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Posts From Scott

The Middle Eastern Wars Iran Hezbollah Saudis Yemen Hadi GCC Arab Coalition SITREP January 18th, 2016 by Rambo

Iran/Hezbollah: • I add a significant amount of information on the Iranian military and doctrine in this section. I feel like many people think Iran is an underdog because of the Syrian conflict but it has locked down its own backyard quite impressively. • Iranian losses have been nearly 100 IRGC fighters (maybe more now) and at least 4 senior commanders [Source] • Hezbollah protects Christian communities inside Syria during

The Middle Eastern Wars SITREP Syria Russia Iraq ISIS January 18th, 2016 by Rambo

It’s been an interesting 2015. A lot influential events have evolved the conflicts in the Middle East, the most impacting being the Russian air intervention. Of course other events were just as important, failed rebel offensives, government institutions beginning to degrade, the Yemen campaign that financially distracted Saudi Arabia, the Iran deal, the Vienna talks, and the strengthening of Kurdistan through the Kurd-American alliance. [Source] The Russians and Iranians have

Ukraine and World SITREP January 16th, 2016 by Baaz

Novorossia Donbass 1. Interview with Janus Putkonen, chief-editor of Donbass International News Agency 2. [source] Janus Putkonen, a Finish journalist behind Donbass news agency 3. [source] Video interview with DONi Director Janus Putkonen by Joshua Tartakovsky 4. [source] VPE Special | Christmas Interview: Father Alexander. Donetsk | Eng 5. [source] In Moscow as a result of untreated severe pneumonia died a former commander of Gorlovska garrison 2014, former Deputy for

Ukraine Turkey and ISIS Overview SITREP 2015 – 2016

Turkey turned into a geopolitical hotspot after brutally shooting down the Russian SU-24, flying anti-terrorist mission over the North Syria on November 24th 2015. • Is Turkey Waging War on Russia in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia? …. Sputnik News Interviews Saker • Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? …. article by Andrew Korybko • Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Scott’s rant January 10th, 2016

In today’s Scott’s rant: • the US & EU Power Structure • How ‘Obscure’ US Bureaucrats Foment Wars • How the myth of American “exceptionalism” is perpetuated • Is allocation of Developed vs Developing permanent? • What the fate of Russian teenagers of the “Young Guards” at the hands of Germans in 1943 has to do with the Islamisation of Europe in 2016? • The West had a perfect plan,

World SITREP January 8th, 2016 by Baaz

This week reviews, analyses and news Europe 1. [Source] State of emergency: the gravediggers of the French Republic 2. [Source] Oil and the ISIS: Another US-NATO War on Libya is Imminent by Stephen Lendman 3. [Source] Kosovo: NATO’s Success Story? by DAN GLAZEBROOK 4. [Source] SERBIA’S CHANCE FOR FREEDOM Slavisa Batko Milacic 5. [Source] Serbia: President Nikolic attends Orthodox Christmas service led by Patriarch Irinej 6. [Source] Hilarious Christmas greeting

Ukraine SITREP January 6th, 2016 by Scott

Happy New Year to everyone! Friends – Happy 2016! Fascists and banderivets – happy 1945! Pro-globalists liberals, and comprador politicians – happy 1937! Members of the Parliaments – 1917! The international backdrop for this week Ukraine SITREP Twitter is full of loaded statements of the Western “experts” on a subject of Russia naming the US a “threat” in its new National Security Strategy. No, Russia’s New National Security Strategy Doesn’t

Russian Humor January 3rd, 2016 by Scott

To those Saker commentators who detected “anger” in my sitreps, I can only say that you, Ladies and Gents, sound like my psychiatrist: “Scott, what are we going to do with your anger?” One day, I will tell you the story of how we met. Since he comes from one of those countries “civilized” and “liberated” by the West, I explained it to him in no uncertain terms, and he

Ukraine SITREP January 1st, 2016 by Scott

History teaches us that millions years of evolution can be easily reversed by a meteor or maidan. Today, January 1th, 2016 is the first day without a free trade agreement between Russia and Ukraine. As I have already wrote here, Russia was occupied by the US in the 1990s and forced to support Ukraine to the extent of $100bln annually. Apparently, it’s all ending now. Ukraine finally gets its full

Germany SITREP December 31st, 2015 by C.

2015 Year End Wrap-up I would like to start with a brief apology. I am sorry that I have not posted a sitrep in quite some time. My grandfather, who I love very much, has died recently. And I did not really have the time to write, and when I did have the time, I did not really find the necessary peace of mind. I would also like to thank

Russian Humor for December 27th, by Scott

Russia 1. Russia stands, has been standing, and will be standing; for all others, survival is optional. 2. Russia’s Ministry of Defense Humor: SYRIA: Pentagon stated that last month the US was destroying only profitable terrorist facilities. Were earlier destroyed only unprofitable ones? The West 1. Americans including the Ambassador Stevens bring death and devastation on others and think, like the Ambassador Stevens, that they are immortal. 2. If you

War in Syria and the Middle East SITREP December 25th, 2015 by Rambo

The Western hemisphere may be slowing down due to the Christmas season but the wars in the Middle East still rage on. It seems that the wars don’t take into consideration Georgian calendar holidays. Syria, Russia: • A Russian naval submarine operating in the Mediterranean fired Kalibr cruise missiles against ISIL command centers inside Syria. [Source][Source] • The submarine was an improved version of the Kilo-class (Project 636-M) featuring improved

Ukraine SITREP December 13th, 2015 by Scott

It’s been over a month since my last Ukraine SITREP. and the Saker’s Ukraine SITREP covering the latest “democratic” elections in Ukraine. Nothing has changed since then. It seems that Ukraine experiences Groundhog Day over and over again. Even worse, since Russia has commenced its fight against ISIS in the Middle East, since the beginning of the Middle Eastern and African refugee crisis in Europe, since the Paris terror attack

International Military Review – Syria, December 6, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) supported by the National Defense Forces (NDF) continued its advance along the Turkish border in the Latakia province’s northern countryside. Following the heavy clashes against the al Nusra and Free Syrian Army militants, the Syrian forces took control of Zahiyah Tower, near the Turkish border-crossing. The government

The Middle East War SITREP December 5th, 2015 by John Rambo

A quick note: I do apologize for how late this SitRep is. Unfortunately I too must obey the great capitalistic system and submit to their demands (holiday hours) and the CIA is not known for its Christmas bonuses. It seems great events unfold every 2 weeks in Syria. The downing of a Russian Su-24 by a Turkish F-16 fighter has been the highlight. Russian retaliation has been a complete exposure

International Military Review – Syria-Iraq Battlespace, Dec. 4, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: On Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have resumed large-scale military operations against terrorists in the provinces of Damascus, Quneitra, Aleppo, Homs and Latakia. The pro-government sources’ reports said large groups of terrorists have been killed and injured in the clashes. While such terrorists’ loses are hardly confirmed, it’s clear

Military Analysis: Pakistan 1.0

Pakistan is located in Southern Asia, covering an area of almost 800.000km2, with neighbors such as China, India, Afghanistan and Iran. The population of Pakistan is almost 200 million people which are roughly separated in 4 major social groups: Punjabis, Pathans, Sindhis and Balochs. Although famous for their long-time dispute with India over the Kashmir region, Pakistan is facing serious security issues with the Taliban which are controlling the northern

German Media reaction to Russia, Syria and ISIS by C.

With the very few exceptions, the kneejerk reaction of the Western politicians’ to the Russians fighting ISIS with the Syrian Army, and the Russia’s Ministry of Defense revelations about the Turkey’s officials involvement into the terror financing has been predictable to the “t”: denial, denial, and more denial. In a face of anti-terror operations in Europe, and the loss of the basic democratic liberties by blindsided Europeans, leaders of the

International Military Review – Syria, December 3rd, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: On December 1, the Free Syrian Army’s central command agree to a permanent ceasefire and evacuation for the remaining rebels inside of Al-Wa’er with the Governor of Homs – Talal Al-Barazi. The evacuation includes two phases: •    1st is to allow humanitarian aid to any remaining civilians living inside the district •    2nd is

Putin delivers state-of-the-nation address December 3rd, 2015 – English audio

Video starts at 15:00. Streamed live on Dec 3, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers his state-of-the-nation address to the Federal Assembly of Russia in Moscow on December 3rd, 2015. The Address is an annual event and is traditionally delivered at the Kremlin’s St George Hall where the president gives his speech to members of both houses of parliament, filling them in on his own views with regards to guidelines
