Yes, Tulsi Gabbard’s name was not found in the list of those members of Congress which voted “no” to the resolution condemning the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. This is the full list as reported by The Forward: Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon), Andre Carson (D-Indiana), Debbie Dingell (D-Michigan), Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Illinois), Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona), Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington), Barbara Lee (D-California), Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota), Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin), Bobby Rush (D-Illinois), Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-New Jersey).

Thank you, so-called “US free and independent media”!
Truth be told, the Israeli Lobby did a superb job focusing what is left of the mind of those who expose themselves to the corporate Ziomedia’s propaganda on nonsensical pretend-issues such as who is in the so-called “squad” (Reps. Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Rashida Tlaib), on Ilhan Omar alledged anti-Semitism (what else is new?) and on Trump’s brilliant idea to send her “home” (only to disawow it later – in typical Trump style). As a result, a major chunk of the First Amendement has now been chipped away.
I also note with interest that these 17 Democracts prove that the most pro-Zionist party is the GOP, not the Democrats. I salute the courage of Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky)!
There were plenty of other signs that showed that for all her very real qualities and her likely sincerity, Tulsi Gabbard does not really dare to speak truth to power. Here is a very good example of that:
I agree with the slogan she chose: the Kremlin’s darling? Think again!
A very wise friend of mine wrote this about why Gabbard had to cave in:
I told you she is a single issue politician. It’s about wars without end. Everything else is Realpolitik and nothing is more real than Zionists controlling the politics and legislation in Washington. She would have no hope of surviving the next round of laws. They are going to make anything “anti-Israel” equal “anti-Semitic” and that will be a crime like it is in France. She has high ideals on only a single issue. It’s a great issue. But you cannot count on a politician to be a noble warrior. Forget anyone doing the right thing all the time. She shines bright on one issue. If she was really wise or clever, she would have abstained. So, she is neither.
Again, I can only agree with him.
My personal conclusion from all this is that this is yet another strong indication that the US political system is completely unreformable. And, furthermore, any political system which cannot adapt to new realities and reform itself is simply condemned to a sudden, catastrophic (and often violent) collapse.
This being said, Gabbard is still the only running candidate who wants to legalize cannabis (at least as far as I know), she wants to reform what is justly called the “US Gulag” system and she backs Medicare For All. I still think that she is very likable and probably sincere. But she sure does not have what it takes to tackle what is by far the worst problem of the United States: they are just a subservient and voiceless colony of the last openly racist state on the planet and that is a moral issue. This is the type of issue in which no compromise is possible, at least for an honest person. Gabbard chose to compromise on that, and this makes her useless to those who want to free the United States and restore in full their full sovereignty.
Too bad.
The Saker
It’s good she showed her colors early on. People can be on alert and not infuse her with high hopes.
She hasn’t had a stand and deliver fight yet. She collapsed on the vote to protect Israel from pressure, which might save Israel from itself if it had failed.
So being for things is not the same as fighting for things.
If she really wants to stop wars, particularly the ME wars, she has to fight to stop Israel, the major cause of all the frictions and regime change operations in the ME. She must understand this, no? So, she ran away from her one big issue.
You want to end the insanity of war on innocent people, you shut down Israel’s war on Palestine. You stop the intended war against Hezbollah and Lebanon’s innocents. You stop the endless war on Iraq. And Syria. And Libya. And you promote talks with Iran, not more war.
She has a full agenda to act on. And there’s always time to do the right thing.
But you have to be courageous to standup against the threat of the political hammer that Israel wields in DC.
“But you have to be suicidal to standup against the threat of the political hammer that Israel wields in DC”.
Charge of the Light Brigade, anyone?
Unless we can elect people like you and the Saker Tom we are doomed.
Bear in mind that her name is on the Membership Roster of the Council on Foreign Relations, and we all know who created it. Even if she gets elected, nothing will change. And The Saker is correct. US politics can never be changed. The US was created by the elite for the elite.
Yes, my point exactly, I think. Seems we are in complete agreement.
But I’m a “satisficer” rather than an “optimizer” – if the best is simply not on offer, I will take whatever I can get.
Since the most harmful thing Israel is doing is getting the US to bankrupt itself by fighting its wars, Tulsi Gabbard’s core issue is absolutely the correct one.
Tell me, what would accomplish more …… an empty vote or a change of course in American foreign policy?
While banks and corporations rule America, there will never be a change in US foreign policy. Wall Street is a predatory creature, which can never be tamed.
So there’s no hope? We should just wring our hands in despair? What if Russians had that attitude in 2000?
You are right, though, in that banks and corporations drive American policy, both domestic and foreign. The only way forward is to isolate the MIC from the rest of corporate America. There is money to be made without all these wars. Show the greedy bastards the upside of profiting off a peace dividend.
Divide and rule is a two way street. Drain the swamp one alligator at a time. It has to start with ending perpetual war, though, or none of the rest is possible.
So there’s no hope? We should just wring our hands in despair? What if Russians had that attitude in 2000?
Russia is a vast, multi-ethnic nation, yet compared to US, Russia appears monolithic.
Furthermore, there was always central government and the hinterlands. Gain control of the center and you control it all.
(Aside: With the BRI and the dispersal of economic sources, the trend will be away from a monolithic economy.)
The US was historically a region of widely varying economies that since the Great Depression have become pseudo-monolithic. Instead of big steel, big coal, and General Bullmoose we have MIC, Big Brother (MS, Google, FB) and Big Conscience (Rogue State). In a case of life imitating fiction, like all adults in Tripods, we have been capped.
Except … the different regions have people who can remember their former glory and who are willing to work to recover a measure of independence.
Those areas that support the centralized, mind numbing bleat of fantasyland MIC America are the same areas that would be unable to support themselves if cutoff from dirt cheap imported foods. Those areas routinely ignored by the overlords in the northeast and So. Cal are the same flyover country peasants who stand a greater chance of surviving if and when USD loses international prestige.
Therein is the clue.
You are right, though, in that banks and corporations drive American policy, both domestic and foreign. The only way forward is to isolate the MIC from the rest of corporate America. There is money to be made without all these wars. Show the greedy bastards the upside of profiting off a peace dividend.
Each region of this country has needs that are poorly served by MIC related employment. Other ways to spend federal dollars ( infrastructure, education, and healthcare come to mind. ) would enrich these regions twofold, by keeping the dollars local and through the benefits purchased with those dollars.
Divide and rule is a two way street. Drain the swamp one alligator at a time. It has to start with ending perpetual war, though, or none of the rest is possible.
Rather than attacking perpetual war, organize a coalition of local initiatives for better way to spend the fiat dollar and simultaneously improve local employment and local welfare.
I would start with infrastructure and education.
@James Speaks: The gist in my comparison of the US to Russia circa 2000 is that our futures are not set in stone.
Beyond the Bigs that you mentioned, we have Big Banking, Big Pharma. Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Tech, Big Media at al all unduly influencing our policy. I’m old enough to remember when Ma Bell (now ATT) was broken up by the government into “Baby Bells”. Nowadays the trend is for “to big to fail” with full support of the government. Whatever happened to antitrust laws?
Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.
—Sherman Act 1890
As to the MIC, procurement contracts are now spread out among all the States so that any attempt to rein in spending is met with resistance (jobs, jobs!).
Gabbard’s approach and logic is that none of the things you mention (spending on education, infrastructure) …. and there are many more that could be added, are possible with trillions being spent on useless, perpetual wars. She chose that as her starting point and I, for one, agree with that.
Its amazing to me ow the “Highway Lobby” has totally disappeared from our public discourse on special interests and big lobbies. Its still there, and has discovered a miraculous means of becoming invisible. Would love to see some enterprising, energetic journalist resurrect discussion on this harmful lobby. As to Tulsi I’ve done a screeching 180 and no longer support her after she demonstrated fealty to AIPAC folks. Her vote on BDS saddened and shocked me!!
As well as the MIC, there is also the FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) parasites, who control the increasingly financialised US economy. These blood-suckers siphon off more and more wealth, leaving the population heavily indebted, whereupon their blood is sucked through outrageous interest rates (up to hundreds of per cent p.a. for the pay-day lending hyper-parasites)while the leeches get their money for free, more or less, from the privately owned Federal Reserve. Parasitism was never more easy or lucrative. And then there is the US ‘health’ system, in reality a ‘health insurance’ system that simply destroys millions of people, killing not a few, and leaving tens of millions sucked dry. This in a country that insanely declares itself the moral exemplar for all of humanity.
Russia in 2000 was ten years out from the sort of economic and societal collapse that I’m afraid still awaits the US.
It is a credit to you to recognize banks and corporations control US foreign policy. It is tragic that you do not recognize the bankers embezzle money from the government using the Federal Reserve system. Ref.
The GAO has authority to audit the FRBNY’s handling of government money (as fiscal agent) from the auctions of Treasury securities. They never have. [The GAO has reviewed the security handling of those accounts—but no audit,] Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.
Tulsi’s true colors have been shining brightly long before the BDS vote. How can she call herself anti war while funding Ukraine’s illegal overthrow and supporting illegal sanctions on Russia ??
Tulsi, like all the other clowns claiming they are running for office, is just the latest edition of the dog and pony show put on for the entertainment of dumbed down Americans.
The only difference between the repubs and dems is the billionaire calling the shots. The same politicians that hand over billion dollar no BID CONTRACTS to defense contractors are also personally invested in those same defense contractors.
Trump is Obama 2.0 Same Agenda Same End Game
Trump is the personal btch of Netanutjob and Sheldon Adelson and neither of them give a damn about Americans, at least the nonJewish Americans.
Bolton &Trump Exposed
Trump is a Talmudic Kabbalahist. If re-elected he will enact the Noahide laws. Rabbis are already talking about there should be an antisemitic warning put on the New Testament.
The Noahide Deception
@Larchmonter 445
Her name has been removed from the CFR roster.
Christine Marais
I was expecting this. Both the CFR and Tulsi made a huge mistake by placing having her name on the Roster. Too late. The damage has been done. She was exposed.
“Elite for the elite.” And which Western civilization country (minimally) wasn’t ?
Fully agree with your comment, especially the line “if she really wants to stop wars, particularly the ME wars, she has to fight to stop Israel…. so she ran away from her one big issue” Yes, yes, and yes. How many more kiddies shot and murdered in Palestine? How many more families evicted from their homes? How many more people in wheelchairs shot? Unarmed protesters? On and on this carnage and barbarity in Palestine goes. And Tulsi Gabbard looked the other way.
Re Tulsi’s membership, I read online somewhere about a month ago that one’s name is automatically added to the CFR roster and you have to request to have it removed, i.e., you’re in until you “opt out.”
Tulsi called Dr. Assad a brutal dictator, that after meeting with the terra in syriaa. A BIG lie. She believes that an Arab in a cave in Afghan shut own the 1/2T$ US air defense with his laptop, then had his L pilot, who couldn’t solo a Cessna 172 with 600 logged hours, fly a hologram into a massive box steel structure building. He flew so well, that at an accute angle, at 500mph, instead of bouncing off like a mozzie off a net, his hologram cut through like a hot knife into butter. This was all executed so well that the millions of tons of remains could be removed overnight in 4 hours instead of taking 4 years. Hologram?
Not forgetting Tulsi met with the Syr. terrs then termed Dr Assad a brutal dictator, nor that she believes an An Arab in a cave in Afghan shut down the 1/2T$ US air defenses with his laptop, then had his L pilot, who couldn’t solo a Cessna 172 with 600 logged hours fly a hologram into a massive box steel structure building, and cut into it like a hot knife through butter. The job was so well done that the millions of tons of rubble could removed overnight instead of taking 4 years. Hoolgram? Good ruck, Amellica say the Ch.
The resolution in question makes no mention of Israel or of BDS.
The now defeated resolution was a “sense of the House” resolution that by its carefully chosen language did no more than publicly avow that this Congress affirms the rights of U.S. Citizens to exercise their First Amm. right to use the boycott tactic as a valid expression of political belief and action.
I mean, really. How hard is it to go on TV and persuade people that this is a good resolution? The worst you can say about it is that it would impose cognitive dissonance within these minions of our overlords.
Is my post verboten?
apparently not.
even though this one should have been :-).
No one who openly advocates “doing the right thing” with regard to dismantling the MIC and standing up to Israel can or will ever be elected. We should stop expecting Joan of Arc or Superman to show up and save us from ourselves.
I do believe that Tulsi, or Bernie for that matter, would reverse some of the current bout of corporate feeding frenzy and anti science/anti education policies that are currently decimating domestic politics and policy, but there will not be an abrupt change in direction without a catastrophe or revolution to initiate it. A reverse 9-11 if you will. There would have to be widespread, vocal, and insistent support from the public at large for even a modest change in direction. A charismatic and articulate spoksperson can help, but is not sufficient.
Bernie voted in support of the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006.
Then during the last election, he did not say anything about the DNC screwing him out of his nomination, but he did ask for a recount against TRUMP!
This time around, he announced his candidacy AFTER Gabbard did.
Sanders is the ultimate fake imnsho
Sanders is an old and increasingly mangy sheep-dog. I doubt that the suckers will fall for his con-trick again. A Harris or Biden nomination will see massive abstention, like last time, as many as 2016 if it’s Biden, and a Trump win. Harris might con enough to vote and fall over the line, and then you’ll have a trans-gender horror, part Obama, part Hillary, and all ‘business as usual’.
IMO, When Bernie entered the 2016 election, he “may ” have had good intentions. However, I do not believe he kept those good intentions for long. The DNC knew Hillary was a lost cause, needed funding and saw Bernie as their Man . Bernie was collecting more then Hillary or the DNC. Bernie decided to throw his supporters under the DNC/Clinton Campaign Bus, write a book, buy a bigger home and do what American Politicians do best,
give the American people the middle finger and then get in line and wait his turn to give Netanutjob a BJ.
Things worked so good in 2016,
the DNC decided to use the same blueprint this election, only supersize it. Which explains the ridiculous line up of dems pretending to run for president. The DNC takes control of all donations and then decides who can and can not run
If I live until the 2024 elections, I plan to start raising money early if Cynthia McKinney agrees to run. If the US also stays alive til then.
Israel’s occupation of Palestine pales in comparison to its smothering and ever tightning chokehold on the United States.
All US politicians starting from lowly county and state officials all the way up to the office of the president are requried to swear allegiance to Israel and pledge unconditional support to it.
Its obscene, but this is the reality that confronts Americans.
The governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, who has signed legislation to outlaw BDS in the state, recently convened a meeting of his cabinet in Israel.
Not in Tellahassee, in Israel.
While there, the governor – who has presidential ambitions – doubled down on his support for Israel and reassured Israelis that his support is unconditional.
The former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley – in reality she spent 99% of her time while there representing Israel – was also in Israel recently and while there she met with Miriam Adelson and Israeli officials and she was presented as a 2024 contender for the White House.
Below is the headline from Haaretz about her visit :
“In Israel, With Netanyahu at Her Side, Miriam Adelson Places Her Bet for 2024 – if Not Sooner”
Jewish control over US politicians and US government policy, especially in matters relating to the Middle East is total and complete.
But this comes it a price.
Yet no one is allowed to point out this fact, for fear of being denounced as “anti-semetic”
America’s endless wars in the region is as a direct result of its unconditional support for Israel.
Therefore, if the lady wishes to end these wars, one of the first thing to confront and change is the unconditional support to Israel.
If this is not done, then her campaign is a sham, and those who support her will be disappointed
The US Congress is still busy weeping and wailing about “Russian interferance” and continues to hold hearings in this regard.
Today Mueller was hauled in for questioning, for failing to deliver a clear indictment against Trump and his Russian enablers.
Yet Israel, not Russia, is the country that interferes in US politics and elections.
But no US politician dares to point out this fact.
Remember what happened to Ilhan Omar recently when she spoke out about the “Benjamins”?
Almost the entire Congress led by Nancy Pelosi denounced her.
Bcause how dare she throw shade at their beloved Israel.
Just bear this in mind : Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley did not go to Moscow to curry favor with the Kremlin with an eye on a later run for the office of US president.
No, they went to Israel, because that is where you will find those who can interfere in the internal affairs of the US, but with impunity.
I dare the US Congress to convene a hearing into the corrosive influence of Israel and its supporters in the US.
I can’t think of any equivalent example from history where one tiny ‘community’ has controlled a gigantic Empire through straight bribery and suborning, but they may exist. But surely there cannot have been a situation where this reality is simply denied, if it is ever raised in public discourse, which it isn’t. Simply Kafkaesque.
Have you tried Rome 1.0, and even more so, the 2.0 version: The Vatican?
Mulga, who bankrolled Englands rape of the people of the planet and their countries for the last 350 years? Bad example?
Some here called Tulsi the ‘great hope’, finding out perhaps they are the ‘great dopes’ (no offence to pot smokers) but once CFR is attached to your resume you are a genocidal mass murderer in waiting. Dress the pig however you like, it’s still a ziopig!
At at risk of being repeatisious(sp?), why does anyone think that the US is bending overbackwards to stop the BDS. Easy question, no? Because the Apartheid Ocupation Of Palestine knows that the only way they lose is lack of scheckles……………’s all about the Boycott people. Oh, and it’s much safer than protesting relentlessly without result (well, lots of maimed people, not sure if that’s the best result).
US teachers are now required to swear loyalty oaths to Israel on pain of instant dismissal.
It’s only a matter of time before this is extended to primary school children.
Hurricane victims seeking assistance are required to swear similar loyalty oaths to Israel.
Criticising Israel now carries 20 years’ imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.
You only have to view the tawdry and degrading spectacle of Netanyahu’s address to Congress, with US politicians jumping up and down like trained seals to give Netanyahu standing ovations every time he so much as breaks wind, for ample proof that the US is now just a Jewocracy – rule of the Jews, by the Jews, for the Jews.
The stupid stooge in Texas, Abbott, swore the same alliegance a couple of months ago.
And a two bit town called Georgetown near Austin, TX will ban you from public contracts if you don’t swear alliegance to the star. (not the spangled one).
I differ from you only, mark, in believing that it is rule by, of and for the Jewish elites. Jewry itself is quite diverse, with an elite of blood-sucking supremacists, the millennial Mafia that perfected its modus operandi of subversion and parasitism over many centuries, at the top. Then the bulk of Jewry are mostly happy collaborators, out of social solidarity and fear of ostracism (not long ago it was often deadly to be an apostate Jew), and many non-conformists, seen leading socialist opposition to capitalism, or, as with the neo-conservatives, leading the USA’s war on the rest of humanity. And then there are the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Talmudic lunatics, whose hatred of the goyim is unbounded.
In fact, in the Diaspora, particularly among the young, there is growing distaste for Zionazism and Israel, pretty understandable given that both are manifestations of racist and supremacist Evil, reminiscent of other racist tyrannies throughout history.
You start out saying “Jewry itself is quite diverse”, then you say “…the bulk of Jewry are mostly happy collaborators”. So I’m not sure that’s a distinction worth making. If the “diversity” still requires collaboration out of “fear of ostracism”, what does that matter to a goy? The fact remains that the “bulk of Jewry” supports the Zionist policies, no matter the reasons for it. Yes, some of those “diverse” groups’ policies differ in their emphasis or objectives, but that doesn’t obscure the fact that most of said policies are poisonous.
Of course not every Jew is an elite bent on Zio control of the everything. They don’t have to be. To paraphrase, “All that is needed for ZOG to succeed is for ordinary Jews to say nothing”. There are a few notable Jewish voices expressing outrage at the actions of the Zionists in their midst, but they are a tiny minority of politically impotent characters. I would suggest that it is likely that even some of them are controlled opposition.
I agree that the bulk, but a diminishing majority, of Jews, go along with Zionazism and Israel. This undoubtedly grows out of a number of causes. First is ordinary communal solidarity that you see in most tribes and other such groups. It is reminiscent of US ‘patriotism’ which is really mostly an unthinking chauvinism and jingoism.
Secondly Jews are the inheritors of 3500 years of fierce group solidarity, endogamy and hostility to the goyim. That is the essence of Judaism up until the emancipation of the Jews beginning, I suppose, with Napoleon. However the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox and those secular fascists inspired by Talmudic dogma, still revile and despise the goyim. This, of course, is the greatest root cause of all the disputes and conflicts between Jews and the goyim over history.
Third, the Jews, in a great majority I would say, are still haunted by the Nazi Judeocide. When others set out to kill as many of your people, young and old, as possible, it must have great consequences on any community, even including epigenetic effects. I would say that it is just as true of Native Americans and Canadians, Indigenous Australians, Roma and Sinti persecuted during WW2 and the Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan and Libyan victims of US barbarity, and, of course, of the Palestinians. The great difference, however, is that the Jewish elites have turned their suffering into a compulsory quasi-religion, ‘The Holocaust’, throughout the West, and, detestably, as an excuse for Israel’s brutal aggression and hatred of its victims, in my opinion a truly despicable insult to the memory of the victims of the Nazis. But even that travesty has grown out of understandable feelings of the Jewish survivors of the 40s and 50s, that of heightened hatred of the goyim, mixed with existential fear and dread. But those excuses for Israel’s crimes against humanity have long reached their use by date, and unless the Zionazis somehow repudiate the aggression of Jabotinsky style Zionism, which I see as Nazism for Jews, then they will bring another catastrophe down on their own heads, and those of the rest of us.
I really think that the only way out is to express a robust hatred of Zionazism and creatures like Bibi, while at the same time appealing to sane and decent Jews to do something to disempower the racists, fascists and supremacists in their society, before it’s too late for us all.
Dear Congresswoman Gabbard,
Perhaps this is not the right time to run for president. A better strategy may be to run for the Senate where you’ll have six years in office and greater visibility with the media and the American people. You are relatively young so be patient.
Тише едешь — дальше будешь.(Ride slower, advance further).
Тише едешь — дальше будешь.(Ride slower, advance further).
Indeed. But the problem is not that Gabbard is advancing slowly, but that she is advancing in the wrong direction…
Szolj igazat – betörik a fejed (Tell the truth – your head will break)
Hungarian saying
The latin version is ‘festina lente’, make haste slowly.
The outlawing of ALL criticism of Israel or any Jew, anywhere, as ‘antisemitism’, and its inevitable criminalisation, as in the French slave state, is just the beginning. A perennial aspect of Judaic power hunger, and one that contributes to the animosity between some Jews and some goyim over the millennia, is the drive to dominate the goyim. More power is never enough, and, as sure as night follows day, ‘loyalty oaths’ to Israel will eventually arise, like those quasi-oaths already demanded in some US states, qas a prerequisite of employment, pledging not to oppose Israel in any way.
As Gabbard so Corbyn: does not have what it takes. Corbyn has caved in, and issued a directive to the British Labour Party: pointing to Israeli Mossad agents caught red handed on 911 is anti-Jewish; criticism of Zio Capitalists is anti-Jewish; criticism of Capitalism is a cover for hatred of Judaism. More perversions of the truth by Corbyn and more suppression of her natural feelings against injustice by Gabbard will follow their little surrenders.
Don’t worry about Corbyn-he’ll never be allowed to win, come what may. His vile groveling and treachery to old comrades, ALL long-term and real anti-racists, (unlike the virulently racist Zionazi lynch-mob), like Williamson, Livingstone and Wadsworth, has been DESPICABLE. And did it deliver any surcease of the lying, vilifying, hysterical Zionazi lynch-mob? Not on your life. As ever these deranged creatures, who thrive on hatred, have only grown more and more deranged and demanding.
They’ll never stop until Corbyn’s head is on a silver platter. I treat mainstream politicians like I treat mainstream news. Avoid them like the plague. Who has the Real power in the World anyway? I assume (?) you’ve seen the UK version of The Lobby? Vileness personified in bucketloads. You’re right, this screeching fraud is going to go on and on and its a wonder they havn’t looked at criminalising BDS or support for Palestinians in Australia. With Morrison, Dutton, Porter and a few other crypto fascists in Govt, I think it’s only a matter of time.
So let me get this straight. In the so-called party of patriots, defending liberty against foreign hordes of SJW’s only ONE congressman voted against this abomination of a bill ! For over 30 years, neo-confederates have always been fakers. The party of family values and fiscal responsability elected a degenerate clown who just busted the deficit as far as the eyes can see… Everything Chump touches turns to shit, he bankrupted every single one of his business ventures and it appears the United States of America is next (so says senator Warren), I’m sure the front goy will be handsomely rewarded once the dead republic enters receivership. His judiciary nominations are furthering the agenda of unitary executive and rule by decree, but not a peep from patriotic Maga maggots. So much winning, deplorables must be over the moon.
Sol, that is PRECISELY why Trump is so magnificent. He is the Final Trump, as they say, ushering in the Big Sleep for the lunatic asylum cum global death-squad that is the US of A.
What bill are you talking about, Sol?
Seventeen voted against the anti-BDS resolution (not a bill, actually, so it’s not a law. And a few more voted Present (an abstention). Not great but better than 1.
One Republican vote!
And she’s still a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
What if one is buying time to get some strength and influence? I know this is a dodgy leg to stand on but what are the choices? Expose your true intentions and end up with a sudden, incurable cancer, or some other debilitating condition? Or your reputation might get so bashed that there will be no chance of getting a janitor position at a railway station?! Just thinking out loud.
Andre My Orthodox Brother,
At this point only Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself could save the United States of America. As it is there is barely anything left of the old America and I’m not really certain how much of the Old America I got to see. I was born in 81. My vision of America was mostly through the stories of my Grandparents and Parents. Todays America hardly resembles THAT AMERICA.
Aint nobody coming to save nothing, taking and taking perhaps as with lives and stuff but if you want a savior, try to make one out of your self, and even then you’ll see that it don’t pay.
Douglas Reed who wrote ‘The controversy of Zion’ wrote another excellent book called ‘Far and Wide’ on his travels around the USA in the 1940s. It’s another great read if also another painful dissection of the terrible influence of the tribe on the joint. You can download free.
I guess my Hope is, because we should be all in Hope and Pray mode these days, that she is just wise and picking her battles. Say goodbye to Any candidate who defies the jews during the campaign… If she had voted agsinst the resolution in the meme, she would not only be an Assad apologist but also Putin apologist…
How much did Putin speak agsinst Berezovski, other oligarchs, jews or anything before he became president. Lets just Hope its tactics, strategy… Who Else to Pray for? (i wish she was a Christian, not a Hindu btw… But I still Pray for Tulsi).
“Everything else is Realpolitik and nothing is more real than Zionists controlling the politics and legislation in Washington”.
Americans continually amaze me with their weird blend of idealism and cynicism. If Major Gabbard aims to become President, she cannot afford to profess more than a very few unpopular or controversial views.
Ending the USA’s perpetual state of war is quite enough for one President to aim at. Assuming for the purpose of argument that the US government has been taken over by external powers, you can’t reasonably expect one single person to fix that problem.
Politics really is the art of the possible. If you insist on perfection in a candidate, all you will be accomplishing is to make that candidate unelectable.
What the USA really needs is a new constitution, and only the people as a whole can bring that about. In the meantime, Americans should be extremely grateful for a candidate who explicitly proposes to stop the wars.
Gabbard’s role is to keep progressives and actual leftists from abandoning the War with Iran is inevitable. IE: she is controlled opposition, pindo style.
Controlled opposition — perhaps.
It’s certain her role was to capture Pawn Tim Ryan and knock him out of the race.
Ryan opened his campaign on the Main Street of Jim Traficant’s (RIP) hometown.
At the rally, dozens of fliers were handed around that said, #Zionism on the Ballot.
Ryan saw them. His son and one of his campaign staffers read the flier.
Someone asked Ryan if he would raise the issue of Zionism in the course of his campaign.
He heard the question — you could tell by his Deer-in-the-headlights reaction, but he ducked it.
I’m sorry Saker, but this was as predictable as sliced bread. I wanted to make a comment awhile ago that it’ll just be a repeat of Hopey Changey Obama. Why put your faith in any politicians in the United States?
Who has the Real power in the U.S? Bluntly, who pulls the puppet strings? However, I do agree that the American political system is ‘unreformable’.
I’m sure Tulsi Gabbard is a nice person, but anyone who genuinely threatens the power and wealth of those at the very top will end up like JFK.
What’s rather curious here, the folks that make those sort of headlines are inordinately women. Female of the species. Coincidence? Once or twice maybe coincidence, thrice or more indicates pre-planning or subtle programming.
So what happened to the men?
Let’s do a hyphothetical and let’s imagine Tulsi Gabbard is a man. Male of the species.
Assuming the same deeds, what would change (in terms of reaction) and why?
Spot on, Saker. Gabbard’s made a cynical bet to keep the Zionists off her tail (she thinks) but what they know is that endless US wars are great for Israel. They understand that she’s an enemy. She’s already undermined her core issue and let many of her supporters down with this BDS vote. (Rand Paul did a similar thing when he ran.) She’s apparently clueless as to Zionist viciousness. Who does she think is responsible for the hostility of the interviewers on every one of her Zionized corporate media appearances? Over the next few years, she, Omar, Tlaib and AOC will be gerrymandered, smeared and driven from office — unless they start singing Israel’s tune. It’s never not worked. See Paul Findley’s book They Dare to Speak Out. Gabbard may have dodged bullets in Iraq but she can’t dodge shekels.
Hi Saker!
This article was written just over 24 hours (may be less than 24 hours) after the vote. From my recollection, The Saker has only written one other article about Tulsi Gabbard from the beginning of the year. And even in that article The Saker was very cautious and did not give a full support of Gabbard. Rightfully, so I might add.
And from various other articles The Saker has written, for example, in defense of Russian government’s strategy in Syria, he has wisely decided to wait for facts to emerge before commenting on incidents. Despite a barrage of E-Mails which he had been receiving, accusing the Russian government of somehow selling out the Syrians by letting Israel continue to bomb the country.
But this response to the vote about BDS, involving Tulsi Gabbard, is uncharacteristically quick and harsh, with all due respect. Give it time! Let the facts come out! Hear what Tulsi Gabbard has to say for herself, before coming to a judgement.
I am not saying that the conclusion is wrong and Tulsi Gabbard should not be condemned for her actions. But just wait a few days. There are enough outlets on the Internet already complaining about her actions. You do not need to join the chorus. Wait a few days, see what pans out. And then jump on her case ;-).
(Please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors)
With love!
Grand Inquisitor
Fair enough!
If in a few days new facts come out, say that maybe she did not vote in support of that bill after all, I will gladly mention it here and even post a retraction if that is warranted.
Tulsi has signed the pledge and is used to the red carpet treatment at Zionist affairs – give up on her. Here’s just the quickest search
As worrisome as the occupation of Palestine by Israel, is the occupation of the United States Congress by Zionism. The reasons are obvious and they don’t need to be detailed.
A relentless, ruthless and viscious, no holds barred campaign is being waged by Israel and its supporters to bring Corbyn to his knees.
His unforgivable crime?
Wanting Britain to demonstrate objectivity in dealing with Israel and its neighbors.
But Israel does not want objectivity, what it wants is subjugation.
Israel demands unconditional support from anyone aspiring to enter 10 Downing Street, and here in lies Corbyn’s problem.
They have deployed the toxic smear of “anti-semitism” against him for sometime now, and they have sought on several occasions to engineer his ouster from the leadership of the Labor Party
Initially Corbyn fought back, but he has started to retreat and compromise.
He wants to believe that if he keeps quite and bides his time, the villification and harassment will cease and he will be given a chance.
Poor thing does not realize that only his complete surrender will satisfy Israel.
Until he visits the Wailing Wall and dons a kippa and denounce Hezbollah, Iran and the Palestinians, he will never be allowed to set foot in Number 10 Downing Street.
That is just an unpleasant fact.
Any presidential candidate supporting bds would be toast. We all know that so why try and make it a litmus test?
Gabbard’s core platform of stopping endless wars is precisely what is needed. And, if you’re so inclined to frame things in a cui bono vis a vis Israel reference, that platform is as anti-Israel as it gets.
What’s in a name?
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
You can call it a rose
But you can’t fill my nose
…we say here in Buenos Aires: “… es una linda mina, lástima que mostró la hilacha..!”
It´s some like that: “It’s a pretty girl, too bad that the loose thread she showed”, meaning that she revealed her real nature.
I agree with you, oh, “Noble Bird”. It´s sad.
Poor American people… …and poor world.
Many thanks.
Mikhail, please give my eternal love to the wonderful city of Buenos-Aires and her people whom I miss every day :-)
Support of Israel and stopping wars is a contridiction. Let us note that both Obama and Trump ran on the same campaign issue for peace that Ms Gubbard is running on, and look what happened. We need not get fooled agian.
Her recent vote is a nail in her political coffin as she just shuttered out thoses who would have voted for her.
Meet the real Trump and his handlers
Trump. 9/11, truth part 1
Pt 2
Gabbard might be useful on some issues. But please, everyone, let’s dispense with the delusion that she might be a “nice person” or some other such nonsense. Nobody in the USA accedes to any political position beyond small-town city councilperson without a high degree of ruthlessness, if not outright sociopathy.
Tulsi Gabbard has been promoted by Mafia media a wee bit too much over the last few years. Even her ‘Hindu’ wedding made not only headlines, but gave the opportunity for lovely photo stories, and most likely, started a new global trend…
Without knowing anything about Tulsi, I assume the Mafia has great plans for her, and chances are, that we will hear more of her in the coming years. In what role, on what assignment, is anyone’s guess.
What, by conventional wisdom, is needed so that “full sovereignty” might be restored?—Revolution! And not just any flag and slogan waving revolt, but an absolute one; complete and utter change of the body politic only, and with change being to weak a word nowadays thanks to the unchanging change of daily political devolution, a better word might be —miracle.
Plato said, in various places, that no state revolution is possible without first a dissension occurring in the ruling class. There is no tangible dissension here, besides the boorish one of low principles and universal despotism.
Nice piece. Saudi America, Israel, the ruling corpocracy and the MIC have a death grip on a deeply divided, brainwashed population, ably managed by the MSM, UK is heading the same way, and quickly (although I would argue the younger populace in the UK are a building voice of actionable discontent mostly surrounding climate change and other traditional lefty issues)
Perhaps you are being over critical of Tulsi so soon. My guess is that she is contesting the Democratic nomination for the top job so she may just be keeping her powder dry. There is little point in her alienating some potential support by going completely against the main stream narrative at this point in time. I have watched interviews with her and she is adamant that the Yanks must talk to Moscow to avoid all out conflict and she consistently argues that all American troops be brought home and a large amount of defense spending be directed to social issues in the US.
It will be when, (if) she wins the Presidency, we will see the true Tulsi Gabbard and I am betting she will do everything in her power then to normalise American/Russian relations via diplomacy and end the many wars they started.
Just a thought!
maybe and I sure hope that I am 100% wrong!
Saker, You’ll want to know China has published a new White Paper Defense Doctrine. This Global Times article summarizes and provides highlights of the new policy. You’ll see it’s rather the opposite of the Outlaw US Empire’s policy and likely far more honest.
Here’s the text of the bill. As you can see, it immediately posits a lie: “Whereas the democratic, Jewish State of Israel…” That lie is the leading point in all Pro-Occupied Palestine Propaganda. It thus falsifies much of what follows. That such a large number of Congresscritters endorse the lie is despicable and embarrassing. IMO, Gabbard was a fool to vote on this as she just lost a substantial amount of potential support. And after her support for Puerto Ricans she does an about-face and condemns one of the best methods of improving the lot of another colonized and brutalized people. I simply cannot stand for that and will withdraw my support for her candidacy.
I should append the following to my comment:
One of the big unanswered questions about her candidacy was her views on Palestine, and now we know–she supports the ongoing war being waged on the Palestinian people which makes a mockery of her campaign promise to end regime change wars.
Gabbard also voted for the $1.48 Trillion Defense Budget, which was truly “Unprecedented, Wasteful, and Obscene.” The Roll Call reveals this was a D-Party project compromising many so-called Progressives. My rep voted against for a change, which was nice to see. That the D-Party’s full of shit was made clear:
“Stephen Miles, executive director of Win Without War, took issue with the latter claim in a series of tweets Thursday.
“‘You’re no doubt hearing a lot of crowing from Democrats about how the deal they struck with Trump gives more money to ‘non-defense’ spending than to ‘defense,'” Miles wrote. “Let’s be clear that by every measure, save the one they’re using, that’s simply not true.’
“‘Under this deal, the Pentagon and its affiliated programs will get $1.48 trillion over the next two years. The entire rest of gov’t, including the VA btw, will get $1.30 trillion. That’s $178.6 billion more for the Pentagon than the whole rest of gov’t,’ Miles wrote. ‘So, for the love of god, can we all stop pretending like this is somehow anything other than a continued orgy of unprecedented, wasteful, and obscene spending at the Pentagon.'”
So, on the questions of Palestine and wasting money on war–yes, Gabbard voted in favor as did AOC–the putrid smell emanating from Depravity Central became yet more odious as if that were possible. Now it’s off to the Senate where Sanders could score some points by coming out against, but I’m not going to hold my breath
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the Will of God and America is big enough to take the hit. So we can do it again and again and again. That is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
It shows she was, is and always will be a cfr recruit. End of story. Nice act. Obama had it. Maybe it is referred to as the “Hawaiian approach” in the dens of power.
What’s worse, I think it was highly consequential for the Assads to meet with her. The darkest forces hide under the best covers.
So she isn’t the Noble Warrior we all wanted her to be. You should keep in mind, Saker, that when it comes to relationships with others you should always try to take what you can get out of every person and not try to force them to be something they aren’t.
Tulsi is good for calling out endless wars and for calling out America’s blatant support of Al-Qaeda in Syria.
She isn’t ready to take on Israel? Well, fine. But she is still doing *something*, and I don’t think we should count her out completely over it or label her as a Zionist-controlled agent just yet.
I personally think she is naive and does not fully understand the threat she is up against. I don’t think she understands how truly evil Israel is or how evil the Neocons actually are. Perhaps if she understood, she would change her tune. But I don’t think it is because she has been under their influence from the get-go like many of her detractors will use this article to claim. She is naive, and yet to be convinced of some things. That will take time.
I am an individual who will one day be working with Tulsi Gabbard directly. I will bring up these issues with her directly, to her face, and gauge her reaction. Then I will judge. Not a moment before.
How soon is that one day? While the commenters here all seem to focus on the BDS vote – which is a non-binding resolution, and as such only optics – my greater concern was her vote (in 2014) to arm Ukraine and thus her total lack of comprehension. Or that’s what I hope, because if she did really understand the Kiev coup, the Crimean vote, the Odessa fire, etc., and still voted to arm Poroshenko, that would be really treacherous.
Even in Syria, while she calls to stop arming terrorists, she still blamed Assad for chem. attacks, etc., which means she must not understand how to parse CIA reports that subtly admit they have no real evidence. Or what are they telling her in those closed door committee meetings?
Votes are tricky. What else was in the bill? If her vote made no difference, was it go along to get along? Although that really shits in the case of Ukraine. Every deceit like that makes it less possible for citizen voters to learn what’s really going on. Same with all the little remarks: brutal dictator here, aggression there. It’s a dirty business.
She isn’t perfect. As I said, I will be working with her directly over the next several years. I will see if her mind can be changed on these topics, and if possible, I will enlighten her. If she proves to be fake, and I will know for sure one way or the other, then I will move on from her and change tactics.
Unfortunately the universe has put me into a position where I am being forced to become involved with American politics. I know it’s for the best, but it is a big strain on me. I am in the process of obtaining wealth, power, support, and eventually I will be put into a position where I will become personally involved in the future of this country.
Right now I still consider Tulsi to be a possible ally. I will help her ascend to the throne when the time comes, if she proves worthy. If not, I will act in other ways.
Either way, The Saker has been a truly invaluable resource for me and our common cause.
She got so much flak about the BDS vote that she’s made a little video to address it – – -but sadly inadequate, just repeating the stale talking points that we know are BS, and she looks uncomfortable saying it. But the good thing, she’s getting lots of critical feedback under the youtube – – – maybe it will help.
We are 2 anonymous writers on the web. If you really will be working with her, I hope you’ll bring a red pill. If so, it’s not unfortunate, it’s a gift from the universe.
Confused-I am.Very much so.Who or what does ANTI -SEMITE refer? If semite refers to one of the following- racial-ethnic cultural and or native Arabic-Amharic and Tigrinya- Hebrew languages practitioners etc.How is it that JEWS have a MONOPOLY on this ANTISEMITISM industry ? Aren’t they ARABS (Palestinians) a semitic people too? So how is it that when one stands up FOR the Palestinians-who are being discriminated against oppressed-and murdered being driven off their lands-HOW IS ONE BEING anti-semitic? Jews committing atrocities Palestinians-no objections or criticisms-is to be had-WHY? How is it that there is no antisemitism noise when people call out the atrocities against Yemenis-being committed by the Saudi coalition? Are Saudis Semites? Are Qataris semites? Were the WHITES who called out the Whites of apartheid South Africa-those stood up against the apartheid system-were/are they RACIST? Were they whites-anti Caucasian? Help me please.Peace
You must know the joke, allegedly made by an elderly Jewish survivor of the Nazi Judeocide-‘An ‘antisemite’ used to be someone who hated the Jews, but today it is someone hated by the Jews’.
Perhaps the reason Tulsi Gabbard isn’t named among those BDS is she is trying to win the presidency. It’s interesting how myopic Identity politics leaves it victims. Why throw the baby out with the bath water? To be sure there is a wide array of political issues that are deserving and “righteous”, but just as sure, there will not be a winning candidate that can appease everyone.
I think it’s too late for the USA. Money, MIC, Wallstreet, banks, corporations and Israel have had the power for too long now, the Deep State is firmly in power. And to this an election system in shambles.
It might happen if they go bankrupt and we have a recession, but that will be a real mess.
Sorry guys!
Brandon Smith has posted an enlightening article about Trump and Tulsi. Good read.
I like Tulsi a lot. With this send she will probably run for the Presidency as an Independent, split the Democratic vote and hand Trump another term. It the Democrats roll out Biden, Trump won’t need this, but if they do roll out Biden an Tulsi does this, Trump wins by a landslide.
Even so. Biden is a death-wish for the Democrats, but Trump is working for the elites and Holy Israel, who control BOTH ‘parties'(really factions)so the DNC will probably run dead, ie nominate Biden.
On July 12, seven Democratic representatives quietly voted against an amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act prohibiting “unauthorized military force in or against Iran.” Introduced by Reps. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) in the midst of the Trump administration’s escalating provocations toward Iran, the amendment ultimately was approved 251-170. By voting against it, these Democrats were placing themselves in the most hawkish wing of the Democratic Party.
One of the democrats was the zionist servant,Tulsi Gabbard, who voted NO for this bill, along known zionist warmongers such as:
Josh Gottheimer, Tom O’Halleran (ariz), Stephanie Murphy (Fla) and Henry Cuellar (Texas) who have been courted by Lobbyists for Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE, voted against the bill and for A ZIONIST PROXY WAR.
It is obvious that Tulsi Gabbard, like Trump a jewish mafia member, is a warmonger. Her vote against BSD proves that she is a zionist agent.
Don’t believe the words of this racist zionist Hindi, Gabbard, the warmonger who is voting to serve the interest of the zionist expansionists against Muslims, Palestinians and Iran.
{{{{Gabbard voted against an amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act prohibiting “unauthorized military force in or against Iran.}}}}
Even zionist warmonger and anti Trump, Adam Schiff, voted YES, but pathological liar Gabbard went against the bill and for the war, and voted NO.
She is a member of the Evil Empire policy making, the council on Foreign relations.
It says she abstained, and did not vote either for or against this bill. Get out of here with your lies and hyperbole.
Your own link shows Gabbard as “not voting”.
What you say about her voting against is untrue.
Sorry about that. I made a mistake. But why an anti war candidate, Gabbard, should abstained. To me is a the same as she voted NO.
It is the same when Russia and China abstained and let the US/NATO to destroy Libya.
You have nothing to show that she is not a warmonger. Trump during his campaign lied and said that he was against the wars, and do business with every country, but look at this clown now.
Why Gabbard cannot show her true face?
No, you’re not sorry. You’re the one with the evil face. The amendment passed by a huge margin. There are plenty of reasons a Rep. might not show up to vote if it’s not needed. Russia and China abstention is ludicrous comparison.
Your link said she did not vote. I take that to mean she wasn’t there. Since she’s a presidential candidate, likely she was out campaigning.
My question is where does she stand on Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon? She claims to be against an unnecessary Iran war and supports the JCPOA, right? But she is also for “fighting terrorism”. Well, the US claims Hezbollah is a “terrorist group”. Would she support the US joining Israel in attacking Hezbollah again if there some incident at the border?
The US claims Iran is the “biggest state sponsor of terrorism” (nonsensical at that is.) Would she support attacking Iran if Israel or the CIA can foment some incident? What happens if Trump starts seizing Iranian oil tankers pursuant to his goal of stopping all Iranian oil shipments? And then Iran closes the Straits. The US Navy fires on Iranian navy ships mining the Gulf or Straits. Iran fires back and US sailors die. Does she then – as a military person herself – “support the troops” and go along with an Iran war?
The bottom line question: Does she want to President enough to lie and violate her alleged principles like every other politician who ever ran for that office?
Not that I think she has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the nomination anyway. But I was wrong about that with Trump. On the other hand, she has no big money backing her like Trump did AFAIK.
As you well know, the Outlaw US Empire is the #1 Terrorist state on the planet run by the CIA, which constitutes a Domestic Enemy she swore to fight against. Do you see her doing anything to uphold her oath as a member of the US Military or as a member of Congress? She was issued a clearly illegal order yet complied again violating her oath of service. Gabbard clearly has moral and ethical issues and apparently has no understanding of the Constitution she swore to uphold and defend. Soon after she announced her candidacy, I wrote her about those last series of issues and have yet to get a response from her or her staff. She might become wiser as she matures.
Sadly . . . I totally agree
I can NOT believe people actually fell for this Tulsi Gabbard bullshit/story/fable/obfuscation…
Ya DO NOT get into the Halls of Power without being vetted (secret) by the Uber Psychos and kissing ALOT of Ashkenazi a$$…
Tulsi G is NO different. Just ANOTHER soul-less puppet of the Uber EL-ite and their “Death Cult”
OF COURSE she is NOT going to go up against the vile, demonic, anti-Human, bloodthirsty ‘is-ra-hell- and its OWNERS.
But there it is AGAIN, EVERYONE jumping on the TG bandwagon, as if she is the next savior… (well… reported anyway) “Tulsi, help us rid America of the evil Trump” … blah, blah, blah … goes the vile, brain-dead, Orwellian-newspeak- media…-
For all those Tulsi lovers out there- ya, your getting 4 more years of Trumplestein of Orange.
There is another ‘Act’ waiting in the wings, but so far I see no indication the psychos are going to put it into play… see the “Illuminati Card Deck” for that… ‘prognostication’. At least not BEFORE the Nov. ‘Selection’
That is what the whole R Mueller/”RussiaGate” PsyOp (its not a “hoax”) was mostly about (along with diversion)… making the Demoncrats look absolutely idiotic and criminally sinister prior to Nov. 2019.
Seth Rich assassination-Russia-Mueller/Comey/FBI isn’t going anywhere fast. These will all be ‘hallmarks” in the Fall as the US gets closer to it 2019 POTUS Selection Day.
If all goes well it should be another fun evening and following day watching the sociopathic demoncrats loose their f n collective commie sodomite heads.
Crying, bitching, threatening, yelling and screaming in their own special sociopathic way, as only an anti-Human disgusting demoncrat can.
The last 24 hours have been especially funny.
absolutely – here is Caitlin Johnstone’s opinion of all the candidate –
The Democrats ‘commies’?? It is to laugh!
this is the best candidate so far – Marianne Williamson
Yeah, she’s great if you want to pay slave reparations.
Slave reparations need to come from those who benefitted-the rich parasites.
If Americans Knew – one of the great news channels on Youtube EVER –
In this video they cover Tulsi Gabbard’s sickening and long term support of Israel – which she has successfully hidden from the public in recent times
I agree that we need to decrease military spending. I also understand that the jobs are spread out so that every representative wants to see more spending for his/her district.
I am suggesting that it may be less difficult to fight 435 battles, each one pitting that districts military spending against other jobs in the district for infrastructure.
We really need infrastructure more than wee need to pound the mountains of Afghanistan into rocks and the desert of Iran into sand.
I, too, recall the breakup of AT&T into the baby Bells. I also recall the day JFK was shot and remember bomb drills, Telstar, 27 cent gasoline and 6 cent Coca-Cola. I also recall ‘new math’ but wish I didn’t.
Tulsi speaks for the Russia-sensitive part of the CFR. In this she perfectly represents the extent of Russian influence within the Anglo-American establishment.
As with all partners on all sides dedication to Israel comes first. If you do not declare fealty to Israel then you can not be part of the globalist club.
Russian gangsters know this but prefer to whine about Tulsi and how she hasn’t delivered on their behalf; rather than deal with the realization they are whores like the rest.
Gabbard’s importance is in raising the issue of America’s wars, a subject that is usually taboo in our mass media. She will never be elected, of course. That doesn’t matter, especially in so much as most of the rest of her agenda is garbage. But it does matter that she has people at least thinking about why we’re in so damn many wars.
Ordinary Americans don’t want war. They opposed the US entry into WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, etc before either false flags, deliberate provocations, or lies deceived them into it. I think it was Goering who said you can get the people to believe damn near anything if you have the propaganda tools. My seat of the pants conversations are that most people don’t want the wars we’re in now.
What scares ZOG and the MIC so much about Gabbard is that she’s off the leash on at least that one issue (while she is conventional for a Democrat in almost everything else), and that ordinary Americans, who, like people everywhere, are easily fooled by the media and technocrats in the education and government apparatuses, are hearing at least that one voice of dissent. Let’s enjoy that, and celebrate the fact that for once the anti war position is even being raised at all outside of a small but growing portion of the blogosphere.
Websites like this are important because they also raise these issues, but the Saker will likely never find himself in front of a camera to express his views. In order to reach a wider audience, the anti war voice needs to grow beyond the Internet and reach people who still watch TV and read newspapers, because, even if they try to ignore her or silence her, once she’s spoken the truth about our foreign adventures, it can’t be unspoken or unheard, and a growing number of citizens are starting to respond favorably to that message.
Of course, even if 100% of ordinary Americans opposed our wars, I don’t think that would necessarily change our foreign policy because the citizens haven’t been in charge for a very long time. That will likely require a revolution. But for now, at least there is someone speaking about this who is on the national stage.
You contradict yourself. One one hand you say she can’t win of course, and then go on to say that Americans don’t want war. If she continues to speak clearly and forcefully against war she will win many many votes. Maybe even enough to win. Please don’t be defeatist.
Also, why do you claim that the rest of her platform is garbage? I disagree.
She can’t win. She isn’t even really being a allowed a platform. Even her minutes were limited during the debates. The media have ignored her to the degree that they can. Facebook and Google have both tried to limit her audience and contributions. Elections are won on two things: media exposure (good media exposure) and money. She has neither. End of story.
It doesn’t matter whether you like her policies or not. She isn’t going to win. You say defeatist. I’m just being real.
The good news is, she is forcing the debate on this important issue. Kudos for that.
Sheldon Adelson, largest private financial contributor to Trump and the Republicans, and Haim Saban, top private contributor to the Democrats, are Zionist zealots and both have called for Iran to be bombed. Adelson has actually called for an attack “with an atomic bomb.”
Sheldon Adelson:
Short video, Oct. 25, 2013, discussion between rabid Zionists, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Sheldon Adelson.
Adelson declares – “Attack Iran with an atomic bomb”
Haim Saban:
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Nov. 9/14
WASHINGTON (JTA) — “Haim Saban, a top Democratic Party donor and backer of Hillary Rodham Clinton, slammed President Obama’s Iran strategy and advised Israel to bomb the ‘living daylights’ out of Iran if a nuclear deal with the major powers endangers Israel.
“If Obama strikes a ‘bad deal’ with Iran in nuclear talks under way and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assesses it as a deal that would put Israel at risk, ‘I would bomb the living daylights out of these sons of bitches,’ Saban said Sunday at the first conference of the Israeli American Council, an advocacy group he is helping to fund.”
Remember, Dave, that according to Talmudic dogma, killing civilians is not just permissible, but is, in fact, a mitzvah or ‘good deed’.
Not sure if you’ll seen this:
Who needs enemies…
Exactly, Saker. Make life more bearable at home to defuse expressions of unrest while the grand design, like a boa constrictor, finishes the job.
Like others I was disappointed by her vote. Here we have, for example, AOC representing a heavily Jewish district of The Bronx and Qeens, having the courage to stand up and say NO to this crap, yet Gabbard who represents Hawaii caves. Not a good sign.
Yes, but not all Jews think alike and like AIPAC and Bibi. There are more and more ‘self-hating’ Jews in the USA who see Israel for what it is.
She also volunteered to serve in Iraq, not knowing what she now knows.
She also held her father’s archaic religious views on homosexuals, not know what she now knows.
She has a good intellect and rationality.
Let’s see if she does not also see the light regarding this issue she voted for.
I’d really like to settle down and support her, but she keeps doing suspicious things. She allowed @Jack of Twitter to give the maximum amount. Didn’t refund the contribution. Then she sued Google for turning off her feeds for a few hours. Correlation isn’t always causation, but this one is pretty strong. Looks like pay-for-play.
I think there is one significant difference comparing the anti-apartheid resistance to the Afrikaaner regime in South Africa and the situation with the so-called apartheid regime in Israel.—As I recall, Mandela and leaders of the African National Congress ANC and others never even in their rhetoric called for the destruction of South Africa or the expulsion or extermination of the white population, the Afrikaaners and others.—However, unless somebody says and proves that all is fake, the rhetoric of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and assorted others purporting to champion the Palestinian cause do call for the obliteration of Israel and for the expulsion or extermination of the Hebrew/Jewish population. This overriding difference is significant.
You give yourself away as a pro-Israeli disinformation agent with your, “so-called apartheid regime in Israel”.Only zionists would deny Israel is an apartheid state.Then there is more disinformation claiming that those groups call for the “destruction of Israel”,some may,others don’t.And those that do mean the change from a criminal settler state to the restoration of the true nation of Palestine.And you seal your hasbara by saying,”the Hebrew/Jewish “.There are no Hebrew people alive today in this age. The Palestinian people today would represent more of the Hebrew gene pool than any European or American descended immigrant Jew in that land.Only hasbara agents think otherwise.
To “Uncle Bob”:
“And you seal your hasbara by saying,”the Hebrew/Jewish “.There are no Hebrew people alive today in this age. The Palestinian people today would represent more of the Hebrew gene pool than any European or American descended immigrant Jew in that land.”—I meant Hebrew/Jewish as cultural or tribal identity, not racial genetic identity. Some would say that the majority of these culturally Hebrews and Jews today are Turkish/Khozarian genetically speaking. So the Palestinians/Philistines want full possession and control over the land and want all persons culturally Hebrew or religiously Jewish out of there. That conflict goes back 1000’s of years it would seem according even to Biblical records.—Key underlying problem is idolatry on both sides, as both sides worship their respective cultures, tribes and religions as idols which call for human sacrifice.—Idols always do so!—Only flexibly detached analytical intellect on both sides can overcome the emotionalistic surges of idolatry, but that is not very likely to happen.
Her position on the 2nd Amendment is as troubling as her subservience to terrorist Israel, and how many people know that she’s a part of the CFR?
It’s all one big shit show and until we get in these peoples faces and make sure they know we’re on to them, then somehow dismantle the ADL, SPLC, JDL, JINSA and AIPAC, nothing is gonna change. Nothing.
Funny how the string of pearls are attached to one another yet separate. Some discoloured and aged, others perfect, but they all help connect the sequence that streams through the necessary changes for their environments to be fully facilitated. We would never have a Tulsi in 2020 if we had a Hillary. Who knows what she would do if elected POTUS. The mere fact that she calls a spade a spade in certain circles, but not all, shouldn’t hinder our admiration. She will eventually connect the dots soon enough, as we could expect her same approach when facing these same old obstacles as she gains experience and expertise in all areas infiltrated. Even Putin doesn’t mess with the fifth column.
Well said. She’s bucked the system from a position of power knowing that it would be political suicide and doing it anyway. She stopped running for reelection in order to serve in Iraq – who does that? Turning your back on the privilege that political office gives to go to hell on earth (made that way courtesy of US foreign policy)? Who does that? Don’t throw Tulsi under the bus just yet, Saker. She’s a fighter and she will surprise you with how well she does and how far she goes.
Apparently, there are two types of T.G. critics:
1) One type means an intentional and dishonest “conspiracy with elite behind the scenes”. I dismiss this. 2) Other type is an “unmaturity”. And this is a puzzle:
Signing Anti-BOD? Service above self for warmongering and anti-semite Israelian lobby? – Scary.
It is OK collaborate with any power, if no ideological compromises and if explain/apologize clearly why. – Otherwise this can repel the people demanding sincerity from the small 0.1% of independent donors, her only precious asset.
Making a tactical gain by pleasing the establishment? – Unmaturity.
Hiding for one week the movie “Why Afgan lady … “? – Insult for this lady.
Non saying on second debates that border migrant crisis is caused by economic war-like sanctions, colonial policies, and regime changing wars? – Lunaticy which is no different than in other candidates.
This candidate grown up from “Dems-family” of establishment. How long will it take time to cast off the all the myths from own brain and become mature?
I don’t know what to say. I am not so clean to read other’s soul for 1) and not so bright to solve the puzzles for 2).
a. There are other puzzles. Lack of program on web site. If one would like to sabotage the campaign, one will do exactly the site she has.
b. Lack of forum to listen from the people and let them to unite. The all wonderful comments and activity on becomes a waste. There is no way to confront questions to this candidate.
I cannot criticize for a. and b. This is critics is to myself. I did not help this candidate to make a and b happen. “I don’t have time, perhaps others can help.” A Bystander.
Gabbard’s Off Fossil Fuels (OFF) is the most important element in her message;
OFF means the majority in the US will be energy-deprived, like today’s Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Libyans, Nigerians, Venezuelans and many others.
This is not her wish, of course, but being unaware that finite, gold-grade, once-only fossil fuels reserves are severely depleting to scarcity over time, beside humans are just discovering now, for the first time since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century that:
“No energy system can produce sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.
This universal truth applies to all energy systems [- the sun, fusion, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, autonomous vehicles, EVs, and you name it].
Energy, like time, only flows from past to future”.
Unknowingly, Gabbard in her subliminal Off Fossil Fuels (OFF) message is paving minds for a new America that thinks locally, acts locally and lives locally, leaving her international role, since WWII, as World’s super power, to others, who are located closer to main Energy reserves in the Middle East, Russia and Africa – and that power is mainly the same old lady – Europe
There is no enough fossil fuels left in reserves to allow the US to be present everywhere in the world, like it did for the last 120 years.
Gabbard is another screaming voice that Physics what rules humans’ future first, not politics or economics!
I expect millions of upper middle class people in America, and above, will be migrating out of America in the coming few decades.
Be patient Saker. It was only a resolution.
You might be right! See this:
The Saker
Tulsi Gabbard had immediately distanced herself from anything related with David Duke a long time ago.
Jewish Daily Forward: David Duke supports Tulsi Gabbard, therefore she is wrong!
By Jonas E. Alexis – August 9, 2019
Maybe what she is doing now was not known at the time of this article.
Tulsi wants to end the wars, that means not supporting Israel.
She calls it end regime change wars, she is far from stupid enough to call it stop supporting Israel.
We have over 2 million “christians for Israel” alone.
Right now Israel is in control of the U.S. Trump is kissing their butt, if anyone were to actually say they opposed Israel, how far does anyone think they would get?
She is not stupid and she is a loyal american, she also saw what happened to Ron Paul.
Maybe look at it this way, what other hope do we have?
Other than the people hanging the entire congress,senate,doj,fbi,cia etc etc…… not gonna happen.
If Trump really did try to “drain the swamp” and couldnt, maybe there is truly no point to elections anyway.
I dont believe he has tried, I think he serves Israel.
“Miranda O’Keefe” comment from Consortium News:
”There is a difference between boycotting Israel, divesting from companies who do business in Israel, and encouraging governments to sanction Israel (BDS) -AND- what H.Res calls the “Global BDS Movement (GBDSM,)” that is an actual organization led by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, whose website is:
I believe that most people in the USA who engage in or simply support BDS also believe in a two state solution. As Sean says, most folk see BDS as “a good tactic to pressure Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank and to end US support for the Israeli occupation.” I think they also see it as a non-violent way to oppose the unjust actions of Israel against Palestinians, the bull dozing of their homes, the double standard of letting off soldiers and settlers that engage in violence up to and including murder of Palestinians, and the repeated shelling of Gaza and sniping of protesters there. But I think they see this in the context of a just two state solution where Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders and a sovereign, safe, secure, and independet Palestine is established along side Israel. I think these people would deny they want the end of Israel as a sovereign, safe, and secure homeland for the Jewish people.
I think the ‘revulsion’ to this resolution is confusing BDS with GBDSM. I say this because GBDSM has specific goals:
1. Ending its [Israel’s] occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.” ~
The first two goals are congruent with a two state solution if you interpret “all Arab lands” to mean the occupied territories not all of historic Palestine. But the third goal is not, it in fact is the first step to the end of Israel as a Jewish majority Democracy as the reality is that if all the Palestinain refugees were able to return to their homes in what is now Israel, not just the occupied terriroties, but Israel proper, the state of Israel would go from a Jewish majority to a Palestinian one. With equal rights for all, as outlined in goal 2, this means a secular state that would cease to be what Israel is now and which would no longer need a second Palestinian state. That is a one state solution.
Let me say now that I support a one state solution. I support the end of the idea of a Jewish majority state to be replaced by one state with equal rights for all its citizens. I do so precisely because the only way such a stae can exist is through artificial means of excluding the indigenous people from their home. As soon as you allow them to return to their homes, the artificiality vanishes.
But most USAians do not support a one state solution. Most support a two state solution. Most Democrats on the national stage support a two state solution. A two state solution is the national policy of the USA. I’m not even sure if Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib aren’t officially for a two state solution. The only candidate for the Democratic nomination that might be for a one state solution would be Mike Gravel, and I’m unsure on that.
Bernie Sanders is for the two state solution. Elizabeth Warren is for the two state solution. And Tulsi Gabbard is for the two state solution.
One can officially be for a two state solution and not really care about how Israel treats Palestinians and keeps denying them their own state and keeps using shennigans to keep from real negotiations as more and more settlements in the occupied territories are built.
On the other hand one can be for a two state solution and oppose Israel’s actions. One can go so far as to engage in BDS in that opposition. Many who do so will not realize that GBDSM is not congruent with their support of the two state solution.
H.Res. supports a two state solution, as is the policy of the USA and which, supporting a two state solution,can be congruent with being in opposition to Israel’s behavior. H.Res. supports a sovereign state for Palestine that is safe and secure. It’s right in the text of it. (It also, as a supporting a two state solution supports such for Israel.) H.Res. supports negotiations between Israel and Palestinians to achieve the two state solution.
“…reaffirms its strong support for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states—a democratic Jewish State of Israel, and a viable, democratic Palestinian state—living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition.”
H.Res. supports the right of USAians to free speech and protest in opposition of Israel and puts no limitations on that. H.Res. does not ‘criminalize’ or add a ‘chilling effect’ to that free speech, which includes the SCOTUS defined right to boycott, putting no shade or limitation on free speech or the right to protest.
H.Res., however, does “oppose” GBDSM. Note, it doesn’t “condemn” it “opposes.” In other words it is saying, “We are not for it, we oppose it but we also don’t condemn you for exercising your free speech and conscience, in fact we support that right.”
This is why Tulsi Gabbard and the one squad member who voted for the resolution are both co-sponsors of Ilhan Omar’s resolution, H.Res 496, that states,
“Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) affirms that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution;
(2) opposes unconstitutional legislative efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad; and
(3) urges Congress, States, and civil rights leaders from all communities to endeavor to preserve the freedom of advocacy for all by opposing antiboycott resolutions and legislation.” ~
The list of cosponsors of H.Res. 496 is at
Back to H.Res 246. It isn’t anti-BDS in the sense of opposing others to engage in BDS, it really isn’t even anti-BDS for the House, it is anti-GBDSM, ie not supportive of supporting the organization that promotes doing BDS until Israel no longer exists.
My own radical support of a one state solution and thus my support of GBDSM and the right of return does not lead me to reject a two state solution with compensation for refugees if that can be done. That’s much better than the current situation. It does not lead me to reject supporting a candidate like Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders who supports a two state solution if I am supportive of their other views.
I am convinced by her previous statements and her cosponsoring of H.Res 496 that Tulsi is supportive of my right to support GBDS and opposes Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.”
Completely agree on all points Saker
Its typical of the Anglo Zionist system that it allows glimmers of hope to emerge simply to perpetuate the myth of an American democrat and free society. Freedom of choice is fundamental in our creation and through our choices we’ve been granted the power to destroy ourselves how will we vote.
Americans pinning their hope on Tulsi Gabbard is like believing that FOX news is not mainstream media. In this case FOX may seem to be an opposition but it is only on the surface.
To see the true nature of FOX news see the movie Kingsman. The golden circle. Link
See the connection between Robert Murdoch (FOX), the Rothschilds, and the zionist endtime political establishment ( which only changes faces ).
Genie Energy found gas in the Golan Heights deep into Syrian territory
So what is the role of pres. Trump in this zionist conspiracy that attacked Syria ? What is his role in suppressing free speach in America to a point of dictatorship over free speach , granting a free speach option to the universities (if supported by government money) ? It is a grand comedy and no one is seeing what is going on. First came Clintons then came Trump. It is the way to complete takeover of our democracy and rights and it happens all over the world. The Clintons are exposed for their warcrimes and planning of the wars, and this uncovering has led to the complete war on the people. They are now fearing the consequences , and rightfully so. Why are noone demanding a full war tribunal on ISIS and all its members for instance? John McCain openly admitted (probably a slip) that he had meetings with all the rebel forces at a time when ISIS was part of those forces, a rift appeared when they declared a caliphate on their own. John Kerry in a leaked audio recording talked to the (political wing of) opposition and made it clear that they had not succeeded in bringing down Assad quickly because they (the opposition) did not want ISIS as part of the new government. There is an admission of US position here, IS were part of there forces before the rift. And indeed the IS was formerly al Qaeda in Iraq formed in Camp Bucca under US control, and their leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, seem to have met with Senator John McCain (NED)(R) who seemingly is an operational agency for foreign military interventions by proxy military here both including al Qaeda and ISIS. So there seem to be evidence for a huge smokescreen politcal operation that is now taking place with Donald Trump as president. Hillary Clinton planned the political operations and cover for the Syria war that now has killed close to 300.000 people. According to Wikileaks (Hillary Clinton’s emails) she said in order to best support Israel they had to topple pres. Assad and create this war in Syria which is ensuring that there is no government with full control over its territories. (defacto). So back to the Genie Energy scenario , it is very relevant. They found large reserves of gas in the Golan Heights which belongs to Syria. Both Murdoch and Rothschild are part of that company. And the Rothschild syndicate are in fact running America , if not by other means , by the Federal Reserve, they control the money supply, in classic Rothschild manner: I care not who runs the government, those who control the money supply control the government, and I control the money supply. (England, the Bank of England was taken over by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815 and he ran the money supply and by his own word the british empire). The british empire was defeated by american freedom fighters in 1776 (the American constitution). But the real power behind was monetary, and they transferred its powers into America . There were monetary considerations for supporting the american freedom from the british empire. And they have come back to establish totalitarian control over America by controlling the money (the Federal Reserve) and the policies, and more or less running the White House and the Congress.
Back to Hillary Clinton’s email. “In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with
Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria. ”
courtesy of Julian Assange
A sovereign country in ruins, 300.000 people dead, millions homeless, refugees , to ease the tension (a disagreement over policy) towards someone else, a sovereign nation that is just that sovereign. Israel has no rights in Syria, or in Iran for that matter, and that is the truth about USA as well. These are all matter for an incredible (Nuremburg style) tribuanal as it involves acts of crimes against humanity , the worst of all warcrimes especially involving ISIS, FSA (the army of Conquest as a whole) and al Qaeda. There are absolute proof of cooperation between all the forces , and they (Hillary Clinton) set up the political cover by a Doha Conference involving EU and other allies like Norway have been active in this superstructure or framework.
The present political situation is that of an evolving dictatorship that is already prevailent in the EU, free speach in America seem to be the first target and political opression along with that.
And I see it in a much larger context as I have said, that of a giant smokescreen from rightful condemnation and subseqent war tribunals to the full extent of their actions. A smokescreen that may never lift and where the perfect totalitarian regime may well emerge quickly by the way it is going right now.
In politics where the opposition is not really the opposition looking for a way out, in fact where the opposite is the case. A way further into the smoke of intolerable politics towards a totalitarian state also designed as a one world government, the ultimate dicatatorship.
Does electoral law in the USA favour the duopoly parties?
I am not sure if I can explain this correctly but, the amount of propaganda and influence from staff members who are also influenced by propaganda (and money) is impossible to fathom.
She can be easily influenced mainly early on.
Let’s not also diminish the importance of peer pressure, mainly peers you trust.
Let’s not throw her under a bus just yet.
Let’s give her time. She seems to get out of her naivete rather fast as of late.