1)Pogrebinsky: Poroshenko has surpassed all others with his lies.

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has cheated on the details of the Minsk agreements in his speech to the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada .

“He said that, Matviyenko said that there would be an extraordinary session of the Federation Council with a known agenda on granting the President the right to send troops. He knows exactly what is he lying – there was no announcement of the agenda. And because people who watch TV, maybe believe it”, he concluded


2)Military events in NovoRussia for 8.06.15 (Russian)


3)Military events in NovoRussia for 9.06.15 (Russian)


4)Ukraine Crisis Throws a Wrench in Plans to Modernize Russia Navy


5)In LPR explained the presence of the Crimea in the draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine 

The amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the presence or absence in its composition of Crimea is not the responsibility of the LPR

“This is not our competence to amend the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the presence or absence in its composition of Crimea. We are exactly in the framework of the Minsk agreements. In the Minsk agreements there are no words about Crimea. We do not have the authority to any change concerning Crimea to amend the Constitution of Ukraine — we (authorities — ed.) cannot be in principle,” said Danego.

“The special order of self-government for LPR and DPR temporary. Most likely, this is done in order to consolidate its sovereignty on a regular basis. But the calculation is not to amend the Constitution, and to give a signal to other regions.”


6)Kiev Rebuffs Rebel Offer to Keep Donbass a Part of Ukraine


7)The Western Backed Assault on Donbass Shattered My IIlusion of Living in a Compassionate, Humanist Society


8)The opposition bloc intends to win elections in eight regions 

The opposition has prepared its own version of the Constitution, which involves deep decentralization

“We will participate everywhere. In the elections of course. We have the most clear and understandable program of decentralization to local government”, — he said.

“It is not even discussed. And we will argue in Central and Western Ukraine. And then we’ll see how much confidence we’ll have ,” — said Kolesnikov.


9)Yatsenyuk Pledges to Reclaim Crimea, Donbass, Pleads for Washington’s Help


10)Russian, German Foreign Ministers Discuss Ukraine Crisis in Phone Call


11)Experts: the Accident at the tank farm near Kiev is the result of populism Yatsenyuk 

After the victory of the Maidan Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced the elimination of inspection bodies in Ukraine

“A year ago when the government of Yatsenyuk has eliminated or restricted the activities of the state Committee and other auditors and regulatory inspections and structures (70% reduced costs and expelled inspectors in unpaid leave), I warned that we should expect heavy man-made disaster”, he said.

“We have to thank our dear Arseniy Yatsenyuk, for his idea of a ban checks. Now we all began to explode, burn, fall, break and so on. Would check, checked their fire, then this would not have happened,” he said.


12)Japan Says Maintaining Ukranian Ceasefire Will Help Russia Rejoin G7


13)Ukraine: What Remains of the Minsk Agreement?


14)G7 Leaders Escalate War Threats against Russia


15)Fights In Donbass 08.06.2015 (English)


16)Fights In Donbass 09.06.2015 (English)


17)Kiev forces pull Grad rocket systems close to engagement line — DPR


18)Czechs and Slovaks Form ‘Czechoslovak’ Volunteer Fighting Unit in Donbass


19)Kolesnikov: Kiev is preparing to impose martial law in Ukraine 

In the case of the introduction of martial law will be the economic and political default

“The regime is, judging by their actions, not to any constitutional reform, not to accept the new Constitution, but simply to intensify its action in favor of the imposition of martial law. It will be not only economic but also political default and chaos,” he said.

“Today is June, only two months left until the year after the first of the Minsk talks. Thousands of people were killed, they destroyed industrial heart of our country – Donbass, as evidenced by the power? Here are two laws about the details of how to enter the military situation, and how to legally secure default”, — said Kolesnikov.


20)Two massive explosions in the storage unit near Kiev, Ukraine 


21)Ukrainian General admits intentional killing of civilians (VIDEO)
