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Posts From The Saker

Joy and beauty in a time of sorrow: light from Argentina

Dear friends As you know I love Argentina which I really consider my second motherland (the only truly happy years of my youth were spent there).  And today, by chance, while looking for something else, I came across three absolutely beautiful videos on YouTube which I now want to share with you.  Three *completely* different musical styles, yet each one superb, and lyrical in a way so specific of the

A Teleological Response to the Crash of the Price of West Texas Intermediate Oil as a Consequence of the Corona Virus

By Blake Archer Williams for The Saker Blog “God damn America, not God bless America!” “If we can’t sell our oil,” the Iranians said, “you won’t be able to sell your oil [either]!” This turned out to be more of a prayer than a threat that was actually implemented. The same prayer could be extrapolated for the economy: “If you want to destroy the economy of an entire nation with

The AngloZionists are launching a strategic PSYOP against China

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Maybe the “the Russians did it” narrative is getting stale.  Or maybe the leaders of the Empire have finally figured out that China is even more dangerous to the Empire than Russia.  But my personal gut feeling is simply that the AngloZionists are freaking out about the “full-spectrum” loss of face they suffered with their massive mishandling (medically and, even more so,

Welcome to Orwellian Italy 2020

by postfataresurgo for The Saker Blog A video is circulating in Italy showing an armed policeman abruptly interrupting mass celebration in a small northern italian town in the Lombardy region, ordering the priest to stop the celebration immediately and dismiss the attendees. The priest refuses and goes on with mass, telling the Carabiniere that he has only 13 attendees at mass well distanced between each other and each wearing a

What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the ‘Chinese’ Virus?

by Pepe Escobar for the Saker Blog (cross posted with the Strategic Culture Foundation) Hybrid War 2.0 on China, a bipartisan U.S. operation, is already reaching fever pitch. Its 24/7 full spectrum infowar arm blames China for everything coronavirus-related – doubling as a diversionist tactic against any informed criticism of woeful American unpreparedness. Hysteria predictably reigns. And this is just the beginning. A deluge of lawsuits is imminent – such

The city in a time of plague

by Pepe Escobar for The Saker Blog (cross posted with the Asia Times) History teaches us that epidemics are more like revelatory moments than social transformers The plague-stricken town, traversed throughout with hierarchy, surveillance, observation, writing; the town immobilized by the functioning of an extensive power that bears in a distinct way over all individual bodies – this is the utopia of the perfectly governed city. – Michel Foucault, Discipline

Sangue Latino by Ney Matogrosso

In these depressing and tragic times, I think that we should often turn to one of the biggest source of joy available to all of us, music.  And today, I want to share with you a beautiful song written and interpreted by one of my absolutely favorite Brazilian composers and singers: Ney Matogrosso.  The song is called “Latin Blood” and under the video, I provided a tentative translation of the

We’re giving up our civil liberties. Fine, but to which type of state?

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog With all this Great Lockdown time off it’s easy to use it poorly, but I did make one good decision: to not write a multi-part series critiquing the nonsense which is Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. It’s nonsense not because de Tocqueville was a segregationist, rabid anti-socialist and even recognised by his peers as the quintessential fake-leftist of his era, but because

Saker message: THANK YOU!!!

Dear friends of the Saker Community!  Christ is Risen! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the donation you have sent me and also for the many heartfelt and very kind emails and even (paper) letters you have sent me! Frankly, every time I post an appeal for support, I not only feel self-conscious, I also can’t help but think “they don’t really know

Strengthening the US Dollar: Comments on Ramin Mazaheri

by Gary Littlejohn for The Saker Blog Implications of Recent Changes in US Monetary Policy Ramzin Mazaheri’s excellent article of 16th April attracted some very interesting comments: This supportive response aims to provide recent relevant evidence that many of the likely changes Mazaheri describes are already happening very quickly. Over the past few months since December, it has become clear that the US Federal Reserve (the Fed, which has

New York Times: “Putin has destroyed the US science and medicine” (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and subtitled by Eugenia Gurevich. Translator’s notes: Translator’s notes: (1) “liberoid” opposition – Ruslan mockingly refers to the Russian liberal opposition, which is anything but liberal; (2) “Sumerians” – this is a mocking reference to the Ukrainians; some Ukrainian “historians” claim that the Ukrainian “civilization” is as ancient as the Sumerian; (3) Shaman coming to chase off Putin – a reference to a bizarre situation last year when a

My Hero – Official – Hassan Tavakoli

A friend has just sent me a beautiful music video dedicated to the memory of the murdered Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.  Enjoy! “My Hero” – Lyrics by: Hassan Tavakoli (VERSE 1) Chased by wolves, followed by a hawk; On the battlefield, you took your final walk; It took my breath when you said goodbye; But then again, heroes never die; Your final words were “stay the course”; Trust in God,

Is the United States About to Engage in Official State Piracy Against China? Strong Precedent Points to Worrying Trend

by A. B. Abrams for The Saker Blog The Coronavirus crisis appears set to herald a new era of much poorer relations between China and the Western world, with Western countries having borne the brunt of the fallout from the pandemic and, particularly in the United States, increasingly blaming China at an official level for the effects.[1] Looking at the U.S. case in particular, at first responses to the virus

Same 2008 QE playbook, but the Eurozone will kick off Western chaos not the US

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog US bankers caused the Great Recession, and thus the US was the first to suffer economic turmoil. The coronavirus is a novel malady: we now know that it only severely attacks infirm and unstable bodies – it’s not overly facile to graft this idea onto the global economy. Therefore, among Western nations and their client states it is the Eurozone (the weakest link

Will this pandemic finally mark the end of the US carrier fleet?

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Frankly, I have never considered USN carrier strike groups as a “Cold War capable” element of the US Navy.  Yes, in theory, there was the notion of forward deploying these carriers to “bring the war to the Soviets” (on the Kola Peninsula) before they could flush their subs and aircraft through the GUIK gap and into the Atlantic.  In theory, it should

No, the dollar will only strengthen post-corona, as usual: it’s a crisis, after all

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog There is a lot of chatter about how the coronavirus economic overreaction and subsequent US bailouts will end the dollar’s reign as the global reserve currency – such wishful thinking is shortsighted and ignores even recent Western capitalist history. Last November, in a then-boring but now-prescient 10-part series (I socialistically re-interpreted ex-Wall Streeter Nomi Prins’ book Collusion, which chronologically detailed the QE-spreading collusion

A view from Russia – Well-coordinated teamwork always gives the best results

translated by VG and edited by EG for the Saker blog By way of foreword, I want to point out how much attention the Deputy Prime Minister pays to the issues of coherence and mutual understanding of all employees of the state agencies working towards a single goal – the prosperity of the people of Russia. Despite the devastation that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought, despite the unjustified

America’s rigged democracy: The oligarch takeover of America’s political system

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker blog The coronavirus and related financial crisis ravaging America have revealed the country to be the dysfunctional, borderline failed state that it is. America’s dysfunction is broad in scope but almost entirely traceable to one common origin: the oligarch takeover of the economy, media, healthcare and political system. I have already reported on the first three of these , and here I will dissect what’s so fundamentally wrong
