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Posts From amarynth

The Face of Western Civilization

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog It is interesting to note how the collective west has reacted to the present and ongoing events in Eastern Europe – namely, in Russia and Ukraine. As I understand it Russia has concerns about its own security and NATO’s inexorable push toward the Russian frontier. Moreover, there has been a positioning of missile systems, nuclear and otherwise, right smack on the borders of

The Russian Ministry of Defenсe: original documents – planned offensive operation against Donbass in March of this year. The Russian Ministry of Defenсe got original documents of the combat order of the National Guard proving that Ukraine was preparing an offensive operation against Donbass in March of this year. ❗️🇷🇺 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry spokesperson, Major General Igor Konashenkov ▪️During special military operation, classified documents ( the command of the National Guard of Ukraine ended up in the hands of the Russian servicemen. These documents confirm

Russian judo tears the West apart

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The battlefield is drawn. The official Russian blacklist of hostile sanctioning nations includes the US, the EU, Canada and, in Asia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore (the only one from Southeast Asia). The Global South should be aware there are no nations from West Asia, Latin America and Africa. Moscow has not even announced a package

Meeting of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (March 8, 2022)

Channel: : First post link of various: ▪️ Taking into account the rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the settlements of Ukraine, where nationalists continue to forcibly detain thousands of civilians, including foreigners, yesterday the Russian side, despite repeated failures of all agreements by Kiev authorities, came up with another initiative to conduct a humanitarian operation. At the same time, we have completed all preparation for the

To prevent the storm: Russian Operation in Ukraine

By Ljubiša Malenica for the Saker Blog Since the beginning of Russian military operation in Ukraine, Western countries and their elected representatives have been competing who will express greater disgust over violations of international law[1], as they call it, who will threaten Moscow more harshly and who will lament more mournfully over the fate of Kiev. At the same time, which of the Western powers can condemn Russia’s behavior from

Ukrainian bad guys and a fair Russian response

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog While the Russian special operation is going on in Ukraine, many are wondering what is the reason for launching it. One of the reasons is the Ukrainian fascist forces. Since the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, political organisations associated with neo-Nazis infiltrated Ukrainian mainstream politics as the Ukrainian government sent troops to try to crush the Donbass uprisings by force. As Ukraine

Statement by the Chief of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection troops of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov (March 7, 2022): biological programs   ▪️ The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has repeatedly drawn attention to the biological programmes implemented by the Pentagon in the post-Soviet area. Including the territory of Ukraine that has united a chain of more than 30 biological laboratories divided into those for scientific research and for sanitary-epidemiological investigations. ▪️Those works have been ordered by the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). A firm affiliated to the

MOD Russia: Statement on telegram channel + Briefing Regular meeting of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine in Moscow ❗️According to the Head of the National Centre for State Defence Control Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, the Ukrainian side has not fulfilled a single condition for the creation of humanitarian corridors. Speech by the Head of the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev (March 7, 2022) Dear

‘Neither East nor West but the Russian Federation’? Russia considers Iran’s way

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Iran hasn’t invaded a country in over 200 years, and Iranians boast of this fact often, as they should. However, if Iran invaded a country – and of course they will not – I think everyone would agree they should brace themselves for years of Iranian seriousness, self-sacrifice and determination. If the Iranian people agreed war was the only option, then woe betide

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with TV channels RT, NBC News, ABC News, ITN, France 24 and the PRC Media Corporation, Moscow, March 3, 2022

The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Question: Unprecedented sanctions pressure is being exerted on the Russian Federation due to the recent events, primarily “on the ground.” Has Russia changed its position? Does the world hear what Russia is saying? What do you think about the ongoing talks in Belarus? What should we expect from the next round? Sergey Lavrov: This is a comprehensive question. You have

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, March 3, 2022

The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Upcoming talks between Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev Ukraine update Race-based discrimination in Ukraine African Union statement on hostility against Africans trying to leave Ukraine On Western countries using the Nazi salute US military biological activities in Ukraine The UN General Assembly adopts a resolution titled “Aggression against Ukraine” Illegal Western sanctions against international humanitarian cooperation

Putin: Ukrainian nationalists use civilians as human shields (full speeches)

There are periods now where the Kremlin formal site is open as well as the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Following are two speeches of Mr. Putin: First, his Meeting with Security Council permanent members and secondly still an incomplete transcript of his meeting with female aircrew members of Russian airlines. The resistance is up in arms about the news blackout and information war, and these were snagged by Resistance

Nasrallah: In Ukraine, US imperialism threatens world peace

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 1, 2022, devoted to the thoughts of his predecessor, Sayed Abbas Mousawi (assassinated by Israel in 1992). Source : Transcript: Link to video: Transcript: […] Allow me to devote the few minutes I have left to the current situation (in Ukraine), because I cannot avoid talking about it, although I will content myself with a few quick

Western progressives must demand 3.5 more years of – no, permanent – Russophobia!

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Yes, the gravestone is of THAT Joseph McCarthy. Joseph McCarthy, United States Senator, rabid Russophobe, fanatical anti-socialist, leader of America’s 2nd Red Scare (1947-57), ruiner of countless lives, raging alcoholic, the most effective shill ever for the military-industrial complex, whose name became the eponym to describe political witch-hunts, rests in his home state of Wisconsin in a lakeside plot along a gorgeous stretch

Sitrep Ukraine (daily’ish 2) Important Update

Collated and commented by Amarynth for the Saker Blog There still is not a good understanding of what this news blackout out of Russia is doing.  It is one of the most important issues for us to deal with.  But let me repeat what this Sitrep is and supposed to be.  This is not in a sequence of importance and you will be looking at my daily raw research data

Sitrep Ukraine (daily’ish 1)

Information gathered by Amarynth for The Saker Blog We are all struggling to find enough information and data about the special operation in the Ukraine as a result of major data suppression by the west.  I am located in an area that has not throttled the flow and can attempt to bring new information as it breaks from many varied sources.  Let’s see how this goes.  This is not in

Lebanon, Ukraine and Taiwan

By Ghassan Kadi for the Saker Blog As the European colonialist empires were being dismantled, many nations that gained independence inherited enormous problems that remain unresolved to-date. If anything, countries like India and Pakistan are currently in a bigger state of discord than the one that led to partition and the creation of Pakistan in 1947; and this is an understatement. They are adversaries, both nuclear capable and armed to
