Something rather hilarious just happened: the US Embassy in Moscow decided to hang up a big “LGBT+” flag next to the Stars and Stripes, see for yourself:

Pretty soon the Russians, being Russian, made a joke out of it saying that the “LGBT Embassy” in Moscow decided to fly the Stars and Stripes :-)
But that was not enough. The clueless US Ambassador to Russia, John Sullivan, decided that he personally needed to chime in to explain to the Russian people why the US had decided to post that flag on the same day when the Russian people would vote on a number of Constitutional Amendments which included one saying that marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman and another one mentioning Russia’s faith in God. Listen to the poor man and just imagine the reaction in Russia to this:
If the goal was to ridicule the USA and make it appear, effeminate, clueless and deeply hostile to everything Russia stands for, it would have been a stunning success.
But that was probably not the goal.
Personally, I wholeheartedly welcome and fully support this initiative: Russia does need to be regularly reminded of what the USA and the AngloZionist Empire truly stand for and what “western values” would do to Russia if adopted.
In fact, seeing how the US Ambassador to Germany successfully offended the German people on a several occasions, I would hope that soon a majority of US Ambassadors be chosen amongst the so-called “LGBT community”.
In Europe, there is now a fad of appointing women to the position of Minister of Defense. This is good, I also applaud this, but the USA needs to do better.
I want a homosexual Secretary of Defense. This will really make the Russian people happy.
Me too.
The Saker
This is the best comic show of the year in Russia. The Russians will have a field day with this. They willl be laughing for months. Russia; Where men are men, and where woman are woman.
“Russia; Where men are men, and where woman are woman.”
… and America, where men want to be women and women want to be men.
Assalaamu alekum dear saker
I am a Muslim man living in the west. I do not want to give birth to my children in the barbarian Anglo Zionist west. I do not want to live in Muslim lands who have gone on their knees to NATO and opposed orthodox Christian Russia. Allah says to love the orthodox christians, I do. I am ashamed of what the ottoman barbarian Turks did in my name throughout their history against the Eastern Orthodox people and are sinfully attempting to do again to the holy Orthodox Christian Cathedral Hagia Sofia.
I visited Moscow last fall, fell in love with the orthodox churches (St Basil, …) visited the Kremlin. Loved it. I loved the not fake smile of the Russian Slav, I love the serious face, I loved their attempt at slowly returning to their roots, orthodox Christianity. I am looking for a way to move to Orthodox Christian Russian, marry a Muslim woman there, live there permanently and raise my children with the love of Islam, their orthodox Christian brothers and the Defense of the Russian motherland until the Great War and the physical coming of the dajjal and Jesus Christ peace be upon him the true massiah.
I am sick and tired of the wahabists/mossadic/salafists /Anglo/Saxon/Zionist/turkishsecular/Soros&company/Transhumanistincestualsodomitic alliance.
I congratulate you for the new church that Mr.Putin built for the army. I urge my Russian brothers and sisters to vote in massive number for the new upcoming laws in Russia and send my love and peace to all the people who want to join the true Christ followers and unite together to defend ourselves against the arrogant corrupters on earth and the anti-Christ kabal.
Well said, my friend. The new church of the Russian army is simply unbelievable.
Caleb Abell – good comment !
The one i heard most often was: “America …where men are men and sheep are nervous….” ;oD
Or Siberia, where men are men, women are scare, and black bears are nervous?
I just couldn’t resist
Not that I’m disagreeing or anything, but to the best of your knowledge, how much of Russia’s military is composed of women?
That is correct. As I have written before, Washington DC has difficulty understanding foreign cultures. There is no gay tradition in Russia, as among Orthodox Slavs such a lifestyle has always been regarded with disgust. What the US Embassy pulled was a gross piece of stupidity, which most Russians will not take kindly.
I think we already have a homosexual Secretary of Defense.
Netherlands and France have already a homosexual PM.
Serbia has an unelected lesbian PM, a technocrat, she “fathered” a child with her girlfriend and president Vucic publicly congratulated her with a standing ovation.
Look at the Secretary of Defense girls and you will see they are puppets, not really the ones who pull the strings in NATO LOL.
Yep, i am from Holland where the ladies act like peasant men, when i go to Bosnia, home town of my parents, it is a delight to witness such beautiful sophisticated and cultured ladies. Eastern European ladies are the prettiest and most feminine in Europe.
Women in power positions are no good, my experience with one such woman at work, she was involved in psychic witchcraft stuff (at work), she invited staff who she wanted to get rid off and held a psychic session to scare them, happened to me,she told me she poisoned me, she even knew my pin number for my bank card, she was the principal at a catholic school. Sick people they are, imagine that if i had proof of this, it would be a scandal. She even made a janitor cry. Many people “disappeared” under her.
As did Republic of Ireland until yesterday.
The question is: why are they breeding ? why and how the normality stops working. I personally think, this is off course not a “biological” reason or same reason as for “soy-boys”. This is rather a “choice”. The choice, made under the pressure on the brain. The lack of normality in the social agenda. Look at the “Eyes wide shut”. Only 20 years ago.. It was the same “decay of moral”, but just heterosexual. Loss of identity, not only gender one’s is the goal.
“four little birds, on my door step, singing sweet songs…………..” a picture sure is worth a thousand words, plus and then some…………although I think the LBGT Embasy………….just way too funny:)
Cheers, M
Frankly, I do not think it matters much whether the secretary of defence is male or female. It is the qualifications for the position that should matter.
In the US there are many women who are generals in the armed services, suggesting that they just could be qualified after retirement for a postion of Secretary of Defence if they were politically savy enough and desired the position. A President would be amiss in not considering them.
Of course, I do not know if any of those in the picture Saker has were in anyway qulaified in the post. I still remember Justin Trudeau when selecting his first cabinet trying to make it 50% female rather than focusing on qualifications for a ministry. Heck it could have been more than 50% female if the qualifications were there.
This is the problem with Western governments today, they are all about PR, and Propaganda to distract and cover up their corrupt dealings with their corporate and financial “employers”. They are not interested in running countries to benefit the people who live in them, only their corporatist masters and by extension themselves.
@Blue Dotterel
No woman can be general of a fighting force which in it’s main component engages in physical fighting. A real general must have died for his troops before and be rightly in the position to order large swathes of his forces into likely death – he in that situation IS that fighting force, if not, he will be defeated.
Women have not the mental/physical setup for this, save for (and there are many examples) improptu situations in their perimeter of life and death, where they often show unshakeable courage. It’s basically always coming from this, but transferred to a higher abstract level AND physically acted upon as a conscious act, and this goes over the capacity of a woman, as no man can ever give birth, so never a woman can be a warrior in essence.
A Warrior in it’s essence can only be a man, no woman (and if she would, she would stop being a woman).
I recommend Guy Sayer’s ‘Forgotten Soldier’ to get a glimpse of insight into what a warrior is made of and why.
I read Sajer’s book. I think it’s largely fantasy. Sajer getting it wrong on which arm he wore his armband would be impossible for any real soldier.
i can asure you BD that the Norwegian minister is not qualified in ANY way shape or form to “defend/plan defense”. she is a utter moron and proves this every time she open her pie hole. She is worthless and without any values, she is a puppet making the noises demanded from her. It is so cringe to watch/listen to her that it literally hurts, i can not go much further in my opining without breaking the rules here, but i hope you catched the essence of my opinon off her.
“I want a homosexual Secretary of Defense.” Wait, you mean we don;t already have one?
Unbelievable if this the best message the US has for Russian citizens it’s time is obviously at an end.
In every way I analyze the US – social, political, psychology, geopolitical trends, military, economy, cycles of history – all coalesce to point at the rapid downturn of the US. This action of the US ambassador is now backed by the US elites and is telling about the kind of people pushing buttons in the US.
If Trump is re-elected it will continue. If Biden is elected he will step on the gas to accelerate the downturn. From the 1990’s he is a known warmonger and backstabber of the middle and lower classes. He is a front-man for turbo charged capitalist neoliberal economics. He will probably expire in office so the election is between Trump and the Biden VP.
Biden VP will be Kankles, aka Hillary Diane Rodham. For five bucks. Are we on?
Auslander: We’re on.
I already have one of your books. How about if I lose, I buy a few extra ebooks of An Incident on Simonka for my friends? (which would be a pleasure anyway)
I think you’re on the right track, but things are even more surreal and weird over here right now than the alt media portrays. It’s anybody’s game. It’s total color revolution time, as you and Larch have rightly said for many weeks now.
But for VP? We’ll see… you may be right. They also have this “womyn (sic) of color” crap to play with their color revolution madness, to please their assumed “woke” base. Also, the bankers who fund all this crap have the final say. Not sure Kankles fits the current bill. We’ll see.
This year is politically is 100 times worse political mess for these Democratic Party idiots than 1968!
Problem is, their side has all the big media. The DNC has a strangle hold on the minds of a lot of shallow people. Then there’s the issue of vote fraud.
Other than these issues, it would be a landslide for Trump in November.
The DNC are definitely incompetent and stupid enough to pick ole’ Hill…
Deal, either ebooks or paperbacks, whichever you prefer.
This is, as I’ve said, a full blown coup and media is in it up to their ears. 48/7 continuous, screaming and salacious coverage of every subtle move and nuance, imagined or real, the President does or says is parsed to the atom. It’s going to be a rough 4 months.
If (good ol’) Kankles is the running mate, (just something tha would be, oh-so-on-trend for the toxic, out-of-touch brew of nasties running the DNC, truly a tribute to dysfunction), then that would guarantee another four years of the Drumfpster.
…“kankles” is good, I’m laughing uncontrollably, I’m not quite sure why?….
Sleep/Creepy/losing-it, and probably incontinent Joe, is going to get eaten by the Drumfpster when/if any ‘real‘, (you know, American-real) campaigning gets under way.
Even with all these elaborate vote stealing technologies that the DNC will certainly employ, getting probably the most hated politician in history (and yes, that is including the Drumfpster), I mean, truly, viscerally ‘hated’, is a guaranteed to lose strategy.
My forming opinion is that the DNC truly loves Donald J., they’ve never had such a good time, absolutely going all out on hatred and dirty-rotten-tricks, that they would never normally be able to get away with, with out the big ring clown distracting the masses.
The DNC has but one option, they need the Obi-magic, woman, of-colour, Obi-magic, there is only one!
As much as I love to laugh at the Drumfpster, nothing is as hilariously pathetic in its hatred as good ol’ Kankles. (a mixture of kankers and cackles, and all the opposites of ‘sugar-and-spice, mind you, to bring it back to the original article, it would be the first ‘it‘ in the office; so that’s something!)
…thanks for all the chuckles…
We inherit a pathology wherein sadism and paranoia define an inhumane hubris and our leader, is merely a functionary on a mission to nowhere who uses Christian fascism to destroy the folorn hope of us all.
Any civilization that cannot reverse itself is doomed. The GOP and the Dems are both parodies of political ideas. More substance was available from Carl Marx or Mussolini. ‘Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.’ Sandburg
USA legacy news media consumption and grievence studies education is about as healthy for your brain as eating a cigarette sandwich is for you body. ‘No legacy is so rich as honesty.’ Shakespeare. “Tonto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
A few random thoughts from vetran of too much self-abuse.
If Kankles is Biden’s VP, she will become president sometime between Biden’s inauguration and his inaugural ball. I can hear her cackling now … just as she did when celebrating Gaddafi’s murder.
Very clear and prescient observation. Time frame is correct.
Killary would have to wear black face to fit Joe’s recent ranting.
As you rightly noted – (Biden)” is a known warmonger and backstabber of the middle and lower classes. He is a front-man for turbo charged capitalist neoliberal economics…….”
And that IS the fear well-informed, educated Americans worry about.
We have NO idea how much Trump has done in trying to tamp down the vicious, and highly corrupt US Corporations/US Military is – who may go Full-Throttle against Russia, China, Iran – if Biden is elected.
The US Corporate/Military power is so diabolical that as the US Empire crumbles, they make take their poisonous avarice out against the above-noted nations.
I am not sure that Biden will accelerate the decline of the empire.
You are correct that he is a neoliberal, a war monger and a backstabber of the middle class.
In addition, he never saw a civil liberty that he did not want to subvert. And there is no doubt he would turbo charge citizen surveillance the second he got into office. And, finally, he never saw a banker who he didn’t want to enrich.
In short, he is the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with the American political system.
But, unlike Trump, I think that Biden realizes – or at least his neoliberal friends realize – that if the United States loses control of Europe, then the empire is finished.
The productive capacity of the USA is now in the low 20’s as a percent of world GDP. That is similar to the productive capacity of Europe. It is also similar to that of China. The USA needs Europe as a close ally (vassal-state) in order to be able to continue to play the role of the world’s major power player. I think that the Biden people know that. Therefore, I think that Biden would try to “play nice” with Europe to keep the empire game going a little longer.
But if, on the other hand,Trump is re-elected, I think that the EU will conclude that the USA is hopeless. The re-election of such a complete and total buffoon will convince the European elite that America is terminally out of control. I just don’t think that they would put up with another four years of tariffs and sanction. Upon the re-election of Trump. The EU would then cautiously move towards integration with Eurasia and the USA would become emperor of South America and little more.
Now, maybe I am wrong on that. Maybe the EU will, itself, dissolve due to its many internal contradictions. If that happens some states go east, some states go west. And maybe the USA holds onto enough of them to continue to be a player.
But I do think that Biden people are smarter than the Trump people (of course, that is not saying much) and they understand that the end is imminent unless fences are mended with Europe.
“But if, on the other hand,Trump is re-elected, I think that the EU will conclude that the USA is hopeless.”
Remember how Merkel resents the idea of Trump closing US bases in Germany???
Think about THAT, Mike.
This is more complex than you are presenting it.
Perhaps it is EUROPE that is the MORE hopeless!
After all, they are the reason (and were the reason centuries ago!) a couple of hundred million persons of predominantly European stock…..reside in America. So who cares what THEY laugh about???
I don’t.
By the way, they are even more screwed up when it comes to Crotch Consciousness than the yanks, who now include scores of millions of peoples of color…blacks, hispanics and asians……….. who are much less afflicted by such “rainbow” nonsense than the “Euro-Americans”.
Your point of view, from the Eastern Seaboard is understandable… is An Atlantic Perspective!
However the bulk of the population of the world resides in the Pacific Basin……and that’s where the Future Is Far, Far ……More Heavily Weighted!
Interestingly, there are only two nations on earth that could be said to be part of both basins of the the world’s largest oceans:
Russia (via the Baltic Sea and Barents Sea to the Atlantic)…..and the USA.
Their linking up via the Bering Straits Tunnel (physically. in terms of rail transport) with OBOR or World Landbridge…as the Meta-China arms of OBOR could be considered as well as being mentally and spiritually being in rejection of British Geopolitics ….in terms of rejection of being eternally pitted against each other by the Old Rotten Oligarchies of Europe………the Real Origin of the Ridiculous Rainbow…BTW… the Saner Way Forward than all of this American Self-Loathing.
Meanwhile, while the US is more afflicted by the Rot From Europe….and has quite a bit more time to diddle around and screw itself up in multiple ways……Underpopulated Russia……can ill afford to embrace the Ridiculous Rainbow………….. for even a nano-second:
With 1/6 of the world’s land area, they are exceeded in numbers by Bangla Desh, by 18 million persons…. 164, 677, 570 in Bangla Desh vs 146,000,000 Russians
for Russia…………… win less than one percent (0.79%) the land area of Russia: 130170 sq. Km not much over one thousandth of the earth’s land area. … 16376870 sq. Km 1/6th of the earth
Bro, I do appreciate your commentary.
There is another country that straddles both basins.
Much of us do not like being grouped with the U.S.A., even though the association is, in some respects, as siamese twins.
We also have the legacy of northwestern eurasian psycopathy associated with the mythical hereditary authority of the british crown…
… and that is as pathetic and dysfunctional as this coloured alphabet revolution.
I am in total agreement with 99% of your commentary, on this issue.
Thanks, OT. My first wife….deceased recently…. was from Montreal. I appreciate your comment as it allows me to indulge another love of mine……that of Geography!
Although I would say Canada (and the US) “touches” the basins rather than “straddles” them.
“Straddles”….I’m sorry…..only conjures up ONE image in my mind:
That of Anglo-Saxon “Race Patriot” Cecil Rhodes in the famous cartoon,,,straddling the Entire Continent of Africa……with one boot on Egypt…the other on The Cape of Good Hope:
Is that what you mean by “Northwestern Eurasian Psychopathy, by ANY chance???? LOL.
I stand (pun intended) corrected. But humbly pre-empt further correction….because “There’s MORE!”
Colombia touches both basins.
As does every Central American country except El Salvador and Belize.
.And Mexico…..the southernmost country in North America is both Caribbean-Atlantic …as well as Pacific Basin Touching.
I don’t think Argentina or Chile count….though both are equally close to it in A Tierra Del Fuego Tie!.
But South Africa?? I think they make it as a Special Case….er Cape!
Since the Indian Ocean is an Extension of the Pacific Basin.
Anyway, y’all knew what I meant: The Major Powers among that multiple set of two ocean basin touchers…..
“the USA is now in the low 20’s as a percent of world GDP. That is similar to the productive capacity of Europe. It is also similar to that of China. ”
You cannot be serious. Productive capacity similar to Europe – not quite. In Europe they at least produce something, Germans at least, but that is not too much difference. Similar productive capacity to China? No way. USA cannot produce simple face masks, shoelaces and such. Did you know that US army must buy tents and tent making canvas from China. The last US contractor producing tents for US military went out of business about 20 years ago. Darn, USA cannot produce its own underwear. In case of war, China refuses to sell underwear to USA, then what happens? No wander toilet paper was the most sought item for the corona lock-down.
I wish you were right, I live on american continent and future does not look bright :-(
The US GDP depends on petrodollar, fake stock market, loans etc…Not production, except weapons of diverse quality! Yes it’s sad….
This is already happening. Yellow Brexit, Yellow vests and Yellow Catalunya are examples. German is going East.
One could/should take that video, and interleave it with the endless scenes of mass-murdering committed by the USA all over the world. Just to remind the viewer what “proud” and “our country” stands for. Then one can also understand the LGBT stands for the same.
Oliver K,
Excellent point.
How many have died just since 2000 at the hands of the USA.
Washington has no right to lecture other countries about morality.
Yes, good point, Oliver K — the Middle East has been ravaged by the USA for 17 years now, with many 100’s of thousands killed, crippled & immiserated. Wouldn’t that be something US citizens would be keen to deal with — arranging hearings, reparations, etc. — rather than ‘discrimination against the LGBT community’?
Unlike some here, I’m sympathetic to the LGBT community, but I’ve always been bothered that so many of them are _conservative_ and pro-military — for e.g., the ‘Log Cabin Republicans’. Wouldn’t you think that individuals who during their lives faced some degree of discrimination & bullying at the hands of society’s majority would vote for progressive political parties & be opposed to going overseas to use military might against less powerful peoples?
He is posting it not to the Russian people but to the Russian gay community as his sum up sentence makes clear.
He is just “dick-ing” with the Russian people with his supercilious speech. Sometimes the gesture speaks more and silence is golden but boobs like this never “get” it. So why is he not speaking Russian?
This confirms what I have written in the comment section about the danish government and the MH17 article.
Western elite truly thinks they have superior everything (superior technology, superior military, superior moral values….). And they have started to believe in their own propaganda.
Only this can explain what the us embassy in russia did and what sullivan said.
You wrote:
That is so true.
Every time I hear US Government officials talk about their “democracy,” I just want to scream.
We don’t have a democracy here, we have an oligarchy which is running a democracy simulation.
But they actually believe that this country is a democracy.
They actually believe their own propaganda.
The word democracy does not appear in the US Constitution, not even once.
The Declaration of Independence was written to convince the landless farm boys and indentured servants to fight and die for the landed gentry. After the battles with the British Crown were won under the leadership of General George Washington, the US Constitution was written to protect the landed gentry from the landless farm boys and the indentured servants.
As a long time reader of The Saker, your comments are well taken.
I hope you do a new interview–either podcast or on this site–with Orlov on how he views the collapse of America. Here’s the proof in spades.
I wonder how would Jewish people react if Germans decided to fly swastika on their embassy in Tel Aviv?
That’s a no-brainer. They would intensify their usual lawfare by several orders of magnitude. Every Christian Zionist would have his/her/its career ladder ascending to High Heaven waging the heroic battle against Anti-Semitism.
Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it would have been a false flag masterminded by one of these German Christian Zionists, such as the CEO at the Axel Springer Verlag: Mathias Döpfner. Totally rotten filth.
Made my day – thx, Saker.
I wish all of my fellow-co-readers a happy pride as well ;-)
US rainbow flag stunt: Kremlin warns LGBT propaganda aimed at minors outlawed in Russia
MOSCOW, June 25./TASS/. Violating legislation that prohibits the promotion of homosexuality among minors is unacceptable, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday commenting on the US Embassy in Moscow flying a rainbow flag.
“We don’t see the building of the US Embassy from the Kremlin. But our Foreign Ministry definitely does,” Peskov said answering a question on whether the Kremlin had noticed the breach of Russian laws. “In any case, the propaganda of untraditional sexual minorities [among youngsters] is prohibited by law in our country,” Peskov stressed.
“propaganda of untraditional sexual minorities [among youngsters] is prohibited by law in our country”
Absolutely! This could be a great opportunity to respond to the US of Arrogance seizure of Russian diplomatic property in the past.
I can just imagine what Kiselyov, 60 minutes, Vladimir Solovyev, would make of this. Once again, regret that the TV channel has stopped doing it’s regular English subs service.
Perhaps if there is one worth a look, one of the team could treat us and bring it to us.
That photo of those Ministers of Defence would look good next to one of the Russian equivalent minister. In full Uniform. With a caption – in case of attack – which would you prefer?? :-) :-)
I couldn’t see and hear more than two minutes of this psychobabble crap.
Mr. Ambassador, your own people have an unemployment rate higher than South Europe.
(Ok, sidebar, I must explain I guess. There is a lot of hohoho about 46 million Americans filing for unemployment after the Covid-19 shuffle. Yes, *upon the existing unemployment*. That’s always between 2 and 10%, right? But no one asks about the boundary conditions. You have to be ‘registered’, and after some time unemployment you are no longer counted. Can be a year, a half year, just to suit the wanted number. No one asks.
A few years ago a data analyst reversed the official data. Could not find the original article, so this is memory stuff. Sorry for that. How many people are able to work, and how many actually work -with data from the IRS he calculated that the actual unemployment was above 30%. Add 15% of the total population and my guess (‘pi mal Daum’ as they say in German) is somewhere between 40 and 50%.)
USA people are more and more living in tents, just like the natives of this nations used to do. I’m exaggerating? Just search for this:
Just wait until the government support is ended end of July…
But, of course, ‘gender’ is more important. Yeah. Unfortunately you cannot feed your family with that. But, good luck with the lobster from Tel Aviv and greet your fossile Nazi Georgy Shwartz, aka George Soros, with his ‘Sturmabteilung’ called Antifa.
I could write more angry stuff, but I’m withholding because this is a decent blog. I’m pretty sure Russian people won’t fall for this. If in doubt – but I don’t think so- , contact me, greetings from Germany ;-)
Cheers, Rob
is this your source site? ;
The picture of the defence ministers consists of two has-beens (from left: Norway’s Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide and Sweden’s Karin Renström) accompanied by the present appointed Dutch and German harridans (Ank Bijleveld and Ursula van der Leyen). Today, Sweden and Norway have got men as defence ministers. Sweden in particular has a very vocal and very ugly NATO quisling on the post: Peter Hultqvist who is giving firm credence to the very famous concept of ”Swedish neutrality”.
Really touching speech by the Pindo ambassador to Moscow. Now the Russian referendum on the constitution will become a total rout for Putin (not).
These defence ministers are completely unimportant; they do what the US tells them to do, and find a way to make it appear palatable to their general public/voter. It doesn’t matter who they are .
”It doesn’t matter who they are.”
Correct, and especially so from the Empire’s point of view. The Empire might even be happy with a line-up of felines rather than females.
I have been wondering lately why they don’t simply ”make a statement” by appointing the manifestly hopeless political garbage that more combustible peoples have told to sod off. The Euro-trash would certainly not mind scum such as Juan Guaido and Alexei Navalny as their defence ministers.
The US LGBT armed forces are a fearsome fighting machine.
Transsexual Team Six, the legendary 3rd Heavy Lesbians, and the President’s Own San Francisco Gays with their tactic of taking the enemy from the rear, would strike fear among the most hardened Spetsnaz soldiers.
Now that is a good one!!
To all non-US readers please know there are a lot of us (US citizens) deeply repulsed by this.
Also, i live in Virginia and in 2008 we voted by a 58% majority that marriage is between man and woman! After our “democratic” governor and attorney general were elected they refused to enforce this law of the land. Many of us were and still are outraged!!
I never want to go out of my way to suffer but with this nonsense it may be better for the USA to collapse soon. I just hope that what is reformed is better!
Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are grievence studiy graduates (LGBTQ etc), incompetents in asylums, and those in cemeteries.
There is definitely a comedy skit in there!
I don’t know where they get these fools who have the nerve to pontificate to Russia some platitudes about ‘equality’ and ‘rights’, but he surely don’t know crap about Russia. Here, we don’t care what you do behind closed doors as long as you have a receipt for the Buddha vase, the thong and the Valencia dancing slippers and a signed release from the goat, the aardvark and the dwarf. On the other hand, I’m not going to be put in the position of having to ‘splain to my two leg children why two men or two women are swapping spit in public, just as much as I and my wife would never dream of showing any more affection in public beyond a smooch on the cheek and holding hands, and yeah, after 15 years of marriage we do still hold hands in public and smile at each other. Jesus wept, where the hell do they get these clowns, dredging the swamps around New York harbor?
That being said, perhaps the good ambassador (kindly notice I did NOT capitalize the title) could explain extending the same affection and wishing to protect the rights of all people including the blood dripping from his hands for the tens of thousands of dead in Serbia from the bombings, the over two million dead in Irak, two million dead in Syria, million dead in Libya, tens of thousands of dead in Gruzya and the quite several tens of thousands of dead in Novorossiya. Or is he just tossing more bovine scatology as he finishes out his years waiting his pension. A pox on the bastard.
As one of my favorite bloggers likes to say, “The answer to your question is who, whom.”
Hopefully this will get even more Russians to vote “Yes” to the constitutional amendments this week – as they will now know – loud and clear what awaits them if they don’t ;)
Seriously the meddling in Russia’s internal affairs never stops – including trying to hack the on-line vote:
“……A preliminary analysis indicates that the geography of the attackers is distributed by the following countries: the US, the UK and other European countries, Ukraine and some CIS states………”
When looking at that poor US ambassador, the words ‘spiritually broken and morally adrift’ come to mind…
Saker, you only got the top half of that image; US/NATO vs Russia explained in one picture…lol
siljan, things are ”improving” — as of 2014, Sweden’s Minister of Defence is this slob:
Shoigu, watch your step!
Yes I’ve read about this Hultqvist character. Not sure that he is much of an improvement…lol. The Swedish politicians and ‘journalists’ are a sad jingoistic lot. Russo-phobia is running rampant.There’s a correspondent for the Swedish SVT, by the name of Bert Sundström, who reports from Moscow. He’s about as bad as you’ll find anywhere, Ukraine included. Here’s his ‘report’ from the 75th anniversary victory;
In all the years he’s been there (since 2002) I have yet to hear him say anything good about Russia or their Government. Anything! If his toilet isn’t flushing properly it’s all Putin’s fault…that’s the type you know. It’s pathetic.
you can use google translate for the summary
Thank you for the clip. Always an extraordinary pleasure listening to this two-bit ”journalist” and his sour grapes. Whenever he gets drunk, his hangover mantra becomes: — The shky in Moshkow ish green, and that’sh Putin’sh % # € $ fault!!
On a more serious note, Bert Sundström is past his sell-by date. Like the arch-Russophobe of a century earlier — Swedish explorer Sven Hedin — Bert Sundström was an ’infallible expert’ on all things Russian, having lived and travelled in Russia, speaking Russian fluently. This worked to his advantage when the Russians were naive and Russia herself was poor. Now, he comes across as a charlatan and a silly one at that. The fact that the above clip didn’t have any interviews speaks for itself.
I know this is a little childish, but Bert Sundström does give credence to the usual interpretation of his initials, LOL.
The specimen of Peter Hultqvist is similar, except that he doesn’t speak a single word of Russian. He is just stupid, proud, and — yes — ugly.
Ursula von der Leyen left the German military in a total mess, at a certain moment only 2 ships of the navy were able to sail and the bought new rifles didn’t function.
As a reward she is now EU president.
Her main virtue is her obedience. Therefore she has 7 children, which is unique in EU circles where childlessness is the norm. There was then a daily comical radio play on WDR2 called ‘die Kinder von der Leyen’ on which they reacted on the news and were completely out of control. That’s how we Germans think about her, and that was even on the MSM.
Mr. Shoigu, don’t worry. About her, that is ;-)
Cheers, Rob
Amaranth Mayor Bob Currie is not backing down on controversial comments he made during an online council meeting recently.
“If it’s a true statement, why would I apologize for what I said?” he said.
During a town council Zoom meeting on June 17, the longtime mayor responded to a resident’s letter asking why the township isn’t flying a Pride flag this month.
“If everybody was either lesbian or homosexual, this would be the last generation on Earth. Because two homosexuals cannot produce offspring…two lesbians cannot produce offspring. So, why would I want to support something when this would be the last generation on Earth? I’m not going to go there,” Currie said.
Currie, a devout Christian, said the Pride flag hasn’t been raised in Amaranth in his 18 years as mayor.
“If I hurt somebody, that’s their problem, not mine,” he told CTV News today. “But anyways, I did not say, I don’t say what I do say, okay, to offend people.”
“If everyone was a lesbian or homosexual, this would be the last generation.”
There is a saying: Heterosexual relations propagates the species, Homo/Lesbisexual relations propagate the Specious.
Recently the Supreme Court made up employment law mandating that LGBT are covered by the 1964 “Affirmative action” law. Lots of people in US bureaucracies are now trying to avoid the LGBT Inquisition by becoming fanatical on the issue, especially if they had some social media posts, or rivals know they used to make gay jokes.
Do believe it is the Oligarchy’s plan. The US must make the world safe for perverts! Trump’s EEOC boss is a fanatical anti-Christian Lesbian, so much for the “conservative party”. In 2008 California voted 52-47 to make marriage between a man and a woman, but a judge threw it out, What dies the AZE Oligarchy care about votes?
The Russians should demand the ambassador’s removal for violating the law against promoting LGBT values to children.
US American here. Whenever I am discussing Russia with my conservative friends, I like to point out that
1) Unlike in the US, Russia’s laws regarding homosexuality and same-sex marriage are made by its elected legislature, and
2) A Russian man has exactly zero chance of having his child’s gender changed against his will by his ex-wife or the child’s school counselors.
And then these Americans are like deer in the headlights when I say for these (plus a bunch of other) reasons, I believe that Russia currently has a better human rights record than the United States. It isn’t that these people can make a coherent argument that I’m wrong, it’s just that they feel deep down that America is always the hero of the global struggle for freedom, and Russia is always the villain, and they don’t know how to handle it when those two countries fail to act out their assigned parts.
Apologies!!! I meant to say Russia should hire this mayor from Ontario as it’s Ambassador To the United States. lol
“If I hurt somebody, that’s their problem, not mine,”
“If everybody was either lesbian or homosexual, this would be the last generation on Earth. Because two homosexuals cannot produce offspring…two lesbians cannot produce offspring. So, why would I want to support something when this would be the last generation on Earth?
Richard Grenell an American diplomat, civil servant and media consultant. A member of the Republican Party, he served as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany from 2018 to 2020 and briefly as Acting Director of National Intelligence in the Trump Cabinet in 2020.
Saker, you wrote:
“I want a homosexual Secretary of Defense.”
Isn’t a transgender black “woman” more important and probable in these times?
Or at least field test his love for gays. I wonder about this ambassador, he does not look all that macho.
Yeah ok the corruption stinks to the high heavens. I agree. The guy stinks. Simply revolting.
But a dust storm is coming to the US and it will multiply the infection rate. People should be advised to get masks, make masks, stop dust entering habitable spaces…wet towels at the foot of every door. This storm may break that fair land.
My opinion is that the us state dept is a waste land, has been for decades, but much more visible recently under the obama/soros dominated state dept and now under the thug,pompass (“need to put the swagger back into state, yeh, ok).
Not sure which of the us ambassadors are more disgusting, the political appointees or the “career diplomats,” but that is prob a distinction without a difference.
Someone at the State Department (?) thought that the video would be helpful PR, and a fine use of taxpayer resources.
That tells you everything you need to know about the “intelligence” of the Swamp.
Do these geniuses even watch Russian TV, available 24/7 online everywhere? Imagine this guy on (the Russian) “60 Minutes”!
The state department is about 40% gay according to a gay friend who works for Pentagon and White House
They even have their own FB page
To a certain degree, affirmative action for gays and similar legislation has led to government institutions hiring disproportionate numbers of gay people, and they then hired more gay friends and so on.
Unfortunately now, without its weapons, the USA would be force for nothing in the world. No one would emulate it, no one would want its currency, no one would care.
Not only that. Inside Nato and the greater west, this creates more and more admirers of Russia. More and more westerners look to Russia at what we can be in the future. If it came down to war, most military men in the west would refuse to fight Russia. Nobody is going to die in the LBGT trench.
The state should always support conservative social and cultural norms by default. Even the Soviets were like this. The Chinese are too. Its amazing how the west managed to f*ck this up.
Oh how I hate my country and everything it stands for.
every country Jews take over becomes degenerate and lost like what you describe
I encourage everyone to watch the video Auslander linked in the Victory Day 2020 thread, of the Sevastopol parade. Every bit as fantastic and jaw-dropping-beautiful as the mega-event in Moscow. (To Aus: Everything and everyone, from each T-34 to you and yours and everyone else, looked fantastic, proud, unstoppable… Those tanks and jeeps look as polished as your brass stars.)
Ask yourself, what do a people with a culture like that think of the rainbow flag video posted above, and the “culture” presenting it?
(The US is gonna teach them about dignity, human rights, and respect???)
Somewhere in the Obama era, the Department of State gave up any hope of attempting a Junior High School level of professional credibility. A mere twenty years ago, you could still find people in State and USAID (and spooks, I’m sure) who spoke more than one language, were highly competent in their fields, and at least learned about the culture and bothered to watch more than CNN on the subject of their target country.
These days, a twelve year old streaming a 3rd-person-shooter on Twitch has, in general, I suspect, more of a clue.
“Internal Exile USA
I encourage everyone to watch the video Auslander linked in the Victory Day 2020 thread, of the Sevastopol parade. Every bit as fantastic and jaw-dropping-beautiful as the mega-event in Moscow. (To Aus: Everything and everyone, from each T-34 to you and yours and everyone else, looked fantastic, proud, unstoppable… Those tanks and jeeps look as polished as your brass stars.)”
Now you’re going to make us blush. The parade is magnificent, everyone involved works so hard to produce this event and it’s the behind the scenes workers, those in City Government, Black Sea Flot, Red Army, 35th Battery Museum, Russian Army, Russian Air Force, Militsiya, DPS, field medics and doctors, who make this such a special event. The success, and patriotism, of the participants can be seen in the glowing faces of the soldiers, sailors, Marines, Red Army and the spectators. It is an event that makes one proud and it is an honor for us to be invited to participate.
“To Aus: Everything and everyone, from each T-34 to you and yours and everyone else, looked fantastic, proud, unstoppable… Those tanks and jeeps look as polished as your brass stars.”
Now you are making us blush! Thank you so very much, and I have had Ye’lean’chka put your comment, but without source, on her VKontakt page.
Kindest regards
I just now watched it. Someone was asking about women in the armed forces — there were some lovely women in uniform in the parade.
And it was interesting to see the different decades represented in armor, though I do not myself know what all of it is.
As for the keypost, it was a profound embarrassment. And it demonstrates how little control Mr. Trump has over ‘the swamp’.
US needs not merely a gay secretary of defense, but a super-flamboyantly-gay one in drag, to properly and bravely represent the community.
The freckly freak has obviously never seen a gay ‘pride’ parade
IT’s usually just a bunch of drunk, drugged out gay men (mostly) dancing around almost naked, wagging their dicks and then having sex with strangers in the bushes.
The most desperate crowd I have ever seen (and I’ve seen these events in London, LA and Toronto).
It’s 100% mania, drugs and alcohol (and STDs) and zero pride
Who is the secretary of defense in the USA?
They can do one better… maybe they already have a secretary of state, while if not admittedly out-of-the-closet, doesn’t have all the requisite male anatomy (the kind that normally come in a pair)?!
Thank you for my laugh of the day.
On the serious side, they are putting on display how pathetically (and one must agree, this meets more than the minimum requirements for “pathetic“) they are simply completely out-of-touch with reality?!
It is mind-boggling?!
And thank goodness there still is a society that is not in the quagmire of completely confused by the out-of-control freak-show of the competing, for-profit perception and behaviour management programming of the psychotic empire propaganda agencies (MSM and new media mega-corporations).
These people control the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the planet, 45%+ of the entire global nuclear weapons!?
It is not good.
Hmmm… i wonder if the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia will fly the rainbowcolours on pride month?
The two flags could merge into one and save space and avoid the white issue.
I don’t understand where is the intelligence or wisdom in alienate more or less 7 million of Russians, nor I can see what kind of wrong can do a legal social contract before society between two adult persons. The China policy about this is far smarter than Russia’s, simply don’t bite the hook. This problem has nothing to do with geopolitics, it is manipulated of course, but it is an independent problem and clearly mark as many historical others a difference, and don’t mistake here, support a reactive policy is not a good thing, at all. This stupidity can do (and surely will) another fifth column, because there are few and more and needed. How easier would have been simply do nothing. Cuba also is a good example.
You can’t fight against biology. Don’t even try.
There is also another trouble with churches, organized religion in general, something that the “West” understood correctly a lot of time ago: they only care for themselves, you can think they are worried by the state they belong, but it’s not so. The Soviets also understood this, as China does. Think about Anglicanism as a pure nationalization of the Catholic Church. Really, I don’t understand Putin’s policy about this, I’m afraid all this will backfire sooner than later. Underestimate the West is a common error. To be the nucleus of the system is a privilege, also the cause of its arrogance and stupidity, but there are a core system under all this, neither better nor worse, simply a system like any other culture. And the question here is objective, no subjetive.
Backfiring is a world sport. It would not be the first time something or somebody ridiculous goes to sactity. In fact, human history is plenty of it.
There was a time when the US would appoint an ambassador who could actually speak the language of the country he was being assigned to. No wonder the whole world is laughing at the emperor who doesn’t realise that he is stark naked.
”No wonder the whole world is laughing at the emperor who doesn’t realise that he is stark naked.”
Wrong. Should be:
emperor who proudly and knowingly struts around stark naked playing with dildos and with his body fully littered with stylish attire of ”the modern man”, yet doesn’t receive a standing global ovation. Blames Russia and China accordingly.
Now I know the Leftwaffe is in control. The New Left, the Old Left, and the Whats Left are the ingredients of the Leftwaffe.
They don’ hide their love for their fifth columns of all sorts and colours.
Even before I listened to this disgusting speech I was already thinking of the one you mentioned in Germany, Grenell. These so-called ambassadors don’t really behave like ambassadors when they try to force and bully the countries they are assigned to in accepting their perversions.
It is really amazing how they can spin what used to be understood as a mental disorder into a human right. And now this new ‘human right’ has come to dominate all others.
I couldn’t help but notice his use of the expression ‘diversity is our strength’. This is a Justin Trudeau favored expression. Now you add this monstrosity to other things taking place, like the BLM (Marxist) riots occurring all over the west and it portends very difficult days ahead for those who do not agree. This now includes Christ’s Church. These deluded people are now saying ‘white Jesus and Mary’ have to go because they are white supremacists. Most people would never guess that those funding all this mess are actually those with very deep pockets, the very people these crazies claim to resent.
@Craig Mouldey
I think you are wrong with your conclusion. The whole operation (and an operation it is) is born out of sheer panic in the DNC.
We already see it backfiring severly in Austria for instance where an Antifa-Outfit in Vienna was holed by turkish nationalists (Grey Wolfes) during which the Antifa had to call the Police for help. Or in Switzerland where the BLM-hags outed themeselves as nothing other than being rascist to the bone.
In France and Germany Antifa and ISIS Gangs work hand in hand visible for everybody which makes the whole thing pure poison for anybody near it.
Also in the US the whole thing will fly square into the face of the democrats. Trump only needs to wait, the more chaos the better for him and his cause.
And as soon the fire reaches a certain level he can unleash rightfully before the nation the million fold armed citizens in union with the Cops (who have to do nothing else than look the other way..). But of course such a step is not taken lightly, but will be taken at a certain level.
I just can’t get past the Democratic Party setting a condition that the Vice President must be a black female and calling Trump a racist. It keeps me wondering how I wound up living on this weird planet and wishing I could return to Earth.
Ok, I had a beer and watched it now until the end.
I’m wondering on what conditions persons are allowed to get to these positions in the USA diplomatic ‘forces’. ‘Intelligent behaviour’ could certainly not be on the list.
After the disgraceful dismissal of ambassador (I’m with you, Auslander ;-)) Grenell in Germany (the Bundestag is the most polite and boring parliament in the world, if you want to fall asleep just look/hear at a discussion for some 20 minutes – with the exception of now retired Sahra Wagenknecht or Alice Weidel), of which parliament members demanded his exit, this really is on the nerves.
Mr. Sullivan, if you or someone of your staff reads this, I want to tell you the following: you are unpolite, very undiplomatic, and you *should* know also illegal.
If you have the nerve to stand your ground then I dare you. As they say in the USA, ‘put your money where your mouth is’.
Mr. Sullivan, dare to do this in Saudi Arabia or retire.
(My goodness, what’s wrong with the usa. A lot, I fear. Oh dear.)
Cheers, Rob
I’ve been employed by a lesbian-run company since 2014. Yet, I have not, myself, become a lesbian. Sadly, the same cannot be said of my US Dept of State. The subordinates all seem just like Mike Pompeo now.
Although it bothers me that the DoS continues to bring disgrace upon itself and my nation, I’m laughing with the Russians on this one.
Times change and next week will be my last with the company after having submitted my resignation (for non-related reasons). It’s been one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. I’ve had to deal with the gay propaganda, Trump derangement syndrome, and Russophobia, all the while remaining a heterosexual male, becoming a Russophile, and having voted for Trump.
Author Gary Byrne, in his book “Crisis of Character” shared some of his experience with the militaristic gender crusaders. I don’t know what to say to such people other than, “Congratulations. You’re gay” and to ask, “Now what?” I imagine that there must be a large part of the gay population which does not appreciate the DoS weaponizing their sexual choice and bringing undue attention upon them.
The US Ambassador to Russia is simply parroting the ” Fiat Jewish” Kazarian playbook. The Talmudic Tribe is at it again ; having visited { in the recent past } a terrible eight decades of Misery on the innocent Russian people…..they will now enslave the ” Not so Innocent” fools in the West. The nonsensical verbalisms spewing from the mouth of this mild, and benign looking man symbolize the completely off the rails mind set of the Athiest Elites. The Talmudics are hard at work again.
In the first few chapters of Isaiah, it describes how the culture of Israel has strayed from God and because of their debauchery, God curses them by telling them that they will now be ruled by Women and Children.
Nothing has changed
There’s nothing new under the sun.
I would be cautious about writing off this US stunt as just idiocy, because it is actually a “colour revolution” recruitment strategy that could prove dangerous to Russia. After all there no doubt are quite a few resentful gays in Russia and this group if educated and media savvy could join the “fifth column”.
It no doubt will turn off most Russians and have them giggling, but if it leads to the recruitment of 200 “spies” it is not quite as stupid as it seems.
As for the women defence ministers sadly what it actually means is that the position no longer matters, which opens the question as to WHO is really running the Military in those four countries. I say this because as a women I know that they only ever give women the levers of power when those levers no longer matter much.
Now I actually find some of the sexist stuff here offensive but the real issue with that image of those four women was not so much their sex as their age and inexperience. Angela Merkel is a woman but she could effectively run the German military.
It seems to me that either those four countries just do not believe that war is even a possibility or there is someone else, not elected really running the show and the ministers are just the PR assistants. However it is NOT because they are women. Macron gives me the same vibes.
Maybe ambassador Abizaid can try that in Riyad and let’s see what would happen.
A bold plan to “save the world through degeneracy” was laid out in more than half a century in “Confederacy of Dunces”:
Now, degeneracy has become key to western “democracy” advocacy.
There’s no transatlanticism without transgenderism.
I read that, or should say that my mother read it to me when I was in middle school or thereabout.
Anyway, it’s funny as hell and does give some idea of a certain American mind-set and cultural background of the time.
Mostly, it was funny.
That’s all.
This is largely just a virtue-signalling exercise to be broadcast back home.
So it’s not for the Russian people. Russia is just the set dressing.
Much like Nicky Haley’s screaming at the U.N. it’s not meant to actually solve anything diplomatically or even achieve any practical result. It’s for broadcast political entertainment reality show television for the dupes in the U.S.A. who can see their pro-wrestling politicians looking brave and doing work.
Though to be fair, I imagine that the Americans who buy into that shit are increasingly a gullible minority. Especially since the ‘revolution’ that occurred in the Ukraine and led to Crimea’s succession, is now the new ‘People-of-Colour Revolution’ that’s occurring in the streets of the U.S.A. Americans are essentially getting a taste of the Soros medicine their Deep State has been spreading abroad for years.
Communism is inevitable in America, just as the Mother of God foretold to Sr. Lucia of Fatima. After that, all Hell breaks loose for everyone. We may all gloat, but we’re all going down with it to various degrees.
The acceptance of sodomy as a virtue is a sign that logic simply does’t matter any more. So the Russians better be prepared to deal with monsters more insane and suicidal than the Deep State U.S.A. they’ve known so far.
Russia, you once saved us from Napoleon and then Hitler and now you must save us from the crazy leftists, jewish mafia and feminists who destroy our societies…Please help us!
Speaking of American values, here is a prime example of American “manhood” in all its high-heel wearing, Prada-loving glory.
I kid you not.
High heels give Soldiers a new perspective
The United States will aggressively try to export these types of American values–or worse–around the world, whether the world likes it or not.
Living in the West (America), the LGBQTIA+ issue is (for me) as much a matter of indifference as anything else as these principles should have been written in stone centuries ago under the broad heading: Human Rights, etiquette as a sub-category.
WHO CARES what you do in the bedroom?!
I certainly don’t and don’t imagine that the Russian govt. does either so long as it’s consensual and it’s not menacing kids/defenseless.
OF COURSE you don’t inflict hatred or physical violence on those differently oriented, however schizophrenic or incomprehensible from one’s self, to the extent they’re not inflicting the same upon you.
The premise raises both narrative and functional ambiguities/contradictions, which I’ll leave aside.
One gets the point, generally.
As a civilization, we’ve long-since reached the point of no return with regard to direct technological integration into human subjectivity, which unavoidably finds it’s way into a concurrently fluid, if not evolving sexuality/psychology, quite apart from any equally fluid, if arguably lagging cultural mores one may care to invoke.
Inevitable, if unpredictable hybrids and anomalies might only be the half of it; please to see: porn sites (Trans, 3D and/or Futa) for context/(p)reference.
We’re here and the trend is irreversible; different cultures will react however they react, hopefully no one gets their feelings hurt too badly either way.
Russia for it’s part, though not often enough credited for their sharp, if under-stated sense of humor, observes with no small or surprising sense of amusement.
As an embarrassing, if repulsively conceived/deployed outside agenda, what else would anyone expect from the U.S. public relations dept.?
The statement itself is just painful to watch; given Sullivan’s earlier rhetorical/diplomatic disasters, it’s tempting to think that the U.S. is willfully self-sabotaging relations, which, at the level of NATO, is likely for the better than worse.
And our proud heritage of putting women into high visibility positions of ‘power’ when things get dodgy or just before the entire operation goes ‘tits-up’, if you’ll excuse the expression, is as old as American Corporatism itself.
One can hardly observe the current Western slow-motion political, cultural and socio-economic meltdown without some sense of it’s absurdity, to the extent that we’re not directly impacted by it’s ill effects.
What, ill effects?
Infighting rhymes with inviting.
It might save a bit of time and consolidate some common/combined productive capacity if Western culture had a better sense of humor about itself, collective and mutual-interest promoting class considerations/intersections aside.
That the Western Underclass (pick a $ amount) have more in common than not is all but self-evident; functionally Fascist and generally Western interests are but a fraction of the overall human population and I see no reason that the likes of Gates, Buffett, Mnuchin, Bolton, Pompeo etc. will in any way prevail as their reach is limited pretty much to the West and the fact that Russia and China both understand that American officials/policies cannot be trusted and that their influence reaches no farther than the status/acceptance of the world reserve currency (U.S. dollar) that was never going to last anyway.
I’m hardly the 1st, but I’ve said before that it will, as likely as not, be precisely the Chinese and Russians who will be left with the broader Humanist responsibility of assisting in the re-building of America before all is said and done; the bitch of it is that China has been trying to bring the U.S. (us) on board the BRI almost from it’s inception/deployment well over a decade ago.
Appointing female defence ministers is totally logical for EU countries. Since they have no right to military policies of their own, being at the beck and call of the Pentagon, the defence minister’s post is a sinecure for politicians who can’t be accomodated in more important positions. So why not stoke one’s liberal credentials by making that sinecure holder a woman? Unfortunately, Saker’s forgotten that Spartans were homosexual, so a homosexual would not necessarily be incompetent. In any case the American defence secretary, needing to be a Pentagon and Wall Street appointee, will continue to be a (probably white, ex military, far right wing/neocon) man.
I’m finding part of one of Andrei Martyanov’s posts from last year ( rather hard to believe:
To what degree is this sodomy and same-sex marriage a Euro-thing as Martyanov claims later on? Or is it being pushed by the USA?
This little book may not go far enough, but it may be a step in the right direction.
The democracy for the 1%.
Sickening. This country and its political class (this worthless cucked clown supposed represents a “conservative” administration!), and culture at a large, are a sick embarrassment. Wish I had the means to get out and get off this sinking ship that is the USA.
This man should be fired…replaced, immediately! How can any thinking individual believe that one who decides he’s not of the correct sex, get special rights from all the rest of the tax paying population??!!
Thanks for the article. The ignorance just doesn’t cease!
Bulgarians have quite appropriate saying about such people: Луд на шаренко се радва.
Roughly translated it means: Crazy people enjoy colourful things ;-)
In typical nuanced, clever and amusing fashion – Russia has thrown the ball back into the US embassy court!!
Well it didn’t take long for Russians to respond. Pure genius, keep waiving that flag bruh, such victory… LOL>
Anything to divide and conquer… Climate Hoax, LGBT & Marriage Equality, Gun Laws, Left or Right of Politics, Anti-Putin demonstrations, NGO funding, endless demonization from Western Media outlets, Pension reforms, Russia’s relatively lowish living standards, etc…
Death by a thousand cuts… Sanctions against Russia and Russian dignitaries, NATO’s aggressive posturing and provocations on Russia’s doorstep, locking Russia into endless legal battles of an international nature, UN vetos which unfairly hamper Russian peace efforts, Novichok accusations, pre-planned MH17 event and the ensuing kangaroo court of The Hague, Crimea, War in Ukraine & Syria, color revolutions, more MSM lies, Nordstream, etc…
To bribe leaders… Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Sakashvili, Navalny, Nemtsov etc…
To assassinate Russia friendly leaders… Gaddafi, Sadam, Karlov, Milosevic, etc…
All par for the course for the US of A. Home of the brave, land of the free…
I read this somewhere : “Did the USA show a gay’s flag in their Embassies in Saudi Arabia or in the Emirates ? 🤔
The Russian Constitution Was Projected Onto the US Embassy Building in Moscow
The organisers projected an image of the cover of the Russian Constitution against the background of Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, and the inscription “1993. It was yours…” Then there is an image of the Russian people and the message “2020. It will be ours!”, followed by a call to come to vote, was projected on the building of the US Embassy. The light projection was organised by the art group “Re:Venge”.
Ha, I would have lovde to watch that stupid feature on the face of the empire’s latest silly ambassador edition, lol.
Send that queer to Saudi Arabia to fly HER flag …. or Israel:
Israeli tolerance — Israeli agents have forced homosexual marriage onto White Western Christian countries through the ACLU, SPLC, ADL, and all their other Front Groups. Their plan is to destroy all other cultures. Look at what the Jews do back home (for the dual passporters.) After putting on a Ptomkin’s village show of “tolerance”, Israel’s Supreme Court refuses to “recognize” homosexual marriage as they force it here.
The man who is responsible for gay marriage in New York City is rabbi David Saperstein . His wife, Ellen Weiss, was formerly the head of the NPR newsroom, National Public Radio. This is a powerful force and he basically claimed responsibility. He said if it weren’t for our group of rabbis, this would have never passed. So what you see is this constant tension for Jewish revolutionary subversive activity and now the homosexual has succeeded the negro as the avant garde of the revolutionary movement in the United States.
No Mr. Ambassador Russians do not what your perverted sick movements infecting their children. So take you garbage back to where it belongs. America.
Oh! Posol SSHA? I thought it was Osjol SSHA.
Really!? He said that? Perhaps a better use could be found for that building on prime real estate in downtown Moscow. Move the US Embassy to Poughkeepsie, Indiana.
It is embarassing to have an embassy of sexually deviant hicks in a great world capital.
Surely a homosexual woman Minister of Defence?