A year after the downing of a Russian jet over Syria, another false flag attack. This time against Turkish servicemen.

An astute analyses from RoSsi BaRBeRa

Situation/Update Briefing

There’s still very little known about this incident. However, according to the Turkish General staff, today at 03:30 in the morning, an attack allegedly by the Syrian air force in al-Bab killed three Turkish soldiers and injured 10 people.

No harsh words against Russia or Syria came from the Turkish official as of now.  However, Western-funded Turkish tabloids like “CNN Turk,” are running ahead of the official response of the General staff, actively circulating an “opinion,” according to which, the attack on the Turkish military coincides with the anniversary of the downed plane and it makes it not accidental, but the result of a planned act of retaliation by the Syrian armed forces of al-Assad against Turkey’s armed forces for shooting down a Russian plane.

This situation mirrors last year’s tragic events, when the same news outlets had “happened” to be at the place of ejection of the Russian pilots and the first to give “detailed” information about who attacked whom. Later, the same news outlet had injected the “correct” version of what happened in the Turkish and world media broadcast.

As we all know, peace in our relationship was achieved after president Erdogan apologized for the incident, and after people involved in the downing of the Russia jet were arrested during an anti-government coup in Turkey last summer.

Back then it became clear that this was the false flag attack facilitated by the armed and security services of Israel and the US in order to undermine good relations between Russia and Turkey.

As we also know, the presidents of these countries managed to come to understanding  and cooperation and agreed not to be easily perturbed by the provocation orchestrated by the enemies.

In the context of Syria, Russia and Turkey agreed on the division lines of their actions in Syria and on the international arena. Turkey’s mandatory condition has always been not to create a Kurdish state, because its formation on Syrian territory would result in Turkey receiving a large number of refugees. Kurds when they take over territories immediately conduct ethnic cleansing of Syrians, Christians and Muslims alike. This is already happening in the North of the country. Turkey has also promised that they will accept the Assad government, and won’t make any moves towards Aleppo. All of these, ultimately, was a key agreement reached in the course of negotiations.

Turks went to fight Kurdish terrorists in Al-Bab.

This tri-lateral agreement has became a “bone in the throat” for the outgoing U.S. Obama administration and ultimately resulted in today’s events.

Given that “false flag attack” psy-ops is the most favorite method of warfare for the Anglo-Saxon intelligence services, today’s attack on the Turkish positions by alleged “Syrian” aircraft fits perfectly into the overall picture. The strike by those pseudo-Syrian air force and it’s PR could help US to trick Turkey into a very hazardous situation and to disrupt an implemented by Moscow and the Syrians their common military and political plans.

The question is why Erdogan contrary to the American expectations, acts very carefully and holds a pause.

There are several reasons:

  • He understands the true nature of the incident and who is the organizers
  • He was called to act “according to the common sense” by the  leader of the republican party of Turkey
  • Erdogan wants to avoid worsening relations with Russia
  • The past summer coup attempt has revealed hidden mechanisms of foreign involvement into the destabilization of Turkey and Syria. That’s why Erdogan knows that there might be some people in Syrian government that would want to see the Russian, Turkey, and Syrian relations to sour.

For these reasons, the hysteria of CNN and others affiliated with US organizations in Turkey failed to achieve their objectives to thwart Russian military operations in the Middle East and to get Erdogan to march against our nation.

That shows that even while fleeing the crime scene, Anglo-Zionists have always try to spit in our soup.

The Turks online say that it’s still not known who was the perpetrator. But I find it uncanny that this airstrike coincided with the terrorists from the Free Syrian Army advancing along the road to Al-Bab.

it also happened simultaneously with the Syrian Army first advances towards Al-Bab. during which it has captured +50% of Hanano housing.

Reported by Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ an editor for the Arab Source Al-Masadr

“EXCLUSIVE: Syrian Military source to me. Syrian and Russian Air forces aren’t responsible for the AirStike which hit Turkish Soldiers in Syria.

Everyone finds it hard to believe that the jet was not detected. it can only mean one thing, that it was an American F-22

But… here comes another clue to this mystery.

As reported by the Al-Masadr news a US soldier dies due to ISIS booby trap in northern Syria

On Thursday evening, the U.S. Central Command confirmed that an American soldier had succumbed to injuries substained by an Islamic State IED (improvised explosive device) in the northern part of Raqqa province, near Ain Issa.

Previously, Al-Masdar News has published photos of US advisors and special forces present alongside the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the region. At Tall Abyad further north, US troops have also built an American military base.

More on this…

  1. SouthFront: Turkish Army disrupts Syrian Army offensive in Latakia

Following the death of 3 Turkish soldiers due to a Syrian airstrike, the Turkish Armed Forces responded with heavy artillery strikes in the Latakia governorate in support of local Islamist forces. The Turkish artillery strikes caused the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) offensive into the Turkmen Mountains to grind to a rapid halt just hours after it had begun.

With the SAA’s offensive in Latakia temporarily offset by foreign intervention, government forces must now explore new routes if they are to fully defeat insurgents across Latakia.

  1. Liberal media in Russia immediately expressed “hope” that the Russia and Turkey relations that just started getting better will go back to be very bad.
  2. Turkey promised to respond to the air strike on its troops
  1. European Parliament holts to EU membership talks with Turkey, due to Turkish government foiling the anti-government coup

For those Turks and others who still want to be a part of the West. Either you will live in a failed state with the EU and US occupational regimes like Ukraine, Libya and Iraq, or you will hold on to your countries’ independence by holding on to Russia.


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Yours truly


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