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Posts From The Saker

Ramzan Kadyrov’ views on homosexuality

Dear friends, Ramzan Kadyrov recently gave a long interview on Russian TV to Nailia Asker-Zade which included an interesting and a beautifully politically incorrect segment about homosexuality.  Thanks to Eugenia, I can now post this segment with English subtitles. I am posting this not because I endorse or agree with what Kadyrov says, although I basically do, but to give you a sense of how dramatically different Russia is from

Why Kremlin Trolls Always Win

by Dmitrii Orlov for Club Orlov (cross-posted by special agreement with the author) A most interesting book has recently come out: Phil Butler’s Putin’s Praetorians: Confessions of the Top Kremlin Trolls. It’s a good book to read for all those who wish to peer behind the crazy funhouse mirror set up by Western media. It includes contributions from people who have been active in opposing the barrage of counterfactual press

Book excerpt: How I became a Kremlin troll by The Saker

Dear friends, Today, with the kind permission of Phil Butler, I am posting the full text of my contribution to his book “Putin’s Praetorians: Confessions of the Top Kremlin Trolls“.  There are a couple of reasons for that.  The main one is that I strongly believe that this book deserves a much bigger visibility than it has received (this is also why, exceptionally, I am placing this post in the

Snipers at Ukraine’s Maidan confess to shooting both sides in Italian report ignored by MSM

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog How much of the current Russophobia campaign is to detract from the outrageous far-right regime Barry Obama installed in Ukraine? Certainly, if this wave of anti-Semitism – excuse me, Russophobia – was not clouding everything involving that region of the world, Ukraine’s chaos would necessarily receive more attention. So even though protecting the US Democratic Party’s domestic standing is probably the primary goal,

The Zionist-Wahhabis are gearing up for a new war

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog The wars in Iraq and Syria are entering a final phase as ISIL is about to end up where it belongs, history’s trashcan. ISIL as a fighting force is about to be destroyed and in Syria, Takfiri terrorists belonging to the Al-Qaeda linked Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham are next up, yet peace is something still unimaginably far away for this conflict-ridden region. The reason

How the U.S. Aristocracy Made a Foreign-Policy Chump Out of Trump

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker blog WHAT WILL BE SHOWN HERE In order to understand Donald Trump’s foreign policies, a person must be totally open-minded to at least the possibility that the U.S. is the world’s most aggressive, war-mongering nation, so that when an international poll was taken of the publics in 65 nations in 2013 as to which country is “the greatest threat to peace in the world today”,

Philip Catherine – Homecomings (1975)

This is the composition which single handedly made me abandon Rock music for Jazz.  It still is one of my favorites.  Enjoy! The Saker Electric version: Acoustic version: and if you want to learn how to play it, listen to this:

Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 1978 Harvard Address

Transcript: I am sincerely happy to be here on the occasion of the 327th commencement of this old and most prestigious university. My congratulations and very best wishes to all of today’s graduates. Harvard’s motto is “VERITAS.” Many of you have already found out, and others will find out in the course of their lives, that truth eludes us if we do not concentrate our attention totally on it’s pursuit.

Syria war, Sochi peace

In a well choreographed Sochi summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin defines a peaceful future for Syria after the liberation of the country from militants by Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times (cross-posted by special agreement with the author) The main take away of the trilateral, two hour-long Russia-Iran-Turkey summit in Sochi on the future of Syria was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin: “The presidents of Iran and Turkey supported

The MBS – Blackwater marriage of convenience

by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker blog Mohamed Bin Salman’s (MBS) royal Saudi coup is still in the making and its stories of mystery and intrigue are unfolding. Some recent articles written about this unprecedented Saudi development have focused on whether or not MBS was actually desirous of instigating reform within the kingdom of sand and capable of putting together the infrastructure that made such reform possible and how. Other

Joint statement by Presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey

President of The Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani, President of The Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of The Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, gathered in Sochi on November 22, 2017, for а tripartite meeting, reaffirmed their determination to continue active collaboration among Iran, Russia and Turkey with а view to establishing peace and stability in Syria, envisaged by UNSCR 2254. The Presidents expressed satisfaction with the current

How Turkey, Iran, Russia and India are playing the New Silk Roads

by Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times (cross-posted by special agreement with the author) A pacified Syria is key to the economic integration of Eurasia through energy and transportation connections Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani will hold a summit this Wednesday in Sochi to discuss Syria. Russia, Turkey and Iran are the three power players at the Astana negotiations – where multiple cease-fires, as hard to implement

Putin is My Flunky (satirical essay)

By Patrick for the Saker blog It’s amazing to see so many normally sane people foaming at the mouth about Russian interference in American politics. According to their reasoning, the Russians have hacked the Democratic Party and subverted social media to assure a victory for the present occupant of the White House (when he’s not in his NYC tower or at his fancy estate in Southeast Florida). And horror of

The Last Straw

by Keith Hartzler for the Saker blog Seeing the First Amendment abrogated; seeing, yet again, left-wing violence; seeing the fiasco’s primary victims anathematized by pseudo-journalists & self-serving politicians … I was aghast & felt myself crossing some sort of ontological Rubicon. After the false accusations of rape at Duke & UVA; after numerous cause célèbre black deaths; after myriad hate-crime hoaxes; after the SPLC & “The Trump Effect”; after the

Yemen – Appeal to President Putin

by Peter Koenig Dear President Putin, Yemen, a peaceful and extremely poor country is being slaughtered, literally slaughtered by the Saudis, with the full weapons, funding and political support of the United States of America and the UK. The rest of Europe is fully complicit, due to their inaction, due to their lack of courage to bring a halt to this openly organized genocide. Europe, in the form of individual

‘Iranian Islamic Socialism’ to the rescue of quake victims, again, and I have pictures

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Iran has recently been the epicentre of the deadliest quake of 2017. Over 530 Iranians died, along with 7 people over the border in Iraq. In medieval times Iran was the “crossroads of caravans”, just as in the near future it will be the crossroads of China’s “One Belt, One Road” socialist economic stimulus program. Iran is also, unfortunately, the crossroads of 3
