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Posts From The Saker

Changes to the Saker blog layout and organization

Dear friends, This morning you might have noticed that there are a few changes on the blog’s layout.  Let me explain what we have done so far. First, to make it easier for visitors to get to what I personally wrote, we have re-designed the former “Analyses” section into “Saker Analyses”.  From now on, everything I write will be posted in this section which will only include my own analyses. 

Spain & the EU’s ‘Oriental despotism’ is legitimizing Catalonia as a leftist cause

by Ramin Mazaheri The ultimate problem with Catalonia is that they aren’t trying to secede from the European Union. Now that would be something which the non-Spanish left could really rally around, during this ongoing age of Brussels-imposed poverty. For so long this seemed like a fake crisis – a distraction – but the new reality is: a huge crisis could explode now, due to a massively authoritarian/capitalist response from

Game over: How the Kurds lost the high risk gamble

By Aram Mirzaei As predicted, the Kurdish referendum ended in a conflict over the disputed areas in northern Iraq, areas that have been occupied by Kurdish Peshmerga forces since the 2014 ISIL invasion of Iraq. Throughout these weeks, Kurdish media close to Kurdish president Masoud Barzani have acted very much like their western counterparts, spreading atrocious lies about the Iraqi Army and Hashd Al Shaabi (PMU). One example was the ridiculous

Michael Parenti The 1% Pathology and the Myth of Capitalism

In my efforts  to try to educate people about Communism and to explain why it is not “dead” as the official propaganda would have you believe, but alive and doing better than ever (thanks to the current collapse of the Capitalist AngloZionist Empire), I would like to share with you a pretty interesting lecture by Prof. Michael Parenti who, by debunking the founding myths of Capitalism, encourages those still capable

The English-speaking world’s fear of calling communism, ‘communism’

by Ramin Mazaheri In many ways this fear is justified: communism is a dirty word in the English culture. I recall getting my copy of “International Socialist Review” mailed to me in the United States – it arrived with a brown paper wrapper, the same as pornography. (Please note: American mailing practices for pornography have been gleaned solely from second-hand information, of course, so I may be mistaken on this

“Is Communism Really dead?” – an Answer

by Jimmie Moglia After reading the Saker’s article, I had to walk back and forth for some time, partly to digest its content, and partly to determine why I found it so persuasive. My conclusion, however humble, is that the article is accurate because it tells us very clearly all we need to know on the subject, while leaving the reader to draw his/her conclusion. And I maintain that accurate

The Eurozone has likely entered its final calendar year, contraction coming

by Ramin Mazaheri The historical trend of the euro and its previous incarnations has followed this historical pattern, when we take a leftist view: The Eurozone is dominated by France and Germany; France wants an end to austerity and to promote growth policies bloc-wide; Germany wants more austerity to maintain its dominant financial position; Germany, Washington’s Frankenstein Monster – whose violence stems not from parental and societal rejection but unfeeling

The Ben Stimson Case: Prosecuted For Fighting Fascism in Ukraine

by Christopher Black for the Near Eastern Outlook On July 14 this year a British man from the Manchester area named Benjamin Stimson, aged 41, a man the London Times called a “socialist” to add to his crimes, was convicted under the British Terrorism Act for “facilitating” acts of “terrorism” by serving with one of the Donbass Republic militias for four months in 2015, as an ambulance driver. Stimson was

Catalonia and the rest of us

by Robert Scarcia This article follows a heartfelt email message regarding the political developments in Catalonia, which I sent both the Saker and Ramin Mazaheri, the only “sakerista” I had the pleasure of meeting with in person. Needless to say I get both a pleasant “break” from the feeling of political solitude and a powerful intellectual “kick” out of reading both gentlemen, and hold dear the conversations I had with

Xi’s road map to the Chinese Dream

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times China’s Belt and Road Initiative – the New Silk Road – will spark the country’s development and turn the dream into reality. Now that President Xi Jinping has been duly elevated to the Chinese Communist Party pantheon in the rarified company of Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, the world will have plenty of time to digest the meaning of “Xi Jinping

Reporting from Korea during the 2013 ‘crisis’: 5 key facts the West ignores

by Ramin Mazaheri In 2013 my bosses in Tehran sent me to Seoul, and I felt quite courageous: just like today, Seoul was about to be ground zero for thermonuclear war. And then – as we all know from the movie – the radioactive blast would awaken a very grumpy Godzilla. I was sent because my bosses weren’t too pleased with my young colleague, who seemed to be more concerned

Re-visiting Russian counter-propaganda methods

This article was written for the Unz Review A special ‘thank you!’ to my Director of Research, Scott, for providing me with the background info for this article   Everything we were told about the Soviet Union turned out to be a lie, but everything we were told about the West turned out to be true Russian joke In May of 2016 I wrote an article for the Unz Review

Vladimir Putin’s speech at the Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

I am not sure how optimistic it will sound, but I am aware that you had very lively discussions over the last three days. I will try, as has now become customary, to share with you what I think about some of the issues. Please do not take it badly if I say something that has already been said as I did not follow all the discussions. To begin with, I would like to welcome Mr Karzai, Mr Ma, Mr Toje, our colleagues and all our friends.
