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Posts From The Saker

The hopelessly corrupt structure of the Eurozone & the Eurogroup

by Ramin Mazaheri Part of the problem of criticizing the “pan-European project” is that you have multiple bodies which overlap. And you also have some nations which are part of one, but not another. Or which pay into one body, but abstain from another. A clear analysis is needed of the most important part of the pan-European project: the Eurozone. The Eurozone is the most important because it controls the

Eagle in the storm

Yesterday I had a meeting with a member of the Saker community in Titusville, just south of where I live.  On the way back I drove through the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.  A heavy rain was falling and the animals of the Refuge were all “hunkering down”, including a superb Bald Eagle.  I took the photo below because that eagle reminded me of how the USA, which considers the

Russian views on the separatist referendums in Spain and Iraq

This article was written for the Unz Review The recent referendums in Catalonia and Kurdistan, while by no means crucial developments for Russia, have resulted in a lively debate in the Russian media and the Russian public opinion. The Kremlin itself has refrained from making any strong statements, possibly indicating that there might be several schools of thought on these issues in key ministries. Let’s look at these two situation

How my book unmasking Bill Browder was censored by Amazon by Alex Krainer

[Note by the Saker: for my review of Alex Krainer’s book please click here]   “I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It’s how rats are. It’s what makes them rats. But a human doesn’t run and hide in dark places, because he’s something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is.” ― Nancy

From “Non-agreement capable” to “have you gone crazy”

I was watching a major Russian talkshow, 60 minutes. They began by reporting that Tillerson had called Trump a “moron”. Then they translated an excerpt from this article in the Washington Post: Rex is a big dog. Rex is the top dog. Rex has a good job. Rex can fly! Rex has a jet. Fly, Rex, fly. Rex flies to other lands. Rex sits. Rex shakes. Rex speaks. When Rex

APPEAL: The History of the Orthodox People (HOP) Project needs your help!

The History of Orthodox People website has been active and growing for the last several months. Its mission is to enlighten not just the Western, primarily English-speaking world, but men and women of goodwill of all backgrounds and everywhere with the theological thought and spiritual heritage of Christian Orthodoxy. West-centric surveys of history and religion all too frequently neglect to mention Orthodoxy, the Christian Church whose teaching and practice go

Hassan Nasrallah calls on Jews to flee Israel: Zionism is our common enemy

  Source : Translation: Transcript: […] Second, (regarding) Israel. Israel does not cease to issue direct threats against Lebanon, (promising) to destroy it all in a next war. There is always someone there who stands up and says, “In the next war, we will not let but ruins behind us, and we will return Lebanon 100 or 200 years ago.” Before the [Israeli military manoeuvres] Northern Front [in

King Philip VI addresses the Spanish nation

Semi-Official translation of the newspaper El Pais: ——- Good evening, We find ourselves at a critical juncture for our existence as a democracy. In these circumstances, I wish to address all Spaniards. We have all witnessed the facts that have taken place in Catalonia, with the illegal declaration of independence as the final goal of the Catalan Government (Generalitat). For a long time, some Catalan authorities have repeatedly, consciously and

Catalonia – two opposed views

Note by the Saker: today I am posting to completely different views on the events in Catalonia.  I do that because I hope that our community has the maturity needed to be exposed to two oppsed views without automatically having to declare one The One And Only Correct Opinion and defame the other with insults, personal attacks and logical fallacies.  I personally am not taking sides in this conflict for

Unravelling the riddle of the Kurds’ Iraqi pipedream

Masoud Barzani has overplayed his hand – no regional powers are going to assent to partition of Iraq by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Wily clannish capo Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), has announced that “Yes” won Monday’s non-binding independence referendum. Now that index fingers in indelible indigo ink are out of the way, the real battle between the KRG and Baghdad begins. Iraqi Prime

Leftists must finally take notice of – and buy stock in – bitcoins

by Ramin Mazaheri I can easily prove the leftist utility of bitcoins by relating one question I commonly hear: “Ramin, can you please take this medicine to my family the next time you visit Iran?” The US produces more than half of all new medicines, but there is an embargo on Iran (and Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, etc.): With bitcoins, Iranians can circumvent these criminal, terroristic restrictions and get medicines which

A crash course on the true causes of “antisemitism”

This article was written for the Unz Review. This is a topic which has had so much written about it that you could fill an entire city library with books entirely dedicated to this topic. Marx took a shot at it. As did Sartre. There were, of course, also plenty of good books written on this topic, but rather than list them all, I want to suggest a few simple

Kurdistan- The final chapter of the Empire’s plot against the Middle East

By Aram Mirzaei 2017-09-26.  Last Sunday, the Kurdish regional authority defied the world and went forward with the scheduled independence referendum in Northern Iraq. With the definite result of the referendum not being official yet, there can be little doubt that an overwhelming majority of Kurds have voted Yes to independence. Despite Kurdish leaders announcing that the referendum is non-binding and that it is only the beginning of a negotiation

Any out there with a decent computer? (especially a laptop!) UPDATE: SOLVED!

Dear friends, Since you have been so helpful to me, I decided to mention another issue I would need help with.  Computer hardware. For the past 4 years I have been using a small Linux box called a Penguin Wee 4th Gen GNU / Linux Desktop with some decent CPUs (4x 3-4130T CPU @ 2.90GHz) but a very weak integrated graphics controller and an equally bad sound card. I do

General Asapov died because as a Russian officer he led from the front (with Saker commentary)

The death of Lieutenant General Valery Asapov and two Russian colonels who were with him in Syria highlights the fundamentally different military command philosophies of the US and Russian militaries. by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Feed Unlike Western armies the Russian army still requires senior officers like General Asapov to lead their men into battle Putting aside the question of whether or not General Asapov was deliberately targeted, the key

A heartfelt ‘thank you!’ & Fall fund-raiser canceled!

Dear friends, Your response to my recent report of difficulties has been overwhelming and I am immensely touched by it.  Not only did you pull me out from my immediate difficulties, but I now feel reasonably sure to be able to make ends meet until the end of the year.  As a result, I am canceling the “regular” Fall quarterly fund-raiser which, believe me, makes me even happier than you! 
