Translated by Scott Humor, editing and subtitles by Leo

With every new day we get news from Ukraine reminiscent of a plot sketched by some drunk Hollywood screenwriter of “disaster movies.” Every day we hear that something else fell, exploded, collapsed and derailed. Where is it all going, given the presence of several nuclear power stations? I don’t even want to think about it.

A few years ago, one sarcastic Russian IT expert, Ruslan Karmanov coined the phrase “infrastructure takes no prisoners.” He was precisely referring to Ukraine. Yes, and fresh news from there proves him right.

A recent post on the official website of the “Ukrainian Railway:”

“July 3, 2018, at 14:18 a freight train derailed on the stretch Ivanovka-Veselui Kut in the Odessa region with 14 freight cars coming off the tracks. The train derailment caused tracks to change their structural configuration in both directions of the stretch. Because of the incident, the movement of 20 passenger trains was organized on alternative routes, bypassing this section.”

The cars were loaded with farm stock feed and black metal, people were not injured. Of course, it could be that in the country of the victorious anarcho-communist Nestor Makhno, rails were dismantled and stolen. However, there is a reason to believe that in this case the failure was due to the technical condition of the “Ukrainian Railway” infrastructure. The thought of the previous message of “infrastructure taking no prisoners” was confirmed by news that came a day prior, on July 2.

In Ukraine, practically the entire available rolling stock of tank wagons, designed to transport liquid sulfuric acid, requires major repairs. This is stated in the information and analytical materials prepared by the state enterprise “Ukrpromvneshexpertiza” for a special investigation on the import of sulfuric acid and oleum, conducted by the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade (ICMT) under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (MEDT).

“Given the age (year of construction), almost all available in Ukraine tank wagons for sulfuric acid requires major repairs. The total cost of their repairs are estimated to be about 183.6 million hryvnias or about $7 million,” the document says. You can appreciate this chart. The newest tank wagons were made in 1993. 25 years ago!

I have a question. For the past 25 years, what did the Ukrainian businessmen who used these tank wagons do? Naturally, they made money. They squeezed the infrastructure dry, without reinvesting anything. Because of the “independence” their approach was that if today something is not stolen, then tomorrow everything might collapse. Then you won’t have time to steal. So, one must grab and steal as much as possible, because after next election, your candidate might lose, and new people might take everything from you.

Here is the result: trains derail, bridges collapse, tank wagons for acid depreciate beyond repairs, and without acid there will be no coking coal, which spells the doom for metallurgy.

This is not some fantasy novel or comic book in the post-Apocalypse genre. This is a multi-million populated country that used to be the richest republic of the USSR, and it is next to us just across the border, very close, at hand.

The country is degrading back into times when civilization was a cherry orchard near a hut, to an outhouse on the garden. That’s all. And then our domestic liberals ask “why do we have to build all those airports and bridges?” To not forget how to build them, at the very least. Those who think that infrastructure can be downloaded on the Internet, as if it’s a computer game, let them move to the Europeans.

Again, quoting Karmanov: “A shed, kitchen earthenware on the woven fence, a pup chases after a pig, from the next hut comes clanking of glasses and sour smell of moonshine. All homespun, quilted and handstitched, seven pillows in polka dots on a bed, and dirt glitters under moonbeams like anthracite.”

And after all, these people have nuclear power stations left from the vanished civilization. I don’t know when will the Ukrainian question be solved, but to solve it we must, without an option. I do not even want to think what will happen when the nuclear plants will get “tired,” as got tired the bridges, cars, tank wagons and power line support pylons.


Scott Humor,

the Director of Research and Development

My research of the war on Donbass is available at the book store

The War on Donbass, which is called by the Western politicians and media the “Russian aggression in Ukraine” was a staged psyop.

My illustrated investigation titled Pokémon in Ukraine reveals how this psyop was staged, by whom and why.