1)Poroshenko called the conditions of ending of the war in Ukraine.

Petro Poroshenko said that “the war will end when Ukraine will return the Donbass and the Crimea”. “How long will it take time? As long as necessary”, — said the President.

According to him, there are many examples of countries that are living in conditions of war for a long time. At the same time, the Ukrainian leader said that the best scenario for Ukraine is to stop the war and return the Donbass peacefully.

Порошенко назвал условия окончания войны на Украине.



2)General of NATO has accused Russia of command of the Donetsk militia.

NATO believes that Russia directs the actions of the militias in the Donbass. General Philip Breedlove warned that the state Department now began to talk about the two forces in the Donbass — Russian and Ukrainian.

“I have already said, I always said it was the Russian forces, because we are in a long time saw there [in Donbass] Russian command and control structure. As you know, in the early stages the separatists were poorly organized, they didn’t create militias. And we almost immediately saw the efforts of Russia on the organization of these groups, providing them with the means and so on and so forth. So I think the Donbass dominated by the Russian command and control,” said Breedlove .

Генерал НАТО обвинил Россию в командовании донецким ополчением.



3)DPR announced the talks in Minsk in the next ten days.

“It will be a very big meet. It will bring together representatives of all parties. The main goal of the talks in the capital of Belarus — run subgroups. We found a comprehensive solution to all contentious issues. It is important now to come to a logical conclusion”, — Pushilin.

ДНР анонсировала переговоры в Минске в ближайшие десять дней.



4)Front near Donetsk – Pictures.

Фронт под Донецком – Съемки.



5)Pushkov: Poroshenko feeds Ukrainians with fables.

“Poroshenko feeds Ukrainians with fables about visa-free regime with the EU, because otherwise he has nothing to present. But it’s a hoax: a visa-free regime is a Mirage” — said Pushkov.
Kiev had hoped to receive a visa-free regime with the EU according to the results of the may summit of “Eastern partnership” in Riga, however, the representatives of the European Union stated that the decision is postponed indefinitely, because Ukraine has not carried out all the necessary reforms.

Пушков: Порошенко кормит украинцев баснями.



6)Zakharchenko: DPR succeeded as a developing country.

“Today, we are enthusiastically building our young country. While not all is easy, but, despite the desire of our enemies to destroy the Republic, I want to affirm this, we held, as a young nation, we are developing, we won! And all this happened thanks to the hard work and patriotism of our people, which is an example of cohesion, courage, and fortitude. I am sure that our joint efforts soon will realize our common dream – to create a strong, independent and prosperous nation created by the people and for the people”, — said the Head of DPR.

Захарченко: ДНР состоялась как развивающееся государство.



7)Ex-Czech President: Ukraine is not able to become a sovereign country.

He believes that the current Ukraine situation is not due to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict or relations between Russia and the West, but because of the inability of Ukrainian authorities to carry out the transformation of pre-existing Communist system.

Vaclav Klaus also stressed that Russia is a great European power, and its conflict with the West created artificially and does not constitute a “confrontation of two radically different political and socio-economic systems”.

According to the Czech ex-President, Ukraine still lives by the principles of the former Republic of the Soviet Empire, and unable to build full-fledged statehood and become a sovereign country.

Экс-президент Чехии: Украина не в состоянии стать суверенной страной.



8)Greenpeace called the situation critical in Chernobyl

“The whole area around the reactor is heavily polluted. Peatlands are burning, and exactly in the direction of the West and southwest, where infection is particularly high. This is a critical situation,” — said the expert of Greenpeace Heinz Smital.

Even if the situation would be under control, it wouldn’t solve the problem of the deplorable condition of the sarcophagus. Neither Kiev nor the EU still don’t have the money to build a new protection.

Greenpeace назвал ситуацию в Чернобыле критической.



9)Military events in NovoRussia for 30.04.2015

Сводка военных событий в Новороссии за 30.04.2015


10)Military events in NovoRussia for 1.05.2015

Хроника военных событий в Новороссии за 1.05.2015



11)In Kiev radicals in masks attacked a May day demonstration.

Previously the Communist party of Ukraine was forbidden to arrange their May day activities. But the leader of the Communist party Petro Symonenko announced that the Communists found a way to legally hold a demonstration, joining the rally veterans. Because of the attack the parade was turned into the mass fight.

В Киеве радикалы в масках атаковали первомайскую демонстрацию.



12)Ukraine violates ceasefire 54 times per day, in the camp of the militia there is a loss.

As a result of attacks from side, one soldier of the militia was killed, another was seriously injured. Under fire was Gorlovka, settlements of Shirokino, Spartacus, Lozovo, Onion and Gaburici and the district of Donetsk airport.

Украина нарушила перемирие 54 раза за сутки, в стане ополчения есть потери.



13)Fights In Donbass 01.05.2015



14)Fights In Donbass 30.04.2015



15)Have a Nice Trip: Tourist Season Kicks Off in Crimea.



16)US Urges Ukraine to Quickly, Thoroughly Investigate Odessa Tragedy.



17)US ‘Disappointed’ With Austria’s Refusal to Extradite Ukrainian Oligarch.



18)Normandy Four Leaders Note Progress in Ukraine Ceasefire Implementation.



19)Russian Prime Minister Mocks Kiev’s Protest Over Crimea Visit.



20)History, Propaganda and Ukraine Nationalism. Washington’s Grand Strategy: Rally Ukrainians against Russia



21)War in Ukraine: Kiev Plans Military Escalation, Large-scale Provocations in Donbass.



22)Belarus President: If US Was Involved In Talks There Would Be Peace in Ukraine.



23)Crosstalk – Putin’s 15 years. 



24)In Depth Analysis Of The Oligarchical Hierarchy Of Ukraine And How They Relate To NATO/US Manoeuvring Against Russia (English Subs)
