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Posts From The Saker

The trials and tribulations of Turkish foreign policy

Professor Hasan Unal, a top political scientist based in Istanbul, explains the geopolitics of his region, the eastern Mediterranean and into the Black Sea by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) When Vladimir Putin visited President Erdogan’s lavish new $500-million presidential palace in Ankara, he had one thing to say: “I’m very impressed.” Professor Hasan Unal, savoring the dry humor, derives as much pleasure

Bruckner, Hitler, Malevich (part 1)

by David A. Powell for The Saker Blog Part 1 of 2 parts This essay attempts to outline why Adolf Hitler remained unsuccessful in his efforts as an old-fashioned (“old-world”) dictator to achieve total control over art. My thesis is that while the Free World had already begun to accomplish the total control of art Hitler sought to achieve, Hitler’s failure lay in not grasping the means employed by the

Uber-loser Poroshenko goes “full Saakashvili”

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Petro Poroshenko is in deep trouble. His ratings have been in the single-digit range in spite of a vast propaganda effort, and his latest attempt to create a salvific crisis involving the usual “Russian aggression” has not only failed but appears to be backfiring. It is now becoming abundantly clear that the Ukronazi provocation was not only breathtakingly stupid and irresponsible, but

Proof that Ukrainian crews were given the order to try to “covertly” cross the Kerch strait

Thanks to Ollie and Angelina for translating this document! Full translation into English: CHECK LIST of the readiness of small armoured artillery boat “Nikopol” before exit at sea from 09:00 23.11.2018 to 18:00 25.11.2018 1. The purpose of exiting: relocation at the Berdyansk port. 2. Superior during exit: 2nd rank captain Gritsenko D.V. 3. Task set before exiting at sea: create tactical boat grouping No. 5 (hereon in TBG No.

Drama in the Kerch Strait: teasing the Russian bear

The West is complaining about Russian ‘aggression’ but the incident looks more like a cheap ploy by a desperate Ukrainian president and US conservatives keen to undermine Trump’s next pow-wow with Putin by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) When the Ukrainian navy sent a tugboat and two small gunboats on Sunday to force their way through the Kerch Strait into the Sea

Argentina and France – Opponents of IMF versus Yellow Vests – Where is the Correlation?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog What do Argentinian protesters have in common with French protesters? – They both strongly dislike their governments, and their leaders (sic). The protests in Argentina against the upcoming G20 meeting and around the IMF are just a pretext for an overall malaise – which is an understatement – vis-à-vis President Mauricio Macri and his debt-driven austerity program, that has left hundreds of thousands

Petro Poroshenko and the Start of the Penultimate Stage

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Since the moment a coup d’etat took place in Kiev in February, 2014 I have claimed and I still claim, irrespective of who exactly will head the state and what political force will bear responsibility for governing the country, that the Kiev regime will go along the way of further radicalisation until it develops into

SouthFront Future Is Determined Within Few Day (URGENT MUST READ!!)

Dear friends, SouthFront has been a trusted partner and friend to our community and they also provide very high quality and, frankly, irreplaceable video materials and reports.  They need our help and I ask you all to donate as much as you can to help them! The Saker Here is the full text of their appeal (including a video): SouthFront is a crowdfunded endeavor and operates only thanks to

Ukrainian sailors confirm that they deliberately entered Russian waters

Note: This video was made available to the public by the Russian FSB and shows the interrogation of the Ukrainian sailors.  Notice that they fully confirm the Russian version of events.  Since this is a crisis situation, we did not have the time to subtitle the video, however, thanks to Ollie and Angelina we are offering you the full transcript below.  A big THANK YOU to both for their (late

Crises in Moldova, Ukraine can strike in unison

by Andrey Burachev for The Saker Blog Another year of the political season in Moldova is coming to the end. On the threshold of 2019 is the tenth anniversary of the April 2009 events. Recall, that in April 2009, Moldova has made the European choice. Under the smoke of the burning Parliament building and the destroyed administration of the presidency, the regime of Communist Voronin fell. In 2009, a pro–European

Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages

Saker note: Yup, you read that right.  And I did not even make this up.  This was printed by The Daily Mail website.  Here is the full text of this article (no comment is really needed at this point): Bible and Koran should carry anti-Semitic warnings, say Jewish leaders By James Wood For Mailonline Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages

Appeal for help from Gilad Atzmon

Dear friends, My friend Gilad urgently needs our help.  Please help him! The Saker Here is the text of the appeal he posted: Gilad Needs Additional Support November 26, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon Dear friends In March I was sued for libel by the chairman of the Campaign Against Anti Semitism (CAA), Gideon Falter, for suggesting that ‘Antisemitism is a business plan.’ As CAA has explained its objective, the lawsuit was

About the latest Ukronazi provocation in the Kerch strait (UPDATED)

First, here is a pretty good summary of what has taken place (including videos) posted by RT: I will just add that at the time of writing (07:38 UTC) the cargo ship blocking the passage under the bridge has been removed, traffic has resumed and the situation has returned to normal. Second, let me give you the single most important element to understand what is (and what is

Kerch Provocation – Causes and Consequences

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Important note: this article was written before Russia had to use force to stop the Ukronazi intruders who, by the way, claim that they opened fire against the Russian ships. When in the summer two ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine passed through the Kerch Strait, Kiev tried to convince everyone that a

Khashoggi Part 3: ‘Liberal Democratic Salafism’ is a sham, ‘Islamic Socialism’ isn’t

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The most important thing to understand about Salafism is that it exists in every country, Islamic or not. Some will immediately close their minds to such an idea because they have been socially conditioned to believe that their culture should not have anything in common with Muslim culture. However, those who go along with me will find that this discussion should clarify much

The “War on Terror” – Half a Million Lives That America “Forgot” to Mention

By Ruslan Khubiev Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: What is the difference between “news” and “analysis”? First of all, news doesn’t contain reasons and explanations, and analysis describes them. For comparison, the information that appeared the other day about “militants in the Syrian province of Idlib starting to massively violate the ceasefire regime”, and also that “governmental troops in Syria repelled a powerful attack committed by

Putin and the Rules of the Elite

By Aleksandr Khaldey Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: When trying to understand during many years why Putin doesn’t rotate the elite but works with what already exists, very few people understand the subject of discussion. Experts already know almost by heart the president, his biography, and the story of his arrival to the top of power. Much less attention is paid to
