by Batiushka for the Saker blog
Unicorns Are Real or It Must Be True, the Western Media Told Me So
An autumn chill is descending on every European country, though in each country in different ways.
Gas-dependent Germany and Italy are desperate for Russian gas. It is not just homes, but whole factories which face imminent closure in energy-intensive industries. The result of that will be mass unemployment. By ‘mass’, I mean 20% and more.
In France there is popular rejection of President Macron who has told his people that they (i.e. not him) must suffer so that the Ukraine can ‘win’. September is the first month of the annual strike-season in France. French people do not like being cold. Expect some headlines.
In Latvia the Russian minority are fearful for their future, but so is everyone else. Heating will not be an option this winter. With a pension of just over 100 euros a month, many pensioners are simply going to die of the cold.
From Slovakia we have received the following:
‘Thanks for your email. Just to give you some idea of the current manufacturing costs here in Slovakia and to be brutally honest throughout the upside down world, We paid last year 85,000 euros for electricity, this year it’s going to be around 500,000 euros. As of 1 Jan2023 it’s going to be 1.2 million euros at best.
So that’s just the electricity, never mind the gas, the increase in raw materials, salaries and all other manufacturing costs, This is a hard way of saying it’s impossible to reduce and every customer of ours has to accept it or not. Surprisingly we have never ever been as busy! You cutting margins down low is of course difficult, but at least you have margins. We simply do not have anything to reduce’.
In Moldova the crisis is profound. As in Latvia and Lithuania up to half the population have fled their countries after they were pillaged by the EU (even though officially Moldova does not even belong to the EU!). Previously medicine came from the Ukraine. Now that is unobtainable, they have to use medicine from Germany. Only that costs ten times more. Quite simply, if you are very ill and you don’t have the money, this year you will die.
In Romania, which has lost a quarter of its population to emigration after the great EU pillage, and where a salary of 600 euros per month is considered very good, food prices are the same as in Western Europe, where average salaries are four to five times more, and diesel costs even more than elsewhere.
In Ireland restaurants are closing because they cannot afford their energy bills, which have increased by 1,000% (yes, one thousand per cent).
In London, the capital of the Brutish (sic) Empire, the Gauleiter Johnson finally admitted that, ‘British households will have to endure soaring energy bills as part of efforts to defeat Vladimir Putin….economic sanctions imposed on Russia have contributed to soaring global gas prices which have driven up household bills’. Analysts expect the UK’s energy price cap per household to rise from an already extremely high £1,971 today to £3,554 a year this October and to a completely unaffordable £6,089 in April 2023. A bill boycott is gathering momentum. Expect rioting and the looting of supermarkets by the hungry.
Did British people choose to endure this? No. Did British people plead to suffer so that they can defeat Putin in a local quarrel about a country most of them had never heard of until last February? No. Did British people refuse to pay for the abundant and cheap Russian oil and gas in roubles? No. Were they consulted about choosing the new Prime Minister? No. So much for ‘the mother of parliaments’….
In the oligarch-controlled UK there are now calls for Thatcher’s privatised utility companies, with their huge profits, generous payouts of dividends to shareholders, hopeless infrastructure, lack of investment and absence of government regulation, to be renationalised. Some have even commented that perhaps ‘the free market’ really meant the law of the jungle and that ‘privatisation simply meant Thatcher selling off public assets to her capitalist cronies and supporters’. Well, forty years late, but some people have finally got the message.
Enough. That is not what I wanted to tell you about.
In the last week of August I left France and went to Wiesbaden. There I visited the magnificent Russian church, built in the century before last. Going round the cemetery with the graves of old aristocrats with their masonic symbols on their headstones (now you know why the Russian Revolution took place), I saw the relatively new grave that I had been looking for.
This was the grave of a lovely old couple, whom I had long known. I won’t reveal their names, just to say that their story would make a film, only so romantic that you would not believe it. However, if you are past the age of forty, you should have realised by now that real life is far, far stranger and far, far more incredible than any fiction. All I will say is that he was born in Saint Petersburg in 1916, was taken by his fleeing parents to Finland after the rest of the family had been shot, that in 1943 he had become a monk and a priest in Nazi Germany, and that in late 1946 the family had fled ruined Berlin for Peronist Argentina as Russian Orthodox refugees. And there, in 1948, he met a desperately poor Argentinian street girl who had been born in Italy. It was love at first sight. I don’t think I have ever met such a devoted and exemplary couple or ever will. They died in great old age within hours of each other.
Enough. That is not what I wanted to tell you about.
After I had gone down from the high wooded churchlands into the town of Wiesbaden, I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a T-shirt which said: ‘Unicorns are Real’. The words were not in German, but in English (even though, no doubt the T-shirt was Made in China). I began to wonder.
Was it just infantilism? The sort of escapism that funded the UFO industry, or Star Wars, or Harry Potter? The irresponsible and immature who are running away from reality?
And I thought to myself that I could not imagine any middle-aged Russian, Chinese, Indian, Iranian, African, Cuban, Colombian or Brazilian woman wearing such a T-shirt (unless of course they were so futile that they had married oligarchs). And then there came to me the words written by the British author G.K. Chesterton in his short story of 1925, The Oracle of the Dog: ‘The first effect of not believing…is that you lose your common sense’.
In other words, to wear such a T-shirt simply shows a lack of faith – in anything. And I thought how significant it was that the words had been written in English, the language of the Hegemon. And I thought, yes, this really is the end of the Western world. Because if you want to advertise your belief that unicorns are real, you have quite simply lost your mind and that from now on you will believe anything the Western world tells you. After all, it is only one step from ‘Unicorns are Real’ to:
‘The great and noble Zelensky is winning the war in the Ukraine because our Western cause is just’.
Have as look at Shaxson’s 2 books, and this documentary:
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | Documentary Film
Dragons are real! See the City of London Corporation Coat of Arms.
And then the Canadian Coat of Arms does have Unicorns!
And it is the official Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom
Surmise the tourist was likely a Brit.
Thank you for an insightful post. The end was a great punchline.
“Unicorns are Real”. It is making fun of people who believe that anyone who wears a “Unicorns are Real” tee shirt actually believes that Unicorns are real. British humour. You get it or you don’t.
Yes, British humour often relies on the reverse being true. However, this was in Wiesebaden. Though I still agree it’s likely irony or similar.
On that note, I saw a shirt in the (former) $1. store that said “I”m in Control”.
I bought a bunch for my family members.
As in… think you are in control? Ha!
Maybe the T-shirt came from the German Goodwill (generally run by the Catholic church, in my limited experience).
Many people get a T-shirt for 50 cents because they need a T-shirt—not because of the slogan on it.
Sure we get the great British humor. We also laugh and applaud when learned University Professors solemnly declare that there are at least nine genders, the British Medical Association instructs its members to refer to mothers as “people with vaginas”, or when using the phrase “ladies and gentlemen” is declared to be a high crime. Jolly good fun, what?
Gender politics. Who cares visitor, apart from the far Left and the far Right? For the majority of people in the middle, it is not something they ever think about, and certainly irrelevant in the context of the conflict that is happening in Ukraine.
So a shirt that says Unicorns Are Real is a sign of insanity, but telling children that they might be ”in the wrong body” and arresting people for “misgendering” is irrelevant and no one cares.
Yep. The English and Americans be crazy.
That stuff doesn’t originate with the British or Russians … it’s been used against both of them to assault them on a biological level (reproduction) and degrade their culture, economy, morale, etc. It’s a weapon to end Christianity and whatever populations it’s associated with.
Yes thats right.
Its intended as a individual protest.
Its the British use of sarcasm to make a public statement to wake up the general public.
British ARROGANCE explains better.
When you LIE – tell people to walk 180 degrees oppose to reality – you can always USE THIS EXCUSE to look intelligent – not a lier…
In fact, “unicorns” are indeed real if simply and literally defined as animals with a single horn.
The possibility of “noble Zelensky winning the war”, on the other hand, is an absurd imposition on even the most elastic imagination — not that such impositions pose any great problem for what passes as “news media” in today’s western version of post-factual “woke society”.
If you can divorce “gender” definitions entirely from biological realities, anything becomes possible. Likewise the awarding of sole unilateral discretion about which hothouse seedlings shall live and which shall die to the soil in which they happen to be planted. The gardener and sower of those seeds is, according to the same “woke logic”, entirely irrelevant of course. It truly is a marvelous “new age” that we live in.
“The gardener and sower of those seeds is, according to the same “woke logic”, entirely irrelevant of course.”
CORRECTION: Well, not entirely irrelevant when it comes time to pay for the upkeep of both the hothouse and the seedlings should the former decide unilaterally to allow the latter to live.
I would not be that harsh or authoritative about that person with “real” unicorn on the Tshirt. My granddaughter a year ago was all into the lovely unicorn world. Was her parents or Disney provided her with a golden idol to believe in? What about the Golden Lock or Dorothy from the movie?
I would wear such Tshirt myself, just to make my grandaughter happy for few weeks. “Sharing” her infatuation. Some boys can even believe in other, more nasty figures . . . . Parents should provide the proper perspective, correcting such love with war figures or other deviations.
What about the Halloween thing? The trivialization of death, trivialization of corpses, cementaries? And 90% of America is into this. Well, maybe 89%.
The unicorn Tshirt could be just a smile. A wink. An irony.
Get children believing that the fantastical imaginary is real at an early age so as to foster a deep distrust of their familial elders after reality violently intrudes onto the fantasy.
Santa Claus
Easter bunny
Tooth fairy
Then, after the fantasy bubbles pop, when they become cynical adults, they will have motivation to destroy the systems constructed on lies -things like families, society and “norms”.
Definitely, do everything you can to protect your wee ones from the truths and reality of life and existence.
Imagination is as much a construction of thought as anything.
If all you can build with is what is under your nose, without imagining possibilities, you are lesser for it.
Most of the world fails to imagine they are dominated by a “small” group of manipulative evil people.
They fail to imagine that is possible because they do not understand enough about th real world; because they have been told and repeated a reality based on selective and misrepresented facts.
They fail to imagine that would happen to them.
They fail to imagine a way out.
Santa and the bunny are a great way to introduce the child to the systematic lying of the western world, in particular. If handled properly.
This. Exactly as you have said it Zhao its all a manipulation of mind to get the young ones to rebel against the parental authority and traditional family. To get them to reject old ways of tradition and passed on family values and more readily accept all these lies of the new fake make-believe world. It is all witchcraft by its very defenition.
Another great article by Batiuska.
Thanks foe the affirmation Gregor. The sticky point of family is that it is an “institution” because it is that nucleus that proved to be the most resilient to scarcity over millennia.
We need tight. cooperating and constructive family now, more than ever in our any other time on our lives (unless you happen to be a depression-era survivor), just as the hubris permitted by decades of extremely low cost, almost unlimited energy at our fingertips has brought us to the conclusion of the consumerist propaganda-fueled cultural phenomenon that states: “i don’t need anyone but my self.”
I AM a unicorn!
No (real) community, no family around us as we descend into economic depression worldwide.
Portends of a bad bad period that we are transitioning into.
On reflection, the discovery my mother was instilling a belief in a lie so egregious as santa claus had the exact effect you mention. I was fortunate in that God intervened directly in my life and revealed the reality of the divine to a young “intellectual” who had embraced the materialist reductionist worldview and it’s arrogant rejection of all traditional values. The most pivotal of these experiences happened after an exposure to Russian Orthodoxy and my time in a monastery as a teenager. I can vividly remember the moment my faith in elders evaporated as a child when I learned the truth Santa. I’m glad you mentioned this as I believe it is absolutely pivotal in dethroning a childs faith in their parents.
Gazprom stops Nordstream gas delivery indefinitely
MOSCOW, September 2. /TASS/. Gazprom has identified damages during activities at the last operating gas compressor unit of the Nord Stream pipeline and has to completely halt pumping until they are cured, the Russian gas company said on Friday…….
The spike in gas prices will be called the Unicorn! It will burst the Mother of All Financial Bubbles.
Russia is having fun!
Makes the Black Swan collapse look, well, passee!
All of this is likely to tip over into a cataclysm over the winter. I would not be surprised to see a financial collapse and unemployment in the EU in excess of 30%. Given the fact that the EU is notoriously bad at solving problems of any kind, there’s a non-negligible chance more countries try to leave the EU. Spexit anyone?
This essay made me feel lighter, despite the apocalyptic descriptions. I’m inspired to create a collection of Wokey sayings based on magical thinking along the lines of the BLM yard signs that sprang up like mind-altering mushrooms in the wet Western US coastal cities. You know them:
“In this house we believe:
Black Lives Matter
Women’s rights are human rights
No human is illegal
Science is real
Love is love
Kindness is everything”
I believe, my friends that it is time to fashion a new version starting with:
“Unicorns are real”
Will you help me compose the rest?
How about…
Men CAN have abortions
Wishing makes things happen
True hope is always rewarded
Ukraine will win
Looking forward to your ideas
Nowadays, we have T-shirts which state :
Get a fat what?
I liked the article. My 2 cent:
Children deserve a childhood
There is still a long way to women’s liberation
Women have the right to their own body
Save the nature
Our green transition
We are already too many on the planet
We have limited water resources
Diesel trucks are destroying our planet
America is the light on the Hill
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists
Your daughter wants to tell you a secret
I jumped out of the closet, it was just so natural
A sustainable future
and “God save the Queen”….uaarrrghhhh (the ultimate blasphemy). The Clash. London is calling.
Dear Sir/Madame
I do wish you were correct in your statement that the aforementioned sign was prone to shrooming up in coastal cities. Nope. I just saw one right here in rural Wisconsin and, of course, saw several down in Madison, liberal bastion that it is, boasting significant numbers of folks driving their cars solo while sporting a mask.
A contribution to your sign might be
“”Q” is not a psyop”
The west has become a post reality society. Ukraine being led by a comedian sums it up.
We in United States love Zelensky because his is proof that one can “fake it ‘til you make it”.
It’s the American Dream!
Reading the news about the expected 4-10x jump in energy costs around Western Europe this winter, I am thinking to make a YouTube bid on how to repurpose those Ukraine flags they bought into blankets.
Boris Johnson is telling people to save by buying a new kettle that is more energy efficient. Seriously. Marie Antoinette comes to mind.
The U.S.A is led by a comedian, except he isn’t funny and can’t always remember his lines.
Unicorns are real…… are black swans.
But black swans do exist.
More importantly, what colour is the black swan?
No, they don’t exist. It’s about getting paid to bring it to life and make everyone believe. It is the almighty money.
Either all the saintly men and women who have been revered by mankind for the last million years or so are completely wrong and delusional…or…the scientific materialism of the last couple of centuries is meaningless nonsense. Take your pick.
In Oriental religions unicorns are believed to be divine animals (that reside in another dimension).
Syria’s Assad announced his “Four Seas Strategy” that would have Iranian/Iraqi gas/oil delivered to the Mediterranean or more pipes going west. 4 days later the west’s war on Syria was triggered.
Muammar Qaddafi of Libya had his “Green Stream” pipeline, but he was gonna double the compressor/capacity, and then lay a Green Stream 2 along side it. This would be 4 X the previous supply piped to Italy. And the West murdered Qaddafi and bombed the country back to the stone age, no more Green Stream.
Western Africa pipes plenty of gas to Spain, but France refuses to allow any gas from Spain/Africa to enter or pas through France or get linked to the rest of Western Europe’s pipeline infrastructure.
All that said, a “collapse” is the intent of the Old World Order, but the bulk of Humanity is striving to not collapse, and willing to suffer a bit more than the Old World Order calculated.
Encountering a politician that has a whit of understanding of the fundamental and immutable value of gas and oil to his nation is rare. As rare as a politician who represents anyone’s interests but his own.
Make no mistake, it is the hand of the US behind the energy starvation of Western Europe. The goal is to make those nations dependent on US-derived gas because the fracking phenomenon has created such a glut of it. Massive profits await.
Just take a look at how many multi-billion Euro offshore LNG re-gassing terminals were built around Europe in the 2010s in anticipation of the destruction of Russia’s reliable and cheap supply.
They sat unused for a decade, waiting for this moment.
The political arenas have become little more than foetid entertainment production mills composed of parasites swarming the dying carcass of the achievements of industrial society.
The elected besuited skin suit-wearing reptilian paragons of greed sold everything they could sell in our nations, including us and our descendants and now we look to them for the solutions to our pressing problems. We beg them to save us.
Perhaps we deserve our doom.
Its all planned well in advance.
Where I am in Europe they just made a new law nobody can leave the country with an unpaid utility bill. If you dont got slaved by the vax, you get slaved by the utilities, or the inflation, or the raised interest rate, or a new war, or the clima change, or lack of digital ID, or financial Armageddon or something else.
They are really horny about it.
im afraid the situation in the iberian pipelines is a lot more bizarre. to the point you cant even get updated information on such a resource neither in spanish nor portuguese news.
methinks they where closed last year preparing for this year carnage, and that involved moroco and prolly western sahara consecion by spain, but is just a hunch.
Maybe… I propose that some gov. body realized the strategic importance of the pipelines and closed down information channels information about them. Spanish authorities are still all about paranoid fascist-era control despite their “more open” veneer exercised since El Franco.
Hard to believe that no journalists/editors are interested enough in energy issues to want to report on them.
Time to “MIND THE GAP” between your income and your expenses……
Unicorns are real. Indeed!
Swedish mainstrean media. “This is how you get your sex life back with a bent penis”…
Always something like this as a headline at the top.
Am I going crazy? Does the wind charge you for blowing? Is the water demanding a higher prize for running in the rivers?
The solution is to separate the price for electricity from the price of gas! The minister says.
I desperately need a unicorn to ride on! To the wonderful land of pride parades and rainbows…
I know that evil mastermind Putin whispered to the streams and the wind…
And here we are in la la land…
Yes, they believe in Nothing, ultimately. Now, I should say that I believe in The Unicorn, as I believe Jesus Christ is called in the Old Testament.
When the financial oligarchy became organized after WW1 with creation of CFR and Chatham House, they seized control of many academic disciplines thru donations to Ivy league. American Historical Association was formed. If you want articles published or a good review of your books you must conform to “peer reviewed” studies. So economics and history are control;ed from establishment narrative, With Oligarchy control of MSM, most people are so brainwashed that they don’t know what is real and not, hence Unicorns are real T-shirts. The growing irrationality of the West does not bode well for its ability to compete with Asia and Russia.
This article is quite the contrast to the last one posted. It is very interesting and worthwhile, but this comment may not be, so not sure it will post or not.
Thanks for this article.
Thank you, very well written.
When people used to ask me about my shirts, which at the time were company shirts from Cisco or Microsoft, my answer was simple and to the point… “It’s just a shirt”
We are about to see efforts to put the Shock Doctrine into high gear. Those who have never read Naomi Klein’s classic book of that title would be well advised to do so.
“old aristocrats with their masonic symbols on their headstones”
On Vancouver Island where I grew up and where we buried my parents you will find a remarkable site at the graveyard. A truly magnificent gravestone for two, almost 6 feet into the air which seemed out of place for such a small insignificant graveyard fit more for a king or a lord and totally and completely Masonic. I don’t know or forgot when it was erected but in today’s dollars it would be an enormous sum of money. And talk about devotion? To erect something like this speaks volumes about the devotion to a cult.
As for my parents they had just a small hole in ground.
Unicorn? Ah, yes indeed don’t we find in the prophecies of the bible talk of a coming king with a small horn boasting great things. A creature who we are told will look to change everything and implement Rev. 13 where no one can buy or sell unless he had the number of his name.’
Imagine implementing with the QR Code “mark” in one hand or forehead a rationing system similar to what occurred during WW2 which as Dr. Cantelon surmised “produced a system of rationing where the number on the coupon book took priority over mans money as legal tender, or a medium of exchange. He reminds his readers that the masses which accepted the ration system under the crisis of war will accept the new number system under a monetary crisis that will be purposely created by those wishing to establish world control.”
Marry such a system with a Social Credit System or score and voila problems solved? You simply portion out ones allotment of bread but the price paid is of course your conscience believing in the unicorn!!!
Hmmm, instead of “crisis of war” we have something he didn’t realize or expect a crisis of energy? I can still remember all those years ago when I first watched that docu on Peak Oil and was blown away by it.
and look what Martin Armstrong posted:
I guess most people only see the immediate problem. The utility bill. They dont see they are been lead into a trap and when they realize it, its too late. They got used to it although it irritates, and it stays.
Many of our daily routines happened that way. Passport to cross a country border were created in connection with WWI to get hold of spies entering a country.
When WWI was over the passport requirement stayed, as you had people employed and trained in this issue and didnt know what else they should do. Another Sisyphus industry with doubtful value was created.
But arnt they simply created all the time, its just when you gather them all up at the same unique place and unique time, that sets the pace from there forward.
“When WWI was over the passport requirement stayed, as you had people employed and trained in this issue and didnt know what else they should do.”
How about we change it a bit
“The attack on 9/11 is long ago past but the Airport TSA requirement stayed, as you had people employed and trained in this issue and didn’t know what else to do.”
Alabama and Johnny Yeah, thats maybe why we need a little WWIII to get back to where we started :-).
Reality is You.
(My humble suggestion for a T-shirt.)
I recently saw a T shirt that said: The mind is nothing but the thought “I” –Ramana Maharshi
This is from ‘The Sunday Times’ 22 November 1998:
The Future: a brief history.
‘It is the way of things that, all too frequently, fate fails to read the script we have so carefully prepared for it.
Our long-term vision of Europe, however, suffers no such uncertainties. As a business case, Europe is irresistible.
Here is a territory whose markets are both vibrant and liquid. With a intriguing mix of the developed and the developing.
Even in its infant state,Europe now accounts for a third of the world’s GDP.
Its landscape is being shaped by businesses which, increasingly, are thinking of Europe-wide sectorsrather than mere domestic share.
And it is inhabited by a longer-living population; one which is grasping quickly the need for lasting financial self-reliance.
From where we sit, Europe’s future can already be written with some confidence. Even now, the region is tearing down any barriers that stand in the way of growth – be they banknotes or boundaries.
For those who have the vision to seize them, the opportunities of the next decade will be rich indeed.’
(advert of a bank)
– They certainly believed in THIS Unicorn…never asking where the wealth originated from…
In those days it was not about Russian gas and oil but about closing down flourishing British Coal Mines to destroy the power of the Trades Unions…and rely instead on Colombian coal imports mined by school age kids…
I have felt that destruction of the EU, should be an American political, economic, financial, and moral objective. It has taken a long time for the dead weight intellectual sloth of Europe to drag it down as we are seeing now in front of our very eyes, but I shall enjoy it.
”Quos vult Iupiter perdere, dementat prius”.
Europe is in the grips of furious dementia.
Jeez guy, it’s just a funny t shirt. U r reading way too much into it. Great article
This whole thing is so contrived and wilful, like all the politicians are reading a script. Reminds me of the old Bronson movie “Telefon”, where these pols are on autopilot.
There are many similar belief:
Voters like to imagine that they are sovereign. That illusion goes back to the most effective political deception in American history, the ultimate bumper sticker slogan: “we the people.”
or this:
“we are the government.”
or this:
Democracy is rule of the people
Reality is this:
Democracy is rule not “of the people,” but of a majority over a minority, earning Voltaire’s comment that he preferred to live under the paw of a lion rather than under the teeth of a thousand rats.
Unicorns are real…
And if the people of Europe collectively swallow poison, Putin will get a stomach ache.
“Gas-dependent Germany and Italy are desperate for Russian gas. It is not just homes, but whole factories which face imminent closure in energy-intensive industries. The result of that will be mass unemployment. By ‘mass’, I mean 20% and more.”
If the human race survives, in the future they will say this was the reason WWIII started.
Europe being impoverished right now is no mistake. It is going exactly according to plan.
If Russia sells oil/gas to Europe in Euros/Dollars the money will be frozen by Europe.
Russia remains unpaid and therefore it refuses to sell, unless paid in rubles.
Europe refuses mostly to pay in Rubles.
To constuct this as Putin’s blackmail is ‘unicornian’ logic.
The Author did not understand the message for he does not realize what it is to live in a totalitarian society where /open/ sarcasm can get you unemployable.
This is what Unicorn thinking can get you. Ukrainians were happy to get Polish aid. I warned about this months ago:
Polish citizens have filed more than 1,500 lawsuits in Ukrainian courts for the return of property lost during World War II in Western Ukraine.
“These people would like to either return the apartments and houses that belonged to their ancestors, or demand compensation from Ukraine for real estate,” Polish politician Konrad Rankas explained to Strana.
According to Ukrainian journalists, we are talking about Poles who were forcibly evicted from Ukraine. Now they want to “return the apartments in Lviv”, despite the support of Kiev by the Polish authorities.
Obviously, many in the west think their unwavering beliefs in weird, unexplained stuff like the unicorn or UFO… is what makes them more advanced as compared to those from backward countries. Very similar to believe in the promotion of LGBTQ worldviews which give them certain cutting edge for deep philosophical discussions. Read somewhere the other day, in parts of the US and EU, local governments officially recognize the existence of 15 different types of genders among human species. So no longer female and male are considered as genders but in addition there are gays, trans, bi…. which are legally recognized as genders. There’s only one good explanation for this trend in the west and that’s because they have had it too easy going for them through cheap, abundant oil/gas and other essential commodities coming from the Middle East, Russia, Latin America and Africa, since at least the end of WWII. In the UK’s case it was long before that when it had managed to plunder India’s resources. The upcoming winter will teach them their first real life lesson especially if the Nordstream-1 continues its closure due to lousy turbines supplied by Ottawa. What will the westerners do when the new Gas-Opec cooperation of Russia, Iran and Qatar with over 75 percent of the total global reserves begin operation, when all the market prices in natural gas will be decided in St. Petersburg, Doha and Tehran?
Of course Unicorns are real!
And their colour is Green :-)
ah cartoons leaving the way. A blirp from Garfield Enjoy
It must be true
Germans wear T-Shirts with inane and often obscene English statements in them they do not understand and mainly they are meaningless twaddle
English seems to excuse Germans from thinking how stupid they appear to English-speakers as they wear placards especially women with idiotic slogans across their breasts
There is a lack of self-awareness which is akin to dumb animals
One of the effects of shifting down the mental health spectrum is diminished capacity/literacy in metaphorical language and complex cynicism/humour.
The two missing words in all these types of complex pronouncements are “as if” — so one might read it thus: “It is (as if) unicorns are real” etc. In other words, a coded statement regarding the prevailing times. They are as real as a Monthy Python sketch was in the late 20th century.
Have you checked the British Crown symbology lately?
“British Royal Coat of Arms and Motto”
As for the fairy tale ‘prince Zelenski’ actor playing the President in a death-cult movie production, perhaps check out this short clip of the “Jester of Kiev” now in his hay “day of misrule”…
[Unfortunately I can only provide a link to the Facebook video version I stumbled on — but it is worth it at 0:30 seconds]
I believe the Author has COMPLETELY missed the point. Possibly since he/she never lived in a totalitarian state.
In Germany, it is today right our dangerous to proclaim The Narrative to be false. You can easily lose your livelihood. With no remorse.
So, what you do when even satire is persecuted?
You use a sufficiently-complex metaphor which the censors will not comprehend but your fellow citizens – living in same totality – will.
You do this by proclaiming an (openly) absurd statement. The statement must be universally seen as absurd so no sane person FROM OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY will understand its meaning. By doing so you are /silently/ relating that statement to the One Narrative statements and hence calling them as absurd.
Go check some works of art by e.g. Czechoslovak disidents. You will find a LOT of this symbolism there. It utterly frustrated the censors -> they could not censor these on content. If they did, they would admit the unspoken relation it is truth.
Or check Kundera. Again. A LOT of it in his works.
Exactly, user. Well said. “Unicorns are Real” is a subversive message but which is subtle enough (hopefully) that you won’t get punished for it in a totalitarian state. Works for a short time but then eventually the authorities start to ‘get it’ and clamp down. During the Stalin period, “Unicorns are Real” would have been seen as subversive straight away and you wouldn’t have survived long.
Eg. “Lets go Brandon” ?.
It seems two key interventions in the Ukraine conflict by Brits PM Boris Johnson (April 9th and 26th August not including his visit on June 17th)have both prolonged and intensified the hostilities resulting in the massive slaughter of combatants predominantly Ukranian conscripts in actions that were ill judged and executed with little or no military foresight. At its most cynical the excessive casualties suffered by Ukraine might suggest that this was a planned outcome by MI6/CIA Western Intelligence to create a hurricane of grief and hatred in Western and Central Ukraine sufficient to fuel a proxy war against Russia for decades.
Boris Johnsons unmistakeable role in this NATO proxy war should be understood in this context and every effort made to publicise and expose his criminality and the guilt of the UK’s Military and Intelligence assets operating in Ukraine.
I can literally think of dozens of reasons why a person would wear a t-shirt saying “Unicorns are real” without actually believing unicorns are real.
Why didn’t you just go and ask them?
If I was the person who wore that t-shirt and I found out someone just wrote a 1000-word article to complain about my choice of fashion, that would make my day!
“I saw a ****middle-aged**** woman wearing a T-shirt which said: ‘Unicorns are Real’.”
I think you’ve missed the point. There are loads of children’s clothes shop here in the UK that sell T shirts, pyjamas etc with Unicorns, but they are for CHILDREN, hence the use of the word “infantilism”.
1. A state of ****arrested development in an adult****, characterized by ****retention of infantile mentality****, accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity, and often by dwarfism.
2. Marked immaturity, as in behavior or character.
3. An infantile act or remark.
No, I didn’t miss that part.
Just *one* possible reason for a person (of any age) to wear a shirt like that:
To mock the ridiculous government propaganda that we in the West have to endure day after day, by wearing a t-shirt with a slogan that’s obiously just as ridiculous as the news/propganda.
Nice. I could also wear such a shirt, but I would see it as sarcasm. Which is always doubtful in print, you can’t get the subtlety through. In stead I have a mug for my coffee, which states ” F&&& the Government, do what you like” . No mistake is possible here, but in essence, the same message, from the cruder side, admittedly. Done by South African artist Jerm. Look him up, also does podcasts, well worth following!
Tanks for your – ALWAYS extremely well written – words.
I love the way you say things that are simple but deep in essence.
The only thing I’d like to point is that Brazilians – trust me I’m born and raise here and visited 20 of 27 brazilian states – are WAY more futile, infantile and saddly “progressive” (pro-abortion, pro-transgender, degenerate and politically doomed) than you said. Here we are living in the United States of South America. No difference in levels of degeneracy, disgrace, perversion, masonic governance, political uniparty pretending bipolarity, normalization of paedophilia, disregard for ‘res-publica’, etc.. This country works 99% on corruption and bribes.
Women are nearly 60% of our population and differ in nothing to men when it comes to this sad reality.
I’m SORRY to say this truth about my country. Though that’s the reality on the ground.
Brazil is a huge country, the size of US. You have things which compensate for the sad side;
music styles, humour, dentists, school systems, practical solutions, give and take, soul, fruits, sol, praia, samba, Amazonas, comida forte e saudavel feijao/arroz/carne/salada/pao, e muito mais.
Nao se esqueca a ver toda a floresta por causa das arvores :-D. segura corações apaixonados, bonde do forro, e paixão demais, :-D.
“nao posso viver a vida assim, sempre deprimida, quando um grande amor se faz” ;-D.
Being sorry for that is as futile as it gets.
Instead,work on elucidating, educating as many as you can.
Brazil will go over this misery and thrn into one of the best countries in the whole World if we start working positively on the mass, instead of cursing it.
Have previously asked in what institution can we still trust? When systemic corruption has taken them all, then why not believe in Unicorns, they are as real as the BBC or CBC or anyone’s supreme court? Way less benevolent than believing in the BS from the tv.
‘British households will have to endure soaring energy bills as part of efforts to defeat Vladimir Putin….
When we take Putin’s stated goals at face value and compare them to our leaders, crucially leaving out any media manipulation, the results are plain.
Russia has figured out the threat the whole world is facing and would rather fight to death than submit to dominance. His message is simple, leave us alone or else!
Is my opinion tainted by the fact that my young daughter sat on my knee as we together read Harry Potter. Occasionally sneaking back to read ahead, it was that engaging.
So yeah never felt the bigger reality was something I had any input into. The irresponsible and immature who are running away from reality? Yeah less and less but yeah.
Now we object to getting smacked in the face with reality after so many years of hiding from it? No, It’s good to finally put a few things together. How to die, like a beaten dog or a raving lunatic? A day late and a dollar short?
Oddly totally enthralled by the Potter series I toiled away for peanuts overhauling turbine engines for a small Canadian commuter airline. 5 BAE-146 had ALF-502 engines built in a US factory that was totally led by Nazis from Germany in it’s not so humble beginnings. Made good money there which all vanished as if it were tainted, it was, we mostly built war machines.
Still don’t believe in Unicorns, but more and more in the power of love. I know, a very abused word, like safe or effective.
Love, as a state of being, a vibration if you will, can effect great change in the collective hologram.
Resist not evil… isn’t that a Christ consciousness tenet? Meaning to me, give it none of your energy or power.
Diminish the imposed by creating and implementing the desired. Hence the parallel communities and economies that are springing up. Great hope for the brave new world.
“Did British people choose to endure this?”. Well not explicitly.
However, after 12 years of Tory misrule without a word of complaint from the electorate and with no massed uprisings to fight the imposition of nonsensical Covid restrictions and the associated Billions fraudently stolen to support it and no complaints about the Millions going to support Ukrainian Nazis whilst people are forced into poverty you could be forgiven for thinking ‘the British people’ actually support the corruption, lies and incompetence.
There will be no rioting in the streets, the majority of ‘the British people’ appear to have become spineless, unquestioning, lemming like sheep marching towards the state abattoir.
British humor is as futile as unicorns.
British people are doomed …
No future.
“British humor is as futile as unicorns.”
Indeed, but even worse, it could have been a German joke, and a German joke is no laughing matter!
Nah. Monty Python, Mr Bean, Stan Laurel, Rik Mayall, Eric Morecambe, Will Hay, Arthur Lowe, Ronnie Barker, Chic Murray, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, Harry H. Corbett, Peter Sellers, Alastair Sim, Charlie Chaplin, Terry Thomas, Norman Collier and Hammers fans. We’ll be ok in spite of the demons in charge.
Perspective is everything. Thank you for sharing yours regarding the symbols of western colonialist cultures.
The Bible sheds some light on the symbols that they inevitably put on display. We read in the Gospel of John;
“How knowest thou a tree? By its fruits!”
Actually, Christian civilization in all its incarnations stems from a will to “faith.”
Remember that America is a descendent of Roman judaism just as equally as Russian Orthodoxy. Unicorn is hardly less “believable” than a self-flagellating sky god who desired to enter his creation through the loins of a virgin girl and then committed suicide-by-Roman-cop to grant infinite existence in a fundamentally entropic universe because some ancient humans at from a fruit tree.
If you want to be rational, be rational. Dont posture as more rational than a woke western liberal while simultaneously subscribing to bronze age sky god mythology.
@ TgL
“self-flagellating sky god” And where exactly did you get that from lol?
“committed suicide” again where did you get that from? lol?
“Mythology” And if right there isn’t the reason as to why no one understands that climate change is the work of God! And why one would accept the ridiculous belief that climate change is the result of manmade industrial pollution.
Study the bronze age climatological problems and as the scientists are themselves puzzled as to why that was one will find the answers guess where in Biblical history and the proof of it is simply amazing. Or one could do no better than going here as an introduction to the subject:
@ tgL
“enter his creation through the loins of a virgin girl”
Ah, the next time you get a chance to look at a naked female take a good close look at the belly button and know that our first parents didn’t have one!
Further, as I learned quite well they weren’t naked in the garden either, not originally but rather were clothed in light as the Creator is Himself. Interestingly it is why one finds in creation bioluminescence:
A matter of which by the way the Creator wishes desperately to return us to but now it occurs by way of Daniel:
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3
It is why the greatest work to ever be involved in is evangelism because in the end its thankful!!!
Are you thankful TgL?
Lastly, the fountain of eternal life is real watch the old movie Sinbad for an interesting take on the matter. Free access to the water. O wait your most likely a scientist mind then you should go here:
You may like me find the answer as to why the long life spans in the Old Testament.
Everyone – please stay on topic. Any further to trash. Mod.
“Lo malo de que los hombres hayan dejado de creer en Dios no es que ya no crean en nada, sino que están dispuestos a creer en todo”
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Machine Translation: “The bad thing about men having stopped believing in God is not that they no longer believe in anything, but that they are willing to believe in everything”
Agreed. As John Trudell said, “We have to think ourselves out of what we believed ourselves into”. Also another great soul Malcolm X, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything”.
Perhaps the t-shirt was meant in sarcasm?
‘Anything goes and nothing matters’ – the creed of the west for the past 20 years
Time for a song:
Irish Rovers The Unicorn…
The defeat of Ukraine is becoming the defeat of the West. Jacques Baud ex otan services Suisses, ONU etc
2 excellent links:
Great Game Ukraine – Long Proxy War V
Failure. Desperation. Doubling Down. Contradictions.
Europe Prepares to Freeze
Get Ready For A Long, Cold Winter
First very massive protests started today in Prague and as usual in Paris.
Photos and videos below this link
Zero hedge also has this piece:
“Europe On The Brink:” 70,000 Czech Protesters Flood Prague Over Energy Crisis
nb: Prague has a medium size population of +- 1.3 million, though this is huge(some say 100.000). PM called protesters ‘traitors’ and ‘Putin idiots’
❗️In Germany, from October 1, the streets will be patrolled by the military to prevent riots
This was announced by German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht.
Then the people will literally have to storm their offices and residences in mass and tear them apart like was done to Mussolini or the military can side with the people like was done to Ceausescu. Anything short of this will fail. Demonstrations and other peaceful means will not get their attention. They scoff at these things. People need to understand that it has finally come down to it is either us or them, simple as that. They intend to cull us like cattle, the pandemic proved that if anything. Time is running out quickly, there isn’t much time to act before it is too late. Time to get angry, VERY ANGRY. The Bible calls it: Righteous indignation. Time they had a taste of it.
Anyone who wears an article of clothing with a fatuous text message emblazoned upon it is an exhibitionist, a moron, or both.
Now, a T-shirt, Che Guevera-style, with Zel-baby’s loathsome features well exhibited would be a sartorial statement worth making.
How little understanding of subtlety. And how fortunate to never live in a totalitarian society, so can afford to not understand.
Thou shall be forgiven. For God has not granted you the tools to see. Eyes these are not.
What Thou propose, a “suicide by cop” is called. In a metaphore. In places of question.
There is another possibility.
People wear clothe for practical reasons to cover their body and use the pants and shirts and T.shirts they got or bought cheap in a shop because of their colour or comfort or to make attention.
I dont think many people see the symbolic in what is on their T-shirt. You will see many famous musicians wear awful clothe and dress awful, because their music is what is important for them.
Only media people and all their fake signalling see “the message”.
One of the possible (or even most likely) scenarios in which the western public might be able to see through the narrative they are targeted with is a significant reduction in living standards. Leading to general hardship. If they keep the people comfortable enough chances are way smaller the public will ever act and change the system/policy that disregards (and harm) their interests. Maybe we are ‘lucky’ and, as the saying goes, ”Evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.” Sad thing is that it can take a long time before that seed sprouts. Way too late for many.
Also, for years I’ve had the impression that the WEF/Agenda 21(30) crowd wants to ration personal energy usage. And I always wondered how they would implement such measures. They seem to use their old strategy to shape the environment/society/reality in a way that the only solution is what they want to implement.
I’m not so sure the western public, accustomed to their comfort, will accept a significant reduction. Covid policies created an exponential growth of crowd funded, independent media outlets. And many more people recognizing the MSN lies for what they are.
Although that does heighten the risk of them feeling the need to pull of an other major event, as impactfull as 9/11, to shock society back under their control.
GoverntheMente. Fossil energy is a finite resource. BP have estimated the World has 60 years of recoverable oil and gas left in the ground and 120 years of coal at current consumption levels. What do you propose?
There is no “fossil” energy from limited old dinosaurs. Its a used car trick Rockefeller used to lure people like you into paying a truckload of money for a “rare earth resource” to impress your fiancee.
Oil energy is abiotic and an infinite resource which you can see in the old empty oil reserves slowly being filled again and all the new being found all the time. Excuse my word but f… BP.
We propose nuclear energy as basis but open for and with a variety of other energy forms adapted to each situation.
The sun, the wind, our streams, H, run infinite.
Your “finite” pancake mom just baked and you have to divide with 8 billion other children is a bad dream Fred.
Unicorns are real is like to say the world is not what you think. The author made the same point in his article but missed the obvious connection.
Unicorns are in the Bible, so they must be real.
Num 23:22
God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn. H7214
Num 24:8
God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: H7214 he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.
Deu 33:17
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: H7214 with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.
Job 39:9
Will the unicorn H7214 be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?
Job 39:10
Canst thou bind the unicorn H7214 with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?
Psa 22:21
Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. H7214
Psa 29:6
He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn. H7214
Psa 92:10
But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: H7214 I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
Isa 34:7
And the unicorns H7214 shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.
It may not be an Irish Rover type of Unicorn or a horse with a horn in the centre of its head. (The mechanics and physics behind such a horn suggest fragility) But for me the jury is still out.
Some of the confusion may be in the Greek and English words used to translate the Hebrew word. There’s nothing in the Hebrew word to suggest one horn, as far as I know.
Myths are also ‘real’, but they are real myths. Perhaps they can even be mythical realities, as is the defamation of Putin.
Who Putin Is Not | The Nation
The Unicorn Song – The Irish Rovers – Lyrics ,
Are unicorns real?
After Plato’s caves, Descartes’ method, Hegel’s historical idealism, and Lenin’s materialism versus empiro-criticism, here is a somewhat original way of returning to the initial discussion once more.
With the profusion of ideas that characterize blog debates, a set of simple rules can help filter out factual elements, purging you of opinions. These alone presuppose complex mental constructions that may include unicorns, elves or various magical powers. It should be noted that imagination plays a fundamental role in the possible alteration of reality according to an established purpose. But the success of any undertaking also depends on the ability to recognize the limits of action imposed by forces that do not depend on the will of those who assume the purpose. In the present case, the foresight (imagination) of the outcome of the war in Ukraine is clearly not shared by the two parties in conflict and even less by those who follow the battles from a distance.
1) Give primacy to nouns and verbs over adjectives and adverbs.
2) Give primacy to the voices of those directly involved in conflicts.
3) Refrain from formal (eg the oxymorons) and informal fallacies (eg the ‘argumentum ad hominem’).
4) Disseminate knowledge of facts by referencing the primary source of information and other possible sources that they can confirm. The most convincing confirmation will always come from the side that did not benefit from the occurrence.
Getting this error at Strategic Culture:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to Peer’s Certificate has been revoked.
A revoked certificate. It smells like censorship to me.
Anyone have any information about this, like who is next?
Connection to Strategic Culture is working again.
Some might be discouraged. Maybe they were testing you.
But there’s the old dictum:
Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity
There’s good reason for that because neither malice nor stupidity, or both, should necessarily discourage us, albeit it may give us some reservations about any lasting engagement.
I agree with the thesis that the western public has been dumbed down. I do not see the difference between believing in unicorns and ____ (enter favourite deity here).
Spirituality and religion are products of the human capacity to believe i.e. to accept something as true, without requiring factual proof.
I do not want to enter into a discussion on this most subjective of subjects, but I felt the need to point out that what someone puts on their t-shirt is totally irrelevant. Some people who have been through the ayahuasca ritual have seen unicorn, elves and other entities. Who’s to say they are NOT real. Also, I’ve seen the following t-shirt once:
“Eat shit. 80 billion flies can’t be wrong”
Don’t give Klaus any ideas, eating bugs is bad enough.
To say unicorns are real is something like saying Putin is real or Zelensky is real. To quote a Kris Kristoffersen lyric, they are partly truth and partly fiction, and silver tongued devils, as are we, up to that point where it is hard to fool anyone any more, most of all, ourselves.
The Silver Tongued Devil and I
“Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery.
The politician will be only too happy to abdicate
in favor of his image, because the image will
be much more powerful than he could ever be.”
― Marshall McLuhan
It’s like that Vogue photoshoot. It’s complete media manipulation.
But Putin is fairly intellectually coherent, unlike his opposition, for those that take the pains to actually examine his speeches and words.
“A policy of expansionism and conquest has no future in the modern world.” ~ Vladimir Putin
The west will promulgate any lie to prove that Putin is expansionist, and by implication, they aren’t.
Politicians are unicorns, like some atheists try to argue that God is a sky-fairy, therefore it’s ridiculous to believe in him. We ourselves have to sort out the truth from the fiction but the world presumes to do it for us.
Putin is the ‘noun’ but the other nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs we join to that noun create the image that the image makers want us to see.
George Eliasson narrows down the real perpetrators of the misinformation to the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, a company notorious for manipulating Britain into Brexit, among many other things, along with its other sons and daughters. (Strategic Communications Laboratories)
My intuition says that he is right based on the patterns of censorship that I have seen, where outlets like the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, or Bellingcat, are quoted by CBC journalists, as if they are actually legitimate and credible sources.
See about 8 minutes in.
NATO ready to attack a Nuclear plant to ethnically cleanse Russians from Ukraine – George Eliason
Progress is possible, for whistleblowers.
Kris Kristofferson ‘The Pilgrim Chapter 33’ with lyrics
Who is to blame for the depravity of the West; the digression so to speak? Who promotes homosexualilty, lgbt and wokeness and the most illiterate of uneducated humans? Not the Chinese or Russians, but the neo-cons and their banking leaders.
This time, after inflicting damage on the whole world with their plans that promote mass chaos; they think that they can run and hide, but this is the end.
So musk. Soros, bezos etc. and your bosses just understand: you will be held accountable. There is a reckoning coming!
Perhaps the phrase “Unicorns are Real” serves merely as more efficient way of both saying and fitting on a T-Shirt the words “Your government has your best interests at heart” while conveying the exact same ridiculousness?
So every population in Europe is going to blame unaffordability of energy on the war. That means Russia. In other words, the whole of Europe is now Russia’s enemy. All they have to do is survive and adjust, like the politicians say, and no doubt, they can do, and Russia is indefinitely anathema.
Except that they won’t survive, at least in their present state. Things {and people} are going to be VERY different in just six short months.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Aug 31, 2022
Check out the streamed live video around minute 1:25
Yes, the unicorns are fully bunked in now in some places.
But, not in all. Apparently India has changed its´ naval flag and gotten rid of the British symbolism. Many changes are taking place and not all of them are bad.
In the coats of arms, they are sneering at us. The lion represents military strength and the unicorn represents the effectiveness of official propaganda to get us to believe in the patently absurd. These are the 2 pillars by which the elite of the British Empire maintain their power.
They may also be saying that Scotland doesn’t really exist?!
The woman with the t-shirt may have been an advocate for sexual deviants.
I suggest some sympathy, not scorn. What can the average person do? They have seen the punishments handed out to Assange and others who oppose the government. They have seen the police beat and kill innocent people. They were trained to be followers by the school system. Expecting them to be heroes is a fantasy. Their turning to fantasy is natural. Wanting to be distracted from the horrors of life is natural. Calling them sheep or weak will not change them. Pictures of horror will not change them. Hope and sympathy might
At least someone gets it, unlike the other lot on RT who blame the people for the actions of the elites.
Yes, the reign of the “Western” world is coming to an end, but the “eastern” world is right behind it. If you think ANY nation is going to escape this catastrophe, you are deluding yourself. We have been living in a global economy for decades now, interconnected {on purpose}. Once the dominoes start falling, it won’t just stop with the west. And just proclaiming your faction or country as outside of the carnage is foolish. Like the last one, this DEPRESSION WILL BE GLOBAL. Some will fair better than others, but no one escapes. China will collapse. The USA will collapse. Europe is already in the process, and yes, Russia too will collapse once it’s sugar daddy can’t pay their bills any longer. This is “The Great Re-Set”. What comes out the other side is a hell on earth {literally}. All of this was written about by The Apostle John by divine revelation. There is one coming whom the world will turn to for answers and deliverance. He will offer them both, but at a high price {their soul}.
Russias and Chinas leading circles are driven by pragmatism and therefore have more resilience than the west so they will probably cope much better than the current type of leaders characterising the delusional west.
Further the changes in the west with higher energy prices are not seen in a negative light by all concerned parties. The changes are undoubtedly artificially and deliberately provoked but they make sense from the perspective of some environmentalists.
Thus there exists behind the scenes some accommodation to the impending crises.
People are now, by the artificially provoked pricerises, given an incentive to go solar.
The unicorn media lyingly tell us this was unexpected. But everything connected with the price of electricity and nuclear and wind and solar has been manipulated, at least since the 70s meaning worldwide economic development has been deliberately obstructed and the anglosaxon empire has been the main cause of this obstruction, the environmentalists being their useful fools.
Seems like the unstated goal was to reinstate nuclear power plants all along. “Clean” energy.
Cui bono.
The msm owned by the overlords has worn down collective resistance to unsolved and now unspoken problems of disposal of nuclear waste.
TheObsoleteMan. Sure, you’ve given a religious perspective but I prefer a biophysical one.
Our industrial society has been fuelled by stored energy laid down over millions of years and we are currently burning through this at a exponential rate. It will be gone by the end of this Century and humanity (whatever is left if it) will have to return to living on real time energy from the sun. People are so incredulous when I tell them this that most refuse to think about it. Crucially, solar panels, wind turbines and nuclear reactors are all products of a fossil energy powered industrial society, no new ones will be able to be built beyond the end of this Century.
Our energy descent will be uneven. Weaker Nations will go to the wall first. The World is going to fight for what’s left. Russia currently controls about a third of the World’s resources including fossil energy reserves so it will have to fight to keep control of it. This is the essence of the war in Ukraine, to weaken Russia and ultimately take control of its resources.
End of Century? If the cost of extraction rises to high i’d imagine they’ll just leave any recoverable oil in the ground because nobody works for nothing.
The big question is the Zionists? Can you imagine someone telling a Theodor Herzl sorry but your desire for a rebuilt nation isn’t going to go to well because of a lack of oil or no oil? And to think the original Promised Land extended as far as the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers? Do you ever wonder if the knowledge of that drives the Rabbi’s ko-ko?
And then there’s the so called Leviathan Field bordering five countries in the Med one of which is Palestine to the chagrin of?
If your sources are bullshit, them your premise is too. The US alone has over 300 years of coal reserves, not counting a HUGE natural gas reserve and plenty of oil. The mantra of “we’re rapidly depleting our natural resources” is a lie straight out of Davos. Always has been. And seizing Russia’s resources is just a by-product and a “cherry on top” for the real reason for all of this: Russia is resisting the NWO agenda. Remember the tantrum the west threw during the 2012 Olympics? Had they had more time to change things, they would have cancelled the selection of Moscow, but it was too late to do so in practical terms, so they instead they told all those lies about how bad the organizers in Moscow where running things there {water making athletes sick, oppression against LGBTQ people, etc}. Then when Maria Sharapova’s popularity began to challenge the Williams sisters {whom the PTB had selected to be the faces of women’s tennis}, she was kicked out of the sport altogether. And all because she was a pretty feminine white woman of Russian stock. Russia has resisted the NWO on every front: 1. The global Homo plan. 2. The Green Agenda. 3. The adoption of Humanism over Christianity. 3.Leaving the UN’s WHO. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the gist of things.
Agree to disagree on people in global south not wearing such a T-shirt. I’ve seen people wearing things there with profanities they probably were not aware of :)
Agree on the unicorn and Elensky winning parallel
What makes you think that poor woman knew sufficient English to be aware what she was wearing? If you leave German schools (especially if no “gymnasium”, but even then), you know next to no English.
Simple explanation… reminds me of Occam’s razor
Well, here is an update from the situation in the U$: My friend Polly, from the mountains of North Carolina, asked her sister to pick up 3 gallons of Moonshine for her. She said she might be able to get one, because the stuff had become scarce. Why?: because the Moonshiners were turning to making Meth.
Truly a sad state of affairs.
Maybe maybe she did not understand English. But the point is clear. No Faith = Collapse of Humanity.