1)Ukrainian politician: Kiev’s rejection of the heritage of the USSR deprive it from the rights in many areas.

Ukrainian law on decommunization denies rights to the regions, annexed to the Republic in the days of the USSR

“The current Ukraine can’t  claim about a number of territories, which in this case considers her own. Because neither UPR nor in Hetmanate Skoropadsky, nor in a one-day “power” proclaimed by supporters of Bandera in Lviv in June 1941, didn’t contain DPR and Odessa Soviet Republic, the Republic of Tavrida. Moreover, these ephemeral “Ukrainian” formations were not even on the territory of modern Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia,” said the legislator DPR. This gives us a solid foundation to advocate for our principled positions in future relations with the government of Ukraine”, — said Rudenko.


2)Military events in NovoRussia for 21.05.15


3)RF FM: CNN takes a video about “invasion” of the Russian Federation to Ukraine 

“I didn’t manage to forget expressed in Sochi claims of American colleagues to Russian media  that their stories do not contribute to the normalization of Russian-American relations, when like 15 minutes ago, the phone rings from the CNN correspondent, who prepares “the Moscow part of the” Washington report on fact that “this summer, Russia will carry out large-scale armed attack on Ukraine”, — said Zakharova


4) In Riga people with the flags of Ukraine require work in the EU 

Several dozen people with flags of Ukraine and Georgia held the picket in the Latvian capital with the requirement to open the labour market for “friends of Europe”

The protesters are holding flags and placards “Ukraine is Europe”, “Open labour market for friends of Europe” and others. According to police, the picket was attended by about 40 people.


5)Tatiana Chornovol was caught on the “unfair voting” (VIDEO)

The former head of the anticorruption Committee, PD from the “People’s front” Tatiana Chornovol was caught in the Verkhovna Rada on voting for another deputy. This happened during the vote for the bill No. 1912 about the peculiarities of taxation of import of electric vehicles. The center voted for Elena Ledovskikh, too, is a member of the faction “popular front”.


6)US Is Looking to Wind Down the Conflict in Ukraine


7)How Ukraine’s Ex-Communists Adopted the Russophobia of Fringe Nationalists


8)Transnistria Blockaded: Ukraine Cancels Five Military Accords With Russia


9)Ukraine intends to demand from Russia $50 billion in compensation for state assets in Crimea 

Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko announced her intention to demand compensation from Russia for the state property in Crimea

This amount, according to her, due to the fact that more than 4,000 Ukrainian enterprises lost their possessions on the peninsula after reunification of the Crimea with Russia. At the same time, the Ukrainian Ministry of justice pointed out that the list of lost assets and the format of the compensations from Russia will be clarified, therefore, it’s early to talk about the exact amounts


10)FT: Yatsenyuk told the EU to be wise and to lend money to Ukraine instead of Greece 

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk before the summit of “Eastern partnership” in Riga called for the EU to continue to expand and make new financial investments in the Ukrainian economy

“Act boldly and wisely. Don’t be afraid of Russia. Russia should fear you, all of us. Don’t be put off by the word “extension”. We are stronger, more successful and have more opportunities for all of our states”, — said Ukrainian Prime Minister.

“There is one country whose population is four times less than the population of Ukraine, and which has received 300 billion dollars. But has never made such harsh reforms that already held Ukraine, and, thank God, never was at war with Russia. And for Ukraine with you only promised $ 25 billion – by comparison,” the FT quoted Yatsenyuk.


11)Military events in NovoRussia for 22.05.15


12)As Ukraine Falls Into Default, Russia Calls in Its $3 Billion in Debt Obligations


13)EU Prepares to Abandon Ukraine


14)Poroshenko was not allowed to talk to journalists at the summit of “Eastern partnership”

Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker  didn’t give the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to make a statement to the media before the session of the summit of “Eastern partnership” in Riga.Journalists asked the Ukrainian President to comment, and he was quite ready to do it. However, Juncker and Laimdota kept Poroshenko and with a nod and gestures explained to the media that it’s time to start the session.


15)Jean-Claude Juncker: European perspective for Ukraine does not exist

Countries of the Eastern partnership, including Ukraine, are not prepared for the membership in the European Union – says the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

He noted that the Riga summit, which opened onThursday, is not  devoted to the future of EU enlargement or possible membership of the Eastern partners of the EU.


16)Kremlin Refutes Media Allegations of Ties Between Putin and Timchenko


17)Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Ukrainian Crisis in Phone Call


18)Poroshenko Says Ukraine is at War with Russia


19)Protest in Kiev over shitty economy (VIDEO)


20)’Humanitarian suicide’: Kiev backtracks on human rights pledge in Eastern Ukraine
