By Rostislav Ishchenko
Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard
cross posted with
The coming to power in the US of Donald Trump marked a critical change in the goal-setting of American foreign policy. Most experts and politicians both in the States and outside of it still haven’t realised this…
Perhaps, and even most likely, Trump hasn’t realised this either. It isn’t excluded that even his support group – that part of the American establishment that brought him to power in order to break the disastrous globalist course associated with the Democratic Party and was almost completely privatised by the Clinton family – doesn’t fully realise it. Many republicans, if not the majority of them, also supported this course, but the Republican Party preserved space for manoeuvre, albeit minimal in size, while the Democrats became a synonym of hegemonic globalism.
A new course is most often pursued unconsciously. For example, the most talented of Hitler’s field marshals started to consciously fight for a stalemate in WW2 only in 1943 (after the Wehrmacht’s Stalingrad catastrophe). Most of their colleagues, Hitler, and a considerable part of the German people believed in a victory almost up to May 1945. In reality, a stalemate was the limit of possibilities of Germany after its loss in the Battle of Moscow.
And it is the same thing now: most American politicians believe that they are fighting for a victory. Simply, Trump and Trumpists propose another (different from Clinton’s) strategy of achieving this victory. Trump is also sure that he found a new way of preserving the US’ global hegemony (if he doesn’t believe but just pretends, then he is an ingenious actor). But in practice the US already lost the opportunity to preserve its hegemony, and thus now tries to lead matters to a stalemate.
This was implicitly recognised even by Hillary Clinton, who, being sure of her election as president, tried to blackmail Russia with an unlimited nuclear confrontation with the possibility of it turning into an uncontrollable hot conflict at any time.
Since the moment that an approximate parity of nuclear weapons in the early 70’s, the nuclear doctrines of the USSR (Russia) and the US stipulated the use of nuclear weapons for dealing a full-scale blow only if the country was threatened by a strategic defeat in a conflict with the use of conventional weapons, or in a limited nuclear war with the dosed use of tactical nuclear weapons. There was also the idea of the first disarming strike, but for this purpose it was necessary to reach an absolute superiority in weapons that would guarantee the destruction of the enemy with minimal damage to one’s own territory. Nobody has been able to reach such superiority to this very day.
Thus, the threat of a full-scale nuclear conflict being provoked that was sounded by a US presidential candidate (the recognised favourite in the race) testified that the US lost the strategic fight for hegemony using the usual methods and uses the last argument – nuclear blackmail. It isn’t excluded that the stooping of globalists to nuclear blackmail indeed predetermined the transition of a critical part of the American elite to Trump’s side.
The owners of specific material wealth never want to die for abstract ideas. Moreover, the more wealth there is, the less they are inclined to committing collective suicide on an ideological basis.
At the same time, I repeat, understanding the need to change one’s strategy under the pressure of circumstances and accepting the fact that a forced strategy change is already recognition of the unattainability of the originally set goals are two different things. The necessity of the former is sometimes obvious even to a nonspecialist.
Concerning the latter, the more the person is engaged in the realisation of a failed strategy, the more difficult it is for them to recognise defeat. For example, many in the post-Soviet space still dream that after the hypothetical cancellation of the Belavezha Accords the Soviet Union will rise from the ashes like a phoenix during the same second. In this regard the situation is much worse for Americans, because the sources and structure of the income of their elite, their state, and their people are organised in such a way that they can’t be preserved at the earlier level if there is a loss of global hegemony. I.e., the fear of the standard of living sharply falling and the loss of status, which most of all eats away at the souls of representatives of the ruling elite, is added to psychological frustration stemming from the need to admit defeat.
That’s why Washington politicians will declare the need to return American hegemony in 2019 too. Russia and China in 2019, as well as now, will be named as the main targets of American military-political, diplomatic, and economic pressure. Washington will periodically make demonstrative scandals with Moscow and Beijing and frighten them by new sanctions packages, and will sometimes actually impose them.
But in reality the American policy in the Russian direction will aim to block Russian-European rapprochement and the strengthening of Moscow’s position in the Middle East, and in the Chinese direction — deterring Chinese ambitions in Southeast Asia, which is limited to demonstrating its intention to keep the Chinese Naval Forces in the coastal seas (Yellow, East Chinese, and Southern Chinese). Moreover, the US won’t dig its heels in, but will start to slowly retreat with serious political rearguard battles and periodic attempts to counterattack.
The center of Washington’s efforts will be definitively switched to the European Union. The US will continue to speak about western solidarity, collective defence within the framework of NATO, etc., but the dismantlement of the EU will become its true purpose. Actually, this purpose is already on the agenda. Simply, next year it will become so obvious that it will be impossible to hide it any longer. Although, of course, not all European politicians, and not immediately, will believe in such “insidiousness”.
At the same time, the US is interested in the destruction of Western Europe. Concerning the Eastern European limitrophes, here they would not only preserve a certain “cordon sanitaire” with pleasure, but they would also strengthen it. Ideally it would include all the Balkan countries (including all the republics of the former Yugoslavia, the Danube states, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and the Baltics). However, the “minimum program” is more realistic: the Baltics, Poland, Romania, and also Ukraine – for the period of time time that it will still be able to independently hold on.
The limitrophes couldn’t carry out the most important task assigned to them: dragging Russia into an open conflict with Europe (in which the US would stay “behind the scenes”). The Baltics and Poland were even not against it. They recognised that in the event of a full-scale war of the West against Russia it will gain a nuclear character sooner or later. At the same time, their territories will become a frontline zone – i.e., they will be spared of incinerating strikes. The possibility of their armies being liquidated and occupation didn’t frighten them. They considered that the West will all the same win, and thus they will be liberated. But they wanted firm guarantees that they won’t be left with Russia tête-à-tête. That’s why the Baltics, the Poles, and the Romanians persistently demanded the deployment of extra groups of US and EU troops on their territories, which all the same couldn’t protect them.
For them it was essential that after the very first provocation (which they were ready to organise at any time), the blood of American and/or Western European soldiers would surely be shed. In such a case, as they considered, the West couldn’t evade from participating in the war. A mass of NATO troops was needed so that they couldn’t be physically evacuated in time at the beginning of the conflict. The groupings that are currently deployed in these countries are obviously insufficient for this purpose (they can be evacuated in only a few hours), and the West isn’t going to deploy any more of them (there have a lack of military-ready units and other resources, including financial ones). In these conditions Eastern Europe (pulled out of the EU and united into a certain regional bloc) must play the role of a little American stone in the Russian and Western European boot, and give the US a bridgehead for overall control of the situation and possible new military-political rollout in the future.
Concerning Western Europe (along the line Italy-Austria-Germany-Scandinavia), the US will seek to break its unity not just by provoking disagreements, but also by starting conflicts and confrontations between these countries (by the way, they also won’t object to a Polish-German conflict — political, economic, or even military). The task is to destroy the all-European market and European industrial and technological cooperation.
In such an option (without a European alternative), until about one billion (and two billion is even better) buyers belonging to the middle class will appear in the markets of Russia, China, and Southeast Asia, the Chinese economy will critically depend on the American sales market, and thus the Russian-Chinese alliance will have limited opportunities to counter the US. I.e., having not won or lost, Washington will receive the opportunity to postpone the end of the game for an indefinite period of time.
Thus, in 2019 the US’ actions will be focused on destroying the EU, fragmenting members of its Western European part and pitting them against each other, forming from the maximum number of Eastern European states a pro-American “cordon sanitaire” between Russia and Western Europe, inciting conflicts along the Russian borders (not “colour revolutions”, but cruel and bloody civil and internecine wars over disputed territories) that aim to block Russia and tie down its resources. For the US it is critically important in the next two-three years to not allow Russia to cement its place in the Middle East and in the Balkans, which is why they will try to force Moscow to be engaged in peacemaking in Ukraine, in Central Asia, and in Transcaucasia (who will fight against who and over what isn’t important for Washington).
The military-political deterrence of China will carry a demonstrative, but ineffective character of campaigns of combat ships and squadrons towards the Chinese coast for the purpose of flying the flag. The US will focus its main efforts on financially-economically deterring, smearing, and, ideally, destroying the Chinese economy.
You might tell me that the predicted behaviour of the US is too aggressive for a “fight for a stalemate”. But remember that, “fighting for a stalemate”, Germany on the Eastern front alone organised a strategic offensive on Stalingrad and the Caucasus in 1942 and carried out an attempt to carry out a strategic offensive on the Kursk arc in 1943. The main sign that the US can’t battle for a victory any more is the exhaustion of its resources to such an extent that, contrary to the rules of strategy, which demand to not multiply the number of enemies but to attract more allies, they transfer their closest partners to the camp of enemies, trying to obtain uncontrolled access to their resources in order to throw them into the furnace of the fight for hegemony.
Without having won the competition, relying on the resource base of the whole world, they especially won’t win it now, when the world gradually turns away from them. However, they are still capable of sufficiently destroying the resource base of the former Pax Americana so that Russia and China think not about a final victory, but about the stabilisation of chaos on earth that was scorched during the American geopolitical retreat and the preservation of their economies (at least in a contracted state) in the context of the liquidation of world trade and the global market.
“The coming to power in the US of Donald Trump marked a critical change in the goal-setting of American foreign policy. Most experts and politicians both in the States and outside of it still haven’t realised this…
Perhaps, and even most likely, Trump hasn’t realised this either. It isn’t excluded that even his support group – that part of the American establishment that brought him to power in order to break the disastrous globalist course associated with the Democratic Party and was almost completely privatised by the Clinton family – doesn’t fully realise it.”
But RI has. Lucky us. Especially since he’s discovered the deep dark secret of pindo power: the clintons rule everything. ;-D
Meanwhile in a piece about american political and geopolitical policies, there is no mention at all of israel or zionists in it. He seems to mention everybody else, though…
Israel is a tool – and an expensive one at that – of the US –
Hassan Nasrallah was asked – who rules who – Israel or America – and he said – America rules –
and its obvious – Israel is EXPENSIVE – it can’t even stand on its own feet – its a parasite – of a huge host.
Good post. The way I see it, is they are both tools in the hands of the Zionists, and at the top, Zionist banking interests. Now Israel is a country that was a Zionist creation from its inception. Which was created by the Zionist controlled Britain, and then nurtured by the Zionist controlled US, which is still the case today. Now the US is obviously the more powerful tool for the Zionists, and is used as the blunt object through out the world. Israels job was to be the “US of the middle east” so to speak. So a regional version of the US. At the end of the day they are 2 tools in the hand of the same owner. One used for global control, and the other for regional(Mideast) control. In reality this control goes back to their real owner, the Zionists.
Adding to my comment above
Because of all this I am always shocked when a person from the US says “why do we keep fighting wars for Israel?” They mistakenly think the US is somehow a free agent, or independent, when in reality the US’s master is just using it’s bigger military asset(US) to protect its other asset(Israel). This shouldn’t be shocking at all. I also hear many people from the US complain “our country is occupied by Zionists.” Technically this is true, but if most people at the top of the US political world all serve the Zionists or are Zionists, isn’t it more accurate to say “our country is Zionist.” Can you really blame them either? Doesn’t almost all of the west follow the capitalistic system? Doesn’t that system basically encourage competing with one another for material gain, by any means necessary? So how can you then be mad at those politicians for selling themselves out to the group or person that gathered the most wealth(in this case Zionist bankers specifically) when this is what’s considered sensible in the current system? So the US is exactly what it’s supposed to be. The current rulers of the US were just the best capitalists. So in this system they earned the right to ownership fair and square.
Cheers. Concur.
Replied to the wrong comment. This is a reply to this comment:
“I also hear many people from the US complain “our country is occupied by Zionists. Technically this is true, but if most people at the top of the US political world all serve the Zionists or are Zionists, isn’t it more accurate to say “our country is Zionist.” Can you really blame them either?”
Exactly, but the reason why Americans don’t want to admit that the USA itself is Zionist is that they want to deflect blame onto some “external force that is controlling America”–as opposed to admitting that Zionism and Americanism are essentially civilizational blood kin.
If these Americans would admit that they are Zionist, they would have to look in the mirror at themselves.
And that is the last thing they want to do.
from: Americanism:The Fourth Great Western Religion
“What does it mean to “believe” in America? Why do we always speak of our country as having a mission or purpose that is higher than other nations?
Modern liberals have invested a great deal in the notion that America was founded as a secular state, with religion relegated to the private sphere. David Gelernter argues that America is not secular at all, but a powerful religious idea—indeed, a religion in its own right.
Gelernter argues that what we have come to call “Americanism” is in fact a secular version of Zionism. Not the Zionism of the ancient Hebrews, but that of the Puritan founders who saw themselves as the new children of Israel, creating a new Jerusalem in a new world…”
We don’t fight wars for Israel. We fight wars for many reasons. The US has been at war for 226 out of 243 years of its existence. The first century we mostly fought for land. The US went from 13 colonies on the east coast in 1800 to most of the continent by 1900. Then we started on the rest of the world. Well, actually, we started in 1898, with Cuba, Guam and the Philippines (where we killed 3 million Filipinos). Then we went for Hawaii, and most of Latin America, as well as Haiti and the rest of the Caribbean. We entered WW1 for the bankers, then went back to smashing insurrections in the banana producing countries.
WW2 gave us western Europe and most of the Pacific islands. Israel was formed after WW2, but it was a British project and the US didn’t show much interest until we hit peak oil in 1972, at which point the Middle East and its oil became even more important, and Israel became our BFF. Except not during the Carter years.
It takes a special brand of chutzpah for Americans to look back at our 2.4 centuries of blood, massacres, plunder, genocide and looting and say “Those damn Israelis made us do it!!”
“It takes a special brand of chutzpah for Americans to look back at our 2.4 centuries of blood, massacres, plunder, genocide and looting and say “Those damn Israelis made us do it!!”
lol…Exactly. I made a post on one of the recent cafes about how the west/zionists are basically playing hot potato anytime you verbally corner one of them with charges of war crimes. You corner an American, they shout “those darn Zionists.” You corner an Israeli, they say “who cares the Americans and British acted the same way.” You go back to a different American, he say “the British empire still controls us” and the one next to him says “those darn Jesuits.” Lol I even heard Canada get blamed. We live long enough and the blame might go to the Native Americans. The scenario i described would make a great skit. I think everyone’s having a hard time not being the knight in shinning armor, so they just unload the guilt on someone else.
On a serious note, I agree with your post. Some say the US was a banker asset from the beginning. I don’t know, and honestly don’t care, because they are definitely one right now. If the Zionist had control of the US from the beginning or after a certain period, wouldn’t change anything, because like you said the US had a bloody history even before it became Zionist controlled.
“We don’t fight wars for Israel.”
That’s true. You use americans, europeans, anyone you can bamboozle, to fight your wars.
“It takes a special brand of chutzpah”
To defend israel and zionazis with this standard blaming the other guy routine. I agree, yes it does.
Sharon to Peres: We Control America
“On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and “turn the US against us. “Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying “don’t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America.”
“The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate.”
— Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS’ “Face the Nation”.
True, the usa was exploitive and war criminal before the zionazi-gay take over, but that doesn’t release or excuse zionazia from their current dominance of the country taking full advantage of the existing american system for their own use.
In fact, towards the end of the Vietnam war crime, there was very strong movement inside the usa, by americans, to change the country profoundly towards a much more humane existence.
Guess who turned that around, the zionazi-gay controlled media. They sold the ray gun regime, along with the regressive policies in the last years of the carter regime, effectively halting, then killing the progess that had been made during the 1960s and early 70s.
It has been all downhill from there, with the zionazi elements gradually attaining full control.
Now they are passing laws in u.s. state governments making it all but a criminal offence requiring prison (that no doubt coming next) to boycott massa israel.
Follow-up to my previous comment. While RI makes some good points about the usa failing to mantain positive relations with allies, he is completely wrong about the usa being in retreat, and quite a few other things here, including what role the usa has in the zpc/nwo.
Whether a trump or clinton regime came to manage the usa, the goals remained the same. These are manager teams, colonial manager teams, rival in only some methods, personalities and in competition for personal ego and gain. Their overall goals, as well as the bulk of their policies are the same.
The demican-repubicrat public clown show in american politics is just that, a clown show to convince a very dumbed down public that they live in a country with a representative government. Both parties represent zpc/nwo interests exclusively, with differences between individuals inside each party greater than these parties actually differ from each other.
The zpc/nwo, of which the usa is their main tool for projecting power, is not in retreat. Far from it, they are digging in and doubling down. The rise of Russia and China caught them flat-footed. What were expexted to be push overs for take over turned out to be the opposite, full fledged rivals well capable of defending themselves and of projecting independence (of zpc/nwo control).
The zpc/nwo had grown accustomed to easy prey since the USSR imploded and replaced their machinery for combating big rivals with that for use against small independents. Now, in order to successfully oppose the faster than expexted rise of Russia and China, they have a lot of catching up to do.
And this is essentially what the zpc/nwo is doing. They are holding fast while changing horses.
In many regions, the zpc/nwo is still expanding, and reexpanding. If one looks at their international moves, there is no retreat, but a multiprong expansion. Syria (forget trump’s troop withdrawal, that is theater), ukraine, Yemen, Iran. In Africa, africom has been greatly enlarged, while in Latin America, the zpc/nwo has re-banana republic’d several nations and has expanded their covert/regime change ops there immensely.
What “the empire” is doing is continuing their expansion in regions they currently can, and holding the line, awaiting reinforcement, in regions they cant currently expand. Hardly moves of retreat.
As for usa vs eu rivalry, this is mostly theater, as well. Look at the actual actions by the eu, they essentially reinforce the same dictat from the zpc/nwo that the usa does. One hears verbal noises from the eu that appear to be independent, but this is just salesmanship for their european public. Who not (yet) being as dumbed down as americans, require a more elaborate theater presentation to prevent rebellion. The zpc/nwo is working on making europe as docile as their american colony, the eu being a major tool of their governing machinery to bring this about, they are hardly interested in destroying their eu.
Check back to the flatline times before the 19th Century ended. The US economy was dead in the water. The world was primed for Revolution and Wars.
As the massive Greed Machine runs out of fuel (risk capital, cheap labor and exploitation of resources), the Elites see the easy way to hold control of global and regional power is to throw humanity into chaos.
Ishchenko paints a similar picture now.
It often takes a decade or two to get the chaos sized large enough to change the paradigm of stagnation and collapse to a revitalized management of global affairs.
Now add, in the 21st Century, the phoenix rise of Russia and the high velocity rise of China.
This has terrified the dying Hegemon elites.
Has nothing much to do with Zionism. Hegemony is Feudalism.
Yes, a large component is Russophobia by Khazarian elites, but Sinophobia is actually now more virulent.
This is geopolitics. Ultimately, the only game in the arena is hegemony vs multi-polarity.
The US elites have judged the ending is not in their favor. So, they will lite the fuses and create whatever chaos they think is necessary to preserve their reign over global issues.
It is about Power.
“Check back to the flatline times before the 19th Century ended. The US economy was dead in the water.” & “Hegemony is Feudalism.”
That stagnation was brought about deliberately. It began at the end of the 1960s and was a response to the social movements then that were looking to actually turn into real vectors for serious changes in the usa. Away from corporate power and towards people power.
The post WW2 strategy of enriching the general population and providing a high level of education backfired for the oligarchy. As a large segment of that population used that education and new freedom from poverty to pursue ideas and societal changes the oligarchy most adamantly opposed and correctly realized would deprive them of their control.
At that point, they put the screws on, full spectrum dominance wise. No more lifting from poverty for the majority, they must remain slaves with very controlled and limited free time of their own. No more serious education for the masses, they must pay for it, up the arse, so only a minority continue with it. No more inconvenient independent thinking allowed.
So the postwar a car in every garage and a college educated ideal was downgraded to bus passes and simple on the job training – after pass the invasive prerequisite drug test, of course. The 20th century inquisitive citizen had to returned to the overworked, low educated wage slave of the 19th century.
“It often takes a decade or two to get the chaos sized large enough to change the paradigm of stagnation and collapse to a revitalized management of global affairs.”
Yes and no. It depends on the sort of chaos. There is the chaos they work to create in perceived foes and there is the sort they initiate among their colonies policy for limited goals (such as regulation changes or stock market profiteering).
The only serious chaos they make is against regions they don’t control, such as Syria and regions on the borders of rivals, such as ukraine and afghanistan, in order to project chaos into those rivals.
The chaos they are creating around israel has an additional special purpose. It paves the way for israeli expansion, greater israel. Which brings me to another point of contention with your comment:
“Has nothing much to do with Zionism.”
Yes it does. It was zionazis who created the modern psywar tools that allowed the zpc/nwo to gain so much control over their own populations. And project soft power against their rivals. It was, and still is, zionazi infiltration that has worked to undermine the left, the only serious opposition to the zpc/nwo until quite recently.
But zionazis are not just a tool of the zpc/nwo, they are an intimate part of this power block, with their own goals. The main reason for greater israel is to move the centre of power of the zpc/nwo out of new york and london and the other financial hubs and consolidate it in Jerusalem.
So yes, the zpc/nwo is as much about a zionazi power grab as it is about a non zionazi power grab. The oligarchs may be unified against us, but they do not share all the same end goals amongst each other.
@vot tak
“Whether a trump or clinton regime came to manage the usa, the goals remained the same. These are manager teams, colonial manager teams, rival in only some methods, personalities and in competition for personal ego and gain. Their overall goals, as well as the bulk of their policies are the same.
The demican-repubicrat public clown show in american politics is just that, a clown show to convince a very dumbed down public that they live in a country with a representative government. Both parties represent zpc/nwo interests exclusively, with differences between individuals inside each party greater than these parties actually differ from each other.”
100% agree with this. If you add your comment to my 2 comments above, it should be clear that individual puppets are only there for cosmetic purposes, to give the masses the illusion of choice/freedom. The puppets are allowed to have differences in minor points, but are forbidden to have differences on the overall larger scheme of things. The fact that most Americans cant see this, and still put hope in the same system that was used to enslave them, shows just how powerful the propaganda is, and could also be showing how dumbed down the US public has become. The puppets are just there to cause a little bit of noise or distraction for domestic consumption, while nothing changes in the real agenda. This was true for Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barak Obama, its still true for Donald Trump, and it will still be true for whoever comes next in the position of “head puppet.”
Re: “that part of the American establishment that brought him to power in order to break the disastrous globalist course associated with the Democratic Party”
No one has identified with any specificity “that part of the American establishment . . .i n order to break the disastrous globalist course. . .” . My best guess to date is Sheldon Adelson, brokered by Jared Kushner the Chabadnik, was the donor, when Trump needed money to pay for his campaign during the 2016 presidential state primaries. The Zionist establishment enabled Trump to win. No question of breaking any “disastrous globalist course.”
Will America invade Venezuela? President Maduro has been making some bold speeches lately against Exxon-Mobil.
“Will America invade Venezuela?” I guess no, not directly at least what they will try (the US) to use some useful idiots ie. Colombia in the first place and if possible Brazil to destabilize Venezuela and maybe invade it. Problem is that this will create a giagantic mess since these countries (Colombia anbd Brazil) are already a mess. My guess is then that they might try to use them like they ve done with the head-choppers in Syria.
I was in Colombia for Christmas. There are at least 1M Venezuelans that have moved to Colombia in the last couple of years. A lot of them are panhandling in traffic lights in Bogota and hold signs saying they are Venezuelan.
Some commentators seem to revere Maduro but he’s been an unmitigated disaster for Venezuelans (but that was a tragedy of their own making).
Why would Colombia attack Venezuela? The latter is being rapidly depopulated of all productive citizens due to Maduro and his ilk. Why would Colombians want more refugees? They have enough issues with the Farc reconciliation.
“Why would Colombia attack Venezuela?” because Colombia is controlled by the US. Think about this: why cocain production has increased 4-5 times after (Escobar was killed) now with the US army in Colombia, because the US/CIA themselves are behind the drug traffic.
A typical anon vomment* here pretending personal experience while repeating zionazi-gay propaganda.
*Editing, I noticed the typo, but perhaps God was influencing my finger… (c & v next to each other on the cellphone touchpad), so I left it. ;-D
Thanks for the comment vot tak, and for letting me know that what I saw with my own eyes is propaganda.
I saw those people. My wife is Colombian so I was in Bogota for Christmas. The panhandles were Venezuelan. Do you want pictures?
Reality is not black and white. Venezuela is in dire straits, thanks to Maduro, Chavez and their (Venezuelans) own complicity. They spent years and years sitting on oil and not building up their industry. Then, they voted for self-destructive “socialism” (cronyism). They were fooled, and the ones that saw it, fled.
Just because the US does evil things doesn’t make Maduro, or Chavez, a good guy.
“and for letting me know that what I saw with my own eyes is propaganda.”
“Venezuela is in dire straits, thanks to Maduro, Chavez and their (Venezuelans) own complicity. They spent years and years sitting on oil and not building up their industry. Then, they voted for self-destructive “socialism” (cronyism). They were fooled, and the ones that saw it, fled.”
You saw all that sitting at your inlaws over Christmas (or was it Hanakah)? What sort of telescope did you use? :-D
Profound analysis on the highest plain, the Hegemon’s retreat and intended destruction of EU, Russia and China.
We see these moves in real time, described with meaning by Ishchenko.
Generally, we may be aware of only one reaction to these geopolitical attacks on former US allies and trading partners (and investors in American enterprises). Over Iranian sanctions, the EU is attempting to circumvent the US legal consequences for trading with Tehran. Beyond that, the EU is cooperating and paying directly for the Hegemon’s machinations against Russia.
Likewise the EU is joining with the US to bring down China’s technology companies. The paranoia against Huawei and ZTE and other software from China is now full blown. If it’s Chinese, it’s forbidden.
Masterfully, the US is taking apart the World Trade system using tariffs and sanctions. Rewriting all the rules or simply abandoning the rules, is how the US is terrorizing the markets and destroying commerce, banking, investment, supply chains and property rights. The chaos is the strategy Ishchenko describes as retreat and survival for the hegemonic elites.
The military component is at the nexus of US vs Russia at Syria, at Ukraine, at the Balkans, at Central Asia and at the Caucuses.
The military component to contain and take down China is at the South China Sea, Taiwan, the East China Sea and using Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan and separatists in Xinjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan, as well as terrorists in the southern Philippines.
Placing Aegis Ashore missile systems in South Korea and Japan is destabilizing against China’s second strike nuclear shield.
This article is one to archive and re-read monthly. 2019 will have many fast-moving actions and reactions as all the fuses are lit and the chaos will result just as certainly as if the fuses were attached to literal explosives.
The Hegemon respects only overwhelming military consequences. It will back off and change course only if it meets those consequences.
Test the US in Syria. See if they leave the base at al Tanf. See if they exit Hassake. If there is no withdrawal by June, then the intention is not to interdict Iranian supplies to Hezbollah. The intention is make Russian bases costly to Russia.
Similarly, in Ukraine, the US is not letting up. Conceivably, the situation can be like it has been for many years more. The cost is significant to Russia.
The American Policy is Full Global Dominance in all Spheres. That is Hegemony, a Feudal System of Fascism dressed up with hollow words of democracy, liberty, human rights and stability.
Ischenko pulls the curtain back on the US strategy. This is an important moment.
Perhaps Donald is in place in order to bring about the end of the US as we know it. 2019 could be a year leading to civl war; if Donald shuts down the government for a long time then the newly-unemployed and angry workers with a lot of time on their hands and Soros and Barack organizing them could rise up causing a raection from patriotic Trump supporters and…
“The American Policy is Full Global Dominance in all Spheres.” It is impossible for the US to foreclose on all the global resources it is now contesting for the purpose of using these resources to feed production of effective terrestrial weapons by its mil-industrial complex. The US is systemically incapable of the latter. The only war theater that is beyond the scope of analysis by those with only access to open source data is space. The missing tens of trillions from the US military accounts have likely poured into space weapons technology. As such, it remains beyond understanding, but shouldn’t be ignored.
Otherwise, the terrestrial military advantage has passed to the eurasians, i.e., China and Russia, along with the time element. Together the eurasians have the resources to rope-a-dope the hegemon.
Heavens! That was depressing reading. I hope he is wrong, but who knows?
@ Alfred
I thought so, too. It is less insightful, more a flight of bloodthirsty fancy.
On the whole, I think the US/UK weakening and attempting a fragmentation of the EU (as they grow weaker themselves) through protests, civil unrest, prolonged Brexit etc, etc. is quite possibly happening, but overall the article broods on past wars.The war scenarios he outlines for the eastern bloc are fanciful at best, grotesque at worst.
The re-formulation of empire post 1945 was fundamentally not about armies or big wars. It was about economic warfare with troops deployed in humbled states to hold open doors for globalist corporate plunder. Big wars are not the thing any longer and armies are not designed for large, long strategic battles.
I have long thought that China and Russia are possibly engaged in a least worst option for defeating a weaponised economic empire. Along with their satellite allies in S. America, ME and Asia, they may be actively provoking and drawing the US into multiple simultaneous smaller sporadic conflicts that actually require military activity, and provoking it to ever greater deployment and expense while support dwindles back home, to bleed the US dry and destroy its reputation and standing in the world at large. To win by a thousand cuts, so to speak. That I can actually see happening, and I don’t think it is an accident.
A big strategic war as per the article. I don’t think so.
PG, North American continent has lost already. Why, you ask? I’ll look at US and Canada. Look around and tell me what do you see. All major cities are turning into China, India, ME. Turn on the TV and just look at the commercials with their racial mixing messages. What does it mean? It means that people who want to sell their products study this subject and know how the social structure has changed. I would guess that no less than 1/3 of Canadian population is of Asian origin, who came to Canada in the last thirty years. How possible is it to put all Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Middle-Eastern populations in the Concentration Camps (10mln+)? Because strategists know that these people have to be incarcerated in order to prevent them from any possible reaction to the Western World in the event of a war. US has the same problem.
Just a thought.
@ anonius
History shows that when the anglo’s want to reduce a strata of society they create a pretext to put said strata’s kids in uniforms and send them to go get killed. In the UK we have somewhere between 10-20million muslims but, in a military of 150,000, there are only 42 muslims. But start a war between India and Pakistan, or between Pakistan and China as part of the wider war at the belly of Eurasia, and watch them jump into boots.
Maybe these migrants will have their greatest asset – their fertility – exploited by the same people that ruthlessly plundered their home countries for 350 years: they have been invited here for the purposes of future army fodder in regional wars.
Concentration camps – such a waste, old chap.
I wouldn’t call it a flight of bloodthirsty fancy.Don’t you think the situation in Ukraine and Syria, right now, is bloodthirsty enough as it is(even in spite of the fact RF and others have poured cold water on the fires USA/NATO tried to start in those places)?In fact there is nothing written in the article about Washington’s methods/strategies that they haven’t already tried before(both successfully and not), even as recent as between 1950-1990.
Ukraine and Syria have been dismantled, to all intents and purposes. The majority of the US’s work there is over. Trump is pissed that they came away with so little, but hey, where next to make a MIC buck.
Where next. The writer is unnecessarily grizzly about the strategy in E europe and off the money because ‘where next’ is how a strategist would think watching the US leaving these, and other destroyed states, twisting in the wind. Where next to be shattered and rendered a non-challenger.
The next actions of the US, Israel and the UK are to be in the Caribbean Basin, and it has been a long time in the pipes. Syria and Ukraine are history.
President Trump’s Losing Strategy: Embracing Brazil And Confronting China
“The US embraces a regime doomed to failure and threatens the world’s most dynamic economy. President Trump has lauded Brazil’s newly elected President Jair Bolsonaro and promises to promote close economic, political, social and cultural ties. In contrast the Trump
regime is committed to dismantling China’s growth model, imposing harsh and pervasive sanctions, and promoting the division and fragmentation of greater China.
Washington’s choice of allies and enemies is based on a narrow conception of short-term advantage and strategic losses.
In this paper we will discuss the reasons why the US-Brazilian relation fits in with
Washington’s pursuit for global domination and why Washington fears the dynamic growth and challenge of an independent and competitive China.
Why has the US chosen the road of embracing a backward-looking Brazil rather than a future leader- nation?
Basically, the US is structurally embedded in a high militarized political system which is driven by the quest for world domination – ‘imperialism’. The US does not want to compete
with an innovative China, it seeks to coerce China to dismantle the institution,
policies and
priorities which make China great.
Washington demands that China surrender the relative autonomy of the state, increase US
penetration of strategic sectors and rely on free market bankers and academics. US economic policy is shaped by bankers,corrupt speculators and lobbyists for special regional interests,
including regimes like Israel. China’s economic policy is shaped by industrial interests, guided by the strategic goals of the central state authority capable and willing to arrest hundreds of top
officials on the take.
The US cannot contain China’s upward trajectory with military encirclement – because Beijing’s economic strategy neutralizes US military bases and defeats tariff constraints through the diversification of major new trading deals. For example, China is negotiating with India to vastly increase imports of agricultural commodities, including rice, sugar, milk, soy beans meal and cotton.India currently has a major trade deficit with China especially machinery and industrial goods and is eager to replace US exporters China has major trade and investment agreements throughout Southeast Asia, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Russia and Australia as
well as Africa, Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) and the Middle East (Iran, Iraq and Israel).
The US has little leverage for ‘squeezing’ China, even in high tech sectors as China is less dependent on the US know-how. Washington has secured agreements with China, increasing exports of cars and entertainment; China can easily agree to enforce curbing so-called
‘property theft’ especially since it is no longer an important factor since most of China innovations are domestically created. Moreover, big business and Wall Street demand the Trump regime reach an open markets agreement with China and ignore its autarkic enemies.
Given China’s continued buoyant economy (6.5% GDP in 2018), its increased emphasis in expanding social services, the consumer market and easing of credit , Trump’s coercive tariff
policies are doomed and the military threats will only encourage China to expand and upgrade its military defense and superior space programs.
Whatever temporary and limited trade agreements emerge from US-China negotiations, the Trump regime will continue to pursue its unipolar imperial agenda of embracing vassal regimes, like Brazil, and confronting China.
The future belongs to independent, innovative and competitive China not to vassal, militarized and submissive regimes like Brazil.”
That was interesting and thought provoking, thanks.
More chaos on all fronts for us, then, for the foreseeable future, until Uncle Sam has exhausted himself in the attempt to swallow us all up whole. I hope that there will be some screaming and kicking in protest on our part, not just sitting back with popcorn to watch the show.
We are the show it seems, and that fact has yet to sink in.
It does seem obvious that the US is trying to maintain hegemony over its purported allies in Europe, as well as its declared enemies in various “axis of evil” countries.
But I had thought that the UK was its partner in crime. The globalist neoliberals, personified by Obama, opposed Brexit. Obama even went to UK and campaigned against it.
If they US is trying to break up the EU, why oppose Brexit?
that’s a positive outlook – I hope he’s right – thanks for posting –
The US show all the signs running out of money. Sanctions and suchlike amount to confiscations of cash. Trump seems to be trying to avoid spending overseas as much as possible. The Showcase Country (of the advantages of becoming Western) has shrunk to Estonia.
”The Showcase Country (of the advantages of becoming Western) has shrunk to Estonia.”
Some ”showcase” indeed. Looted, deindustrialized, and depopulated, bar a few ardent admirers of Nazi Germany and chronic alcoholics. Today, the West’s Elites care shit about the well-being of anybody. Ditto regarding their own popularity.
Sounds like “burning down the house”. How American…
The underlying problem in US today is the Clinton Machine spent 16 years installing their henchmen and hangers on throughout the US Government from top to bottom. Hillary Diane Rodham intended to add another 8 years to that corrupt regime with the last election. She was a shoe in and one of the better moments of my life was watching the stunned reactions of late election night as the gloating and celebrating libs and neocons watched in stunned silence as the last returns were finalized. She lost. Big time.
The very next day the calls to impeach President Elect Trump were voiced and the ultra lib infested media immediately picked up the calls for impeachment. That movement in and of itself shows the deep and endemic political and moral corruption of USA for the simple fact of how do you draw up the articles of impeachment on a man who is not even President yet? However, that ridiculous effort is still with us and now that the Clinton Machine has managed to get a majority in Congress, things are going to get worse, and I mean much worse.
All this little refreshment of recent history shows how USA has fallen. Yes, the military is still quite strong, but economically, where is USA today? For twenty five and more years heavy industry has moved to cheaper shores along with significant portions of medium and light industry. The cotton mills have gone silent and with them the clothing factories, the steel mills are but a shadow of what they once were and with them went vast portions of the heavy and medium machine production, auto production is now heavily invested in Mexico, electronics are farmed out to The Far East, appliances are from India and Korea, etc etc etc.
What this offshore movement has done is destroy the US skilled trades and middle class. Gone are the skilled tradesmen and technicians, gone are the motivated mid level managers, gone are the master plumbers, the master mechanics, the master wood workers, the master metal workers, all sacrificed to bloat the balance sheets of the very companies that moved their production offshore. Family farms, the backbone of US prosperity but a precious few decades ago? Gone, all gone, replaced by mega farms with unbelievably expensive machinery, questionable land and animal husbandry policies and even more questionable crop seed sources.
The goal, now achieved, was to allow the Clinton Machine to loot every country they could in whatever way they could starting with Soviet Union and continuing to this day, aided and abetted by a growing class of paper pushers who are the Machine’s quite willing accomplices be they in suits and ties or uniforms, American or foreign. These minions do not see and choose to ignore the horrendous human costs of their looting and the resulting wars and massacres.
In the end it was, as always, money, but in this monetary pursuit USA has not only lost it’s heart, it has lost it’s soul, and a country and people who have lost their soul are in that final downward spiral of no return. The national debt of USA is unbelievable and growing exponentially and the reality is this debt can never be repaid although the next two generations of USA will bend and groan under it’s weight. What is the enormous percentage of US citizens and illegal residents going to do when, after feeding off the udder of plenty for so many years at the expense of those of us who work and worked, they are suddenly told that their free flats and houses, their free food and utilities, their free educations, their free child care for the endless numbers of children produced out of wedlock and out of any familial nurturing and education, are gone, there is no more money? I’m glad I won’t see that event and it is coming, have no doubts.
I will not live to see the end of the country that I loved, and still love, the country that raised me, nurtured me and educated me, but my wife will. Already one sees the bloated ‘coalitions’ coming apart at the seams. The sanctions against Russia, and against SSSR many of which were never removed, was the beginning of the end. The cost of the sanctions to EU was enormous and the stunned reactions of many EU countries when Russia sanctioned them right back was priceless, forever removing significant markets for EU products and never to return.
On the other hand, many EU countries, and other countries who are occupied or in bondage to USA, are quietly making plans for the future. EU is not going to give up their oil supplies from Iran, sanctions or no. EU is not going to give up their cheap clothing, electronics, appliances and sundries from China, sanctions or no. EU can not live without Russian gas and POL. Period. Yet that is what USA wants them to do, and idiots like Poland are happily building LNG terminals for US to ship LNG at more than double the cost of Russian gas to them. Useful fools, indeed. Major German companies are not going to give up their lucrative business with Russia, Merkel and DC be damned. Same with Austria and Switzerland, ain’t going to happen.
At this time, while USA is far from being a toothless tiger, the decline is evident for all to see. However, like any animal in decline with the usual geriatric symptoms this decline brings, USA is still very powerful and, at this time, more dangerous than ever. The next two years will tell the tale and in my opinion this tale will not be pretty, tragic though it may be.
Never The Last One A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka NATO is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Sevastopol, The Third Defense, Book 1. A premonition, the Old Guard moves south.
Trouble is EU has so far failed in setting ip the sanctions by pass for Iran…too slow to do much except mostly follow usa blackmail methods…eg PACE…..Poland and Italy getting together now although is Italy smart enough not to be taken in by Polish russophobic idiot pilicies for” Poland and Italy will be part of the new spring of Europe, the renaissance of European values,” Salvini said during a press conference with Poland’s Interior Minister Joachim Brudzinski.
“The Europe that will come to form in June (after May’s European Parliament elections) will lead us all than the one that exists today and is run by bureaucrats,” he added.”….could be interesting….Austria is keen to keep up dialogue with Russia…. gilets jaune movemenr could provoke a more serious financial crisis saying to day take out euros from french banking system…..when it when will EU wake up that its current top so called leadership is failing them…despite Germany seemingly protecting its nordstream interest usa says it will impose more sanctions because of it…..but the Balkans mess is not over yet methinks whatever is happening there due to that cancer of a usa base in Kosovo… not forget Ramstein last year had a huge delivery of armaments…….anyways Auslander hope you were ok in the recent dump of snow over Crimea maybe more in the north….hopefully there was a lot in the Donbass to keep frozen the frozen conflict….we do not seem to have too much news available from there the donetsk news agency is a bit bland at times maybe that is a sign things are the “norm” whatever that is……hope the ukrops are going hungry….
One ray of hope to add to your insightful comment. About farming, there are ambitious plans to remake the entire agriculture sector in the USA. For more, see Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association and Regeneration International, or see the Cornucopia Institute. It’s a promising grassroots movement, just like the organic food movement was a few decades ago.
It happens now in many agricultural nations.The unsustainability of mega-Ag is plain for all to see.
The resurgence of the viable family farm with its enhanced resilience, frequently low -input/high -EROEI characteristics, diverse income streams, stable social capital etc. is surely a sign of the times.
“Major German companies are not going to give up their lucrative business with Russia, Merkel and DC be damned. Same with Austria and Switzerland, ain’t going to happen.”
This is a strategically central issue: will a powerful nucleus of financially powerful (= owns their own bankers) industrialists in the EU fight to maintain their existence in a europe that constitutes a 750+ million person market that for both Russia and China is an essential trading partner? Clearly the US recognizes this centrality.
This is important to understand. Larchmonter445 says ” The chaos is the strategy Ishchenko describes as retreat and survival for the hegemonic elites.”
The chaos is indeed the strategy but we see a coming together against that strategy that is quite remarkable. From Turkey we get an anti-chaos strategy. “The United States [has] been facing certain difficulties with the process of the troops’ withdrawal from Syria. We want to coordinate this process with Russia and Iran, with which we had arranged work in the framework of the Astana process,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Wednesday. And this after a lot of stress on Turkey to sing the Hegemon’s song. In addition Pompeo was not received in the Court of Ergodan.
From China, in one of the op-ed’s on Global Times (generally accepted as the Chinese formal voice), there was one little sentence that just about exploded off the page. This whole op-ed needs to be read between the lines as it is really understated master diplomacy and not missing a beat.
This sentence is: “China is also a nuclear power.”
This, from the Ishchenko translation, needs to be read and reread: “Without having won the competition, relying on the resource base of the whole world, they especially won’t win it now, when the world gradually turns away from them.
However, they are still capable of sufficiently destroying the resource base of the former Pax Americana so that Russia and China think not about a final victory, but about the stabilisation of chaos on earth that was scorched during the American geopolitical retreat and the preservation of their economies (at least in a contracted state) in the context of the liquidation of world trade and the global market.”
Truly dangerous times we live in. Thierry Meyssan describes a possible destruction of the Caribbean Basin.
The terrible forthcoming destruction of the « Caribbean Basin »
“It is perfectly clear today that the process towards war is under way. Enormous forces are in play, and there is little that can be done to stop them now. It is in this context that Russia is studying the possibility of setting up a permanent aero-naval base in Venezuela. The island of La Orchila – where President Hugo Chávez was held prisoner during the coup d’etat of April 2002 – would enable the storing of strategic bombers. This would constitute a much greater threat to the United States than the Soviet missiles stationed in Cuba in 1962.”
Will hegemonic chaos be contained during the pre-death spasms? How long will this stage last without someone firing a shot heard across the world, economically or one that makes a real bang?
I neglected to add the RT link on Turkey.
Much to appreciate and think about in this article which essentially describes what the author sees as the slow decline of the US as global hegemon.
I just wonder if the decline will be as slow and “controllable” as is suggested.
I am very surprised that 2 factors were not included both of which have crucial impacts on what happens next.
One is the level of US debt which is at or near a point when the country’s annual tax income cannot even pay the interest on it.
The second is the – til now – slow but inexorable loss of the dollar as world reserve currency.
This process will accelerate I believe, as countries seek safe money and a reliable system of international laws in trade both of which are increasingly available elsewhere.
Russia and China and others are amassing gold as fast as they can and in their calculus, I think, is the reckoning that the US dollar is finished as it is backed by nothing except threats of violence.
The US has never paid it’s way as all other countries have to and is completely unable to become a normal country obeying international law and running a sound money system.
I believe the ending of the dollar as world reserve currency will cause a collapse of the US and massive social unrest at home and the rapid withering of it’s ability to fund foreign bases and wars. As the author says – the standard of living of the US elite cannot exist without hegemony.
Also keeping in mind that the US regime has been the most lawless, thieving, murderous and arrogant entity ever to exist and there will be no tears shed for it’s demise, indeed big sighs of relief in most of the world.
The impact of the US financial collapse will be felt world wide however and we may yet see Russia and China providing aid – with conditons – as they seek to preserve stability in global economies.
I think that this collapse could happen fairly suddenly and anytime soon.
re: “the disastrous globalist course associated with the Democratic Party” — It is important to understand that the U.S. establishment (Rep and Dem) do not represent the American people or indeed what anyone may think of as “America”. They represent only what Ishchenko refers to as “the ruling elite”. This elite is both within and without the United States. The American people may still believe in the façade of the U.S. government and democracy as propagandized by the corporate mass media, but the reality is we are ruled by what Peter Phillips explains are “The few thousand people controlling global capital [who amount to] less than 0.0001 percent of the world’s population. They are the transnational capitalist class (TCC), who, as the capitalist elite of the world, dominate nation-states through international trade agreements and transnational state organizations such as the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and the International Monetary Fund.”
He further notes:
“The TCC communicates their policy requirements through global networks such as the G-7 and G-20, and various nongovernmental policy organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberger Group. The TCC represents the interests of hundreds of thousands of millionaires and billionaires who comprise the richest people in the top 1 percent of the world’s wealth hierarchy.
…The military empire dominated by the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) serves to protect TCC investments around the world. Wars, regime changes, and occupations performed in service of empire support investors’ access to natural resources and their speculative advantages in the market place.
…nation-states will become little more than population containment zones with increasingly repressive labor controls.”
The final paragraph in the above abbreviated article runs:
” Each time we look past the crimes of the empire we lose a portion of our integrity of self. Ignoring repression becomes part of continuing compromise in our daily lives leading to a moral malaise and increased feelings of helplessness. We must stand up and demand democratic transparency and the international enforcement of human rights. Unless we collectively challenge the empire, we face a world that is evolving into a new dark age of neo-feudal totalitarianism unlike any previously known.”
Isn’t that rather disingenuous?The answer to empires is not counter-empires(or anti-empire empires), that’s like trading an old evil for a young evil.Incidentally, democracy and human rights are what the empire(even if falsely), use as an excuse for much of their imperialism.What is needed isn’t international or worldwide actions, but for nations(and peoples) to regain their sovereignty from the clutches of the empire.
You’re right of course, anon12309846, each nation has to resolve to regain its sovereignty for itself and then get on with doing that, but it doesn’t preclude a bit of outside collective help from others doing the same job in their own nation.
”Thus, in 2019 the US’ actions will be focused on destroying the EU, fragmenting members of its Western European part and pitting them against each other /…/ ”
Let it be known that the cesspit known as the You’re_a_Peon Union is self-destructing most admirably. The plutocracy in charge cannot and will not abandon neoliberalism. As a result, all-out rot, decay, corruption, evil, and incompetence are the only things on offer (there is no alternative). This doesn’t precisely serve to improve the EU’s abysmal birth stats; hence Third World immigration brought about by imperialist wars to fix the demographics, whatever the Euro-trash may think about it. And don’t think Eastern Europe and its even more pathetic honorary Euro-trash will be spared even for a second. If Russia is to be vanquished by military force, huge armies of able-bodied, motivated soldiers are absolutely indispensable. Now, given the outright depopulation process going on in the Baltics, Ukraine, Poland, and the Balkans, lots of Russophobic garbage — the able-bodied as well as the less able-bodied — need replacement. Killing Russians is great, but the Euro-trash will have to get used to ISIS at home to achieve that. In short, forget about entertaining both Russophobia and Islamophobia.
‘who will fight against who and over what isn’t important for Washington’
Right?We’ve had the same experience here, where I live, apparently it doesn’t matter to them who kills who, over what, as long as somebody is killing somebody else, over anything, a very egalitarian lot of mass murderers.
‘about the stabilisation of chaos on earth that was scorched during the American geopolitical retreat’
Just like the British Empire, must be a English thing.
I am afraid that I cannot agree with this article. The US elite is incapable of pursuing any form of stalemate, as it is a predatory elite, demanding imperial obedience from it’s intended subjects. For example, Washington is threatening European firms with sanctions if they participate in the building of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline. On the bases of what international law ? For the past few years I have been wondering if the Washington political establishment and the US Government are responsible for their actions. Both are still living in the past.
That the US wants to destroy (dismantle) the European Union is indeed surprising to read. The EU is in fact based on the US Federation, both having central banks under the control of private bankers. In “destroying” the EU, the US would in fact be destroying NATO, as EU states are also NATO members, the EU being nothing more than a civilian component of NATO. The EU was created to curtail the sovereign status of European nations, placing them under direct control of Anglo-American bankers.
It is not the EU that the US wants to destroy, but sovereign nation states of Europe, Germany being the prime target. Anglo-American bankers have for more than one hundred years dreaded a German-Russian economic alliance. Why was Germany flooded with more than one million false refugees ? To destabilize the country, causing it to have financial, economic, political, cultural and ethnic difficulties and giving Brussels more power and influence inside the country.
And BREXIT in Britain ? For years I have been expecting this move. Once Britain and France, who are the two chief continental powers, were drawn inside the EU, Britain was then to leave this very same EU. What does this in fact mean ? It means Britain would leave the EU politically, but not financially, as Anglo-American bankers control the EU Central Bank. This further means that Brussels would have the headache of managing the political aspects of the EU, while the London and New York bankers would be pulling the strings from the shadows, covertly, preventing the rise of any continental country, especially Germany. Any dismantlement of the EU would be a divine intervention for Germany, enabling it to openly move towards Russia and in the process depart NATO.
The greatest danger in this entire situation is the financial situation in both the US and EU, both of whom are printing currencies backed by nothing. Analysts have for years been stating that both the dollar and euro will see a crash, with one analyst stating that he expects the dollar to crash during 2019, causing immense financial, social and political repercussions in the US. And then what ? What will the Anglo-American elites do in such a situation ? Sit back calmly, watching developments, or will they provoke a wider regional war to avert a financial crash, an old bankers trick. However, analysts have for years been warning that this old trick cannot work any more. We shall see what will happen.
As I opined at Moon of Alabama, it appears that Trump’s actions are perpetuating Obama’s Empire of Chaos, but that gambit was negated and counter strategy implemented that the Outlaw US Empire has no way of disarming other than total destruction via nuclear war. IMO, the author grants the Empire far too much power/leverage over current events as witnessed by the economic meddling it’s engaged in that’s done more harm to itself than its adversaries. US policy driven by Obama already destabilized the EU. Corbyn will eventually become PM and transform the UK via Labour Socialism and effectively deliver the death blow to European neoliberalism and cause an existential crisis for NATO.
The Outlaw US Empire will experience further diminution of its ability to shape events as Trump works on getting reelected. His domestic strength can be measured by the aggressiveness he shows toward putting the Clinton’s and all their very corrupt fellow travelers in prison. His upcoming State of the Union address 20 January will be interesting given his poor performance last night
The collapse of american world grip,will bring the americans who are en gulfed in the world hubrism back reality
I think this author had a little too much of a tipple over the holidays.
The US will try to break up the EU in 2019? The EU is the vehicle of US hegemony over Europe (or more specifically both the EU and the US are under control of a single globalist overclass).
How long with NATO last after any breakup – how many countries would want to be lock into a potential Russian war without some larger economic rationale as the carrot? How many nationalist elites in individual countries would be empowered?
Trump may imply he wants to break it all up, but he only has traction in his policies when they align with Globalist policies.
Globalists may be nasty people, but don’t get carried away and think they’ll destroy their own hegemony just for the ‘evulz’.
“The EU is the vehicle of US hegemony over Europe”
Under the Zionist/neocon/war hawks, yes, but not under Trump.
“Under the Zionist/neocon/war hawks, yes, but not under Trump.”
The trump bluster against the eu is just as phony as his noises about better relations with Russia and ending american involvement in wars overseas. The “attacks” by the likud trump quisling serve to aide the eu actually. It’s called psywar, zionazis specialize in it, so do the nazis/fascists, their allies.
How it works. The trump noise serves to reinforce the most far right eu elements. The most “globalist” ones, the most fascist, and zionazi. His noise is there to provide a unifying factor for a eu shift further to the right, towards more overt zpc/nwo policy implementation.
On the ground, for example, this means the eu pushes more for austerity, “we gotta compete, or trump will trump us”, IE: increased oligarch control, less people power. Like the usa, where trump noise also serves the same purpose of reinforcing the most far right of the corporate controllers, especially zionazi ones, in policy changes designed to disempower people even more that they are now, and increase oligarch power.
Really surprised kool-aid hasn’t come out with a trump flavor yet.
I have been writing about this US goal to nullify Europe for over 16 years. Since US hegemony is pretended by the US to still be possible (it’s not)it is welcome to read this analysis of the US (UK too) takeover of the European continent. 9/11, seen by most educated Europeans as US approved, was to remove all law for lawless WW111 to begin.
Interactive brain chip are being inserted in newborn infants soft skulls as they emerge into conscious life are beginning the culling of human conscious life as at least 5-6 billion must be removed. True of Germany’s plans too, which corporate America supported in the 1930s and earlier.
I agree with this conclusion: transition the global empire from Amerocentric, to an amorphous global barycentrism (this new center of mass is currently virtual, a bankers’ black hole). Transition is a loose term, because there must be a forceful parting and dividing asunder of one from the other: in order for the new empire to fully be reborn as the mythical phoenix, the old empire must completely burn; a holocaust to the gods. Thankfully, the empire is a willing victim.
The Europeans deserve what they get.
It is amusing that the Americans–Europe’s beloved “ally”– will now turn around and burn Europe in order to save America’s parasitic way of life.
The Europeans are partners in America’s crimes such as its terrorist-sponsoring wars against Libya and Syria, as well as America’s fake War on Terrorism in Afghanistan, and backed war on Yemen. Moreover, the Europeans have also joined in America’s hostility against Russia and China.
Let the Anglo Americans and Europeans burn in Hell together.
They so richly deserve each other.
A very mechanical analysis, more like a movie script. Life is not like that, so China and Russia, will predictably be guided by American actions, ‘forced’ to do that, and not that, a lot of baloney disguied as analysis.