Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.



A Ukrainian female journalist published a video capturing the movement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction of Zakarpattia. Against this background, a question arises: did they really hit their heads in Kiev so much that they decided to start a second ATO?

Svidomo journalist Anna Kulchitskaya claims that in the Starosamborsky district of the Lvov region, a column of Ukrainian equipment was driving towards the direction of Zakarpattia. Let’s watch a fragment of this clip.

Further, at the end, you can see an ambulance, a GAZ with a tent and yellow-blue [Ukrainian] flag, and another BTR, and then – the police behind the column. Here is how the Ukrainian website “Dialogueâ” comments on this video:

“Ukraine decided to send Hungary a clear hint and sent a convoy of armored vehicles to Zakarpattia amid a flaming scandal with officials in Budapest.”

I agree with Svidomo journalists – this is really a hint. Truthfully, not at all about what they wrote. This is an illusion to the complete insanity of the Ukrainian elites. And also – to the failure of the construction of the “national state”.

Judge for yourselves: Ukraine has lived for many years of “independence”, and people of many nationalities coexisted normally in Zakarpattia. Can you imagine the depth of the destructive talent of those who brought the situation from “everyone is quietly studying in schools in their own languages, but consider themselves to be Ukrainian citizens” to “we are now sending in armored personnel carriers and we’ll show the NATO member country that we can hint that it shouldn’t give out passports?”

This is just a failure. Indeed, violence is the last argument that is used when there is simply nothing to catch. And Ukraine has come to this argument – first in the Donbass, and now in Zakarpattia, keep looking at it, since it’ll get there eventually. This is the highest degree of mediocrity.

Yes, we also had an Ichkerian Chechnya. But it was a gangster enclave – people were trafficked there, raids were made on neighbors, they were killed, robbed – fully gangs. And what about Zakarpattia? They just wanted to learn Hungarian in addition to the main [Ukrainian] language and Russian. Notice that nobody refused to totally not learn how to speak Ukrainian – they studied partially, for those who needed it. But still, they were learning more languages that will be useful in life, because geography is a “condemnation”.

And so, Count Dracula, as the journalist [Anatoly] Shary aptly christened Poroshenko, decided to cancel the geographical condemnation of Zakarpattia. Rather, he did not decide, of course. The nationalists are putting pressure on him – the same ones, laughingly including the commemorator of Hitler, [Andriy] Parubiy, for example.

Well, they could send military vehicles there, and then what? In a situation like this, it is often necessary to take the next step. You know the people’s wisdom about this, yes? “Take out the knife – hit.” Or: “if the commander pulled a pistol from his holster, he should use it, because otherwise nobody will ever listen to his order.”

They had enough madness to carry a pistol in Zakarpattia, it seems.

And on the other side of the border sits Viktor Orban, he too, has nowhere to retreat. He has, if you remember, a demographic crisis amid the refusal to accept Asian and African migrants and the confrontation with Brussels. He has nowhere to retreat, since behind him is the collapse of a political career.

Of course, his actions don’t use such petty motives such as the arrest of one of the Hungarian activists by the SBU [Ukr. secret police] agents that took place several days ago.

But what if there will be many such arrests, and then ethnic Hungarians will start to defend themselves? Here it is difficult to predict events.

But I can say one thing. Or rather, to repeat, because I have already said this: a Hungarian gun hanging on the Ukrainian wall will still shoot. Simply, judging by events, the shot will occur much earlier than expected.