by David Chu for the Saker blog
Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia. Keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question, why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who?
~ Mr. X in JFK movie
Why is Germany committing harakiri (or seppuku)?
Because the Americans ordered them to do so!
Recently, William F. Engdahl wrote a very interesting article titled, “Europe’s Energy Armageddon From Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow” which was re-worked in Pepe Escobar’s “Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy”.
Both articles give a fascinating explanation of HOW Germany is committing suicide. Green Agenda 2030. The Great Reset. Etc.
I emailed Engdahl about the following statement that he wrote in his article and asked him, “What is the real reason for the complete deindustrialization of Germany? Besides the Green Energy or Great Reset bullshit.”:
It is not because politicians like Scholz or German Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, nor EU Commission Green Energy Vice President Frans Timmermans are stupid or clueless. Corrupt and dishonest, maybe yes. They know exactly what they are doing. They are reading a script. It is all part of the EU plan to deindustrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet. This is the UN Green Agenda 2030 otherwise known as Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. [Bolded emphasis is mine.]
For whatever reasons, Engdahl didn’t reply to my email. But in my email to him, I basically answered my question when I asked the following:
Is it to emasculate Europe completely so as to make Europe completely dependent on the US for both energy and technology? The rest of the world is moving towards BRI and BRICS. The only block left to harvest aka rape and pillage for the Americans is Europe (plus Japan and South Korea).
That was September 5, 2022.
On September 16, 2022, RT (Russia Today) ran an article titled, “Elite US think tank dismisses EU plot report as ‘fake’” (
The story of an alleged US plan to drain EU resources to prop up its economy was reported on Tuesday by Nya Dagbladet, a Swedish news outlet, which describes itself as anti-globalist, humanist, pro-freedom, and independent. An English-language version was released later in the week.
The newspaper claimed that it obtained a classified document signed by the RAND Corporation, titled ‘Weakening Germany, strengthening the US’. The paper, which was allegedly produced in January, outlined a scenario for how the US could help its struggling economy by draining resources from its European allies.
The purported plot involved goading Russia into attacking Ukraine, which would force the EU to impose sanctions on Russia and decouple their economies from Russian energy.
Well, today (September 17, 2022) I contacted the two Swedish authors of Nya Dagbladet and asked them to provide me with the RAND document. Markus Andersson, one of the authors and chief editor, quickly replied and voila here is the “fake” RAND document:
You better save a copy of this PDF on your hard drive and pass it on to all your friends, especially those sheeple living in Germany, before the RAND people scream bloody murder and disappear this very important “fake” document!
Very soon now, the RAND people will call it a “forgery”.
The RAND report is titled, “Executive Summary: Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.”
It is dated January 25, 2022 and is labelled “Confidential”. The distribution list include WHCS (White House Chief of Staff), ANSA (Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs), Dept. of State, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), and the DNC (Democratic National Committee).
Shall we take a little peek into this “fake” document?
The present state of the U.S. economy does not suggest that it can function without financial and material support from external sources [very definition of a parasitic empire!]. The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted to regularly in recent years,s as well as uncontrolled issue of cash during the 2020 and 2021 Covid lockdowns, have led to a sharp increase in the external debt and an increase in the dollar supply [the very definition of high inflation rates].
The continuing deterioration of the economic situation is highly likely to lead to a loss in the position of the Democratic Party in Congress and the Senate in the forthcoming elections to be held in November 2022. The impeachment of the President cannot be ruled out under these circumstances, which must be avoided at all costs. [Bolded emphasis is mine.]
There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy, especially the banking system. Only European countries bound by the EU and NATO commitments will be able to provide them without significant military and political costs for us. [The USA has ran out of third-world and developing nations to rape and pillage.]
The major obstacle to it is growing independence of Germany. Although it still is a country with limited sovereignty, for decades it has been consistently moving toward lifting these limitations and becoming a fully independent state. This movement is slow and cautious, but steady. Extrapolation shows that the ultimate goal can be reached only in several decades. However if social and economic problems in the United States escalate, the pace could accelerate significantly. . . .
Vulnerabilities in German and EU Economy
An increase in the flow of resources from Europe to U.S. can be expected if Germany begins to experience a controlled economic crisis [bolded emphasis is mine]. The pace of economic development in the EU depends almost without alternative on the state of the German economy. It is Germany that bears the brunt of the expenditure directed towards the poorer EU members.
The current German economic model is based on two pillars. These are unlimited access to cheap Russian energy resources and to cheap French electric power, thanks to the operation of nuclear power plants. The importance of the first factor is considerably higher. Halting Russian supplies can well create a systemic crisis that would be devastating for the German economy and, indirectly, for the entire European Union. . . . [Bolded emphasis is mine.]
A Controlled Crisis
Due to coalition constraints, the German leadership is not in full control of the situation in the country. Thanks to our precise actions, it has been possible to block the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, despite the opposition of lobbyists from the steel and chemical industries. However, the dramatic deterioration of the living standards may encourage the leadership to reconsider its policy and return to the idea of European sovereignty and strategic autonomy.
The only feasible way to guarantee Germany’s rejection of Russian energy supplies is to involve both sides in the military conflict in Ukraine. Our further actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from Russia. Russians will obviously not be able to leave unanswered the massive Ukrainian army pressure on the unrecognized Donbas republics. That would make possible to declare Russia an aggressor and apply to it the entire package of sanctions prepared beforehand. . . .[Bolded emphasis is mine.]
The RAND Executive Summary then goes on to detail the “Expected Consequences” with projections of financial and economic loses for Germany.
The rest as they say is . . . (almost) Mission Accomplished!
P.S. Adolf must be rolling in his Argentina grave now that Sergeant “I Know Nothing!” Scholz is in full command of the Fatherland . . . .
Yeah, keep he USA in, Russia out and Germany down, Exactly a repeat of he major WWII objectives…
To prevent Germany Russia cooperation has been main for centuries.
Germany is no angel either and never was.
Still, the major US goal is to prop up the dying US$ controlled by the privately held Federal Reserve.
Everything else is a means to that end.
Yes, but it seems to me that they have almost never had independence (Bismarck, an exception that was quickly ousted). It seems that they have always been instruments of others (poodles, one might say), for the time being, of the Venetians and their heirs installed in the City and Wall-Street… mainly against Russia and the Slavs, in general-
There is a lot of “cloth to cut” on this issue.
Stalin did not want Deutschland divided…he knew in future West(UK/US/MIC ) will use Germany to expansion toward East….
The big difference is that in 1945 Russia was the number two in the world. Now China is the number two and Russia is rather irrelevant.
Also at that time the US used Germany as ally. Now it is slaughtering the goose with the golden eggs. It is not hard to see that most industry leaving Germany will not leave for the US. This will strengthen instead of weaken China.
l had expected that the world would slowly develop towards a divide between China with satellites versus the US with satellites. In this context the US would keep control of its satellites with “intellectual property”, the finance sector and other dirty tricks. The present development suggests that the US no longer trusts its ability to keep an adequate level of control over its “allies” and has chosen to give up on them.
BTW Twitter is already deleting reference to the report.
Ecconomically its between the Dollar and all other challengers ,the Dollar will attack and defend itself and position The rise of Eurasia is indeed a great threat but I still believe its Globalists{one world gov,} types calling the shots and the current attack is against China and Eurasia bloc
Using the term “the Babylonian system” below ..
China is also the the Babylonian system. Dollar being replaced by Yuan will be a continuation of the Babylonian system of control.
After WWII the nazis were soon back in power in Germany
After WWIII the US/Euro oligarchs will soon be back in power?
The US knows Russia is not irrelevant, They have gas, make fertilizer, wheat, advanced weaponry and rockets, and they are north of the main devastation from Global warming that is already drying Chinese rivers. They are still a massive part of the potential Eurasian alliance.
The scary part for Russia is nuclear war. The US wants the capacity for a devastating first strike. This is madness and not survivable for anyone but one cannot overlook the desperation in this report and in the current status of the US.
A devastating precise profiling, done by Pentagon fanatics, best described by Thierry Meyssan as the Straussians :
The EU brought to its knees by the Straussians
The Ukraine war cost for Russia, and NATO is rocketing, but the economic destruction of the EU being the RAND objective.
Of course this RAND report fits the Straussian objective (Straussian Paul Wolfowitz , the Pentagon’s RAND Soul) : being the first, not the best, the first, means destroying economic competitors.
Meyssan shows this RAND policy is active since at least 1990.
Leo Strauss’s kindergarten of 100 PhD’s dominate academia.
Profile: Leo Strauss, Fascist Godfather of the Neo-Cons
Strauss is one of Adolf’s boys.
The hopeful epithet of that will be, “it almost worked.” This whole thing is insane. Being shunted off the chessboard is a pretty good indication of where you are in the scheme of things. We’re actually all there. They, those grifting politicos and mili-perps, almost all seem like lemmings in heat. It’s not enough to just go over the cliff but the experience, the fall, must be accompanied by some burn, some friction, like they want to be conscious for the whole trainwreck just to stare in guilty disbelief. What’s that old joke? “My grandfather died quietly in his sleep.”, “Oh, that’s nice.” “Not really, all the other people in the car he was driving were freaking the F out.” We’re not there yet.
I love it. It is a classic, first told by Will Rogers… it is also apt since Grandfather Joe took the wheel on January 2021.
Will, on so many levels was just a wonderful human being. “No thanks, I already et.” I imagine there would be great rejoicing should Joe kick it, and a sense of relief for many, until they realize it doesn’t matter whose driving the US Oscar Mayer Mobile. I do wonder about the young people who urged people to vote for that boil on the backside of humanity. Sane kids would be appalled. What a great graphic in your link by the way. Thanks
Short English video for RTD on the economic disaster :
Scott Ritter: Die Bundesregierung macht alles, was die USA sich wünschen, selbst wirtschaftlichen Suizid – “Als Deutscher wäre ich sehr sauer”
Scott Ritter: German government does everything the U.S. wants, even economic suicide – “As a German, I would be very upset”
So much for Transatlantic unity,I pity the poor Germans who are lambs to be slaughtered for America survival and aggression.
But like they say,you made your bed so lie on it
The Germans did this to themselves
There are many way to humiliate people
1. Ignore them
2. Harass them
3. Pity them
When I was in college, I had to watch the movie the wedding of Maria Braun, by Fassbinder. At the time I found it profoundly boring (young people), but in retrospect it laid down everything that was wrong with post-WWII Germany (ambition, materialism, lack of conscience), all in one stylish package, and I find it now strangely prophetic.
Really worth watching for those who haven’t already seen it. Shows how a country can lose its soul.
@Gideon we did not do this to ourselves. We were infiltrated, coopted, brainwashed and coerced. This has nothing to do with the will of Europeans. Of Germany, which btw intiated Nord Stream 2, not Russia.. We are carrying out US/NATO policy not European. Their puppets are acting against our people.
The Germans may yet decide to thumb their noses at their American would-be masters, reopen the Nordstream pipelines, and recover their freedom of action. Their salvation is in their own hands.
The German ruling elites have openly stated that they don’t care what the German public thinks or wants. They are going to do whatever they please and the German public be da*med. By the beginning of 2023 the German public will probably be in the street protesting…..and getting beat, gassed, shot and black-bagged by German police backed by the BKA. In the EU, protesting will be equated to sedition and terrorism by 2023. Watch…
The laws to make you an enemy of the society [State] already exist.
The German bureaucrats care but less than anything about the lives of millions of Germans because it is the result of their degenerate philosophical utilitarianism.
Their concept of “well-being” is sacrificing every obstacle that prevents them from “supreme happiness.”
They are fanatics, you can never negotiate with fans.
It’s already announced; the German military will be on the streets in October.
They are ready for an uprising; sh*t’s gunna get real!
With all the US bases deployed throughout its territory?
Germany is an occupied country, and its political elite, of all stripes, responds to that. To recover their freedom of action there should be a revolution from their bases, from the common people, but they are very alienated… and “deconstructed”
This report describes the strategy that isn’t new. U.S has already planned this for years. From Victoria Nuland, to the Maidan, NATO’s antagonism in the balkans, NATO’s expansion, and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s heartland strategy.
This report is totally new, telling us it is about election 2022, not about NATO nukes 5 minutes from Moscow.
While a Russia-NATO war may cost millions, the real war is about 1000 millions globally (Australia has lost 121 pilot already … more than Ukraine losses)
It is obvious isn’t it , {did WW1/WW2 actually end in 45′ ?}{or just temp ceasefire}, Remember ‘pivot to the east’ began under Obummer term , Pentagon classifies China as the greatest threat to the US , attention seems all to be on the suffering ‘consumers’ in EU/US high food,energy,housing etc etc. When it should be seen as ecconomic attack directed at China obviously when they are currently down from covid ecconomic effects , now you crash their markets / consumers – {ongoing real estate crashing} The Globalist cabal knows it doesnt have much time left if China keeps growing Eurasia’ It is the Brzezinski plan {to keep US Empire ruling the world} Take down China and Eurasia goes down to . aka Russia/Iran
– attention seems all to be on the suffering ‘consumers’ in EU/US high food,energy,housing
WH press meetings try to deflect attention away from inflation / energy / housing cost
Thanks for the work, research, bringing data, knowledge and some understanding.
I am more than dubious of USA’s “good will”, and can be of Russia, but it is in their back yard.
Some more April up dates from RAND
More links there at the bottom of the article.
What I take out of it that there seems to be no hint of seeking peace, in “good faith bargaining” looking for negotiation, though too late now, to try and keep their end of the Minsk Agreements.
I know it goes back to the destabilizing Maidan uprising, and even earlier, then the ongoing sly military build up since then, benefiting the ones connected to Burisma, etc..
I think also of stressing other economies, far & wide, though not mentioned in RAND is another objective, to pressure the people with fuel rationing, “essential industries”, in many different ways as happened with Sri Lanka, going from food sufficiency to costly imports.
Other countries will also be “nobbled” like NZ which closed down new off shore exploration, and closed its only refinery.
Thanks, and look to see what other more knowledgable commentators bring forth.
The German and Japanese souls have been expunged by The Evil Empire, robots more or less.
Pitiful to watch the complete subjugation of a country.
What happened to the Badder Meinhof Brigades/Spirit? lol
It was retired to Whitehall.
Cheers M
Putin at the SCO, press conference, in Russian with German subtitles :
“RT reporter Marina Finoshina wanted to know from Putin what he thought of EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen’s idea that EU citizens should send their energy bills to Moscow. ”
Putin’s reply is this the first Act of a Marzelon-Ballett – the Green Agenda, a colossal failure!
Full press conf. over at
with English subtitles is a must-see!
We seem to be trapped in one of those end of the world parties, where everyone is damaged, and drunk, and insane, and where we are staggering towards a fate that no-one could ever believe. ‘You had to be there, to understand’! Remember the start of WW1, where in a few years, five or six empires lay in ruins, and the path to a Jewish Israel, appeared within the devastation?
We are getting close to that moment, when in the ancient Greek plays, the Deus ex Machina, the machine of God, descends to solve the creation puzzles, for it seems that the mind of humanity is now lost! We are being driven by the fire wands of the debt bankers, as if we just cattle, approaching the abyss. How unfortunate, as a Zen monk might muse!
the west EU/US 500 year reign of plundering the world is coming to its end ,Life runs in cycles ‘what goes around comes around’ the west’s insanity , its desperation, is failing to realize the only constant in history is change. I’m no monk but I do like to muse.
First of all, looking at other RAND research reports from and executive summaries, this is missing any form of citations or authors, any form of data analysis and reads like an opinion piece. And on the other hand accepting Russian energy will mean Germany essentially abandoning Eastern-Europe, so obviously the key out of this situation is independence for Europe from both Russia and US. Furthermore, if this hard cut from Russian energy supply caused immense economic damage to Germany, again it’s obvious this situation is unsustainable and reliance on Russia should be significantly reduced.
Some arithmetic skills lacking make that read like a kindergarten rhyme :
“Furthermore, if this hard cut from Russian energy supply caused immense economic damage to Germany, again it’s obvious this situation is unsustainable and reliance on Russia should be significantly reduced.”
So reduced from zero will reverse immense economic damage?
Back to class 101!
After WWII Germany became run by CIA. Right?
Then CIA was 40% former German speaking nazis? Right?
Then these Germans were allocated to Germany by CIA, so in fact most of CIA station in Germany were former WWII nazis. Right?
German students will be taught the opposite.
You are German probably?
Enjoy the ‘greens’, woke, antifa, lgbtq, cancel culture, BLM etc…and your next energy invoices.
The prosperity of Germany was due to Russian energy and metals. Now your country will be destroyed by slavery to the US, which is occupying your country.
Germans love wars because they always lose them.
There are no “Americans” or “Europeans”, not in positions of power, at least. There is only a globalist oligarchy, mainly though not exclusively composed of a certain ethnicity, and this oligarchy wishes to crash the current financial system – for their own ultimate benefit, of course.
This analysis terms current global system as “the Babylonian system” (not the capitalist system). The villains are gods, not oligarchs. The Babylonian system is a system for control. It can be linked to NWO / The Great Reset. The marxist view is more about the world being run by greed – we have to kill greed (totally different – where “the Babylonian system” will be flatly rejected).
– Polny’s Biblical calculations point to Rosh Hashanah, September 25th, which is just a few weeks away. Polny is expecting it to all end up as a full blown “collapse” of the financial system. Polny explains, “Things are going to change on or about September 25th. I think we are going to have a crash going right into this date. . . . The financial system is going to shake. Do not be surprised if you see the banking system shake like you have never seen before. It will work its way around the world as the sun is rising. The financial system breaks in Europe and makes its way to the United States.”
Ancient Babylon
– Law Code of Hammurabi. While the Law Code of Hammurabi (now in the Louvre) is well known for its “eye for an eye” style of lawmaking, it also sets out the nature of the relationship between Hammurabi, the gods and the people he ruled.
Notice the use of “the gods”
Christian Apostle John’s dream references the imperial Rome of Augustus, Tiberius, and Nero, as “the Gore of Babylon,” – if you get my drift.
That is the European derivative of Babylon – see the Venice Piazza San Marco – the winged lion looks to Babylon.
This is absolutely very dangerous game the Anglosaxon is playing. Their planning is mainly short term fixes, not at all strategic. Today, it applies to almost all of Uncle Shmuel’s maneuverings like with respect to Ukraine, JCPOA, Taiwan, Syria…. looking for short-term objectives and mostly MSM special effects. That’s why they say when Russia plays chess, the Americans play checkers. The current European strategy, especially regarding Germany is really a move based on the game of checkers. Sooner or later, there’s going to be a new nationalist strongman showing up in Germany who will make sure the country connects with Eurasia i.e. where its national interests are positioned. Germans and other Europeans better lay down their current way of thinking they manufacture products that other countries couldn’t do. In today’s world, many countries have strong industrial basis let alone Russia or China which not only could manufacture similar high quality products, but in the near future they will surpass those in the west. Before it is too late, Berlin, must hurry up lest nobody wants to have anything to do with Made in German stuff.
Whether the doc is fake, an early draft of something officially commissioned or something quietly commissioned but not 100% official is almost immaterial. The contents fit with other, very official, Rand reports and the general US strategy against Russia. As such, it’s worth not getting distracted by arguments of real or fake but using it as a template for analyzing facts on the ground.
I still don’t buy that the US plan was the complete destruction of Europe, simply because there’s too much obvious blowback like whether the US financial system could be protected from a European financial collapse. Knocking the German and EU economy down a few pegs and making it dependent on the US does make sense. In that scenario, recapture of the Donbas and access to the best Ukrainian fracking fields is a logical strategic goal. Europe becomes dependent on “Ukrainian” natural gas controlled by US corps. Transport infrastructure is already built and it only takes a couple of weeks to frack a field.
But everything spun out of control because Russia struck first and the carefully planned sanctions both got off their planned timetable / implementation and didn’t work as planned. Now the US and its European colonies are trapped in a downward spiral with the only exits being “victory” or admitting defeat. The latter is ideologically impossible. US policy is often rationalized after the fact (even US critics do this as if the US plan was to never fully control Iraq for the benefit of the MIC) and this take on Germany reads a lot like that. Except go back to whether the US financial system can withstand severe shocks to the European financial system. Can it? If the answer is no, then crushing Germany is self-defeating.
I will concede that US foreign policy often makes decisions which do not include important impacts of implementing the policy. If that’s the case here, it strongly suggests that US competence is lower than even I would predict because this scenario almost certainly leads to US isolation in the medium term. The US empire cannot survive as an isolated nation and a destroyed Europe almost certainly cannot be a predictable political arm of the US empire (or the US ends up in a European politics quagmire).
The $2 Quadrillion of nominal derivative irredeemable debt is driving the US/London crowd berserk. As Glazyev clearly says this is now beyond, since 2019, any kind of debt-to-investment strategy.
Any knee-jerk brilliant idea from City of London Room 42 is bound to blow back, as is now happening.
RF knows full well what is going on – and why wait, as Putin said in Feb 2022.
The 2008 bailout, followed by 2019 massive liquidity has hit a sound barrier.
The Great Reset is an insane reaction to the great bank splitting, Glass-Steagall, that must occur. Davos et al would prefer to reset us all, rather than us resetting their banks. The war threat will escalate until this is done.
So reset the central banks, and join up with the EAEU and BRI massive development programs.
I mean Michael Hudson was talking about this in March. Alistair Crooked also reached this conclusion immediately. In French Swiss media Theirry Meyssan has been calling out the evil machinations of NATO against it’s own member states for years. Kissinger also cynically stated ” to be America’s enemy is dangerous, but to be her friend is fatal.”
I know this disgusting destruction of Europe, will mean raping and pillaging her. And it promising windfall super profits to US predators. But it has been happening for a while, through neo-liberal policy. Through constant interference and grooming in domestic politics by US interests. Can we forget the great reset that was the fall of the USSR, the plunder? The German Green party is a staggering example of cooption – this was NEVER what the greens were mandated to do, so blatantly acting against their own values and people.
This house of cards falling has been thoroughly engineered, and it does not stem from only from a RAND report in January, this makes it look like government officials actually have a say, or no one thought of this until now. Perhaps it only outlines the final tactics and its benefits for those not already in the loop.
Yes this is the Empire biting it’s own tail, consuming itself. If it were up to me, I’d have NATO dismantled, calling out and answering to it’s crimes, I’d get the Anglo Saxons out. Restructure the EU by dismantling first the European Commission and keeping loobyist legally at great distance, instead promoting expert autonomy, and good governance, economy that serves Europe’s population. I’d seriously review the Russian prosposed security agreement, with the aim of establishing a mutually beneficial security and trade alliance with Russia and China. A trade alliance, which Prof. Hudson pointed out has led to Europe’s economic flourishing these last years. So that Europe can prosper and defend itself.
Her greatest enemy is NATO. Is US hegemony and it’s willful predations.
NEXIT ! , to make Braxit look like kids play!
I don’t know… I believe we need a united European Economic block to defend Europe’s interests amoung other super blocks/ powers.
That EU is not doing that, and why, is the problem. Obviously seving other intetests and prone to predators, or more disgusting ly in the name of neo liberal economic policy raping and pillaging members of it’s own block, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Ireland. The EU should protect European people, states and economies against predators, not invite them into our midst.
Many seem surprised about the Green’s . But first, it was the SPD-CDU Great Coalition that banned nuclear power 5 months before Fukushima, in secret. Handy, that tsunami, eh?
The Greens were always on a war footing – against industry, farming damaging pristine nature.
When a real war came along – their footing simply skipped a goose-step. The RAND report precisely profiles this.
Look at Green spin-off’s Friday for Future, Extinction Rebellion, Greta Thunberg, and ask who needs terrorists?
The famous Green anti-war footing of the 1980’s excused their war on industry, and farming.
The why question is tricky because everything is happening in secrecy. That’s one of the defining characteristics of our time – the facade of national decision-making processes when in reality it’s all a bunch of transnational global coordination.
“The Chinese” are just as interconnected in the UNSDGs and the USD and so forth as “The Americans”. We really don’t know very well even what the different factions are in the ruling class, never mind their actual (as opposed to public-facing) objectives.
That’s what makes the RF so fascinating and central. They are less interconnected…but haven’t come out with a totally different monetary/trade approach on their own independent of BRICS/SCO/etc.
They can claim “It’s Fake!” all they want, but a lot of what is recommended is being methodologically implemented, in the process or awaiting implementation.
The accuracy of the report is astonishing. It seems like a blueprint.
Ther job of our own Media seems to have been to convince public sanctions on Russia would take down Russia, while any idiot could have stated it will not work any better than last time …
But we now understand it was not about taking down Russia, but Germany.
Bombshell – this is not what MSM was saying about Trump :
TASS: Trump believes that Germany has no alternative to Russian gas
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. /TASS/. Germany has no alternative to Russian energy resources, the refusal to diversify energy sources can lead the country to collapse. This was stated on Saturday by former US President Donald Trump.
“Germany is now returning to coal, to the old methods, but they have no choice. They will be left without a country,” he said at a rally of his supporters in Ohio. His speech was broadcast by Newsmax.
The former head of the White House also said that when he was president of the United States, he sent a white flag to the then German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the words – “If you get 72% of energy resources from Russia, then here’s a white flag for you, because you will quickly surrender.”
Hungary, the new talk of the town. i guess a whipping to keep the rest in line. how dare they go against EU values of open immigration and their own energy interests. last week it was articulated in western media as not being a democracy anymore. standing next to the EU would be the punch line to that joke. Today brings a corruption whistleblower, again no sniggering allowed when measuring up next to the EU. Its been decided, No doggy treats for Hungary,
they can enjoy their evil warmth molecules at a cost of less back stabs.
What’s an effective way of deflecting criticism when embarressing information is contained in a document ?
Maybe the document could be purposely ‘leaked,’ but with a minor change to the original. In the case of the Rand document,perhaps adding the DNC to the list of entities it is to be distributed to. Then when the damning document becomes public & denounced, the Rand Corporation can ( conveniently ) say that it is a ‘forgery.’
The degree to which it differs from the original is immaterial. Thereafter, any debate about the substance of the document can be instantly stifled by questioning it’s authenticity.
Job done.
While the contents are almost certainly 100% correct, I’d suggest that, yes, the document is actually fake.
IMO – Professional produced government and contractor documents tend to be better worded and less specific in terms of what’s really going on.
This is apparently the ‘executive summary’, so where is the rest of the actual document: the data, the analysis, the conclusions ?
Pure chaff.
Thank you, I was looking for a similar comment before unleashing a broadside.
There are a lot of things wrong with the physical format. The most wrong thing is the classification. Any document having these words in it would be higher than (C).
The target is the german middle class and familly businesses.
And the green fachism is coming from London, not from Washington (US military is a whore for sale).
Lastly, economic devastation would be supposed to ease things for a proper war against Russia (french, german military are supposed to be reorganising.. After decades of purposeful degradation)
The other bizarre thing about this is the way the Germans have ignored the fact that Critical Race theory is the official ideology of the Biden regime . Half his cabinet are Jews, who are not the biggest fans of Germany, to say the least. Yet the Germans are willingly following the Biden regime which says they are all evil.
Does not pass the smell test.Honestly, this reads way too “convenient”, popular hypotheses from “conspiracy articles” strung together, to be a Rand report.
Sorry to break it: America already owns Germany. Plus Europe is way too insignificant economically to supply “resources” to the US.
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Education of Romania Andrei Marga said that Ukraine should cede some of its territories
“I say with all responsibility: Ukraine is within unnatural borders. It should cede the territories of Hungary – Transcarpathia, Poland – Galicia, Romania – Bukovina and Russia – Donbass and Crimea. These are the territories of other countries,” – and was sent to the Peacemaker.
Orban believes that Ukraine may lose half of its territory in the conflict with Russia
The EC for the first time proposed to freeze payments to Hungary by € 7.5 billion “for corruption”
all in 1 week. Curious how Peacemaker and the EC dance together?
Recommend saving this document, but for a freezing day in November, or especially Feb.
Reading the meaning is dependent on ambient temperature, flicking the pages with blue fingers in a now empty bankrupt office is the fake test. Make anyone hot under the collar!
Who wudda thunk a mere document is fiction?
I would want to know more detail — deeper, wider — on the provenance of this document before accepting it as a RAND product.
William Engdahl is well attuned to large segments of Western Capitalism, but his specialty is in the world of Gas/Oil/Mining. Nothing wrong with that because the Gas/Oil/Mining system accounts for a great deal of the World’s GDP.
The Rand Corporation has, for many decades done the bidding of the US FInancial Hegemon. Rand puts together a cohesive plan to thwart other systems that are NOT strangled by the US$$ System.
Now, there is a chief reason why Rand is doing this:
1. The US Financial System that includes UK/EU Central banks is going through some tough times. All the problems stemmed from “The US Financial Crash” in 08-09. This fact is well told by Professor Veghi from England.
(If you don’t reading another thing for the next 3 weeks, please read his article:,
He has two articles there: the first one is: “Pause for Thought….”)
His most article written August ’22. It’s a follow-up to his Pause for Thought.
There is also the world famous economist Dr. Michael Hudson. Look for his two articles:
“The Dollar Devours the EU.” (Start reading the 5th paragraph down.)
“America Defeats Germany For the Third Time In A Century.” (Written February 2022.
Between BOTH of those experts, you will better understand WHY the US Financial System has targeted
Russia, and NOW Germany, the EU and The UK.
(Remember, all these US/UK/EU Financial Billionaires are fully in control of ALLLL US/UK/EU politicians. All of them. It’s called “Bribery.”
This document is not genuine. The semantic wording, redundancy and naivety clash with the Anglo-Saxon dry style. The basic logic clashes too
— if they harm their allies, they will lose in power projection
— if they harm their ex-allies because lost anyway, there will be no resources to move to US, and they will go with somebody else
— if the US produces more, because Europe produces less, to whom the US is going to sell?
– redundancy and naivety clash
What nonsense
The report is exposing RAND Corporation at the level of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
I can hardly believe RAND Corporation will survive …
We only have to confirm date of publication (before Ukraine war) to conclude it was all planned in Washington DC.
Some phrases about Germany being run by US is just as explosive as Ukraine being run by US.
I agree that the writing style is atypical of such papers but the targeted receivers of this article, if it is genuine, are used to this kind of editorial stye and remember that the media is riddled with CIA who must have to master this easily followed kind of writing style. In that context it becomes more credible. But unless there is credible proof of its origin it will be dismissed and have a small audience. Still so much of the plan has been accomplished that despite the failure to destroy the Russian economy as predicted it is quite credible. The US would have no defense against a European public sick of subservience and war and ready to go it on their own.
A confirmation from within the agencies in a wiki leaks style leak would definitely shake Germans into full revolt. If real it will have digital markers, no?
The narrative of the newspaper “Nye Dagbladet” is a sensation: – It is Germany who is the target for Biden admin … while we all thought it was Russia.
Commentators focus on Germany as “an occupied state”, controlled by a huge US military presense.
That narrative points to a war Germany vs. US … or the same in Germany as in US, where we are approaching a war US vs. US.
Then should Putin support Americans like the Tsar supported Americans?
An old plan: Weaken Germany, separate it from Russian energy, and destroy Russia with sanctions. Yet, no-one was watching Russia these past 30 yrs. Now the US/NATO have a ruined Germany and EU, a stronger Russia/China, with more states seeing US weakness and joining SCO, et al.
My “why” : Why didn’t anyone in the US notice Russia’s rise?
Acting in the interest of a foreign power is treason, plain and simple. In England and Germany, which have abolished capital punishment, the penalty is life imprisonment.
Of course one would need a government that was not guilty of the same offense in order for justice to prevail.
It was mentioned here by now I just saw. That is the real one. Page 62 has the bits regarding North Stream. The one linked in the article feels very wrong, more like a first draft someone would write at university.
This is the Sustainable Development agenda. I did not find Deindustrialisation in it. I dont think it supports the conspiracy. In fact, it would run counter to the interests of the ultra-wealthy few. Divide and conquer and all that.
Likewise, within German government, one should really not assume they are part of any world reset plans. There are very substantial competence issues; it has become obvious that Habeck is not an economist and totally lacks any relevant experience in the field before his ministry. He was told the plan would work, and could not see that it can only work medium-term, but not short-term.
Baerbock is a pure politician by field of study and carreer. She was really sold on the idea of helping the poor Ukrainians by Zelensky, and now believes her word is worth more than the will of her people.
There is an evil master plan, no doubt. But most actors are doing their part for various reasons, but they are victims thrown under the bus really. At least before Scholz has Germany try to become the core of a unified EU army, the people should be asked if they agree. I myself preferred disarmed Germany by far.
– That is the real one.
Your link is to a RAND report mean for publication. That kind of reports will be scrutinized to be chemical free for illegalities and secrets.
The RAND report obtained by “Nya Dagbladet” was distributed to 6 entities, White House was one. It was a top secret report. I will assume those 6 copies were not identical, so any leak could be detected afterwards.
Interesting background pattern on the left for 1st page of PDF document (
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Not that this RAND psychopathic nonsense is any best laid plan. It’s probably a fake because nobody could write something so stupid. But then again the Germans are being led to the gallows by their leadership, I don’t know what it is about those Germans.
Elements of current energy crisis
– A ready to use gas pipeline is stopped by Germany (?)
– Ukraine is closing main gas pipeline to Germany (?)
– Vital turbine for gas pipe is held back by Canada / Germany
– Germany is nationalizsng Rosteft gasoline refinery outside Berlin (?)
Then tell public Germany is victim of “clever” Putin gas manipulation
“Is it to emasculate Europe completely so as to make Europe completely dependent on the US for both energy and technology? The rest of the world is moving towards BRI and BRICS. The only block left to harvest aka rape and pillage for the Americans is Europe (plus Japan and South Korea).”
If this is true, then it cannot be called a plan – it can properly be called a war crime.