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Posts From The Saker

United Kingdom: from the Brexit vote on June 23 (2016) to the general election on December 12 (2019)

By Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog In June 2016, Brexit was accepted by 51.9% against 48.1%. This was a political sensation and a huge blow against the arrogance and the omnipotence of money. Although the result was relatively clear (by Swiss standards), the losing side made every effort in order to undo it. In the general elections of December 12, the Brexit vote was however clearly confirmed. Under

Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog INTRODUCTION TO THIS UPDATED REPUBLICATION Though Hillary Clinton will, of course, be the direct topic here, we are now in the primaries-season for the 2020 elections, and almost all of the contenders for the Democratic Party nomination — and especially Biden, Buttigieg, and all of the others, except for Sanders and Gabbard — are foreign-policy clones of Ms. Clinton and of her former

Saker message: a thank you, a “state of the blog” report and a “perfect storm” warning

Dear friends, First, my most heartfelt gratitude to all of you Today, I want to begin by thanking you all for your donations (be they in the form of money, expressions of support, or prayers.  I am immensely grateful for your financial help which came in many forms, from PayPal to checks, and even with Amazon cards.  I wish I could thank you all personally, you sure deserve it, but

Is Western Media credible anymore?

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog Western media is spreading fake news and fabricating stories with evil intentions. Western Media is biased and creating unrest and chaos in various parts of the world. Media is being used by the Western world to coerce, influence and achieve their ill-political motives. Unfortunately, Western Media is already dominating and controlling public opinion throughout the world. Let me give you

The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs: An Interview with Andrei Martyanov by Yvonne Lorenzo

Interview by Yvonne Lorenzo for The Saker Blog I started to write these words on “Veteran’s Day” 2019, and find myself in agreement with a post on the American Conservative by Major Danny Sjurson entitled “Why We Must Reclaim ‘Armistice Day’” in which he wrote in this excerpt: Europeans dubbed it the Great War. Americans today remember it as World War One, and recall it as little more than a

Making sense of the Paris summit: a quick analysis

The first thing we need to do is the remember what each participant wanted from this summit.  Here is a summary of what I think (not how they officially stated it) each starting position was: Zelenskii: key notion “a flexible approach” to the Minsk Agreements No direct negotiations with the LDNR No special status Ukrainian control of the border with Russia Disarmament of the LDNR “militias” Removal of all foreign

Operation Condor 2.0 – Expanded

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog According to US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, the US will help “legitimate governments” in Latin America, in order to prevent protests from “morphing into riots”. From what we are seeing this “legitimization” may be expanded to rest of the world. Because Washington instigated destabilizing unrest goes on throughout the world. We may as well call it “Operation Condor 2.0 – Expanded”. It

Let Be Honest About Paracel Islands And Spratly Islands

by Unorthodox Black Sheep VN for The Saker Blog (Credit: ) I use the image for title By Unorthodox Black Sheep VN Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands are the most controversial in the Asia. What I will say here, if my prediction is correct, will causes many Vietnamese and possible Chinese readers angry so much, and I’m not so surprise that Vietnamese readers will call me traitor. The truth,

Don’t forget the real root of Brexit: fear of Eurozone economic contagion

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s hard to get the Western mainstream media to discuss Brexit properly: Wikipedia’s timeline doesn’t start until 2016, for some reason, and I’m sure that’s where many journalists’ research starts and ends on serious subjects of global importance. What’s certain is that the last thing the Western mainstream media wants to talk about regarding Brexit is the single most important reason for its

Please support SouthFront (our community owes them a lot!)

Dear friends, Yes, I now.  First I put up an appeal asking for your help, and now I am ALSO asking you to help SouthFront.  There are a couple of good reasons for that. First, SouthFront is a totally separate entity from the Saker Blog or the Saker Community, yet we all benefit from SouthFront’s superb analyses and videos on an almost weekly basis.  If they tank, so does our

Some False Statements Made in the Trump-Impeachment Hearings

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog In the December 4th statement that was made by Stanford University law professor Pamela Karlan was this: We have become the shining city on a hill. We have become the nation that leads the world in understanding what democracy is. One of the things we understand most profoundly is it’s not a real democracy, it’s not a mature democracy if the party in power

Brazil’s systemic chaos amid increasing tensions in the international system

By Fabio Reis Vianna for The Saker Blog In 1914, Countess Kleinmichel, a typical representative of the Russian aristocracy, offered her nieces what for her would be a “modest” fantasy ball: 300 guests divided into small and full tables, as was customary in the high-wheels of that society as divided as it was unequal. While the extravagant elites of Moscow and St. Petersburg lived in exuberant mansions filled with works

French Black Bloc’s utter uselessness… except to the French government

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog On December 5th France’s long, long, LONG-awaited General Strike against austerity measures began, and it was a huge success: 90% of trains were shut down nationwide, there was an unprecedented walk out by teachers, and as many as 1.5 million people marched despite temperatures near zero. And yet the march in Paris was a total failure. For nearly four hours I watched perhaps

NATO Summit in London: Culmination of disagreement

by Alpha for The Saker Blog The NATO Summit, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, was held in London on December 3 and 4 and was marked by an atmosphere of controversy between the leaders of the participating countries. The members of the alliance were not able to come to a common decision and determine the guidelines for development. The discord that was felt throughout the

Book review: Andrei Martyanov’s “The (real) Revolution in Military Affairs”

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Last year I reviewed Andrei Martyanov’s book “Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning” for the Unz Review.  In that book, Martyanov explained why the era of easy US victories over pretty much defenseless countries was over and what that meant for US force planners. This year it is my immense pleasure to review his latest book “The (real) Revolution

Should Publishing Lies Be a Crime? 

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Writing or otherwise saying lies should be civilly but not criminally illegal, but publishing lies needs to remain entirely legal unless the publisher has not practiced due diligence to exclude falsehoods. The responsibility to avoid expressing lies is 100% the responsibility of the violator, the person who lies; but the U.S. First Amendment principle, that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on November 6th. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – The Unraveling Accelerates Listen or download the interview here:

French general strike starts: 3 weeks for victory like 1995, or more Austerity Era failure?

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (cross-posted with PressTV) Over the decade I have lived in France I have never seen a social protest movement win their economic objective. Wait… that’s not true: in 2015 Francois Hollande gave in to the demands of protesting police even before their protest ended. That was pretty pathetic. And then we also have the exception of exceptions, the ever-constant Yellow Vests. They have

The Oligarch Takeover of US Pharma and Healthcare – And the Resulting Human Crisis

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker Blog Introduction and Executive Summary The United States runs the by far biggest and most bloated healthcare sector in the world when measured as a share of the total economy. Its annual value was $3.7 trillion, amounting to 17.9% of GDP (2018). That is nearly double the average of developed Western countries (as a share of GDP). The enormous expense does not buy Americans
