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Posts From The Saker

The 9/11 Truth Movement 15 years later: where do we stand?

This article was written for the Unz Review: [Note: the purpose of this article is not to debunk of official conspiracy theory about 2 aircraft bringing down 3 buildings and other such nonsense, or to present an alternative theory, but to evaluate how much the 9/11 Truth movement has achieved in the past 15 years.] It has been 15 years since the terrible events of 9/11 and it is

9/11 Terror Trading: 15 years later (Lars Schall interviews Professor Marc Chesney)

Since this Sunday will be the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 massacre, I am about to post an analysis of where the 9/11 Truth movement stands today.  In the meantime, however, I am sharing with you a most interesting video, so interesting in fact that I decided to post it on the “analysis” section of the blog. Lars Schall has kindly sent me his interview with Prof. Marc Chesney, for which

Did Erdogan stay overnight at Russian air base during coup? (English subs)

Former Lebanese minister and a leading personality on Lebanese television, Wiam Wahhab, said that Turkey’s President Erdogan sought refuge for one night in a Russian air base on Syria’s coast during the recent coup in Turkey.  Wahhab also criticised the “greediness” of some Kurdish forces for their moves to form a Kurdistan statelet, explaining that Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq will never allow that to happen.

The latest development in northern Syria

By Aram Mirzaei With Multiple interventions and multiple offensives, the situation in northern Syria is messy to say the least. There are several frontlines with different parties struggling for the same piece of territory. Two weeks ago, the Turkish army made an intrusion into the northern Aleppo countryside, in the small ISIL controlled border town of Jarabulus. The so called “Euphrates Shield Operation” offensive was aimed at creating a new

Annual address of President to Verkhovna Rada “On Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2016”

Fellow Ukrainians! Dear people’s deputies! Dear Ukrainian Government! First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone once again on the 25th anniversary of restoration of our state independence. Yes, it is true that the parliament is made up from the ruling faction and the opposition. This is the inviolable and important feature of democracy. But sometimes there are moments when one should forget at least for a second who

Iran’s Leader issues message on 2016 Hajj pilgrimage

(Saker note: note the *very* harsh words of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei against the Saudi Wahabis) In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most MercifulAnd all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and Allah’s greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad (PBUH), and upon his Immaculate Household and chosen companions and upon those who follow them rightfully until the Day of Judgment. Muslim brethren and sisters

Not If but When …

Not If but When … When you have lost your head, and those about you Are casualties of violence brought by you When you betray a trust, so others doubt you And lie to those who need the truth in view When you wait to ambush the defenceless, And make allegiance with dictators’ coups And fail to understand why others hate you Whilst hating them, for what they seem to

Made in China G20 and its geoeconomic significance

by Pepe Escobar for RT What has just taken place in Hangzhou, China, is of immense geoeconomic importance. Beijing from the start treated the G20 very seriously; this was designed as China’s party, not the declining West’s. And much less Washington’s. Outlining the agenda for the discussions, President Xi Jinping went straight to the point also geopolitically, as he set the tone: “The outdated Cold War mentality should be discarded.
