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Posts From amarynth

Corrective Notes from the (Very) Deep South

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog American notions of Mexico are often decades out of date or just wrong. Nativists suffering from what appears to be minor mental unbalance sometimes refer to it as a Third World hellhole, which is silly. The country has problems, corruption, organized crime, uneven distribution of wealth. The bureaucracy can be maddening. The cartels engage in intramural massacres. Things are uneven: In remote areas

Michael Hudson: Interview with Margaret Flowers, WBAI, March 29, 2022

Michael Hudson interviewed by Margaret flowers, Clearing the Fog, March 29, 2022. Posted with Dr Hudson’s permission Margaret Flowers: You’re listening to Clearing the FOG, speaking truth to expose the forces of greed, with Margaret Flowers. And now I turn to my guest, Michael Hudson. Michael is the president of the Institute for the Study of Long-term, Economic Trends, ISLET. He’s a Wall Street financial analyst and a distinguished

Sitrep: That ‘bumbling’ presidential aide Medinsky ….

Posted by Amarynth for the Saker Blog … kept the real goodies for this day, a day after the talks. The news is breaking now.  Medinsky says in a presser with Rossiya-24 broadcaster, that for the first time, Kiev is ready to fulfill the key demands from Russia. These stories are still in development both on RT and on Sputnik.  I quote from RT: “Yesterday, for the first time, the

How Mariupol will become a key hub of Eurasian integration

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross posted with The Cradle Mariupol was battered by Ukraine’s right-wing Azov battalion well before Moscow launched its military ops. In Russian hands, this strategic steelworks port can transform into a hub of Eurasian connectivity. Mariupol, the strategic Sea of Azov port, remains in the eye of the storm in Ukraine. The NATO narrative is that Azovstal – one of Europe’s

What Does Nazism Mean?

by Batiushka for the Saker Blog You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of and uncaring about this enormous

Glorious Revolution of 1688: England declares ‘death to all other revolutions’

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (This is the second chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for the article which announces this book and explains its goals.) Modern conservatism was hugely inspired by Edmund Burke’s constant assertion that one is not permitted to remake society into something new because to wipe out the historical context which shaped

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Several big developments are giving us an idea of a shifting picture on the ground today. First let’s start with the fronts where the largest changes took place, and then give a broader strategic analysis. -Many reports today confirm our previous determination that Russia is in fact conducting a major regrouping of its forces following what Shoigu today has called the successful conclusion of

Sitrep: Russia-Ukraine Negotiations – further details revealed

ISTANBUL: Russia-Ukraine talks outcome Russia has agreed to meet Kiev half-way, agreeing a Putin-Zelensky meeting could be held if a finalized peace treaty pre-approved by foreign ministers from both nations is presented simultaneously, Vladimir Medinsky said. The official described the Istanbul meeting as “constructive” and said his delegation had received a clearly outlined position on what it sought to achieve. Russia’s MoD also announced it was drastically reducing its military

President Joe’s remarks about President Putin are inappropriate.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Although official denial of President Joe Biden’s remarks about President Putin, yet, it has a severe impact on geopolitics. Even his close allies like UK and France have not appreciated such remarks. China has also objected to such furious remarks. Public opinion around the globe is also criticizing his remarks. It is not the first time, he used harsh words for President Putin

Kolomoyskyi, Fine Father of the Country

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog Making sense of Western media is like fitting wheels to a tomato – time consuming and completely unnecessary. Ever since the media became an instrument of persuasion, the greatest part of mankind have no other reason for their opinion than they are in fashion. In turn, fashion is independent of reason and reason requires thought. An activity – reason – discouraged in principle

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Serbian media, Moscow, March 28, 2022 Question: As you know, Serbia has not joined the sanctions [against Russia]. Did it come as a surprise to you that some of the Balkan nations who have recently had a good relationship with Russia have joined the sanctions against it? What is your perspective on the efforts to bring relations with these Balkan countries back to normal later? Sergey Lavrov: We are seeing unprecedented pressure as part of

“Events like this happen once a century”: Sergey Glazyev on the breakdown of epochs and changing ways of life

Original Link: Translated via Yandex “Events like this happen once a century”: Sergey Glazyev on the breakdown of epochs and changing ways of life Is it possible to stabilize the ruble in three days and why don’t the Ukrainian”zombies” give up? “After failing to weaken China head-on through a trade war, the Americans shifted the main blow to Russia, which they see as a weak link in the global

Today’s Open Thread

All things Russia and the Ukraine. There are a few pieces from Andrei Martyanov that should be taken into account, specifically this: The video that he quotes is frustrating, but with a little perseverance and patience, can be parsed and understood with English sub-titles turned on. Moderation policy ‘rules’, and if you post in a language other than English, you are welcome but also provide a machine translation for

Ungenerous Deeds: While the Coalition of the Wicked [US-Saud-Brits] are basking in fires of Aramco oil facility, they refuse to share the virtual warmth with their European servants

By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog On Friday, March 25th, Yemeni Forces, under the leadership of the Houthi Ansar Allah, launched a series of ballistic missiles several of which hit Saudi’s energy facilities, including the giant Aramco Oil Facility. At a time when the Western rulers are in fact sanctioning the Europeans on Russia’s oil and gas, and when the actual oil ebbs more than it flows, and its

The Menticide Manual – Outsourced

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog We are broadcasting this simultaneously to all of you, which isn‘t normally what we do, but I needed to send this message in the same format to everyone, so please accept my apologies. As you may be aware, England is struggling existentially for the last few years and we are counting losses of around 100,000,000 pounds each year due to intolerance, slackery

Opinion by María Zakharova: BioBiden

🎙 #Opinion by María Zakharova: BioBiden We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this involvement, though not a comprehensive one. There are many gaps in this truly diabolical plan that are still to be filled. 1991 – the

Just a handful, not relevant, yet…

By Nat South for the Saker Blog There are some comments made on social media, to whitewash and downplay the serious issue regarding a far-right/ ultranationalist movement in Ukraine. Such simplistic takes are seen as a sound reason for denying a Russian military intervention* in Ukraine. This article provides some responses to these, by using a combination of corporate MSM and Ukrainian information to address the points made about a

Open Thread

This is meant for all the many reports from Saker commentators on the daily progress in the Ukraine. Also, for all other comments that cannot find a home in the current live threads but contain Saker Blog content. Moderation policy is in full effect.  New commentators must kindly update themselves on the rules for commenting here. For those that post in languages other than English, kindly provide us with a

Ideological Poultry Farm, or why ZONE A is Doomed.

by F(unny)Man for the Saker Blog After some days of looking for my mind, and finally finding it yesterday afternoon … I think I lost it again today. I was watching a YouTube video of how chicken meat and eggs are produced in a poultry farm with all the steps in between(1). They show the entire thing in that video. From the hatching of the chicks to the final packaging

Book Review: Seven Roads to Moscow

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Seven Roads to Moscow is an intriguing book written by that strange animal, a British soldier intellectual. Lieutenant-Colonel W.G.F.Jackson MC, BA, R.E. Instructor, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, 1950-53 I read this book when I was only 17 and at the time it made a great impression on me. The stories of the seven invasions of Russia have now passed into history. In order
