1)Poroshenko announced an ultimatum to Russia 

Ukraine has threatened a full-scale economic blockade of Lugansk and Donetsk

“The President of Ukraine believes that the situation is subject to the embargo. The practice of the head of Luhansk regional administration of Mr Moskal, forbade any movement of transport from the occupied territories, recognized as valid and needs to be extended to the territory of Donetsk region”, — he said.

“The middle class must leave the occupied territories to obtain in Ukraine lending to create jobs,” — said Lutsenko.


2)Military events in NovoRussia for 1.06.15 (Russian)


3)Military events in NovoRussia for 2.06.15


4)The ultra-right has promised new explosions in stores “Roshen” (VIDEO)

Right-wing grouping Kiev Division took on responsibility for the explosion in the store Roshen

“The militants have laid a shell-less explosive device in a store owned by a bold dictator Petro Poroshenko. The population dies, and his business increased 18 times. Call on all right-wing radicals to destroy the legitimate business of the elected occupant. Wait for new explosion,” — said the representative of the Kiev Division of the video.


5)BREAKING: BUK Manufacturer Insists MH17 Was Shot Down by Ukrainian Missile


6)The Georgian Who Would Govern Ukrainians: Saakashvili in Odessa


7)The Peoples voice: Ukraine is the gangster state 

Ukrainian authorities continue to wage a ruthless war against the population of Donbass

“Ukraine — criminal created during the coup gangster state that masquerades as a legitimate government. It is infected with Nazism fascist police state. It is lawless and aggressive. It is the main violator of human and civil rights. It kleptocratic is controlled by the mega-thieves associated with thieves from corporations, extremely corrupt, profit at the expense of society,” the article says.

“Poroshenko is illegitimate oligarch crook, who heads a regime of lawlessness. Obviously, he thinks he won the Nobel prize instead of a prison cell, where he belongs,” concluded Landman.


8)Saakashvili: Together with Odessa will fall and Georgia 

Ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili said in an interview to the BBC about the reasons for moving to Ukraine, and his appointment

“If ever Odessa — God forbid! — fall, and then Georgia can erase from the map — that’s what unites them. It’s so obvious, if you look closely at the geopolitics of the region. So of course I had in mind and Georgian interests, when agreed to this proposal,” he said in an interview with the BBC.

“It is quite possible that keeping a Georgian passport, I am sentenced to detention in Georgia. This is a temporary situation, but, nevertheless, for me this is a harsh reality. I was forced to live outside of Georgia because of its status of the accused, that’s why. Another reason is that Odessa is closely linked with the situation in Georgia”, — he noted.


9)Can Ukraine Salvage Huge Gas Transit Loss in Time?


10)Will Crazy Saakashvili Start Another War From Odessa?


11)The UN is ready to expand its presence in Ukraine 

The Ukrainian authorities are discussing with the UN alternative forms of United Nations presence in the country

“We can provide more if necessary. We are ready to discuss these issues, but we will need additional information from the Ukrainian authorities on what they exactly wanted,” said he.

“The government of Ukraine should be considered is the presence can be discussed. Of course, we are ready to dialogue about how the UN will support the government and people of Ukraine in this period”, — said the representative of the Secretary General.


12)The Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation: We will join the war when they will attack the peacekeepers in Transnistria 

In case of attack by Russia will be forced to protect its citizens in Transnistria

“The military conflict in Transnistria was already planned long ago and can really be implemented. There are more than 160 thousand of our citizens, our peacekeepers there, there is our international obligations. If there will be an attack on Russian peacekeepers, Russia will enter the war”.

“Saakashvili in 2008 decided to murder people. He has nothing to lose. It is this paradoxical way to lose the war”, — said the Deputy.


13)Former Georgia President Saakashvili’s Appointment as Governor of Odessa, What Implications for Transnistria


14)Fights In Donbass 01.06.2015 (English)


15)Ukraine proposes to exclude Russia from the monitoring mission of the OSCE 

In the Russian foreign Ministry its believed that such a statement is provocative

“I will say more: if there are no representatives of the Russian Federation, if in the group there are no representatives, exhibiting compassion toward Russia,” the group’s objective and it gives objective information,”

“The proposal of the General staff of Ukraine to exclude Russia from the OSCE observation mission politically provocative,” said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Grigory Karasin.


16)Holding G7 Without Russia Makes No Sense – Former Chancellor Schmidt


17)Obama is ready to support the Netherlands in the investigation, “Boeing-777” in the Donbass 

The U.S. is interested in investigating the plane crash Malaysia Airlines under Donetsk

“I reaffirm my commitment to supporting the Netherlands in the investigation of the Malaysia Airlines plane”, he said.


18)CONFIRMED: Video Shows CIA Weapons Used at Maidan
