1)Handelsblatt: Ukrainian recruits fleeing to the West and the East.

Corporations trying to “cover up” from the service their employees, giving the government  false information. Prospers illegal business for those who avoids military service: doctors selling medical certificates, and travel agencies organize special routes for those who want to leave the country.The newspaper reminds that a few weeks ago a doctor from Chernovtsy was arrested, who made a falsification of the medical certificate with his signature for 3500 euros. At the moment only in Kiev to 95% of all potential recruits fled. More than half of young people from the West of Ukraine in recent months has left the country.

Handelsblatt: Украинские призывники бегут и на Запад, и на Восток


2)Corrupt officials have up to 500% profit in a zone of armed conflict in the Donbass.

Ukraine, despite an official ban, leads a large scale trade with the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics. We are talking about multi-million dollar illegal commodity-money circulation. Kiva believes that the profits of smugglers can reach 500%. In this regard, he noted a significant increase in corruption in the Ukrainian roadblocks.

Коррупционеры имеют до 500% прибыли в зоне вооруженного конфликта в Донбассе


3)The Polish Ambassador equalized crimes of “heroes of Ukraine” with the Armenian genocide.

The genocide of the Polish population in Western Ukraine during the Second world war and the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire during the First world war are identical in nature and cruelty. This opinion was expressed at a press conference in Yerevan on may 4, by Polish Ambassador to Armenia, Jerzy Nowakowski, answering the question of correspondent EADaily about the attitude of Poland to the question of the official glorification of Ukraine soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA), which carried out ethnic cleansing in Western Ukraine during the Second world war.

“Poland is extremely critical of the fact that in Ukraine at the state level UIA announced to be heroes, they carried out the genocide of the Polish population in Volhynia during the Second world war. The negative attitude to this matter have been expressed by the President of Poland during his recent visit to Kiev, and also Polish press wrote a lot of articles  blaming Polish authorities for insufficiently hard line on this issue,” said Nowakowski.

Посол Польши уравнял преступления «героев Украины» с геноцидом армян.


4)Military events in NovoRussia for 4.05.2015

Сводка военных событий в Новороссии за 04.05.2015


5)Military events in NovoRussia for 5.05.2015

Хроника военных событий в Новороссии за 05.05.2015


6)The Ministry of defence assesses the situation in the DPR as challenging and difficult. 

The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic remains complex and tense. This was stated today to journalists by the Deputy commander of the Ministry of Defence DPR Eduard Bacurin.According to him, from 40 attacks on the territory of the DPR security forces only fired 220 rounds (artillery, mortars, tanks, APCS, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms). The vast majority – mortars (141 shot).Losses among the personnel of the army DPR – one wounded.”Ukrainian security forces continue to employ heavy artillery, mostly in the evening, ignoring the Minsk agreements. However, the militia  of DPR continues to exercise restraint by not reacting to provocation of punishers” — summed up Bacurin.


7)Lyashko  attacked “Russian” with a knife.

The infamous Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, the leader of Radical party Oleg Lyashko again gave the Ukrainian press an occasion for laugh.In the video, posted on the popular video hosting Youtube, it can be seen that a politician with the big knife trying to cut the shield with the sticker “I am Russian and proud of it!”
According to the local media, It’s not worth trying to understand the motives of Lyashko, in parliamentary expensive suit trying to climb on a road sign.

Ляшко с ножом набросился на «русского»


8)The self-revelation from Ukrainian TV (VIDEO)

Саморазоблачение от украинского ТВ (ВИДЕО)


9)Ukraine has the worst economy in the world.

The British magazine the Economist (EIU) has compiled a disapproval rating of 15 of the worst economies in the world. First place went to Ukraine, showing a significant decline compared to other countries in crisis.

According to forecasts, Ukraine’s GDP will fall by more than 6% compared to 2014, Russia has put on 5-th place. Also the list included Brazil, Venezuela, Cyprus, Greece. And rank with the best results on the GDP growth rate should show Papua New Guinea, the Congo and Sri Lanka, according to analysts.

Украину назвали страной с худшей экономикой в мире


10)Putin: ‘Cynical Attempts to Whitewash Nazism, Militarism Unacceptable’


11)Austrian FM Urges Peaceful End to Ukraine Crisis


12)Russia to Work With EU Partners If Sanctions Not Extended – Lavrov


13)Russian Representative in Ukraine Contact Group to Arrive in Minsk May 6


14)Colossal Self-Importance: Right Sector Demands VIP Status in Ukraine’s Army


15)Fights In Donbass 05.05.2015


16)UN Confirms Ban Will Visit Moscow For Victory Day


17)How the EU Association Agreement Makes Existing Ukraine-Russia Trade Links Impossible


18)Russia-Hating John McCain Disappointed that Germany Wants Cooperation with Moscow


19)Europeans Shockingly Ignorant of Red Army Role in WWII Victory


20)Nazis from battalion Azov with assault rifles killed poliсe officers in Kiev.
