Dear friends,

Today I want to ask for your support for two fundraisers, one for one of our “brother in arms” and one for my webmaster.

Russia Insider crowdfunding campaign

Russia Insider is launching its first crowdfunding campaign today.  Please check out Charles Bausman’s appeal ( APPEAL: We’ve Launched Russia Insider’s Crowdfunding on Kickstarter. ) and the campaign’s kickstarter page ( Russia Insider – Challenge the Media. Let’s Push Back! ).  I just want to add that I think that Russia Insider is unique and absolutely crucial to our community for two reasons.  First, Russia Insider is aimed at the western public and it is an attempt to directly and frontally counter-act the multi-billion dollar AngloZionist propaganda machine.  Second, and most importantly, unlike, for example, RT, Russia Insider has been created and is run by people from the West, mostly expats, who are thereby showing the world that there is what I call “another West” which is not imperialistic, not russophobic, not anti-Orthodox.  To me, there is no overstating the importance of this aspect and this is why I appeal to all of you – Russians and non-Russians – to help Russia Insider.  If you think about it, you will certainly agree that Russia Insider is the “ambassador” of all of us, people living in  the West, to the Russian people, a clear proof that we, “the other West” exist and that we do oppose the 1%ers regimes we live under and that we are allies of the Russian people.

The Saker blog’s webmaster Gevorg

I think that by now you can all see for yourself how much work has been put in the structure and features of this blog and how many improvements have been made over its original version.  All this did not “just happen” – it is the result of many hours of hard work by my webmaster Gevorg.  What you have not seen is all the time put in by Gevorg to teach me how to use the various features of WordPress.  I can tell you that for me WordPress is infinitely superior to Blogger, not only because it is far more flexible and capable, but also because of the much more sophisticated set of tools it offer the blogger to manage contents.  To make a long story short, to get the most out of WordPress you need to 1) fully use its capability to be highly configurable and 2) you have to identify and install special “plugins” which further extend WordPress’ capabilities.  Though the result is impressive, it is a lot of work to configure all that and this is also something Gevorg did for me or, should I say, for all of us.  Finally, Gevorg did all of this out of the kindness of his heart, I don’t pay him and he never asked for a single dollar.  Still, I think that all of us who now benefit from the many hours of work he put into what is really *our* blog owe him a great debt of gratitude and that we all ought to pitch in and contribute a donation for him.  I know I will.

Gevorg, who lives in Armenia, does not have his own PayPal account.  So here is what I propose to do (with his agreement, of course): send me your donations for Gevorg, just as you would with any other donation, but clearly indicate “FOR GEVORG” on the PayPal message or the check.  I will then use my newly create corporation (Saker Analytics, LLC) to transfer the money to him.

Two more things about Gevorg (just to give you an insight into his personality).  He is the one who came up with the idea to register the new blog under the domain name and he is the one who wrote this beautifully defiant “statement of survival”.

Friends, I always feel uncomfortable talking about money or asking for it.  But the past year has convinced me that this is an important, I would even say a necessary, thing to do to fight the struggle, to resist the Empire.  I can honestly say that our community and our movement need Russia Insider and Gevorg and this is why I appeal to you: if you can, please help them help us and donate.

Many thanks and a big hug to all,

The Saker