Remember the 1983 US invasion of Grenada aka “Operation Urgent Fury”?
It all began on October 23, 1983 when two truck bombs blew up the buildings housing the US and French “Multinational Force in Lebanon”. This attack resulted in 307 people killed including 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel. Following the bombings, US diplomats engaged in their usual frantic flag-waving and promises to never ever give in to terrorism. The biggest problem for the US was that it had no way to retaliate in a way which would satisfy the flag-waver’s desire for blood. Just blowing up random buildings in Lebanon made very little impact, as for the promises to stay for as long as needed, it was obvious PR – it was clear to everybody that the time to pack and leave had come.
Of course, this was very humiliating for the wannabe “indispensable nation” cum “city upon a Hill”…
So Reagan, with his undeniable genius for PR and optics, ordered the invasion of Grenada just two days after the bombings in Beirut.
Why Grenada?
Well, for one thing it was barely defended (mostly by Cuban engineers and locals with small arms) and truly tiny (so tiny, in fact, that the overwhelming majority of US Americans had no idea where it was or why there was suddenly an urgent need to invade.
Second, it was very close to the USA, so everybody could get a slice of the cake, including the 1st and 2nd battalions of the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, the 82nd Airborne and the Army’s rapid deployment force, U.S. Marines, Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs, and ancillary forces totaling 7,600 troops. In terms of hardware, the US brought in 7,300 troops, 4 tanks, 1 LHA (USS Saipan LHA-2), 1 aircraft carrier, 3 destroyers, 2 frigates, 1 ammunition ship and even 27 F-14A Tomcats (source).
All that against a few hundred construction workers armed only with small arms!
I won’t go into all the details here, but let’s just say that this invasion was one of the worst and most poorly executed operation in the history of warfare: a truly HUGE US force was brought in to strike at a basically defenseless tiny island nation with the sole purpose of changing the optics of the disaster in Lebanon. But, not to worry, the Pentagon handed our more medals than the number of participants, while some US special forces who wanted to press charges against helicopter pilots for cowardice (who abandoned the SOF on a runway because of small arms fire) were “counseled” against the idea.
Bottom line is this: after the epic disaster in Beirut, the US wanted a quick and easy war to restore the “prestige” of the US armed forces, only to end up with yet another epic disaster, but at least in the case of Grenada, it was simply impossible to fail no matter how inept and incompetent the entire invasion was.
Now let’s fast forward by 40 years and look at the current situation.
First, there is the abject failure of the USA in Afghanistan, but also in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and the KSA. Then there is the humiliating Iranian bombing of CENTCOM bases which the “these colors don’t run” had to suffer without being able to do *anything* to save face. And then they had to run :-)
And now there is a brewing disaster in the Ukraine which will make even the fall of Kabul look like a great success in comparison to comprehensive whooping of all NATO efforts by Russia (reminder: it took Russia less than a month to basically destroy the first iteration of the “Ukrainian” army and another six months to bring the NATO forces to a standstill).
Now try to imagine that you are a hate-filled Neocon sitting in the White House and you are desperate to change the optics of the Brandon Administration.
Would it not be nice to find another “Grenada” somewhere?
Also, would it not feel good to wipe the smile off Putin’s face?
Even better – how about making Putin really unpopular in Russia by making him look weak, indecisive or maybe even an agent of the West?
I submit that the US is more or less done with the Middle East. Venezuela is an option, but with no imaginable exit strategy, it would be the proverbial “easy in, no way out” thing the US did in Afghanistan and Iraq and could, potentially also bleed into Colombia.
I remember how during the vicious bombing of the Serbian people by the US/NATO/EU Strobe Talbott made no secret of the fact that this “execution of Serbia” was a “message” sent to Russia: see what we can do to your ally? if you don’t behave, you will be next.
After Kabul, threats against Russia look funny. But what about Serbia?
So here are the reasons why Serbia might come under attack (again):
- Like Grenada, Serbia is completely surrounded by the Hegemony.
- Serbs (and I am referring to the people, not their leaders) are probably the most pro-Russian and even pro-Putin people on the planet.
- The Hegemony can constantly engage in provocations (say in Bosnia or Kosovo) to humiliate the Serbian people over and over again and provoke them to take action and then get a pretext to strike (For example, Ursula von der Lugen already made direct threats against Serbia).
- While the Serbian military is much more capable than the tiny Grenadian security forces, compared to NATO it simply is no match, especially if, like the last time around, the Hegemony chooses to use missile and bomb strikes and does not put “boots on the ground”.
- In Russia, Serbs are often perceived as the only true friends of Russia.
- Russia still does not have the means to protect Serbia though this might change in the future (more about that below) so now is the time to act.
- Serbia is an Orthodox country and the Serbian nation is composed of those whom neither the Latins nor the Ottomans could force into converting to Latin Christianity or Islam. Just for that they are hated by the Western ruling elites (not to mention the Croats and Bosnian Muslims).
- While this is rarely admitted in the West, in spite of the absolutely terrible correlation of forces the Serbs basically fought the US/NATO into a draw in Bosnia and they are still unwilling to give up on Kosovo (I am talking about the people here, not Serbian politicians.
There are plenty more reasons which I could list, but I think that the image is clear.

Translation: Vladimir, save Serbia!
I would also note that I don’t see the US/NATO actually invading Serbia, that would be way too messy and would require even more US/NATO forces than are currently deployed in Europe.
Besides, the 5th column in Serbia and Montenego is so powerful that there is absolutely no need to invade either one of these two supposed nations (they are one in reality, of course!).
Instead, what I see as the biggest risk is that the US might decide to do with Serbia what the Zionist entity (aka “Israel”) is doing in Syria: I call it “psychotherapeutic strikes”.
Psychotherapeutic strikes are not designed to achieve any tangible military success. The Israelis have been bombing Syria for YEARS now and all of these strikes have had exactly *zero* military impact: if anything, the Syrian authorities, backed by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah remain firmly in control of the situation. But it makes Jewish supremacists feel good about their putative racial superiority and it feeds their illusions about their military being as formidable as ever (heck, they even fly F-35s! What could possibly go wrong?)
And here is the key factor to consider: just as the Israelis are never told that their strikes against Syria are, at best, useless, so does the US propaganda machine hide the magnitude of the US defeat in Grenada from the people of the USA. Hollywood even made sure to sell the heroic version of this shameful invasion :-)
In other words, if the US/NATO were to strike Serbia, they would not need to achieve any tangible military result. Such a strike(s) would only serve PR purposes and as a way to distract the public from the disaster in the Ukraine.
Then there is the argument that time is running out for the AngloZionist Empire: as soon as NATO is defeated in the Ukraine, you can expect a major political crisis for both NATO and the EU and the infamous “Camp Bondsteel” in Kosovo will be threatened (if interested, you can check out my article “Kosovo will be liberated” which I wrote in 2017). By the time NATO runs out of military hardware and the entire EU plunged into a massive economic and political crisis, Russia will have the means to provide some very real support to Serbia (assuming that by then Serbia is run by real sovereignists).
It is obvious that the NATO plans to invade Crimea next year will now have to be shelved and quickly forgotten. Ditto for the planned “Operation Storm” but this time against the Donbass (don’t take my word for it, see here). These ships have sailed.
[Sidebar: the fact that the Ukie Nazis were so inspired by Croatian Nazis is, of course, not a coincidence. Both nations are the creation of the Vatican and they follow the ideology common to Pavelic and Bandera and, for that matter, Pilsudski, Franco or Mussolini.]
So will we see another “Grenada” against the Serbian people? If by that we mean a fullscale invasion, then no. But Israeli-style “psychotherapeutic strikes” are a very real risk in Bosnia and Serbia (including, of course, Kosovo).
I would argue that as long as NATO and the EU exist, the Serbian people will be living with a gun to their heads. In fact, NO truly sovereign nation on our planet is safe as long as NATO and the AngloZionist Empire have not been de-fanged. Once western Europe is denazified and demilitarized, along with whatever remains of Banderastan, then peace and security (which is *always* collective!) will return to Europe and Serbia. And then both Bosnia and Kosovo will be liberated.
Inside the media envelope of the West, a person could be forgiven for thinking that Ukraine is winning the ‘war’ with Russia. Gradually this certainty is starting to slip, and so the media coverage is also shifting, from Ukraine’s amazingly successful offensive, to the devastating effect of Russia’s missile strikes. The strikes are so obviously a softening up exercise, and the military build up so ominous for the prospects of Ukraine, that the Western media is priming several optional narratives. The Serbian one was planted several months ago, and seems at this point to be on hold.
From this side of the information curtain nothing concrete was established other than that there was trouble with Macedonians in the Kosovo region. How true that is, and to what size or extent, we on this side will never know unless we buy books containing first hand accounts, collected and analysed by genuine historians or chroniclers.
I don’t know if NATO has the time to spring this prepared narrative of a resurgence of Serbian ‘aggression’, but they, the Western oligarchy, are definitely putting pressure on the current Serbian government.
In the end, it seems to be coming down to; Who can actually use material actions to chrystalise the situation in their favour. For example, the SMO is coming to fruition in Russia’s favour, despite what the narrative in the West is. If the Serbian politicians can hold the situation in stasis for a year, all should be well. This is why I tend to disagree with people who hold that politicians should be completely ethical and morally forthright at all times. When you are fighting for the survival of your people, almost all subterfuge is forgivable. This does not include immoral acts such as assassination, false witness, or false flags terrorism, for example, but strong disguise of true intentions would in my view be not just sensible, but one’s duty when representing a country under seige. Playing for time would be Serbia’s best bet in my view. Even if that makes one look like a coward in the short term. They still have honour, as their PM showed with his comments about not forgetting the NATO bombing, but they need to sit this one out for now, in my opinion.
Well said.
The best strategy for Serbia would be to conclude a military alliance with Russia. Russia has adopted a number of laws, including on nuclear strikes in order to protect its allies. – “2. Guaranteed deterrence of a potential enemy from aggression against the Russian Federation and (or) its allies is among the highest state priorities. Deterrence of aggression is provided by the totality of the military power of the Russian Federation, including nuclear weapons.”, “4. The state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence is defensive in nature, is aimed at maintaining the potential of nuclear forces at a level sufficient to ensure nuclear deterrence, and guarantees the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, deterring a potential enemy from aggression against the Russian Federation and (or) its allies, and in the event of a military conflict – preventing the escalation of hostilities and their termination on terms acceptable to the Russian Federation and (or) its allies.”
Serbia doesn’t need an alliance with Russia–it can do very well on its own, although a few extra SAM-400 missiles wouldn’t hurt. Serbia did very well against NATO in 1997, with virtually its entire army intact after months of bombing by NATO. The problem was that Serbia was a modern nation and NATO was gradualy taking out its rail and communications infrastructure and its factories. To save its economy, Serbia had to withdraw from Kosovo. NATO had little better luck against Libya, taking seven months of heavy bombing and running out of missiles before the U.S. resupplied it. Only after thousands of jihadists and lots of militias were built up could NATO defeat the small Libyan army. Believe me, Serb fighters are some of the toughest in the world and Serbia is the farthest thing from Grenada.
Good fighters are not what we miss or have ever missed.
Maybe in WWI we had some losses that we could not patch, also in WWII, but this was not due to lack of fighters particularly but due to shrink of overall male population.
I suggest this as good point to investigate our economy regarding male teenage “fighters”.
We might need some improvements regarding fighting economy.
Yes they are tough fighters and i was proud of them but the problem is the coward politicians,how could those bastards turn their own people over to the Reich Court in the Hague? one of them had his head blown off for his cowardice,i also expected after the Serbs left Kosovo they would have engaged in a insurgency against the Nato occupiers.
Ukraine would be nothing compared to what would hit NATO if they try to go into Serbia. Maybe Serbia does not have the capability to face NATO directly, but I can tell you, knowing those people and their history of leading guerilla wars against the greatest world empires (the Ottoman’s, the Austro-Hungarian’s, the German’s), that every tree, every street light, heck, every shade would be fighting NATO Nazis. Two great world empires had their spines broken in Serbia (the Ottoman’s and the Austro-Hungarian’s), and there would be nothing more satisfying for the Serbian people than to take down the greatest evil that has ever walked on the surface of this planet, the NATO Reich!
I think it is important to remember that from a ‘legal’ point of view, Israel and Syria are still at war. That helps to explain why Russia never wanted to intervene in the Israel/Syria conflict, and why Israel can bomb Syria every other day in silence.
But that is not the case for Serbia, so one can expect bad things to happen if something goes very kinetic over there (I still think the kerfuffle over licence plates was a non-kinetic version of what Andrei is saying here).
The Vatican does not paint anything in Catholic Europe? for 70 years. Perhaps in the fantasies of the Marvel universe or with Keanu Reeves in “Constantine”.
What an obsession with the Catholic Church that has been in ruins for more than half a century.
This kind of comment can only be made by someone that never felt the wrath of Vatican on there own skin. Serbs are geographically most west Orthodox Christians. They are a stone throw from the Vatican. Since the great schism we have been attacked. Just in WW2 the open army records indicate that 1500 Catholic priests were directly involved in slaughter of Serbian people in what is today called Croatia. The policy of the time was 1/3 converted, 1/3 exterminated and 1/3 expelled. After the WW2 Vatican with MI6 was main enabler in extraction of clero-nazi leaders vie the ‘rats channels’ into the Argentina. Pope Pious XII was in charge. In 1999 one of the first who advocated bombing the Serbs was Pope John II.
You are absolutely correct of course, this whitewashing of the Papacy is sickening to me too
Without any sense of irony, and without any evidence, the Bishop of Rome (aka summus pontifex ecclesiae universalis) recently singled out Chechen and Buryat soldiers as being particularly ‘cruel’, in respect of their conduct in the Ukraine. These are infantile racial stereotypes, in which Mongol hordes and Caucasian mountaineers are seen as cruel Asiatic savages. An organisation responsible for the crusades, the conquistadores, the inquisition and a thousand other cruelties should really look to the plank in its own eye. In making these comments Jorge Bergoglio has shown himself to be an ill educated bigot.
It is an omnious sign that the current pope seems to have come down from the fence regarding Ukraine, on the Ukrainian side.
He still holds power in the Catholic world. I remember reading in the beginning of the SMO, there where Spanish taxi drivers on the Polish/Ukrainian border, volantarily transporting people out of Ukraine.
The ideology of the anti-Tutsi genocide in Rwanda is a variation of the social doctrine of the Church promoted by Archbishop Perraudin in his Lenten letter for Easter 1959. The Tutsis lack charity towards the Hutus, therefore they are not Christians. And he formally condemns them to death by quoting the Gospels.
Hi all
Most people in Macedonia also support Serbia and Russia, unfortunately it does not amount to anything in real terms. The nazis rregime here is in cahoots with the albos and will take side against Serbia as ordered.
The only hope here to get away from the stranglehold is through a financial crisis, with an either abrupt crash or continuation of the current slow burn, which would rearrange the balance of power in Europe and the world. And get rid of the golden billion. An epic battle, should get worse before it gets better, hopefully no nukes in along the way.
God bless
If the common people of Serbia and Macedonia support Russia, who elects their anti-Russian politicians? I do not understand.
Same people that elected ‘Lets go Brandon’. Election in Serbia is a farce that is an insult to anyone with the IQ above the room temperature.
The answer is simple: the exact same people. When a limited (or even fixed by law) number of candidates stand for election and when all these candidates are in fact anti-Russian – because pro-Russian candidates would never have had the financial and media support required to gain access to power – for who else do you want the people to vote for? This is western democracy.
The support of finance and the media is actually a side issue, because the real vetting takes place inside the political parties. In order to be selected to stand in an election you must never, ever deviate from the instructions of your political party. Since all the Western political parties are overseen and manipulated by the Western intelligence agencies they naturally end up with the same policies. Every few years the plebs are permitted to choose from a selection of blue, red, yellow and green representatives, all of whom are internally identical. This is what we call ‘representative democracy’.
It is impossible to change the current government qt the moment. You have to see it to believe it. It’s a genuine occupation.
@OscardeCaracas This is THE RIGHT question.
There is very different situation in Serbia and Macedonia – Government in Serbia is not anti-Russian and not directly in control by west, while Macedonian government is.
Government of Serbia made number moves in political, economy and diplomacy fields to gain sovereignty of previously devastated and by-west occupied country, as much as was/is possible in real geopolitical space. People of Serbia, that really are pro-Russian (and some that are not) recognize this and thus vote for actual Serbian regime.
Just think reasonable – cleaning Serbian army of pro-NATO members and build-up of Serbian military to level that can address all ex-YU armies combined (this was done in cooperation with Russia and China military industry), building economy to the level that can support such military build-up. Staying out of anti-Russian hysteria in economy and media and being THE ONLY country in Europe not proposing sanctions to Russia (to this very day) and cooperating with RUSSIA in all fields where it is physically possible (Serbia does not border Russia and is surrounded by NATO countries). In Serbia, you can get all the information about ongoing war in Ukraine without any censorship, as a matter of fact sometimes media can be tendentious in opposite direction than in other European countries.
What anti-Russian government would behave in that way? Our presidents children attended Russian school in Belgrade and he speaks Russian language frequently.
The other (same actually) question is why there is solid, really solid group that address our government as anti-Russian and anti-Serbian (much bigger issue)?
There is a strong movement in Serbia consisting of 5-th and 6-th column, often aligned although having essentially different approaches and politics. Former group is openly pro-western and later is pro-Serbian-Russian hard-core nationalists both being able to neglect obvious interests of Serbian people in favor to irrational hate towards current Serbian government.
This combined force is very strong and supported by western-owned media in Serbia (about half in coverage and not more than 20% in popularity and audience) and might be bigger threat to destabilize country and open the door to further west-organized destabilization that might result with civil war.
Personally I see this issue as bigger threat than open military intervention, and am 99% sure that eventual military intervention of any kind will only follow open internal destabilization.
West still has leverages to accomplish destabilization of Serbia (especially via destabilization of Kosovo, BiH, Montenegro – Црна Гора and in 2nd round provoke destabilization of Serbia via 5th and 6th column) and current Serbian government is for sure not someone that will help to accomplish that goal.
Thanks for your informations that resonate with my (guessing)take on things there. Very appreciated. It is easy and convenient for the west to feed mistrust, division and making us see traitors among ourselves.
It takes vigilance, trust, integrity, heart… all those qualities to stand in truth, AND also patience.
Be well.
An abrupt collapse is to be avoided if at all possible. The collateral damage would be far higher than from the slow burn collapse we are experiencing. But collapse it must.
I expect defanging of the Vatican and Jesuits to accompany the scenario contemplated in this essay.
Thank you for another insightful article!
Here is a relevant thirty year retrospective article on the invasion of Grenada that reports the other reasons for the invasion. After reading it I am reminded of how easily Empire can distract the USA people (well, at least two thirds of them in the case of Grenada “according to polls”) when it controls the media and its controlled-opposition celebrities. I hope they don’t choose another victim country close to home, such as Cuba, for the next psyop to distract attention from Nato/Ukraine’s imminent defeat.
Your hypothesis is very inspiring for thinking – not about unthinkable only. It is highly likely (no irony, please) that something of this sort of case would come so on soon.
A friend of mine was in Vietnam and later Grenada, as a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne.
He had lots of experience already. He tried to keep his men alive as they climbed a hill against gunfire. He was partly successful.
On the other side of the hill was a valley with houses, family houses, with dead families after the airstrikes.
He told me of a refrigerator, with every kid’s chores on a piece of paper on it in Spanish.
He is a native Spanish speaker.
Imagine it a little bit…
Interesting hypothesis and it could easily be arranged with provocations in both Bosnia and Kosovo. Until Serbia brings back conscription and further builds up its military, it will always be an easy target as it is completely surrounded by NATO and continues it’s neutral foreign policy. What is more interesting is the dynamic between Greece and Turkey, both NATO members and at each other’s throat. This is where a spark could ignite a war.
One may speculate as to the long-term social and political effects of “Israeli-style “psychotherapeutic strikes” “…Huuummmm… I myself know how a near-miss bomb affected me…relief, fear, anger…and so forth.
I wonder whether the Serbia might, in time, vote a referendum to join Russia, after they get tired of being attacked.
Anyway, I sure wouldn’t want to pizzoff the Serbs…great fellas but they are passionate and tough as iron…the few I’ve met in the woods. (We all drank to VVP and Russia!)
I note that art 6 and 7 of the UN Charter seems to allow Russia to attack Romania, a neighboring State to Serbia, from which nazi attacks on Serbia might come…(art 7> Germany, Austria, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Ukraine are on the short list>.
I used to know a fella that went to Panama, and I think Grenada…he loved to talk about his cruelty to prisoners…great fun…but his civilian fortunes took a bad turn, and he got hurt.
Changes sometimes happen fast…
“….he loved to talk about his cruelty to prisoners…great fun…but his civilian fortunes took a bad turn, and he got hurt.”
What goes around, comes around!
We are, in the West, still stuck in this helpless victim mode, aren’t we?
I see many other articles with this same meme – “Oh God, America will want to do this; the WEF is going to chip us all” and it’s “Russia cannot defend Serbia” now.
Well, no not by marching in and starting to throw bombs around, but that has never been Russia’s first choice of action. I am very sure there are a million and one ways Russia can get back at NATO, America, and hurt them considerably, should they start trouble for the Serbs.
An example of their thinking, which still seems remote to the Beltway Planning Department, is when America launched the war, way back, over some damn thing, by expelling Russian diplomats. The call was for Russia to instantly kick US diplomats out, which she didn’t do. And the armchair generals did thier “Putin is weak” thing”.
There is a video somewhere detailing this, which I saw. Sergei Ivanov, a long time friend, ex-KGB and then security chief, said “No, Lets take a little time, study them and find out which of their staff in Moscow they really cant do without. Then we will kick those ones out”
Do you see the difference. ??
I mean, Putin might call whoever is chief of CIA and say “Do you really want us to show the world the evidence that proves you never went to the moon?” Then back off!!!!
We don’t really need a proof that the US did not go the moon. The entire sane world knows that. How is it possible that the US landed on the moon in 1969, but 50 years later it cannot even get a space-shuttle passed the Van Allen belt. Yeah, did not happen!
Dear Saker,
How do you envision Bosnia and Croatia, “once western Europe is denazified and demilitarized”?
Best Regards,
I see the RS of Bosnia joining with Montenegro and Serbia (with Kosovo, of course)
I do not think that the the Serbs will ever return to the Krajinas in Croatia.
But that is just a guess, I am not prophet :-)
I don’t want to bother you with a series of questions and a never-ending thread, but since this is rarely the topic, I would aprecciate if you could expound a just a little bit on Croatia. Disclosure: I am Croatian and while I think a lot of it was done wrong in the nineties and the ethnic cleansing of the serbian minoritiy was beyond wrong, what in your view could and should be done on Croatian part for Croatia to eventually be viewed as a mended, rectified society in the newly forming world?
Also, as a side note, outsiders mostly aren’t aware and view this region through the nineties lens, but a lot of “the grudge” between Serbia and Croatia thawed over the last, say 15 years, regional pop stars mingle into mixed marriages, lost of Serbian bands and singers are popular in Croatia and vice versa,tourists from both countries are welcome in the other’s locale with their home car plates which wasn’t the case in say 1998.
Best Regards,
The great Martyanov always says the people deserve the leaders they elect.
Can that also be said of Serbia?
No. A comment from above suggests what an “installed government” really means these days, US much like in Serbia.
Closely related to the term “Liberal Democracy, ” it illustrates how the segmentation of society into small, vocal, self interest groups can be made to appear like “LGBQT123” represents a vast majority everywhere. When in fact, are merely a small minority made to appear relevant by artifice.
Followed by a bogus election, these people install themselves like ticks on a snake. Featuring color protests as a means to their end: total control (sadism-masochism-bondage) and a “new world order.”
Take note of the protests against the LGBQT parade supported by the Catholic Church in Serbia recently numbering some 50,000 people against the nazi riff-raff. The parade was cancelled.
The majority spoke.
I wonder what’s it going to take before we (and not just ‘Smoothie’) dispense with the faulty notion that governments’ thoughts and actions reflect the will of the people, especially when elections can be manipulated and rigged.
It’s my belief that people are catching on to these games, and the upcoming “Globohomo” infiltration of voting systems for a bullshit world order. Serbia on the frontline now.
Take a look at the Canadian Convoy inquiry and watch the Liberals get decimated by the convoy lawyers. There’s nowhere for the “nwo” infiltrators to go except to lie and disfigure themselves on world tv.
Like Mr. Martyanov says: “there’s a quickening” now.
It is hard to give answer. You are partially right. So let us retrospect a little.
During the last 150 years my father, born in 1948, is the ONLY member of family who were not
participated in any war as combatant. I have had a nice decade of 90′ from Maribor to Maslenica, Zemunik, via BiH to Drenica, Istok and Peć. So we have a never ending war. You should know that there is a mystical line which goes via Danube and Drina over Balkans. It is a line of division of Roman Empire, Church divide, Cold War divide..etc
Than add a 480+ years struggle with Ottomans… It might be that we are a little bit tired.
For the last 21 years, we do have a circus play governments, that is true. In 2001 there was a coup and by that time all of the media, almost all of the intellectual an financial elite are bought and payed for by US/EU.
You do not have a real choice, it is a sham.
For me there’s nothing that dead West can do as real surprise to me.
It is easy to write anything when yo do not have a sentry post to attend afterwards under the possible fire.
Another throw away comment. Let me give you a few facts about Serbian people. At the end of WW1 Serbia lost 1/3 of it population and 50% of its male population fighting west. When you celebrate armistice day on 11/11 we celebrate victory day. The only front that has been broken was the one at Thessaloniki by Serbian army getting Austro/Hungarians, Germans and Bulgarians on the run. During WW2 over 1M Serbs has been killed. During 90s the west again beard its foaming teeth and went on to the killing ‘little Russians’ of the Balkans. Did you know that in Hague only Serbs got accumulation over 1000 years of imprisonment. No Bosnian Muslim, Coat or Albanian has been sentenced for there crimes. The only good Serb is dead Serb, right? Does this sound like we deserve the government that we have?
I did not get the point, but If you want to say that Serbs do not need rushing to front lines in another world war without proper strategy and measuring possible costs and own abilities, I completely agree.
Behavior of Russia in current Ukraine clash is proper example of smart and tactical approach, taking in consideration all Geo-political, economy, military and even ethical aspects and acting in accordance, without rush and emotions.
Serbia is small country, after all. Someone defined us as people consuming much more history that we can get.
I think it was correct.
The point is in the question do we ‘deserve’ the government that we have.
Would you mind expending on ‘consuming much more history that we can get’.
Behavior of Russia in current Ukraine clash is proper example of smart and tactical approach, taking in consideration all Geo-political, economy, military and even ethical aspects and acting in accordance, without rush and emotions.
I don’t have sufficient knowledge of Serbia, but maybe by “current Ukraine clash” you should include the run-up from 2014 onwards – in 2014 I think Russia know what was required to deal with the problem but was not militarily ready to deal with the whole of Nato – she waited until she is. In the mean time she made all preparations. As I understand it, that appears to be what you imply in your first paragraph, in which case it is a good analogy.
But Andrei serbia is so small couldnt the russias give them a couple S400 air defence batteries and protect the whole country?
No, they cannot, We are surrounded by NATO allied countries.
Chinese Air Force cargo planes have been flying into Serbia since April. Russian can’t fly there I believe because of the sanctions. But China can. Wondering what they are delivering.
I should have thought that the west making “psychotherapeutic strikes” on Serbia would risk receiving considerably more strategically relevant “psychotherapeutic strikes” in return (i.e. non-cosmetic). Wouldn’t Russia be likely to hit the sites from which the attacks were launched using standoff weapons? If they go for Khinjal, they can hit any target in Europe without leaving Russian airspace. Does the fact that Serbia is surrounded by Nato countries really make that much difference in times of war?
Of course, without war, the Nato necklace imposes certain practical restrictions on what Russia can do; a kinetic attack on Serbia as envisaged in the article is a clear act of war, automatically changing the situation, which instantly convert those restrictions into an irrelevance, as far as I can see. It then becomes much more a matter of force equations – which inevitably rule squarely in favour of Russian force capabilities and against Nato force capabilities.
I always thought Grenada was a roaring success in a tiny sandbox for the US that it could “proudly” point to as one post-Vietnam victory. I wasn’t paying much attention, I must admit. About a month ago I told some thoroughly propagandized relatives that the best thing the US could do at that point would be to find some abandoned town in the Donbass to bomb to smithereens, declare it a lesson to Russia, and head home, bragging forever about how they deterred the big bad bear when Russia predictably didn’t go on to overrun eastern Europe. I hope the big show of force the Brandon administration needs in order to save face will wind up more or less like Trump’s missile strike on Syria, which was bad enough, but much worse things go on.
» Both nations are the creation of the Vatican and the follow the ideology common to Pavelic and Bandera and, for that matter, Pilsudski, Franco or Mussolini «
Vatican: Franco & Pinochet & Videla
One of the worst parts was the aftermath.
ALL the car and beer commercials were about opening up a delicious can of cold beer, because ‘America is back’. Hundreds of times for weeks.
Back acting as the world’s greatest bully and thug?
It is very unlikely the US-NATO would want to wage a face saving PR mini crisis in another part of Europe, at this time, only because the situation in the EU might really get out of control for various reason least of which is the ongoing energy/inflation problems hitting the region. Most likely the US- NATO would be interested in running the same PR diversionary scenario in Central Asia-Caucasus regions. In doing that, US- NATO believe they can hit several birds with one stone, namely: 1- divert Russia’s focus from the Ukraine. 2- Halt Eurasian integration from going forward. 3- Provide covert support to the New Ottoman Empire’s Pan-Turkism storyline. 4- Delay construction projects for the North-South Corridor which would create direct route for Russia to India. 5- Keep Iran busy with numerous tensions along northern regions while creating similar threats on its Baluchistan and Kurdistan ostans (provinces) bordering Pakistan and Iraq.
You forgot Montenegro and Macedonia in your last sentence :-)
I note that RT begins transmission in Serbian> RT startet “RT Balkan” als Multimedia-Portal in serbischer Sprache
Possibly this is not an accidental coincidence…
Best! P
Ursula von der Leyn just proposed creation of a special court to prosecute Russian crimes in Ukraine , a court not unlike the one in Hague that was created with full Russian support to prosecute Serbian politicians, generals and other patriots for the supposed war crimes perpetrated during the civil war in former Yugoslavia. As with many other similarities between the two wars, this particular issue with the “war crimes court” is yet another instance where Russia is making a full circle. It all comes back to it as a boomerang.
Indeed,that so called war crimes court was a disgrace,it was a Nato court,now the same scum are talking about a court for Russians,that would be like putting the WW2 allies on trial at Nuremberg instead of the German Nazis,these people are mentally deranged.
Serbia received Chinese anti aircraft missile system in April this year, they are ready and prepared to face NATO.
Serbia has barely managed to hang on since it first officially gained official independence with the Treaty of Berlin in 1889, after 70+ hard years of fighting the Ottoman occupation in a series of uprisings & brutal guerrilla wars/insurgencies, & then Serbia only gained a fraction of its ethnic territories. From that point the Habsburg/Austrian Empire looked for an excuse to invade Serbia, economically blockaded her, annexed Bosnia in 1908 which was then ethnically majority Serb inhabited. Come the Balkan Wars of 1912 & 1913 & Serbia managed to finally expel the Ottoman Turks from all her territories, followed by a war of aggression by Bulgaria, invoked by Austria. Bulgaria is defeated & Habsurg Austria creates a false flag excuse to invade Serbia in 1914 (Sarajevo assissination of Ferdinand) & kicks of World War 1 – or the Pan European Slaughter Act 1. Austria demands that “Serbia must die/Serbien un sterben)” & Serbia loses half of its male population. Croatia carries out its first mass atrocities in Macva against Serbian elderly, women & children, in a dress rehearsal for the genocide awaiting in WW2 by the Ustasha. End WW1 & Serbia’s epic victory is stolen as allies force her to concede to a “South Slav” state – a proto-Soviet Union in which Slovenes & Croats, loyal subjects of the Habsburgs, will have the real power. Yugoslavia mark 1 ends in 1941, Nazi Germany invades & we have the second genocide of Serbs in the 20th century, much of it carried out in the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia under the Ustasha. End WW2 & the UK/US force Serbia into now communist Yugoslavia mark 2 under Josip Broz, their agent, who was set up to defy Stalin & take south east Europe with him. Broz Tito managed Yugoslavia, so they gave him the Non Alligned Movement to work on the former Euro colonies & ensure they ally with the west, under non allignment fraud. Come 1991, re-unified Germany demands all of Europe recognize Slovene & Croatian secession from Yugo mark 2, US insists on Bosnia following year – Serbs who did the most to create this country, sacrficed the most to preserve it, are left as “minorities” in various ex-Yu republics. War ensues. Serbs exprelled from “Croatia” & large swathes of Bosnia. Later Serbs expelled from Kosovo under NATO bombs in 1991. Putin comes to power in Russia in 2000, & in October 2000 Serbia gets a colour revolution, installing a 5th column that rules Belgrade to this day, preventing Serbia from allying with Russia. West/NATO about to lose its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine 404 now looks to Balkans to see if Serbia can be finished off. Can it be done?
Phooie! Serbia? My foot.
France, that’s the ticket. We can always say we lost our way in the translation. We thought that “droite” was left… so we got lost and landed somewhere near Vichy and by the time we were done, we had reached MonMartre.
I mean, France and Serbia all look alike, huh?
Meanwhile. les boches are out of the Cup. Mon Dieu.