
  1. President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev attend Orthodox Easter Liturgy Mass in Moscow

  1. Chechen special forces in Arctic military drills (GoPro & drone footage)
    Chechen special forces on an expedition in the Arctic for military
    drills. The troops parachuted from an Ilyushin IL-76 from a height of
    2,000 meters (6,561 ft), and then ‘attacked’ an enemy camp.

  1. Russian new Anti-Aircrafts defense system S-500 SAM

  1. Moscow wants Turkey to return cathedral of Agia Aophia to Orthodox Church
  2. Russia, China to hold anti-missile drill as US mulls radar deployment
    in S. Korea
  3. Slovakia: Night Wolves lay wreath in Bratislava after entering EU despite Poland’s ban
  1. President Putin puts another stop to Alexei Kudrin’s ambition – Kudrin isn’t an Avis rent-a-car — won’t be number 2, won’t try harder
  1. Kudrin Returns? Why did Putin bring Alexey Kudrin back? by Alexander Mercouris
  1. Russia: Military divisions to be stationed in western Russia to resist NATO presence – Sergei Shoigu

Published on May 4, 2016 – Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu announced new measures to resist the strengthened NATO forces stationed on Russian borders, during a press briefing in Moscow, Wednesday.

Shoigu announced two new divisions will be established in the Western Military District and one in the Southern Military District by the end of the year. He explained that the measures are to counter the strengthening of NATO forces close to Russian borders.


  1. Ukrainian “expert”: Ukraine is faced with a Biblical endeavor
  2. In memory of the Odessa massacre. R.I.P. The YATSENYUK strategy



“NATO deployment near Russia borders dangerous”
NATO’s new supreme commander US General Curtis Scaparrotti says he will strengthen the alliance’s stance against Russia in eastern Europe. At a handover ceremony from his predecessor, Scaparrotti said NATO should consider whether to provide Ukraine’s government troops with weaponry as it battles pro-Russia forces. NATO has already said it will station four battalions in Poland and the Baltics near Russia’s border. In response, Moscow says it’s going to set up three new divisions in the west and south to counter NATO forces close to its border. Moscow argues NATO’s decision to station four battalions in the regions is quote-a very dangerous military build-up.

  1. NATO to Form Allied Fleet in the Black Sea: Plans Fraught with Great Risks
  2. Turkey’s ruling party set to replace PM Davatuglu
  1. Moldova: Anti-NATO rally blocks US military vehicles as joint drills begin


  1. Kurdish MP To Turkish Parliament, ‘Turkey Is The Stolen Land Of Greeks, Armenians And Kurds’ [Video]
  1. CrossTalk on Trump and Clinton: Realist vs. Hawk?

Published on May 4, 2016

On this edition of CrossTalk we ask some simple questions: What kind of foreign policy would Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump pursue as president – would that foreign policy be good for the world and the United States – or are they two sides of the same exceptionalist coin?
CrossTalking with Stephen Schlesinger, Ray McGovern, and Jeffrey Tayler.


  1. Kerry again calls for removal of Syria’s president
  1. The Debate – Leaked TTIP documents

This trade agreement has been touted as being good for the countries involved: that it would offer benefits for both people and businesses, like improved purchasing power, more jobs, cheaper products: the list is long. But a recent leak by Greenpeace has put the US and EU wide-ranging TTIP trade deal in jeopardy.

In this edition of the debate, we’ll discuss what those leaks were, and why this trade agreement would weaken standards and protections for the benefit of corporate interests.

– Fmr. Assistant Secy. of US Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts (from FLORIDA)
– Finance Editor, The Independent, Sean O’Grady (from LONDON)


 Middle East

  1. “Iran to block passage of US ships if threatened”
  1. IRGC: Iran reserves right to hold military exercises

3.            In the Name of the Profit. 49 minutes Extended Version
An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into the ISIS oil trade.
Only ten days after the town of Shaddadi in Syrian Kurdistan was liberated from the ISIS militants, an RT Doc film crew followed Kurdish soldiers around houses that had been abandoned in haste by fleeing jihadists. There, they found documents shedding light on the ISIS oil trade, jihadist passports with Turkish entry stamps, an instruction booklet – printed in Turkey – on how to wage war against the Syrian government, and more.
The areas surrounding Shaddadi has large natural oil reserves, and until recently, ISIS militants profited from it, forcing members of the local population to work in their oil industry. Piles of detailed invoices used by ISIS to calculate daily revenues from selling oil were found on the site. Local residents attested that intermediaries from Raqqa and Aleppo arrived to pick up the oil and often mentioned Turkey, while a captured ISIS recruit admitted on camera that the terrorist group sells oil to Turkey. He and another foreign fighter from Saudi Arabia also revealed that it had been easy to cross the Turkish border.
The documentary contains exclusive footage from towns liberated from ISIS, and features interviews with locals who had worked on ISIS oil refineries as well as testimonies from the ISIS members captured by Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units) soldiers. Discover what RT Doc crew found in oil-rich areas that were under ISIS occupation only days ago.