1)Pushkov: the Summit in Kiev showed that Ukraine is living with illusions.“The summit in Kiev had a symbolic character. He brought nothing Ukraine, except common words, and showed that Kiev lives with illusions about the EU,” the politician said.
Пушков: Саммит в Киеве показал, что Украина живет иллюзиями.



2)Poroshenko: War in Donbass may begin at any time.
“War may break out any moment, but we are ready to do everything possible so it wouldn’t be possible neither to doubt nor to recede”, — said Poroshenko.
Порошенко: Война в Донбассе может начаться в любой момент.



3)Russia has appointed a new negotiator on Ukraine.

In the contact group on Ukraine the Russian Federation will be represented by the diplomat Azamat Kulmuhametov.

Azamat kulmuhametov held the post of Ambassador of Russia in Kuwait and Syria. According to Peskov, the specificity of the middle East will help him in the work.

Россия назначила нового переговорщика по Украине вместо Зурабова.



4)Lavrov: no one will quarrel Russia with the Ukrainian people.
“The President of Russia has repeatedly said that no one will quarrel us with the Ukrainian people. The fact that there was an unconstitutional coup and took power through ultra-radical forces, which are still, to a certain extent, call the shots and has already been named the “party of war”, does not negate the above”.

He emphasized that the key Russia’s position is the desire to achieve a direct dialogue between Kiev, Lugansk and Donetsk.

Лавров: Россию никто не поссорит с украинским народом.



5)Military events in NovoRussia for 27.04.15



6)Military events in NovoRussia for 28.04.15


7)Experiment in Donetsk: the journalist talks to people in Ukrainian.

All of the respondents in the street claimed that they are not Ukrainians, but Russians, and spoke out against the stay in the Ukraine and joining Russia, a minority of respondents were in favor of the independence of NovoRussia from Ukraine, and from Russia.

Эксперимент в Донецке: к мирным дончанам и ополченцам обращаются на украинском.




8)Lavrov: They wanted to punish Russia for truth and for justice (VIDEO)

Лавров: Россию хотели наказать за правду и жажду справедливости (ВИДЕО)




9)In the Odessa region nationalists of the “Right sector” kidnapped and tortured the district Deputy.

As the politician told himself, unknown pushed him into the car, threw the head into the bag. When a detainee tried to escape, they fired several shots from a traumatic gun, caught him and returned to the car. So he was taken to Odessa, where he was put in the garage,they broke him few fingers. According to Sherbin, they demanded from him to abandon parliamentary immunity.

В Одесской области националисты “Правого сектора” похитили и пытали районного депутата.



10)Anton Klimenko repeated the fate of Yanukovych’s son. Coincidence?

The mysterious deaths of relatives of high-ranking politicians, who fled Ukraine after the Maidan, are becoming a trend. Only a month ago under strange circumstances, the son of the fourth President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Junior, was found dead in Baikal.

And here’s another suspicious death: brother of the former head of the Ministry of revenues and duties Alexander Klimenko – Anton died in Egypt.

Антон Клименко повторил судьбу сына Януковича. Случайность?



11)Valeriy Chaly said that the EU provides Ukraine with weapons.

Валерий Чалый заверил, что страны ЕС обеспечивают Украину оружием.



12)The first thing that Ukrainian Ambassador made in Germany is visited the grave of Bandera.

Первое что сделал украинский посол в Германии — посетил могилу Бандеры



13)Europeans Underestimate Soviet Army’s Role in WWII Victory Over Nazism.



14)US Portraying Russia as Violator of Nuclear Obligations – Foreign Ministry.



15)US Vice President, Mayor of Kiev Discuss Transparency, Corruption.



16)‘Hollow threats?’ New Ukraine sanctions on Russia doubted by Putin’s press secretary.



17)Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow?



18)Senior Russian Rabbi Says Putin’s Ouster Would Endanger Jews.



19)When Will Americans and Russians Shake Hands Again?
