Dear friends,

Next week I plan to record my 4th podcast.  As always, I invite questions, but also comments.  Please post them here until Sunday evening 6PM UTC/GMT time.  Please do not email me but only post your questions in the comments section (in English, French, Russian, German, Italian or Spanish – I can translate them into English during the recording).  Any and all topics, from very serious to totally non-serious are welcome!

Also, I to let you know the full transcript (in ODT, PDF and RTF format) of the first and second Saker podcasts are now available on the Saker Podcast download page:

For those of you have not already already done so, the audio and the show notes are also available on the download page.

I will let you know as soon as the transcript of the third podcast is posted.

Please don’t forget to contribute, especially in this end-of-year & mega-bills season.

Cheers and kind regards,

The Saker