In these relatively peaceful Easter days of April, the public interest gradually turns toward unpatriotic issues of the catastrophic state of economy, domestic politics, the politicians in their variable states of sanity, the Poroshenkos and their antics, and the routine domestic hunt on the harmless members of the Ukraine Communist Party. The interim authorities in Kiev pay over 1.5million Euros from the IMF loan in quest to purify the “Ukrainian race.” However, this customary Ukrainian discourse interconnects with potentially disruptive Islamic forces that are brand new to the Ukrainian scene.

Guess who said, “Anything is better than a war between two super-powers on our territory.” It took some time, but the Eastern Europeans started to suspect something.

Uncomfortable with peace, the US and NATO are covertly and overtly increasing their presence in the Russian populated South regions. The US Guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham is bound for Odessa as we speak. Because, nothing says “the European security” better than a crummy American ship floating in front of the super-charged Russian Black Sea fleet. Just remember how in November 2014 the Russian Sukhoi Su -24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed in the Black Sea the most modern American combat management system “Aegis” installed on the destroyer “USS Donald Cook.”

To top the week, Quakers discuss the declassified documents concerning Israel. Russian scientists discovered new way to cure genetic disorders. And the water rescue… Russian style.

Ukraine: Politics and Politicians

  1. Poroshenko’s son collided with the death squad Azov in Kiev

Сын Порошенко попал в аварию в центре Киева, — СМИ (In Russian)

the same in English: “Azov” Battalion rear-ends Poroshenko

The vehicle of “cynical banderas” smashed into the car of a son of the self-proclaimed Cynical Bandera. Just a gentle nudge…

  1. Poroshenko’s profits from his business ventures in 2014 increased by seven times from 2013 (before he was president). This is according to Ukraine’s media and Poroshenko’s own declarations. His spokespeople are saying the difference is largely due to dividends and profits he received just before he became president.
    It gets better. Poroshenko still refuses to sell Roshen, Channel 5, and his other commercial interests, despite this little inconvenient thing in the constitution of Ukraine: Constitution of Ukraine.

“The President of Ukraine shall not have another representative mandate, hold office in government agencies or associations of citizens, as well as perform other paid or entrepreneurial activity, or a member of management or supervisory board of a profit-making entity.”

  1. Victor Baloga calls for Referendum on the future of Ukraine

Балога предлагает провести всеобъемлющий референдум относительно перспектив Украины

Influential Ukrainian oligarchs and a Rada Deputy, Viktor Baloga, have spoken against continuing the war against the Donbass before. Now, he calls for the all-Ukraine referendum to discuss the perspective and future of the country. He reminded everyone that it has been a year since Ukraine started the war against its own citizens, murdering people, destroying the economy and taking away even the slightest hope for better future. The deputy said that the EU won’t accept Ukraine as a member, that NATO won’t accept Ukraine as a member. The EU won’t grant a visa-free regime to Ukraine.

“Let’s ask the EU how long they intend to hold a carrot in front of our nose. Let’s give the EU ultimatum, ether the visa-free regime, or … else.” “We have to decide to become the second Bosnia or Switzerland. Anything is better than a war between two super-powers on our territory.”

  1. The Communist Part of Ukraine plans to organize the Peace March on May 1 in Kiev

Коммунистическая партия Украины планирует провести 1 мая в Киеве масштабный митинг «Марш мира»

The representative of the banned extremist organization in Russia “Right Sector” Artem Skoropadskyi reported that anti-fascist march will be disrupted. “No they rally here on May 1 will not – I promise. If they do not abandon their ideas – they just suicide. They will not pass on platform w / w station “, – he said. Representatives of the organization “Revenge” also promised to catch “red” and organize “local attacks.”

Ukraine: Economy of War

  1. Grain corporation inflicts half a million dollars damage – SBU

A smilingly unremarkable fact reported by Ukrinform. The officials of PJSC State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine embezzled nearly USD 500 thousand from the state budget. This has been reported by the press center of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Now, let’s see who owns this company. Al Ghurair Group (Arabic: مجموعة سيف الغرير) (also known as Saif Al Ghurair Group) is a Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based business group founded by the Al Ghurair family. A diverse conglomerate, it has operations in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and North America. The grandsons of Al Ghurair Group founder Ahmad Al Ghurair run the group. Abdul Rahman Saif Al Ghurair serves as group chairman and Majid Saif Al Ghurair is the group’s chief executive officer.

Without even looking much we just discovered the ever increasing presence of the Saudis and UAE in Ukraine via investments and Islamic fighters.

  1. Netherlands takes first step to ratify EU-Ukraine association

Islamic militants in Ukraine

7th April 2015, Syria – Ukraine Mercenaries and terrorists who fought in the Syria were sent to Ukraine by USA/EU/Israel to fight in side of Kiev junta.

Videos of Chechen and other Muslim fighters, allegedly, located in the village Shirokino near port Mariupol. This video was made by a Chechen, people speak in Chechen language mostly. On the video we see just 5 mercenaries, but there could be more. Video title is “Chechen battalion of Ukrainian Armed Forces fights on side of Ukraine in Shirokino.” This video was posted on some ultra-national and pro-fascist channel by the Kiev junta supporter. According to the sources.
Second video about terrorists and mercenaries in unknown Syrian location. Date of video is November 2014, the same pro-fascist channel “Chechen in Ukraine” uploaded this video.
It’s a possibility that the members of Al-Qaeda gangs from second video, who were in Syria, were relocated to Ukraine by USA/EU/Israel services.

Facts are that the Islamists have been fighting in support of Kiev junta since spring 2014. According to some unconfirmed sources, at least one Muslim foreign brigade has been formed by the interim Kiev authorities

Both videos shows the penchant of the Muslim mercenaries for the comfortable lifestyle. They sized beauty buildings for themselves. In the first video you can see how mercenaries and terrorists “fighting” with the locals. They approach a building, that looks like a local school. With traditional screams “Allah Akbar” mercenaries fire towards positions of Novorossiya army from this important for the community building, so to attract fire onto the building. These mercenaries’ aim is full destruction of infrastructure.

Video of Islamist mercenaries in the Ukraine

Video of Islamist mercenaries in the Syria

  1. The Ukraine National Guard’s training center in Kyiv region displays samples of armament “provided by the international partners.”

Among other things, armored personnel carrier 3E1, armored vehicles BARS 8 and BARS 6, military vehicles HMMWV with combat modules of Ukrainian production, anti-aircraft missile system ‘Pechora-2d’, drones ‘Fury’ and Patriot RVO 10, drone which is a part of gunfire control system ‘Suva,’ striking UAV ‘Yatagan,’ lightweight combat module ‘PBM,’ automatic grenade launcher UAG’40, 82mm caliber mortar launcher KBA 48M1, automatic grenade launcher KBA 117, 7.62mm caliber machine gun, operational portable rifle produced on the basis of AK/AKM Gopak 61, modernized machine guns АКSМ-SN and АКМS-SB, 7.62mm caliber machine gun PKMT, 50bmg caliber sniper rifle M1 07 A1 and 338lm caliber sniper rifle MRAD. Among the presented samples were also metal detectors and optical instruments, such as thermal imaging devices, night vision scopes, night sights.

  1. The ‘Final Solution’ to the National Question in Ukraine?

Expert letter of the BioCenter of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to for which Kiev junta paid at least 1.5million Euros.

  1. Poland Erects Observation Towers On Russian Border

Poland places 6 35-50 meters observation towers along 200-kilometre land border with the Russian Kaliningrad monitoring the border 24 hours a day. In 2012, 3.2 million Poles and 3.3 million Russians passed through this border crossings.

  1. Black Sea: U.S. F-15s To Participate In War Games In Bulgaria

Sophia News Agency

Bulgaria: USAF F-15s to Take Part in Military Drills in Bulgaria from April 10. Up to 12 F-15s will arrive after April 10, the newswire quoted a Bulgarian defense ministry official as saying. This deployment, a part of the Pentagon’s Operation Atlantic Resolve, will take place from April 10 to June 30.

Just a reminder, about the anti-NATO, pro-Russia, pro-Novorossia march in Sofia, Bulgaria that took place in March. The Bulgarian people have taken it to the streets, protesting against the NATO military bases and the US pushing the Europe into the WWIII. To summon up this Russian article: March 15, the First International meeting in front of the Bulgarian presidential palace in support of Donbas, protesting NATO buildup n Europe.

Why we are posting this two weeks later? Because, as confirmed by the Bulgarian Focus Information Agency, “Authorities in Bulgaria kept silent about the anti-NATO protests.” These are the termless citizens’ protects against NATO’s presence on the territory of Bulgaria and the country’s EU membership in Bulgaria. Protests are staged every Sunday and the number of the protesters is constantly increasing.

  1. NATO started creeping occupation of the Northern Black Sea shores (Between Odessa and Moldavia)

НАТО начинает оккупировать берег и акваторию Северного Причерноморья

NATO has no hesitation of taking military control over the Northern shores of the Black Sea. Doing exactly the move that the Putin’s government was so reluctant to accomplish in 2014. Right in the face of the Russian population of the South Ukraine in Nikolayev: up to 35 military instructors from the UK. Every couple of months the number of the British thugs will be increasing 2x. This is a camouflaged escalation of the NATO presence right next to the Crimea and Donetsk. Meanwhile, in the north part of the Black Sea we have a non-stop drills of the NATO fleet.

  1. The Ambassador of EU in Russia says that Europe “doesn’t want to die for Ukraine.”

Even so Rascolnicova has already reported on this, I want also to reveal a hidden side of the discussion. This editorial knee-jerk reaction of the Latvian newspaper is to call the EU Ambassador’s statement as “his personal opinion” and not reflecting the opinion of the EU member nations.

Just one look on the whois records shows that the business newspaper Verslo zinios belongs to the Kauno technologijos universitetas (Kaunas university of technology) implying, by default, that at least somebody at the university do want to die for Ukraine. Who and how many? Only time will tell.

Donbas – Novorossia SITREP

  1. One Year anniversary of Donetsk Independence from Ukraine

April 7, 2015. Today the Donetsk People’s Republic celebrates the first anniversary of its independence from Ukraine. Exactly one year ago, the Supreme Council announced the freedom of the DPR, adopting a Declaration of Sovereignty. Today, there’ll be many ceremonies and festivities all over the Republic. The biggest event will be in Donetsk. Members of the DPR Supreme Council and its successor the DPR People’s Council will gather at the Donetsk Academic Music and Drama Theatre at 16.00.

  1. Denis Pushilin and Vladislav Deinego, authorized envoys of the DPR and LPR, stated that all subgroups of the Contact Group on the peaceful settlement should start work at the same time; to postpone the launch of any of them is unacceptable.

Подгруппы Контактной группы должны приступить к работе одновременно — Пушилин и Дейнего

“We don’t agree to the starting any one or another subgroups first, postponing creating the rest. We see this as a trick maneuver by Kiev to avoid addressing the Donbass economic problems and to avoid reforming the Ukrainian political system, with the DPR and LPR’s assistance,” – they said.

  1. Stephen Cohen on the 25-year lead-up to the current crisis

  1. HQ of ‪LPR‬ forces, in built-up area of ‪ Zolotoe‬ & ‪Glubokoe‬, fired on by UAF, using [non-Minsk] 120mm ammo
  2. Donbass: High praise for the ‪‎Cossacks‬—brave warriors, skilled farmers—clearing mined agricultural land—Risky job
  3. VIDEO: 06.04.2015 / ROUNDUP NEWSFRONT Video is in Russian only. However, it gives you a visual for the points I list here on reports of fighting at Donetsk, Peski, Vertukhino, Shirokino & elsewhere.
  4. Crime: The Kiev junta is intensifying Nazification of education and children through school system, i.e. in Mariupol
  5. Life in ‪Debaltsevo‬ gets back to normal after the winter of heavy fighting! DPR
  6. VIENNA, April 7. /TASS/. Observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have registered that Ukrainian forces are moving new heavy weaponry to the buffer zone in the east of Ukraine, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine said in its report on Tuesday. SMM listed four 100-mm anti-tank guns and four MT-LB armored tractors positioned near the Mirnaya Dolina (Peaceful Valley) settlement.
  7. US Guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109) enters the Black Sea bound for Odessa

Ракетний американський есмінець йде до берегів Одеси (In Ukranian) (In English)

  1. [eng subs] Last 16 UAF POWs handed over to Ukraine by DPR as a gesture of good will
  2. Ukraine‬ Decentralization May Now Be on the Table – After A Year of Civil War
  3.  DPR‬ hand over 16 prisoners of war with nothing in return:
  4. Unreleased RAW 18+ Graphic War crimes: Murdered & Tortured civilians near Debaltsevo
  5. Ukraine pushes to ‘ban communism’ by 70th anniversary of victory over Nazism…
  6. Lugansk self-defense positions under mortar fire from Kiev forces

Russia and Beyond…

  1. Russian scientists discovered new chemical compounds analogous to DNA and RNA

A group of scientists at the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine in Novosibirsk has identified and synthesized a previously unknown class of chemical nucleic acid analogues called phosphoryl guanidines. Based on this discovery it will be possible to create medicine capable of curing mankind of genetic diseases, as well as viruses and infections.

  1. Declassified documents, gag orders, and Israel’s nuclear weapons

In this op ed, American Friends Service Committee’s Policy Impact Coordinator Raed Jarrar discusses the declassified documents that prove Israel has nuclear weapons and the U.S. government helped build them.

  1. Russia… Amazing, but true

A bit of humor… How to evacuate people… Russian Style. 6 min video. No comments. None needed.