woman and her baby have died after Russia bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol” means “Mariupol is about to fall to Russian forces”.
You are right Anton!
Whenever a defeat is imminent the West needs to invent a heartbreaking story for the sheep at home.
An crisis actress and model plays two pregnant women in the production. After she was identified, it was reported that she is healthy and gave birth. The second woman, who is also the same crisis actress, is being carted out on a stretcher with fake blood on her. This is the one who has supposedly died along with her unborn baby. However, the second woman who died is the same person as the first woman who lived. Therefore, the woman and her baby who died do not exist.
I hope you can follow along.
God bless Russia
Begs the question if KAB-1500 can be used against some of the fortifications? It’s very cruel, but one can bomb the exists from these underground structures and leave the soldiers there. The people in there are obviously not very innocent.
I don’t think that Putin would ever authorize the use of FOAB in Ukraine. Also, it’s unjustified. The operation is going well. No need for such massively powerful reinforcement as FOAB.
Well multiple western “intel sources” are claiming the strike on training facility near Polish border was done by Russian stand off aircraft that fired from Russia’s borders. So we know it probably wasn’t ship launched Kaliber missiles. It could be air launched Kaliber or Kh-101’s launched by Tu-95’s / Tu-22m / Tu-160’s etc. Both Kaliber and KH missiles are in the 2500kg+ range and have warheads around 500kg. The Kab1500 is 1500kg gross weight, but I THINK its warhead/explosive is somewhere in a similar range of 400-500kg. So basically the cruise missile strike they just did was the equivalent of dropping a bunch of Kab-1500’s in terms of raw power.
Albeit if you’re talking about bunker penetrating special variants that’s different and perhaps the cruise missiles would not be as efficient for that.
The KAB bombs are thermobaric. There are a lot of legends but from what it seems, fuel-air bombs have larger TNT-equivalent energy than their own mass. For example, FOAB is a bit above 7 tons and produces an explosion 44 tons TNT-equivalent.
The explosions of KAB-1500, I have seen, seem almost an order of magnitude more powerful than Kalibr explosions.
KAB-1500 is designed for heavily fortified structures, but I don’t know how heavy and it matters if its over ground or under ground. In principle, one can compute the energy of the explosion if he knows some additional data, which is not easy to find.
Aha, thanks for the insight. I know there are many variants of the 1500 as well as the other Kab/Fab bombs. I don’t doubt they are being used because we know the Su-34’s used them in Syria and we know for a fact many Su-34’s are operating over Ukraine as we speak so logic dictates they’re probably using them already, mostly I would think in the Donbas / Kharkiv area, as that’s where I’ve seen the most Su-34 activity, and also where the Ukie forces are the most “entrenched” and thus would probably benefit from a weapon like that.
Also, air-fuel explosions have the added effect of creating low-pressure wave (vacuum wave) by consuming the oxygen in the air and thus causing lung damage in people. Even if the fortification is strong, it’s still not completely sealed and one can drop such explosives to destroy the fortified personnel even if the structure is not demolished. Add to that the high heat from the thermometric explosion, and this can cause a lot of pain to fortified soldiers.
Yes, it’s not humane at all.
Do not know,about the KAB, but it would have to be served uo to about a mile or two by an airfrme…thats a gravity munition.
You open up an interesting question though:
What Does VVP do?
Is he on hands or did he hand down the operation?
Dunno, but I am of the thought, that he has the oversight in house. I would. Or did he – as a good lawyer, hire out?
But as many here and elsewhere theorize, I am confident, that the decisions were made in an agreement.
Not a one man show. Methinx.
We have SOME small indications that Putin was part of the planning as I believe someone in the Russian government stated today (was it Peskov?) that “Putin had specifically instructed the General Staff not to storm the big cities at the onset of the operation” for fear of killing civilians. So we know part of the operational doctrine currently being implemented was at the behest of VVP himself, so it can only be inferred and assumed that VVP was also instrumental in other areas of the planning.
I could not figure out “why say Russia is losing?” It made no sense.
But Gonz Lira this am made the point – it is a narrative that can be used to rationalize why Russia did something desperate- like a chemical weapons attack. Or a nuclear attack.
But then what? Why demonize Russia even further? NATO involvement?
Not likely.
So I guess the next stage of the Western plan (Satan’s plan-very clever fellow-learned much in his 8000 years) is to set off a massive false flag and then use that to further scare Europe into forver submission to the US.
I imagine they think maybe even India and China will crack to pressure once Russia nukes eastern Ukraine.
Coming soon.
Saker, pls correct this: “Then there was this strike, also in the Ukraine” – that’s in Donetsk NOT ukraine.
I got photos this morning of the carnage from someone who got there shortly after it happened, she was due to go out this morning, but took her time while her mother wanted her to hurry up…if they had met up in central Donetsk, they could have been victims too, but thank Jesus they were not.
“I don’t know who taught whom to lie like that – NATO and Nazis are both specialists in that field, really – but to call a military base which was supposed to bring a full brigade (several thousand!!) of Nazi volunteers a “peacekeeping security center” is truly precious,”
Its not a new phenomenon. Living a lifetime in England inspired George Orwell to comment on it both before and after world war II.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
He wrote that just after WW2, but his writings before the war show that this wasn’t a new revelation to a radical living in stolid old England. IIRC, that was true even before he picked up a gun and went to go fight against fascism in Spain. But no, I don’t think an arsenal and place where people are trained to kill being called a ‘peacekeeping center’ would have surprised old George.
querido Saker,
abaixo o depoimento de um neonazista brasileiro,completamente ignorante do que é um confronto armado na vida real.
tambemtem umvídeo em português ,sem tradução.
basicamente o que diz no vídeo está transcrito na matéria
saudações daqui do Brasil,acompanho seu site diariamente faz 5 anos,parabens e muita saúde
¨¨Atirador brasileiro foge às pressas para a Polônia após ataque russo ao Batalhão da Legião Estrangeira na Ucrânia – (crédito: Redes Sociais/Reprodução)
O instrutor de tiro Tiago Rossi, de Maringá, no Paraná, foi Ucrânia “lutar” na guerra entre o país e a Rússia, mas disse em vídeo que teve de fugir após aviões russos atacarem integrantes da Legião Internacional de Defesa do Território da Ucrânia, formada por voluntários de vários países. Nas imagens, o atirador brasileiro conta que precisou fugir para sobreviver: “Não imaginava o que era uma guerra.”
De acordo com Rossi, sobreviveram aqueles que conseguiram sair da base antes do ataque. “Lá tinha militares das forças especiais do mundo inteiro. A informações que a gente tem é que todo mundo morreu. Eles [russos] acabaram com tudo. Vocês não estão entendendo, acabou, acabou. A Legião foi exterminada de uma vez só. Eu não imaginava o que era uma guerra”, diz.
Tiago Rossi (atirador brasileiro), um dos caras q foram lutar c/ a cara e a coragem sem saber que estava acontecendo uma GUERR@ ! (1:17)
Bravura sem saber onde estava se metendo …
— Tsuki (@Fa1ryNight) March 14, 2022
No vídeo, o atirador ainda descreve como foi o bombardeio que dizimou o grupo. “Teve um bombardeio, às três horas da manhã teve o primeiro sinal. A sirene tocou. Deu cinco horas da manhã, nem tocou sirene e, de repente, veio um caça e um soltou um míssil em cima da gente. Não teve o que fazer. A gente saiu correndo para o meio do mato. Começou a soltar muitos mísseis em cima da gente”, revelou.
“Quando terminou a primeira onda de mísseis, a gente foi reagrupar o batalhão inteiro para ver quantas baixas tiveram. Eles [russos] estouraram toda a parte de paiol, centro médico, acabaram com tudo. Fomos orientados a sair de lá o mais rápido possível”, disse.¨¨
Google Translate from the Portuguese:
dear Saker,
below is the testimony of a Brazilian neo-Nazi, completely ignorant of what an armed confrontation is in real life.
There is also a video in Portuguese, without translation.
basically what it says in the video is transcribed in the article
greetings from Brazil, I follow your site daily for 5 years, congratulations and good health
¨¨Brazilian gunman hastily flees to Poland after Russian attack on Foreign Legion Battalion in Ukraine – (Credit: Social Media/Reproduction)
Shooting instructor Tiago Rossi, from Maringá, Paraná, went to Ukraine to “fight” in the war between the country and Russia, but said in a video that he had to flee after Russian planes attacked members of the International Legion for the Defense of the Territory of Ukraine, formed by volunteers from several countries. In the images, the Brazilian shooter says he had to flee to survive: “I had no idea what a war was.”
According to Rossi, those who managed to get out of the base before the attack survived. “There were special forces soldiers from all over the world. The information we have is that everyone died. They [Russians] ended it all. You don’t understand, it’s over, it’s over. The Legion was wiped out in one fell swoop. I had no idea what a war was,” he says.
Tiago Rossi (Brazilian shooter), one of the guys who went to fight with his face and courage without knowing that a GUERR@ was happening! (1:17)
Bravery without knowing what he was getting into…
— Tsuki (@Fa1ryNight) March 14, 2022
In the video, the shooter still describes how the bombing that decimated the group was. “There was a bombing, at three o’clock in the morning there was the first signal. The siren rang. It was five o’clock in the morning, not even a siren sounded and, suddenly, a fighter jet came and one launched a missile at us. There was nothing to do. We ran out into the woods. It started to drop a lot of missiles on us”, he revealed.
“When the first wave of missiles was over, we went to regroup the entire battalion to see how many casualties they had. They [Russians] blew up the whole part of the magazine, the medical center, they destroyed everything. We were told to get out of there as quickly as possible”, he said.¨¨
This is some local Donetsk news.
Mariupol is unblocked. The special forces eliminated the main forces of the nationalist formations at a position in residential areas around the perimeter of the city.
Humanitarian corridors have been opened since 15:00, mass evacuation of the population has begun.
Turchak called on United Russia to prepare humanitarian aid for Mariupol, which, “we are sure, will be liberated in the near future”
BIG if true.
The big lie about to RIP.
….and many to survive…
The Ukrops appear to have used social media ‘influencers’ to lure more victims into the target zone.
Here are two videos of them – quite short 1:00 and 1:36. Look at the girls though. There is noting behind the eyes. They are truly zombies.
Would it be possible to have them translated or at least check to see if they are consistent with that sort of provocation?
First one looks like a Japanese doll, the type some Japanese men are now marrying as they have more personality than Japanese females.
Second one caption – Why the long face?
Alex Mercouris, American Gazalo Lira and the other bloke talking. Gazalo is in Kharkav and says the Russians are closing in on the city. I think it is surrounded. Alex is in London and said the politicians and papers in London were stunned by Russian hit on base 20 miles from Poland with mercenaries and maybe some NATO people. Pretty good roundtable.
My guess is these were Russian Kalibr cruise missiles that are very accurate. Up to 1600 mile range. Subsonic but goes supersonic when nearing the target. Mach 2.9 or 2,300 miles an hour or so.
They were first used in Syria which stunned NATO and the Pentagon when it happened. Russia can put them on fairly small ships like corvettes. The Syria strike was done from these small ships in the Caspian Sea (long way). I bet this time on the NATO training base near Poland was also from ships in the Caspian Sea.
I think in London and in other places, the NATO and Pentagon types were pretty shocked that Putn would hit the mercenary base so close to Poland and that Russia has extremely effective and accurate cruise missiles.
Cannon fodder. That is what the “international brigade” is being used for. Firing an AK at an APC? Suicide? Yep. Poorly trained and armed and used as expendable pawns. Apparently desertions are happening.
More economic news:
1. “On Friday, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China decided to design the project for an INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL MONETARY AND FINANCIAL system. ”
Member states of EAEU are:
2. India ready to purchase much more Russian oil and commodities.
Btw MSM keeps calling Russian oil “Cheap” but in reality, its current discounted price is only a little bit lower than current hiked up prices of $130bbl and such. Russian oil prices from what I’ve seen are in line with what oil was only a few months ago in the 80-90$ range, so Russia is still making a killing because that oil is still substantially higher than what it used to be long ago. In 2014 Russia balanced its entire budget on $20 oil. Now it’s getting $80-90 per barrel and defying all sanctions.
“Plenty of companies still buying Russian oil”
Article from today: “According to the publication, Trafigura, Vitol and Glencore loaded more tankers with oil products in Russian ports this week, even as Russian attacks on Ukraine intensified.”
3. India also working on Rupee-Ruble exchange to stop using Dollar USD $
4. Belarus and Russia agree to dedollarize their own trade and use their own currencies:
5. Ruble continues to rise. According to ‘western experts’ it was supposed to sink to 200 to a dollar, now it’s slowly working down towards 120 to the astonishment of all ‘experts.’
In fact some reports already begrudgingly indicating that the ruble could “rebound” even much more with rising commodity prices
As I see it now, the Russians looked 16 moves ahead while the Americans were attempting Scholar’s mate.
To use an animal analogy, the Americans dug a bear pit; Russia deliberately walked into it, thus causing the USA to fall headlong into a vast elephant trap.
It’s almost Brer Rabbit and the briar patch. The Russians got Washington to impose their “sanctions from hell”, which in the not very long run will do terrible damage to the dollar and the US economy.
forgot to paste this:
Boycott of Russian gas and oil ‘could cause mass poverty in Germany’
Minister warns an immediate stop to supplies could hurt Germany’s population more than Putin
And he’s a member of the Green Party.
He has only his stupid religion (atheist virtue-signaling environmentalism) to blame for Germany’s predicament.
Ver good read. Not sure about Russia balancing it’s budget on $20 though, I believe it’s high $50’s.
So far one Canadian
mercenaryvolunteer has been confirmed injured from the missile strike against “Peacekeeping Centre.” This article also discusses how Canadian interests are paying for the Georgian Legion and other foreignmercenariesto fight alongside Ukrainian nazis.
Here’s a french merc (or is he a Quebecker Canadian?) crying during the strike:
That is fokked up man…imagine…
Hope he gets an other chance. MOST of these people were deceived.
What are his words? Anyone?
Pretty sure the very first sentence he says is “Voila, La base a été détruite.”
Which is French for, “There it is, the base was destroyed.”
The rest I can’t understand but I hear the word “bombarde” which means bombed said several times.
Well, he bookoo got done fokked up…
Seems here is a translation of the video:
“Here, the base was destroyed, we are leaving. Among the dead are my friends, so we’re running away from here. *cries* The base was destroyed. I need to get myself together. And they also bombed there.”
His accent is European French, not Quebec. He is either European, or Morrocan; Algerians have a lot of respect for Russia, and Tunisians most likely are neutral.
I concur, he’s not a Québecois. I detect a slight Southern French accent .
meanwhile Macron is trying to act tough, pretending he is Zelensky
His accent is from south eastern France, and closer to Spain than Italy. From around Perpignan perhaps?
Big News out of the (dis)United Nations headquarters:
Nuclear war is ‘within the realm of possibility’ – UN chief
Antonio Guterres told reporters that the war in Ukraine “will have no winners, only losers”
First and foremost, I thought it was all-out nuclear war that “will have no winners, only losers”, not conventional all-out wars which many times DO have winners and losers. Is this some kind of Freudian slip of the sentences? Sounds to me like Mr. G thinks there’s going to be a nuclear war in Ukraine. Does Mr. G know something about the (1 + 2 + 3 =) Future that we don’t?
Second, now, if I’m one of the great hive-minds in the Western Oligarchic Transnational Elite Collective, why would a war that “will have no winners, only losers” be a relatively comforting thought to me and the other WOTEC losers as our heads sink down into the muck of the shit-hole countries that we are about to “live” and suffer in for the rest of our miserable lives?
Third, a question for (d)UN Chief G. Why do you assume that the wheat and sunflower oil that will almost certainly be produced in Ukraine and Russia after Russia wins the “unwinnable” war in Ukraine will never make its way to the people of nations that desperately need it? Maybe those products will not be un-affordable for those people. Have you got a little secret that you’re not revealing — for example, that through one possibly radioactive or poisonous means or another, WOTEC is not going to allow those vital necessities of life to make their way into the stomachs of the starving millions living outside of the WOTEC’s soon-too-be-shit-hole countries?
Finally, here’s a real mouthful of word salad to try to swallow from the article:
……..”he (Mr. G) personally had been indirectly in touch with Putin to discuss ending the conflict. The UN, he said, had also reached out to a number of third countries, including China, to discuss mediating negotiations.”
Personally been indirectly in touch with Mr. Putin? Mr. G, are you too scared of what Blindkin might do to “the UN”, or to your yearly bonus, if you talk to Mr. Putin directly — you know, over the effing phone, amoeba-brained-person-to-Intelligent Person?
Mr. G also claims to “have reached out to a number of third countries, including China, to discuss mediating negotiations”. “A number of third countries”?! How many “third” countries are there in your world, Mr. G, six, ten? Why not “a number of other countries”, Mr. G?
Mr G is CIA. I can’t confirm it but I’ve been listening to his statements and they’re definitely pro American, and this despite all the evidence of who the guilty party is behind the Donbass genocide. Unfit for Office in my opinion.
WTFUD, Mr. Lavrov agrees and said so pretty recently. Notice the date of the article.
UN Secretary General made statements on Ukraine incompatible with his status, Lavrov says
but a small nuclear war could be a good thing for global warming.
Every cloud has a…
Any new information about the situation around Izuym because that is right now the most important battle.
yes. Advances happening there. Reports a few hours ago that Ukr forces blew bridges in Bohorodychne southeast of Izyum as they retreated, which means forces from the south are pretty much evening out the frontline along the major highway there. Also other reports of bridges on the Severskiy Donets river being blown which has slowed Russian forces, BUT multiple reports from Vladislav Ugolny and Igor Strelkov state that some Russian forces managed to still cross and have reached as far as Barvinkove which is nearly 40km southwest of Izyum. No confirmation of that yet, could be an advanced scout force but this is pretty deep into territory past Izyum and is a good sign if true.
an article about survivor of the base attack:
Um que escapou e fugiu para a Polônia é, para a minha vergonha, brasileiro. Trabalha como instrutor de tiro e, após a destruição da base, afirmou: “Não imaginava o que era guerra”…hahaha
Tradução automática:
One who escaped and fled to Poland is, to my shame, Brazilian. He works as a shooting instructor, and after the base was destroyed, he stated, “I had no idea what war was”… hahaha
Here’s another Braseilero for you
or try this if you don’t have IG account
Would it be possible to make compile a list of the crimes and aggressions of USA/OTAN/Ukienazies with clear source for every object and statement, and without sensationalism.
I find it very frustrating to butt against these people who believe the USA/OTAN’s narrative because it is being fed by every media they consume, despite the fact that we know they lied, and were on the wrong side of history in every single conflict. And ask us to provide fully sourced information despite not asking the same of mainstream medias which they built their opinion upon.
CBC showed the airport aftermath hit in Western Ukraine. They had three wounded removed from the site. In each case, the face of the person was turned away from the camera.
Patrick Lancaster. First western journalist in Donbass
24/7 live coverage by Indian Republic TV
What makes the current Russian campaign in the Ukraine even more important is the fact that every other country’s sovereignty is absolutely dependent on Russia’s successfully defeating the bigger enemy which is hiding behind the Ukronazis.
Yep which is why it’s absolutely imperative for China to HELP and not just give lip service as usual.
I doubt it very much if top Russian, Chinese and Iranian officials haven’t already coordinated things amongst each other. First, it should be an easy task for the Russian military to defeat the Ukronazis by its own without any problems. If for some reasons the situation becomes complicated they could move on to the next phase which I think it would be the prompt closure of the Persian Gulf to oil/gas shipping in the Western direction. And if this second phase isn’t enough to domesticate the Uncle Shmuel, then China will move in. Finally, if nothing works, then we all better do our last prayer and say farewell to each other and hope see each other in the next world.
You say: “And no, this is NOT a war crime!”
I don’t understand. How is deliberately murdering civilians for no reason NOT a war crime?
Many thanks.
I think he was in ironic/sarcastic mode.
Canadian international criminal lawyer Christopher Black explains why Russia is justified in having gone to war, whereas all post-WWII US “interventions” have been blatantly illegal:
“The Legality of War”
Note: The New Eastern Outlook site is also being subjected to DDOS attack. The gist of Black’s article can be found at:
“Russia Has Just Cause Unlike a Legion of US/NATO Criminal Wars”
(But the original is well worth the effort.)
Só mais uma intervenção.
Um comentário para deixar claro como essas mentiras divulgadas pela imprensa são bem pagas pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA.
Pelo menos 70% dos comentários no twitter, facebook no Brasil, são críticos à imprensa ocidental e às mentiras que estão espalhando.
Agora YouTube, “defensores das liberdades” e “direitos humanos” negam acesso às páginas do Sputnik no Brasil.
Sem problemas! Estamos espalhando a VERDADE em centenas de páginas na Net, e publicando na mídia corporativa A REALIDADE DOS FATOS QUE NEGAM às pessoas, até que nos bloqueiem.
Eles NUNCA vão nos cancelar!
Nós vamos vencer em seu território!
Viva a pátria Rússia.
Sempre fui comunista e sei diferenciar a sobrevivência de uma nação.
Just one more intervention.
A comment to make clear how these lies publicized by the press well paid by the US State Department.
At least 70% of the comments on twitter, facebook in Brazil, are critical of the western press and the lies they are spreading.
Now YouTube, “defenders of freedoms” and “human rights” deny access to Sputnik pages in Brazil.
No problem! We are spreading the TRUTH on hundreds of pages on the Net, and posting in the corporate media THE REALITY OF THE FACTS THAT THEY DENY to the people, until they block us.
They will NEVER cancel us!
We will win on their territory!
Long live the motherland Russia.
I have always been a communist, and I know how to differentiate the survival of a nation.
After that NATO base bombing, we may see an influx of fighting age all-male ‘humanitarian aid workers’ into ukraine with boxes of who knows what with them. Russian command better keep its eyes open and not fall for such ruses.
Wonderful news ! NATO base destroyed with foreign devils in it.
I says this because NATO should not be in the UKN.
And they ought well to known this.
They should NOT be interfering in the UK giving the agreements made with Russia in 1991.
In this Russia should known NATO was set up primarily to gear up for another attack on Russia – same as 1812 & 1941.
I have known for a long time the EU is full of nazis and there are many in the US & UK too these days.
They must be dealt with appropriately.
If it was up to me I’d drop napalm on these devils and send them to hell.
A missile attack followed by a napalm drop is the way to go.
And it will terrify and deter them from further incursions.
The US cannot complain about that given what they did in Vietnam with use of napalm.
Its time they and NATO got a dose of their own methods.