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Posts From Scott

Russia’s 10 most beautiful, largest and most comfortable cities in 2015

10 largest cities in the biggest country in the world 10 Most beautiful cities in Russia 10. Krasnoyarsk 9. Rostov-on-Don 8. Sochi 7. Novosibirsk 6. Kaliningrad 5. Nizhny Novgorod 4. Yekaterinburg 3. Kazan 2. Moscow 1. Saint Petersburg Russia’s top 10 Best Places to live, work and study (with some humor) 10. Orenburg. Founded in 18 century as a fortress, the town turned into the center of trade routes from

Russian fairytale town Yoshkar-Ola

Yoshkar-Ola is the capital city of the Mari El Republic, Russia. Population: 248,782. First mentioned in November 1st, 1584. Archeological dating of the first known settlements at about 12000 years B.C. Situated halfway between Moscow and Kazan. Yoshkar-Ola by car Yoshkar-Ola at night  

Russian Far East Vladivostok, State University and Oceanarium in Vladivostok Aerial Views

Vladivostok Aerial View National Geographic listed Vladivostok among the 10 most beautiful oceanfront cities in the world. The city lies on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and is sometimes called “Russia’s San Francisco” for its steep slopes, pointed mountains and indented coastline. Construction of Oceanarium Vladivostok world 2015 (Океанариум Владивосток) Arial View Stunning WVSU in winter Aerial View Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, or VSUES, is a

Ukraine SITREP February 24th, 2016 by Scott [Updated]

Some people say that god created Ukrainians so we could make fun of them, but I don’t believe that ethnic Ukrainians themselves share this sentiment due to a complete absence of a sense of humor. I grew up someplace else, but graduated from high school in Kiev, where I studied with other hardworking, determined, intelligent, and success driven students. Now, most of them live in Moscow, Germany, Israel, and Canada.

Israel threatens Russia’s Food Security via Secret Free Trade Agreement, by Scott

In Russia we say: if you want to destroy something, become its leader. In a very alarming turn of events, Skolkovo establishes joint-working group with Israel in the field of agriculture [source] [source] [source] I have already written about a peculiar Scolkovo “professor” from Israel, Moty Cristial. In preparation for a power grab in Russia during the elections of 2016 and 2017, Israel is moving an alarming amount of secret

Beautiful Winter Moscow Aerial Reel

February 2016, all Moscow sightseeings cowered in snow and ice: Kremlin, Red square, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow city, Old city center, Gorky park, Novodevichiy monastery and much more. All flights performed in extreme cold weather -10C to -20C. Enjoy ;)

A curious case of Moty Cristal, Chabad, and Israeli militants in Odessa, by Scott [Updated]

On Sunday, February 14th, an English RT’s Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai interviewed Moty Cristal, a self proclaimed specialist on terrorism, an attorney, founder of Israel-based Nest Consulting LTD. On his twitter account Mr. Cristal names his fields of expertise as “Negotiator. Trains & consults worldwide on complex negotiations and crisis management. Political activist & designer of operational networks.” Threats (S3E16) Published time: 14 Feb, 2016 07:38 Interview starts at

Russian Humor February 13th, 2016 by Scott

1. The best way to discover the origin of rumors is to start them yourself. 2. The money god is failing. No atheists in the trenches. 3. — Dad, what’s the cap on your head? — Is the keffiyeh, my daughter. It protects us in the wilderness from the unbearable heat. — Dad, what’s that stuff on top? — Is jellaba. It protects us in the desert from the scorching

Ukraine SITREP February 11th, 2016 by Scott

Ukraine 1. Ukrainian oligarch Firtash: Ukraine is being ruled by foreigners. The US governance of Ukraine has been proven to be ineffective and turned the country into a political bankrupt. [source] 2. Washington via Kiev junta is blocking Transnistria [source] 3. Junta in Kiev forcefully mobilizes people from Donbass into its military. Now, even women are being mobilized [source] 4. Another documentary about the Kiev coup: Maidan Massacre [source] [source]

Did the US Treasury, IRS just threaten Vatican Bank before Pope Francis meeting with Patriarch Kirill? by Scott

Today, I want to tell you a huge secret. The deepest and the biggest Russian secret of all. The secret so profound that it will shake your entire being. Wait for it… The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with Pope of Rome Frances on February 12th, 2016 in Havana, Cuba to discuss something about the plight of Christians. We don’t know what they will

The Latin America SITREP February 2016, by Jack

Contents: 1) Main events in Latin America in 2016: US elections, Pink Tide Fights Back? (Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil) Peace in Colombian? Cuba: in from the Cold and OAS v CELAC in Haiti. 2) Recommended Latin American Sources. 3) Conclusion about Latin American prospects in the coming period. 1. The coming year: Bernie Sanders v The Rest. Foreign policy is incredibly unimportant to US presidential elections but extremely important to the

Ukraine SITREP February 4th 2016, by Scott

The war to topple Russia’s government enters its third year. In the 30 days of January 2016 the following events took place: • On January 15, Nuland met with Kremlin advisor Vyacheslav Surkov as speculated to deliver a nuclear strike threat. [source] • Prior to the Zurich meeting between Lavrov and Kerry, the Russian flag behind Kerry was hung upside-down by US staff sending a very clear signal. According to

Anti-Putin opposition leader Kasyanov caught in Strasbourg with his pants down and blames Kadyrov (Updated)

I am convinced now that Kadyrov is a political and PR genius. To trap the liberals in their own webs, he has posted on his Instagram account a video taken by a hidden camera of Kasyanov, an apparatchik from so called “PARNAS” party, in Strasbourg meeting with the official representatives from NATO countries to receive money to conduct anti-government operations in Russia. As you can see it’s just an art,

Germany SITREP February 2nd, 2016 by C.

It will not come as a surprise that the news in Germany have been dominated by the events of New Year’s Eve in particular and the migrant crisis in general. In Cologne but also in other German and European cities women reportedly have been the victims of coordinated attacks by mobs of foreigners. Reportedly the attacks were mainly sexual assaults or rape and/or robbery. The police was reportedly unable to

Ukraine SITREP January 29th 2016 by Scott

Some time ago, I found myself lost in the middle of Appalachian Mountains. I’m considered to be a generally decent driver, especially when it comes to golf carts. Mountains and golf courses are not very dissimilar. In both locations occasionally, you might run over a seedy, balding, middle-aged hog. My GPS system was stuck on the “no signal” mode. The map showed only one road over the bridge and across

Liberals attack Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin and sovereignty of Russia, by Scott

  “As a patriot of Russia, and as a foot soldier of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, I will never play  along with the murderers and traitors of my country. There is scarcely a single rational and self-respecting man who will conduct dialogue with those who see it as immoral to love their Motherland and to serve her devotedly.” R. Kadyrov You have never heard about this profession. Untold number of

Ukraine and World SITREP January 23rd, 2016 by Baaz

Ukraine 1. [source] A Secret Deal for Ukraine? 1/19/16: Stephen F. Cohen, 2. [source] Poroshenko’s ’Bluff’ and Crimea Blockade by Halyna Mokrushyna 3. [Source] Poroshenko and Biden Coordinate Actions for Donbass Elections 4. [source] Ukraine: In Search of Brainstorm Solutions to Conflict by Arina Tsukanova On January 15, Russian President’s aide Vladislav Surkov and Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, held consultations on

Nuland meets Surkov to warn about imminent NATO attack by Scott

Since Maidan in Kiev two years ago, American life has become a reality show from the Discovery channel. Every day Americans are discovering something new. For example, this January they discovered that the US stock market is full of hot air, and that the world has turned nervous and angry. Also they have discovered that they have bolshoy (big) problem getting around the Persian Gulf. Which has been, if you
