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Posts From The Saker

Why a Child’s laughter is Victory

by Faina Savenkova for The Saker Blog (translated by “G” for The Saker Blog) Faina Savenkova is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. She lives in Lugansk, LNR (Lugansk People’s Republic). Faina has lived more than half of her life during a war, half of her life hoping for peace. She wants the children of Donbass to be heard by adults. Her essay is important and the parallels

The USA Screwed Up the F-35 “Fifth-Generation Fighter Jet”

Translated by Nikolai and captioned by Leo. The fifth-generation fighter jet, as the American imitators continue to stubbornly call the F-35 Lightning II, turned out to be incapable to go supersonic. The Pentagon was forced to officially admit the problem and recommend to the pilots to fly at subsonic speeds. However, all this does nothing to prevent Washington to flog the fifth-generation jet to its vassals at three times the

An In-Depth Look Behind the Scenes Of SouthFront Censorship

The situation surrounding the censorship of Southfront on Facebook has turned into a display of the stereotypical Big-tech super villain. Facebook has published a report justifying its actions, which is an egregious, textbook example of fake news. The report contains only disjointed accusations under the cover of meaningless words, and without a single example being presented. Special attention should be paid to the fact that in the full 29-page report,

Could Taiwan Have Saved the World from the Coronavirus?

by Allen Yu for The Saker Blog Many people in the West – apparently led on by the U.S. government – believe that the Chinese had covered up information regarding initial extent of the epidemic in China. Some had asserted that the death toll in China was actually magnitudes higher. When that could not be proven, some are taken to the notion that China kept data regarding human-to-human transmission from

SITREP: Venezuelan Bay of Pig’s while the planet is under lockdown

By Ana for The Saker Blog In the early morning of the 3rd of May 2020, an illegal foreign invasion was intended and aborted in the Caribbean small town named Chuao, in the Aragua State in Venezuela. According to the available information, the invasion was successfully contended by the Venezuelan Militias together with the armed forces in a joint operative. At the moment, there is not a lot of information

The Music of the Beast: a historicist portrait

Note by The Saker: when I first read this paper I was, frankly, baffled.  In my past I had studied musical theory (including dodecaphonism) and political science (including Marxism), but it never crossed my mind to combine these two.  This essay does exactly that and while I do find this combination rather strange, I also find it very original and interesting.  I hope that you will enjoy it too! The

An interesting comparison of the US F-22 and the Russian MiG-31BSM

Note by the Saker: I usually don’t like direct comparisons between weapons systems, mostly because I find them highly misleading and because their conclusions are totally dependent on the assumptions you make.  Furthermore, comparing the F-22 to the MiG-31 is really talking about apples and oranges.  However, sometimes, it *does* make sense to compare apples and oranges (depending on what you want to cook).  In this case, I see this

AngloZionist controlled media bans SouthFront

Dear friends, Here is the email I got in my inbox today: ——- Dear friend, Once again, SouthFront faced an unprecedented censorship. On April 30, our Facebook page with about 100,000 subscribers was deleted without any notifications or an option to appeal the decision: Censorship Continues. Facebook Permanently Deleted SouthFront’s Page On May 1, YouTube terminated SouthFront’s channels with approximately 170,000 subscribers. The main YouTube channel in English had over

Given Western history, is it the ‘Great Segregation’ and not the ‘Great Lockdown’?

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s an idea that is worth discussing because – much like how China does not want to discuss possible modern reverberations from their atrocious (mostly upper-class) practice of female foot-binding – the West does not want to deal with the cultural legacy of four centuries of segregation. It’s so perplexing to listen to Western commentators demand in the same breath both massive Great

Ex-Green Beret led failed attempt to oust Venezuela’s Maduro

source: Ex-Green Beret led failed attempt to oust Venezuela’s Maduro By JOSHUA GOODMAN FILE – In this Aug. 4, 2018 file photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, security guards surround Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with protective gear as an unidentified drone interrupts his speech in Caracas, Venezuela. An exiled Venezuelan national guardsman accused of partaking in this drone attack on Maduro is among voluntary combatants in three safe

‘They Accept Us as We Are;’ Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon

source: ‘They Accept Us as We Are;’ Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon By Vincent Funaro, Christian Post Reporter The Iran-backed Shiite Muslim militant group Hezbollah, classified for many years by U.S. Intelligence as a terrorist organization, is training Christians to fight ISIS in Lebanon and the Middle Eastern believers say their new and unlikely allies “accept us as we are.” Citing Lebanese

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson about the current economic crisis

Dear friends, I have always held Michael Hudson in the greatest esteem.  Not only do I consider him my favorite US economist out there, I also know that he is a kind human being.  He manifested this kindness again when he agreed to reply to some very basic questions which a non-economist like myself would ask.  I am deeply grateful to Michael for taking the time to reply to them!

Is there really a group ready to hang Erdogan out to dry?

by Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog Australian Investigator and Reporter, Chris Ray, has written an excellent piece [1]on Syrian born Imam Fedaa Al Majzoub, a graduate from the world’s most prestigious Muslim institution, Al-Azhar University, and who, until recently, enjoyed a privileged position in the Sunni Islamic community in Australia as a leader and academic and was presented as a “moderate”. Like many of his peers, he engaged with

ZeroHedge, a response to Mr. Littlejohn & the future of dollar dominance

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It was very pleasant and informative to read Mr. Gary Littlejohn’s April 19 article, Strengthening the US Dollar: Comments on Ramin Mazaheri. I am very happy that he agreed with my article No, the dollar will only strengthen post-corona, as usual: it’s a crisis, after all, which sought to temper the eager glee of those whom I call the “dollar demisers” with some

Is there a 6th column trying to subvert Russia?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] For those of us who followed the Russian Internet there is a highly visible phenomenon taking place which is quite startling: there are a lot of anti-Putin videos posted on YouTube or its Russian equivalents. Not only that, but a flurry of channels has recently appeared which seem to have made bashing Putin or Mishustin their full-time job.  Of course, there have

Saker Telegram discussion group : ANNOUNCEMENT

Dear Friends In the technical solution that was chosen for this Telegram group, to avoid the need for moderation, and to avoid spam, I made sure to have a group that is technically “closed” to all for the rights of writing. I validate individual members by giving them an administrator status, with minimal rights, just so they can write. But I have just reached the administrator limit that Telegram allows

America’s enemy is England, not Russia. Historically, Russia has been perhaps America’s main Ally; England remains America’s top enemy, just as during the American Revolution

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog America’s sole enemy during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) was England. Ever since being defeated in that war, England (controlled by the British aristocracy) has tried various ways to regain its control over America. The British aristocracy’s latest attempt to regain control over America started in 1877, and continues today, as the two countries’ “Deep State” — comprising not only the lying CIA and

The US has declared a new energy war against Russia.

source: Translated by Eugenia for The Saker Blog The US acknowledged that it is far behind Russia, and even China, in nuclear energy. But America wishes to restore its leadership in this area. This means that the fight between Russia and the US in energy won’t be limited to North Stream. Where is Russia ahead of the US and why the Americans are so scared of the Chinese nuclear

The same 12-year itch: Will banks loan down QE money this time?

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s the question upon which Western “real” economies have hinged since 2008: will banks actually loan downward taxpayer bailout money – i.e. computer-generated QE dollars/euros – or will they keep hoarding it among themselves and the asset classes frequented by the 1%? However, this concept goes back much further: since 1980 tax cuts for corporations and the richest tax bracket – essentially giving

Nasrallah: the pandemic is here to stay, Trump is the worst criminal in History

source: Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on March 20, 2020, devoted to the Amer Fakhoury case and the coronavirus pandemic. Source : Translation: Lebanese-American binational, former head of the pro-Israeli militia of the South Lebanon aRMY, nicknamed “the butcher of Khiam” (famous Israeli interrogation and torture center in South Lebanon), Amer Fakhoury fled in Israel upon the Liberation of Lebanon in 2000, then settled
