Posts From The Saker
Tomorrow Crimeans will make a basic and clear choice. The choice will not be whether to remain part of Banderastan or not, the choice will be whether to become de-facto independent and accept a figleaf of Ukrainian sovereignty over Crimea, or to totally break-off from the “Ukrainian experiment” and return to Russia. “On March 16th we will chose: either or“ All the members of the UNSC except Russia (vetoed) and
Dear friends, I am really sorry to have to announce that I fed up with the torrent of ignorant, stupid and racist comments this blog is getting. I honestly tried to do my best not to have to censor these guys, but that only seemed to have exited them further. I simply don’t have enough time to spend one single more minute dealing with this issue. I am not a
Serious clashes have taken place in the city of Donetsk. According to most accounts, the newly appointed billionaire governor Taruta attempted to organize a demonstration in support of “a united Ukraine”. For his purpose he bused in from Kiev and western Ukraine. The local population organized a counter-demonstration. The cops tried to keep the two groups apart, but failed, and soon violent clashes happened. The Banderites were fewer in numbers,
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich ‘All that glitters is not gold; all that shivers is not cold’ Mythology has it that Midas, the king of Phyrgia, was able to turn everything he touched into gold — ‘the Midas Touch’. According to Aristotle, the legendry figure died of starvation as a result of his greed to transmute everything from its natural substance to gold. This myth is a tragic reality when it comes
Try out this thought experiment. Imagine for one minute that you are a fundementally decent and honest person who, by an ironic twist of history, has been put in power during an armed insurrection basically conducted by neo-Fascist thugs who do not represent the majority of the people of your country. They are now making demands and they want to become part of your new government. You, of course, being
With the recent sharp rise of readers of this blog (well over 1’000’000 visits in total and 10’000+ visitors per day) a equally sharp rise of Nazi and other racist troll clearly happened. My policy in the past has been to either crush their sophomoric and ignorant views by posting rebuttals, but now I simply do not have the time to play Kindergarten cop with these obsessive-compulsive Jew haters. And
Barak Obama is truly the epitome of hypocrisy. Just look at this photo – here is a Black man shaking hands with a Jew whose so-called government is chock full of racist Jew-hating neo-Fascists (more about that tomorrow). Here is a man who was nominated by a party which calls itself “Democratic” to become the President of a country which not only is supposed to be “democratic” itself but which
Dear friends,I have just set up a snail mail address for donations. Please send them to:The Saker41 rue de la SynagogueCH-1204 GenèveSwitzerland For those of you in the USA/Canada – I am still trying to work out something affordable in the USA but in the meantime I hope that you can use the one above. Many thanks and kind regards,The Saker
Thanks to anonymous, here is what Chairman Dempsey had to say in his own words. This sounds a lot better to me than the out-of-context paraphrase of Bloomberg.Your take?The Saker )
This from Zero Hedge: With diplomacy having failed miserably to resolve the Russian annexation of Crimea, and soon East Ukraine (and with John Kerry in charge of it, was there ever any doubt), the US is moving to the heavy artillery. First, moments ago, the US DOE announced in a shocking announcement that it would proceed with the first draw down and sale of crude from the US strategic petroleum
The new authorities in Banderastan have taken the decision to block all Russian TV channels previously received in the Ukraine. The latest polls in Crimea indicate a 85% for a ‘yes’ in the upcoming referendum. Crimean Tatars have indicated that they will accept the will of the majority of the people as expressed in the referendum. OSCE observers, which had been invited to monitor the referendum, have refused to come
Dear friends,A week has passed since I have placed a donation button on this blog and I feel that I ought to give you a short update on the donations received. A total of 65 people from 7 countries have made donations ranging from 2 dollars to 100 dollars. 2 people have chosen to make a “recurrent payment”. All this refers to donations made through PayPal. Only three people chose
There are 160 billion dollars invested by Russia in the West. There are 248 billion dollars invested by the West in Russia. Sanctions anybody? Russia still has the option of shutting down the NATO route to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan. This is an option with Russia did not exercise over the war in Syria, but which it will almost certainly exercise in case of a NATO intervention in the
In the city of Lugansk a crowd of demonstrators stormed to local administration building and forced the Kiev-appointed governor to resign. Donetsk: 10’000 people have prevented a pro-nationalist rally featuring Vitalii Klitchko from taking place and have demanded the release of the popularly elected governor (still held in Kiev). The chief of the neo-Fascist organization Right Sector, Dmitri Iarosh, has announced that he will run for President in the upcoming
Daniel Bushell in this latest Truthseeker – simply fantastic! Comment: having myself worked for one of the NGOs Daniel mentions in his report and having had privileged access to information about another one he mentions, I can confirm that what Daniel says is 100% correct. Sorry, I cannot go into more details, but I feel that I should confirm this.The Saker
I have just watched another pure propaganda piece by the BBC about the OSCE observers being sent back at a Crimean checkpoint along some footage footage of a journalist being beat up and the sound of some shots which the BBC says were aimed at the tires of car. I will ignore all of the nonsense reported by this so-called “journalist” whom Alain Soral would most definitely call “une pute“,
A deputy of the Ukrainian Rada who spoke on Russian TV from Moscow said that his contacts in the Crimea had informed him that the Ukrainian side had deployed unknown number of Grad BM-21M multiple-launch rocket systems (MRLS) just 2 way from the first Crimean checkpoints (these relatively old systems – they were built in the 1960s – have a 20 miles – 30km – range). Big demonstration in Kharkov