1)The state border service of Ukraine: border guards never found weapons in the humanitarian convoy of the Russian Federation 

Ukraine confirmed that Russia provides Donbass solely with humanitarian assistance

“To this date, it has been 28 so-called escorts. Planned next. They carry different things. In recent times, mainly food products. It has never been the fact of transportation of arms and ammunition in those convoys we recorded,” he said.


2)Military events in NovoRussia for 28.05.15 (Russian)


3)Military events in NovoRussia for 29.05.15 (Russian)


4)Poroshenko could have died on inauguration day 

According to him, on the route of the presidential motorcade was found a bucket of nails and explosives. It was attached to the fence near the building of the presidential Administration in Kiev. To trigger the explosive device should the mobile phone signal.


5)The head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Donbass was schizophrenic 

Appeared in the media documents confirmed serious mental illness of the Deputy chief of Ukraine in Donetsk region – Ilya Kiva

He was formerly one of the leaders of “Right Sector”, the Vice-President of the International Federation of dominoes, a former commander of the battalion “Poltava”. Kiva was convicted of bribery, served in the army, security service, interior Ministry and other security agencies, has shoulder straps of Lieutenant Colonel.


6)Fights In Donbass 28.05.2015 (English)


7)Russia Will Cooperate With US in Areas of Mutual Interest – Lavrov


8)‘Crimea Never Was Ukrainian’ – Giscard d’Estaing


9)UN: Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine — the worst in the world

The increase in the number of refugees from Ukraine is turning into one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the world. To such conclusion came experts of the UN Agency for refugees. They concluded that because of the continuing hostilities in Eastern Ukraine and an acute shortage of humanitarian aid to civilians, fleeing masse from Ukraine abroad, mostly to Russia.

Recently in Ukraine the number of internally displaced persons and those seeking asylum abroad, has reached catastrophic proportions, wrote the English-language portal of RT. Despite the conclusion of the Minsk agreements, the attacks in the East of the country continues.According to the latest data from the office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees, asylum abroad already asked 857 thousand Ukrainians. Over the past two weeks this number has increased by 23 thousand people.


10)Mystic of the Ukrainian War (VIDEO)


11)G7 to Support Kiev in Foreign Debt Restructuring – German Finance Minister


12)Crimea’s Reunification With Russia Breached No Laws – Justice Minister


13)The EU, denying Ukraine introduces visa-free regime for Trinidad and Tobago 

The European Union signed an agreement on a short-term visa-free regime with seven countries In the list included in the country-archipelago Vanuatu, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Samoa.

The summit in Riga, it became known that Ukraine may get visa-free regime with EU no sooner than in 2016. Earlier, the head of the European Council Donald Tusk refused to name the exact date of introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens.


14)Poroshenko has signed the law on the moratorium on the payment of foreign debts 

Now the Cabinet has the right to take a decision on temporary suspension of payments on all or some debt obligations

“Either the Cabinet will deal with the creditors, either in the country will be declared a technical default,” said he.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in turn, said that Russia does not intend to restructure debts of Ukraine and will announce its position in the International monetary Fund when it comes to the continuation of financial assistance to Kiev.


15)A Scenario of Macro-Economic Collapse: Challenging “Operation Vulture” in Ukraine


16)US Lawmaker: Dead Russian Soldiers in Ukraine Are Eaten by Putin


17)The Economist Absurdly Suggests Ukraine Can Become “Poland”


18)Poroshenko: Ukrainians Who Oppose NATO Threaten Ukraine’s Security


19)Poroshenko Breaks Promise and Triples Wealth in Office as Ukrainians Suffer


20)Summary of military events in NovoRussia for 28.05.15


21)US-Russia nuke war threatens the whole world
